..r jf. ' . . .' PiV-vAV -rf- yi. ninTT" vl :' - fM-" Tly1 liTT 'CV..' 2- TV,; ' reference co the; leiislHt rmtte.-1''? . ft v TarffiC'Si tfcoutfd copies of .the . map AV;;onfno-:the country throudrwhich v jJT--' ri Ka Aflftntii with Oulpt of Mtwojdered to be VnhlUhpd; : Mr, Webstfersresolution aqncstiriff the President to- causeODics 'aopointed to attend the. CongrfMifti-: namaVnd copies of iommumcations ;t( "other kovermenti on the "subjecV io Jaid before tneoenaie, was ;cuBiMt:rcu, and aTter anCammateii disiWVion,was laid nn stable iiy a' vote of 3S to 22. The bill from the Houseof Representative "making appropriations vfor the .public buildgings, 'proprJaWons for the erectiQn of a portico on theWah'tront.of the president's House, and for theen closure of tlie public square st of the CapitoU'"i K - ' it - ' Ouri are the pUns bf fIrdeli?htfu1 peace C Uiurarp'd by partj rage, ta lire! tike brothers f 1 '.Mfi'itfil'MMi Ffl iv- hnifhlSRPH GJfLES it SON at Three Dollars tier aiinumLhaJfin nAnrV 'U :,V :A D tBRTISEMBNTS not exceeding" sixteen linea neatly inserted 3 time's for a Dollar, twenty-fire cents forercry succeeding pubKeation. , . c i atongtMt ;JiJarcJl Oi -Ju y;tv Ar: r .Vs- V-V -v:-.-. :,.- -.lrV IvTHie Senate ojf the , United Sfates met -i' . L i .' . rrr . . . r : . rrr : ' . . i -yesterday "at-lSo'clotk :I and;:: arteraD;V!rv ; r-i.V FRIDAY;wMAKC13,tl829. ; v : : . NaUViporntingaUoram -rr ' ."7 . ' ' n- . -,--. - - iv- ' -- . , , , i - l - - ; r-."T , , I testify to the great beo.Bt. r.d genewll,!""' mfflW-:iq;-i. L...:.-i:.r...?i ... f to raake,.c1sel itfdoQre,;on.iiiQtittit-:-.- &q uruer to-Droceeu-iouioiv. "of Executive ousinWsA - I , we can, iearn; crt nomma?v tr; V01 XXIX TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1829. ,v Tuesday March, - . 4 TfiP Wtion making nrovis.ion for .the, re- 'fiefbf sundry Revotunonary & other officers nd' soldier .wsa, .after, a lont discussion, laid on the table; - A , committee consist ing of Messrs. Smith of Md., -White, -and SaVorijwre cessary la r f an tnei ? f r lh e reception a n d inaugo ration , of Jhe Prtsideht ElecJnthe, -4th of Mrch; and to apprize Hinri of ithe I amevlfrhe Senate tooka recess from 4 the: Evening Session, the bit! lor the Preservation arid repair of the .Cotnberland Roadi and the bill fr the govern jneht of ine reniieniiarj in iri.uisniiiiw.vwiuiijuia iwere pass ed. v,Tbe Bill authorisirfg a :.su.6 ycriptioir of stock tivtheahingtonRjrh ' Vikc Roai-'Company laid on the table.' vTtie in ntiori to, ta ke up the biifVlor ihe reducnMn of tounaeuties was, after some debate, negatived. The Senate refused, by a larv majnri'y t? tafee up the bill providing ftjr an expl frig voy as;e to the Pac fic Ocean and . South Sr-as The CensU Bill ;vas takert i up ; but Upon the i'lgsjcMion of Mr.' Benton, that rhe bilr i anticipated ihe usual time of .taking the census by thirteen mbn'-h. i" was laitl up on the table without a :' division .The Bill -for holdine treaties Avjth certain Indian ': tribes, &c. was lost, the Senate" refusing to? recede f rm their, atnrnd n ent ; fr the ap prprtation of 20,000 dollar to the survey . of faiids west; f he Misissippi, ami the Huiiie insistingCojn their xlgreement to t he amend inehv a commi t tee of omlerence ' was appointed on the part o,f both Htues whose mollification of the amendment, wa pot conturred in bysthe House of Repre " aeritativest' ' '' ,; . -:;r-,';.-v " . ' ;" .--.f HdUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. , with the aid of a runaway negro. They uF8i. ineu iu euect eir ODjeci oy Donng through, the floor (having been furnished with an auger from without,) but finding His Excellency ' Governor -Owen re-U - -f k , , . ' - turned to this city on Saturday last. - -rv vi w r ix i" j- ' ! 'Appropriations for Aw a Weare ofthe Jaiier: - - favored with the following welcome intel- TheTeTas .ben an alarm ligence from our Senator, Governor Ire (say8 kst Bichmond EnquirerJ in the dell J...-. , . .. , : tr it- pw-ucjij Washxnstoru March 2, 1829. 1ka u ' ..j ,-1 'e r - Messrs, J-Gales & Son, t l. - ' A rxi o it -0 Gentlemen You will be efatitied to V""- w...uiuHw. oume learn, that bills have this day finally pass- ennessee Indians (about 7 m ; number) ed both Houses of Coneress, makins ' ap-l wholiad come from Washington, nassed propriations for,the following objects in-1 throughthis citv-on Sundav week and in teresting to North-Carolina. Twenty-one r;amT:pa Vhnnt , mil, aWv th iJfa nn thousand dollars for improving the Swash I ry . " . - j . at Occacock. .Twenty thousand dollars TuesdaJ following, where they remained for r removing obstructions in the Cape-for a week, and one of them waS-sick of Fear, River below Wilmington, and twen-lthe Smallpox. This being discovered, tV thousand dollars for purchasing the tir I thev had heWn threateneik And fle.Hahan- 4les stilclimedby Oierokee Indians jx doning their sick comrade. .TJie last ac reservations within the State of North-1 , 4. . . . r Carolina i count oi xnem is, inat tney are. passing I write in haste from the Senate CJharai through the country in the direction of ber. . ..Yours respectfully, , .' Goode's Bridge, between Chesterfield and J A IKcDli.Llu. I Amelia counties. . V;-' n..,A :u -t:ur. ' . 1 consideration wishing to see: them, who-can thet; drawl yJ what their own conclusions adding however,?that able case' known'to ev viUe, of a happy and complete,Testoratiii j been ftjiarged;'tempomily to heal rh, tmm i he last jst iges.nt diea$e, et- j of Secretary bR State, until a pennahent tvtv I Monday i March, 2. The report of the Committee on the Library, in reference .to the reprinting of the scarce documents, was again the sub ject of discussion during the morning fe)ur" Mr. Hoffman occupied the floor iintii the discussion was suspended. After which, the House proceeded to act on the vrinu3 hills ordered to a third reading, and the" bilfsv and amendments from the Senate. A ioint resolution from the Se uate, on the subject of a military road through the ; State of Maine, .. which had ieeri referred tothe committee on Foreign Affairs, was reported by that committee, accompanied bv a resolution declaring it to . be inexpedient" to act on the sub ject at present. Mr. Sprague moved to atrike out the word 46 inexpedient," and to Substitute the word "expedient, "which Iwas carried in the affirmative : and the f j esolution was then changed, on motion I f Mr, Sergeant, for one authorizing the 'resident to .mark out the military road Whenever he shall Hhink it called tor by 7 the honor and interests of the country- After some other bills had been acted on, the House resolved itself into committee of the whole on the bill to compensate fllusan Decatur, widow of captain Stephen Decatur, and others. Motions were made 'to amend tle bill so as to introduce the fficers and crew ofthe brig Syren, but thev were negatived, ' and the committee rose and reportea tne4)iii . wunout amtnu x ; juerit ; after, which, the question was ta - ken on the engrossment of the " bill, and decided vin the negative The bill was j, i iA. 'u . i w. r oo on uiereiore rejetveu oy a uic ui oo iu ou - Congress adjourned sine die on luesday The Legislatu re of Virginia rose on Sa last, about 3 o'clock in the atternoon turd ay week. Before the adjournment, Arid on the following day, at the Capitol, an act was passed authorising a loan of the newly elected President, in presence six thousand dollars for enlarging the State of the members of both Houses of Con-.Library, gress, and a crowded assemblage of stran-l gerH and citizens, took the Oaths of Office The Book of Jasher. Since it has been as Chief-Magistrate ,of the Uhioni fw the announced that a copy of this, sacred Book next four years. After which, he deli- has been obtained at an immense expense, vered his Inaueural Address, which bvt0 uVn me mosi eminent man oi nis the spirited exertions of Messrs Salt- time from the c5ty of Gazan, in Persia, marsh and Tompkins, the Contractors for lt has been annriunced by Mr. Samuel, a carrying the mail, on this route, reached learfied Jew of Liverpool, that he was so this City, by exoress. on the following roriuna as 10 nave met wim a copy oy evening: about 6 o'clock. The Address accident' of 'thi missing Book, appears in our preceding page. Ttis brief; n the Hebrew Language in the posses larid written in a nlain. unvarnished stvle. of an IsraejUeT fiom Barbary, who and but for the passage In the nararanh Presented h) with it, without knowing in which the General sneaks of JReformA its value, and Mr. S- is at present engag- andofthe "correction of abuses that have ed in translating it into-English, and will broucht the natronaffe of the Federal Go-1shortI3r publish it, with the Hebrew on the vernment into conflict with the freedom Pne side and tne English on the other, of elections, and the counteraction of with Hotes critical and historical. This those causes which have disturbed the Book, it appears, has been preserved by rightful course of appointment and have the Jews n the Eastland some few copies placed, or continued power in, unfaithful were printed m Poland some 20 years or incompetent hands," it would have been aS" Jt occuPie3 l60 pages, and is in the unobiectionable. same chaste and elegant style with the There was to be a snlendid Ball on the Hstory of Joseph evening of the 4th, in honor of the occa sion. The Senate was to meet at 11 o'clock on the 4th, on . the special invitation of T l i :. r n" t rresiuent Aaams. un tne louowina: nav An attempt was made on the evenins ot the 24th ult to set fire to Mr- Dunn's building, at the corner of Pollock & Cra ven streets, in Newbern. Some miscre ant placed a quantity of coals under the door, which were rapidly kindling, when it nn at rsa - ., J x , . tliey were perceived by a boy returning to office made by his successor. A little before the two Houses adjourn ed, the following Message was received from the President : Washikgtoh, March 3d, 1829. To the Senate and House of Representatives of tlie United States : : I herewith transmit a copy of the instructions nreDart d bv tlie Secretarv of Stti nnrt furnish ed to the Ministers of the United States, appoint- ed by the Town Commissioners, for the ed to attend at the assembly of the American apprehension of the incendiary CentineL riempoteiuianes, nrst neia ai Panama, and tnen alarm to Mr. Bryan, by whose assistance it was immediately extinguished, without having done much damage. The block upon which this building is situated, is more compactly built up than any other ui tuffu, aim uie nouses are principally or wood. But for the providential discovery tne wnoie diock would have been in names. A reward of two hundred dollars is otTer . W cannotelp ?H? Xwru7 uiojne oenate theresohe remark-1 "lainiy, none were ery on'e in .Fayr te- ' James A. IfamiltOnV of NeTorkfiat 5 V 4 - fit- . every tmiig eise nau laueu... , ' omce. certain duties liave,tobepertoriaVhrCcrf-7 . ; - Fay.Obsert.s ed'arlthkt ,Jeparbnch - 1 the accession a new Prejsidntt-;whicaA Atv - ni,rfflJa,.Thfelength make siich an appointmentd of time which hss elapsed since the depar- indispensably hecessarflj J-i?&-iZhfi -iVC ture of the President Manning, from thra ij o. ii wi - port and the silence of the northern papers T " - T', . ' wim imuw,v;mi,iivi,ucswi iwv.i i i .t,W.(Akii: IJk:I:i'-' thp nffiP hf thi I ' -uuraxoi uupiHi.vounry, wr neory oore tne onice oi inefnf Qm,; nwft. !?- as.cisK .tT v vertiser, states, 1 tb bFthel,iie mgi had put into ,f "'r-'---t"'.-"; : r. :"a ad sustained no - ; r' mi iii -L'llr I - . l ..- .. am unsuuiiiTit'VH uietrfui iu every day augmented by sympathvi for 1 ;; In Newbern, cmthefseth' ult. byjheev. ' i i 4 :i lii:, a a l: 1 it. nri:a m m - i a i - js. v. ? . tne laraiiy anu reiauves oi uocu rreue-t r. w. j u ic n oit nwn, o 33" riCK v. uuer, wup Avas a pas&engen A letter from John M4Raey -K iriaster4 at Fayettv ii I e d ated? came most season abl V to the rel 1 R ' Pttpr which c Ipt vps infiVrmat. nn t un me ivtn uu. at me reaiienceroi Mrjyim vs rbm a, news slip, from New-York Mercantil e Ad hat the President Mann Tarpaulin Cove,; and b . ago; Robert jtiooon ougar Lane.J portion or tne Ribbon Sugar Cane, has been received in town. Gentlemen who are inclined to make experiments, in the cultivation of th tion next mar co Snnthpirn Srtinn nf thP TTn.tpd Statps-- I the purpose of forming anew the Fire Company 7 r . i- i 4k Uki J oi tneuuy, wnicn ine. Act pro vi ties snaji-cze ?- .. We understand that an experiment, has A 9Bi vTh,m C -.n.W-.n-?." aireauy- ueeu uiaue, vy a gcuueuuu iu uic of forty members, will be composed or TolunCV vicinity of Newbern, the success, of which 1 tee'fs, if i sufficient number offer .their "service V, Grove, t)raoe Connty.a fewjdays t ".- -M!Cauiey,v sq: attorney At law. -t-; S c; 4 At Washington City,? on thed instant,; Mrs ri,. -Hannah3radle aed 54 yeat," wif otPmneaa ' Bradley, EsqAIstamTosCmttstereuettli,'-,1 is arti ele, may be supplied on , applies-1 Kaleieb Flte CompaDVi Vi l- ' at this othce in the course ot the k , - P''. -wCVsv'V -W- week. This species of Cane is re-fyA H nfnf. flftAm!ii!- f; kable for resisting the .effects of the A and Citizens of italeiah. will beIieMtil'UieV.V V" . Id. arid for its neculiar adantion to the Court-house, on Saturdav next-, at o'clock; iof ZC i 'J" - as offer will be accepted, and Jhe:'remairt(ier,V; win Dc arancu. as soon as a Ruracieni nuniucr of members are .obtained, the-Cojnpahy-I, . proceed to the appointment of it Onicfrs.jf4I V ' f v ;nteridant"orPoTeetVo, ; ttaleigh, March 9 l$29r ' ? Kv53 l' ! that he has determined to renew the ex periment, on a much larger scale, even as tar north as the Koanoke. io. A hearty old mdn.-There is at this ttme living upon the Pocket Creek, in Sloore County, an old man named Duncan Camp bell, tie of years astonishing degree, lie can n cut, split OOU Ed PUtes, ! rails, maul and grub, equal to most young) Bowls, Pitchers !.MugsBIue Places, Twifaers, :f V r ; men in the county. One day last week j Disnev&c now lanojng trom bmps4eo.'t;siw 'c he grubbed 10 rods of rough new ground ning, Caledonia John Jay, Jubilee ;other? , &. . . - t r . from Liveroool. . - v P tor nis day s worK. u. journal I An unfortunate occurrence to at Carthage, last week during the regil Country . ...... . I nv Hnu mental muster at that piace. .a pine tree of considerable size, which had been cut off at thejgrou nd and lodged in the branch es of another, was blown aown by the wind, and fell upon a group of men who happened to be passing under it at the time, by which several of them were more or less injured We notice with particu iar regret the case of Mr. John Currle, who had his left arm, leg and thigh badly 110 rinses Glass Warc' eontainlnp- iauirt and I pint Decanters, pinti 1- pinrand l4 piii.Tttm-N? biers, for sale by the Packgeor re-packed ' j Country Merchants, on as liberal,' terms iutby t '" il lsOf fir. Saleasl ibqnpe, Vvll 'ri v f ' t A complete assortment "of ' iVingClassesfc "vC- Basket a anft New-Tork. Febw 27. 11 ell and Horn Combs, Ladies' Tfa ve I Un WorlC - Antique Oils,-&iutf Boxes, KeckUces , Paris Fancy Goods ' generally.' 5 . - JO OW T HE Subscriber wishea to inform his friends if. r-P and the Public; that fti Ka dtclined mov-. t fractured. The sympathy manifested on ing to the country the present year, t and conUi; ,V the occasion by all present, in his behalf, nues to keep hiaHouse, open for the acconimp :; . T' L r i, a c., dationof-Travellers andotiiers,who"vmay favor is the best testimony of Jus worth. Sur- birn with their Co4any; Produce beingiheap, V. gical aid being immediately at hand, we and cash scarce, he will Board for the following"- have reasons to hope he will soon recover. iow prices: . By the month (firVwood cariuMes,' 4 ; ; loid. he. fumished) If these article are 1 not fur- th iV, r:l TnnllUnn t nisnea, ?y. Man ana itorse peraay aian ,n There is (says the National Intelligen- and Hor8epCP mQnth,J5f v sSlesi usual ' cer oi tne oin uiuuiu,; ai pxcscui. a gicaw shalj be 8Uppjd With the beat provender and"; vy concourse of strarigers ia this city ,of every an attentive Ostler. ; . a V dptrrPP in lifp. from the man of wealth and ! ; ' WItLtB- JONES. - - s jVif: ? . -Tuesday March, S. trio'iori1 was'fmade to re-cohsider the Vot e of Sal urd ay , b V w h ic hi he bil I toco m v penftale tSusan ''Decatur wakrejecjeth Mf. 'Whiulesey, uinyedj-jto' layfthe' mMtioo oo y. ;tW tible & asked Hr, the ayes and noes. -k' The uMiiiori was laid on the table ayes 4' ,99, . tides, 6 1. 4 The H ouse then took up the 'amendmenis made by the Senate in the ap r;'rVpbpriatiun..biUat;4nd .disposed of them v Various bills were then acted on in Cominit lee of the. whole nn the state of the Union ; atnoii others. bills from the Senate for the continuance of. the - Cumberland Road WestwanllylfnMriHZanesville, ,wlich wen read a third time and passed. . The amend- inentmade by theSdnate in the bill making annropriaiionii fbr the Pablic-Baildin&siiiro- yidinforvtorictt-?fur:jth6 :North Front of the; PrcfiifeuVs Houie(,Vwa& concurred in.. 'I lie iM.Je then determined to take a recess ' I rum halt past till half pant & o'clock x he Kvenihf session numerous'Uther bills of public;and , private ! interest were , acted on tu Committee and -parsed. Far sale" a,t5thts'oflicet K x x i a. . r f - iransicrrca io lacuDaya. t ae occasion upon which they were given has passed away, and there is no present probability of the revival of these negotiatiens ; but.the purposes for which the were intended are still of the deepest inte rest to our country and to the wurld, and may hereafter call again for the active efforts and be neficent energies of the (Government of the U nited States. Themotives for holding them trom general publication having ceased, justice to the Uovernmenx irom wnicn tney emanated, and to the People for whose benefit it was instituted, require that they should be made known. With this view, and from the cons.deration that the subjects e mbraced by these instructions rous probably engage hereafter, the deliberations o: pur successors I. deem it proper to make th1-, communication t both Houses of Congress. O i. copy only of the instructions being prepared, I send it to the Senate, requesting that it may be transmitted also to the lltuse of Representative V JOHN qUINCY ADAMS. The motion for: printing this message was uncourteously rejected .by a small majority in, both Houses. It is stated in the National Intelligen cer, that the great concourse of stran gers at present in the city has brought to gether' so.me, of those' gentry who live by depredating ou Society. A Southern gentleman bad his pocket picked at the rheatref;on i Wednesday evening of hi .ppckeVbook'containingOO dollars, and another lost about the same amount in the throng; near the President' house. Attempt to break:JaikW&twrn that a ringattempt' was made to break the Jail ikes county; in the riightpf the6th George Polldck, Esq. has lately import ed into this place, alarge quantity of the ougar uane trom Savannah, tor the pur- pose oi trying tne capacities ot our soil, tor producing it profitably. The enter prise is deeply interesting, & the attempt to introduce among us a more lucrative employment of capital and industry than can oe otherwise tound in the present de pressed state ot our anairs, is deserving of all praise.-ib. Raleigh, March 3, .1 829. TO THE AFFIIOTED. s- , - 7, I f 1 . : We regret to learn, that in the blow on Friday last, a lighter belonging to Wash ington, was driven among the breakers off the bar, and lost, with her crew, con sisting of a man named Casey and two negro men. Another lighter was dniting out, when she fortunately came in contact with a schooner : and her crew, consist ing af three brothers named Fulford,made their escape by leaping on board it was reported that they had perished with their nirnter. iewoern Svectator. - A. . Mr. lIadlock?s Jiferfjcme.- OurSreadera will recollect an article published - in the Observei of 24th July last, relative to the discovery, by Mr.' J as. Had lock, of this town, of the valuable Medical virtues of a plant, indigenous to thia State; the effect jf which, in cases of affection of tbe luogs, wa : mere set form. Mr Hadlock has now prepared a quantity of thisTnediciriei which he offers for sale, either in Si run or Powders, will be seen by an advertise Mi .imuiu. vumwii ui-iuia paper Mr. ?.H; has shown , us several letters from effree leisure who takes the occasion of -the in auguration of a new President to visit the. Seat of Government, and look Upon men and things with his own eyes to the hum west of the iuppoto of uc? regeUtbhmfPierifA candidate,-who flock herein crowds in the ni-.iVtf.fWA they believe themselves to have rendered during the campaign. It is painful 'to think how many there are, even ot. those who have some claims to office, who must necessarily return home disappointed, be cause unrewarded, and dissatisfied of course. The situation of the President .V- IV. elect himself is far from being enviable. In fact, until things settle down into a quiet and regular train, his elevated sta tion can be to him but a splendid misery, exposed, as he must be, to truitless soli- citations, in every vanety oriorm, wnicn if is painful to reject, and impossible to grant. Register of Debate in Congress. The third volume of thia work, so valuab e asa history of our national legislation, has just issued from the press of Messrs ualei et Sea ton. This volume contains eight hun dred pages of solid brevier matter, ot super royai oc!avoize,'compming uie inswrj v the Second Sessioa of the Nineteenth Con gress." Price six dollars. We regret tq perceive an intimation trom the fuonihers that, without an increased demand iorjhe work, it will probably cease with the pre-ent-volume, they, havhig already .sunk a larse sum in the undertaking v Consider ing thia work at tHe most'- imporUnt and tauhtul exDosi tor onhe measures au a pou cyrof the General tGovefnperif, ; We ear THE Proprietor of this Medicine, after repeat ed trials of its virtues, . which have been 'at. tended wUh tfce mosrslgnal "success, -nbwfferk it to those who; are afflicted' with"; thewastinif diseases which H is deiigned 'to relieve, in fulf confidence that it will be ftxirid efficacious." par- ticularly if taken in the inti$en&e of these' -V - diseases. -: :. ' v'-Wr ?" ' '"; For two years past, this -tredicine has been -O"' prepared in the form of a Powder, & taken as an V,t infusion, withtheinjoat happy succesr, Itisnoir . ' offered to the afjttctedm the form Sirup or;' in powder, tbelatieit may prejeri under th conviction,Mhat either form, will produce the' ;?? : same happy resultr : - Among its most prominent t . qualities the following may be mentioned, enlc ' 'f titled la particular consideration.1 It'orcrootesr. -'- thatgentle pirspiration which is deemel healthV; rl t J; ana ciec. iwisc iwmiHMiwi wc iuvum iu pernicious. -m. reucfiJ vurwuw icvi.iMiiiiiViy,-,vjr'r congestions of the'lungs by7pving.fbrce?ta thaVv languid c'tfcutatioo IjHuisaages ccghs.1 It'pro zft3&. V pain trom .tne cneu . ix csueves iuniuc ant. f t difficult respiration: It, corrects; obstinatecos y tiveness.' and thus leaves the bowels in a regubf ' U and healthy state. 'jThus,'irif fpund, tliit thesa ; nainiui syiuwou wiiiwi-iMuurwiR.a.u vw'ii readuyyieta io auwa powcxtui lauwiwticu v : sonably resorted toV and that lit restores the pi-' ft: nf to hodil v? viirour, - whichthat' Cruel : V disorder the Vonsumptioo,vif.teft to its natural'' . : operation; would ,Tery pcedily;dtMy ' tJ CertificatesTrspecuns me virwcoi tuia mci 'eine"waiaceoiBany each bottle Priced; 53 x r f a-' botUe,;or $ 24, Ooxen. rjV- 'v. r -(rt MedicincCmayJoe'adV. &4 titer of " 1 Ai