Mr; N".nve Jeif-Dwas .xeturnVdjr a irfd-v; jontj bfa4 VctsV, instead of 15, barfirstV' Irannrjunced- Jcr, 'L' IlU'W ' -:velheira . Hartforcl are a dissatifeed ,witji theex if'' : isting arapbmenf as tb .their Post'-officeVv: - that'thtVvll?Tf"ltMA vrrtnfirnnlifif i'Sf - 1 " ; TUBSDATv.MATSO i - LlJD:.iHOZiT&CAriOS:I5'G-'15H flowing afiemen are candidate. . - rL.: Jn'thft next Le- AD VERTISEMENTS hdtxceeiocr sixteen lines ntatly inserted 3 times for. a Dollar, & twenty five cents for every. succeeding, publicauon. i ' ' - - - , - . - t - -. . - - 7-.. - , , , - 'Wsi.;t their corrjes ponce to -Jie. carried - on throN , ') 'Jy a;pdstQ,9ice atlthe neiglbojin village H' of XfptiitnfiM.jy:. YZComKtidoj: ws;v BagfflP&syanl, 20 a 4.. Bacon Ga jSi , r 4r, Cdndles mouldl 4J.' Co&eeV 1 S, al lo;aV;84r36:&iS5 V Iron 5 50a 6;0i?v Lard,16r. vX"rieV750 a"r3.v IblassefVi ' : if r Be he le- T. i V. ; ' ide' iaU. 'Sup in" tv tr. ade? gh. iV. extr the; bcr eti urte.f IE.; ? .f ' sigh? Toe the ourl.? .AN ' we. neXt: ourtl 1" if'i.V': i nn. 0 Ipi. Kt tire Kewbern'teitric 5v iTJ;rfe have before v nxentioned,that ;ri:iUAUt,ih6C6mmittee; appointed l county iariet.meewHigMciu i:tl4iViv duringtlieiastSeVsiotfof "the ifnfiive,inentsf;bafer addressed ja ijfrAt"i!thVir; felto-citizeris equest- Dona!d$onS:J2j)ril 25. t fs o' ijr un pi ant duty this week toreconf ihedeatbofour wju esceeniea ieuoMr:ci ii z.truAa ju j uscpu v Erwin, of 'Ibervil fe, r wKicb ccu rjreclfi :f&t nary case of suicide baj rarely come j unn der our notice. In a jfit of omental le rangi?jent-(of which tJ)e deceased .hadof late been Subject) as is jsuppose! - heLenr their.; co-op appointed, committees ot: bve persons Lcrt ou ntyjfof. tlie pd rposfe b I. as.certaibV:. ing the pinioW,o thepeople or! the post rdiisifable objects for improvement 5 that numbers,, by' adding to it several individ- uaTsfromt-eachaptam ai :.meetins-of r:tHis:enlardCom'mittee is appointed at f the C'ourt-hbuse.b'rt the tfcs,tniUrsday j 'Afj? i- .i'n- -..Auit ti-r f'.re v-:- i 'iin. r ing uujects wm ue. uiscusseu at improveietft cati' b&made to facilitate the M MM I rt 'M 4lt MVk: ' A MA A Mk I " 4 mI'AT W ui uiu9 uiuuuc iu a tLcuciai t mat ivu i vv 111 ioRn-arouna asK as&isiance irora thej General p Government' (andx thereby place nerseii oniooting-vmn ner sister States), or remain" infier present onim proyed condition ?Wliat"xourse7 shall De ,auontea; 10 ruo away me present uw 'v P'oieeofthe PeopleWe are glad to per-! cejve mai ai me recent election in Mas sachusetts, ."for: Members of the Legisla tu re,t the;follo win; eentlemen were1 elect ed," alliof whom have been recently re moved .fron&luerative offices b: President Jacjkson This, voluntarytestimonial to tneif worth,i'must at this peculiar Junc ture, be highly gratifying. , In Boston, George -Blake, lute U. Sv Attorney; and are Free- man late Collector, and Eli Haskell, tale luspeciur, are cnoseii. m iwjxuuruugii, GerieralvDearborn,'ae Collector of Bos tori, is chosen, . and in Salem, Joseph E. Sprague,' 7ac Postmaster is elected. fellow-6itizeris .request- o.f Auoruey; perationrthVtihey hafe aJor. Meliyille, late Naval .Officer mitfeesof 'five personiin-t chbenf? In NewBedford, Russell F graceiuivraoae oi,;eiecuoneenn":iior, ine -The Washington papers contain letters written with' great ability and in an in dignant tone," by two of the fJlerki who have beeh dismlssed from the War and State Departments, not only withbii any allegation of incapacity or unwocthiness, but with testimonials from-ihose who dis missed4 them that they had performed theirs duties with ability and faithfulness. One of them; is Richard Henry Lee, dis missed by Mr. baton and the other W. Slade, dismissed by Mr, Van Buren. The caustic severity of their letters must make not'only the two Secretanesnut the Pre sident himself wince under the smart. Lyncliburg Virg ing in. our country, tof, the character of uur public, men, and the pi ana proposed aot discussed by them at different i stages b(ihk war of the revolution, are exceed ingly minute-and valuable The instruc tions of .the British Government to its of ficers here, andither inililary :.i correspond ilence relating to tlie American campaigns, throw important 'light on the dispositions pf their government towards the' colonies, md on. the' opefaions and plans of (he British armies. The whole mass of mate rials thus collected will set many events connected .with our revolutionary struggle in a new point of viewV and will enable Mr. Sparks to write-Us hisloryywilh more authenticity and impartiality than has yet been done. ,The posthumous papers of (ieneral Washingion, with historical and explanatory notes by Mr. Sparks, is to be published in London by Murray, " i- , iV. r. E. rest. Indian' eics.rWeare informed by an i ntel Vigent gentl e mah that in , diggi ng Tor GoUV recently; in the county 'of Burke,' a crucible Was - foancl "at a considerable distance'.beIowv theT Surface, which, bore j .What would you have sail, Fellow-citi- zens what would your itppreseniatives in Gojngress have si'nl, if, after it was ascer tained, on -the flthot February last that General Jackson was chosen President of the U. State's; the Chairman of the Finance Committee had risen in hs place in their Siaj3alu::Liverpool 75a;80; Ste$ffi American; 83'&v"TobaccW leaf.NS.- Xr;l'' AWMirarrd y :ca:$&. .Whisker T. mea4.8- U..SBan'k?Nbtes H per cent, preim- s into a large water jar, had foremo,.in- . : : . ,-s vy?Vjf yWL? Mi" which was foundrfifejess. ;l)ecah oftie:n6nbrabUJoKnJajl vi VV-fS;v Capt. ErwmWas a wealthy wgir'pjanter r .justa- ;6urpaper feWlDgto?rMsv l: of the adiacent nanslt ; and-those. wW ; . . r -i.. New-Y,obk M y 1 3. Sunday School Unions -The thirteenth iuiiivcrirj 01 tuc iiew-loiK. ouuuajr behoof Union, was celebrated yesterdav. The weather was fine and clear at the hour of assembling 5 and the different schools pouring down the great avenue of the city to the Castle Garden in their best attire and with healthy arid cheerful faces, exhibited a beaut ifjuU sight.; Each was preceded by its male and female teachers with an appropriate banner, 'At three o'clock the arena of the garden was filled ; and some of the schools could' not be ad mitted, for jjf. want of room. It has been computed that 12,000 children and 7000 spectators were assembled in the centre, on the gallery, and round the walls of the amphitheatre at the Battery. The chil dren all united in.singing hymns written for the occasion.. The exercises were con eluded by a prayer and benediction from the President. evmentV;marks; of having Vbeen, much' and presented a bill making appro v ii i- i v v" ; pnations tor out tits, &c. for six Ministers used. It'is believed, that the AboYjgines ptiflinilfB1ni( .rh,mflfi Aa r. v'Jr u , , . v " i M"'V mil f tiOV V U I I- k? J V. O wrjgare; Legation, to ifdr.raStibnanfll4w those iow representing the United found, had been put in tequision by them States abroad ? We cannot tell what you 'ftihW&ro TAhe-V wt Jave said, but we know what Vri r both yoa and they would have thought. frfe? reverted to the lattjj .that ;in thaace whence the clamor whtchwas raised; against the late cruciblas was Administration, and which filled the coun- (ontKlxcolw frohi on endof it tothe other,resound- - New-York, May 14 American Bible Society. Agreeably to public notice, a special Meeting I of the Board of Managers of the American Bible Society was held yesterday afternoon, to receive the delegates from the several aux diaries. The meeting commenced at 4 o' i t c have experienced Ids munificent hospitalf- ty wiil loog deplore the act tf infatuation which led luhis tragical "e'pd." '-jJ Frauds in CottQn. It is htghtime that the Factors and Merchants at; the' SouthV should devise some means by .wluch to put an end to thejnereasing number and extent oi irauus in ing pacKingor vocton. aeve-,. ral cases haves qccurred lately' ib thtsvcity vf he re.thef 1 oss to i he holder ls bee al Verj srreaU lb one instancelately, 19 Sales -of Al .ibama Cotton -were soldby sample, lhe quality of whichiWas gd, while on exam inmg ine interior uir uieuates : iney were found to-contain not .onJyinferiorCottdni' but sixteerihyndredpound$j)f Seed.: Sev eral instances have also occurred 'of frail j dulent packing in Georgia Cotton whereJbft interior was nf re trash, . while the outer layers or plaited portion, exhibited as hand some Cotton as any or lhat crop jn roaiket. tormerly it was a subject of reproach Lt North-Carol in tbat her Cotton was hardly cleaneui or poor quality -ami fraudulently pacKea wim large stones, seeds i and other : i e . ":;.'.:r-v... ' irasn ; duc oi late years tne quauty ancl condition of the article from that State has been preferred by many tothe cr!psAof Uplands from other states. Ihjs no doubt was brought about by the care of merchants and agents in receiving the produce from the Planters, keeping a registerbf their names and of the marks and gins, so that prompt redress could be had in case ; any fraud should escape during the hurry ,of ousiness. It is mghlyiimportant lor ship pers to this market that Something should be done in the markets complained of, as j we reeeiyedthe'melanchbly intcllisrenco? rx oi tne departure irom ths lile 91 the vene- y table'and illustribuVJOHS JAythViuf thor of;thevgood nld Constitution of: ihia -State, formerly- Chief-Justice of the Uni- ? r, ' ; tedaStatfis;Iinist'eHfrom the:Ui States '7 Vtf' both to England' and-Francts and ksiibse-. .-.',-- -quently Governor of this'Statei :HedFed yesterday athis ? seat in1, Westchester:: ; x; r j coi?ntyaboutighty-five years of age.;- r - M may, very trulybe said , - i.;. ' I Wlioi inrtirtttrv: IpwHKfrn triJcnrra trk'-rr i - 5 About nim-a fittle Creation.4. 1 r U.-i J ; , 1 He' live independent of alUl- V . - ' ;iIai:ways,enduUathiscalf:; sVV 'i ! And more sa,p:axa& to its owner.. ? .S ". v"'' - I ' Hp works with Jiis handsA it is troc,V,, - v ' 1- uuc nappiness a weus wiuimptoymenu .' ? ; . " ": And he. who hs notbinsr (ddoT1-" -V 1 ,v uas.nouiing Dyway;.ornjoyovnu.i.....V'-. f Mils jaoor aoe mere exercise , " vic save,nim rrom.painjs c pnysicians iv -! ,v-v InenFarmeiV-you truly, may pme fv-' , ",vv'v - Your own as the lest'bf cooditious.-T,.4 r -. - From competence, shared with corttentr; v v t - Since all true felicityXspnugstV VVHfr-' " .Th.c life o farmer U blent i ' :VTJ ,? . H With more real bliss than a lungs.' Vrr;! ; MARRIED, In this county, on' Wednesday evcninef,fa4tv,N -I ; -I it 18 noW a spf.tlpd law thaf In snip hm snrrtnlfil w fa-.. -;.f ni......n in x i - . ,. . i ; . " l vicuitC Ti iiciiivvot vi44weii vuuiiiy. lUi''; ti Iock. and was opened uv. reading a portion is a umrrnntn AT. VI Afprnntil .?. I mi UpI inn . Vi, : .:v ; '.K v i.i liic n v icriDiures. ivicnurii v arirK. i ' ' .. ' . : ' v.. ' . a.. in nraniTp ennmv. hv;tr kpit. k; h: iznTrut'-LJu' jv :.a:i Esq. President of the Societyp'resided, rirfne5s VZakOur reailers too, J .,y,and Woolsey. of INew-Ytfrk, and whlch was commenced .beforethe Supreme 26th ult. Mr. Uriab W. Skinner to JTita Pris-Vi' ' J Marsh, ot Vermont, rrotn two to three liulirtnl r.imriK lf Ml seiner :Hnitv -n t.w;'. oi.n tki Ati, ;cf itt. "iv;n;. . si-li w,te PJrb two thousand dollars naid ingJbfna tobne person as Special Messenger, and hundred clergymen and other's were present of this county, nosesnfitheindiansfrome and delegates appeared from the several in advance from ai noor debtor. KaffWefrweyrottSWm jegauou uiose menies oi uic si'iics ii u in iTAaMic xuuisaiia . 11,; " f1tump';6ratory and newspaper declamation; , During the past year, forty seven ... Sfrsr;.""''..:, ',;t-. . - iVDU wuuiu nave SUmmfU up Hie ailliiUOl I u binaries ne uccn '"iiucu, uiaivui" yfnv''vr i ni. pre tended to nave been thus misspent, and tat or six hundred and .forty -live. 11 WXHTO. Ji""S- tiie Piencniumbf whielVWiti thp main ceints have been R143.184 viz: F fortakiftfl Branch to Miss Elizabeth Duncan; ;rt; n hJa' art- In the neighborhoodr 'oF Gerroanlon, on - lb)6- . ruieorown nayDeen removeq trpra tnem dation of the charges" of cxtrava new a to- e re- nrai A 1 I O or tnoith agance, sale of books. &73,688; on account the debt to his guiltwas raised! and argued ishly ef- of the Society's buildings in Nassau -street, Court last fall, and the opinion of th clerk8hm3?tthefdrmeir';in Department wjastefijlness, corruptibrrk&c. so lavishlyef ofjvWar,nbVCtne;ilatter4i u'lld-istt&XAYz&Z yobv Would have thought to yourselves thus: '.c'v w-s- yerily. whatever "charges . of this:-desc second Comp tj btay have been laid at the door of ir wjas :iorjaieriy ,ar JKveprese percen Conirress from yirffihial'and wastabbbint- already that thelittie finger of the new Ad- loan of g35,500. The issues the past year him, for the nenaitv of one dollar, and k'iKelferk8nY ministration wilt; be heavier than the loins from the Depository been 200,122 popiejsof costs of prosecution, which exceed thirty mimMmm - i!1" ?e2? eslir601' " ceeding the dpi-h mich tor takins a tweut v;yw .--;'' vvj . : r r.; previous year dd,did. . cent fee, a few hours too soon. . v ' . I - i i lii iiiaianu mi ati uili .. iillic. um iihb italic i- W: t'. r. mission into me jaiuue ree or zu cents which ; - T - Z" ' - -fys wis due only on his liberation. ..The jailor In Wilmington,, onlhe 13th instant, :tir$aiU l: did not take in amounts anv more than le- mnnrt J. nprfwwtt'Jrrtn xtistfTiTa.tanp'-f nrrl. 2'?' fees, but was-guilty of taking-'part of daughter cf William C. Lord, iisqrjf :Zik-i;:S:h' em at a wronsr time. :' A law auestion as - ' v , I . 1 1 1 k 1 1 ',',',---v . . . i .. .... - .1 before le Court "I.'i tn FavpttoiriU rvn tVi IHtl, Xrit f ludn f " n . , uuiiaiions, zu,oo'4 , uanK svock was given at Ipswich on Tuesday, by Buckingham, a native of AurristowoNew-Jer CH 'V . Uold 89,733 and borrowed from the Banks Jud2e Wilde. The coOrt in Dassino- iud- sey. ". ! . . Tvv., rip- &35,500. The disbursements amount, to ment regretted, that it! should fall on an ;Jr,.Bladn $bwiSn on tlie tmhrinrtantflf:,:,' lhe 11251-h'nerew?f wiififti ffice; ...d they found e sa.Dtu to tne uariKs on account oi ine i thmco oo rnmn m H.,ia I , . - , . v -: Tv. - i ' i iiv.a(j.avv.? v'i iwt wua't.v uvuiuu u.uiu . i lawn rbT ti i a -i nrnanataj-t4i m n s not m.. proapectsr-bavinfjust Dieted the 23d vear cf his aire, f i --. ; v t,- ' the chapter of thesebritl ; triumph if ReHgiotis Libe .rn said that a suitable MID WAY :AC A1)EMY? 1 v Frankhn VqtadyC --Xr'- THE Examination will Jake place pn Weduev- Cw;5' rl-iv and ThiirKftav' 5?ft nnrl ilth rf fun VnVi .r1;W. emdn strati on demonstration I Vlty jpnn amppeiUJ)l tne: executive voun- iiDon this imnortant measure will Up made ules to take up 1 cil of yVirffmial. has beeli annointedrrea- bv the citizens of Philadelnhin. whnsA ri.-la yanl's dista iirnr f tWtt TTW?irl "SafBW iw K cent associations on former nnlitiral & re- w,h his teetn, an SotTITlRF.T. Uy puDlic notice, he was in, 7o min- a fripnd 100 corn cobs, each placed ;ncnf nice from the other and all A1Inv V J V VT Salem Obser. Lebanon' Ohio, Jlpril 25tk. the latter;dayt . a number tf the1 Students will d drop them from his mouth successively, in a basket placed at the sam riBrn2uv T-ilj-j '05 11 :i I lie-ious connections, rendered thm- mnre suc 'W" " ' ' Picularly interested in the were of point fm whence he originally started - Car t,.x htlv writer in the lasi 0f '"?Iark Wi?8confirmed;:at tne last the SuKerefs in Ireland The ctual space traelll is computed to York. ( Pa.) Recorder, "asserts that in the Rpccinif hf.PnnarrucQ almnof nnnnlmhitrfir h:ihrv S? tulips nut flip snnprnHnprl py. ... V ' . : .. . . Hj&f0 they permit Among the passengers in the Caledonia "H"1 ativantage oi ; tneir j on Monday, was Mr. Sparks, who; having Hunt. We are informed by dehver select Orations. To .all which,; Parents,.;- 4- y . that on the. 15th. lfith arid 17th Guardians and the Fubhc, are respecUulIy na- : , in Washington tbwnship, in this v,b e ' rlL lllilli'-t,l2 "a , Sixteen persons killed six thou- jay isthof June, under the mperittendmucerad V- I one nunarea ana iwo oqmrreis: instruction tne subscnoers - -v-T3 : 4 , .' in advance. - . 'V?V-r.- j J . C. A. J11LIVA. M.,;' f f ;. , D. S11ILL.- J "1 ; . May 5th, 1829. " ' V-A ,:r 75? AX-1" recess, to reverse their decision ? completed his historical researches in Eu- r i- i .yw-,. r,. -- -.v, ..,.-, -.....i..-- , 1 f .nna 114c rarnpnati r this rk.i.r r. r - n "ccuPFH'u fliaiT absence o near v a vear am a half H L-lO lt ' ti". "i n . . ' -, "Si. 1 . ".'... -! r . nau oi xneuistrict oi ast i ennessee, in has been exceedingly fortunate in ucauove u..., uuiuic?uHciauueu c. ttinj u of domeStic carpet the la ertion ot stooping down to take up the cobs ies Gf that Borough have ai rived at a pitch t is supposed makes it abut 7 miles in . urw.iva.t.d eXfHencei and eminent per- point or exertions, ne succeeded in fectiori. It is nSFTn speakingof a ' solita- ill ( 11 U lea u acvuuus. ixiui (cotvt uu. 4 '.1",' ,.'. STRAYEn.;; lita- TROMthePaper.MiUmtbevicimtyftUkjgpr1' - t-; 1 ry sped men' a precious pattern, piece5 that J-:X tew days o. a'" - " v -r'-r , ing access to documents connected place of Mr. Callaway, removed. AChiitNorwicK.has i- '-.v ' . : r i urnarnoi. domtcirnn in 111a mimis, n pointed, b the United 6r.,n the possession of private persons 7 t .rr . u '..i ..u.I...v!' II? ? iu.- . . A lJarK -uappie-grey.i Horse. ; ... ; UULdlll I . , ' . . I ii .f i "' i rr .-: lirrnti rirl mat rnm'nitfrlinihl'iiJl.fiiM..-,,;.',',rB;,; itti undertaKen and is now executing tne mosu rurnisnea oy mat orancnor uomesticinuus-l "rTi s "7,v.v .JV w" . . i i ..1.. : I - .i r . ;i ! WatlaiDe trom a founder: The on v n&rk re. i t it i? i tr n rrn i n p.p n T wnrK ever veniurpn nnon. we irv wn c 1 is carriti iu enns npran.iTA i - ... . ' . r unpn, & iT j i i " "ir f U . t.u ru ' u -; r,Vcoueciea,isa jumponnia nose. r lie had a Bell - V cn .-J ciicnapi hv inntviffiistl pntprrnp. I r i& tpit rnprp. .. I hp urnfpr c va ho t mmlrl 1 - ... i.i . . . .i-v '. ."'y. J.-;'.-,l hiTACiou7&w., wr .,iu.u j v. a i . v .. v, . - k i . v . w vo ii o .nuuiu i nn.niK nrrr. unn'. x rii nnncn t rrt tn than nu v. , .. . . t tan Ornithology of the United States; lllus- challenge the towns, uot only of a sister borboojl of the Ciiy-v j i,',. 3tates0istrictlAttpBe courtesv and liberality has trated by some four hundred drawings ex- county, but of the state and the Unio . K - . ' ' :" v., ?" . - . It -i .. 1 .. i ."1 r" lAntpd hv himplf. and all nrpfipntinor nh-1 the hriiidnrtinn nfsn niAnraml n hnnrf 01 i vonnecticur,tin the-place ot Nathan oeen snown mm oy me r puoiic luncnona-1 i r " . r;" " : : :,'. . '. -. I 1 .' n 1 , t . Union for Information of this Stray will be thankfully rc- ill Smith, removed. Aaro is ap. pointed Assistant Col lector for Jersy City, (inlht (n tne place of JoiihJ Condict-jirewa 1 yi "; -'i l'MedtaiiMfias been remoreii from the office ypt Postmaster of Fredencktown, Md. . .:cz y ' ' Wm4Pierce , has been Appointed Posfe -JSv'A fJhauncey IveX i vr. iuev iiiage: oijuansinguurgn,vvice vat alyin Baker? removed'' Maurtcejtangho Isom'el'andaUafijin some ceiled at the' Paper-Mill, or at J. Gales & Son's " both in KffUd a'nin Frar in ;uh- jeets of .he size of life. A copy of this simply f genuine Kome.raade carpeting j TP' -' witting to his inspectioif and permitling rk rfr asit is finished, is now at the reMffamily fabrics, dt-signed alike foKuse j , uitabie Kwarl.S,,.-r, j-. My 25.. i . . . . I .! Iho iVJoiii - V rkw Ir I .vonni: in fhal ann iirnsmanr. a o f h la I i tt-l a.nnl a. I a n.l niii. ! nun to copy t ie diplomatic and omer pa-iv.i v. i,u,.- ., w-..., ... -''-"-'-; ' -cf"rvr-un -1- l ' pers in thr keeping, as not 8een at ail I awed town Can furnish, Why many of . ?PBrSP-Vapoi '5 fcppn hark thp truth F hitnrv and Hp-"ours.. ji iic aiauucui i cue wir. may uc uicui ate w ucauuiui iu wumiuis, su muui- . z 1 tiuywuuw. OU7ll V sirirns of affording every facility to the la- JuSe 01 w w mv, mat - me piaie sue m cmupuswion, w urm in texture,, ami Superior, Court .of Lair April Term; V b rnrs ofa leirhed and able mat, who had are larger than the whole sheet opened and withal so splendd,io the Jout ensemble ohnrowjl ivV iSt l no other object in view than that of giy. Ufxm which this paper is is with reluctance the mmd can U v. r r; yS S-; np Iir and .impartial Record of impor- Pted. The wild turkey-he Eagle, brought to consent to the semle degrada- Jas.ol! tant'events ;The materials discojered are thus represented in their full size and tion of treading them -under pot. Even tUfl ppearmg to thcsatisfceucn of the Court. v-.':" by Mr. Sparkin Paris, weref we under- proportions, and with the greatest fidelity the common ragf n.or uo sLna, A n'ore imporVantli he ex- W W.. , . . . '4 - $ fr ? sch premgndnsigUlv ,and?4l!;mV peetedto;neet withi Theythrowf kreat or is u by Us birds that this; work is protlucts-.hereassqmei n counngandin Viseeiof Jaro Holknd wdilolkftcyd.; jign'Jinotonly on .our reiation$lwlr-the entitled solely, we are almost tempted to pattern) an appearance not ordinary in its ;flreMhovernm'ent at thrcitSarpeotl SJ chiefly to admiration ; but by itsbota claim to admiration jr and ma of our hisry, but with the courts of the vf0?' ihe'graises,- .th sHrub and the has been wjrjrked up with such superlative other. European- nations. - They show, trees, ,which are introduced in the. plates skill that on Us j re-appearance as'axohstir meb.the trcgin'nitig . and' proress' of t0 illustrate the habits of the birds, strike uent part of a carpet, it was fac'moreexV ile?tilgotiati6n8; 'direct and indirect, by equal to any thing vre have ever seen quisite 'than it had eer seemed wheri wi-Mh.-a;0rial iettlemeht-wasvieffeceTbe- la Floras or Syhas or other works strictly nally worn by its dandy ownerin all; the wMh this country and CGreafBritaini botanical. Unhappily for the generally pride of fashionable novelty Q f -: t)ti thisroint, we utderstarid the -infor- moderate fortunw bf ourcouotry,, the.e- v .wf it Ci. - : Baltimore Pitt. ;niattmiheyralTord is particularlyLfull and norinou exnse 'incident to such a pabllr ,y'lT: Tnter-iHtir, n',t;ii:i- cation as this. nuts it be vend the reach of ml 'I " ' '. 4 r Norfolk. Mar 16- of the Frehcir M iiiKtef in hl VanntVv . t I alLbut A,fewr individuals -for when finish- .Contested Electwn.--3otM in due form dow of the feaid,Jame& MolliOdV are, inliabitants ' of another State, so that the ordipary process of. law cannoi Dc servcu publication be made law cannot beier?ed on thec, it is trdered tliat i4 4 'V , s", forthree months sieces.? -15 1' v - I thiwn1g6vironrent"meir accounts Vof Uif heing now, iit ibe coarse of pohfica-i Fas given on fSaturdayi to Mr. Newton, fw . -v - " - . I " 1 - :n - li.i' V.: .jtt ul -.r n-HjA-.Ti-' passtpS'-SVeois of IhC State OI Public I eel- I iu,iu uuiuoc,-n. yi culucscycu uri tuc icvumcuxcuiucirtwi.viuugrcsa,; lur siveiy m .nc ivjuctjju, uwi uic saia ue- , , -fendanU JbeT andlappear attbe.'nxtSupeHcr; , Cbur? of-XtaMQ he held for, this County, a: i Court-hpilse in Yynesville on'thet-ccr.i Wt J.VV Jv ) rietiTthett and there to pled, answer cr-derDur -1 "-i";. jto thePUIntifPs petItlon,cr judnent rwrj.VrrV.;-5 will be entered aainst taeia. ."vp; '-X'VJ . Witness Jom Love, Clrr': cf 'savj C?:rt i)fuce, the second' Wedne.-day' d'terCi li.riV-v'Vr 'Monday in flarcVl829; 't-r's V. v n ; ;. v.rf join: b.;SW - . --' J; - -V 'trUkht hundred dollars., r: " 1 " A this district of,tne intwitiorl' of WW t. v-r... - . jf. "... ' j

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