- 3 3 Mft , 'Hi 4 V V i 4 k A 1 Y.uWTlr. .AYilliXmIMavtik was cUed-to the chair ant! F A Sawyer appointed Scc - retary Cthe.mcciing.' Vr. - - . v : j? Tnffinrai Jfntrovemenis arm mzticuuutc, . VAnieetTng of thepHixcnsof aubank w a 4. M m r m . i u i i .in.. a - - i' "IT iL w , . , m m t II w iibi ur ii if ji wir w towMiifee :i sofiety , for ile purpose of '-Internal and-"AfctKuilurr Improvement--. V'r. ' W unapprppritiir iinjimi i y-. chair, a sociei j wai aormeu.u ui-jr nir atf- Tnt'eri.al TirtViirnvpmpntland 'Acnculture,- ia 4n Tifiarv 'tii fhe OCItV! ; -rciiabnhcd at lialeJgn. '"'-!'" i C:-iThft FMIntvinp-' entlctnh were e!ftted v vhA-i,fficera 4tff thfe society Vr. wm. ' r in! Pr Aidant. Contain Stephm Charles. , tarv," llifhaph Moore, -1 rosorer. - - ' riSl -.. IT PT, lilt! ZIDIMIIIIllllCUl ,i Wl. t i 'i V' " ' I ' ' . -y - . ' -.i ill 1 1. 1 r 1 n .- - n in i j - .....'. were, appomieu, auu reijucsicu v' v.'h.k4? -tan addresVcalhe citieps of Pasquotank 'county.-,Vv" :' II''-' ' ;Cm motion It was oracreuanai meprn Vceecjbe of this meeting be published io the v -Elizabeth itV Star. l 'i . : lV .V , , WM. MARTIN, Chairman. y '.F.1 A: SAWiriK, Secretary. At a roeetihff of the standing committee the fol lowin'e 1 Address to the citizens of the county of Pasquotank was adopted and lr ordered to be pnotedr - - ; ADDRESS 7V the Citizens of Pasquotank County. , Si, ? ' Frttotr-CiTizv-KS A Society liai beenjbrmed ' tf :". 14 ' J ' " " - - - I . ; - iMgrlhe Improvement of orth-Crolini; Tins "t Society haa called upon Ihe citizens of the seve- ral rktintVr'iri . form AiiTlliarv. Societies to aid 1 '"". V f - . - fhim '".'inthf natriotic endeavors. Incompliance witiv this invitation, a . number or ibe citizens ot the. 6tb int, and formed a Society, and apjioint eel the undersigned a Committee to address the .'citizens iof the county: toexplain the object of v ? the Society nnd to. request all uch-as approve Af -oflt to come lorwart. and become members. .The Society establish ed'Jn this county is call- -t .aA Km Cnr-Iotti V-r ' rnrrrvoAc nf Internal lm . pvoveroeiit'undAgriculture.s, By Internal Im- provementis meant to increase" the f productions . cour coumrv xne i acuities oi carry mik ui use . '''produrtions to convenient, markets. Most of you i,Ji.arc'fat mers ; y ou must, .tUtreftTre approve of - SocieiV, tme object of which is 6 encourage the s ifpriculiure of the county, by oftennif premiums, w; introducing improvements, &c. It is, therefore, unuef essary for us tq,"enlarge upoitthc Trnmense : advantages of such a Society, properly encourag " ecL tofasquotanlccoumy. - befflarle tsouiut ana we uccan, ior uic xranspor-! " ' Utiqn cf outproducts ; yd market, is a matter of 1 PTcat and paramount importance. The cause of - oirieriia! improvemenvyjis suur.reu.in ivqrui-- Tojina, from an igriorance of the subject, and its supjwsed difScul ties. You have been told, if -:' fHloWitizens," tha? the yiTendi of internal im provement woula impoverisn una tax me people in this you have been deceived by.persons who f nal improvement neverin tended, and do not de sire to increase jtheT taxes of the county one cent; -8ofar from thatif you wHl coufitenance their v A ,' Why iSit fellow-citizens, that the district of .'vjand as any section of thie Union, doer not flou T f risk ?Yby.'iS 'it that our prodvictions sell tor so " iVittlein'Jnarkel ; andjthough we toil from year -t ' to eaT',rtr Condition is but, little improved, and 'lnindretisfav,ithi: a few months left their , J lrofne. seek1 better land beyond the moun- - tains. ii JyTc we less industrious man our neign- bors ; d5es Iess(ountifiil Providence reward " our toHs No ! our depression arises principally )throui;b':fcanQke' Inlet. . rf,,;-Byva; memorial t(fie Legislature in 1827, it has been ascertained that the counties trading . YPnill I ir Willll J V"lMIHUIHVilWlll Vll WUCAil - - through OCIracock pay an annual tax ot ?350,0u0 r i r . ' i;hiDPn'f insiirsnr! rifTjniinti. .v r- i r r convince yca,then of the necessst) of this inlet At4ltant.Ke,SiipPpse the merchant in Elizabeth ,? y City Vinb'ttys 3f,tt? prpVJuce could ship it directly 'V' to'markerxyithoutthts detention, that part of this T- 5,000htcba--ftow lpsjti would go to increase whKtvoii receive Tor your productions. Why is it that the same StHfes which here will sell for but eigbt to ten dollars per thnsand. are worth ' in Norfolk fifteen-to eighteen dollars ? It is not . . because the merchant there knows better than :.t Uljyaieih Citvwhat to do vi itli the article, hut ' 'btcause"the NPiiolk merchant by mean-, of his ' deep water Communication witii the ocean, can ';t,hip his staves to market at a less expense. In the article ot salt we pay nve cents mnv in the bushel thinispaidiiiAVilmingon or any ptenjojing.-j. - m.m n nT 1AM ttMl h I h.v . Tt. " ..... - - --i . r II. . nni ; jin easy comyiuniu".!"" wuu nur se, .ine mer - chants of Elizabeth C,ity who ship by Ocracock, ' paj- sixty cents freight and charges on a barrel t rnrn V?if lliev could sliin throutrh Roui.nL-P the expensewpul4 ibe but forty cents j they ' woulrt oe enaoiea men, an.r; certainty "would, give the farmer twenty cents more per barrel for j'- nis tsoni juiau wry iiviw. . tan, ;auu ... at iasi lour ; dollars more per thousand for his staves. If it "were not from the fear" of being tediously ' , minute, fellowitlzens: we could select articles of commoffiuse " you that ycru. kreHaily: paying enormous tax ibl 4he want ' pf this. cc-rontu nication. Ve have 'I'goodlands and are 'near the ocean, the highway ''of Twtipn'se- be true to , our own interests," to become a great and flou- -itshing pereV iohattinstead of continually witnessing -the afflicting "spectacle of families quitting their friends and homes, our towns and . villages will exhibit 'prosperous activity, and our 'country contentment and plenty' v Various Estimates of the expense of opening Roanoke Inlet have been made, varying from one ( to three millions of dollars ; by expending which l?sumi nnllioii;wpuld, bejsaved to the country -There, are many among us who will say, .We r icf -knowledge tbe truth ofall.thls, but 5 where Js this money to come from ? Weare' poor and have r.- it r.ot.; . Wcreply, it . North-Carolina cannot accpm plisb the work, i is our duty! to aslcf "; and we have fright tp demand it from Congress. -i By:an estmte submitted to Congress, last sfes vcsrruii r North-Carolina hadrecejved . but $1000 from Cdngresa since the establishment of .the Ge rerl Government althoof h someof the States NJ.ave received more than' a million tif dollars. Ilowjs lUitaellodtizeo-vwe ro been v.f rue-to-, the constitution aa the rest ? In the vflitf pf battle and of. triaT, haveye nof . stood ' iUnik by our country;.'' Why then should we he heglocteil.i Congros has: npt neglected u . we hvtt: nt elected mrselves-we hive never asked tot any ruing, nd therefcH-e Ii'ay.Teived . n 1 t rests have for rears been suffering, we hive ne- er xeceiveo: . m.ie. in . wi s w& sf' Alabama -400,00a Acres ot .lana,, vsiueaairiour millions of dollars;? Jo cuta canal wound the Muscle Shoals of the Tennessee . river. . uaw likewise received 400,000 acres.i Tin? wealthy rtfv nf 1'hiladelDbia petitioned for, and receivep; a large sum ot mpney :ia ereci ajn:iuwici the mouth 6fthe Delaware, fbr.the1 "protection of bershipping.V.-Wby'then shouWwe not ask, and otight we not to. receive afew of the crumbs that fall from this bountiful table i Is it any be nefit tr.vm. fellow-citizens: that the surplus -te venue of thecounrv should be spent at the North and' the West Ought noisome of it to. be spent amongus : vnue our- vongrcs&n.cn are wrarurliBg about the.Tight, the people of the est and the North are usingthe money. There is but ne thing fr vuto lo; you have but to step-boldly forward air4 ask for the, mpney, and ft will.' be given ym: But if you remain in this listless, : careless way for ever, you wiirnever. receive a dollar1, s true is it that those w ho,iie g lect themselves will be neglected by the world If by any cabniity, North-Carolina should be come separated from the rest of the Umbii, she has no wcirk'within , her liorders which could at test to the enquiring stranger, that she had ever .enjoyed the' advantages of government esta blished for the benefit of the I'eople. -This is tnr-, G-llow-citizens, and Itstrtrtb is an indelible ant ire upon, our rulers. I a fe w years the gen eral government will have ten millions of surplus revenue, and if you do not step forward 8t claim a part of it as your right, it will be distributed to swell the , abundance of others. Let every man among us then, who feels for his rights as a freeman should feel who is desirous ot leaving to hi$ children an Inheritance worthy of their ac ceptance and one that 'they will be proud Jo maintain, make - the cause of Internal Improve-: rcent his own cause,, as well as the .cause of his country. , v,t ' .- i- - - Wm. B. Shtpard, Mat hew Clujft &a Rogerson, Exum Newby, C. II. Ainnev. I. N. Lamb, and L. C.Moore, Elizabeth City, June 8, ' Jos. H Pool. 1829, From the Free Presf. ', A meeting of the eolarged committee on internal improvement and other sub jects connected with the improvement of the Internal condition of North-Carolina, was held at the Curt-house in Tar bo rough 4th inst. in pursuance of a call by the ChairjrnVn of the origirral cirmmitteei On button of Mr Theq. Parker, Dr. James J. Philips was called to the; Chair, anl Henry Bryan appointed Secretary. The proceedings of the former meeting were read, and most of the members of the enlarged committee answered to their names. Joseph R. Lloyd introduced the follow ing resolution : Resolved, That all residents of the county of Edgecombe,.- who are present, be invited-to fake part, in the discussion. : -v Which was unanimously adopted, an,d ihe Ch lirhian invited thcin accordingly. The Chairman of (he original comniijrtee explatnetl the object of the meeting, and the in mrier in which this committee was formed : and. called the attention of the hn'eeting to the consideration of the follow ing subjects : fc . 1st. What improvement can be made to facil itate the transportation of the surplus produce to .the general markets of the world .' ; 2d. Should North-Carolina ask of the Gener al Government appropriations of money for this purpose, and thereby place herself on an equal footing with her sister states j or, shall she in sist on a construction of the Constitution as cua tended for by a minority, and remain for centu ries in an unimproved condition ? 3d. The State having provided the means of Education for the rich, should she not establish Free Schools for the poor , and in what manner can a fund be raised for this purpose ? 4th. AVhat is the most effectual method of preventing the present demoralizing and dis graceful method of electioneering for the honor of representing the people Richard flines, Esq. spoke in favor of interual improvement1!, and was for ask ing assistance from the General Govern ment for this purpose. Redding Pittinah, Esq. was opposed, !, internal improvements of any kind, ahu introduced resolutions expressing the sense of the meeting unfavorable to the same and to common schools. Mr, Lloyd spoke in opposition to the resolutions ; and Mr. Bynum having ex pressed an opinion as to tne expediency of deciding so important a question at this lime, said resolutions were withdrawn ; and, according to the suggestion of Mr. Bynum, the further coniderution of the three first subjects was postponed until the fourth Thursday in October next ; and it was made the duty of the Chairman to give notice of said meetiou:, and invite the ot'Z'Mis of the countv to attend. The fourth question wa then taken iu- tl) col,sideration, and the taJl ng resuln- tion wis unanimously adopted. Jtesolved, That we view with deep regret the practice of treating and electioneering so com mon in our State, and that we will not vote for any candidate, who may directly or indirectly give public treats or feasts, for the purpose of procuring his election and we most earnestly recommend to the citizens of the county, to use every proper effort to suppress a custom so baneful in its effects. Mr. Pitt in an moved a reconsideration of said resolution ; and after some discussion, this motion was rejected, two ouly voting in the affirmative. It was then proposed to nominate candi dates for the next Legislature $ which, af ter some conversation, was deetnedtnex-pedien!- when the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : FUsnilvtd, That whereas there are now candi dates in nomination, we deem it Improper at this time to make other nominations. Ileiolvtdt furtfter, That each captain's district be requested to appoint three delegates to meet at the Court-house in Tarborough, on the second da of May Court in each year, for the purpose of .nominating candidates o the General Assem bly ; and that the captains in each district be re quested to take r the votes of their respective districts whether they are in favor or against the mode of nominating as herein proposed. .rYtwi the Mciuumd Compiler. V COMPLETE LIST Of Members of the Virginia Convention to meet n October, next, .arranged; ja their several Districts according to the order of the Sena tonal law. .v.- - ii.- .District of Amelia. NottQj;HMer- mcnaiaitana Vntstcrjleidmd the ft. ( p?f.bmftind.rs5imiiA-TAvIof of Chester- field, and Wm. BJ, Giles of Amelia; Ynpm the Governor of the Conimohioetzliti,) z , District 6fcBtuhMicMntoMdUA ntnbuig and Mecklehbtifg.Vnis.T&, H. Rrbdhax ofBrunsWic: George Ci DAina- jrnoie of Brii n$ wick," Mark) Alexander f Mecklenburg, (Member of Cmgressind Wiluara 0.iGoode)t MeckienDurg -c Uistrict-cfihi&yofJf'Uliajn the counties f James City; Charlei City New Kmt Elizabeth City,&rtrk.Jl ar iHck and Henrico, and the y City of Rich 'mond.3nh Marthall.of tfc: city of Rich mond, f Chief Justice of the United States,) John Taylor of Charles City, (Senator of thf United States, ) Pinup N. IN ichoias . ot Richmond, and ; Jona uiopion new Kent.- . v - ' ' District of Shenandoah and Rocking mm. Dr. Peachy Harrison & Dr. Jacob : - . i ! I -T'i i Williamson ot KocKtngham, u nam An derson and Samuel Coffirian of Shenan doah. ' District of Jlugwtta Rockbridge and Paidkton.-Bricoe G, Bald win of Augus ta, Chapman Johnson of the City of Rich mond, .Wm. M'Coy of Peiulleton. and Samuel McD Moore of Rockbridge District of Monroe,:-.Greenbricu Bath, BotetourU Jllleghany, Pocahontas and Ni cholas. Andrew Beirne of Monroe Wil liam Smith of Greenbrier, Fleming B Miller of Botetourt, and John Baxter of Pocahontas. ! - District of Sussex, Surry, Southampton, Isle of Wight Prince George and Greens viUe J0hn Y. Mason of Southampton, James Trezvant of Southampton (Member of Congress,) Augustine Claiborne of Greensville, and John Urquhart of South ampton. r I , i , District of Charlotte, Halifax and Prince Edward. John Randolph of Charlotte, Win Leigh of Halifax, Richard Logan of Halifax,and Richard N.Venable of Prince Edward. : v District of Spottsylvania, Louisa, . O range and Madison.- 3 ames Madison, of Orange (Ex-President of the United States,) Phi lip P Bit bott r! of Orange, (Metiiber cf Congress.) David Watson of Louisa", and Robert Stan aid of the City of Richmond- District of Loudoun and Fairfax. J as. Monroe of Loudoun (ExPresident of the U.'States.) Charles F, Mercer of Lou doun, (Member of Congress,) Wrilliam H Fitzhugh of Fairfax, and Rich'd H. Hen derson of Loudoun. V District of Frederick and Jefferson. John R. Cooke and Alfred H. Powell of Frederick, Hierotne L. Opie and Thomas Griggs,- Jr. of Jefferson. v District of Hampshire Berkely, Hardy and Morgan. Wm.Naylor of Hampshire, Wm. Donaldson of Morgan, Elisha Boyd and Philip C. Pendleton of Berkeley. Dist rict of Washington, Lee, Scott, Rus sell and Tazewell.---'John B. George of Tazewell, Andrew McMillan of Lee, Ed ward Campbell and William Byars of Washington. District of King William, King and Queen, Essex, Caroline and Hanover. John Roane of King William (Member of Congress,) Wm. P. Taylor of Caroline, Richard Morris of Hanover, and Jas. M. Garnett of Essex. District of Wythe, Montgomery, Gray son and Giles John P. Matthews of Wythe, Gordon Cloyd of Montgomery, Henley Chapman of Giles, and William Ogle'sby of Grayson. District of Kenhawha, Mason, Cabell, Randolph, Harrison, Lewis, Wood and Zban.--Edwin S. Duncan of Harrison, John Laid ley of Cabell, Adam See of Randolph and Lewis Summers of Kanaw ha (one of 'the Judges oj the General Court.) District of Ohio, Tyler? Brooke, Mo nongalia and Preston Charles S. Mor gan of Monongalia, Philip Doddridge of Brooke, (Member of Congress,) Alexan der Campbell of Brooke (Mr. Owen's ad versary,) and Eugenius M, Wilson ofMo7 nongalia. . ! ) District of Fauquier add Culpeper. John S. Barbour of Culpeper (Member of Congress) John Scott of Fauquier, John MacRae of Fauquier, and John W- Green of Culpeper, (one of the Judges of the Court of Appeals.) District of Norfolk, Princess Anne, Nan- semOnd and Borough of Norfolk. Lit tleton W.Tazewell, ( Senator of the United States,) Robert B. Taylor, George Loy al I (all of the Borough) and Joseph Pren tis of Nanseinond. District of Campbell, Buckingham and Bedford. William Campbell of Bedford, Samuel Claytor of Lychburg, Calloiill Mennis of Bedford, Dr. James Saunders of Campbell. District of Franklin, Patrick, Henry and Pittsylvania George Toynes and Ben jamin Wj, S. Cabell of Pittsylvania, Jo seph Martin of Henry, and Archibald Stuart, Jr. of Patrick. District of Albemarle, Ajrherst, Nelson, Fluvanna and Goochland. f James j Pleas ants of Goochland, Wm. p. Gordon of Albemarle. Lucas P. Thompson of Am herst, and Dr. Thomas Massie, Jr. of Nel son. ; District of King George, Westmoreland, Northumberland Richmond, Lancaster, Stafford and Prince William. V m. A. G. Dade of Prince William (one of the Judges of the General Court,) Ellison Currie of Lancaster, Jhn Taliaferro of King George (Member of Congress,) and Fleming Bates of Northumberland. District of Matthews, Middlesex Acco mack, Northampton and Gloucester. Thos R. oynes of Accomack, Thomas M: Bay lejr of Accomack, Dr. Calvin H. Read of Northampton, and Abel P. Upshur of Northampton (one of the -Judges of the General Court.) j I The reader will perceive! from tfietpfeJ vcaiiu- DiKiuK, mat tne tJonvention will cmDr cearaongitsmetnberesides ra laturc.-"or tioWf mVtbe' walxs ofpriVata lite, seerat tnat nave Deen;,or arc now high in officer-Messrs Madison and Moti fpe;(two of the ExPresidenta of . the 8.) the present Governor of the Common Wealth (ilri Giles,) theL,Chief Justice. of the U.iS (Mr. Marshall,) '(ourof ther StateJudgep, iz :GreenoTf; the; Court of : Appeals, land: DadeSummer'and Vp huT of the General CburtMessrsTaze vyrell and Tyler (Senatora:or the II and the following members of the House of Representatives of the it; Btates, viz : Messrs Alexander. Trezvant, P;" P. Bare bour, Mercer, RoaneVDWUnge. Jofia if J Illllli FOURTH OK JULY., 4 T the request of a number of the xUizens-of Raleigb, a public meeting is called on to morrow evening (Friday) at 5 o'clock.at the, Court-House, for the; purpose of making i.sUita ble Arrangements for the Celebration 6L our NiUoial In.lofteii li ice. : v J. GALKS, Intendatit of Police. Thursday, June 18. To the Freemen of Nash, Franklin, Warden, and Granville. ' . . " FfLLOW-ClTIZXXS, - Having but lately yielded, to the solicitations of at least a very respectable, poj-tion of you, itiiecornsrs my duty to offer you an apology, why I now declare I am no longer a Candidate for Congress. Those who were op posed to my election, have no claims for an .apo logy but to my friends 1 shall ever feel that weight of obligation and gratitude, which their unsolicited support must h tve necessarily pro duced in my bosom, and which nothing short of duties imperative in their nature could have in duced me to disregard. To my friends, there fore, I acknowledge a debt of gratitude, which j sliall be paid at any time hereafter when I mav be able to serve'them, without, ru:n to myself and family.' v. During the past week, being Court, I ascer tained my, liability for a considerable amount, as ecurit on a guardian bond, entered into seve rd years since,- . My co security having failed, the principal in the bond being dad, and his property nearly exhausted, t must necessarily' alone make good ail deficiencies. To do this I roust content uvself with the humble and pro fitable vocation of a Schoolmaster. It affords me siime satisfaction, however, that it Is not im , probable, that in this humble, but not ignobh Cidling, I may be quite as serviceable to myself and useful to my friends, as in the more exalted character of Member of Congress. Unpleasant as must have ibeen the first information of my situation, and from a quarter too I so little ex pected, it was miich augmented from my in creased and increasing prospects of success. Y shall therefore; devote my time and talents to the Superintendance of Midway Academy." i C. A. HILL, A. M. June 13, 1829. . NOTICE. " ! WAS taken up and committed to the Jail of this county, on the-?d of March last, a negro man supposed to TT)e a Slave, who calls himself S AMUEL WILKINS, and says that he wasbound an apprentice to Wm. Mosely, of Norfolk, Va. and that he ran a way from the said Mosely before his term of apprenticeship had ex pired. - The said negro ha been in tUs county j o or o years, and has pissed during that time as a free nvm ; he is about 24 years" of age, 5 feet, 4 or 5 inches high, -and coal black. " The owner of said negro is requested to come forward, prove property and pay charges, or he Will be deait; with as the law directs. 1, ; JAMES PALMER, Jailor. Windsor, Hertie county, June 9. i Price adv. $7. 85-(n1 011 SALE! 7 I WISH to sell the place within a mile of Hills borough, m which 1 now reside. There are 203 acrs, about one half cleared, ten acres of Meadow land and the balance in wood. Tlie improvements are all'new, '..and finished in the test manner they consist of a Dwelling House, .Containing -eight rooms with fire places, besides passages, closets,. &c. a large llarn and Stables, and other necessary Outhouses. There are se veral never filling Springs of'the best water on tlu- tract, and a large and well selected fruit Orchard. i . I will sell this property on-the most liberal terms- either for money on easy credits -or will exchange it for Negroes or Western hinds. A p plic'atidi 1 jis'-y J?e made by letter to the sub scribe r, at Iiillj&orougli. , ' ; ' ''" W. ANDERSON. N ov. 15. 2) eotf Pomona Academy. T"1TE this day! examined the ScholHrs Porno H iu Academ, under tlte superintendance bf Mr. James 11. Wilkes. It p;ive.s us pleasnr t state, that the pupils generally did-Weil, and that the greatQf.' part djd themse'lves'much cre dit. The , Examination Was conucied by the Trustees. Thel progress made by many of the Students was remarkable. In Spetiing, Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, ije four great points of a gooil education, the performances were Vr ry satiHf'actory. I With Geography and Englis!i Grammar there was a familiarity not often mani fested by children. The clashes in the Langua ges trauslated handsomely, and an u- common degree of attention must have been paid to their grammars to have made them so ready and ac- curate in falsing. i nm isprcssions made on our minds by this examination, we feel justified in savin, that Sir. Wilkes i a Teacher deserv ing much encouragement, both 'on accoiuit of bis talems and attention to his-school. Newton Wood, Esq. B. Bodd-e, M I). r Maj. A. H. Hopkins,, John Ligon, Esq. Uev. TUos. Pi llun, Henry Potter, hi.-j. Rev. A. Il..rifieid, H. W. Montague, M.D. Maj. C. ,J.. Hinton, 'trustees. ' Col. ALLEN' ROGERS, President. ' S'ETII JONEis, Secretary. . -SO- ; Seth JoifKs informs the public that be t wil ling to receive few Boarders in his family."' life resides within 200 yar ts of the Academy. The situation is veryhaUhy. His -family number between forty and fiJti , "and there has not "been a death, nor a uase of bilious fever in it for 10 or, 12 years. ; j " . - :; - .. Price ofRoard, fire ddlas a month. Tuition for,Enlish.Sl2 For 4he Languages and Sciences $2$ per atutuou , . f Tfte Exercises: of the School will recommence on the 15th instant, atul close on the 25th De cember, 1829. ' y s - - v Pomona is fourteea;miles N. East pf5RaIeil0 and within two ikules of Rowles Store' Post Of fice. . -r - - -x, 1 JuneS, 18295 -. ' - & JA3IES GORDON Si iTATELy a Commission Merebntin Plymouth. iLhas renovel toorfblk, Vifjrinianrf Will 7'- a 1 tiaasact anv Hustricsa tti-t t;.w care, wnn ;e greatest attcntten aud die : Hillsborouch A rnE, Exammauoixwill take nlar .J tJ;iandrTaedaythest and 2d dv - 1c TbeiExercisei will beiresuraed ou Tj. iaH ;rMsyt3.-y sj' r S - rritl ; ;i;'v WANTED IN Sin Apothecary toreC a Young Man u v JL" im:rat-cuueiiu anu-writes a eoori ft 1 Enouire of WILLIAMS & h a vWt1 T Haleigh;-MaylV. ' -ffb '(;Ti Meeting of the Stockholders of the ear-Navuatio!t Company, holdn a Y1 euevuic, on uietouin aiay isi, vas r. l f ri... .. .v.. i.?.,,! -r ... v . 'WI Stock ,;origiivaUy subscribetl, for, ana on mount expended byl'the. Board uf Internal t , , .. ..r . -,: . r I U-5B.-I Wilmington and-Favetteydle, be and the j T t.'.i .lilt J." ...ii v .i . v J July uex, at' my office in Favettevilie . NOTICE. jt 1HE Subscriber b-ving q diSed as A ! jratQTtojMe :Ttte.pf Mrs;.ifah 3 hetfpyfjriy 0l- Kitate, to pfest nt their eljvims. fur pav ment Wilt we pieaticr.iit u &. recovery. f rAltKEif KAND, A-W May 21, 1829. 7 - NOTICE. RS.SAR AUGLlEENNING.le of Gn lfX-yille.couiyormeH in liaUu has lately clietl iiiteftate.IarrVfh.er next of k reside at a dirt ahce fr and l c hereby tvrfify all'.peoojis concerned, itmt vt ik expiration of two years from Ihe 1st May, l&J as prescribed hy la w I shall Hie' ready and l laig to settle the aidKKsUte.---iTiie Aduiinistr, tiipn ojf sW; Jtatewnatbeh'ibmnttrted ton. by thelCotmty fmrttof Xifanville Count v in M 1329. - . . :. " ' vi will attend toall pommunications (603 td wiucn may oe aaaressr f 1 ne at icalcin, k. """-"': v lRKKlf AND, A.lm'r "Wake county,321st $lay l29.r 74 61a mi toi june 6. Dismal Sic citnp Canal Lottcri f 60 No. Lotteryg drawn ballots, SCHEME. ; r ... 1 Prize of g25,0 10 Prizes of S$5fr: do tlo lib do IU, cto 402 10 do 1 51 31 do da- 10 so lO ;do do so'sO's, epM Whole Tickets $10, lalvesf 5, guarterst2 $Q, " "E'nrh Tickets and jShares in grea variety of lua; numbers mav be badUt . W . . T YATES & I'lNTYRE'S Office, .11 Richmond, M May 23, 1829, 75 State of N brthGaToliria k ; Surry Cotrntyw May Sessions, 1829. tj Mitchell Thompson Jabez Johnson , Admr, N this case- it appealing to the satisfa6tion A the Court that Joseph Payne,? Walter, and M wite Susannah pavtie, Edward Ilawks, and m wife Sally, and Eltphalet. Uendal and his wife Martha, ..heirs at law of Stephen Payne, decft reside out of this State. ' Ordered by the Cotrt that publication be bade six weeks in the lit eigh RegisteriT for fhernto appear and make .themselves parties, otherwise judgment pro conl (esso will be taken as td,ther atAugHSt TernJ ; Teste, , JOHN WRIGHT, C. C. C State of North-.Caronna, imooWSuntyi Superi6f(piif Law-4.pril eriD, 1829. ... ; D tf..i Jas; Holland's heirs & deviseesSJ Cate a Gra9t IT appearing to the satisfaction of -the Cour, that ihe Defendants in this case, to Wit. ja$. Holland, jr. - Rhodes and Cynthia, his ifc, lierkins and Jiophia, his wife, heirs and de visees of James Holland anoT-- Holland, wi dow of the s:iid James Hollmd, are inhabitant" of another State, so that the ordinary" process of law; cannot be se -ved on them, it is omen d that publication be madev:Jfpr three months succes stvely in the RaJcicrh Register, that the id Ue- 1 fendauis be and aoriear at the next Siinerlof Cpurt of Law to he. held for this county, at he Court-house irt Wynesville on ihe'second Wd uesd y after the fourth Monday in - September next, then and there tii:pJetdausveT'ip.demui: to the Phimiffs petitionj or judgment 'jrv cun ftsin will t.e entered against them s Witness, John B'.'Loye, IJlerk if s4ut Courts Office, the second Wednesday .after" :ilie lour'Ji Moudav in March, 3829. -- 'j 73 2m JOHN B. LOvC. S. C. NOTICE. AT the Court of Pleaslandj Quarter Sessions, held for the Cwntxpf Wayne, on the thrJ Monday in February- last,' the "undersigned ob tained Inters prAdnijnaUratWn on the Estate of John Jln imin, deCeasetL ' . ' ' ' - - For trie information of all concerned, he availi hims- If cf this method of stating, that the Essate of Mr. Meirimanis entirely insolvent, as toe smMl amount of jift$erty which he left has beta cons i(ii4rd iu thepameijt pf funeral: cliarges and other unavoidable expences incident to his last sickness: ;yt. will therefore be impossible for tar underkgned to discharge any other claims may be held aaiost'die sai i dee'd. ; ED WIN UARNE5 Wayir&boroV June 3.--.-- 80 3t Xey and Cheap Cash Siort;. 7ILLIAM C TUCKERtukes pleasure announcinir to hlvTrtcntts and the Diuiii- geuernL tliat tie has jdstcturued from Nc' York, and 'is now, receiving and opening !i' SPUING GOODS, which logcdier with his fo -mer Stock will make 'his avwhment very plete His -agnmet;wiUrK(iipme alino -rery arucle; ofJDry po-lrocerie 'in t MercantHefMsVuss Airof'WhicH he porch ed TorkX brina paUy for cah, and .,' course wiirjbe lable t sellthem on as good ter as- any- liotieiu the place. Amung his goids a very large and elegant coileciion of Fancy C licoe-f, Ginghan Mulm SiJks, Laees ; Su -merCjM'tbiijgf lmctfeeryiescriptiob ; di e aiito. Gentlemen's S hoes and Gloves. A !: H!oI6gne I Water llacassar Oil, Hair Powd Fa.tcy Scaps,c&ci4- ; t lie respectfully invites bis friends and custs- v mers to call and examine' his Codd as he 4 i trs himself that thev will suit both fii price - quality, kmlliccordingly secure a share oft 15,000 10,000 ;oori 4,90 Pl,090 J L in J arst into the oat ona I trearttouir 1 di stinjmisneri citiy cnt i n iW ?AA t 1 igaished citizen 1n:4kg;$4'te';Lss; jjatronage. ' - m . Ualeigbv May 1118297 ' , 72 4 Worfolk, Va. May SO, 1829. 78 3t i gence. ' ' -... . J --r- ;;; -U . v ''-

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