1 ' ? 4 . 1 Ir '"gss,, ' fMtnzvolmi .Yocien.-A special me eung the day a Jeuer' was received jroni me v e nave nearu or irame omiumgs pros- t Ciinperoroi jvussia na pruc.aimeu tffiVri rift vWfV5Sf4: ohheiNoVth-CafoIina Baptist' Benevo Hon;-Nathari Dane of Beverly; Vng a tratedof 'chimneys; broken!2 ownand his resution ta Jiaye Ets coronation FRIDAY, 3TO?g:19,.:ty&.', AXetter frora.CBARLps'Ar Hi lo' the Freemen of the 5tK Copdessicinal , District, appears in to-daj's nei 1 -which it'will be 8een that: be ll faxrn himtelf aV7a Candidate ft 'Con iress in consequence, of, the excltliye at- : i tentionrwhich hi pn i vate; anairs ;amana ,,'fpnm ninl. . Henderson ol lincoiruyiN iiu vYjuiiiiD. .''"'Hewkell of PenipBjlvanift;'hIvef o)tW j Count court wceuc , . , ' ' ' iitlernd 7mpren,are;gratifi ' ed to perceive,tf attheassocfation, form I cl in this City last .Win terror Uhe rpurv throughout the bfate, Dy. spreauing inror ation amongst; tne peupic, uiu; w tu, be attended' with the mos beneficial con-, tequences. vln several counties they havej it a ;nrfa and aDDOinteu cuaimiuees Ttd communicate with the Central Com-, I ' tnittee, thereby producing nion orsenti lament and concentration of action. i Sonil , of tlcse proceedings appear toiay, and; in our next we nope: to give the very abjfe address of the Orange county Commit tee - " ' " ' : The Postmaster General has isssuedia circulaprohibiting Postmasters from busing their privileges. If any letter eat ceed half an ounce in .weight to or from a ' Ordfm?itpr- nnstap-e must be Daid on the excess'; fivery printed handbill and cir cular! to be charged with letter postage. Alln every ihstah'ce where a Postmaster: is - discovered exceeding his . frank, Or re ceivinrhandbilisi &c; to be distributed; f the cassis to be; reported to thedepart tnent, that he;'maj be deprived of the wineatvs of repeating the abuse." He di rects that no effort shail be remitted, "no dignity of station" shall deter them ; but , a thkifthey shall use every means to detect ; frautis"and never fail to enfbrce the pen- i Reform is travelling South In the f f county of Loudon in Virginia, which gave & majority for Mr. Adams, two Postmas ters have been removed, from VVaterford and Union, to give room, to two Jackso- mans. 1 " . ' Alexander Grahamy of Eas ton, Maryland, has been removed from the Post Office in that town, andJ.B. Green, Editor of the Whig, appointed in his place Daniel Small has been appointed Post master at York, Pennsylvania, vice Tho- mas Gratlij removed. : : s When we call to mind, the vast num ber of Editors and others who have been rewarded by General'fcAsow, for their exertions in his behalf, and for this reason only, how pitiful do all the charges ap pear, which have been reiterated for the last four years against Messrs Adams and Clay?. V ' .v- ; :' We mentioned in our last, that the 3d indictment preferred against Dr. Tobias Watkins,had been dismissed by theCircuit Court of lhe District of Columbia, on the grorthd tif its insufficiency. We see from the . Washington papers, that another bill has been found against him by the Grand Jury, on a charge of falsely and fraudu- I lently altering an, abstract of an account, No one (says Plato) ever pretends to make shoes, without having served an apprenticeship to the business of shoe tnaking. "Vet, says that great. Philoso pher, no 'ma.tr appears to despair of his talents in the art of government, though he has never applied his thoughts to that most thfficult of all arts, till the instant in which he commences his nice and dif ficult occupation. H ; Advantages of Public Executions. In nntirincr tlit rpc.eht execution of n vmmcr o - - ,-- j-rmm& man by the name of Partridge, the En glish papers observe : "The wretched youth was one who influenced by curiosi ty travelled eleven, miles in August last, to see the execution rof Conler. Little did he or his friends, then think that he would so short! yvsuffer for the diabolical cnme;of Aurer?.Vr ' ' When-dbnationf S'10,bOcrby Mr. Done, towards the establishment of a Law Professorship at Harvard, was "announced at the recent installation of Mr. Quincy, as President, jthe Mayorbf Boston, Mr. Otis exclaimed, Non timeoV-Dan ads dona. tVientes." 3 V( Tlit end 6fthe:Zaw. A. Canadian pa per contains six columns of - ad vertise ments of-sales by the Sheriff, concluded ith the Coroner's notice :of the sale of gotfd'S'ofvtlra Sheriff! Saturday last vi We urid crstand that thi society was organzeu at ureenvuie, jriu couhfy, inFebruary last,'f6r,thei purpose of supplying destitute places in this State withrpreachefs of the Gospel of the-Bap tist persuasion.' 7 'The "following are,- the names-of the principal officers : -o ,v. Her. lvV. Dowd, Prfndent.Js " f. , Rev. WmP. Biddle, r : i ; " , v. ; f Rev Wjn. ,H. Jordan,:C ri(&Pjsu&hts, " fRev;T Meredith; Y;:5 V ' r BroF.; p: Lawrence Corresponding Sic?y. - Bro. Rcddii, Blount, Ilecer ding. Secretary. CrBmrtfenry AustinTrcflrrorm .C r , vnopg other, proceedings at this meet ingwe'jearn . that a Constitution fciraux iliafy ocieties and a . commission and letterroC instructions' for preachers under the patronage of the Society, were adopt- ed.wZiirfeo Ft, Press. , . Dismal Swamp CanuL As this work is'an object of interest abroad as well as at home, we publish the following state- voccala ft from the l5th to the 29jh uI t say two wee ks, averaging two a dayi independent Of. those which did not Stop at this port.? ivwust be allowed that, under all cir canistances, this is pretty fair for a be- ghg-?:.;L- I& lighters loaded with 3 and 2 feet Shingles and Staves" : : IS.rafta of Timher and Spars 5 Schrs. and 2 Sloops bound from Norfolk to Edenton , 1 Sloopro7n Elizabeth City 2 Sloops and 1 Sqhooner for Elizabeth City ; .ju ,ScJi ioonejrs for Beaufort c . 2, Sloops and 1 Schooner or Currituck 3 SchooiiersroW Weldon. 2 do. for Weldon. ; Problem on silk. Suppose the streets ofiJur town set with mulberry trees, in stead of elms and pride of China, and that one half of the families in t6wn rais- ' eu each 100.000 si k worms Vhaf would the product be worth ? Suppose each farmer in the State set one acrein mulberry , trees, and raised nereirom the silk worms. VVhat would hproduct be worth? If the .trees were provided, how much silk might be made by the occupants of our root, nouse ? JStwb. Sped. Despatch.-rtrhe Trader, Capt. HalLar rived in .Plymouth, N. C. on the morning i)Mhe-otn inst. having; left New-York on Sunday the 31st ult. It has been but 16 days sirtce she left Plymouth, with a cargo of corn and cotton, 5 days of which was spent in going:, 5. do, returning and 6 days in port. We learn that Cabt. H. ex pected (o complete loading and Sail again on tne sth. such desoatch is certain v - j verV creditable to Capt. H. and, should be an nicenlive lor others to do likewise. I Edenton Gaz. Vnmralleled Sailiner! The bricTomo- 1 j o o a, Capt. Maxwell, arrived at this port n Tuesday last from Mosquito, (East lorida,) with a load ot timber for the' avy Yard, Gosportt The Tomoka ghed anchor at Mosquito on Fndan ie 5th inst. at 11 o'clock, and took a pi lot on board at the same hour on the fol lowing Mondays being then in sight of (Cape Henry ; and having run a distance j)f one thousand miies in precisely three days, averaging 14 miles an hour. The wind, during the most' of the passage was from the Eastward. If the fact were not wdl attested,! we confess we should be at a loss "how to credit it : but it admits of nO doubt. Capt. M. supposed he must have been' favored by an uncommonly strong current in the Gulph Stream, for it is not possible that any vessel ever built or capable of being built, could per form the same task depending on her sails alone -ior. neraia President Jackson lately removed Gen eral Timothy Upham from the office of Collector of Portsmouth, New-Hampshire. The People have appointed General Up ham to be a representative in the Legisla ture now in session at Concord, by nearly an unaminous vote. The leaders of the Jackson party appeared on the ground ear ly, but found themselves so weak that they left the polls without a struggle. NaL Int. Harvard University. The Inaugura tion of the Hon. Jftsiuli Quincev, L. L. D. as President of the Harvard University, took place on the 2d inst. in the Meeting House at Cambridge. The house was crowded We never remember to have seen a more numerous collection of ladies and gentlemen. There was not the in discriminate crowd incidental to a com mencement, but there was something far more satisfactory to every lover of learn inii, and well-wisher of our College. There was a general congress of the Lit erati, from far and near The perfor mances were, a prayer by the Rev Dr. Porter, an address and induction in Lat in. by His Excellency Governor. Lincoln, a reply in Latin by President Quincy, a Latin oration by Charles S.-Storrow of the Senior class, an oration in English by Wnu Newell, A. M, the inaugural discourse bv the President, a concluding prayer by the Rev. Dr. Ware, together with appropriate music. All these perfor mances were able and peculiarly adapted jto the occasion. After these, a sumptu ous dinner was provided in Commons Hall. for the constituted authorities, mas ters of arts', and invited guests- In. the evening, the , doors of the President , were thrown open for the exchange of congrat ulations oTliis friends, and the friendstof the University- After this, the College Duuamgs were illuminated through(uitat- ording one of the most brilliant specta- ces nnagmaoie tneenect was"f sucn as ;iuauie : xne eweci was;, sucn as description To the course of to baffle TrofessnrsW id the. University. JHyas sjrtiQunced by JudgeStoryiatlthe'r dinner ibe.-Cqlurr$ ion SentiheL . The Knoxvillel lUgisteri relates . that, on -the 9thT Jesse ? Ilhnt,; Hancock Smithndess&Sulleris bjeihg together, at a house;on Cumberland I jnoun f ainin White county,' Ten. the two latter affectt ed to fallinutand fight.4 - Hunt attempted to par,tthem ; whn4they assaulted and killed him, afterwards:: makings their - es cape The next day, in the same, coun ty Frederick Coot wasiTnurdered by his son Hiram, who was taken and ' Committed- . , ; 1 ' f" - Rail Roads -A committee of the legis lature of Massachusetts qhrTliursday last reported a bill to authorizejthe construc tion of a railroad from-Boston'to the wes tern line of the State, and another from' Boston to Providence or the navigable waters of Taunton river S The. bill au thorises a capital -. stock of SS,300,000 for the firstiiand of S360,060 for the sec ond of these enterprises, i in shares of 100, the Commonwealth to subscribe for one third part of each stock, i under the provisions of tHei-bill, he remaining two thirds to be taken by individuals and corporations. Bolt Pat New-York June 3. Yesterday afternoon DrjScUdder fur nished Mr. Graham, who is well known in this city as he Blind Poet, with a pair of artificial eyes Mr. Ghas been en tirely bund for many yearsp The opera tion of setting was performed in a few! moments. Mr. Graham says he experi-! ences no inconvenience or pain They appear perfectly natural, and move in the same manner as 'ht man. eyes, and to tYie observer cannot be distinguished from them. , This is the second attempt Dr. S. has made of putting in a pair. He states, however, that he has put- in five hundred and fifty single, eyes, some of which have been worn six years, and all with perfect ease and comfort. , A novel incident , in legislation is pre sented in the followins j statement of facts : The House of Representatives of Connecticut, a Tew days ago, passed a bill for the incorporation of a iBank in Mid dlesex county, by a vote of 92 to 85, and sent it to the Senate, for concurrence. r . i g. , . in tne atternoon, a committee was ap pointed to wait on the Senate, with a re quest that the bill be returntd, which was done. The bill was then reconsidered in the House, and negatived by a vote of 112 to 78. Nat. Intel. The Philadelphia N. Gazjette states, that a solemn thanksgiving took place in the Church of St. Augustine 6f that city, on Sunday last, on account of the recent E mancipation of the Catholics of G. Britain. Service of the most impressive kind was, celebrated, arid a discourse pronounced by the Rev. Mr. Hughes, withja degree of feel ing and eloquence, worthybf the occasion. The music was uuusunllyjrich, in conse quence oi the addition otjvariou3 instru ' i ... 1 1 i e L l mtnt;L as wp as vorjil nrrormpr frt thp .T ; . .... tiuiii , wiiu gr t ucw ciiaracicr iu mc or dinary music of the Sabbath ; and execu ed that Sfme selected piecef in a manner, afforded universal pleasure. 1 he church was thronged to excess. . Gratuitous Advertising We find the following modest request j appended to a long advertisement in thel Halifax Miner- Va 1 I (Tj The Editdrs of the Raleigh Star, Fayette ville Observer, Newbern Senjtinel, Wilmington Recorder, and Elizabeth City Star, will confer a favor on the cause'of science by giving the fore-i going advertisemeirt two or thVee insertions. The cause of science will confer a favor on the Editor by sending! hi in a S5 note wh'n the Advertisement sail have a place. We make it a rule to disregard all appli cations for gratuitous advertising,! except for a ch iiitable purpose ; bnd especially in this case we cannot think of departing irom our rule. The labourer is worthy of his hire. In the course of; the year, we see hundreds of advertisements with s-uch a request attached to themand they gener ally find a place in many papers through out tin? country, which jeids to another I -i "i : it- . i it ami anonier application. rnnirs snoum set their faces a'gainst sucfi impositions on their good nature. Eay. 0b s. Death by Lightning.--Qn a day of last week, Mr. Green McKep, living a short distance from Annstro'ngts Ford, in Lin- coin County N. C. was killed by light uing, and Messrs. AndreAv and Mathew Armstrong, being not far distant, were se verely injured. Mr.Mcli.ee died instan taneously. Mr. Andrews Armstrong had his hair ringed off, and the skin of his face crisped audit is problematical whether he will recover from the effects of the burn. The. electric fluid descjeniied in a yard where they were or had een coiisulting respecting an old lady, (name not known) whom, on their returning from their labour perhaps driven in by the auu they found dead on the floor, although they had only left her some short time previous. J Yorkville Advocate JTashingtont June 829. We were visited by a severe thunder storm on Sunday evening,, which, altho' of very short duration, was productive of great mischief. The wricks of the pop larswhich line Pennsylvania Avenue are mcotintered ateyeryrstep 5 and jthe o)d 'k',irhlb,; sinc' khc forfest occupied the site of our. city, has. remained a. solitary 1 ungerer nni wesv-icpnEinjiapirqi was Strickland riven by fthe ligntning - 1 ' ' : -' . " a. C 'a f t . .. - lingerer inLae wesirpniji ine, jyapitoii jury to anr human rBeinvf orYitta6ljvod tnents"durin2;thc etrenieYioIeTrceo I gust, Ave, had serious apprehensltinsof virmuch-irtoredisastrous, tensivethan any;of ichr;: wei have yet Mr Jonathan ElSHojtcnTamiiw on shore at NeW-York,' on iFnday morning abou 7f o'clock, fronvthe steanr boat-San dnVy, froni Albany, was? robbed. of his T l Book,. which contained . between Jive -ttsix thausmid'(wilars. 'Te money a , i i J r i -r -. . . . was nanaea to mm at Anenango;roint, Broome con n t r, to be d el ivered . to su n- dry merchants in the city. Mr Hoy t discovered that his pocHet'was picked before hejiad got 20 rods from v,tlie4 boat Ihe left skirt of bis coat was icut into the pocket, - with a sharp knife-of. scissors, from whence the pocket-book vas takeri He offers a. reward of 'five hundred rdofc lars . for je jcecWeryof t!ief-p.bney Steambf ?as?ra!ties.Vhi numbtif t steaiijlMJuie ins, during the present seasonTfias been almost unparalleled, from what causes we are not able to de termine. The following is the most com plete list of losses and damages, that we have been able to procure ; " The ColuitiKus-near the mouth of the Ohio ; boa and cargo entirely lost. The Illinois between the mouth of the .-Ohio and St. Louis. Boat and cargo entirely lost.:! The Pilot in the Mississippi, above the mouih of the Ohio. The Mon'ezuma a few miles below Helena. Boat and the greater part of the cargo, entirely lost. The Decatur entirely lost. The Muskingum lost on Red River, The Natchez at the mouth of False River. The Belle Creole entirely lost. Ths Hercules H"un down bv a brig below New-Orleans, and entirely lost. The General Carroll recently run in contact with the Diana arid sunk in fifteen minutes ; hundred mile? below Louisville. Boat and caro, entirely lost. ; The catalogue of partial losses is too extensive for detailed account. Some of the most serious are, the Talma, Hibernia. Patriot, Brandywine, Florida. The Talma was discovered to be on fire, with one hundred and fifty kegs of powder on board of her. She was scuttled and sunk be fore the flames reached it. Since raised. LATEST FROM EUROPE. New-York. June 12. The packet ship Pacific, from Liver pool ; arrived last evening, bringiog us LLondon dates to the loth olt. Their tenor as regards the disturbances in the manufacturing districts, is more satisfactory , the chief discontents being appeased, or, at any rate, restrained m their manifestation. The war in the East is prosecuted with vigor on both sides. In Ihe Archipelago the Rusians are extending the effects of their blockade of the Dardanelles, which may, peradventure, give onencje to En gland; although if any reliance is to be l"v.cu i mun ncuuuuii in mc au imui UT ui r. . - . V e jvioromg Journal, the King is indis posed to take any part whatsoever against Russia. The Duke de L val Montmorency ha declined the appointment of Minister of foreign affairs in France M. de St. Priest is now the man most talked of for the station. ; The Liverpool Chronicle of the 16th My thus remarks upon the state of the finances of England : f It.is little less than insulting to the country, to find, at a period of distress such as this, that the public burtheris are. not to be reduced, that the Chancellor treats the starving industry of the country wun an opinion uiai ine misery tney en dure is but a passing cloud," and the compla cent hope that prosperity will return." ' Be of ffood cheer," says the encouaging Counsel lor, your dangers wilt pass away; pay your taxes cheertully, ana your bappv days will re turn." That this language should be held by Mr. Goulbourn does not surprise us the calibre ot that gentleman's mind does not enable him to act differently rbut it does surprise us, that the Duke of Wellington cannot find some man who is more able and more intelligent, who rna v meet the difficulties of the nation with sagacity proportionate lo those difficulties, and with firm ness to oppose and to eniorce those decisive measures, which ate competent to our relief The Duke cannot " expect to hold England by military force such a proceeding is out of the question, yet, assuredly, if Parliament separate without applying some remedy lor the-distress. the manufacturing district must be controlled by a large and an effective army. 'ITie result of this would be a total stoppage of what little trade remains. , We cannot for a moment believe that the country does not contain men of sound views and experience, as Statesmen, who are aware of the actual condition of the nation, and who are competent to guide us in the difficulties by which we are unhappily surrounded. On these men the public eye will, at no distant period, be turned." "The debate on the budget is of very great interest. The address of the Chancellor con tains an admission ot distress, and, as usual with official gentlemen, abundance of promise and of hope. The speeches' of Messrs. Hume and Harvey contain home truth strongly expressed, which would be attributed to the par ty views by which the statements of these gen tlemen are tinged,' if they were not amply cor roborated by the closing paragraph of Mr. Hus kisson's address. Mr. HusLisson speaks of the possibility of a political change, which may de mand increased vigilance and power; and he urges the Chancellor to prepare for it, lest the Bank, in such circumstances, ahould be unable, to manage the financial a&airs of 'the state with out a Bank Kestriciioo Act, which if once passed this experienced statesman asserts wtll not be repealed for a longperiod of years, f". . Mrr 0'Connell ; of: the 1 6th contains the proQeidtrigs of the House of Commons the oSy fbrefIr; 0?Con- nelvraescted taken 1 his "seat under the provisions of the Catholic Re- I -nt " ' 1 jl '. .. ' . i U ? . ir l net uui, ana ,a veq great in consequenceeititedf I net jdhi, ana ,a ver great sensauon ;wa that tbp Empress shalt participate in the thenar pleser ker the latter saiifi thatlhejcburse propose 'Jr was one in which he'co'uld not" concur CAfter iSrayersi "the Speaker Taaid-f-' If are aiiv, persons vto be is worn, vletVv , r come ;the: tableiMrS ' ? V companied by Jk)rds:Ebringt6n" and IMn- jcannon, when a xonversationtoofc place Awith the. Clerk concerning e'paperi vC tendered bv.Mr ; 0'QoiftelI, -and;he oath : which had-been. repeated by the lateacf After conferring with tne jCflerk arid Spea-s.-! the4entlemehl6 "takeHKe oaths -red uiredv ' atrtbepeWd of his election; vand "Jo.'tha wayprescnuejKA Aoa tnen uirecnu vut? f; member to withdraw j. .".:'V- "v c:"Mr:.0?C: - then- withdrew, and' Sir.V.-j,- Sitoittrnpnei rose, ami saia mat tne genut- ,r'. casesj called At House ad iournedtill Monday; -to afford time for considering the subject; .Great excitement appeared the ijtinsei FayettevWeJfarket,-Mioni a .f'l.V, Baling, yard, 20 a 24; Bacon -5 1 a tv Candles, mould, 14. ' Coffee; IS a 16. " m6u&$4 a425'i jron S5 50 a 6r5K .t Lard: 6 - Lime, 82 50 a. 3. Molasses " r 32 a 33; Survcommon "S9, " primei 8 i 1 . Salt; Lyefpoql 75 a rSO. , ; Steel American, 8 a 9. f Tobacco, tIleaf, i S3. Ap. Brandy 40' a f 45.; vWlusker, 25. Wheat, 85 a.90. vj;; ' ' V.' U. S. Bmk "oitesl a i percent pre miu m. Observer. r fr - ' DIED. At Charlotte T Cr It. - Va. Miss ' Louisa; Jane Hamner, aged 16, youngest sister of th ifcev.' : James C. Hamner. i - . Of a tulm6hary , consumotion.. on aboard theiVSi ivli3ain9ip vij nig i unr ufiu ut nu?? Philadelphia in the 23d year oChis' agev MrJ f" Koss, it will be remembered, rescued Miss Coop,?- er, of Delaware, from drowning In the Schuylkill, rf; in August or Sept. last, for which heroieact he -'fyX received the deep au hearttelt aclcnowledge- ments of Miss Cooper, and htr father personallyi i 1:1 as well s through the . medium of the public pa- pers. His immersion on that occasion, together-1 ' with his having returned home, a, distance of, more than six miles, without changing his clothes ? i- created the disease of which he has tallen a vie- tim. Immediately -after the performance or that , 5 meritorious act, ne compininea 01 tnose symp--v tonis which indicate ind precede pulmonary': rr 111 ww 1 m, r r . 1 - - , t -r.. . . , tjij.j - !,- In Roxbury, Mass; Gen. HenryJJearborn,' aged. 78 years and 3 months. After a vrrll spent life' T-4 devoted to the service of his country, fie-bas V."' ' been gathered to hU fathers,' full of years, hpn- S f 6rs and good wbrkfcl' V. ' : ' " Z- ' !'?tj' f EEJiSONS'XvtsiUht-oiurcQAse'rractg.pub.' r r; lished by the Atnerican Tradt Society j 'are? V"- informed thu they canvpbUin1,Tract$ at theak.,' 2; ,,f rent, Society's prices at the. Depository sbf the tions, so that none need be atraid ot, meeting with anv sentiment unfriendly, to pure religion. Applicadohs irt person, or by letters p?8t paid,: vvjII hi nrrtmntlv atlpndfl tn hv'lV v--.- North-Carolina Tract Society tn Raleigh pnee 10 cents for 100 pages. - vrU p"j'ui'; , . These Tracts are published hyt a Committee j consisting 'of Christi4rA?or.ddtcrent dendmia'--"' " i i j ' j , ' j, w -:i , p.w. DOffii;.or'i' , v; th. p. iiuNiv-ji - ,:V May 30, 1829. , , . ,77 lm . ,; Uuiversity Bank, Stock. '-yi'uH iJ of the'Caoital Stock of the Bnlc of Can.:, Fear, belonging to the Trustees ot the university; -of North-Carolina, hive never been in ray pos session as their Treasurer, and are believed to have been lost or mislaid. . Notice 1 therefore hereby given, that at the expiration oft three months frool the day of the date hereof, applies tion wilt be made to the iresideut and D'rrectorf of said Bank, in the name and on behalf of the said Trustees, for a Duplicate Cettiicate of said Thirty Shares. CHAS. MANLY, ' Treasurer Board of Trustees. Raleigh, 30th April, 1829. 1 Wake Cou n ty. - , :v-'. ; ; Court ot Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ;. M May Term, A. D. 1829. Original AttaeVt." I levied on a House & - Vfm. Peck, as Agent, I Lot in. the city of Ra. K; J I . ; Daniel Peclf.V. with divers persons J sumra'nd as GarnV. FT appearing:, to, the salisfiction' of the Court. ML that the Defendant, Daniel Peck is not an, inhabitant of this State r It is ordered, tiut4ub 1 cat ion be made fu the Raleigh Kegister for six weeks, giving notice the aaid DiniettPeck, that he appear at the. Court of: Pleas and Quar ter Sessions, to be held For:tbl-County and State aforesaid, at the Court-house in llaleigh, on the 3d Monday 'in Augustnext.c.tln ami there replevy: and plead to issue; r judgment final will be rendered up.against ,him,' nd the property levied on cortdemned.vjubject to the Plaintiff's recovery VVltnesVBenia."ii. King, Clerk of said Courtat office in ? Raleigh, the 3d Monday in May, 1829. V- " .. r ' : BENJ. 3.. KING, Clerk. For SaK or. Rent,5 ; IH AT Valuable stand onFayetteyilie Street, recently, occupied asaGrocerylyAllen Sims, and formerly by 3ohTvFvGoneke,as a Pon fectionary Stores AppIy;to Raleigh 20th May M RS. JOHN HAYWOOD resnemfuUv aw- iTJL nounces tothetPubJic.that she is prepared to accommodate Travellersr--Gmtlemen c their Families- Boarders by the day, week, month' or year Sct.ool .children forby lerigthlof tiine.W ner, nouw is suuaieu k in uie immeaiaj c icmiij. v of the Capitol, heBn);ve'9;. : naries m-:XJctmrig.Thttt highly cultivated Gajdeij afeahediti'lier ruiouis ac spavxuu uu ury. ouc .jtasuto k the who roayTbxincTTht that.no eiceio.shali MrsiH4hasslia gbod Stable wmcti shaU be well supplied with provender; for "Horses, and careiui usucr u aucuu iucuss - Prices as "iaodjate aa the of any Boardiflg- hAmiklii thcitv. ' U- - ''v ' : 1 - T it- 1 .t 1" ,. t i- t- .v v .-6-. -i .1 '-.u." . 1 W It s 'Jf 'Z, ' ' An-:-. ' . . .... r-f a rf-. v "5 -

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