4 mv, . uff 0 AY.' JUNB29. MM? ' VTdmeet the new'; arrangement of kthe .f.S ni will be in future; dated , -the tend of Tucsdav "GOp-.. ft J ' The Committee appointed to make'ar ranentkftw the celebration pf tWap: pnacWns - anniversary, of Independence, jnVe contracted with Capt Guiojs-of the Tl H 'tt,-t0 fyrn'h thc Dlnn?r't ' The C;.eVf" t!,c t(bvn country arc res- pVcifoltyi -84 I The Declaration of Independence will J. HAYWOOD...- j "V i 1 Kr f " sr ft - J V ' :- 1 IL': iij llW 11 M i ' Zl -lilLbS this county. t6 M Susan Leaoh;. X .l -T TTTr-f-1 , : - . v - - ' r. , . - ' - .f t1--v A' J n tn vicinity of Fayettevjlfei on tte;i8tUjnst-5 GASbSTTIL 1 ' ' - - - ' Confectioner, to Mis&CatUafine'A. Sha, dgli-2- , - . , 7 ! V. , ' " .1 In,OranjreLCountvCoo"tli"e lllh inkf. .Mr.-Vm. ? - -. - W. Guess tn MisFrance,&Law3..4lM,.6n the,?. ; s. . ' ' . " -'"i 14th insfMVWVAppleloMnslncellictK t. . -.. ' -InSalrin;17inibe-,lIfh'iat.' by.Mie' Itev.Mn v AND NORTH-CAROLINA f.';: ,r;i; J f; , ' - V Ours are the pUns of fair, delightful peace,' ,;; " r'ri v V i.Uwarp'd by party jre, to liwi like brothers.' ,- j r PiMislud every Thursday, 6y JOSEPH GALES fyJSON, at Three Dollars per annum half in advance. v AO VEUTISEMKNrs not.exceeding sixteen lines neatly inserted 3 times for a Dollar, & twenty-five cents for every succeeding publication. VOL. XXIX THURSDAY, JULY 21829 . therwiU oe a uncen -inline vfl"lu, 0f lad(lv's hints, resigned, to avoid beine ' hrowmir. sand on it : the sand adhered ant the 8pLttle became dry, r -rxj-" - u-u mi wnen no trace o! life str;iaiur ' 7?eorm.5 George IL Brent to be bonk, and when some time aftr, he ex tuv Collector 6f;the Customs for the Port of ined it, it was found that the siyjia! mtp of rhe eead by JJoctor Vabius-Jv- riAYWooD., AiPTnn,ir:n:, in . the- t'aceof ' Hiimnhrev noteva ehlirel v'in visible. "Tfee fraud nr.. , Wf are gratinedlntating Peake- Mr- Peake having received. oneUUM U writing the name witlittle and I.- J.I v..! 1 1 n c? fir Ti! 1 r It 1 11 mi no f I (iro,'icJi wiii w w!!ciu;yjii.uM..H. turned out Oil on the occasion., ijua will prove an 'freeiOi' Jl'"'lr--' . ;,( .itaimiu vi i i icn uayn nillLC) 11 x Jl Itviliuo M. vtt I V SCPtU hv &ndattrxl an opportutmy 10 tne iauie recently of uxrortt in this state, was re- "The Rowan Bible Societyi we under f nafticipatmgf in the celebration. moved by President Jackson, from his Of j -tand, have it in contemplation to furnish . hce ol SUDerintendantot the Patent UM every lanuiy in me c uinTy, mcn is nor The late Jlnniuil Commencement of our u i ,ufl already supplied,' with a Biblfc. Jt is es- r.n'iiprvji: -AVe learn from a Visiter that , .. -. ., timated that there are oOO Families in, tne more emineniiv Guaaueu xuan auv wmci .. r .1 tt 1 ; - . . " 1 cou 111 v uesiituie i xne noiyt scriptures. lnaividuai in tne country, nis successm Yadkin Journal. is Mr. Jon D. Craig of Baltimore The he Exercises at the late Anniversary Commencement, were well sustained by parents were oh a visit at a friends where the accident happeneil ;the chiiir was discovered in, the dinins-room, " having a saucer contaiiiing the poisonous composi tion in its hands, and appeared to; have been drihki'.i of its? contents ; a short time after she was taken' violently sick. and died bn the evening of the 'same dav, notwithstanding every means were adop ted to counteract tlieieffects of the pois 1. - - .1 .hUamiam i'aI 41ia I nllAiM AnI 1 tncyoun-genucu. m.. . National ntelHeencer in noticing the fact Mr. Clay, in a speech recently deliy sat.actorytotnc irusieesanu tne of i., removal, expressed particular re- ered to a large concourse o his fellow- arse, ana respcciapie.auuience wno at- . , n UovaUan . v- f:m citizens at Jexinjrton made this memo- fended- ; , : , . ; . I . , r raoie declaration .ot an onicer," . f - N. . - iJ- IT T IIU rTllOl UIIIIIUIII'll III UVIfT'IIIIIIVllllIlfl . 5 On.Mon'dav and TiiAdaV evening se- . v " : " ' " X T ? he. " under the government cl.mng v . ivnirn sppms m navR ?nne lortn. Jii liik i i j ..., th irm-.. . . ' rk ri' - i i 1 ji ri" -4 uig ias-. t ycaia, cmini" huh luctm ifiaitu lrt.f flMtinn wprp tiAlivprpil in thp l:n. i . . ' r. t .. . I. . " -v . ,lv , I day succeeniti"; the remarks ot the Intel- last, was removed from orace on the ac pel by competitors selected irom weju- r the followins Card from Dr- count of political sentiments.' What an nior, aophomore and freshman Classes, tnn.e fn thn FfUthrQ -.nnprpd honorable contrast to the course pursued and on Wednesday evening by the Re- - ' . . . T by the present Administration, during the ncantafltM nfiKf. fvvnT i . prji r v 9ioTpt 1 p. -"' -v . Tour months which it has Deen in exis- presentatives olthe two Literary Societies- ge :-You will oblige me by allowing Lpnrn A nrntirr:nt:nn nnnUil.l.,l The uration 01 rroiessor nooper Detore fi v" ..mi, . J e , of jesnot m. with Der- V 5 . . "f- : pre-sion which your notice respecting- my re-J vc" V" uepiHiiu, wiui per- (he two Societies pn vyedncsUay, accord- mov:ti from tle patent Office arDears to me like- haps two exceptions, has marked its brief ' . . .. ... .v : . 1 . . '- s ly to make at ahstuncf. It is altogether mne-1 possession ot power : virtue and talents, cessary for tne to state the circumstances! which nnr mihlic sprvirps. Rpvnlntihnarvrlaimc l.nl n lti aMA Ahnnfi,. a. r ( t 3 ttapillf vanlitlii? I 3 - - - . in to previous appointment, is spoken of as a chaste and elegant production. He had selected for his subject "the present condition and future prospects of our 'Country" and showed hi nrsclf to be a tieep and severe thinker, as' well as a pro found and eloquent rhetorician. The O ratioif is to be publisjied under the patro- ntge of the Dialectic Society, and from 'the. "character we have had of it, will be read with interest by every American. ' Tiie following is the Order of Exercises observed on' Thursday, tlie day of Com 1npcemcnt, by the Senior Class : ' . ' V -' ' y, "r . ' xTont.-SOOJs. 1. "lrayer by the J' resident. , "'2. Ille gal ufHtryvOration in Latin. Franklin 1 Smith, Mecklenburg. 3. Honorary Orutiqn on Natural Philosophy. Joh"n P. Brown, Wilmington. 4. Honorary Oration on Geology. Sidney X. Johnston. Lincoln. , . "5. A Forensic Dispute. Onght daughters to receive as complete an education as sons Burum V. Craig, Jiowan. Osmond F. Long, Riivdolph ' . 6. Honorary Oration on Ethics. -David M. Lees, Mecklenburg. 7. A'lorensic Dispute. ." Is the present con dition of North -Carolina to be, ascribed to mural or physical causes .'".lames E. Kerr, Roivan. JaTiiv-s A. Johnson, Lincoln. A FTF.lt It 0O 5. 8. Honorary Oration in French. Modern Li terature. Ittchard'M. shepherd, Newbern 9. r'A Forensic Dispute. Would the inde- hendence of Greece prove beneficial to Europe in meneral ?" Thus. XV. BulanV, Onslow. YVm. li tton, Warrm. 1U. A Forensic Dispute. Will the French Revolution, in the agreate of its effects, pre sent a beneficial influence on the destinies of mankind M Riifus A. Yancy, Caswell. Philip W. A f st on, EfJenton. 11. Valedictory' Oration. -Richard Wail, line hi right 1 m. . r 12. PicMdeni'j Address to the Graduates. 13. legrecscnf'etTed. 14. Keport of the Examination. 15. Prayer by' the President., and honorable wounds, have; alike been marked kindness, I consented to, Oe trafisterred and of ch0ice, proscribed w mmish to the Bureau of Consular Correspondence,!! the u . n r, Department of State, which office I no lipid, exercising it ; in short, all vho die Cmrse of the erpIo$i(m.i The dead e 1 no talcs," and we woultl charitably hope thc explosion was, as tisualfy termed, ac cidental. Kt!t the following circuinstan ces wliich we have learned necessarily excite suspicion. A sailor by the name of Jack Han nan, a desperate wretch, ; had been for some days under guard; charged witn rouoing a trunK uelonging to one of Shultz, Mr. John S. Mickey to Miss Gertraut K. Y V., in aiuK.es countv, un tire Aim msu alt jouu Huffto Miss Mirths Hiclcs- : V4 At Bethania-"l)r." George F . Wilson Miss Henrietta Sophia, daughter of the late juhn H. ilauser,'iEq. . . . , - ;' In Iturke county, fr. Eli ShaforitoMiss Eve-. line Collins, daugMer of CoL BricevColliOvd V In Chenwvpn the 3d in-X. Dr.Ci Etlerbe tof fc Miss Elizabeth oMre daughter of ' Mr.: Thomas 1 At Old Town Creek, in Brunswick County, oqV the oth mst. Mst Esther Poitevent, wife ,of Jofm . Poitevent, aged 39 years, Mrs, Po:tevent -was p. Iwlv of deep and soKd piety She embraced reVi iitnon at aw .eajyjjeiio f, ana "uveu.iaitq.uijserr,, " A vant of God, a member of the Methodist Church . f i tHl shedied. V. ? K! .'V- I' ? . i mjf last, Mr. V ilham W. Ballarxr, merchant leav a wife and two younst cjfelhirin xr- . ilh Salisbury. on; the Jiust. ; of consumption Miss Sarah IJicfeey! iife-ilst year of her age. I Mecklenburg; coimtyv n'the 21st ult.' WH faui Wallace, Est), h useftil"ihd higldy respecr tame citizen, 5, 1 G ALS .6?. SON haye ju st publish ed , the ' r ' -; ' " " lleports of .Cases argued and detrminedtr : tX in tne'Stipreme Court oftNorth Carolina, at Des.4v v cetnber Ternpi, 1823 BvThomis p.' I)sTXiiBirx:' v C.i the midshipmen. The Cbnfmodore had 'OTl'lndex ofnbejyolli'can be-iad bji vV during; the forenoon satisfactorily asceW PJ ' ' " " . 4 tained that Jack wasi guilty, and had in- mL-1; - ' - r: formed him that as his time of service hail MAN AGER OFFICE l- &2 iust expired, he could not be'puhished in : &v ' - '-'Siirclitnorid Yk? S the Navy Yard, but would be handed o; ver to the civil authority, and that per- -khl ifc- t : c 1 J7MV V it manitest tnat it was unconnected wsun anv od-i ,. ... . i , 1 . iections to me personally. After a free conver- Misregarneii ; hoary-headed veterans, who Tsat"nn with the President and with the Secreta-1 fought and bled to obtain that freedom ry of State, by each of whom 1 was treated with which is our boast.- freedom of oninion marked kindness, I consented to be transferred an(i nf rhnicp. nroxrriheJnnA mminhpilfnr I not think that Andrew Jackson was better qualified for the Presidency than John Q. Adams, have been thrown), as it were, out of the pale of citizenship Such has a- been the course of President! Jackson; & odious as it is, how much mre so does it appoar, when compared witlj the conduct of Mr. Adams, during the frtur years he was in omce. l ne contrast; is in tne highest degree honorable to that much a- bused and calumniated statesman and patriot ; and well may his friends glory in tne support wnicii tneygave mm. : : Ibid- ,4,000.;: (I '. I 4, I am, very cheerfully, Your obedient servant, , THOMAS P. JONES. Washington, June 16. Most of the Editors devoted, to the pre sent Administration, have very eagerly published the above, for the purpose of showing, that the removal of Dr Jones had been made the cause of complaint a gainst the President unjustly. We were confident, on the first glance of the Doc tor's note, that there -was more in it, than met the eye. We haye seen a gentleman within a few days, from Washington, who has explained to us the apparent mystery. He says, that soon after Mr. Van Buren's induction to the Secretaryship of State, he gave the most positive assurance to Dr. Jones, that he should not be dismis sed With this pledge, he remained sa tisfied, having no fears of being turned ry, anu mat per haps his punishment would be imprison ment in the state prison for life. Lieut Breckenbridge was the officer of. the dav, and when he permitted the magazine to be opened, adopted the usual precautions of placing a centryl &c. and expressly charged, the gimner to be very careful. But unhappily Jack Hannan was allowed to accompany hiin. his hopes of liberty being bl asted, perhaps i n despai r he blew WhdleTicketssgHayes S2' ; up me rugaie- ters Kl 25. - ' Providential Escape. A Mrs. , Alont- j A package of 15 Whole, which is compelled j I - 45 Klimber-i-o Drawn Ballots.' . To belrawni5Ui July 1 i 4 1,000 besides others oi tt5UU.rK2UU. ucsvlc , - i' r S2,950 of the S4000 pa"rd in Albany City tots. ... gomery. On board the frigate Fulton, and to draw $30, may be had for $75 Thp seventh annual Convocation of the urand Koyal Arch Chapter iA the State ti North Carolina, was held injthis place on the 23d and 24ih inst., when the fol lowing Officers were elected! for the ensu ing year: I M. E. Robert 'Strunge, G. II. P Fayetteville. K. Junr'H Jyorcnm, D. G. H. P. Edenton. K. M L. H'iggim G K. Hilifax. just before the explosion, retired to her lammock; being muJch fatigued by wash ing. Although siie was very near the magazine, she was not injured, but only frightened and detained prisoner until the timbers above her were cut. The following anecdote has been told us whether correct or not we do not know : At the time of the dreadful ex plosion ot the steam frigate Fulton, an English sailor was on board, who had joined the navy a few days previous Y hen the vessel was blown up, he was thrown with others, some distance in the air, but fell in the water and received no harm When he touched the element he sunk, but soon arose again, and the mo ment his head was out of , the water he exclaimed with great sangfroid, There, I knew it, I knew it ; I was sure the Yankee powder would'nt hurt we" Send vour orders to ' YATES &.M'INfVRE,v; Richmond, Va. . Vi T i. MANAGERS' OFFICE. ' - . ' . Drawing ot the Grand, Canal, No. 15. : 16 7 1953--46 5 ir." Union CanaK N6 6 . 25 10 37--40 59 52 17--56 1 YATES & MTNTYRE. V - - " , V Great luck and prompt payment at t Hew-' son's. Offices? Petersburg r , DRA WINjS OF THE . . -M. Dismal Swamp 'CanaV Lottery, 0th class. v v No?. 38. 39. 42. 40. 5.' 43. 58. 19. ,17 V.. J?pt. TiTr Tiito r: ft W;trTi'inTtnn . lit1 M v mix.. -.J IHMMIL Hll out, unxii the edict went lorth. Mr. Van m. E. Jos. R Llovd. G. Tr. Taiboromrh Buren was not consulted as to his rrmn- M. E. Ed. Ji. Frecmtm, O. See'v. Halifax. - I T T. i Tt' r. ni rf . L ( y r i I oum trurnacct v. vyiinij. ii ai o'iiouko. Tin, w.v, caccutmj H.K. .Anson Jiaily, 11. M. Fayetteville. tified that if had taken place, his positive M.,E. Esck Jmold, G. Lect. Fayetteville. nrotnise to ht rnntmrv .nnf withet.inriimr. I 1 he next I .oiivncatmn Will b? hold at J C 1 fW I I. . I 1 ft . nn laroorougn, on ine oi une iau. 7ijttirtfr Dit'! nil olvrll- 4 li r !nrinnc(? 4 rv n I 1 n ir rl-h!s.ti 4-1-. 1 t Doctor was transferred to the ISureau ol Accident.- Several perstms were hurt. Consular Correspondence, which step I one or two of ihcm'sevcrelyV on Tuesdav N. Y. Bv. Jour. No. 38, 39, 42, a Capital Prize of f 25,000," ' 5, 40, 43, do 15,000,,-; l V 17,19,58, xo ; 10,000;. T- 17, 43, 58, ' do 5;000rf J iy lO AJ - -. A ' ? ' So. 17. 19. 58, which draw the handsome Capital of 1 0,000 D ( i L L A RS, - , v. was sold at Hewson's Office to a young gentle-. man residing ii Petersburg, and who receive4 y '.21 secmsto: have pleased all parties. There is no doubt that he was removed, and would have remained so, but for the in terposition of Mr. Van Buren This dis- niipiwaiiuu iun viiuill OCv-llin llll 111 I lie Senatus Jlcademxcus conferred his life, to have lost si"-ht. of his. dne.trino upon th-e foregoing Graduates; the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, and also upon the following young gentlemenv Alumni of the last, by the fall of some of he timbers of the west land end of Clarendon Bridge, in n-pairing which, a number pf hands were engaged. We understand jthat the defec tive part will be replaced St the Bridge be again passable in the coursj of a few days. ! Ibid. of Ship Building. Capt. Vandusen, of Philadelphia, is now building at Lamp non-committal." Liberty of the Press. hnKniDA speak- belton. a schooner of 1001 terns burthen. University, the.; Honorary Degree of Mas-! inS in the British Parliament, of the re- He expects to launch herf in August and sistiess innuence ot a free Press, said, to descend the river upon some ot the Give to Ministers a corrunt House of freshets, usual at that seafon of the year I ff il. iL ... C Ml . Commons ffive them a nliant . nml n Spp. iF Ine 1 ,ver ,s mg'l inen' fe put up 1 i . ttr of Arts, viz : , Matthias K. Man'y," of Newbcrn ; Archibald flilc'.ii-isi, of Kobeson county; Haul M. Dairinger, of Cuban us ; Victor M. Murphey, Sam. Stewart, YVm. E. AndciM)!!, Samuel L. flolt, of Orange. Tiie Degree of Doctor of Divinity 'was j als coiiferrcd upon the ReY. John M. Wil son, of Mecklenburg, and the Rev. John Robitison, of Cabarrus.. In!' mactc liotoif flit wnlur urill Tirf rit - a y JT I " t t IIVl lllll.iLd nv,i 1 HIV " OfVl Mill iivt vile House otr Lords-give them the key . :t w:, ri,, her & rlut un her masts of the Treasury, and the patronage of the at Wilmington. This will be the first Crown : and give me thc Liberty of the rigged vessel ever buiitupiin the Cape Fear Pppss : and with this mirrhi',, tna-lnp T river, above the head or t?de water, and f t O I . . il . r a. L ! 0 i. will overthrow the. fahrir nf rnrrontlnn neiv5 me progress oi enrpr.xe. v,api - w a -t.sv'car The fourtli demurrer to the indictment preferred against Mr Watkins, has been sustaine1. The Grand Jury havefound another, being the fifth. There is a rumor brought by a vessel from Gibraltar, of the death of the Queen of Spain' It wants confirmation. The Silas Richards a rrived at N. York, brings papers to the 24th. The manu facturing districts jin England still suffer severelv. Mr. O'Connell was not ad- tnitted to his seat Tn the House of Com mons, and a new writ had issued for Clare. It is decided he could only be admitted to his: seat after taking the oath of supremacy. This he declined saying when at his request that oath was shown to him, " there is one assertion in this oath which l do not know to be true; there another in it which I believe not to be true. I cannot, therefore, take this oath." VoniliTcon 12 n ontprnnamff h i ii.Km1 rl pi Mill! I'SIMIIIISII UHIIil ll l'llins nn-hrc I . . , . . . ,i i ThP wholn . orrnkion i imdnr3tnn.l f a . ' . and in his opinion, tne materials lor snip- . . . . w , v. i v ,.i. ii ii. im r i-i .i. .... . "... .. .. ? i. . 1 . C I' " I UU 1 111 llJil, I il LIII.T V IV. I 111 1 J , Mil l- VI I ill I V- A V, V. ' .ft 'f me vyaw jor ins prize m jive minute? aiierxiie -r ::- v . Drawing was receired. f,' i,' No5Fl9. 40, a Capital Prize of VX;V tify : 1 -f4, f ... ': : Six Hundred Dollar. " t" . . "' 'J in the same Lottery, was sold to a gentlernarrin ! the Cotintrv. ' J- e-;--"V Such instances of good luck anil -firampl irV ment" ought to be a sufficient inducement to altV . V:! those who stand in , n$ed of assistance to, call or ' , .. . . . . - . ' ... it senu ineir oraers to f ortune's iiome,-tne .1 '1. m ' 1 k -. v.f V. asyium lor tne roor ana jveeay."? v 03" Orders for Tickets in all iheV legally lau: tnonsea lotteries win meet with prompt attention v v w ; " ana ine arawmg sent wiieremrectea- aauressto -zi i t v; 13. VV. HKWSMN'.,f Lucky Office, Petersburg;, MORE PRIZES ' " For Sale! atHewsori?s? Office; HIGHEST PHIZ R. Union Canal Lotteinfo' JfQj f ' U .1 I III 1 .!!--. 1 -I.. . -if;- . iy uc uijiwiuii ruuaueipau oirjuiy. v scheme: . , Prize of 810,000, L , " : 5,uoo, , - . have; been uncommonly brilliant and in teresting ; We hope to see our University, now one of tfVejmost distinguished in the Union, become more and more an object of soli citude and State pride, and on each r'e turning Cdmmencemcht a place of fashi onable resort. The following Trustees attended : . .. .. .-1, - : . - r . His Kxcfdlencyfjohn Owen -President, Kev. llr. Jrs. lldell.Ur. S. J. linker, Fred. Nasli, T'q. John p. Ilawkins, Ksq.Col. lVni. Uibards, :i.uiles Manly, Ksq John SCott, lisq. .bs. Me-. 1 nte, Ksq. Or. Jas.! S.trtmitli, Arcn, Mciirvue, i sq. Dr. J ames ?V ebb, Kiev. Dr. Win. Mclee vrs, and KevJjno. tWnher spoon. j;.": . ' A ' The Hill nborouh Record er annotinces atnanicl J? Palmer X Urange, .as a.can idate to reres?rkthisT4i8tricf:In' Con- manner, said Dr. Chalmers, in his speech lent quality. N. C. Journal. at a late public meeting in Scotland, on the Catholic Question, ' Give the Catho- lic of Ireland their emancipation ; give tliem a seat in the Parliament of their country ; give them a free and equal par We have been informed, that on the 18th instant there was a thunder storm at Smithviile. the duration oj" which has not been mentioned to us, but which it is stat ed, produced 'a most tragical .termination ticipatiori in the politics of the realm r n,e ,4?e ot a mechanic named assmv give them a place at the right ear of Majes- w , .. theFviJcinit of gmiHiville. But i. . I 1 1 ." 1 ! - . . ess; . ty, ano a voice in ins councils anu give me thefree circulation of tlie Bible, and with this mighty engine. I will overthrow the tyranny ot Antichrist, and establish the. fair and original form of .Christianity' on its ruin '1 , ' It is reported that Gen. Lafayette has ordered so. much of his Florida Lauds sold, as will pay the ilebtsof.Mr. Monroe.-' l i Fraud. TheAlbany )aiy Advertiser wwic ri:nei a -singular, piece'ofj. roguery WinsloWW;tayVt ;y?htc: was played, iff e w dajsince tip- AnsoivUantylateVn'i a ,nan V1 ' . It;?P?ers;;nc ii...'.' ' man gavt ahother a ooie for a sutnf mo- i - - 1--- "... ney. The note was placed il .pocket few of the circumstances connected with this event have been communicated to us. We can therefore state in brief only that fie unfortunate man appear to have been struck twice. One streanf the fluid, en tered his mouth and opening his bowels, discharged itself on his rih tf hip anoth er, struck on his nose and discharged it selfon his left hip We bear that he has left a family, which must have increased great ly the' sensations occasioned by his instan taneous and awful death. 1 P ; fPilrnington KecorderS SONG j By T. H. Baily, Esquire. I. Oh! no we never mention her! her name is nev er heard ; My lips are now forbid to speak, that once fa miliar word ; . . From sport to sport they hurry me, to banish my regret ; 4 , And when they win a smile from me, they think that I forget. It. ? Distressing. L little daughter tf ? Mr. Jesse Banner, of tbis county, aged about 1 Z rritan Ithsl?.. came 'to an u itt n-elye nd on the :6th-instv by partaking of a poisonous liquid prepared for destroying flies. The They bid me seek in change of scene, tlie charms that others see ; . But were I in a- foreign land they'd find no change in me ; Ti' true that 1 behold the valley where we met I do not ee the hawthorn tree ; but how can I forget. III. For oh 1 0ere are so many things recall the past to me, ' - The breeze upon the sunny hdU the billows of tiie sea ; . , "" ' v The rosy tint that decks the sky before the sun " is set 1 - - " ' - $V- i - 1 " " A ve, every leaf I looar tipen ierbius me to lorgei. They tell me she is happyiow,; thejfesof They hint that she forgets jnegnow, dui neea Tint what thpv V r l. '2r - ' - Like me perhaps shelstruggles wjth; feet ng qi regret - But it shelores as 1 have, loved she never can fnrovt 1 1 1 10 10 id 20 30 t ... do do do do do do do do Be Wh 1 nnn . ,.,Vvw, . 1,000,' w 500, . ,sf)0, v , 200, 100, .7 I 'V - 1 side? many of 80, 605040, Sic i.Qcl ) v Vhele'f ickets S5. Sha'res'in pnmurtioW' I " s For sale at the fortunate and prompt pay Of- ' - ; ficeof rf B.vy. HEWSON; ' .U1 ; The Cash will be paitl at sight for all Prizes. ' . N. B. Adveiviurers; sending, onkf. may ;feeL , i sured thev will meet with prompt attention and v : 1.?' -L- : 1 . 4 . " . ' : assuret at all times when orders come too late for invest ment, the, amount Will be' subjecttq their order, -C1 and Tickets sent in any ot her Scheme.: ' . s Direct to . , U. WJIKvySON. X, Petersbiu-g; June 29,1829. 7 Petersburg..- State of North-Caroiinavv -J . ?Len H. Hare and wife, .' , 5 Edo-ard GrifiW Silas Itermett, Adm'r cif Johai ' . . . Luten and Li'ike Itcws. V: , . - IT sppeanagttAithe'satisfiction; of the Court' "-C "v: that LukVBoianota'rc&'identoftl.isSute -v'V?'-- else iudement proconlesso will bejatca agamst him 5 and tnat puDucaiicw. n . "rtr- , , for three month iti the -SV V " For salo at-tlds '. 'i i

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