V f IS. i trfv i! MnecdofeM the, close VritfoWaplu ?V caVsketch'of;Vm. Pal eV,:.D.:jrf.; append -V? v AND NCRTH-CAROLmA GAZETTE. 1 .rf before the Court are closed, md tb. Ours are the plans of fair, Seliirhtful peace.' ,, I fc I 'v . 4 Unwarp'd by part rage, to live like brothers n 0.u." t ud of Bladen, has receiv- I; , ; Published every Thursday, bf JOSEPH GdLES fr , SON, at Three Dollars per annumhatf in advance; r ' ' he spent thetwii firtt yearsoT-his iundJer,:,,: graduateship ihtlof ently and Jiapptl v, iu t ; unprpfitablyi He;kept sopietywhichwaV 'V nritLimmoraf' mi iIU 'atvnVYi-L' s AOVEUTISEMENTS not exceeding sixteen fines neatly inserted 3 times fori a' Dollar, & twent -five cents for eVcry SuceedinpubiicaLtt en tie was-awakened one wmormn&'atnVvr v YQLrXXIX THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1829., T ' , s fill to Uie . md6leiif;ib provinf taHhew '1) r S 1 ' . V tioncati goin breakiri ,6Tr fnclotefi t'hW' " bits and eMabhshiuffthose-onindutrrj; in their stead; He, elates the anecdote ? himself and of fhimseifc'.V H) n:on. saiwi ,r . . edGouat;,Coiifttonce: We are quesied to stlfi Thomax ,ent this coantj, in the House of Conj- :. v :V; re mentioned ay few days since, the Vise of a-child who swallowed' a spponful 0r Aquafortis (not Assafoetida as was prin ted) which had been carelessly left with mifs reach Hopes were entertained of its recovery; but it tlied on Thursday last. A letter to the -Editors, from Burke county states that therejs a Gold Mine, tvithin 15 miles of Mprganton, owned by the Messrs. Carsons & Co. from whicli they have dug, in the course of three or four months, though "worked in a loose manner, at ine iowcsi csmuaic ovruv. - : . yj ; ; Rcfdrrn. " Another instance of pro scription has occurred in this State. Jas. AS Knight, Postmaster at Statesville, Ire Jell county, has been reformed out of of fice. He was ,a friend to the late Admi nistration, and that Avas crime enough ' Col- Richard Allen has been appointed, TImte'd States Law Agent in Florida, vice Samuel Brent, removed; ; Ralph Higginbotham of Maryland, has been appointed Consular Commercial A gent fi.r the United States, for the Islands of St. Christophers and' Antigua. ' .-oo-. - ; ; Mr. Clay. On the 4th July, an appro priate compliment was paid Mr. Clay, at a manufacturing village in the west part of Scituate, Mass- The village is the seat of a large Comb Manufactory The fol lowing was the most interesting part of the celebration. General Whi taker, one of the principal owner's of the Factory and the founder of the village, presided at the table. After the cloth was removed, he addressed the Cornnany as follows : Gentlemen -This little village which within the Inst year has come into existence, lias never yf t been honored with a name. At the . request of its inhabitants I now name -it CLAYVILLK, in honor of the great statesman of the West, Henry Clai. By .this'name it will hereafter be desig nated. ' ;,. . ' The public services '.re ndered by Mr. Clay enhlle him to all the honors we can bestow.- Mr. Clay is among the tew individuals that have lived not alone for themselves, but for their country and posterity. The noblo institutions which his talents and patriotism have established v. ill forever remain monuments of his and his country's glory. , ; , At this eventful period of onr National history, New-England is anxiously looking to Mr. Clay. t.s the Arrarat of safety. In 4imes past he has bf en our best friend. We owe him a debt of gratitude which has been increasing for the last twenty years. Without detaining you longer, I now propose, The Health of Mr. Clay May his country duly appreciate his talents and public services, and elevate hirn to the highest station in the gift of a free and independent people -see- The Toasts drank' throughout the Coun try on our late Anniversary, do not vary materially from the usual sentiments on such occasions, unless perhaps they '-present fewer indications of political excite ment. For this reason we have trans jered none 'of them to our Columns ; but the following form so brilliant an excep tion to the usual stale flat and unprofi table" effusions", that we must'give them, after premising that they were drank at a Public Dinner in Lynch bu rg, Va. U JHcj. Mran 77. North : William T. Harry, the present Postmaster General, has greatly . as-tom-hed his poViUcal opponenisjand agreeably surprised his friends, -by his ab)e and judicious management ami arrangement y of the mails. l or, when lie w as appointed to the office, which had been so ably conducted by his predecessor, his friends did not expect that he would be able 't nvike any considerable improvements al tiimigli they had the greatest confidence Ina bility and integrity, rllut, how does it happen '' at he has retarded th arrival of the mail' in tins .place several hours, when, in, every other t of the county we have heard from,' he has expedited it very considerably ? Is it because 'here is more Adams people in this town than in any other of the same size in the world ? liy the rttte. Removulrfrom office; t lie coa lition prints, aided by their great champion Hen ry Clay, with'his imeuIrjes, put una most pite ous Itowling aiid gmwnng at every removal, and say he was tumediOih without any fault except liis political "pinions, although jit' newspaper ac counts be correct, the government has been niched out pfjnviny thousandf dollars, though :.ey were appointed by Washington and Jeffcr n, which t$rpfo'd.f'"1ijslUve- that they had been "t umce, mue.tpo;wiong. New olhcers n.alie 'nvich the best, ,- attentive businessdik- and ac commodating public ' servants. The old adi'e a new broomsweeps clean.' . Extract from theuMinutes of the ro- Two persons have, been convicted at Manchester, England of stealing, si loaf or two of bread, whilst in a starvincori- dition, and sentencedeaQh to six. months i m prison men t at hard Jabor I Av thousand refinements of. argument may be, brought to prove, that thje practice of honesty will stilULe the same, in the most trying and necessitous circumstances. He who ne ver was an hungered, may argue finely ton the subjection of his appetite and tie; who never was distressed, may harangue as beautifully on the power of principle. Bu t poverty, like grief, has -an incurable deaf ness which never hears 5 and nature never produced a man who would starve in a well stored larder, because the provisions were not his own. We never heard of a niore' felicitous use of the argiimentiimaclhSmhem than was addressed by an American to the ce lebrated Doctor Johnson. At an interview which Doctor Ving-had with him in En gland, about the commencement of the Revolutionary war, the latter observed Why, what do you know in America ? You have no books." Oh pardon me, sir," said Dr. Ewing in a compliment not less elegant than just, " we have just pub lished an edition of the Rambler." . It is needless to say, that the Ursus Major of British literature was propitiated by this flattering evidence , of our discrimination and intelligence. . " -&Se- . Counterfeiting on a small scale. The public are advised to be on their guard a gaiust recfivir.g altered. North Carolina Treasury ;Note, which have obtained con siderable.' cirt illation here. The altera tion is effected by tearing a corner from a 75 cent bill, 'and the opposite corner frotn another bill and the words " Seventy Five Cents" from the body of another; and fix ing all these upon ihe body ofk5; cent bill which is thus converted into 75 cents, while the tbreealtercd bills do not.pass the less readily for want of the small part la ken from each. . We understand there is reason to believe that there is a manufac tory, uf these precious articles in this town, wnere it is supposed the business is car- netl on to some extent Should the re: quisite proof be obtained of his. profil ciency, the Uw will be happy to patronize the proprietor, by providing him with l.od- ruy. (Jus. inirs. with unfadins laurels, for achieving a greater victory than the Duke of Well ington eyer dreamt of : i From the New York Mercantile Advertiser. . i?MOTor. There is a rumor, (we know not on what authority',) th.ut preparations are making for an arrangement with Great Jlrjtain on a basis of extended commercial reciprocity ; ami that a'ta. rifT onlmports will be agreed upon between that Government and the U. States, which will meet the approbation of both, it is said the British Mfinister at Washington approves of the project, and that a special miss. on to Eftgland is on foot, for the purpose of completing the arrang ements. ' William Cobbett says, hq and his familv of 12 persons (including laborers) have lived at his farmhouse more than a year, without wine, spirits, sugAr, tea, coffee, or any thing not producedjin England No doctor or apothecary, has crossed hik threshold j'and he offers to betlOO that there are not under any six roofs any 12 persons with . so many square inches of icu upuu me cneeKs," as ip nis lamily. He adds, 44 if people wilf not restrain themselves from those indulgencies which cause sickness, sick they will be, & sfck they ought to be." veedings of the Second Quarterly Meeting ('onFereacii:af. ( hurch, i n Fayetteville, held on Monday, July 13, 1829 Crr;p;0) r' '--.; XVhyeas we have viewed with deep regret, 1he oraHzing1 effecs of senefmg men to Con .jrvew or the 8tategis!ature;jbpTar4..-eitfaeT temperate men, or, who treaty oemplpy others 'do so, fpr clectianeering purposes we as a J-tnlyr That we to? n ot vote for menwhom l: '!""v to be of this descfijption, andfequest v f Vretcherj tofrecommencl the privatcbem s ot the Church -to follow ur example. A True copy, it . , f CHARLES BETTS, Piest. ' ''tt Uosr Astc'y. 1 ! Forgery. We were nt aware that in any part of this country forgery was pun ishable with death "until we sa w iu a late Camden (S. C.) Journal, a letter from Gov. Miller, ot that State, commuting the sen tence of death which had been passed up on Wm. Hiimin convicted of forgery, at the List Court in Kershaw District, S C. for the punishment of - whipping The Governor gives ;is ihe reason f.-r this com mutatinn, the youth and ignorance of the culprit, wild the small extent of the public injury. Hut says, that forgery, in its m..rr aggr..vati'ii loruis, may well be reirded as meriting the behest" punishment. " We beg leave fo dissent from this opinion , and we suspect that the law. in every other M.ite, is equally at Variance with tlt'rtt (if S. Carolina. In our own State, the first of fence is punishable ov fine, imprisonment, pillory, and whipping ; and the second as is the second conviction fur horsestealing, punishable with death. A repetition of either crime is considered as exhibiting such a hardened and corrupt heart as to justify taking the life of the criminal. But this is by most persons considered a punishment greatly divpropor'tioned even to that . ft'enge. The law of South Carolina is probably the KngliU statute, continued without alteration since the Revolution it is evidently the practice of that Govern ment strictly to enforce that law. and oar- don almost any crime in preference to that of forgery. Uut her sanguinary criminal coue is not mucn autuireu in this country. , ibid. From the National Intelligencer. A strange" rumor has just floated to the surface of the tide of public gossip, that the Ministers of his Majesty George the iv V( with the aid 01 our Minister to En gland) are abdut to make a Tariff of Du ties on Imports for the United States ! Such is the plain English of the 4rumor" The thing is absolutely incredible, far ex eeeding any absurdity that has ever been conceived of under the the wildest notions of preform.!?. We. hope that the story is altogether a hoax, thouerh it is mveh-tthp world from a very 'respectable "source. It is added to the rumor, that h ish Minister at Washington approves of F 1 V .TJ . v; uwuui oi lt t now ,-u ""erciai, ana manor facturmg, nd fiscal interests bevbetter promotea, than by a tariff to s rf hV treaty, such as the Government of Great oruain win approve of ? IfMr. VauBiah nas persuaded the Ad ministration' in to any such m easu re, is country will build him stntnoc nf-,;Li 1 - vw vi jjviu, auu crowc mm lFoodbury(N.J.)JulyS. Weheanl, a few days since, of the most horrible instance "of intemperance and death that has come tinder our ob: servation since we commenced our ca reer as journalists, which ftook-place in Pittsgrove, in the adjoining county. A inan named Abbott, who had for a long time given himself up to the indulgence of a . beastly appetite for liquor, had been on a "frolic," as he termed it, for seve ral days together, a'nd on the evening of the 18th ultimo he went; to his house (where lie lived alone) with his gallon jug filled, to supply himself during the night In the morning he appeared at the door of his next neighbor, a horrible spectacle of poor depraved, debasedhuman nature his body in a state of nudity, save only a few tatters around his necki and his flesh, to use the words of our informant, 4 burnt as black and as hard as cinder :" the fire, indeed, had literajly baked him alive, from his feet up to the breast, and he was barely able to crawl to the house. A doctor was sent for, but he died before any means prescribed for liis relief could be applied. Before tiie breath left him, he was able so far. to reply to the iuqui- Uries put to him, as to make those around him understand that he had lain down on the floor, with the bottle beside him, but further recollection h had not, and. up on visiting his dwelling, it appeared, from the marks on he floor that he had either rolled into, the fire, and thence about the house, writhing under the agony of the burning, yet so dead drunk as to be in sensible to his situation or his sufferings ; or. that, in his wallowings, he had upset his jug, and the liquor, running towards the fire, communicated the flame to his body. Herald. - - " !" . j 1 j 1 - - 1 1 t tiouaje size. Thcsei relics were discovered in the valley of the Mississippi.. Jl4fey were found seventeen feetjbejatv the surr frtce, ami we are tld by the proprietor that ihe labor uf getting ih?m out was pro ditous. as ihe water poured iu so fast, up on the workmen that a s'eaiu efine would have been uecess.ir to discharge it before the whole skeleton could havevbeejv r .ised.: These bones mut have been hi active ho tion at the time when man - Went forth with a pine, As a speur 'giinst ; the jmammoth. And struck through taefravine , V At the foaming behomeih." Men and animals have sadlyldwindled since that period.. We are becoming more concise every SgerierationV & in a few more centuries migSity man will be no lonT ger than a Lacedemonian letter. It will be a great saving in the tailor's bills 1 of our posterity. j j These wonderful remains are well wor thy the attention df the curious, and a mnngst the curious? we rank mne-tentlis of pur readers".- AT. Y. Enq. : vtu are. ford the life T lea'dv and could do ntKing v M A Cariosity.--We vfere favored yesterday, : by Mr. John I. Gross, at corner of Gay & Jones', street, with a view of. "two GojfJ Fishes, mate and female, which. were caught a few weeks since in Jones' Falls, near JlnnV, Bridge. They are evidently of the sarrie species as the bidinary sjuallgold fish which is brought here occasional ly from the Indian ocan, though fifty times as large. The male rishfis about 7 inches from the tip of the nose to the extremity of the tail, While the female is at least 0 inches in length f rom the same points bollj ''arei beautifully proportioned.' The male has the extreme parls of the iSus taste fully tint with black" the. female has a bUck nose with spots of the' same color on the tail fins, which also extend, in; regular dispersion, about three inches up the lower part of the body, which is of the most brilliant; goid color. There were, we learn, .seven of these fishes caught iu a net, four of which have since died, supposed to have received hurt iu the Ukiog. Though we are not sufficiently acquainted with the inhabitants of the deep, to express a positive opinion, yet' we. think we may venture upon the assertion that these fishes are not natives of our waters, and we take this occasion to invite such cf our scien tific citizens as are familiar ' with the history of the finny tribe, to go ; and view those of which we are now speaking.' They are eminently wor thy of the attention ofthe scientific and curious, who we feel confidentrwill be highly gratified. j Butt. -.Chi on. . Since the above appeared, it has beerilascer lained, that Major Harney, who at one timeown ed twenty or thirty of the gold fishes usti tlly seen in the glass globes, had been in the habit when any of them became sick from confine ment, of taking them out of his globes, and put ting them ipto the Canal of the Water Compa ny's Works, in front of his dwelling, which Ca nal it appears communicates with the Falls.- We have heard it stated that one of the fi.?h thus put by him into the place above described, was marked with black spots similarly to those which so beautify the female of those now in the pos session of Mr. Gross. There is a said to be a custom in Ger many which is worthy of imitation in all countries. i " When an individual? is sick, the friends of the family call and ring at the door- In the hall they find a book lyinjx on the table, in which sotne one of the family writes, every morning ami evening, the state of the patients Health giving all those particulars which would be inter esting to the friends of th'fi individual. Under this morning and evening bulletin, all those who call write their name?, to apprise the tamily or their sympathy. They never see the members of it, unless they have some other object than ascer taining the condition of .the patient. Ascent -of Mount Blanc The whole number of fuccesslul ascents to the.ummit of Mount Blanc is stated to be eighteen,, viz : Ten Englishmen, two Amprirn,. two Swias, one Russian, one Dutchman, ore German, and one Savoyard. The two A mericans were Dr. Van'Repsalaer, and Mr. Howard. The last ascent of which we have any account, was made by John Auld jo, Esq. of Trinity College, Cambridge, a narrative of which has recently been pub lished in London. The dangt is of the as cent are very great, so much so, that one of Mr. Auldjo's guides declared that the person who started with an intent to reach the summit, ought to makeup his mind to lose his life in the attempt rather than re turn unsuccessful, and some have actually made their wills before start in The first attempt to gain the summit vds made in 1702, but was not entirely accom plished until 1786. The ascent of Mr. Auldio was mmln nr, the 8th and 9th of August 1827; V " - Aurora. s , Great Curiosity. We wondet how laW the largest animal was in the days of old. rhfere are specimens of bones to Be seen at bp 300 Brbadway, a few doors above the Masonic Hall, which must have beloigl td to anpimal as big as jLHearki;Het; tre. One side.oi -the. uridervjaw-bone is twenty feet in length, and Etlirce in width; .uu uuuiiui. inn rina . 7 mS : A ae other bonqs are of propor Temperance A gentleman in New-Haven county, Connecticut, has recently or dered a fine apple orchard to be cut down, 44 because the apples may be ground into cider, the cider may be distilled into spi rituous liquor, and liquor, if drunken, will make a man drunk." , A good reason in sootlt ! It is like the girl, who, while bak ing in an oven, stopped &nd burst into tears : being asked the reason, she an swered, I was thinking that if I should y;et married, and should have a pretty baby and the baby should get into a chair and should climb into the oven, and g;et burnt to death, what should I do- oh ! oh !" Ev. Journal. Solemnly to infopri ymu lhatifyiUjrir;i persist .in 'yourrindojehce; inusf Ajr?"f f" wasso struck: vitlr the,vnsit and Ihe ytsif ' 5 Al itor, that he wholly, renounced lus foi'mckl": Vl modes of ;lif vajndi.becanvaftcrartR J u'jV": cheap in his habtts-of iifeandclige:inl? Kh thodical, and ioflelvfudifiuin-.iiii S;S: modes depending iiii)lVfWr'' F lint's Jftstcrn Remote ; -' - " - -- s '-i - - 1 .r; 7 , -i r iiui,i - x o Aueti uiav; puopir zaious tor one religion, inoui(l ;exami;lt? : . ,v-. -the other maturely. 4 equitably rately, is like pretending;thAt arcr5(mv, -r.vc can be a fair Judge betweentwo wbmenV-' ,C: with one. of whom- he is n love, wlril " V he has ; an'afeslbh for ; tb'eothe? r-Ly'J A WIUOJ - 3 'U3JCt ij 111 (Uf C .Willi' -XJJL tXll" ia, and mortally hates Corrinna teli'.u's" :-F"'l; 'says sonieone Whichof ihmt.tHfemost : ' charniing eatnirie the matter f he'fwill promise, to dp si v-but to acertainty he will pronounce lor urania, vana tiot contentetl with prefernngher to Cpnnna,he wiljpfe; .''i '( , fcr !ier also to all other wo'meVUis'rearv -Vt 1 ' son - will be in unison, with tliat of h heart Boyle. Degeneracy of the Goose. It- has ; been, . j complained for some few years that quills Av' wear out sooner tjian they dd.; of yore; iy! People have at last discovered'tltat tliis ts, - fcw o wi ng ta the ; 1 uixurious and effeminated i ! ' 1 living of th gees ' It 1 seems tnat f the " " 5 Y " sage fowl, Jceeria pace with -thV'pirit of :r!v:ri.'" 4 the age, and the-march of intellect,"" " );i is a fact tliat goose quills are not sohartl '4vyV ' as they.phce were, and thisr majjr account4 v for the Quantity of soft "Writing wvicli k TvVil cuai ai;icnes uci tain presses wnicn snail be nameless. -Noah' ' - . , r died, , On the 16th of May, about sixty miles helovi-v" Natchez, Mississippi, James SlierJey,5bf CasvireJli county, ajred about 30 year, leaving? a wldo-; and three small children to mouin his Untimely OSS. , , A . iiiibwi tin mm hm i ' !C? POCKET MONEY PLENTY. Send your orders before the 25th instant5 to' llewson's Office Petersburg and have your pur ses tilled no distinction made. 1 particularly f 'i t,1 .-.it. invite all- The Cash is ready., 6,000 DOLL, ' -AND-"-, f" v " -TEX PRIZES OF DOLLARS. Maine State Lottery , 2nd. CLJISS. SPLENDID PRICES Prize of 6,000 Bpllars. 4 - I '"til Mi A if l 1 J 10 i 35 5Z 52 52 1300 10,608 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do doi -4 s Anecdote for the Ladies. The prison report, of Connecticut, among other things, contains a short exposition, of the difficul ties and vexation which the officers of the prison have to encounter in the govern ment of the four female convicts under their care, and the Directors most ungal lantly assert that these four make more trouble than the whole remaining ninety three convicts of the other sex. But not content with this-, they repeat a remark made to them, as they pretend, by the Superintendant of the Auburrtt State Pri son. "I have (says he) under my care, about four hundred and fifty male prison ers, and nine females ; and I could cheer fully undertake the care of an additional four hundred and fifty men, to be rid of the nine women." What a brute 1 From the , 7t arren Uf porter. When lite'a last parting ray is .shed, And darknessrshrouds tins pallid form ; When 1 have laid this aching head Secure from every vital storm ; O! then hovpleasng tis to think Tlat some fond heait, yeV warm and true, . Will cjterish still the sever'd link. ; ! " - Which deaths rude hand hath snapped in ' two ' - . And oltin evening'spensive hour, - From all the busy world will steal; -; To nurse the vine andlcrop the, flower, That dec my grave. With pious zeal j , -. And lingering there: will lightly tread, ' .-'A's; fearful tdr dist urb myTsleep,; " ' ' And oft recfihe her aching head : v Upon her slender hand and weep. ' . And O, if in that 'World which rules '' f:'?f Sublime.beybnd this earthly scene, , v That love still warms departed souls, , ' , . "! . Which once they fondly cberishecl heref" Oh , ! y e, if e'er sucb bpa wgiven, - - And parted souls such scenes may, see:!, P- At that fbn4 hour 111 lean froiiKlIeaven,; 'C And kbs the beart tbat wept for roe, v K. 2,000 Dollars: 1,500 Dollars; , 1,200 Dollars. l.finn TlnHnrd fr. 900 Dollars. 800 Dollars. -: 700 Dollars ; ' 600 Dollar?. ? 500 Dollars... " 400 Dollar i -649 Dollars!, 100 Dollars: ; 50 Dollars. , 30 Dollars. ;1 20 Dollars. , , - 6 Dollars'. .'. 3 Dollars 1 Goin at the low price of - , Whole tickets S3, Halves g 1.50 Quar - ters 75.' y; ' In the last scheme of this LQttejy -No.13. 8.1 52 a prize of $1000 wai sold at 'HewsonVoffice't and where a large portion of the above Capital' mayf be.expectetl. ' v ' 1 Orders enclosing cash or prize tickets1, will meet with prompt attention. ,,V- ' Apjickage of 20 whole tickets cost ? $60 ?and must of necessity draw $24. Shares ' 'of, pack age in proportion for sale at the ever- fortunate office of v i t j,- 5 - b. v. hewson, : v : Petersburar.'? ' - -1 91 v - 1' 'I '"A 1 '-.1 if .'..ft .- July, 18 1829. MANAGERS? OFFICE, l O be drawn 25th July, r Union Canal JVb-8. SCHEME 1 of S10,000is ai&.firKV 1 1 3tooo;- ; 3:001;; C . ii. !P;. s ..Low-: 10,0007, Besides others of glOO &.C.V - y . ,ATo bedrawn.5tii &1Z29:;: jy . , ) ? I 1 ' 1 6 500 3 ;V- 3.000 Vt I ft Besides manyotherYalaable prizes S3000r 4 Vu -I of .the;S4000prizesipkyabU4 .; j wi,Tk rr'tf.Vats Qff w,ti eriffAi rt.V.V ': '- vers-jsi" a j : tSend Voor orders fb , -.-. - i - ' - . 7 ? y v - r V i TOO. O- tUTHTHttn-ft i ' uuice iieau uuarcers, ' . . u Richmond,' V . 'M i ;-. 4 ..-'4 y yt - 7' -