"if v ' A' I 4- ft -9.-- ; V T e j)unca Yprf ,? 525 Uillmaa 87.. j . ' fcrOwe yesterday returned to City i good tag. . - "We informed, that it is quite pYo h'le' that the Attorney-General of. the trwill be unable to attend the first two State , Prrnnt. tein? en- or three LW -- . 7 a as United States Commissioner in a?,; with7 the Cherokee Indians, for treating w,lM " m - -rv , . . C - mns of lahd aaare vet claim- ac" rcsti' - , ..in .j.' ........ L by them. . J. Murder l Theldead body of John Da- r n,... rdnntisrT whn fnrmer- tAHVifl fhft office! of Sheriff,) was, on pa IV t . .. - I . I . - : 7 yC1 - , tf-v-f if c ? 1 -J? - i I 4 1.-, -y-'-v " ' -i. : t - - i - .V pi ii, 3 1 .!.cu)d.krioy;tIiapfiici?l.;. . .'r ' i 'rcin to act iri'this busTi.v' -' Ouftarethe plans of fafr, ielightftil peace, ) y r? Vj V- , Unwarp'd by, part fageVtf Jjkebrotkers? ; . bv JOSEPH GALES & SUat:i tree jJouarr per annum nan m aavanea v ;.y Published euery Thursday ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding ixteen;is neatly inserted 3 times Jet a- Dollar, & twty-fiye cents fot:evxry;succeeding publicati x respectablc ' f fiis - f lpr tiara tinting J' at tl.struly rofth .nd c....racters jn " this tfduntryv VOL. xxi fyrdayjast, louna an uve wuous, ai ditance;frpmi1 from the marks of violence 5whictf appeared upon it, entertametl ot nis-naxjug was no'diiubt Vfas' b-en mu rdredi f -Elijah ' Kimbrough Ust night committed to Jail, on what evi; Hfinte we Ivavenk heard, on a charge of beihe RuTRroTthe foufact- 'Power of Consdenceior AiUrderunll out! Wtrnilerstanll Ithat an individual. has been;;cominitted tQ Jail in FayetteviKe; charsrett witn navinmuruerew rf f3 roe,, who was lounik ueaa near inai- piace last winter and wfwsedeath was jattri- bated, Jat tnemne, io-iii naving lauen from '.hst )re lA statef intoxication.' in COIIJJCilUcJtvCr Ul LCI tan - uisuusm w whicii were inaue uy u wue wuuiau, wuu fained inour previous advices The! We nope, and ex London Courier states., that the European powers will not interferon the waf be tween Russia and Turkey. The Charleston Courier contradicts the report of the existence of Yellow Fever in that City. It 'say-a cnld of 5'or 6 years of age sickened about ten days ?ince and the disease fassuiued some of tlie ap pearances of Strartgcf & Fever the child hashowever, recovered ; and they assure their friends at a' distance, that no. other case in theJeast-resemblinz that disease, iu tney aaa, marine uoaru or neaun win H. ,---"V'i.; " ' I . '.. ' promptly notice the subject.should the dis ease unfortunately make -its appearance. At present the city enjoys a great degree of health. : ,? Itls !?tated that the latie Governor Hidge- Iy of, Maryland,, by his will emancipated all his slaves, to the number of upwards of four hundred. Those who have attain ed the age of twenty-eight years are to be free immediatelv i such as are:; over audable enter prise of these ladies wi 1 another year be more generally emulaf jl thanliitherto, by the matrons and maid tJSof this ; sec' tion-of country. -Ibir Vl1. - 4 -j 1 ,;v u-7 , III f II II V W - r.. -w mm "J-. r " " - New-Yftj k .'Courier .and;-KrairwrJ'.vrites. as ti:l HS : l niveirsrvsF?o a ierer uatea 1tli May, 1829, irum tWjlnt ilh Plata, s'ahW that afl'.irt, 4n 'boird? tfteTHndson-' fortv-five. are to have some provision havjng at(nje inade for their support out ofihis'estitej so mucKntM at and those of the younger class are 'to be she.rCpuJd obtain po ease of) mind, until she unbri i rthejiec , hjer cons clence. She confessed to one of;, the Preachers,, tliat the deceased ilnrociiwas murdefed at her house, ana inat;uflmswi, pw m fireeJthe males at twenty eight years of age, and the females at twenty five. Governor Forsyth of Georgia having a re-election, Joel Crawford declined of the size of th button, are struck ou:t thi.p nlates bv'dies-ihesVoi'rcss'a.re-chenL rendered, flat, even'and' &noih, -r1byr vari. ous siinp?e prucesse. ; l,he . shank?? oix eyes, are fortned and cut from wire -with ereat rapidity; by a smalt rnachuie "luoyedt . i ' i . ti,l -r fi ..A.' Uy the jnan,u. i ue, ifiK. is ipiac'! um; he centre or tne pmto )? .lmiein inert; uy tihff crowded between the extreini?iesojf a piece of fetal o beh that the eniK'nearV ly some 'ineeuirr.; J oe imer. mui w sov prepared as tabe or the pnimifvcy .pi paste, i then sprend aroumf the base 'of t ho1 sh a n ki ' The se t w o': la si ope ra t i tns re per formerf by females. ;'riie bui 1jmv ht tnia.Siaxe; is pi iceu in amnw aim sue ficieot heat is applied to melt the solder, anu oy ic w.unne.i!)e .ssHK.(imigij io the v button ; it lSlthen-TTWd to;nof!- Subseqttrtitly, the button is pur intXy a" lathe, and Uie ede turned . round and smooth. A quantit? of them is put, intoa iar, filled with water,-and this jar is kept turning on its inclined axis, tin, oy tud: bin? against each oi her, the buttons be- come smooio anu tori2ni. iney now re quire gildihs:. I Gbld, united with quick silver, is made into -an araalganr, of the . . ' -A, consistence or bui ter. A convenient quantity of the buttons is put into a ves sel, with oil of vitriol .diluted with water The amalgam is then added, and the whole is ..stirred -with a common pint brush. Mill the buttons have become, covered with a White coat of this ; amalgam, which closely ;heres 'to them -Being then washed, they are put. into a hollow' cylinder of iron, 4 ' irisate are in a terrible 'wtriliaf artne'd se-tinel3, uith layvnet$ fixjritepapdip the ward iom oeft vii f iate coms w two , lieutenants, wbiirei)vp(eyed'.rta,b4 content .with playing -pfeep through the. Sundry tnidshipinenare to ctminemenf; anu'U is expecieu an win ue mm urcvuri martiai, the moment tnai ine oosioii anu Vandalia arrived from their cruize. This h a uovel Stte otthiog1 on, board an Ame rican 'frigate.! ; The Ph il aJ el pnia Record e if speaks of Bishop Chase of uiito having received a letter ahniViuncinffM fortunate bequest in the name of the - Hon. Margaret Emma IAna-haro. latelv deceased.- a d-iuehter of Ik R. Hon. Lord Ken yon; )f 500 sterlT ing, to Kenydn College in , Ohio, called af ter thatiNob'eraan. I his donation appears he more strikingly providential Irom its jmouhiing' to the very. sum' for which under his severest pressure the vBUhop had pledg ed his own personal,-. estate,! A gentleman of Philadelnhta, not Ian Episcopalians but ' ' . . I . . . . , A 11. " I I prompted by respect to Bishop White, halimiiar to a conee toaster, urmcn is piaceu ttered to give 1000. on! condition: tht in a furnace, anu Kept revolving, on will.do justice to tl 2 i .ritiveS byyhiplVv? Q'puiz!erfoSolomonk iohie jie (ivingt, yJ' . ei areritfnnecl at a hpue in J'j'S- : ere a-omaii wts' lael viPMverd f ; a -l ' child; aejgiiDorini'truiei'KWije wnwaii Jen'Uhi her;iVrwa! insiaiitaoetius) l&.h;f ;l 1 lhYiabtur id wa;i ?as delifef ed A aTS' minutJiartWwdsV ' bth of.ikha-e;rvbetber mnte-orfe -maie"tte.dofr.t.Knowi;:vhe p?tto.7vV getherV nit ' ianiieb'abtKr f takmg jart of i r vbe wme'n7 tl4di'torgt; whtcltX; wa to;be.ner1n1hiv.prple UtnnSi ? t.Jt4 wasowever -agreed tel?e;a,y ;V- , thepaViies thal.eachniuUterfiqufd -tke h j lot, and .himjhec fyinvp.J'ear: ? wcae, until Isomeconyiiicjngfatniiy.UKeness; t -t appeared, jJv-whichMhejr.'ruujd'amye arac - r I moral certifury VvfW pareptige,and-f , thatan exchange Mi-uldttien 'take; pl.cei it,,c " . i the Dphic oracle of" lot appeared -to have;;tr Ifr j' been fliendacis, rlr , 8UJXune4C8CtWo dsWsels dresseditwvY Verfl4wni stv fe'4 of country - t5 t er . t:e: i ! jlowers,, feathers., tibbnng; &cl prdmehad ft ; ' store ahd examined jcaiicoes'1cnintxes:'A 7i-; bombazines', bomb izttes; awo,vii!eny t t . , crapes,oseyhandkVrc'hlefs,andlke VJA?- I !i miVa?io& "they woidd fook'further dn8"'? ittwd ca again." After aloig:iouroty-t J. oervauon, ami,, fn-mj iw-wwj mert, they sucteeded'rpurchasinjj' a pa?r??;,r f whole jlais. Beforeo-ihg hVitTe4they,.; ' went to thP st-Om6e and sked folfet'Vv . ters ; two wre .fdutid-to their; address.- . 4 Ho much aie they ? lrd,the.dai'useu;p iUy.f ) , "Twelve ami a half cents echi'irrepli ' , fh ..flU Mprt-i Ielve ahdV, Half " r, , exclniined tlie daiheU snose you'll Jetv vy r;l . o I..,- i- ' .. -. fail) was wricerirtedh the pe Thomas Stocks are the horrid deed I announcea as canuuiaies CorruphwtftePfets. Our readers We learn by the late arrivals from tannot;have forgotten the clamor, which England, that ;th greafvnd celebrate wraised, wliep Mr ;jC7flV took the print- philosopher; Sir ; Humphrey Davy, died fng;pf theiLagrth 890 a year) from on'the 29th of May, in Geneva, in the Meloritw 5is?ar6f"his -age.: Science has lost Whp'dSes not recollect the debate in Con- onej bjf hernpfel est and ablest votaries cress on this1 subject, in which the most and humanity one of her proudest orna awful fforeidi of ' the ments j UVIYT MiUII ' wvi 1, f I , J I m - ty.i 1 1 0 1 ... Habershanv county,' Ga. and preparations are making to work them. Negro Sam was executed in Charlotte, on the 3rd ultimo, for the crime f bur glary. V- The , Gold Mines.-The, Charleston it, hold lu .Courier must have received very errone- in power,, is absurd. Attempts areSnak- ous information in relation to what it is inr liralLthe Pressed tlirouits pleased to term the gold mania inporth- "e -' ur Carolina, or it could never have done our powerful influence to trammel the freedom . ' , . . , . w 1 " . , .11 v-. , I people such palpable injustice, as to say of elections, andill require the unit- tKatri business is lected through the ed exertion of the; people to restore these Week, and even the Chu.rches deserted ridits to thetf on .Without on the Sabbath, to search for the corrupt 9000 more shall be contributed as i a fuud, tor a White Professorship in thi College. ! men. Com. NewlYork, July 29. Melancholy Accident. Step. B.Munrif1 axis by. means of a crank, .till the heat has expeiled all the quicksilver by evapora tion, and the gold; alone remains finuly at tached ti) the surface of the metal, which is now yellow. .After being allowed to cool, ihev are . fi'iallv burnished in a laln, u' nave them cheaper,1 if wetakethem . tc 60m r- Cannotdo it;1? Said tnecierK ; Uncle Sam will nut allow V'.W' can't yoi ahk your Uncle,? perhaps1 heJ 'ilr VP let us have them, ifibe takekthfoftwetXf ty cents I19 rejoined the shopper 1 J . Hibs9 I 5 j cnapeuius lor yoi. Salem) Coimer' torsi the ientinels'hb' guard her portals ? Five "months have scarcely. Ijapied- since the fin augu rati pnpf Gen eral Jackson, and he lias''appd&i to of. ficei thirty-two EdiWrsvli6sejoiht com- pensa.H9jtt;pn6tpev than SI 20.0annually .Tttalk df the free- donr ofthel'rss,' whehthejo control ing treasure." We take upon ourselves to assert, that the industry of our citizens has not m the; main, been interrupted, nor our Churches deserted, by any inor dinate thirst after gold The quantum this vigilanccx we may soon boast, of a name, w hen;we 1iavewlost the reality, and appeal' to ourl Constitution as the.:English do to thefr M agna Charta. Instead of a freejpress, supporting ..theC rights of thf f labor bestowed, in agricultural pur peoplwe mayiee it subsidized to pro suits, mechanic arts, &c. during the past mote tliose nation, manage by tlie distribution of their has'been. mostly so much added to the patronage to enslave the press', through productive industry of , the .State wbatcanneTare thel pbple todeliyer goodly proportion -of the labour in the their thoughts respec!inglliclSennd fl&. uldnpt, butr them, haye;beeit bestowed in any .useful way amongr us, puq c measures rs upropauier viauuipi cf... a irt-nf thft wps nf the wo feel under oblition rto the powers hands employed and the product of their tne jstate. gold found pie, we mayisee it suosidizea 10 prov "'uamu cm.o, .v. uui Vio te S views " of the government. If and pesent seasons, has, wef Venture to ,v ; , - 1 ' rit say, been a great as at any former pen- se who preside over the destinies of the o. and the work done at the gold mine8 xnai De, wm oe over wining to scruiiinxe i jaoour, is so mucn ciear gain tc their cnnducKvnr. nermtt 'ntlier to klo it Thfelvivifying influence of the 1 r. , ". . v i ..u, - . w , 1 r 1. . . ., 1 - .".'- . . . ' . . - . - i w I nirillhn' lie 1C O IPDQII V tOlr in TI-! through the medium of their ed ha and sti Esquire; of this city, received a leter this I each separately,, with a hard ; polished morning from his friend at jlthacaVcominu- stone, which ,iinpart to the surface the ideating the melancholv intelligence that highest possible "degree. of britiiancy and Miss Margaret BloodgMd,i aged 'a bout 18 beluty, . Afttr being stuck up..h cards by years, daughter of F. A. Bjoodgimd, Esq. j females, and put up in convenient . packa. of ihat village, was drowned on yYe'lnes- ges, like the J&ugtish butions, they are rea- lasf, at Butter-milk Falls, within two mile dy for the merctiaut. " of that place, and was followed to the grave ; . ' ;fft- ' . the day-following by a nuinenms circle of Account of hay-moking on the farm "of friends and relatives She was going up $tr. Amos HUh in West Cambridge. the bed of the creek in company wih other Muss. Ofi -Monday the 13th int. Mr. young ladies, and fli into;t'pool about 15 Hill commenced, cutting the hjy uptm i'at 1 , . IU ft wide anl 6 feet deep, twenty-one acres of mowing including a and sunk i'mmeiiiately. It (niilds the let- lot containing iX acre vhaiitg i-n it at ter).-the most melancholy occurrence of the J least 500 stumps and the hay of more than lr...,4 .. . . V, .t.il. ..t W .. ... I i. 1 ' , r : ..U .... . I I I 1 ........ M"u Ninr tuc maui ui iuiss cujuaiii at i an acre..i wnii n:was lougeu. 1 c iimw I ThoU art lreiitot) rulis. in? was done bv Mr rlill himself, who . i had not mowed before for twelve years. Fatal Accident. Qa Wednesday night nl by Mr. William Gordon, from Ver- ast, at the' pei -f irjii a uc e of the Circus, in 1 mom, and Adolphus Harding, froto Frye- tis piace, a shoe-niaker ot the uame of I burg. Me. in ihn;ly-two hour, being equal John Hart, received a bUm on his head rom a billet oT wood which ;terminat d hi existence on' 'the -next liorhiow. We ut. derstan! that a certain Jiin K il'-stn. at 7. 1 .3 lached to the coips of rnter, intending to j mowing-by the three persons abovertamed. lisperse a crowd of bitys -outsule' of thl Before the close -of the S.itnrdaythe-hay, Circus, threw this missdel which carried which, on the morning of the previous death to the unfortunate bylstander. An I Monday, had been growing on" the .'whole inquest was regularly itipattnetied, which twenty-one acres was all, cut' and cured r ported on the case. Eagl'estou has fled land stowed away in? two i barns, mosiof it from lsjstice. Hagerstdwn fier. having b.en pitched over the great beams The quantity of hay thus got in during the South-Carohna Jndiao.---t was genera!- week bv live hands amuunted by the eu ly believed among the JiuligO dealers, that mate of good iudges to not less than lurty the art of making Indigo was lost in 'his one tons. -This is an exatnple of dili 1 . r 1 .' - .' . . t ' 1 11 r . conn try, out irom lots recently receivetl igence and activiry, proDao'y unequaueu; r . o ..a. ..i: L 1a .U t .1 I- .i i t l i I. r . I - ti' irom ULii-Vviiroiin;i ur iviessrs. r aririosre 1 in e annais u uavMiiaKi 111 ncn tmi- k Colznte, it appears; thatsome of our land Massachusetts Journal. ifseMttntJ-'TK&dl Z'f " has been lately cbmmunicald byjthcjtpy- rht al Society of Sweden;to'fhai$f Lon'domf After roofing a hous&AvithwoQd,'boil? V:S soine tar and mix it with finely pulverised :fA charcoal tilljt is. of the:thicknes4f irDoff V 4 tarspread thiarith. a.' trowel-over the . f roof, about a foatthofao incbthick f t-1; oj? : will soon grow hardand defyalfth"eiy;;Tf7 cissitudes of weather: -?IIlobfs.thas.iov'ertTr9Vv . to the labour of one man for. ninety-six hour.--Twovher hfuds were employed in cu ing and gettiTig ip the hay, assisted in the intervals "1 between the seasons of vc stood in Sweden abouta century,. till (want no repair:- L vr; u , v-;- ;rt gone to the Grave' buttwe wiU'notdei V- plnre thee, ' - " - r ,-riVJ,v;'' ,-. i.rK cniTi.iv anrl t:jrVnss ncofnnass thv-' -V'-r4 : i Though sorrow and darkness encompass. ther tomb s- -4 The A t x. -v y J-' . . .1 Saviour passed through its portal 3 before t f.. And the lamp of his'lore is thy guide through 'f 1 gioom. - -s :p-t Thodart gone to the Grave we no longer be -hold thee, $'V '' side But the th And sinners dl Thou art gone to the Grave -and? itsmansion PA , 4" forsaking- , -. C1- Perchance thy weak spirit in doubt lingered V r",. T3Ut the sunshine ot Heaven beamed Ongiu cill . ' thy waking, ; : And the sound which - thou Seraphim s song, " ' . - . - 1 i. . W !.:.-; a Wide ai'ms of mercy are spread to enfold-.- VT ? J may hone, since the sinless ham -t v- V? jp T J 1 Southern planters siil! retain the art in considerable perfection) The q nan lily re ceiyed'by them is more thart; 4,000 lbs. & a Judge f the article oubtjii-whether any ier country, taking j the ira'iae ol the The following is a letter from that trU- ly great and good man, President Washington, inanswer to one from a glides, can shew aJ)itter iassoriment of I very intimate friend who wanted an, ap- id o nnrDPI. naners is 1 '-Mie ,a '-'- .,.v, it. vm.. up.v.- i I I4.t.vn rf miw 'vii pram XT Ih tlia lianr onimt. j , . ; - ' - ,-. - t - v '. j v . ,1 I ailUU HI Ul vuiluyTl n "io new l 1 1 1 ill tl.- ul rainer 10 oepresumeu, ua, tncy tion infu8fcc hliQ kinds of business, will screen from censure, those to whose &c &c, As to the corrupting" ten bounty tlteyare indebted, and attempt to dency of the " treasure," the Courier is destroyfitic. character if ysuch as arratgn again egregiously in error. Public raor- the conduct pf their patrons ? Passing a,s wer.e peruajw ucve. at a niguer iau ...J t;r iir f i-r; 'u;; ' 1 ,dard among us, than at this time,. events fullviustify such anticipations and v" . , 1 t r 1 a A u . " , ... .": f .Without pretending to say what lnflo- b!es; the:P may have had, ew f: U vigilantatthtpress my be deyoted to ther in promoting or retarding the growth :;t n its proper object the maintenance of their of morality and rejigibn in the communi- trongftsuinab(e qualities. . Some of the samples are very noe, equal to Bengal, at SI 80 per lb. and in all trie grades the fractures-are remarkably clean and free from from foreign matter. ' .-. m . MF. Herald. RemUCircurmtanee.: -Within a tew days Mr. mesKeu lost a cow in con sequence of the.bitP of a snale and what is very remarkable,, several of his hogs that had eaten of her carcase, have also! m.'t'.r- .1 f it ll.'J! .H-ir- died irom tne enecis 01 ine! poison. ve 1 ' . . . . - . r . l's . pomtment ' To you, sir,- and others who -know me, I believe it is tinnecessary-ior me say, that, whehcceptedftbe irapc .neard'st was ? v v j Thou art gone to the Gravebut 'twere Yamtfr-r . ix t deplore thee, v V--A-! V y- ' When Gid was thy ransom, thy aiiantpy 4 4 ' guide, v v ; He gave thee, He took thee, and He will restore ,f . ' .And death hath no sting. wnce3tW8aylottj,V ; hath died. . t ' tl,'l H . v 1 MARRIED, Irt this counlyi on the 23d TuUimo, ; WHllam v. ? itoiS Roles, toWeyfefaausnww. . - t tn Morite-bmerv eounty Mr- Starling M'Damel - - f , trnct rnminitttiin , tnv- r.narffe nv mv " ... . - . -r1- -. : 'i WVMJ - v r v I J J, to Miss Margaret uoore. in jne, anic ouiuy v , ,-f ' country, I gave up every idea of. personal Mr Chariefl Ritchie to MUs'Margaret XJastle. rJ ? 5 gratification that i did not think was w 'XSi ' '-vV5 compatible with the public good. Under ' r 1 mED;y : this impression: I plainly foresaw that in Wilmington, CN.1C') on.thelfi'of Jfaris;-. j that D'art of mMttty. which-oblifgVd me to, Mrs. Msjy Ann B. cposort of Isaac B?ker, Esqh 'V'1 ! -vv-w,, r . ,E--'iw: ; . - 1 ink trim hr in. t n-iiniimKiir n'. f x . .11. - - i 5Sa i.. . m .lis iirr 1riL.11 v w ..- w .. -w . j -1 v v.- .. - rights, anijhat the freedom of elections ty, we will state a tact, which must.speak inayVueevea;"discontenandrig volumes in their favor: At the Capps' , , , ; ... 4 . . 0 M ne, under the superintendence of a U"iwP"ert;'T8U member of th Company. Col. AbnerF. sb , e its-- et'J'". i- rt-. T4 0"tln?V Tobias :jratkin Ued.for. manvv montfe-the' number of was found giiiilt upwards uie two caMs oiDouu.and jsou, ou,wnicn 01 iiuy.- reat Ksuruu the former, Junes could not agree and new trials wereigrauted and the S2000,case, whichat3bfaihedtfroni.t'e Navt Agent at Bostdu.1 Asisooi) aS the verdict was re- ceivetl; ;Mri Coi pwed;avarrst of judg ent a no a pe wstrial'Tnis tnotio n w still pe iVWt5ltt.Mr David Beard, a of God ford untyr raised abPut 3000 sil worms tKis yeuiionHhe ciiktiyej red mul berry, which he thinks as good a9 the white kind Parttof his '.aTtljiae'nirnade in- comrtiunicate the fact for t benefit of armers. By the way, poke-root, boiled soft, land applied as a poultice, is a ''sure remedy tor the oiteof a snane w e pun- lished this remedy three or -four years a go, and have had the satisfaction to learn that it saved the life ot a valuable horse lor a subscriber We have also received an acknowledgement of its efficacy thrbugh a'; Pennsylvania parser. it was niade known to us as a cure used by the Indians in Missouri. StauntonSnetator. .nominaie persaos ;.,fQuii0,?juum, ( indhis fntemting and-accomplisbryoun many mstances,4be the most-irksome and lad Cbe public as wef 1 as her bereaved ccmortAK : to sewing threadvfwhid;he tKevbest bis' fatrtityeyer seMrs'', Fisher, and .Mrsitf Xd'ief'&'frSalisbarTt An ftrjByail-at . Boston have reared, this aeasdiipitHermierv twj) fm .LHefpootitengs tlay or three th6ano'the!at&?a terUhan v our previous dates. They, J . hundred worms on the common red mul- 1 ver. ,urms no news, and nothing factured : it makes elegant se.win? thread. tt m m m . K,.-n-,'r-v." iv "v.:-. . .,.' I oerry. rart ot their silk has oeen mami tei from the seat of war, than was con- and beautiful Domestics for clotbins, uuuicasio" , iuiy uuwcTci.suuug p- ; nave. sustainea a severe ios.i kjiuihu iww -v . sonal attachment jriight be, to any one, the lot pf friendship to lament the tatc pi one bc-j . ( ; - t however desirous I might be of giying Wdso welL-AVitb.the.most uncommon U-.;'; ' r r r - i u- eiits.she bad industry -aiKl perseverance :in the v ' him a proof of my friendship, and lcarnTllg; Jhich rdered ternsputlf; , whatever might be hisNxpectati9nsV at'schooLand promrsednocommouuse-V ' !' t Metal Buttons.-Tht folldwing descripr tion of the process of manufacturing Metal Buttons, at the extensive establishment of M r. Robinson, x in Att leUoroqgh, - a few miles! from Providence, (FL il.) is. furnish-. ed Dy a correspondent oi the uoston com- mercial Gazette vc; : . . - 1. ? Most of the; labour is !perfprmedby machinery amoved bya'SmajU t water "pow ef.VThe metal is first rpiied Jbut into plates oi a sunaoie tnicKness. circular nieces. grounded upon the-athilf;" wbiiwf; jhad aub- r fulnessBot'J jlnnbeiiiidsV. of lifewe'jue ia ffV sisted between us, I was tully lletermin- death." Sle na J rwnurr' wer- . Vu h is not lovt I At tiai but -melted Into it pure";;.; " ; , i I ' j .ii.'..,. u..... iMaiilWi tn.&hfrl it l.mtrrt .( Ti - (! 1nbnghter.world.V,-r;-:V XX?;:;', s ' afeAedoltomposed a -mindi ' t tt , . oMH -i iMrMfrrfA sttrontr. vet to rennta " TJIeuteri at it purest Fold by tortures tned- i i -riEr-ll i r r ' orliirh in its out Set lusimea xne tuirnesi expecxa - eu 10 Keep uiTseii ireeirum cery - . ' " " Tc' V. , . j . . . o ?j :- L;nne arhon thi cummoiu came ! l ne star wnose ' '( ment that could embarrass me in dis- ' . . . i i a . - charging Ihis part of my administration l nave, tneretore, unuonuiy aecuneu giving any decisive answer to the numer reus applications wmcn nave ueeo inauc to tn6; ' being "resolved that 'whenever.- shall be called dn to nominate persons tor those offices winch may be created, I will do itwith sole view to the public 00 auu vjji iuj 1111 naiu, uwBg,iinv ujiwu every consideration, and from the bes,t itt- formation l can obtainV will, in my judg iueuit piuat Jii&eiy,M.u auswcj,Mwi-ti caw end."14; 'ffifcrr : - i -' . .''; ;T;ine delicacy itnnicrtyouTj euer waswnttenVndvyburs did not require nie to be thus explicitton' ..The Scant sxisuuruditi but Mi In Bristol' M. li on t&46th.lUlr. Hidiolaii - mpbelVintKetnyesjoi msag r wJ IS the Island ot-Maiu, ouinas occn - - iV5- Ca citizen of ;tbatUbwn othe last 4 yy Vl le V, K,ifinhtrv orevious 10 uie-Ancrwaii w . . . j -. ... ...i An" " ''-. v acUofresisunceto Britisb .oppresaw .by tho ;v dertnitit.onf carga otTe BostoMUrbod v v andL.coram'enced 1 that gloriow;j?Ti i laA r Ithis bead vith you ; but the desire tba v t 4-f ..r . V . " ft--; i. V". -

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