'k! - ohk; v n. -0'-TTIC3 .07 T1IH i t i v. fr trrl'Ysi' tTil r f -feed cvve. IFi'and yi-crourcVcIatlda aitizen..r . i.. k -rt-of t!, UJon ed-Wc were fpartic ilfrlj tUn for anv. t .nie. ;haweverir- or- c- able and, interesting- repOrrlrom :at C' i UbHc or priated a ccords of his country foV :any ,:por- principtesandsuebkason f ri--4ri jroufper of t., -th inatint, , -7 vwtobscr-.a afr'Address bfne MrTJames oiCthetr otrn ieads: Th cannbf ,bntH - ;iTf tV inrtivldua! bv thevchaWcteV,of 'bis: Vsonie pfahp passto of the Addre3sin nfrrth riterMethebty.' to ' v'land to miVeprecnte, conduct oLbi. -dvicompet?tor:i V;V ccrnwUmand-vfrongUo rotation ; ana , V wtst hatwfc may bpermitfed to de "i ndlourelTeVan'd.tKe geqtjemaivhQnu Mii reach; over oar 'V;4fihoulders thot;theiniputation of, an' ' ;Jimpertinent'pH -;v5;'jn the JocHrconcerris iS$l district ' 't''j Thb : following ai the-.pasiage n Mr 1 V-A1 CraifrAddrtss to which we refer : , "5 J erk of the hbase 630 Copies of all the doc: Y rJrjJ ments, executiv end leg slat ive, reports off o'm jTjitt'eesr ?tc. frpmTihe 1st. to the 13th Congress, in t!e .'j ?-:.v both jnclusiveVbeiniff g period of 26 years ! . - I i rri v ebteand i ntelll eent member en?aeed 1 , 1Sa i ? th reoltt5on was successfulW onnosetl : for qs9 ,t bjs'pn tnc r-t me; , 4 LWe throw-oujtTthis' bnef'stateraent-r buit cbhtajhs whatever isiecessarv" to be said: online: subjects vtt is more to pre vent kxaWration atr a Lstancethaii to SitUSfy any one nearviit osrwia.v yw? anr,stwment atutAwipwr J0HNiRANb6L?ri?QR0AN0k ot every orate ana jLerruorYuurtryujuu? t u,"u"- ,r .., the Conereaaiorial. documentsrxecutive cause ? Sureiy,npt its- geopraphical- e ?, - 1 j . -Ir t, i'4" T rtTnt nf vipw. she could anaLiegisiaiiye, from iiieongiuut uic M t -i. u v:i,i-M0f,;?.O claim a nroud elevation. Is it to be a- ".- U .tit1nn At"fisfTnilffJ rriheil tn NatareV'Wn has closed the vtnattheresolatioiiof ftft. Barrier was mouthg of henver, and blocked up her goVcfnyop'posed, -Jhow stands-' that mlets ? vis : it Uecaw'.nas no fact ? . The onlv q'uestfon taken ohhe resources ? MlaslhnQ r.to none of thee urhih niih! rp imnoseti to : rv .raosps can.it oe ascrioi?u ; uicani- w - the fitrencteif Mhe.fWuMon, was onthercumstances; tot he! extent supposed, not hat' tnon is ii hSqteion!lleVowa;Aye50, Noes owing ?"We must say, however painful 108. eeihs that the House wai decided- it may be,;(andVevipeak. from actual ob y fn'favor of 'tlie pVopbsitton, and that if ervktion,) that Uf is wholly and entirely the question were permitted to be taken "owiniohVwalj'liVC activity-; to the ap onJtsMase,' it would be adopted, two pifently nHerlisTessn.ess of its inhabi- Mr. RandoloVwhoh beeji rctarnedT as a member of -the. Virginia, Convention '-fbr-ranlend- in? the Constltivtion oC that State, is1 violently opposed to a more extended Jnduleence of the lecttvefran'tljise; In a speech atiGhar'otte C. H. blithe dav of the Convention election, he declaf- fed that- he had drawn the swqrd'r& thrown away' the scaoborn tnat all cnanges -wereoi improve menfsf&nd that it never "was known that the people improveilJ their government chinsre On t!e'rjjrht of sufT:ge", he said thnt the non-freeho!:lers spoke of pliysic! force, but hefore he woulI consent to extend to . theni!the riMJ to tax his land and slaves, he would JrWe I' them a fight -Charleston C&irJeT-" c ' ' We are authorized to say that the a bove is a very gross misrepresentation of Mr. Handolpk'ji words on the occasion al luded to. - . ' - Mr. IL. did j?ay. that he had commenc ed his public life as an humble but not inactive or lnefhcient member of that par .v. . -I ',; "minni - . 1 S.noci ;V1COOOA. - 2,000 . "1000. lnrw And many pother valuable pr,, ' i,eTis Quarter! . ' : Grant! CatisblMlated. -0 7b be flrawn ih f Fashion Citu? this month: il4 fcV 1 of g 1W00 j, ai 5,000' ' 1 6T000: T& qlk) l 'opo;-. s,ooo a i,OUU a 5. HesMles 5 of ?4(X i 10 or 300- of 150 aud lOOof 7J, 60, 50; &c . ; i nwic. itNns J J. Halve, 2 Package of 20 whole, wlwch 1 : to tir., w $45, with a chance of uy 0fiii t M Capitals, may be hud for $100. H Recollect that Vates & M nageisof all Lotteries advertised by ihtlM i" let aUyour onjers ticket be sent to ihJr1 Kichmoad which will be.promntv ttj . - tJOO to one, its eoemies, determined to defeat it tants. Naiurit'TOUst be acknowledged,; ty which had ejected from the Executive bv proventitig'the Question ; and this wai ,yas hot bestowenoii' them all the faciii- j Chair, the father of the Sedition Law efTt-cted bv ennsominff in debate such nor- "rips of crtrhmer not shown and lie had closed it by assisting: to expel tion of .the first hour of every morning7 IherselFfftatl v hostile. sittins (dlloved for receiving reports troml e CpllenrhboUr committees and considering resolutions) as ocean,and in ever? respect is ad mignt; oe ien rr uiscussuig uns jnu " situated- "How, easily bv an acti Beaufort has an I from the situation, the son of the Father from the of the Sedition Law. In both these con- mirably 1 flicts when he drew the sword, he. had n "11 1- at! I ve and f thrown away trie scaDDara. ever asK ' ,t was :satisfactoidyfmwn' "that ts adoption f 'V?- 'v? be'; ut-lss expenditure of ,the public V V moWy, that it would cost the nation xArec Zr?m " - 4Aowsrt7id " doIfan9 t( This , resolution of '-4tV 'rGeni Bariring'er,to.reprint th"escarcedoCuments. X 7 we are credibly informed; was ,made "tiponthe I j , ,;.suggesti'on of a caucus a't Washington City, after VfSjru JCales U Seat6rrth.ad losnbe ptibhb; printings to ' vrv Congfessi' 7 Anwhy citdthey Ibsethe printing i td both Houses of Cohcrres?7t was because they tion. .'?orae!of,1t.pponeot&1jcctipied the enterprising people, rnio-ht it be made a king or receiving quarter, anl not always floor three successive rabrnings, others pjace)f vat importance I How easily giving it it could be no matter "of ur twb, &c. until the very last day of the ses- raig)tit be connectedijith Newbern, one prise that he Had made numerous, arid vi sion 5 and thus only, yi vt successfully oftheir principal ,:eS:Han-roadv rulent enemie$, personal as well asoUt opposeil: :; r.y . branchin? from this lamentioned place ical. ' ! " ;" "Hi With respect to the aUespitiQn that Gen. tn var:nU9 nnrtinna of tlirountrv would Mr. R. exposed the infatuation of Vir- 15. 's proposition was tne kuu oi avaucus, 5,n(i them in indissoluble bonds, and give gtnia, a slave ntate, warring against slave ! -? ;advocate' the ejection of Messrs; I i.:iV . 'tind'strongly .supported ; all .the ..v.'lofthelasf administration because ) ' iJ"ced Gen?,T Ja'ckson 'asrt )if i'-Ai'ilaUhMr James A- Craig, of Haw ywfieldsiIf impossible fie believes whathe ; 'iVVass probable, he : Af mav have? supposedthat his unfounded f assertionswouUvnoktmeet the eye oi iiny ''"''''eronlio would take the trouble to ex- Adams & Clay, extravagancies they denoun- adulferer,r a cold i)lain:tale shall put V Mnsfead-ofi introducing his cesolution 'Jrii at tHe close of the session,77 Gen. Bar- rjringer.submittedyit on the ,14th of Febru- -i?:v :w,i7arv--nearly threeweeks before the close: ,V v ofjthe session.f ,Irwas,.;vithJiis consent, ' v 'V referre'd to the,C6mmUteeron :tHe Libra- Y ;rv,ta to enquire iqto. the' expediency of the O-VVfroeasureifs ProJSab'reftHtr&icJLv;On the V .i8tK Vf:February "the' Committee4 made - tCv-the? follqwiog report : . ; - S ' 'ni". iTliCommvtteVon the, Library, from the i Mouse of Representatives, to which wasreferred '; ;.: a resoitiuonor iue iouse reiauve io me re-print Av ing of certain pub fie 'document have had the v ftatne unacrAConsiaeration, ana Deg leave to re- i,'".fii:-,'-'."--t"4-i.-'--,A-'.'t... . . - -..! ! i porir ii the statement is ridiculous. It Uen. li. attended anv Caucus during the late Ses- sion, we venture io say it was a vautws held for very different purposes. It i known to everv member of Cougress, and no one will be Hard j enougu to ieny it. that all the resources and manosuyres or the subjpcts of Kiig Cau us were exh.tusi ed in the efforts t put down the Editor of -the National intelligencer, and not to susiain ihm. Jhe marshal line and dril ling of the force, by the Orderlies of the pirty, was incessant, dayard night. Mem bers were brought to the ballot-box by lit tleiesn thun uiaoual force, and some of the subsequent appointments to public office muv ; be distmctl y ti aced to the services rendered "to hi. Majesty on that occasion, by rallying a majority against us. , So murh for Mr. Jamesp Cratg's accu racy, touching Gen.. Barriiger's.resolution. We leave it to the intelligent people whose uffra2es he solicits, to torm an estimate of th hio-h-mifulf dness of .issuitinfr a rtval " , .... . . to that community, which has nowC the representation. He said the power of taxing (property and appropriating the proceeds was the power of me and death over it. As . sbme very young and indiscreet persons had boasted that the physical force ot tne country was witn them, Mr. it. 50. ytaterdf North-Carolina Superior Court of Law. and fcouitv : . ' Vke County. r . , Sprint Term, A.D.I 829. The Creditors of William RnfK. r..... jiumn, Mrs, uiinie KuiBn, wlvo j, r Cuvevt arkl wilVi of ArehihuM- li u. n sues in this behalf by G. E. BadVer v bert R. vRuffiiu . ' ; hy weakness of a child.' the firmness and vigour of a giant. ' Wc observed, Mst week, in our city, the President of the University of the State. His object was, to examine par ticularly, the construction of the Balti more and Ohio Rail-road, a proud and said he would never yield to a threat honourable monument of determined per- and. Detpre ne surrendered upon rsucli a severance and vigorous enterprise. That summons? he would be satisfied by expe gentleman,;for twq years past, has, with j riment on which side the physical force laudable industry and untiring zeal, been really attempting to roue the inhabitants of IC73 Editors, who have re-published the North-Carolina from their slumbers; He nrst pretended Version ot Mr. R7s speech. lias reasoned with them ; he has pleatled yiththem ; he has appealed to their pride ; ne nas cauea UDon tneir natriotism. vv e believe that his voice has not been raised in vain. e trust that he will continue Wis praise-worthy efforts, not dishearten ed by neglect, or the clamorous opposi tion of noisy demagogues ; not ;to ,bf nrsi pretenaeu version or Air. ivs spee are requested, as an act opsheer fustice, to give place to the above correction. J .-. , ,., Richmond ' Enq M ' nnii in m MEDIC At COMPANION, Thomas Ruffin, .Thomas Ritchie. HenrvAt V 'i ; it ituc, . t in annexed s 1 VyTilliam Ruffiin deceased John' M. RuWU Taut tfon of Thomas R. ilu ffitii Frederick: 7 OS MOTION, it is brdeTed by the Court tl V Benj imin A. Rarhara,, Ksq. be appoim? Commissioner to settle -the adminjstrstmw L. L count of the administrator of V dliani Ruftn i pince. of raki ng such accoUiit io the partif., im ' rested by public advertisement in one i,fK nevsp.tpers puoi-snea ut lie City of RaWk and that he make Ilepor ttoihe next terras Court. ' ',, ;f . - a;'x- Tne.parties in the above named suit, are bv notified, that I shall nrrif1ot m.tt.. ;he City -of Raleigh, oh the 29th 'day of Septet ber next, to audit and settle the accounts of AiimiiiiMntuirm iiie iate5Tiinam Ki'llin. anu wnere mey are umtecwo' attend. r ": BfiN.'Av BARHAM, Comm'f Raleigh, July tl,l829:f ; b9 State rtiif Carolina, jjuncotiibe Courify. Superior Court of LawApril Term, 1829. Polly Buckher, ' r : " v. . y Petition -for Divorce. FAMILY PHYSICIAN;' TREATING AVTHfi ; ?J DISFASES OF THE UlTJEDsSTATES, L'lVvJ ' "A,nar?pursuant ;to tne instructions ot the ,Q!rv:f flou$ they havet endeavored to ascertain what rip&)$X reihe deficiencies in the existing mtpply of pub hX fl tr llic.doc,uinefits in,th po8sessiori, of the House ; J $f :jthe probabtoumber of volttmeg which a re-print i ! ;s K. ' 4f,tbosef needed would occupy. 'j and. the costbf; V , A, X " t - V. v. specting ourselves, we conceive it less re prehensible, though equally TaUe. The conductors . of public journals are consider ed, by-the narrow-winded every where, as fair game forgery imputation that may serve the purpose of the moment jnand as it served the. purpose of Mr. Craigj in sus taining his unfounded charges against his competitor to assail the Editors of the Na tional Intelligencer, the truth of the alle gations against the Editors of so distant a newspaper was of little comparative im- k.UU.cnkMi in tham' u.r ttiuKJ.. .r ntr t a t o p ; i I h I lrn n i n nt iVl r. I.TMlOf ivti- vAtihe. House mosts conversant, with the matter.' Tt niisrenreapntafions will hpPdisnatched in a -'.'fA "i'. -j nrtMpara: -Ihat ' thoiiirh there are a nnmhVp nf (f..i inn.4 ln ,4;nn. 4t.A T.til-c .f t . vs "-' r t T' ... -.-.in . . 1 ! i icw mini sa ... SLaLii'2! l iql liic uuiluii ui the National Intelligencer ever " denounc ed Gen, 'Jackson as an adulterer, a cold blooded murderer," Mr. Craig asserts what is. utterly untrue. It would be equally un true, to assert that the National Iutelli- gencerever sssailed the private or person al, character of Gen. . Jackson, or that 01 a- ny member of his family. During the whle ot the two last Presidential contests, in the -first of whirh w advocated theelec- .'K (!hnoru ni aHmit1 tttr1v vnliim.c f.tw tUoi I . r m m .' - ., , . ' v - - - : " ' 11 .U iin oi Mr. urawfokd, ana inpine seconu v ' . . i.i a. suonortpfl the reelprtion ot Mr. Adltvts. uivaiiTaes wmcn wpuia auenaxne execution ft ' . , , " '7 ' . i 7 JACKsoxnot a word was ever nerstiidallv dliresnectful of at,there-prinio twelve volumes,,may be ef-J Geo. J. (- touching his iVrivate life or lo- in ceXarn w wnat mr- s ri,;.?- :j)T the South will, like the Clinton of the thwarted by scruples : not to be terrified iiiort t ni f ! ' rf l; i thrown in his way by the envious ; not with their symptoms, cansevcu' and means :- -Jienceu uv tne malicious. x. ue viiuiou vi iirtciiuun . wiinuun vwih ourecrv uie " I 5 'i , I r .1 mi , i i . v . t ' 1 ' m? no off inpnt irwt iliupqiae nf U7imun n i . l.:i or tne ooatn win. use tne unnton oi xne " - .T. w.s.r.. ...i- -vr il r' 1 1 j .-.I i I xiren : a -Jip'-naiory, tor., preparinir Faindv North, from such exertions, be entitled . .!'- . : 1 1 , v , - , , f niruiuiicsj auL. u uiossary cxpianmK lecnni to tne most endurable ot all rewartis cai terms Also, the Nurse's tuide.T 'the praise of having been an useful cit izeHiOf the State and member of society, the highest that man can bestow or re ceive." Baft. Ev. JPpsU The Seventh' Edition, Revised, enlarged, and very considerably im - proved. BY J MES EV ELL, M. THE LATE RUMORS. : 4 - 11 4 I',. appear iliat though there . are a number of I fvscaiiereo ami aiscouuecveu voiumes ot me print. rn uonress. possession of sessions there Hf".;, lt futtherrappears that, up to the yearl814 v ine aocumenis qi aession were wun rew excen- twJtionv: compiled '-in. one, small Tolio,1 and two - small octavo volumes, in iaree type, i ne com- I ci v ieu aocuments prior to ure rpurteen '? there is not a com;j.etestt in ti'te I t. th6. House sf and ot several entire ;'' nraieerc'pi option mat an me aociimeota which' itu.cdld be oT importa vmtffht becompnsed in about one volume for . "I . . 1 11 ; Wlim IHI' I lain'. Ill WJIll'll MIT-Ill lO-SA. I k'.r.fe c opimon that it:could tbe executed in eight vol- tion of Gn. ''w"' Sutler; "and at a reduced price. v 1 is estimated I written bv us .vJi.f rii-vt. j:.-',Tir3li.t:"Ai ?! mestic attu rs. The readers of tlte Nation ! s v;.euHiou. loIlWvIWvpJl)?e, uie ooraminee , T . ... , ! l'! V,Kon ifonnecl thatltwould be less than that a1 Intelligencer know that these are topics ' iU"vKf the octavo edition. ;A considerable diminution from which we habitually abstaio, in all i-v.r tfie expense of either edition might be v-ffect- cases. Unfitted as we have al wayrdeem- i;v''.Wh:e on the part ed that distinxruiUied citizen for the Pre- . j ot the Clerk otthe House, in the omission nf 1 -. ieh'(ioement'Air i not 'imnort. t cnuai umceimi earnestly as we op- print.- TheCommittee accordingly report the P!ed bis ejection, 'tits, public- services en ''tV T;jollo wing resolution i titredhim to beHreated with all the r- a entaandJegislaU reports of the House of hisqoalificatloni; and, in fno instance vva forffotfen'or -withheld bv us. -i'l J inclaaive,viiiall be selected'bv the ClerkTof thi jpect Considering: the bitterness of the late y'vwpouseforp 'contest, and the unrestrained discussion of IliV?5i,,?lid,r1on: ' 'v Gen. Jackon's private hUtorv, a well as the politi- i we have K-Shall We winfidi m the statements of the 1 tbe charity" to beievejt -possible, that Mr. t?"i-vni.'-Cominitt mav hav nurvriAPti thai- fh Vriiui. : V- ; ity Jto the House,to,thethation and io theirl ai I ntelligencer fulKiwed he, general ex ( ' own iliaraclera f jor: ip the random Vsserr :mple. Uut in this particular, as wll as 'XviQ,MT? of Mr- Cra)g?l-Alother Factrshould preference to the unfoundeti charges a- iV v'Jb? mentioned jherV. of, which mariy others gainst Jits adversary, whirh we have felt :'ACf At well asJMrC,tnay be ignorant: The ourselves called! ohito, ponce, we would .rv effect of general Birringerls motion vould N?u Mr; yj:aig,;that there not very ';lvC 't have beenjimited to theexpendip ofrw?'r" VyNVthTs sum v6f money merely forplacfngin -bar, with' an iiltehce which yhu tf nid: ktiow v; the hand8,6f,Conres printed conie4pf4 ) e itrue,d: jiirco,inp1iiiii wijh ne ;V thes'e valuabjel. records ;'butrin"addition hiclr)ou know Yo be false : one nolate to this, of itselfan important and:ieCes- the tetterjhe oibcr the spirit of the nuth ST; ; taj-yohj ' f -F WMild hTfi viUrd 5n K v.AX,:.nV...i : r v wv reoectfull vl fc ' Jiegislattve offices of every SUte &: TerrU " , . t , v - X ,,ur serv'ts. ;; v: V-KCy $ tnveryjneorporated poller & V . . , GALHS & 8EAT? Richmond. August 4- ;We have said very littlc of the unpl-as ant rumours which have b&n afloat for sev eral days jrtand within the last three days itrlourown City, because the subject itself is at all times unpleasant to touch upon ji ahtl because all statements concerning it are scarcely, ,more than rummrs. While they excite the weak and the unthinking, they are generally scouted by persons of sene and consideration. ' The Alexandria ! G alette had noticed, some days since,, the report that some un pleasant disturbances were taking place a- mungthe slaves in some of the lower coun? ties of Virginia, such' as Gloucester Mat thews, &p. 1 his paragraph got wind a -mong the Eastern papers but the Frede ricksburg Arena putjits extinguisher upon it, and arrestetl its circulation by a strong confutation of its general contents. Similar reports hidlreached this city, but ve have been unablefto find any f.;ctsup ported by good evidence, showing anysjich mad intention among" our people, or justjf fyiog any sort of panic on the occasion. Flymg reports of a sittiilar description were afloat about our city but we placed no species of reliance upon their authenticity. The proper authorities, indeed, upon being addressed informallj by a few ofecitK zens upon the occanirrjleterminedvat'all events, to pi acethe.olun leers in readi ness, and to ariri-he Ucwimenti-more with a view of quieting" any momentary, or un pleasant excitement, han because there ap peared to be the leas foundation for it. On S itord ay last, however, there wasome more feeling excited: among a few of our citizens, in consequence of a conversation sun) to have been overheard by a very re spectable young gentleman, who had con cealed himself, at une of the warehouses. The conversation was between two colour ed draymen, in which one of them was sup posed to have told die other to.be ready : fur - that night was tu be the season for rifiirtg, &c. This mn, hQweveris now i"h t us tody will be tried on Saturday net'; and it is better to wait for .the official deve- t Af ft- At . ..-',. i . i .iupcuicwv ui uic iiaii&acuon. - kt v ' -. r -i - a. a,, -V So it wasiiowereir, that a strong patrol was turned out ort that night, , with moil nt- 1). On the important sub ject of domestic medi cine, many -books have been written, which, though excellent in other respects, have greatly failed nt;iisfiillaess to Americans ; because they treat of diseases wiiich, existing in very foreign climates und constitutions, must w idely diftrr from oors. The hook now offered to the public lias, there fori, the great advautae of having been wrtteo Jby a native American,-of long and sue cessful nr c ifce in the southern states, and who, for years pust, has turned much, of his attention to the composition ot it. To every family, -more especially those in re mote situations, the possession of this book must unquestionably, be of incalculable value: for, conducted by such a guide, it will not be 'pre sumptuous to say that any person of tolerable capacitv, and reasonable attention, may be ena bled to pracctise with safety and advantage, jn limat4' -' P-V-' '-" :.. .rr''- i- i t- ; r. ORDERE1T by Court, thil publication be made for 3 month-s successively in the Haltgb Register, and tbeWadkin and Catawba JoarW. tnat the ; Defendant be and appear at the nefl Superior Court of Law to be held for Buncombe county, at the Court-house in Asheville,r tn thel 'd Monday after tlte 4th Monday in Sentembrl next, and plead or "answer to the8 Plaintiff's jpeM tion, or the shieJ wiljl-he heard ex bitrte : I Witness. Robert Beriry, Clerk, of said'Conr.l at Ottice, the 2d Monday afier the 4th Mondl - .. ROBERT II ENRY, C S. C. thoS; our c l ins wort is tor sate, by i Jo." GALES 8c SON. August 1. ... . . , ,95- SlateWovtlCcolhii Budcotiibe County. , Suijenor Court of La v April Term, 1829. Andrew Presly, Eleanor i Presl) Petition. for Divorce. State"c0ti v Baricombe County. ; Superior Court of LawApril Term,.1829. Jacob. Rap erifjj' ; "' v -" ' X ; v. vPetition for; Divorce. Deborah Rapervy;;' , , - 'J-'- O RDERED by Court, that publication be made for 3 months ; successively ii the Ilaleirt Register, arid the Yadkin: and Catawna'jnunuiL that the lilfendahCbe and appear at the iexf bupenor Court of 'Law to be held for. Duncpbe county, at the Court-house in AshevUle, on tiie 2d Monday after the 4thi51ftnday in September next, aud plead or answer to the Plaintiff's peti- tion, or tne s one wdl beiUil exarte. W it ness, Robert RtniyClcrlr of said Court at Office, the 2d Monday, after'the 4th Muu(Lt of March, 1829, s f : " 1 V f f ROBERT HENRY, C S. C Lands hvWincolii Caitntu. m 4.Lbwytthbu5houthe Union, aVse't'of J; INTERNAL? iMPliOVEMENTs: e are; glad tojearn fnqthe Raleish . v v? ,m. nearl virthe prints imD, 'm ' a rccordaMwereJestxvyedr directeTrth-it "r "'- ""z; j mu. mm i t ' 1 1 j l-i'iij' T ' .v,cSTe1 iat tAte..There seems to lavi hp(.n ;n;;:l 4 ,.v-,,M-"vurm' nuL-, state, naners. nrinfl li 4' f t- ; " f J -,f VthemfteYri onl Vn S1- h,cVe: trust, '.will not be ru uie, ocu. xue.ciiy auu suourus.were couredf-but' noVsuspicibus signs., were seen. The eity sfebf quietly-r-lt was the same case "on- Sunday night. VTfc' Pr- snna iA niioctinn tnopa nAvap mnA nl.-l.. UJ PTO mthe causebrintefr.al and quiet and not a sign, that we have nearci ojtranspi reason. tnese two nifflats,- rk -oli ' mrtnn oaf inn. n 4-v .-; . a. .W C.7 a : i yV' " , " f r . w 'jus li iy : ine slighteat. suspicion - They will bc: wretch- for, thejr wvuldtlnf jv bring diwn ruin ib- iTRIJEREl) bv Court, thatpublication be made v-r-iur o iiiuiHiis successively in tne Italeigh Register, and; the Yadkin and Catawba Journal, that tlie IJf-fendarif be and appear at tbe$iext Superior Court of L w tofbe held for Ruhcomhe county, at the Court housn Asheville, m the 2d Monday aiter the 4th?ionday in September next, anil I plea. I or answer to the PJainiitts peti tion, orthje same wilt be heard ex parte. " Witness, Robert lienry, Clerk of said Court at Office, the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday of March, 1829.. . , . - RORERT HENRY, c'sC. State of North-Carolina, Buncombe Count v. Superior Court ofEawAprd'Term, 1829." ? Ashur Lyon, "-v,- ' .-Vvi Petition for. Divorce. Lucinda Lvon. y ' - , ORD tRED by Court, that publication be made for 3 months successively in thT Raleigh Registel'. and the Yadkin and Catawba JournAl. that the Defendant ibe ami ap pear at the next Superior Court of Lato be held fat Buncombe v..ivj, v mt wmi-iwiisc 411 isjievuie 5lOh lie' 2d MonjrUy alter the. 4ih Mhda'Y iniiremher next, and plead or answer to the Plaimiflfa Veti- n, jUic same win ne neam ex parte & -Witness, Robert tienry Clerk of said iiourt ' A KiREEARLY to the last wilt and tes'araeM of Abraham Eithardtj tlel'd. the ttndenigB ed,v Exepbrs to aid wilf;ti4ttetaroent, t Thut-sdayi tb'e 27th day of August nekt, on t 'premises, .will expose to public sale, several i joining tracts of LAND, p.oiitainihg' nearTj J$ acres. v '. c " - . .'These lands are lying on the waters of atilCrkia mile aiid a:halfrS.vE. of Gen. Grv lrairOurncei djoimd)iida of firaham, Mai' dyLow' ejfand . Diri , klnanji rquit in iualr to any lands in the nerhborhgod. -, -' ' .Formerly there were i lofiefatinn on the pi" mu&sya Saw niid Gristimifl,aiCottoinpniaciiMw; tioiif ;' :-Wif . . iirheeat is an excellent oVie fot any kil-ci maclurKiry, haying jf'coiisideriibie lah and god water power.' i.;-,t' - "',--.'V' V : Oil the'premisea-i, a gootl Apple Orchid and ahfo cousWierable quantity of mta0 laiii'l. - ' ' : ' rj.- ' , 'f ;--" , at Ofhce, thevSd Monday after t het4tU M bhda v pfMarchf"lti290,x--X:; rw -""4f - : - , r -ROBERTjilEYl'C.: . Conditions : -Oneand two y ers credit i Jp' proved security witlbe required, aiul-title w pass at the pay meot of the purchase money. 5 j JA(;oRpqiNi:Y, " ABRAHAM FOKNEY. , ,mi,' SurviviniT Sl Lincoln county. JplyjgtMte. : 9SJ XT7AS taken un and cflrnmitteii to the M J f thi countv on 4he2dof March bsu negro' man supposed to be "lave, who himself S AM U EL Wl LK?J SCand RyMh3t J Norfolic.1 Va. twl that hV'rnaWv froin iUd v - . . . 1. t,-- .uJt time . j or oyears, ana, nas passea aunn nw , ,'a,f ree imn 5 Jie Js about 24 years oi age, feet r ' .;nVhf i liiirti. n.t ml - klarfr. 1'he 0f !?: --a EO If fBALE.. '.;V t subscriber: js autliorised bv th "n .r:t rilHE t subscriber jsauUioriseili hv i"KVii:i XAYiHiam. Piufoer! to -'offer for 'aalc his g ,s ybghlyTmpfbved elegnt establish faertjis aituatedn the most pleasant part of the towd ; fthe Buildings are all new and finished in the best style. . The lotg consist of five or sjx wrc. ' i 'Persons wishing to purchase will apply to me at tbia place. V A, , r J. W. NORWOOD. Hliyfsboro, 3 A? Z7. 94tt oFsaid negro is requested to come forwanw I property arwt pay cJi.es,f or be will I fl!Tf 1 t ' a MRS "PALMEIc. g6 'Windsor, Rertie cauhtyj June 9. - V " " - JustIieceivcd Paber'A Difficulties of Komanistn e Scott'a Familjr BitllenhlS v1 8i t .llie'inslxatuyateiy of Mabodiv A Defence; of Truth as tf.5 History and Mystery' of Metbo"' ' JOS. CALEJJ 4 July 18 1829. - 3