II i ni nrr-m n r r r rr -r r j . . i , -J . i - WilTi HQ , 1 1 ? A aM 'i '.M JtM i Is PublisTicd' every Mottd at aria HxfjiaAT, by Joseph ;GAtFf S,& SON, ; At fvtf Dollap pet anmim-hiilf in advance. AOVRtlTlSBMKNTS v L Kot, exceeding HtUen tines, neatly .inserted 3 ; v'V ti mes for, ii ollary tftd twenty-fiye cents for v ; every succeeding publicattdti,: thoseL-ot ifreat- .H.-.r length m theame':prpVrti9n;..rqmiffiT 'Jr wicATipirs thMifeCally fcceiyed.pw.LT.TjETiii to the Editors mtiH be ptetfiaui. sr.ji! ,MISCELANE0IJS; f SCOTLANft: ; v There U no coiintrj ip the wortd .inore , full tf interest to eye,, of the observer. than Sc(tlnl, , ,Protn mr ehildIi(HMl when ; we pore vV0ver the, mi ght d eeda xt W!1aeevy v V.f bU ctimp&loniafj- thooh -Cherre , , out n fitherriVe have been accustomed , "to look' to Sciitwtid Vith fond rejard, anU; "yc oueii experiencenxne. tun irce ; ,;lier bard V feeling, . wteQ .Ke ejcclai 'st Vv - M Is there a than with soul so dead V. ho never tohinVseJf hath suld, - , This is my Own, my native land ?M "What other country is there with, which .there are so many interesting; asHciations t and recollections xonnecrefi; iwacfti jars, hef poets, heV itktemVnjfsf4 rhave gained &er a nme k 7 rr.--'uttont my-liv:lenvi.;.Hv., : chilf - wren feel tht pride of their, f.ifuitinn.- Burns could fbllOwV ' in glory and joy'? v-4it.:pwug'opon.the motfr.t:! side ' " f aud 'ig the gongs of his'count ry's fame , -,Witf tle 'eo awactl iof tbeat , ley. iyiiiac has sown over::her; rocks the ifoperisliable seed of hih thoughts I anl Igrfeat action The (marks pf ; his feeV are shown, as if the stone and the :;flintVpttjd,' retain them jforever, rby a patriotic peasantry to ,4hfcir children. golog to tbe ploughed fisld-'ior the hill pastiire Bruce is astresb;, a name as 4 if he had lain but a few 1 years in the tomb. As a nation, none have a greater affection for fatherlaridir . Her Doets have , coutributed to njakfc this a part of the na tional character .V Scot, recreant to hb t vuunjcrjr js aeiaom .iounu . lrmy a may i j , acmwM.i i j uu 1411 . iiuij v 111 1 j 1 lid' of h i m Vcrfurhr non anirnum mwrf1 ytia 7alnl alii trans mart, etirwnt. I: rfu Swiss 1 kJiasht! Rinze de-yacher us, re; - - -r.: ; - i - -r.- t :i t " x.. r" T .-5 r-"' ti . w 11 collection to the fandcf a tota Iradmoh of nta ' her sonffs. ' which doe t a a -Scotsman of hom lUl eathe -,lhe air of the healb-clad rflstrming!e. Iwlth thi nenn'e whose affections: dine witbHt t liis to autd Scotland. Thpnth the sceptre has departed from , Judah,7 he turns to the silent ahd tenantless walls of HoW rood, and feedsis 'memory with the glories of past times. Thfe; tnemorinls of Scottish valor a re every wheifs aroufid him, and in the breathing thoughts and burning Wda-ofihe.lofiiitp;eifhi land, he c tv recount these deeds tf valor He cherishes the memory of thbse who, have v honored the land, as a fatherpreserves the jipnory of his children, agd Deaths the feeling of a, true aSd ';tjing be te , Scot- as a .-In qnxf Walter Scott's novels;' The - Pir.vt" a striking instance is given. : ot " ftheteelirt-s alludeilao in the fore-pine ar- of jticle Mnna i Troks jiffusal to leav(t& (Uivj ' " .ruVw. are lands,' said Clevelanf, iti .whitJi'the eye may look brigh't upon groves -r -,1m n.l the cocoa and where the '. w .,,rv "move light as a ealley under sail, ver.fieldv carpeted with flowers, am. aa ! k. ft..rrniidcd bvin.ati thickets. r and where subjection ,s unknown, except ''that of the brave to the bravest, and of all Vlinna paused a moment ere she replied, C'.nd then answered,; No,; Cleveland, My own rudecounfrv has charms for me, 1 delatpas 5u Aink ,U and depress .!dorU stirelv .itv5ieh "o O'her land on eilasii . - i endeavour in eaii" v , fivp f those Visions of ruin to rruirc,i'w "7;- . - ,vhn ag.ale.l by a stor,,,, ur jnore 'hetutrful ihn whii they yl'ry Ihe Not forest scene in t..rei8o Lot Ihe friglfteit Mnbea.o tliat ev- VI - From the ChrUtia AN ECCENTRIC SPEECH The disposition to defMcrate the merit pf those who: conirtbutr generously; tpublw. !t:a: wis veil Jtakeo m by the Hey. Mr. : Birnett, of Corfemanccenbic speech . which he cietivereu ai. -vrrv ' mm t . n of the Lond n M i?iwry ; i ety ui tini, was reiiilered cnuu dly . Loi- Latins by thU p&h : S'reocUuieU reCiully "iu.tWiCU -in ' win my thoughts fora moment tnnn tnni i!l rocknfisfy hill, and wide rolling. r 1 HUUnS is the. laud ofnWxJeceaS; encestors,and o myjiving fa her 5 and fw ilialtland wiH 1 hye awl die IV advocate tended a missionaries tx the Cape of Good Hon.. iMr. Bbbserved,f( :. . ' - A gentleman wHo haif experienced hoth i og" ' of this ,d ay 's eic i leme nt, . who 'ha not wllnetseif thin anitnating iceoe from Frarice, nl ivh'C itithtg1 in ChrHtiaO coolness in bis. ovvn closef, has hot mingled a miiig viu. ha sent t vour society, whaphe conscieu- tloy and honestly consider it entitled to ; nd I Jake for graoted that: many in this meetin feting: will me far above hini. ' Re me'rob.that this w th,frofttring oii cold, calculating man, given uot at the altar bit to the priest at a distance fnnn it wiihout anyiftffhe eicitement you have this dsy experienced anl I do expect that his -x- aoiple will this day be followed up, and i, crt-ttta l;.b'ut-ifchis f . " ? bb fct fallowed "ttp sha) twenot -. i j Jhe jpofc uf someregUn$afe bdu . ;;.io tlik'equatW oftber R (Cheers,) t.sajn of yowilKg is a . . w!i raai, Who, has nothing to, do with his t. ;r.2f and8 ;lad' torsive tt away rather tl;an be obliged to kevp accounts," or perhaps he only wants 10 make a nourish to have, been the" principle m which Jie not- ieu 4.v;v fa 11 y,wc saiu again, rOlthiis sbin:e onewho gives to a mis- sionary society, but w ho gives to nothing elsie." l"e act is, however, not so ; for let me'tHlf yoiijlthat when I preached last year a eroonvin behalf of this institution, I have reason to know that this same cold calculating; individual put a 50 note in the plate! and he i, besi Jes, an annual sub scriber fo an auxiliary society. (Applause.) Or' but some of yoti may say, this is his hob&yi and every man likes to sub scribe liberally to his hobby." I tell V u, however, (hat this also is not the case ; f r this gentleman is now engaged in erecting a chap4. which will cost no less a sunt tbajuOOO, every fraction of which cqk. tot ni own pocKet. iuneer3.i i , pd now-that he is some old bach- fiughter.) This is alst a mistake, ns to have beo married twice iiilin. innw nVnot only to have IIIIUI Vjldren ; yes and two batches of reat Laughter.) And notwi h iis great liberality, all of them X ra' are ovided for. I will next.be told, a at. a man was lert this money, and never knew what it was to earn it ; or he has been left an enormous legacy, which he little expected ; or he may have gained a twenty thousand pound prixe in the lottery by some lucky turn of the wheel of for tune." Here again vou would be at fault, for the man made all this money himself. (Cheers and laughter.) In short, this gen erous man is a plain, honest, conscientious! Christian Englishman, who has muny to provide for and does provide amply for tnem an uy ms lanours ; out wno, wiunne . ,.. It I I I I. I A.L fruit or hts labor, coutnves to come toward and .nswer the - demand, for everjp: good work; brought home to his understanding anx: nis conscience. -;rdoi netug present at this tneetiog, he has not had like you, any ex'qitVmenf to 'stimulate him tohhj act; lit me seetiren whether his cold cafcO Utihlmauthta twice married grandfather wiftvo"utstripv in bis s closet the effons of those who, under the influence of a Lon don fever of zeal, are boasting of London efforts.-' (ureat cheers.) it ms exam- plelbe not 'followed, what a reproach Vllf if be: to voul I now bes leave to sec ond the resolution. ter and applause, and a collection was then oiafiK in tne mefitic-. S!avfTra African Repository contains some extracts from a tianer on the subipct of the Slave Trade, recently received from the Colanf of Liberia, drawn up bv Dr. Randall, the late agent. It appears from the-e, that traf fic is still carried on to a very great extent, auo with , great attivuy ; aim inai iu the, opinion ol the? writer, the measures pursued at present by the Christian na tions are not uKeiy to put an enti pi h Lhe Sfave-traderss treouentlv carry on their operations within sieht-of the Coloni al factories. At Galenas a regular slave -'Asent is established, who; purchases large numbers of slaves and jurnishes the stave vessel,', : which geoerallv bring oat. specie. These vessels cruizie up' &lowo the coast, and when a convenient opportunity offers, run in for their careoes ot human beings.- They are sometimes captured, sold1 and bought aain at bierra leone, ny their on it. ntvhriL who send them out anin on w- --y , ,- the same destination. The English and; French governmehts send out a frigie. witi a broad pendant, and two or three stoops of war, , which itove up and down Che coast :wrt or three times a yearr and serve?ho ui imin v nrmi v wik .. u e: it iiim irr iiuu 1 :r;V j f- "i s. 7 "T-7 -.- i nar - :rtaKea to suppress-13 slave purpose in tnecmng toe siavciraue. 4oci; siuveotrad.ers e;uplov a number ofKJ0034 !nen tccf of the motions of these vessels.. ; As soon ara man of war is about to leave Sierra Lt&nev these Relive .mes sengers in," swift canoe give notice to the sly vers who imovdiatHy leave thr coast. In Dr. Randall Vopinion, the only way of breaking tip the slave trade, is tovtiave ten Or twelve light, fast sailing schooners, who should cruize the whole year' on :the coast atthose .places where vthe slaver can procure their cargoes and who might relieve each other at proper seasons.- He thinks they should have one or two sloop9 of war with them, ' the- forces of wnicn wouia Destir er.: ti -to jaqd and breaj t:a r,v- i;.zti.: If this coursp - :;uriciv4 by :thscifTi who nar He - that has obseed;the"6luwinV r! and the faltering iqrignW of youfe person?, must know that thesenaV of propriety prow a tip o them very soon. 1 They are scared at ourTfow.o, they are cheered by our srjiles, they invite uto kympal itzein thejraptures thpy feel upon perform n , what we have been accustomed to pratse, and on the de textton of any little tm propriety, they hide through heedle curiosity, they have ventti red' to commit what is forbidden, they eti her tremble at our annroach. or ov tears and blushes: by promises and embraces of amend meat; and a thousand littleUinmngf arts,;vtHev strive ih regain our esteenu Now the ca pcity for this sense of ahame is given by mature, but the direction or i)t depends up- oa the care of others. EaiUy it may,' be preserved'and easily destroyed. If tbere fore, we commit outrageous actions, or ut teriii decorous Words in the presence of the young, a blind mechanical proneness to 1 mi'ation leads them, to adopt similar prac r ..! ' " . . n ' r-,i tices. But when those prac licet are after, wards continued frum -deliberation, or froitt custom, young men will see, nut equity, but harshness, when they are Corrected far loing that which by their, parents op their superiors, tne-naseseett-dona. with itn punity. XA.irt-;; aC ;tl - Cov, s pn tij?eaiV ww-FiUUS COIl IC I Km. If, therefore, we; add 'the weight of bd precept ;o bd example' in training op our children, if we reihark'hot only with ih (lifforeoce, but even with complacency he facilities with which' oaths and obscenities trip oft' their tongues, if we c ill. the sallies of their petulance? mere uprightness; and openly impute, their bbrsts af angr to high spirit, we have no right to complatir of consiequenees which we oqght Jo have foreseen we have no. right to be surprised or provokeil, when customs which we had ourselves fostered; have shot upr td their full magnitude when th'ey annoy us -by their malignity, when they are too sturdy to be restated, ahd too inveterate to be era dicated. Parr. . "; FOll SALEj A TRACT OF LAND, m Wake county, y ing on both sides of Dutchman-s Branch, containing; 397 acres, and another Tract lying on the south side ot Swift Creek. The Tracts are contiguous, and were purchased some years go by the late Wm. Gilmour of Wm. Brown., yk Apply to me canors oi xne icegistcr, wna are authorised by the owner la sell said tand.,. August 15, WW. V9tf & Guilford County. In the Court of Equity. - V Curtis Jackson, ! i s V. . Jtto,' Anderson, ''. - Lydia. Anderson, , J Heir at Iaw of Miriam J"ames Anderson, Anderson, feme' Covert, , Phebe , Anderson, ' J deceased. ''r'' " I lary Anderson, J Wir tii 'rly7 IN tha .cause.l it appearing.tb the . satisfaction of the Ccurt thxt the Defendants are inhabi tants of another Ctitt ltci3 therefore ordered by the Court, tkfe pubbcat.cabe made for six weeks in tlie Raleigh RegUter, tor the Detend atits to appear at the neat Superior Court of Law and Court of Equity, to be held in and for the County ot CiumoM, at the court House in Greensboroueh, on the fourth Monday after the fourth Mdnday in September next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to the Com piainaftts BilL or the same will be taken pro con tesso, and decree made accordingly. ' Teste. ; - A. GERENT, C. M. R. NOTICE. Tlt0PO5AL5 will be received by Wm. Peace, JL Esq. at his Store in RaleiErh, until the 1st Saturday in Nov. next, for a Contractor to take charge of the poor of Wake county, at the Poor Houses thereof. There are about oU paupers well provided with Houses,, cooking utensils and other necessaries for their convenience. There $ also, a good Plantation,' House, and Grist-mill, for the ose of the Contractor. 1 The Contractor is desired to state his terms for famishing the said paupers with food and raiment for one year by the -head, with the addition of the Mill andJ Plantation, to commence from the 1st day of Jan., next. Vlf desired,; Cash will be paid in advance.' Rood and approved security will be required. . W.CLEMENTS, Clerk of the Court of Wardens. Wake coanty, 20th Aug., 1 829. 00 3w FOR SALE! IWISTLto sell the place, within a mile of Hills borough, on .which f tow:xeside. There are 20$ acres,, about one half cleared, ten acres of Meadow r land and the balance in wood. The improvements are; all oew'and finished in the Hest manner they consist of a Dwelling House, con taming eight rooms with fire places, besides passages, closets, i&ca large Barn and Stables, and other necessary. Outhouse1 There are se veral never failing Springs f the best water on the tract,, and a large and well selected fruit Orchard. , . , ,-. - .1 will sell this, property on the roost liberal terms-i-either for noney'on easy credits or will exchange it for Negroes or Western lands. i Application may. be made by letter to the sub briber, Hillsborough; "-'JlNUEilfdUXV, Nov. .15. 40; paaraiss of divOco. IJmoit Canal Tattefij, Jf 6:t0. To le drawn ith Septnlf Philadelphia: , SCHEMA 1 Prize of $10,000.- is 1 : 3,350 $10,000 : 5,S5() 40,000 2U600 5,S00 10,200 40 , 1,000 42 500 51 300 51 200 "51 I 100 5,100 Besides 51 (eaibjf $90, $80, & $70 SJ -.102(eittM.of 60, 50, & 40 204of $S0, 100 4f $20, & 1 1475 of $10 Whole Tickets $10, Halves 5, Qrs. 2 50. UrAipackaire of 20 whole, for $200, which is compelled to draw nearly one half of the amounV invested, may draw' some of the above splendid priaes. "lIjSend your orders to the Managers' OSice, Richmond, Va. YATES & McINTRE. . . k'i'h-' . ' DRAWING OF THE lf. ; . r ; - Connecticut 8tajte Lottery 'r!?h&&?:yHntfi Class." vNor,'1033, 28.8, 37, 58, 48 t. No, lVi37r5 a Capital of Fifteen fitm- T; drtd Dollar s. was sold at hewson's for iMfs Qffxce, on r Paesday last AiiVone of the drawiiNo- is entitled to $4. i i ;Ordfrsi for Tickets m ihe jtlot eries to ie drawn thia isonth will meet with prompt attention, and the: drawjt nu:v.Jrs forwarded the, moment the drawinsrare rt'etrted V;Addresto.;:i.?.- R. VV. HEWSON, jVahingtoiK Consolidated Lottery, i x israwsym Jlugttst. 15.000 DOLXiAKS. ' 1, fets g5; Halves 2 50, Quarters 1 $51- Vashintoa City Lottery, ' v " ISth Ussv; -y. Draws, lst ihsftmtisl ; f Tickets, S4, Halvfs 2,,Quahers 1. Prizes -aU pi vabl in Ca;sh; w ; Tickets and Shares for sale at the Lucky Of fice of . B. w; HEWSON, IX- "Petersburg. -Aug. 18291 ;. ' ' -r Grand Consolidated Lottery) Class iMo: 16. To be drawn 29th August. eiVnnrt I0,UUU 6,000 , 4,000 Prize of 815,000 is 6,000 4,000 3,000 2,05 0c9ty -4,uo 5,000 5 1,000 500; ,ouuj Besides 400's, 300's, 200's, 150's, 100 : , , . &c: etc? ' Send your orders (post paid) to , yLVJCES & M'lNTYRE, i :;- "f 5 RicKtnonti Richmond, Aug, 3, 1829. . City antS iDjoaaty Auctioneer. The Subscriber having I been appointed by the County Court ot Wake and the Hoard of Com missiontrs of the City of J Raleieh, Auctioneer for the County and City, offers bjs services to the ruuuc. JOHN T. C. WIATT. lOOlf August 18, 1829. State of North-Carolina. Wayne County. Superior Court of Law Spring Term 1829. Jesse Barden ps. Ann Maria Barden Petition for Divorce. WN this case a subpoena and alias havinff been JL issued, and the Sheriff of Wayne county making return thereon that tbe defendant was i.ot to be found, proclamation was duly made at the Courthouse door aforesaid by the Sheriff of rmmtv r.... th ..m a xi u. r:r ' it i rrrz der to appear and answer as she was required to dn in said subftan. nrt h- fWillne. t ..r was ordered by the Court that pubLcation for vvr! rrJZ uinS Jthree months be made in the Raleigh Star, MidJXlj&ff1? i cni; n.;. 1 Convention. The subscripUon to be paid at tbe : - rz r - r f the Raleigh Register, irivioe notice to the said defendant, that unless she appear at the next Superior Court of law to be held for the county of Wayne, at the Courthouse Waynesborougli efirst Mondav after the fourth MnnrUvnfn. e first Monday after the fourth Mondav of Sep tember next, and then and there to answer or demur to said petition, judgment will be taken pro contest ana neard ex parte. ' v N. WASHlNGtON, Clk. Price adV.fJ 25. 69 Butirombe .County.-. ' . f Superior Court of CjiwiiApnl Terni iS29.s Ashur LyonO 4 - ' v. . C Petition for Divorcel f-ncindslvon. j( v- ORDERED by fJourt; thai -publication be mti' . for 3 tnonHrt suces3iTel v in ihe Jidehff Register, nd the YaAaio andvCauwba Joanta), thai the Dt-femlant be and appear. at: the next Supeiw 4Jurt of lV to be held fur Buncomb - coutrty, at the. t:oi)H.U)Hse in Ashtville, on ttte Ion.tf aftertke 4th MoUy in September S next, and plejidor aq$Ver to the Plaintiff oeti:' - lion, xr the wie wilt be heard r ur. f AVitnessf:Riber.rHenrvi tllerk ofsAirf rvrr at Office, the!2d.MoAday after the 4tl MondaV of March, 1829. ;.Vi. ' - J ' ROBERT T1ENUY, C. S. C. State NortKWwWnti. . 4 i i, v Dttix n on 3uo ii " - - Srror turl . i". La w Atu U XcrarlSTa,, rJ ..vt Petition fur Divorce. Margaret Ttobards:)- ' "' - f UUEREP by t:9urt.tlt publication be made ;for . 3'. month? sicces.sively ui the Jlaleigb Itegisteri iat the.Vadkin Catawba Journal. that,the Defendant be and .annear.at the neat SupenprCoflrf oi&w fo be held for Buecombo, Cotonty; kt the,Cuirt.bousel(in Asheville, on the 2d-Monday after the 4tb Monday in" September next, and plead or ans wer to the Mai . ti fir's pe tilion, or the Same will be heard e.v bar fa Witness, Robert. Henry, Clek of sutd, Court at Office the 2d Xioiitlay after tue 4th Monday or iarcn, . ROBERT HENRY, C 3. C . iSdfc of North-Carolina; Bnnt nibe Couni., Superior Court of Law April Term, 1829. Andrew Preslv.V v. ! Petition for Divorce. Eleanor Presly,, , ORDEltFl) bv Court, that publication be madfet for 3 months successively in the Raleiifh Rfjf.st r, and t7e Yadkin and Catawba Jour nab that tne Dtendant be and appear at the next Ssupiu)r CouK ot 1- w to be held for Buncombe county, at the Court house in Asheville, on the 2d. Monday. .after the 4th Monday in September next, and plead or answer to j: JPWntitPs peti tion, or the. sjime. will be hcaro ex parte. ' Witness, Robert lit ry, Cleric of said Cotirt at Utti-;e, tUe 2d Monday after the 4th Monday of March. 1829. y-. -; ' .-, -. '.: ROBERT HENRY", O, S. C. Saftr df JSTdrtfc tarolina -l - , Buncombe County, : . , ' ' .1 Superlpr. Court of Lw AprdcrmlSt - ' . ' 4 Jucob R-pcT,;- . M , - i;-;';v vJ -yv ...;r , . ; , . , t , f; S. Petition far T) ivorce, .' , - , : s s , - j Oeborali Rapery ;-r; - tfvt , . s,', lubEHEb by Cobrt; thatpublTcaCoobe miuW : -' h ltomtsflrr7"Miyfly,, in hi Ifetgn.,. Register, and fle Vadfein-'aftd CaUwba JbttffcSh1? that.tbe Defendam be'and appear, at - tfifcnet " ? T ' A bupenor Court ot Law to be held for Buncombe county at tlie Court-house in AsfieiHe, on the' . 2d Monday .afler tle 4th- Monday jn September hcai, mhu .icau or ui lower 111c riainiiix s pcl tion, or, the same wjll be heard exliartv. - j'' Vitness; Robert Henry, Clerk of said Court at Onitie, the 24 Monday af ter the 4tU Monday of Marchr 1829. -v A ROBERT HENRY. C. S. C. of North-Carolina. , juperior Court of Law and Equity, Wafc,e .County. Spring term; A. D, 1829. ' rjlie. Creditors of Wilham Ruffia, Caroline M. Kultin, Mrs Catharine Rumn, who W feme covert and wife of Archibald R. Ruffin, who sues in tliis behalf by G. E. Badger, Eav Ro . bert R. Roffin. ' ... vs. Thomas Ruffln, TJiomas Ritchie, Henrv M. Mil ler, Administrator with, the Will annex William Ruthin deceased, John M. Ruffin in fant son of Thoinas R. Rtiffio, Frederick Ruf fin and Archibald H. RufBn..' ' fMOTi.ON, it is ordered by the I Court that Benjamin A. Harham, Esq. be appointed Cbmniissioner to settle fthe administration ac- ouvt of the administrator of William RufBtf. de en ox , OOOlce aseG' 11541 ne gjve notice of the time and ?e of 'aking'such account to the parties inte restei by public advertisement in one of the newspapers pubiwhed in the city of Raleirh. nuiuavne maite neporuoine ncxtterro ot ibis; court; - ., . . ; j ? The parties in the nbove named suit, are here by notified; that I shalW proceed at my office. in the City of Raleigh, on the 29th day of Septem ber next, to audit and settle the accodnts of the oVdministrator of the late William Uirffin, when and where they are invited to attend. y-V BENJA. BARHAM, Commn Raleigh. July 11 1829; ' ,89 TO THE PUBLIC. r NOWINathe great arid proper interest felt Lby the people nl Virginia in the aDDroachin 1 Convene un, the subscribers make the follnwin J proposiiion : X They . h ive employed tbe best istenocraniir rs to renort the rtebatM. Mrh,K orni V r , . " 9 w mm wap t w tip be published as rapidly as possible iu the Whig.. As many , persons are not in the habit of filing s their papers, and as when taken into their fam lies they are luble to be destroyed, they "pro pose to nie m tnis urace, me papers containing the debates, for as many desire iu The ex pense of thia will be apportioned by the annual price of the raper $5) awl tbe length of time required to publish the debjitesV-for example if three months are required to. publish the de bates, the price of the nle will be $1 5, This we imagine, no , man wdl hesitate "to frive for a 5?, J If ubacnoe de sire : their copieabound that can done at smaii additwnai eaDenW 5, ! VS."?" VF pRJAauuressea p tW WW De - - .1 t or persons wishing to subscribe, can 2 dribkr, or. r thfimfcStSl lSi24P5 PP?r: . PLEASANTS, A time ,oi oenvery. course apprised appear in the.rt)atly ri-t.ASATb, A1IBOT1 & CO Richmond, Va. 99 lvr; Of VarioUft description neatly esecui '4. its Mi- ys--.x; fc.. V -J . -v - . 4 Lis A

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