We were vjsitea wiin - f iw-iyr :wm5 st time, on Friday morning U$t. Humor8T)avreached,thi5 city, which we fear are but too.welf founded, of the death ttf the Hon. Gabriel' Holmes, rmeniber elect from the JVVilitiington District and -ate Governor pf this State. -. . ';.Te" , '' :--' reedorn of the Press there any one axiom iiiore firmly spttled thanam- tHerin relatiou to a free Republican.Gov. prmnent, it is, that no such , Govern raent can flourish in jts purify without the ac- coinpaniraentof a. free Press It becomes; then, an enquiry;of high importance to the citizens of every free Government, to as certain how long it carube sustained, when its principal Officers use all the means in their power both directly ;and indirectly,' to warp and corrupt the Prejs I We are Df opinion in such a case, a free Govern ment would presently sink into a despotic Xne, provided the People" could be so blind to their own interests as silentlytpsuflrer the Operation to take. places but we have iio doubt, however slow thevmay be in making thediscovery, that whenever they shall become fully sensible that an attack is really made on thefr dear-bought priv ileges they will rise in their strength, & drive 'inch Officers from their stations with as much unanimity ak they placed them there 7 The People will never know ingly harbour a Viper in their bosom. On the opposite page will be found an article from, the Greenville (S. C) Moun taineer, communicated for that paper by a traveller. We are influenced in trans ferring it to our columns, by two conside rations. First, a confidence, that the writer does , not sketch from fancy and secondly, because it is so-unusual to see any section of bur" State complimented by citizens of neighboring States. It is re freshing to meet with such a writer, and his testimony in our favor should be a ' burning rebuke'' to the class of politi eians among ourselves, who never speak of their own State but in terms of -re-proach. We are informed, that the gen-, tleman so highly ' complimented in the concluding paragraph, is Charles Baring Esq. who has settied , 25 miles- south of Ashville and is drawing round him-some of the most respectable and intelligent gentlemen from South -Carolina. ) Penitentiary System. An interesting account of , the present condition of the Kentucky -Penitentiary, appears in an Ohio paper- From this;- we learn, that the Keeper, instead of receiving a salary, pays the State a considerable sura annu ally, out of the profits derived from the labor of the convicts, after defraying all the expenses,1 his own compensation in cluded. , New Stage Line. The Newbern Spec tator says that it, is the intention of. the Steam Boat Company to place the boat Norfolk on the line between Newbern.ahd Elizabeth City, and to establish a line of Stages from Newbern to Fayetteviile, to be intersected by a line fromWilming- RcforriSfS J. M. Campbell has been appointed by the President, Surveyor and Inspector of the Port of Louisville, Ky. in the place of Richard Fergiisson, re moved The Legislature of Tennessee conven ed at Nashville,' on the 20th of Septem ber.; . - The merchants of New-York have pre sented to Hugh Maxwell, Esq. late Dis trict Attorney, a superb silver Vase, in testimony of the ability, firmness, indus try; perseverance arid public spirit, exhi bited by him in the discharge of his offi ciar duties-?' WThe weight of the Vase is &7 ounces, and its cost &1000. " TheNew Bedford, (Mass.) papers men tion, that in blasting the ground in that town, a shorttiine since, a large charge of powder having been introduced into an opening of a rock, where danger could, not have been anticipated, the explosion" tvag so. unexpectedly powerful, that a piece of rock weighing 96 lbs. was thrown at least an hund red feet into the air ; and lalling upon neighbouring house, passed through the r6of, and found a temporary resting place i a on e& of the cbambers Several paiof glass were broken by the concussion of the atmosphere. . The Augusta Chronicle of the 26th inst. peaking of the recent fire in that place, "The auount of property destroyed stwe tiink, exceed g!00,000. The V' CPs it- c .....1 A 1 -II I y v io-uuucibiuuu, -in fte t:io pnn il. w Ios.ts, as we are iniormel tiiat In- AJi - Published every Thursday, by SEMEN TS not exceeding usteen ADVEKTI3 T . VOL. XXIX. aurance was effected in almost every, if not in every instance." . - A postcript to the same paper also gives the following account of anothevfire. 4lWe stop the press to announce the distressing intelligence that the largje and elegant summer residence of Thomas humming, Esq. on the Sand Hills, with nearly the whole of the' furniture, hasjfust become a prey to that destructive element which ha9 lately sojargely desolated our cty The fire,. was communicated from the outside, and under circumstances which leave no doubt that it was the work of an incendiary. Owing to the calmness of the evening and the exertions made, the out buildings were all saved." What does this mean ? The United States' Telegraph contains a letter from Abraham Bradley, lately removed from office, addressed to the Postmaster Gen eral," Mr. Barry, which is more severe than any thing we have recently read. It seems the letter was intended as pri vate, but Mr. Barry tiaving chosen to make it public, the hardest must now fend off.'V We subjoin the following ex tracts, presuming that further explana tions will be given : There is a law which prohibits the payment of money to any one who is in debted to the public, until that indebted ness ceases. Being no longer your sub ordinate, it has now become my duty te state in due' form to the. Comptroller of the Treasury, that you are in that pre dicament, nave also added that your indebtedness to the amount of ten thou sand dollars, is as clear, distinct, and in disputable, as it is in any ease whatever. That he knows very well,was a lawyer, and the pretended exculpation which latelv appeared in the Telegraph, is equally at war with common sense, common law, & the decision of the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United States. You know It has always been my course and my desire to pass smoothly along the current of life, to avoid every rufflingtem pestthat was practicable, "to serve my friends, and to do acts of courtesy and kindness to all who came in my way. But you was advised through Mr. Simp son, that the public is already a loser by you in payments and engagements to the' amount of nearly one hundred thousand dollars ; and you have been hardly six months in office. The duty, therefore, of making these representations isno less indispensable than it is unpleasant. . I cannot but hope, therefore, that you will review your course since you have been in office, and resign a situation for which you are so entirely unfitted. You know the law, that the President must discharge you from office: his duty is imperative ; and if he was de sirous to serve vou, which I am confident he will not be, & should hesitate, it would, in tne present state of parties 6c of the coun try, bring orita motion for impeachment, which, although his friends might be too powerful & partial to allow of its reaching maturity, would occasion him inexpressi ble chagrin and disturbance, too great for his advanced years. You can, therefore, at the utmost hold your station but a short period, and ought, therefore, on ev ery account, to give up the office imme diately. This measure will save me from the pain of being a public2 accuser, your self from the disgrace of "a removal for adequate cause, and this communication will then become confidential. For, whatever has passed, I have no wish to depreciate you in the opinion of your friends. But it would be unpardonable, knowing you as I do, to let the quarter pass, and the making of the great con tracts in October next, to come into your hands, without proper efforts for preven tion." . .. A Poser.! -The pensioned editor of the Nevy-York Enquirer, in one of his recent publications, says" our commerce is al most annihilated our shipping is rottin at the whqrves." Mr. Noah's veracity, in making this assertion, was soon put to tire test by the following question pro pounded to him by the editor of the Cab inet: " f this be'true, Mr. Editor," says he " I beg of you to inform me why is it that tiaenty-sepen more custom house offi cers are appointed under the present ad miuistraliou of Mr. Collector Swartwout, that were under Mr. Thompson ? If you do not answer this question satisfactorily, or do not answer it at all, the people will say you have told an untruth." Twenty-seven additional custom house officers, at a salary of 83 per day, every day in the week, have been annointed'hv the re formed Collector at New-York, and yet, "u: V c 3Upenaiary editor or the IN i Enquirer, our commerce if almost an nihilatedour shipping is rotting at our wharves!" Truly, if Noah tells the truth, our patriotic, economical Execu tive is reforming and retrenching with a vengeance, when he creates, at a dash, twenty seven useless offices, with an ag gregate salary of g29, 565 a year, mere- ' Ours are the plans of fair, delightful peace.- Unwtrp'd by party rage, to live like brothers. JOSEPH GALES SON, at Three Tfollars per annum halfiti adifaMS lines neatly inserted 3 times for a Dollar. & iwfntv.fiv .n... 'lil-ZS"sjji " THUiiSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1829. ly t reward the scavengers of party. The Administration must employ more discreet apologists and defenders than the "Jjdgeof Israel" and Duff Green, or all the patronage of the government, wielded, as" it is, with the sole view to sustain themselves in power, ivill not pre vent their downfall. Catawba Jour. Imprisonment for Debt. In the Jail in Johnstown, N. Y. there are imprisoned two hundred and ffhj poor debtors ; and in the Jail at Rochester, in the same State, about double thatnumber. TVe laws of New-York; we believe, inflict a severer punishment on inability, from misfortune or any otljer cause, to pay a. debt, than those of any other State in the Union for the poor debtor, if he have not the means of supporting himself while incar cerated, must starve, unless his existence be sustained by the hand of charity. The law make no provision for his support- lb. Salisbury Sept. 29. - Eire -We learn from Charlotte, that the Jail in that town was burnt to the ground on Saturday night, the 19th inst. It seems to be suspected, hat a ivgroi?con fined in the Jail, set it on fire. No, person was harmed, and no other house, injured. It was a wooden building, and rather a frail tenement fortne''posei'Tnendetd. j ": ' flVest. Car The American Colonization Society has eleven State Auxiliaries. The Legisla tures of eleven States have publiclv ex pressed their approbation of its plansl and of these eleven, six ire Slave States Ten States have recdn mended it to the patronage of the Federal (overmr ent and of these, 1 five ' are Slave States. One f?lY State has made an annual appropri ation to aid the Society. Among the pas sengers, sent out the lastyear by the So ciaty, were 88 manumitted slaves. At the close of the year a passage was sought for 200 mor e, and 2000 were ready in Ju ly last to be sent from North-Carolina. The agent of the State Society in Ken tucky says, " I am perfectly atoriished at the ardor, with which all men of all ranks enter into the plans of the Society, lit gr-ing round to receive members t was informed by many individual?, that they were perfectly ready, to surrender 'their negroes at ar.y time the Society might be prepared to receive them.",? Boston Pat. Interesting to Mechanics. On?, of tin best works ever published for 'he use ! mechafkM s and arftZit s, is now for sale at the bo.'k store of.E- J. Coale. A slight examination of its content h is 'convinced u. of Hie simple . truth of the above rt-tnai k. It is entitled " The Science of Meth.mirs as. applied to the present improvements in the useful arts in Europe, and m the Uni ted Siates of America." It is -.dapted as a Manual for. Mechanics and Manufactur ers, and is of daily use is a guide to eveiy description of mechanism. It is indeed the essence of the Kucyclupfdias and libraries the results of the improvements and iuv n tions, aocient anl modern, in mechanics, which were before diffuse.'!, like the. ot'o of roses, through the leaves of ifomenne numbers of volumes, condensed into a com pj8 cotivenien? to the possession of every apprentice and every apprentice, as weli as every masier ought to posses it. We have not timejusf now to tdke such a view of this excellent book us we could wish, but m ist defer it for a few day. We, however, earnestly solicit the attention ol every person interested in the mechanic arts to this most l"MuI publicati n. Bait. Pat l- Mur lerand Suicide. These horrid acts were committed on the night of the 18th inst. in this District, about 15 mileVfrom this place on the Catawba river, by the wife of one Jesse Loven, in the destruc tion of herself and her child, an infant a bout three months old. It is supposed she drowned the child in a branch, as it was found covered up in the sand, on the borders of the same, without a qy; marks of violence upon it. After which", it is thought, she got on a fence that was built across the branch, on one side of which was a deep hole of water, into which she plunged hef self and drowned. The cause which led to this, we have not learned. We understand, though, that she lived unhappily, and, on the day of the 18th inst. after a sickness of two weeks, was heard to remark, that ' she knew she would die, and did not know what would become of her children, especially the youngest'-? During the night, she went out with the child, and was found the next day in the situation related above. 1 YorkvMe S. C Pioneer. Strange but True. Among other cu- nositiesof nature, which Major John Aenneay, ot Lhesterville, has preserved and keeps in a Museum upon a small scale," is a Lamb with two heads, two necks, one pair of shoulders, , with two feet, one body from: the short-ribs to the necks, and,1, two hind parts, branching off at the short-ribs, with four feet. This is a fact ; fsr ra have saea and examined srfr J w wv...j mvn - ii jr 9UbCCUin JUUliUillUU. no. y.srs: Said Iamb- It was born in the above men tioned form ; artdfwe shoaldJtidgeJroh; its size, that it lived about V mouth. When it died, it was stuffed for preerva tion, and may be seen at iChesterville by any who doubt the reality of this tof. The next Presidency It is time enough to start a candidate, a year orWo hence. Let us be quiet. The Administration will meke an and of itself, by the time its four years run out. N. Hampshire Jour. . ' - . . ' ? It will be seen by reference to another column, that the Chancellor of Maryland has given a decision upon the controver sy submitted to him,; between the?B:tltimore and Ohio Rail Road and the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Companies. This deci sion places the matter at issue "no nearer a termination, than it was before,, and we are likely to witness, another example of the 'glorious uncertainty ofhe law. ? Ih the mean time, two importantiworks of internal improvement may be suspended until the question is decided finally. It is not probable, even if the Chancellor had given a positive opinion,Iiat the un successful party would have been satisfi ed ; we may therefore expect it will be carried to the Supreme Courtof tin Unit ed States, after a few years' more delay. We can see no termination to the contro versy unless it can be adjusted by compro mise. Georgetown. (D. C.) Gaz- The London Titles J August 5ih, ci-n- tains a report f a case in th- Court Chan. cry, in which the Chancellor sai l, U .. I 1 I . . I . .. . ',. or v"'"'" orur a new inai oi the issue at law, if eif-her of the parries insisted on it ; but h? would recommend a speciil case, as the facts were agreed on, because the .sum in disl u e wa'nlt uffi.-i-n to jusii fy the expense. T.e Miin m dispute. w,.s U?tle more rhan 61 100 sterling, about $5000. And one of he Solicitors said, that double that sum hud been .-ilieady ex pended. Fhis suit cannot have been peid vug more than two year, if we n-memoer-a'i'lit, s it arose ouf f one of the Forg. n" tf Funrlei oy. The wit of man could sot - Jevise a system b -fer ad'ipred to ef f ct the pur; of :ts creation, than ihe Ch incery pvstein i t K jgiiind. T;i- pur p ihe is clearly to fleece die c4imis, umd j (o put iheir"mon-y int the jmckei-i of tiie attorneys and,othtr uflicers of the law i Que re. How much beveris ours, with all its umeuume'tHs f-Bicb. f7. Providence, (R. 1.) Sept. 19. Frost. The bridge in hist niu on Fri dfy. tnrnii'g w.i glitter;, g w4tii an envei- pe ot fr s. The sear and yeiiov leaf, in iDe-wo-tU, prti uUily i., tilr low ground, m irk tie presence cf ifiis witherer of earth's green and beu'ilu thing, sod 'remind u that forest trees, insrtd of furnishing a "ratefui shade from summer heat, are now only lilted to enliven the rheerful hearth of winter. Ncveri Oi-ieNj. e may yet hope for a few, frie, mellow djys of autumn, when die air Ins all tne invigorating properties of winter, aod yet is tempered with all the softness ol June. It is now customary at dinner parties in Paris,where Lilies assist, to hand round, just before sitting down t table, a pin cushion, that the4 lair guests may pin up their sleeves, which would olh'.rWie pre clude tiie operutious of the uble. XATK AND IMPORTANT. By the Packet shipl Napolean, Captain Smith, arrived at New-York from Liver pool, files of London papers to the even ing of the 24th of August, aud LtverD.ol of the 26th inclusive, have been received. at New-York. . Seat of War.M the lost German news 'o be depended upon, .the caiopaizn in Europe tnuHt have ere this terminated 10 the dawnfall or sbttidouioent of Constan- (loople, unless the Porte should have come to tTHU ' " The Algemeine Zeilung of the lTth An ust, say r i .. 4 We have just learnt at thi placed from a quarter that may be depended upon, that . mciai news was received, early in the morriing of the 12th, by the Ra si a o Lo tion at Vienna, that General Dlebitsch, af ter being joined by the corps ibat landed at Sizeboll,; hd totally defeated and dis persed the Turkish armu in d great battle near nirKi-Aiuissa (ay Uertnan miles from Constantinople ) Tue fte ot the capital rnust be oow decided.' The next post from Vienna, wnt onngus the particular." : Similar intelligence is said to have been, received at Munich oil the 15th August," from an authentic source. It is addedthat notwithstanding: this defeat, the Divan persitts in its refusal to come lo an arrange .. BKiuif, Ado. iSJik The Prussiali State Gazette eivetVat fnll lcagth the bulletia ef t)i ftasiisa i mi wiwi Kret mrnutenes'. an me oaracutanr Droress 'alter napsinc thA Bat kanVr' Abdul r ..lmauAcha nf-thre tails, ; whq com- .anded fhe-tfoopS dajh Ka nitsch ic, t h e ira rrisons' d f 'Mess'e m ria ! Achibli anil Bourgas, nad assembled 6006 prTjDOOennthe.rightbahkrthe Jus, each, and 'A i!nrC vn'rtV wilv Kr..;r.vf new, corvette f25 guns. He lost 400 prisoners and seven standards. Messera' bria, whidvis well TortinYd, was attacked by land, and!also By Admit al Greiidi with, hisquadronl (hman Pacln, thcC'Gdver nor, surrendered on the 2Sd, "wih; 100" officers4; they.RussiadsitookriocanrionS aim kimu prrsouersi ana JU standards- .vr biM 1 1 J j Duargar mane a sai ir, but taafc r ii?ed,'and;the TnssianSj ea tenngjhitown pell-mell with th fugi tives, the prison fled through the oppoi site.gafeT X3ie rrism 6? Achioli aban- diifcU the mace: witKautvaitiriff to be at- r4 Engend. -The London Gazette, of Line lath August; contains an order of the king tri Cou ncll, for the pnirograf ion ?jafr t'ii rjiament fitim ' thjIOth Of Au'stost.tb the 4 A-London Morriinvnanpr savaTA Ifffpr frtm Mexico has been receiVed irit townv l whichTJif itsff tatements may be relied onrv discloses a yer curious negotiationwhicK; has been carrying on between that fjGoy errimentand the Minister; of the -United5 States. The letter, we! ndcrstarioY f j$ : addressed to W Vespcctdble-Kuareer' that its authenticity is hardly to be doubU ed. It is affirmed that a proposition has been made by the American Minister in consequence of,jthe threatened invasion of Meiico by theSpajiiafds to, leiul asv sistance to counteract it, in the! most ef fectual way by a large advance Sf money but not, of course without a Valuable) consideration.' Me3cicoit is rrorj6se3K shall make over to the Government of the rU nited States' if or a 'terjq.pfyeBffith th0 firf t.ouitc, tir 4 rtfviticc vj i cxas9 ana live pe ninsula of California If, at? the enoV oZ rhat time, the money advanced shall not he repaid, the poisnmii tf these nckMd extensive countries is to vest intht Ui Sidiesi Tfie sum to be advanced untler this guar antee is stated at between 10.000:000 atto 1 2.000,000. s ter 1 i ng (ffty millions doUars.y quite sumcient if properly applied, to bring that country into a state of C pros- perity as greatas it has. ever enjoyed-r' The temptatio however, might'proYe too great for the virtue of those who ad -ts. victorious uro-Tess after napRincthi. -i minister its affairs It is not stated in what manner this propositipti lias beei) , received, by t'e Mexican Guver!lment.-', The jdhn Bull, referring ta thisiletrer,r , says : -"The proposition of America.' .V , must not be quietly-listened to, or tame- ;. ly permitted. While we fare earnest, in .t our endeavors to putstop to the ppwet ; t tf Russia, we must Mpfor'gH'theftesiM !; of checking the aggrandisepehf: of America X'ft ? And we fenetwd cm conceive Tin 1 ground more strong for co-operariu with Spain in tlieN'presenlt strufeli tha'n ;IUiitli ' " of stopping thev union ,of ortenf "andv Southern America, which must be the V- e vita tile result of the scheme now nesro tiatinjii; by the Cabinet cf the" Xtnited States.' Phinrns Hradley,rthe 2if Assistanl ;-p,i'f master-General , ha been4' removed. liw suttfSMir is niii yet naineu. . . This is the title of a verV mnslerlv .Wiri'i -k, prouueuon, elehyerea at Cambrulgt?, before th 4hi Bta Kappafgociety ,on the 27th ' of U$t tnonthby Charles SprairuB, ltesb. afrRtnthli.-' The folio wi rig i?eau tif ul passage presents a fa miliar and interesting: picture of chiltlhood, Ihe hdelityof which every parent will recognize. !Tisturiosit)who-Uath3rotfe!t Its spifit, and before Hh altar knelt ?. ' : : In the pleased infant see Us power fprfru v When ftist the corat fify its jitIe hind Throned in mother's Up,1t dries eWteir, As lier sweet legend falls upon his ear'; , ' Next it assails him in his i ton's strange hiiro . pores O'er the brifrbt passes of his pictured strea How oft he t-als opoo y our graverask; Of thja to tert you, and of ibat to idc ff Audhen thCwninhbr tdoewarxISi Though gentle !eep' aits Waitinou his lids HoW winningiy he'pleatU ro tnoo'oer,-. That he may read on little story more.' MARRIED, CO In HiuaroVn 'Wednesday last, , Samuel lobnstott, lsq. of North.-kiuptOfi county, to Mar DIED. Ureathes "m his whistle; echoes in, ImMhim ;1f- r Each gilded toy, that doating love;bestowa,f 1 f e longs to break, and every pr:g expose. , Placed by your Ueartli with what delight lie x In this City, t his morning, of bllioua feTer, in the 68Ui year jjf his agef Sherwood Haywood, Esq. Agent for the Bank1 of Xewbern, About a month sincA, Mr. 11. visited his plantation in FUlgecorab, where he no doubt imbibed , the - seeds uf that disease, which has terminated his earthly career. The loss of such a man ai' Sber wood Haywood is "hot. easiliinipplfediri-liis)-'' ' family and friends, his death will be irreparabler and. the remembrance of hU '"vrt&ViUbee-.., Years may roll away, before, we see united Tu the same person, .so many virtues; so much ' urb nity aid kindness, such! unsophisticated' man- ' ners, and such sterling integrity ; - V 1 ' ,.4 t; Near PavettpTlf, on Saturday last,1 airs.!Iar garet-KcBackaii, a uauve of Scotland, in ber i ' 85th year.- - ' f'.-J. A" si' ilia Cumbefland county, on the, 21st ult. Mii " ilrpiret Buie, aged 21 y ears n Also, unTueJ uaj viyOUig t9ly Mil. fMMJ UJ, WU6 VI SIt3 ton uy. , r t - ' . - ,On the 25ih lilt. Mr. Jos. Jacobs, of Hirghaia, V Jdass. aged 54 years and for oore than SOjrears .'' an tnlJabitant of Wilmington. f " 5 In Franklin county, on the 25th ult. tbe Rev. . t Bartholomew Fuller, in the 61st year of bis age. tin Wiuaunston Gx on thelwuiu Uaj, a. Ui Sneed, of GratfiUe codatyf in this Stats. In' Ruth' rfard county, ' few" days amce, 'the Bev. Jos. U. Kilpatrick, for many yeara YtUy? of Third Creek, Back Cretfc i&d Unity mttm gatwos in Uowicn ewety. .. s . - v .... - r, -.1 i ; ' i- f a St t . 4' 4 4 t'T- vr - -