1 - .ML' r v- 4 f -s i1 i r r 1 I.I Y. - 4 " J- r i . ' , -.' V.' 1 1 nn ' "mamimmmim!mmmm "thr Y I VV1'??' " ' 1 T- 'XV & -iVOR THE KEOlSTElti V ttftfcGafc 8f Son -The attitude of ; CiriindS" orrtheBible-throughtiut our happy 'kAlvttfAiiirVVinintrv. I heir nresent cyf0iWinfa5d;fcgDaIike object, ir, t p acej v Tvrthm two years from last maj iuc ..u.j 2 W CKe'.UMe cause in the United' Slates nas, .t rrATKliKlTlIiATUKIli, "fof'soQtitiine9 been peculiarly interesting. , qpxTath .va vQnVfhoniaiia copies of the sacred volume rH .IN bNAl E hJJWW'aailypublSsheil.the 'v Wednesday, Dec - . , bipencXnt Bible Society, and there , Mr. Meares, frotn the Judiciary Comr I " ' ' "isVjuWcrf ge'ntral movement among the mjttee.to whom was referred the resolution TBtM-.-i itnyut noie r comipeni, '"Ulictments m certain cases; feDortedthat 1: .. - . ' r Tl.rlL. I 1 n that . cvfry.oes.uinR i?ninj u.c -m . -:fiiHiog tovpurchse c " It vh'as fe'enr estimated that this grand r wternrtze wilt requireA handled thou sand Bibles, weishi ng Towr Jiundred tons, and ciksiinffinore xhdnjifteenUons' of specie: BufheamtouV tr this)bieef-he- nunibef -of Btble:al- reaily nrep;ireaaniy ine neep anu intense i-infercst. aimusiimuiianeousiviexcnM in i . r. r -i. - t v. Jti:.'i -c i from 4ts r-way' and never! .relinquish r the till I,i K..i.U.l i'v.v -V'i" .y,'i ' '-.A- ;N In Niirth-Carotinaihe, Bible, cause has VT.WIIV Hill UUISirCU. -,V Jv- n irV CVo??n? a- -AT. . -J .ftW'j; r8t,tot!.a W era in me umory oi uiuncai uurjuiu8uj 1 . ;' ;W '"!'ri'.' ' i ,i "Vt L ' Frt'ir Agents have been appointed, .viz (he 'RhvV aa(? every section oi inejjmoo, anori me taxe agreeably to law, these dormant titlehav theerlnprsjcVorcompletei socceys.r- rnglept,eVer tnce the year 1796. . TJierfe is imbarked in this cause an amount .Mrr MearViL "from the Judiciarv-Com- Of taUut," of wealth, of patriotism, of bgne. mittee, to wHom was referred a Resolu- lplencev Jnd oenlightened ,ptetyr which tion on the"subjec! of, establishin' a Su- will,,if is believed, with; the, Dmne,bles- perior Court of Lawt-,ihfMacoV ,counfy, ing,T surniunnt every barrier that may on- report askihr"ben discharged pose tits-ordgress, remove :every obstacle vnm u f'Ph ;nMntim . vK i'.vxnis reeionrf- i?uice tnai meeiine, iue jonu-r varouua ,oioie oocieiy uas oruercu ciguvi y1 . ments to.the eastern and middle Counties, I , tillthe-purposef win- pjuc-wnici. o.us paeu ineir eau- mmi- th5 ?v; ?J Mr. . Mdlerpresented -tbe petition of m?yrtrJli& . James Moore of "Dunlin-county. Refer- I 5 ; frdnds Dutton ofthe Fresby terianChurch ? Itfie tlenyrMn- famtliorigr of the Baptist ; , IJnurch; and the, Rev, 4 hos Hathaway, ou mt-wiiMiisi vjouucCII'hj.:' i ney wut un, 'Jed iately) enter upon the- dutie'sj of. their . an( - Others will join them as soon as . tjie Society shall beable to secure the ser t"1' yi cvs f s 0 i a bl e men . ' It is expected,' that . ! tbe 'jev. M r. (xnuld, 'of the Presbyterian CCburcb nl the HeyT NIr. powtl of the .:. Hani 1st Church, will act as General Agent?, ' uhder theLdi.rection of fhe American Bible ' Society. y Behold hbw good and htiw f dearest interests of their ellowmeu, the V ' Kefore we, close this communication, we 5, wiu makeva few statements and caicula "s In two counties, Granville and Caswell, all the destitute, families have beeirsuiml wun jDiDies 5 and What is v,ery creaita- o" - J easarti u is (or Dnethrf n touweil togetner v . ' in unity effirtiv their 'chariVieixan"d;rDaveru in promoting th is ( ' "' w iiirse. cqunues, aner navjng accom ,.-.tM M 14.. L. J i ft ' good work within i heir own ' bounds liberal aid in supplying; the whole State Iredell mj. ft Mr' is. nearly supplied, and full pay ment has been made for i 400 Bibles and MtfOOT?stamfys county it is believ ed, will afford its proportion )f aid to the v;' general cause. t Wake counTy has nearly , rsunplied its own warns, and ha jut resol- ved jo-raise glQOO," towards the fcupplying -of the wh'ole tatei So much of this libe- ral S'inT)i: s already been secured t as af , fo'rdsvvery encouragement to hope the whole. wiflt in. due titne, be obtained. In Robesoti' Ora-ge.pd.H fffrd Rowan, - 'Mecklenburg,' Burke, and perhaps a few v others, considerable urosress ha s been made insupplying their own wants, In Moore. fersooi 'jtiiLiano Rngecomoe, Hie gooo r,worfc has recently been commenced under lavorauie auspices. . I nyelstlgafens aqtu ally ; made in several cownties which we have, mentioned and wbicK are not surpasseH in wealth intelli xgenceand piety py any counties in the vStttoba destitution theoly Bcfiptures. From , facts thus Obtained, toej number of desti VUiC 4ftuMi-a f n iii-vyaniijua lias ucc'l dinereni4y;e8vimaieo Dyi;ainefent gentle . menWXe ar number, doesnot . tnuch jshort; of; thirty thousand, ? thlrdtall voor families. We i i. e. o ?H'oor;faiHei';v thaM.owve.son hay.c-calculated" thtxttinlfread: andaccepted - uer ai ui'. Hiuusauu." jl iiis wc ueiieve , too htghan estimate; C,;.3mie persojis;ill probabybe greatly urpnseu . ioiearu tiiBi magmTUQeptyirie viz : l o aQthonse John V. Sumner, late work whklwe ve-andf rta1ce!and thel sheriff ' of Gates county to co! lect the ar- imnoriani.jcasu.rewrwnico :ave la ireativi reur nt tarenA him in coi.i . r..- 'Sbeen adopted, an from: which erCannotHhe year 1827. To alrer the- times of uw .ufiuM mi. .c.c; .,uvrr Jiieans woicti imay ue ne ; ? ?cI;m?i,e8W number tteStitefi.eJa,piem l - .'Jt SiY ourgo repeal aiKact pas-ed at the sesX place for Brigadier General of the VVW Brigade. - 5 s: -in 'n SiS 5 5 MJnrdan oresented . bill to ao l t4 : Tv; vil '"Tfi- vt-' v "-'T'"! i aksv vw jeuerson, oy ine impost- the securities of William Giirv m v . - persons who. will readilv ?contnbate:each LtiAnf. iniuiA F !i! . ;L . : . M,?1 ortgry, V.s .K ijncMulUr. to . Pfin !4WW.SdPntTi to. iJ . ect? Arenhfe ivlu-: Ci.rA " L - i - t fr.rWtheirttiesr 4 '15-rr:rf-rVW9 WW.W w vicH Kuc jruiiirtwennesrlintop, pp the French Broid River Uiari 1KVV h'cKw WU frg f Mkig the returnsTof list, 'for Vi-i '.l-'0 B'nwickcuotj-wUc1,bdsDlsSeatl1eir ! W 5ndJSSife; The bill !,neodt.r,Vthei1W, rel.ti.e -M.y' . tS' Ptf "nHh of fo the p.luUge at Occadock Inlet passed ijlr.-Vi - ' . ' -ir ' ftij;is" - -.- -At ; ' - - grossed. i Tbl ; lne American Bible Society ' ill A merits n 13 and its Auxiliaries. But it is a work of extensive bencvol COnftciC' encfcommendjng its claim s to the consciences of good men. A. 'i. "fw tr ' ' - instnictins them to enauire into'the-expe-. r: r": i : au1 ta.," nais 0f the General Assembly tompetent; Vldence orv the trial 0f Defendantsv6n irir : . ..:. - . . . -v , sucn a conflict with the Vol charged from its fartherJccnside"raHonx On motion or Mr;JW4etlborn,, , Resolved. -JThkt the committee of Finance Be ;ihstnvcteyd to8 enquirentdheexpeieiicy afl particular manner in relation to large ehtrjefcpf clanrtj'gaf from30,0t)0 tv20a,00(X acres, on which grants have issued to citizens of other -States, ann wnere for tne snaee ot tnmv vears ra u 1 t . - : . -f . i - T .1 . , . i' . r' MfeBrower presented, a bill accompa nied by aVpethioni ftto prevent obstroc- tinns in flip rnne 'nf.Riwnff'Tjitf 1 - Pole kCat creeks, in? Randolph': xounty.it Read t tne nrst time, .j- ;Mr:Mosely, k bill, to authorise Nathan r m -o ' nj-.iii.r-i I U- JJIUUUI KJ vt Cll A 9 LI 11 ttl HnCCl VI liCUSv River. j&tt t&firZ & Mr. Saunderson, a biV to. compensate the Board of Warden? for the county of Duplin- county red. "'x u Mr -Martin submitted a Resolution that no private or public bill shall be in troduced, after .Monday next, which on motion of Mr Spaight, was postponed in- aenni .' l 7thdmDec 17., Mr? Mitchell from '. the committee on Internal Improvement, to whom was re- cerrea tne 0111 to amejia an act passed in 1827, to amend an act passed in 1824, giving the assent of North Carolina to certain, acts of the Tennessee Legislatures returned it to the Senate and recommend ed its rejection. Concurred in and re jected. W .. A balloting took place for Brigadier General of the 14th brigade and 8th divi sion, but no choice was effected. Mr. Pool presented a bill to amend an act passed in 1827, to "prevent persons from obstructing the passage of Fish, up New-begun creek inUhe county of Pas quotank. Read the! first time Mr. Williams of Martin, from the com mittee of Propositions and Grievances, to whom was referred the bill to establish a new county, from the counties of Cum berland, Moore, Wake and Chatham to gether with the petition on the subject, niadeja report fecommendi ngthe rejection of the bill which was concurred in. On motion of Mr. Sneed, Resolvedt that the committee of Finance be instructed to enquire into he nature and extent ot the duties imposed upon the Comptroller since the session of 1827, and ascertain whether the proper discharge of those duties requires the aid o.f a clerk or not. " Mr Vell born ?presented a bill to re store to credit, Joshua rennell oi -AYilkes. Read the first time; ' Mr. Hinton of Beaufort, presented a utv,' &. wm umves mtuuiuauuic with the office of Justice of the Peace. Read the first time. (The offices alluded to are County Register and County Sur veyor.) rhe engrossed bill to incorporate Beth- mont Academy in Orange county, was read the third time arid ordered to be en- rolled. - : Mr. Moore presented the resignation I iiiflHaiii auilitv, ,lieut. VUIOnei Ol T.ne - second regiment or istokes county Militia? faljl and MiF. Williauisrof Martin, presented the resignation of James Bu 'rue V, Lieu t. Columbus Militia, winch were is Evening SessioW. 1 f Commons passed their first xne luiiuwing uiiiS from tne House i 'i . i 1 1 : . 11 f- e .i v. ra a rl i n vuu it - i rioMimg.eieciion? in tne otn VJongressional Commissioners to "a 1 rtttt out an mark the dividing lioe! be- it 'h- fri' -V V't t ..v - . "r vi ,ui. vnitreu : tver. liead The,ipiiiDg WI -.5 Wmd od third Weadin and , ' Friday i)ee 18 Mr: Meares from ; the' Judiciarr , Com mittee, made a report asking, to, be, dis- charged Irom the furtner; constaerawon more durable authentication ;;of:di?iaiow; of real estates. Gbhcurred ib- tt , MrZM from : the8aiqV.cmUtee;t64 .whom was.referfedw;bill for the reliel of debtor whoseeat ,Festate: niay. fiefeifri fphSUoMrbV exedution;" repbrtud the ianie Without amend m'ent and recotrimend AWVHiiamS of Mrtirf, froitt the com mitteerropositionsVnd Grievances; to whdmasVferred he'biH to annexe a part ofe the 'couiity. of JonestIenoir Qqubttogetnerwith' a petition;' made a Wtcomme'ndinjtbeTejeclum of the bilKand petitiopL- Concurred in m Mr; M'Entire, from tlie select commit tee," toVhom petition n the subject was re ferred repbrtetl va' bil !j io propd e Tor.the better organization ottbe county Courts or Kuthertorar Keaa me urst ume The.report f the Committee of PrP- sftrbrife anc Grievances fagainst the peti tion of JoneSiClark jvas; itakfen up. Mr Davidson made unsuccessful 'attcin'pt' reversVat. Thejtport was concur- retl i n. . f 1 . V?Mr.' Hintotif. Beaufort,;; Pesented ?a bilUfothe better regulitidri bf the town oTAVashtngtoft; ..Read tbe first time. ?" . - hftrprhainder nf the sittinfir was 6CCU- ied in thetc6nsideration of theqsanK ; pOUSE OF COMMONS. - . : tPednestfav, 'Dec 16. Mr. Polkpresented a bill to authorise Thomas I Cowan of Rowan county, tt? erect certain Gates therein mentioned. ' Mr. Murchison, preseiitef thejietition of W. Barrell of Moore county. Referred. , The bill concerning Commissioners of Public Works &c. passed its third read log and was ordered to be engrossed The following bills received yfroin the Senate, had their first reading, viz : Con cerning the fees of the standard keeper in Rutherford, and vesti ngf the right of electing Sheriffs m the free white men ot the State. ,i ,' : ' 1 : V.r Mr. Nash, from the Judiciary Commit tee, reported a bill prescribing the man ner in which the Sheriffs shall give bonds. Read the first time. The re3ianation of Lunsford R Cherry, Major of the 2nd Battalion of the 2fl Regiment of the Edge ' comb county Militia was read and ac cepted. ! The engrossed bill concerning the first regiment 01 stokes Militia anu tne dui 10 amend the third section iof an act passed in I8IO, relative to the passage of fish up the Pedee & Yadkin riyers, were read the second and third times; and ordered to be enrolled I ' TTiursday, pec, 17. Mr. J. Murphev, presented a bill pre scribing the sum hereafter, to be paid for licence to retail spirituous liquors. y Mr. Bethell, a bill to disqualify individ uals holding a seat in the General. Assem bly, from the enjoyment of any lucrative office. ' Mr. Wiseman, a bill to amend the ac passed in 1827 providing for the incorpo ration of the town of Lexington, in David son county- which bills passed their first reading Another unsuccesslul palloting took place Ipr jongaoier uenerai oi tne xn nngauc. ; The following bills 1 from the Senate, passed their first reading, viz : To secure to Martha W. Patrick, suc h property as she. may hereafter acquire ano: a bill to pro vide for the establishment of a public road from Lincolnton to Rutherford ton. Mr. Neill, from the select committee to whom was referred a .resolution directing them to enquire intoJthe reports of the Commissioners on the! Hickory Nut Gap I Road, and, whether the money heretofore appropriated - for that .purpose has been faithfully.expendedf Keported that. the mo ney had been properly applfed by the Com missioners. Concurred in. Mr. Wyche, from the committee of Fi nance, roaue a report, asKing to be dis of i charged from the further consideration of I Uic ivcbuiuuuii icicucu; y,u t.iictii, ui uiiwsi a tax on incomes neiaoy cinzeus.ot ihis Oiaie,i.ll inttn puidicu vfi ill pan mil tnur tered ufbe Stateuch tax being deem ed inexpedient ed inexpedient. ' The reihatfl(1 The remainder, of the sitting 'was con surted in thetscussioa of the bill, for the erection of a t new county. See Raleigh hpan. Friday f Dee. 18. ' .' . , Mr. Wyche, from the committee of I?i nance, to ...-whom was referred the bill to a fiiend part of the 4th section of an act passed in 1822, to provide a Revenue for (he pay ment of the Civil list and contingent char ges of Government, reriortedHt without a mendment and recommended its rejection. Concurred in. I '. -Another unsuccessful ballottin? took 12th thorise late collect men wV;' :J. 1 tv lourt Ol l urr inrk tn nr la rA. .u u 4 rection foX Public, buildj ngs and for other purposes. I 'y ' xr l" ' f, -f jroor ,Therenmnderolthe,sttUngy?a count fhi'Wtw&r Burke ahd Bun- AccombipyiotheprestdentVJes ofth different Departments and otaer docuraedts ofv iriteves ,bich e shall proceed to noticelh ordeir- -jV tThese Reports are partlcalartj interest in as explainiriJie.principleg, Jind'-de v eloping th e ' vie w s "of thtpresen'tXd-: ministration. - T . - 1 . The Report 4f, the Secretary of C "War sneaks" in hish terms of the eenerat tJ the wderec its;disusg. Congratntating 'the J country on tfie settlementof the question of brevet rank; he recominends; likewise a settlement ot some qisputea points?; with regard to thr pay ot certain otneers tne ourgeon. uenrai, Pixu.--aimiTsug- gests that certain fixed and defiriitelsalaV neSiSnpuitr oe consmuicu'uy ' jaw. ,xue i reoort sneaks favorabl yof the' Engrneerl Corpse InVaddition, , oftvtljis; head, .he the important-ltotefnil Improvements' of '.i.lnf..i;-.iinn':n...'.nrf .liifrl. ciVresDooaentl v !s miHtiX that 'those authorised -works shall progress creaua- KiU.kLl u-v .4kVi.?-- kWw vK-nl Vj rr , : . i -cjztux n n P'n of ih s torn.. , to the ex- lSO..Diau io uc injesveu uteiciauic tent tnat tne entire reliance oi vne ajwv- ernttebt fbF al! such 'object may be- on .i . a -..-iX- l authorised is altogether insufficient tt th1?fAy. the rte noth- De anoroeame L...Ai a Xiu:vit-i Department, ow4g to ...the paucity their numbers in repeated Iristanesi L. '-.Ailz -Aiv. ,.,u erdispositioD as felt toaccord to the request." The Secretary speaks in high terms .of the Academy at V est Point, and replies to some of the objections that have been made against it He recommends that ordinance be supplted to the Fortsin the United States, and that instead of pow- tier, ine materials orwriiii it is compos- i eu, uc cuuecieu anu lam up vu uc manu factured when necessary. He remarks that the Breakwater at the mouth of the Delaware, is not in as forward a state as we could wish.- He suggests the, proprie ty of increasing the number of surgeons and assistants, and of mounting some of the troops employed on the Western I obiects req u l nn g atten tidn,; to say i ng of tne nu merou s 'and frequent appti- cation trora tne states to ironuer, ana or revising tne iaw concern-res, mg invalid pensioners. His views with regard to the Indians are the same as those expressed in the Message of the i:resiuefnv iue ivepun oi iue oecreiary ui tujcia-j vy commences with givina detailed ac-1 count of the service in which the different I squadrons have been employed during the present year. He urges the same re- coinmeiiuauuu as appeareu m tne ivies- sage concerning ships in ordinary. He objects to the Commandants of the Yards preparing ships for service, to the dis- charge of seamen in Foreign ports, and to paying the expense of their return to the I United States. On the subject of lessen ing the number of XNavy , Yards he says : " The Navy Yards established and now in operation in the United States, are lo cated at the following places : Torls m ou th , New-Ham pshire, Brooklyn , New York, Pensacola, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington and Norfolk. There is scarcely any part of the expenditure for the establishment of a Navir which hasJ contributei so much to exhaust the gen eral fund intended for its support, as that which has been applied to objectsT connect ed with the building and maintaining of JNavy lards, it appears trom the report made to Congress by the Secretary of the Navy for 1828, that the permanent ex penses, tl n d er th is head, iiiclud ing Naval , Ordinary, Hospitatand Civil; amount, annually,.. to g268,744. The great ex- pense incurred tp thesupport ot these nu merous establishments, makes Jt proper to inquire, wnetiver it may not be mate rially diminished by a reduction of" their uuiuuer, wuuoui auecung iniuriousiy, o- ther important interests of Uie Navv The opinion, entertained by those most . A til .1 . I- . 6 ' liuuvcisaiiiwiui sucn suDjects, seemsto be, that the number how in operation is gieaier man ine puouc service demands ; that the reddction of them would effect an important diminution of expenditure : and that, Dy concentrating the means and materials .or building, repairing, &c at two or threepdints most favorable for such purposes, it would tend greatly to promote tne genera! objects or these es- tabKtshmehts." ;-'t-,' , l. The Secretarh'en speaks, o f the! v alu e of the Iive oak belonging to tfie llnited oiaies, anu proposes tnat instead ot a- gents stationed on pie coast, .marine force' should be employed for i tsf prbtecr v. ' --rr ' ' " ' '- " r thin. 3Ho iiilnrtna tho Krornfiva that av- peri men ts as to th e val uesof cotton ssai 1 a and' cordage have been, and will continue made lllc establishment of nava rschools, the revision of the laws tioncern to be made The establishment of naval mg pursers, and a regular system of com- pensation to the omcers, are recommend ed. The Secretary concludes his report with the lollovving observations The present Naval Corps ef the U mteu states is oeueved to oe more nume rous than is required for the wants of the service, and more than can be advanta geously employed, with reference to their own advancement in the knowledge ant! practice of their profession. . ; , : 1. ftue "wuerrthB hade 5 werqre; seem-to .have arrived useless and instiborTli 1 materialU Von.;r.: 71 .OI Weryed itlmora- tnit&.i'&r2,-e ,I,U&I)I ... mv.i vwiuuucr, wnniii k cant . lii rjiprnriva ' iin.. . ; YfcV r.rrr '"T'enL" r V HW"g xnese excresceuce T? 'ftT .M-Ji .,7 ; branches should be lonnd tt- '1 " some be . rememb! etT that the avp,,, 1 und, with its ampU stores, V open their sustenance MsnnnhrfV oi..i lur be added; that the NavyAsylm., ScbtiylkilU is now sVrieaWits r,mjJ as t6 promise ;at,an 'early day to afford permanent & com Idrlable residence to disabled foundcrsand to such as. J1 -vuicu, 'v ave merited, by .braVeryv ut Jon ami faithful Service n f g(ioumc' vi mciivoumrjr. ' V?The Uenott of the Post rai.4s short .and to the pointy He ivCi iM"' UMfeW ed July 26,-irra. -Xbere was then K fT posts.jextend .ng fr01n Fal - -r-rT-.auuan, m g1!. . the Postmaster Gen,..! was authorized fo establish snrh u. uu Itu..i i v, vt " ."f s""i" WP- In October; 1 782. the Postmasf PP nli dpqi wa a . ion n i iah ivw: -a a fi 'lS". to vu?uc vo ue carried once a n. t?LlU"5ed '"f.provisio,, iui fAugTuanuiis3iuu oi liewspapers ko . W! C?, mAme revised and perpetuated- ,,Th uc luoyernment wno m! "nl seventy nve f ost tJmces in theUnii States r And the extentlbf Post Rnl0 the United'States,. in ifeti, atnou nted to 1875 miles. No w the number of Put Of fices i9ieight thousand and four, and the rost Koads amount to 115000 miles. iue wsi iine oi inau coaches' m United States was established in nurmV; ance oi an act oi congress, Passed Sen temper 7r loo, extending from Ports mouth, in NewvHarapshire, to Savannah in ueorgia. ine transportation ,of the mail in coacHes amounts; at this trWeV to 6,507,818 miles in one year, and from the first-day of January, next, it will.be, in creased to 6,785,810miles. Thft :whftl yearly transportation of the 'mail in coach : '. ,' . -V , "vtv suiKies ana on norseDack, amounts to about iy, 700, oO0 miles. ' Tlis statement oHhe. financial concerns of the Department is explicit The Post vince ueparcmenc is Tti a Drosnerous enn uiuuu. n.e . lacniions several Changs that haye beeil'made'In the transportation of the mail in the Sotttliern and Westera States, anp give a statement of the marf-l ner in which sevealTegulationshavebeeal auopieu in me seUMngoi accounts, Cfcc , 'Q:r iiiw , ' Intertlkl Ilri tOYementS. 5 4 s pHE general meeting of fielegate and Mem- JSgp "e county onmittees, and ot all QtheKpersohs friendly, t o -Internal Improve. m"ets,.wri1 be held in theCoof'erence Roosi in the Capitol, On Tuesday ereninfir, , the 22d ins:. at7ohcV. W x -. -Oeceraber 19; 4" 03 th-Curolina, trreene County. November Tef m, 1829. Blake Little, ) ' Oricinal attachment. Dif- ' v. vferent persons surnraone4 a? Benjamin MlUer jGirnishees . . T appearing to the'Satisfaction of the Court that ;t)te defendant, Benj.; Miller, is'not a re sident of thiy Staie Ordered therefore, that puSlicationof the pendency of the above named sun' De maae in iue itaieiirn .teeisier ior- weeks sicfiessivelf. so that the said defendant may appear before the" said Court on the 2d MondaiyiOf February Jiext, at the Court-nouse-m Snowhill,- and replevy, &c. Witness, VVm. wn liamsCIerk of said Court ut OBce, the 2d Mon day oNov. 182 j ' T - 35 WM.WlIXIAMS.ClIc. State of Nofth-Carolina, ' ' Greene Count if. Kovember Termf 1829. Janus Westbrook, ) Original attachment Gray.Westbrookr Garnishees summoned. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant is not an inhabitant of Statf : Ordered that publication of the penden cy of the . above nained suit be made in the lt-gh Register for six weeks scccessiveJy, that ihe aid defenartt?may come forward at our next Court of Pfeasanlt Quarter Sessions, to be hell iorv.safd cohnty at the CoUit-Kouse in SnowhiH, on the 2d Monday of February next, and reple vy, &c, ;Vltness, Wrri.7WiHiams, Clerk oUd Cotirt at Office, the 2d Montlay of Nov. 1829. t4 o e .1 -r.WI WIl.l.l A19. - State of Nordt-Carolina, " A f$arrehr County. f 6ourt of "Pleas and Quarter Sessionl, Noreia- brTerm, A. D." 1829. Johrtv. Cawthornn Origmal atuchment Re Henry Cawthoro, & I turned" Levied on we Gordon Cavrthorn, VHoUses.& Lota m w1 & '-r.' j to;.&.ooe Tract of Ln rr-t?. 1nKcn 1 riUrA the lltCC rCt. the ordinary process of &ZJ1 I zd on him : It therefore ordered that pu 1 .... -l l D.mllr tor 91 1 that Ucation be made in the Raleigh Register for fk. -,t Th. ti. jonnso" of h.s personal appearance ai u. fyf the IICA' . Pleas and Quarter aessiuira u . w . t f warren, at the Court house renton. on the 4th Monday in FebnW . t and replevy, ftnaijuaKmeiu Tned to him, and'the property levied on, cona CaaWIJ the use of the plaintiffs. "J,nToffice, h Drake, Clerk of our sad CourH l82. Warrenton, the 4th Mom-Jay of E c r. 35 i d. i r a nab a T appearing to the satiafactbnf of. this LOW 1 that Th. 'G. Jobnson,the defendant, h. lUUtl cf:it 5-r ; icr-t t e ; f-tftn. tT9 ie. r'ss o I-dd O 2toa ':er tf.U't luun bit. to- J to t line' Ifi llMV Of 10 sjq ffxri a s J?l a ie 3! ifs a- si d g.! S ti IP tf It o:J . b: ' f( 1 V ' t!. to. V ifitl su ol m m ti p d . o i V e 1 - i t i ti P b r c