f ..' -r . ft' - v 1 ' Mr. -4 t THURSDAY; DECEMBER itidii ... . v.. i i . ' f . " .... ' v ' " r3r As ..... BISBEIkM r rZFSZ fTrV ?neea ,!?g w " the lady to choose, dnd cirrrea certain documents in roUHnn tn nnn;fni s. j . . . . - . r . - ', u- f. . r" w i v i.j.u. n uic jruung uiailf sou siaDoeu nis 2- 1 41 ,f it'l a Penitentiary atfd lnatioi Asylam.e- Thib!" pnrides Itottheiebrdils-Croni the UnitedsStates to NortK-naroirnLt or tmreme Court&grtizti j'tp the ict tf the list GeheratemBly;; fer oi .UM vjwiiryugnmif uavecommenc ed ontonJaylait (bing theULs!-'Ston- day in liecemoerj pot it appears t that judge Buffin Unnot5?ga!ljr take his "seat on the nch f iljitbe loseof the present fe?sion f the legislature, as xtKe -teinpo--r3, y conimisJionraSte'fl'vttf 'Judge, Topm tr. accortljugo' the . Wd of the Cotiifi ut'm, floea not expire until that time.'? ' Afl'tf Julge are. present.' . . wJL Ko rps o-necLfhe . , ' . : compos men S,ate:T!re9ignationdoe1iothoweverat u- ci.I.removeihe cotituiioniltlnni ' " lVonsn a: Penitentiary in this Legisl.ture. It will be seen from re-fSaj0r,t,r . he bill alloyving the Public ferejice to the proceedings of the Eegis- wjfe once in her breast and twice in her "ft8"11 liewisil Justice of the Peace wno attempted to stop him. He then made his escape; od thooghviffilant measures were adopted,, the Police hate nottucceed i was hot bn firei Mt that she felt Mrdf . that'ddfioge.rage feithi : fol barniog at the bottom of her stomach. 1 ti wh''. 'a :- "!rj5lufc- cw -1 . and beffed for .omhin fn rpfi... T.rT ,M u"fiu eyearf pain. ,we understand that she was so those badlv hlimt ih-At hap infaslinoa H k. I .If " ' " - "11.1 .IlllbailUCa ICll 7A L f r Il 1VimMMArf mmSL MM. - -".j UlCBOCOieU, lAOerallSU tenie LnnUrJ -I. sound general views on agricultural ietns lotion. r . -.v,- r.e8 apnea eei.:. tint; hvpiic - yfSirJno. Sinclair oj2rffiux J&nzj y ad Van ra marl a A .i : i, " . u6.u! iai. war xo me I eu as jet, i takinar him. - op,OpO, shall, when collected; be aWronrir ' --rrContriry fo IhsVshes' ated for;'the purpose of erecting said Asy- :,f onr Manufacturers Congress persisted ,UrTV . J - . (h'r issVssion in iTyinr an increased A remarkable incident occurred In the Virginia Convention on Friday last It was ihe circumstance of Ajr Madison's young against every other member of the a sainer and two Sons JfflefcZJl - th Mr. Sneed atso reported a bill directing ori article i; and 'Jpetm.inr aretn e several Sheriffs ta ascertain &rWnrt cnsequence; ooTvprtaeirtedDnTin fi "rapcronerthe number of mani- oi.nnotjion allrcoarse yobl. onTAhon.oD apropno, too, not his Leeds His sori J.An fato a wAfcldf'' own.-,. Of , he great v?net7 of project, . for had been co.ered 0p & Si"Wt2'-'' , a basis of renresnfnfin. wKiK k... kAAn r..u . . .i::7, -"vlH . v,nc. R preyed by their respective authors, for conscious of flanger ifeseenjled by Ln, "i severar weeks past, one was deemed by of a row. AVh.-h fiSS .? iJifT; ? . : .. "fp s oiion in tfie rone. swsuecteVL tint all r.cuCmai ii cou.a not oe carried, and was not rhrhn andWlfeit ml int i S lature of Monday last,: that Seriate have been deprived of -ofle of their bodj "by death.. The remains of Mr. Sanders were taken from this city on Tuesday morning, irm ai ms resiuencein : .; Johnston county. The corpse was accbm ' i paniedto tlie verge of the, cit yby the Mem- , bers, and Officers of both Hodses. i We alluded in our last, to certain Re solutions submitted 'by Afr. Bvnum and 'SfiMr. paston, in relation to the powers of tlie General Government. now sub join them : Mr. Bynum's Resolutions:- Whereas in the opin on of this Genersil As sembly, the permanency of onr political institutions- greatly depends on a definite partition-of powers between the Fleral ami .Stale Uovern- ' inentsv giving to one all the powers distinctly emimeiated in the Constitution, and reserving to the other all those not delegated to the Uui, ;V ted States nor prohibited to the States bv the p Constitution: J Therefore rvsnhypif. That Pnnm.Dp. u division of these powers, have no "rig-ht to "pur sue works of Internal Iinprovements, such as the Cutting of roads and canals within the limits of he individual States. x R-solved as the opinion of this Legislature, r that the assumption and exercise of such a tjow . er by, Congress, ;are contrary to' the geniul and spirit of our Internal compact, and subversive of ithe independence and sovereignty of the indi vidual States. ' ; :Be if further r -solved, as the opinion of this legislature, that the exercise of such a power would prove as inexpedient and impolitic, as it '; . is unconstitutional. v Uesolreri. That T it be deemed expedient bv the States, that the Constitution should be w arntrimeo as to annnrtn tK easurer, additional comnensation. tmru reading by a majority of ten yotes, and was sent to the Senate for their concurrence. - - In-the Senate, the bill to erect .1 I . . IT. T " . " .V. vr v. v.i.cnupes noietrea. tnt one'oiiiewhat varijot would onile the vomh hV.i ZjitiTZu. " " tecentsa ad- Tfilft Sa.li f, th friends or the former" T hU W 1- M -W' .h,s kind figcoaaSimo,t 2d .VrtfrMffif " ' tore g.eS cmplciygient to aCgreit umber rJo 1 ' .. ' .''Mtn .he qaes- Who descended the? well; Wt from ...J inferior ,S,n,ittKKS :' !, i 1 trv 5. n impetli rrfent therefore. ooffhtlaH f?0" tw change his oniniOn. mai ntjined ue piacea in theamf its imnortationi vco.SienCy oy voting it.' Thus it The was tht this enerab?e and illustrious eit. examinatiAfi nf r.wjjSi..... "T "' -a lower of a new trial of Jiirlo ivni;i.--...r V w triraoruinary cot.nt7in 4he.West; from a Dart of the ,t u rnitnf;a f T). - . - ' . ' T M"M lAiaD Vllie I ",JC VrOU venilOn. ure, ann buncombe, was Uons derahlp u-"uL:rA . . a . . - ' I " auviu- iiou urrii ill ipsrpn posTponert .ndefiniteljr, on motion bfJWr. by the counsel on both side, i the rtc.i .hew-Yorh A wri ter in the PhiladeK oi t Toies. i juuge y iiiiams chargi w ' j.fLf,f,fMw .if. mil rni vusm n I . f-- ' 1 vui uirs I kv 1 1 1 v fill r fr rni I i i- f i . . . . .. i; mi ii r-x 1 1 iij i -vu.ii cue i iibi i or rnor i i - . t - . . - - , ; ; uiii passeu me Sinthe impeach- TOAS'.""! J c ot thevState, which nasspd thp ,aTe f aidential election, and the onm the lead in thwrt A S I r - - ' i . - i r I uv utivi iiu uui l 1 1 1 1 jiiiiic IdSL Wcrlt. : h9G Tinr r i 1 1 v.ywmtsci 1 LLTI LILI 1 1 llf III5)r ITIfu a nt rial 1 CPrfl ill Prlllffinr Ka- ; I "i nut jci uccu acieu l - r- ...vu, in vi-1 vuviuu uci uiiMicuse popuia con- upon by the House of Commons, owin to :ence to 3 desire to enlist public sympathy a question of order which has arUpn L m behalf of the Jd2ef. " t. The section of the bill, as it passed te Senate; providing salaries for the Pre sident, Cashier, and Directors, was in blank. The House of rimmnn. k?.,i immense d ' . - r 1 1 n ? "In 1816 she had but fnrtv thntiesiml Ujii I , . . - w. -"f o mis, as one of the joint Rules of the two Houses stipulates, "that eaeh House ptit in-1828'na less than 468,205 of herJ children attended her common schools! w,,,uii wtfre unaer the suDervision nf for. ty-nine thousand school officers, and 7or the support of which thn dollars was etrfpndprl H trhiA i : i r ltlVIl IB lilllC 1,,C iw l ork Knquirer confains an ed. itorial article in relation to the next Presi dency. The Journal thinks it time e- naugh to discuss the question when the present Chief Magistrate of the nation' shall pendent of her Colleges- Aradpm.pe i .1 n T w.va.a vv uru hall norfo cn T - -.m.iicu ci. reure,oui declares that 3 p'atc-ocnoois, ana it is nO ex- hill K 7 T T 1 P "P0n 6Ver? when the PP-r periodsh,ilI arrive,N.York aFJoirto s that within that State, Dill before it sends it for .coricurrerir.P Will' hp n..., . ' ' L" six hundred thousand children fmm A . --r i it uiiaiiiiimiiM nr jvi r- i -. i" ; , . . w te other,", and ordered a messasre Burks, and .ill hone .fBr li. ! ' ?Se' a?e cjrit in . . - - v i a. mm h m v -j ami shared tfiefe of his sons: The bKlea were atterwanja taken oyfcwifh grappling .irons The faheWa aft veYbu t instantly expired," arid n? iJiVva sons .ihe ?tal spark Ws 4ite eitrrWi oper. .Vf toaieeToilow: mg extract foimihefovideiice American, of a late date t "v ' ; "A Jud ought niit lg1rer a jury his impression from the facts., Qn, idinaW IS n . aiHt-r uirow me reSDOfiAibititv r.T . '"7V u,,r wn Their, excuse for fc-etMn stio 2fa. H?wFt 8(M w decided accoi dng:. to his direction. Tf thi, : u .t fl"!S 5 Jigh;fh.facter r- wietiget talents exerrlac ... : 'LdisDensp .with . iU.t a the ccor- the l . - . 'T If J i u ue beni to the Senate stating this objection. On receiving this messao-p. f the other States with an annual expense: of one ash says The Boston Bulletin, a Jackson'paner, the Senate proposed the appointment of a joint-committee to report what .was the true nieaning of the word perfect in the joini.Ru Je above referred to. The Chair- j rrian ofthis Committee, yesterday, report i eel to the House of Commons that, in their opinion, tpe,liue required that'all .bills I "U,,(IU laKingup the cudgels forth .Ji.x.ji.. fec f Ka' nnefriAfAl I a i i . m, jiUicv,icu ur cumpieieci betore I thAV ivoro Drtn4 4VM .1 funds of the revenue of the DnitecT Shdes vJ b ' ' "u, ' Un tniS rnonsi me several states according to the ra-r . au,e ueuaie tooK place ; those opposed to it contending, that the Rule, meant nothing more than that the tio of their represent ion. to Hp ,'n&.t the immediate controul of the Legistat tires the several Sfates, to be appropriated tQ s.ich mproveinents as may be deemed hy them most expedient for their internal regulations that ottf Senatorsin Congress be Instructed. Snd our Re presentatives requested, to use their best eftorts v toaccorr.phsh th proposed amendments to the v I ederdl Constitution, and to sustain brail other e-.U.nRte means . the principles contained in these tesolves,. Reohxd That the Executive he requested to torwarda eopy of these Resolutions to each of our Isenato's and Representatives in Congress.' Mr. Gaston's" Resolutions: ' JtesolvefL That the General i Government has tttlinm eta t. I mil I An r1ll : it . i """ one iias n imniuu ui uu ars ann i uriii. iron...n .u.iS -cieu, in ettecting his election to the asserl that no stock irf that State will fi. presidential station. na'J produce a more certain or greater interest than this sum in knbwledm nnd virtue. ' Her canals are c-ic Hot tllP.riirlit tr m-jtm frmW...nn - limits oHlns State, except such as are necessary r.w. ,,,cii execute. inc powers which uve been delegated by IhVConsritution of the bmtel States. v - KesolvedS That roads required for military operations, or or the convenient and speedy transmission of the mail j canals for facilitating commerce between this State and her sister States . and inlets, ports and,, harbors, made or unproved; for the purposes of commerce with foreign Rations and the other States of the con tedercyi are among the means necessary and proper. tb execute powers thus delegated. ikl;Th!.l the General Government ha5 also the constitutional power to appropriate mo iiey,to all such; objects of internal improvement as may be sanctioned by this State,-and tend to the. promotion of the general prosperity of the t mted Stated, , ; J ndrheJ: to each State a fair, part ip such, appropriations, It is ex pedient that the General Gqvernment should apportion its surplus revenue among the severat States according to Ihe ratio of their representa tion to be by them applied to these purposes pt internal improvement. ' , ). The- IVdl to vest the fright of electing filierifts in the free white men of the Stated has become a law- A motion was made to strike out the word " white" in the ti tle, but it was rejected 93 to S We trust this; bill .will nottulfil the prediction of its opponents, but we have our fears. We givee vote in the House of Com mons, on its final passage." . . . 1 EMe8?r. Alexander, Arrmgton, Baker I Ashke.?ann-. Haniard, Betheil, Blair, Bo I Branch, Brooks, BroWn, Brower; Buie, ButtnYr allojvay, parson, Cooper, Cunningham, Dav enport, Dozier, Kdmonstonifinloe. Fisher Uauze, GranHyr Hancock, H ellen. Hill of Rock r0irvJs of Wake, Jordan Kerr Kendall, King, Ldley, Loretz, Love, M-l-v'n Monk, Moore. Morrisi, iullin Richmond.-McNeilL Mpwidiuf Mtf.:it . , l ' -..v" i'tin, ami; unison or Ilichmond Orr. Patrick. P.irrpll i.,i, u f Currituck. n' u mah, Snvder, Speight, Stedman,. Stockard, i-65 7.?! ThomPspn; Watts, Whitaker of xViT9 - r of Mcon, .White, Wilder, Miliums, Wjlson. of Perquimans, Wiseman, l!SkCTEdotnb Barringer, CherVBrBymir,r' flrum' Cbamblee Urahlm ' Tk-Coi Eccs, Farrier. Gaston Ham..G;n. Harper. Hatch. Hauhtnn' C lT J?" Wntningtpn, Hough, Jones of Mhoon MA Vi . - e Mendenhall, l uqon Move. VTurrvliv nfWmAi ' I r5 o'?nr cM,,Ia Nash -Nicholson of Ha- heeler wrT r IMan,y Sn, Webb, vchJ! f Ca,we,VC. V. ooten, and bills should, pass their three readings, in stead of beins alternately read in each House, as formerly. At length the Re port, and the different motions made up on it, were laid on the table. C In the Senate, the same soibject was al so discussed, on the message from the House of Commons ; and after a good deal of desuitory,debate, it was agreed, to return a message to the Housp. faf. i2, "that blanks in a bill, not affecting its principle, do not come within the meaning of the joint Rule requiring bills to be perfected before they are s'ent for concurrence." How the difficulty will be obviated; we oo not precisely know, bM will inform our readers of the result hereafter.' In tho Senate, considerable debate al so took place on the bill, , proposing that hereafter, the Supreme Court shall bo held alternately ait Raleigh and at some town in the Western section of the State. It passed its second reading, the town of Statesville in Iredell connty, beii" the alternate pla6e designated. a k:iT ; : i .i j. win was iiiirouuceu in tne same branch, proposing to pay the members of the Legislature a: salary, fn the place of their per diem allowance. Read the first time Tragical JJmr.--A certain Capt. Tho mas Thompson, of-Eiizabeth City, two or ihree years ago, succeeded, in obtaining the hand of an amiable and respectable foung lady of Beaufort, Carteret county. In a short time after their marriage, his conduct towards her became so brutal that her friends separated her from him. He has professed to feel extremely unhappy in consequence, and has endeavored to pre vail upon her to return to him, butwithout effect. Fur nearly or quite two years this has been hiscourse until, within the last fe w mon(U,te when he has been less" heard of. It seems however, that he was only mber-m2 to make a more deadly sDrrhr. On Saturday the 16th inst. he arrived at Beaufort, armed with pistolsand a dirk, and entered the dwellingof his unfortunate wife, caughtherio his arms and endeavor ed to persuQe her to go with him. The d, and despatched a messenger for the brother of the wife, who was at Fort Macon (two miles off). On his arrival he demanded his sister, Tbomp. son refuseoV and threatened any man with instant death who should touch either him .r his wife. The brother, however, agree- amed ofahe Report of Secretary Eaton, f:vp IZ are. ,reat ' Tery produ s that Duff m!.rinfi Sf f.K, " U N extehsif e publ . "r- v iw tut IV4I- Kr.nnn s r ro inhmtn ,r 1 -i " pose of diSgracing the write, UP hriT The Cotton Market The Liverpool Al bion of the 16th alt says, the market was m a state of unusual activity during the last week. The sales rp;.rhod tUa. Duff, reiary, contents himself with denvin the assertion, and declaring that he printed it as it was written. Thus, between the two, the Secretary fallf to the ground. Foreign Items. According to a calcula tion recently made thexe are 103 Canals in Great Britain, extending 2.682 miles, isid formed at an" expense ol tt.irty miiions prliri. The sons of the Emperor of Austrii have all been taught some trade, the hereditary Prince bing an excellent weaver, and his Drotners good carpenters and joiners. I . orntnary nigh number of nearly 25,000 bags, at an ad vance of one eighth per lb. on t some, qualities of Am erican rnttnn1 -w p -v wvva ; Jh J: V m'ht f '.MSpime -with thai -W body t ot.ee and fet tWqdge de'ierininS - 'V the fact M well as decide thf Uw! : t ; married,. , In Frankrm county, on. the 23rd n ii i? j "'re, or Urange, to'lfisa Plir Bullock, daughter; of ftK Benif Bullock v In Perquimans ontk, prf., ul . r , y in JsiisatQ, City, a the.same day; Mr AbnP Qragin, of Slassachietts. to Miss &2i? t?Q - Herd. Also,inLvi f?Sh Jen- V t xu opinion is beginning to prevail, that the stock of cotton in the ports will, at the end of the present year" nntwithf,.r,; ing the heavy import, be smaller than it nas oeen at the close of several preced yaars. r ing O I , A writer in n "Ipfl,0.n J1;V. I , - - V 1 1 L I I 1 I II Midlife"!- W y iy r gei.ue.nan in iNorMk, (Eng.) lately that he is - surnril SSI ZL " l X h? ?-ated yThe " :.: :.lT:r7""a"u "ra.ce "Ktnat.ot the deliverance and intbn n. ,wm,bc' pncKeu in me noiloiv ot a larffe dpn ce of Greece nass in nur narc much jnS, especially when their Ireedorrt has not been merely acknowU edged by the three great Powers -of Eu rope, buthastened and completed by thVir unequivocal direct asrenc v. Grppppfanr?a independent among the nations of the P furnip The communications betiveen the 'English-and French Governments have been lately unusu illy frequent. Scarcely a day elapses but' despatches are received from and forwarded to Paris. Mr. C,bbet, ha, announced his mten, ZZVJ ATO'W tion Ot visiting the princioal towns in the rjcll 1 cuuris'' an tne co ope- N,, fh of England, tS deuTer hat he Calls tof had' ccwre speeches. otner, good or bad. To Greece it seems to have been reserved, in this age of re- fVi Fayetteville4yec 24 . cessfulljto rekindle ip the North Carolina Bank Notes. t will af- t Vuj flame of liberty' Greece ford pleasure to our rpadpra t i . has there had the hanniness: of Wacprtlno- thelate able and correct management f the nht? of natwns, and .purely offers us thejlocal Banks ,in this State, has eradnal ?occas,9P of rejoicing with her on her de- annreciated their nanpr. ; i7 J nverance. . i r' "m ii is now ac- tnsc, len In AHenton, MoaHgonferv chnntl 1 ' K w by the Rev, wJ?3? ' i of Anson counfy toh,?! - to "fcljss Elbsa Harris: teidinFdu it; Sanders, Esq? ? genitor ?1WWi' sickness in ble late me FalL from whtK t,- iJj tT T ' , i-m Weckesday kept his bed umitiJI ich he has left aaamefarnii; 3e WMecl' lament his f plfe??.?memi8 to p.ent reguhied tempe; J' th "f I u mi mr rna . a. . . - . a ... ii. . r . Va " VuP w,th Unired. S'ates Bank Notes, The Branch of the U. 8; Bank ifJ his plate has, for several days past re ceiveothemin payment for checks on the Northern Cities at the usual rate of kber cent premium. -05. ' clouds and possi . -, . . ...... unto tne Hay is its evjl.. She has succeed ed in a cause, and justice tO her as wpII as ourselves demands some expression of g.cct.ug aim gratuiation. Mr. Webster wnose zeal, years ago, was kindretly1 her wrpns and sufferingsf may pel4iaps think this subject worthy of being now ad- nc . Salisbury, Dec. 22. ' tireOn Saturday momino. t t k Vi ,,n' MacJtinf Huse and Stales of dressed to the public attehtion. Mr. William Gay, ofthis town. Wprp : f .'S.;' ;,' tirely consumed by fire. There vas arfti in- tV of SRPil nnrftm'in kA 1. - . ... ccr luctuiiine-noose Jtum.Ve Iparn from the Bpston Pal- laaium, tnat the' distil Pra fmm mniOM nerent and tflM sustain the aonf 5 tiU 1 ""M,ruir- to strong consolatioo of a reasiS? ? lkft lhe h faith s pe derson, wife of Dr.-Jame m ii -Hen centla citlieS !im Dr. Nathaniel Hill of WiE.9 . Those who were acquainted with rY,'' derson, who knew fh'p " -w exemplary manner Henry (?rdy She waaan Soi5 tender raothef and her death mSJS f,fiiUd gretted, C 1 b mttcb teV In Lincoln county, on tbVlfth'nl Vr rahSherrill, wife if Jacofc lJL-' 76th year of her age. JhL Sh?rlln T'JV1 'ie io death' c f- but died rather mMdenhTito about till withL aL,a?.,l?,e . - parts' of the United States, in! t !n,Sffi ' -'' npfitTAn nAna ri- i I ' r "Wfc several versear ir .r" T rvs vi reiiwra- aiHTtHymiis AinoBesthttfat-: .,j,mre f- tain that the fire was kindled . ?InZffi?Sj! e.e ?!W!"?.nd lotobetl, T.: on,i;. - Qi , . . - j u j , " v?y" ic"ii ine uiscontinu f gcw raymnareo. indW j t? cendilry. Strong suspicion-restin nn Jinn IWFn ? nntu..tttJ?rr mnioim f-ti... . e j ,'v.. u.ijL.ftMH jvuiii ajj; an arnci f A, a m a . . . out titrie dount of its bein the I mofasiesitor ae incendiar,. It bphooiea the citii-ns nfnit J'JttrV'1 W$mr RtSSr-i , have apphtd. the midmehf tordi. t 6" . . . ,.( .: . -mtW.xfycomiiuyS gncuttr ropers. 1 ireMast No c 1 - "-..v- ' i f . Loodotfo:Oardeir' v . V WANTED, 'Js':y property of Mrs. Ann Smith of this place frosl WSr M7 (jingrto - 'W was ,ine circu to lead some pioion that combustion of time been She was i was called in, and persisted in saviZ she T0116 ..p'k V r J r'" ne with the utmost impartiality, when we ss, attendance. Raleigh, Dec. 31. pQBctuui in . tbettf J. GALES. Stcy. 't -"' f si-