X , ried froir pihe Jiaten track :jtidU fyiAri .Ltcn -waaTooting jl iintoVtowh,; irt i n I one evening l;isf wppL. Vnn muih 'tUvfjdiC. . iwUlrhecooc!chper he Tiad imtt with otl i the road.paei alan -ibe Up 5if tbelri?c ; ? ' cliff and feada dowVintA ihtnvifne'T -1.' ttattamti8keet;laket was rjectea on trie advEUTISEMENTS aotexceedioffiiteen1ine neatly inserted 3 timlsfor a Dollar, & ttvcntv-five cents fot every succeeding publlcatjpu 1: TftteVb "not justify. XLXl i.-T THURSDAY, JANUARYT, 18S0 ' " '7 ' ' " "m 1,39U:.!' 1" , n'appronmlin of money comraensufate .lr . .-V.- - ; r- ',";' " , i NfViv v; , - ' 4ono,t Wemanf"Wooten 6f Rolarabus, A. W. Wooten, of this 'Stifle, nbr do we, imagine any lm- i crffir 6 iSL.I object ill be brought ioVward, l-i-i --i'-J -VJ . . - ' . . u. Jnnimn. nrtlicM. niiir. Uvrum- Brooks. Car- 7?e.0f aKin-&iiaVing engravu a U;on.cl);mblee; chov Cooper, Ilavenport, f the $iat; ;t :V ' K zer,- Fatrier, Grandy, Hsuicock, Hill of Rock- ll a..ViV ;rt 'Cil-J'r.r: Cnn,fnsl inffham. Morton. J orditn., Little. Melvin, Mullin, t'tfSt nn nn wpn.TtiirirHJit,viwtii"vM-: ,- - - , - . , . ' -..;! Murclnson, WtelJ, )rr, Kawis, uicnaruson, im- pronlOmfttttee mws of Currituck, N, G. Smith, Stedman, lMinlrtplpj S.ock Taylor, TbompA, Webb Jwheeler, Si' The bill for extending the Charter of State Bajik bforth-Carolina; telt lMi!SMf ISK'S?'-'-44?? I -. . Tb-Senate on Saturday, again resum- Connecticut, 2' Mecbanicsi? .''UVt'; 2 Eiist Florida, 1 ' j- team Boat entevl Maryland, 1 h until the Von?entlon shall terminate tits Massachusetts, 1 At Sea, 1 n:is oeen carvea our lire projected Kail- a 133 Ruad frm Ppfprshiirw tn thp iSunrili.Psjrn. I Unknown, 6 linn line has been repi led on favorably. . Married 10 j9w tlier instance of the truth of the max- Unmarried 15 Hnwow to th " Widowers 8 On the-lSth inst. a gentleman arrived in , 1 132 Boston from NewVYork. and o-aW fft VI r Unknown, 7; 132 . . . r ' j . . V I Unknown 7 oarKer, Keeper oi xae 3iariDoro- Hotel, Unkown, 132 7 ptt h wa oftthe jop a pprpedfatfaVr ock i $ J ? , about-rtv fp -ilofvnc tfh iround';.' .which jiroki the f It, burVaMo!? steep Uk -tV arrestils; prbgV.'aX J n;hlwpptr;tdm ' j "( blme over the sipuea ahd Ihniuh ihvbush es abu t tlireehvnrfredfeef tnbri;. do wrr fo ; . V lir . 1 the'ftrot-ofjheIifrbiii thdrlref not bV " , in, near ibe edge f f fit w-fr The man lV - uones u find his 28 between 20 and S0 61 - .IS-- 50- 40 34 40 50 9 " 50 ' 60 t; t fillSMp5 ed tKe consideration in Committee of the I P?t whole, of the resolution submitted some W: i&MM' trt day. ago, concerning the right of the Ge t I fo'aUmni:MiaaUt nnrnr IWrnWnti to execute Works of f oaQrtr SiatesvilU , and by iu b n Svai ? - length against the power ? after which, v fclObni and obtained leave Improvement within the . Statef rr 7i o r r I- a of r ir c 1 f? f 9WMiSrf;fttpr, rt to-.u agin: i TO90t,iau,,s,u,,S The House of Commons after some de f ;5M?C debate' re" batlpasill .the bills for extending the " illifem?)erfbct b,,h &Sa,n Charters of the State Bank and the Banks Pearson .x ftr of Nepbern and Cape Fear, and sent 1 SSlllfesb :-Xalwost A literal thpm the Senate lor concurrence. tiMviPv?m:r lv,7. 0 onfu k?l Uwerft' nn&flffl bv a1 maioritv ot I w p J , more than two to one. A Resolution was also reported from HM ;Mloiny? the select committee appointed toMake two parcels for ,Mesrs Gilbertf& Son$, Mr, Brooke, of Hall icounty. aI I tw- H. Davis Member from Richmond county ii.worM,c iAMii4iiimS Oo,ouuiin uanK The vhiinct tumu;. m ri14ah- .r Dins, ami tlve other 1UU Spanish Doubloons. 1 uhatfwm, aged 22, and the oldest Mr.' Adair, The next morning the gentleman passed the trom arroVa 59 office of Messrs. G. & S. & handed a paper r. w r Tr , ; to a porter, named ThoinasButler, inform- has ker)ti re?uar arro t of th, ,-firM iig where the money was left ; the porter, which have Occurred in New-York, during instead of giving the na per to the proper the past year, states that the number since persons, called at the Hotel and requested the 1st of Jan. 1829, is .one hundred and Mr. twrKer to p-ive mm anv nacka-es hp "5"" uq, uc- might have for Gilbert & Sons Mr. B. twe7e,n'.Jfn- 2 aml Pe,c 3as one hundred . i w vtv Him lii von uiatui -ti7L Cii r iao lift r. I lrtfk rnut . . . & aln 3urr,..uS a., ucru .cnt ,c ,,au- tion of property t hereby, 680,403 cei uiuier, wn.i im.ifeniaieiy aosconueo; sequently. the number of fires ruKen, anAswas apie,t(gct4ip ana . W.V into town, i ft. dirlaie lift, will be more teiuperate m future aitise, - r fl V, resolution. Com. V, - fVr'l A trial cmeon in Kngland -during the - J-,j lasf nt A$si7-es,;ifbie tbei Judges; were ' ? 5 V ; 1 on Circuit: in'Whirh VrflvfinVrnt rnn'nfi-lr: 'V-V1 : surgeirwasttHe principal; .witne?sforthe"; . ; J, prosecution,; f cou rse i his croiraW- ; 1 ; ination, the coxinel fortbe, defendant en- deavoured to shake bisNekiinony iland, t ;" J' as thei case- turned on jTnt Kpractl S V I for this purpose was prii)cip4JIjrvt relied on ' V Cv ! the fc.lhjt he was an interloper the - iiieuicat piuieun, Hpa jotauy destttuie oi , -v ; surgical skill, MJray Doctor,' ' cried ' the Advocate inV voice if tiruufer,1 lid .-tviM not (naming a' fprmcr patient) die un rJ der vour hand?"", VVbv-he tlld" , ' n v f Balikfrdttate, wmcii passea us nrsi . I - . l raP5e! If -Tu" , the Governor, of two intelligent persons PurmnhmmHy WfZ?. ' to visit the diflerent Penitentiaries in the afmiWvSfh'e 'that . on 1T. r . 'rtaa ,lf t Pa?!! l$tSmMCn: 18 and information concern of collecting facts concerninir the useful- ItMtsiun'a Which Board of JlgriculhircTWs Board held 15ifted being again its annual meeting some days since in the such communications as were marje by the several Agricultural ordering a fresh vcforiB tlev!Senatev theection containing llkvKns:ihHrr.n outahd another . Why' I can't deny it WelC'Si '.V -t and pray what was ynur oqcupitmn before jiVr you presumed to rntrude.lnto ajiberal yfo-r. ;is5i ' CoH Sir." A iMPnlr'pnrPf ! -nn.wpxpd' tfie tT; . this year, Counsellorhis stern features retain in a re warn or ouu 0,,ng nr,u. ne was pur- up to tne presenUlate, has been somewhat ( a 8mi,Cf th th ' fohl'V ' siml and overtaken at Braftlebor Ver- fearer. than during the corresponding pe- thoUgKlf u wi(h. your, patiefe ,VVj tnont, confeWd the whole transaction, 28. The destruction of property witn y0Ur hojj;H-fou must kUltiitm before : tVJ ' wept like a child, and gave up all the mo- Is ndoubt.edly less- ye have had ;on you'could cure tiw.' fr 'Vl ;' 'S 'Jf ; A i- an average, one fire in about 2i days. . il '"VVVi ;'i ney except SloO. On his return to Bos- i - J - v-' . . - . l-V ton, in custody, when the tage arrived at Wiltun, N. H., Butler alighted and im mediately b -gan to stamp round like a fran tic -man, and ran into the bushes. He was purUfd, but before he was overtaken, lie ad cut his tlirg t with a razor, and .died immediately. CONGRESS. The National Intelligencer announces, that Mr. Rush, the Agent of the Corpora tion of Washington City, has- completed the negotiation of a load in Europe for one million of dollars, to pny tHeir subscription to the stock of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Cogrpany, at an interest less than six per centum. restiTent' Casbier.and Directors ; and it supply of Grape-Vine Cuttings for each ifeiU; cdiVt -Ul i-Atiirnpil tif the II. I nf th Societies r.nnner.ted with the Board. I'SHi1" l - . ' i; flion? for tMconctrrence. f liifie3sate.on Friday, - the llesol u - ion" was passeu auu cm ururc uusc ii .niwrrMiCerfyhten :: proposes to i nst ruct uftBtnanrt and requests our Represen- ile JbngresW?o use their ? end ea jr to procure ; a: repeal of the duty on !fe0'n: tiieHti3aCtlie"- House concur- r tt inivoeresoiuiioji, . iIlieesbliinonjhstruqting thein to pro iorej an. extinguishment also, 'ot all the JnmnCUfm tlands miis Staewas ie ttt IIoases have 20 1 into the same tifeniifrelat bil V for the bet rJyefnmenCq town of Elizabeth ... fcitylthatirheywer placed in with re Vfebtj bill passed 3, 'leadingslri' the Senate, and was sent to iiiejolher; loose for coricurrerice, contain SHnrffyanlcsJf and was returned a- . Vhe :etevagainitl back.Jwith the ixsibn eflieir inio that the bill peTfectashe make it and- the InSdSnieftiscuS for iWemrfinilBilf Feari .from 1 25 to the following Officers were re-appointed for the ensuing vear, viz : Charles Fisher, Esq. President 5 Jas. Mebane, Esq. Vice- President, and J. Gales, Secretary. The .several '-Delegates.' will please to call on the Secretary tfor the 10th Volume of the Ani erica n Farmer, for the use of the several Agricultural Societies. Supreme Court.-This boil y have at tended to the transaction of no business as yet, shut the examination of applicants for licence ;The following persons have received" them '. A ' ; SrpKiupn CornT. - 1 tuiel Coleman, orCubafros. f ; '1'ljom is Fonnan, lake of New-York. 1 . '. ; : CorNtT Court. rutrick Hurry, of Salisbury. V.. A- Krwin, of Btirke. (leol W,. Howard, 0f .tones. j " ItflVy T:. Clarke, oifTarhoroujyh. Jare; MrUus'un, of Ansoh. U. C. Ililiiard, of Nash. i The Fair. Wei omitted to mention at the proper time, tjiat this interestingvEx- hibition had resulted in the! disposal of such ar ides of taste and ingeuuity as the industrious benevolence of a few ladies 1 Providential Esrapr.. AVe learn hat during the night of the 26th instant, (Dec.) bout 40 feet ol the land-end of the bridge icross the Pee l)te at Cheraw, (next the town) fell down,, without its being disco vered by the toll keeper. When the mail stage, with six passengers, reached the abutment, the foremost horses turned im mediately arbund, and loosed themselves from the coach, but unfortunately thev both fell into the chasm, by which one of them was killed, jthe other slightly injur ed. The passengei s, in the mean titne, were left in an awfullv critical situation, from which they could hardly have escap ed with life, if. the nther horses had ad vanced but a few; paces Fay. Obs. " IN SENATE. Mr. Must or MottVthenalf-Dav'British officer, so frequently e,kt-S t.4$ffi Mr. Barton lution : . . from his enhestrian nrPilplirtlim.:' wa W , 't offered the followm.reso- resrpd tfo tridaj.Uitt: an bmihoua-ay ;;V to bim)"aTew; miles' on this sitleNpD,ihe; itesoivea, 1 nai: Tne commmee on ri nance oe Warm Spnngr in Buncombecqnf, "N-" v 'Vi S instructed to enquire into the expediency of es ri iT, ,5L . .A - . 'f 1 ' I -V - I' . . 1- 1 1 r U. and brought t this olace on Mond'iT -iJi tahlishing a uniform national cutrennv lor the . . . . . , r , 7 7 -"r " 'r".-?jj United States, and to report thereon to the: As ,l 18 k1 rte ' of education, - J , Senate. " had probably imbibed Rousseau's paradox - - kvino" reso- Ical pnnms on suicide,' or possibly ne en , K-- -iV vied the renown. f Calo.and ,BrutU Jft nn PllM. this as it mayvrt 'Mondav raorairi&ibcifif ( " ' 'lv;il the expeoi- -faToreu uy circumsiances, ne,r lzrapis jj- sales of tol, oaUea witii. bucKhot; which httd, ben ,; r, to such lan-is. only as have placed on a taqle ittthe roam ift tvhicn be , - J ofiered for sale, and areisub-l ,a ,o-i'mrdrt Vil-1Tc.k.;I Kia at the minnmm pnee. Aud,tico, , " ae? im; .P,CCaw.- , ..rl . .-J i Mr. Foot Offered the follow lution : Resolved, That the committee Lards be instructed to inquire into ency of limiting for a certain period the the public lands, heretofore been ject to entry be abolished without detriment to the public in- n,,D .1e wbutfdsafter surgica exaibl- j , trest. 1 J naiiini, wre not lounu, sumQienJWY ftyeyvro; i HOU ' nauuiij weir, uui iMiirm, suw?l'..yvion. , n to-prevent !us being carried on lo'Ed;- . SE OF REPRESENTATIVES. field the following day. n " , 'yr ' j 7 Tuesday, Dec. 29. 5 It is fortunate forfie fame. ofUJlys?el' v s , ' I i MlfUiwins xnree xear luriner wmc 10 winu i jS$-WatMitot?a itinthe , vveb, ofpayingitneir reasdjiable Msfllhnle The Virginia Convention after having Tiir Hornft. As there remains but lifile' doubt that the'sior.p of War Hornet Ins been Inst sit sea, if wilf beinterestnig to our readers to be in firmed who.compo--stid her officiers. he following is a cor rect list, according to the report of the commanding officer of thje West India sta tion to the Navy Department on the 25th October. 1 Master Commandant. -Otlho Norris. . JAenteh. anf.f Daniel H. Mackey, Jesse Smith, John L. Thomas, John flimilton. Surgeon. ST Hham Rirchmore. Assistant Surgeon:. John F. Whi'e- hill, j'urx'er. Robert Potteinrer. Passed Mid 8 ' imeix. lidiard Scherm.rhorn. JlTidthipmen. J ames Forsyth, Kjch'd K. SS wift, Uicti'd L, Tilghman, GHstavus fV. A Brooke, KdwinUSiiib, CliHries A. Cannert. Samuel S. Washington. i Master' fliz--.'!". W. ' Itohinsnn. ,Jj4j-... i ma . ' - . - -- .. .. had executed. Many persops, we know,!j0hn Uurns. Sail jlfaher.$Qkn Adams. affeci'to ridicule'tliese efforts to aid in the ine committee or Elections made a re- M"r iJiomea, mm uns aisiingnisnejKinui- - , , nort adverse to the memorial of Thomas vidua! did no: lire dunnfflhe Troiairwar. . I. JtSJ 1). Arnold against the legality of the elec- his penchant nodubt wouid,.hyeift J,Vt ? tion of Mr- Lea, of Tennessee, to a seat duced him lo volunfeer a an, aafeur to" . . J House. We know nothing of the! st&al ?ne horses.of Rhesils ;:and In unn-,; : y : ' of this base, but it seems rather vam:d t denf lor the bu?inesv .would cer ; ihary, being unusual, that there- nave ooiiged th8 Ureek to select bun It of the memorialist to have his docu- for that critical service, .. 'nf .mom. - t .. ii , ,1 ' .- 'AA- i'' C'.1 X in that merits extraord quest mantli nrintorl iv i ha insnahfinn bers should have been refused, ttftlis to LanmtaMof thejitufi i Creation be heard, however, ar the bar of the House. Whether one beast Is capable of fcii-ming ar N in support of his claim to a seat." desin. and commBn?catmjts,;desi is hy-y Mr. Storrs Committee on following resolution ' , j mv' .L.n ..... i - i ers is orougni as a p referred that part ot the-'Presideiifs Jlessatre ?v , f - . ''..j'f . which relates to the taking of the &flh. Census; ; 4 i A Sparrow finding a, nest.tjyit ftv martin . ' , of New-York, from the I d"J ,,u wuersf uyujjv"s - ll tne census, repprtea toet Vv ; it ? " , , . ;T VVK -l r . me ioj; owing instance, wnicnamotig otn- , i5l fixingthe ratio ofthe representation in the House frf hnn, boesed hpuself ofit," Hi'hg mar- , ' 'T of Representatives among th Slates, after the uiuVpl r In lieVlTo 1 th0: i "t)l completion ot the er.umertion.under suph cen- , 11 . r- f ? ,- J J sc ils ; " martins came inMuUzpe:dand;,at(a(keii?' if- t ' j i - j j the spnrrow : but the latferbeing cbv'efvd' . ' jjO i. 1 1 .-3 mi luiniii 'i ui iv. nu auu aiitvu fc" - I 5 ;THe greater part of the day waV spent upon the bill for fixing the mode of compu ting the mileage .of ' Members of Congrjess, and a mi dst much desultory debatethe following proceedings took place great cause of humanity, butSthey are cer tainly attended with happy consequences, and frequently cause the widow and the orphan to sing for joy. ItisHhe heavenly light of Im? n e v ol e n ce, : vwhi c h breaking a tfjwart the gloom of coldness and selfish ness illummates the path of duty. been 1osftf.to and fro for In early thr-e months 44 on the tempetuouis; sea' of de b canyftfonj nroweuieHutmerVi Uy- 1 ?tiihmJE E'isher, ; arytoop Wbt6tiyletUlM Hough; 4 ityiptie; t IfeMojrrl urheyfof ty-ti arioyer: Mujrpbey IKlU?asnelad4 N ielbkoffKichmbnd, 'Tso0fvMaiifa VclteOri have ot last; " come vthrh sight of; !ttsdrh Tfi I'.ninijiltipp of thip Whot have MUaUgnt0jftO .and! Sforie tlinrngh t all the Resolutions relating hm:ftseu eacb'of rthe,I)erfarfmeht, fand a JDraft- ivi0e tollowitig ypte ' ii 1 - - all.' thr propositions, .-adopted ?nto the form of a Constitution, f; On-'Wedpesday ' la, tne Linair nameu a mis important ton- mmee, s Messrs ijoddridoe, iuadzson, Marshall, Johnson, LRiGit'of, Chester -field, i Tazewell j and Cooke. ' Online same day, theContentiqn? agreed to extnd ;an amnesty oV pardontosu erf as had here- .totore vioiaieu tne Anu-uueinng Liaw, ano o aumonse tne iegisiaiure iu legislate up- on fhi ciihijk4f I" 1 j -ii- . ' f -f V J YMt.VVhitake interesting publipnature, bas-yet come :lMHPf consideratioo of &e iegiiiature The following is a list of the acting Gov ernors of theseveraf Slates for : - . , . Nathan Cuder. Benjamin Perce Samuel O. Crafts, xll.evi Lincoln. James Fenper. Gideon Tiomlinson. Knos T. ;Throop. Peter I). Vroomjr. Georg-e VVolf. David Hazard. - Daniel Martin, "William, B. Giles. Jolin Owen. Stephen D. Miller. George It. Miller. Gabriel Moore. Gerard G. Brandon. r If. Peauraisl "William Carrol. '!; Thomas Met calf, j Allen Trimble, ' JamesB. Ray. i Nmian Edwards. i John Mdler. Mainei"- Ne w-1 lampshlre, Vermont, Massachusetts, i h : Rhode IsJand, -: (Connecticut, : Ne'v-York, . , Ne w - J e r sey J;:'X- Pennslvauia, V Delaware, V Maryland, Virginia; North-Carolina, Soutlt-Carojina, Georgia,. Alabaina, Mississippi, . '-JLoUisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indianna, Illinois, Missouri, , Legislature of Georgiapiel annexed statement; if not"? of anyralve, 'may serve tblgratify curiosity. i'Ht is'a table nf the birthplaces, pursuits &c of the-Mem- oers oi me nouse oi ivenresentaiives oi the State of Georgia? . Seven members are flcrtrfriTin-i J " absent. Gepr&aru2 Georgia,, 1 77 ; . Pannerf, 89 Virginia,"1 , 16, farmers & Merchants , 2 &I CaroUna, W16;'1 lawyers,' 20 Si iJaroiina,' ;46 .Physicians, - I 10 Pennsylvania, 2 MerqbanU, 8 Mr. Wiekliffe and Mr. Pettis havnsx preseo meir seniuneuis on tne yen(iing a mendment the det.iil of the bill 1 .t Mr Chilton of Kentucky, moved (oVre-J commit uie nm to tne Unmmittee ot iter trenchment, with instructions to report 'a5- mendments fixingthe per diem I compWsa ion pfiM embers at six dollars ;and the 20miles (instead of eiAi dalfars for each asnow fixel by law.) 1 hivmoiion he with drew, after debate, but with tbeaviiwfd in tion to introfluce it hereafter as a direct a mendmeut to the bill. The H ouse finally adjourned at 3 o'clock winoui necMimgon any question, eitner.Ot amendment or of principle. . 'J.- . '.JJ v" . It 4 The Washington Telegrapb pays a bid compl i ment to tbe yi rtue and integrity of ohgressf -In a denunciatory article in reflation to Jhe Bank of the United States, tb Editor tleclares that the influence" o .nainilutioil.'wiir-operatey unseeh,:a!I oyer the country, " and in no plate' more wiununf uun on me floor qjrvqngress ? tr $ verV Mde,and presenting Giify hi jaVe W vulnerable, and madethe b-ddfs ortbemTf V an hour's combiV atrTle,SnatWBwp peared. Tife jsprrw seemed fa ihimV he 'V had got the $tWarna thr spectator judged - ;a ' V ; that the martini v had abindnned-their ud -t--tertakmg. Nut in the Jeapl. Jn irfew . i ' second they jetuped to, (hecharge; aiioV Ji&iyAi eaphlof th'm tuvihg procured aUtleot V -! l.U. -J -"'VlIT J.Lrrf.iL'' .rt "4 tieir nests, they-all Lafcocfeakupoft the ?pBTrow, and enclosed trim .In Jhe oest tCM 1 1 vXll oeKsb there since' thev could jiot tlrivhfmi . : -pould the" mart in'gvcon cert Jhis desiri 41 i,f .Wifhoot. some medium ' equivatentvfo" lao-A. - . .n r.- .. . i)IIrkli.l r.i . ,?ilp Johnston" 6panty dji the 20th ult Mc. Wm, " ' :Wbii0eld, aged. 33, only drmghtct of $r. George n Vf 3 . -Wimberly, bf the former county. . ; r?"1 i ' :- 0..ithe I5ih ultimo by JmeUeviMrvVittaf Yl'i TaHing Spring, , Allebany-coatuv Y John B. ' . f'Y ( Pleasants, Esq.senior Editor .of the Richmond' ' .i'O ,WMg,4orMisf.Miiry'JL. Massie, daughter of . 41' ' j Hepry lassiesq. cf the fonhV-place. , 1 r bers or coGRizhn iKetr: CcjsTrni- ENTS, fO PURCHASE AT REdHAETER I?' ? 'Jie aadacitjVpftheasiiin onlyieqoalled byibliabntu seuwiions. if a foreigner were to, ;take u, umi. wuct Bftis w uc ruc, ne wouiu til it ... : 'tit .'V-' .v '-. . -.1 .,t:J! i'. consider ine Congress as earth, and ican people, as steeped in sordid tJorrup I IUU O.IIU tllll There is not all this Telegraph '-I-.'. . Oxfor(t.MaleUca;aei6y,' N. 0. yptiXLiONS eyisHEtt ttpor mbm ioniie .Trusteea are gratified ii being able to J -j ployed Mr. Siwa O. JLamsxaa PrTncipalfr ' f .fj this Institutiod, for the Utext year-Un experien. ; - H ceTeacher -xf-eminWrqiahntiona. f Jrtr.' " C" f f Lindsly i$ Giduate of Princeton College, t Nl r J." and conv highly recommended . by Br;Aftr'"V fi Vl I f memoera ot therrAmencant .'ir1 "5w vu'wjucw circwnsrances,. L T ' V'"" r. .wT wll AS A-U XJft. I IV anil.. 7 J receive Xliptrat patronage. from an enbghtenfedJv i , , ' r 'J;, iu , uieir very, eves. r w" " '"",v,--a. rni - - 1 - , howeven a.word of tAth' in Yin!er. Vlll commence W.Mo . Vfr:) nictare Phft 11WW4WW" ' 4 Ar -i .j s, ..x",A;

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