W f 10. I- 5 ' Ioi'sLAToaE-Cet'era);.-'prPis! li"5s. Vi haW.been before ffifetfttatf -- Jiml m yesterSa r both Houses agr.eed;t adjourn to4norrawerfe.vV- ; U TheWpro1ni toitheSopreme ; ; CNfCaUernat 3.' 'House of Coraoifsn iU second read irf - STlJebill ta change ihe mbde of compen. 4, Mting theaiembers "of -the ..l$$r$? of tha bolyvhaa passed the Senate. A -Variety of amendments wnicn wereprupo c (so of them eccgn trie C ..'-' li ". - .'- .--'.1 T AnnKni '., enough) -will oe ima ins co- A'. iThe; bill passed by; thenie, 'propos. tnfosJlisk and ' ifSffin taken UP . for its 2d reading in the House of Com i ' ncinonaa h01r, Joseph Jl. r Mr. li.. proceeded ! to shew thaahWbiil was wrong, not only 'tetari, ;'iu1t-pViftcile;. and ought ' " -Siot to pass. He was followed by ATr. Vn'ippos tion jtoe.&lU who in- listed upon theundonimutionaUty as well asfinjiolicyf the bill. '1 he house an- jaurneti . wunoui. i.M& v-thi,the following day, the subject was again resumed. 3fr- Stokes & Mr. Pear soVspbke in favor of the bill, and coin plained of e unfairness of -the course J' taken by M opponents, tr calling for a . before its friends , liad hacf an opportunity of amending it so 'r:'-. as to meet their own approbation. Mr. ?XxOStm followed, ',jn;ai Speech of consider able, length, in decided opposition to the i ? bill both as.jto pri nci pi e and detai isi .The qdestioTi on the indefinite postpone StWn of the bill was carried by Yeas and .Navsas fallows : ; ; ' J; T'!' Wers.-'-Bftrifige'r, -nbrdeh, . Branch, lUye?. Hutueiri BynMm. Campbell, ("arson, Chami hlee, Chessoii. Clark, Eccles, Farrier, Fisher, Uaston; Clauze, Gr.iham, Green, Harper, llaujfh ton, llavley, llejtpn, J. A. Hill, Htiigh,:--:firvfa, : AV ''Jones,. Wesley Jones, Kerr, Lurk ins, lrig Ijfteiz, Mebane, Mendenliall, Mhoon, Mceel 'Move, McGhee,. McLean, McMillan, McNeill, Nash, Kewland, O'Brien, Orr, Punck, Piircell, Rawls, Rhodes, Richardson, Russell. N -Saser, Shipp, -Simpson, Small wood, Speight, Stanly, Swain, Vatts,".Webb, Wheeler, Samutl WIiitkdrWVw, J.-AVihon, T. Wilson, A. W. VrflOtenrC. Wopten, "and Wyche. 67. - . Natft. -Messrs. AlexanderVArrington, M. Ba "i Htt rZ. Bker Banner, J?;rnard, Butemm, Be- Vth$l Rlir, Bogfe,' Brodks, Brown, Brou er, Bv- rnB, Calloway, Cooper,! Cox, COnningham, Ua- yeWort, Dozier,' Fdmondston, Enlne, Gary, ' Grundy, Hancock, Hstch, Hill,; Hortpn, ' .fordm. kendallKiriff, Jlley Little, Love, Mel- vn, Monk, Morris, MoUin, Murchison, P. Mor- phey, , Mutphey, Neil!,T. Nicholson, Th. Ni- eho?3"n. Pearson, Sawyer, L. R. Simmons, B. j 'ISirti irons, Sloan, K. Gi Smith, Snvder, Sted. - man Stock a-ld, Stokes, Taylor, Thompson, Jas. M'bitaker,-White, Williams, Wiseman, R. Woo- ten Wright, and York. 63. The biM to enable, the Public Treasurer :- ? ' ' ' . . - stnip!y an additional Clrk, ha- b'len " rejected in the Senate by a majority of twpith reception of rh-jst who were inclined A On Tuesday, the Senate again went in " to Committee of the whole, on. the Ueo I ltitioh relative to the power of Congress to . make irAnrovements hf Nation.il concern ; and fyKeioVutiot (proposing to instruct our lnators' arid request our Uepresenta-vires-in Congress, to use thir f ft'.rts to procure n approgriati'n for opening an nut tet from Albemarle sound, to the Ocean. Mr. Caldwell and Mr. Iick spoke at con side rejlngth in support of the atHrma t i ve side ofh e quetion and the Conmit - tee then rose and, obtained leave to sit a- i:?The bills in relation to an extension; of tlie charters of the Banksi of this State, to e:iiQ'f.wind-op their concern1 pass WVd. Jneilrst reading in the ' Svriate, on I'nsdnyi v'V ' -- x. - V The select comini: tee tn whom was re- ft rred the Resolution enri'iiiing into the l,rxpt'diency of .extending the laws of rhis Sf:ite over-the Cherokee naioo! of Indians, so firKShe chartefed limfts of the Stat,e extend, have? made , a Report which was toncurred witbltirt which the propriety of rtponingleisltio the Vsubject, at t!lis;time is rej?ftiniitenvled. j Yestfrdavy the bill for limiting the pay of the Iemejrsof the General Assembly, iii future, lpfr session, passed its tbirjl rearliniQJSenate by a consider- abl ft . majority i(ifiilTa1sv ; .The Resolution to transmit a Memorial from the Legisla t u re to ' Congress; on the subject ofqopenVng ah outlet to the; Ocean f rV? Albemarle Sound, with . instructions I 10 'Pt tmn in Congress, to use t heir accomplishing this object., TCit' i main questiontivt opinion of the Legislature Congress assesses the powe malqngTmproyent coneern, has beflid!oa t wl fnol in al I probabi lity v be called up.--.Tf. tucn ; howMyr, iyeoW above V stated,', is a sufficient proof that NflnhJ!. t oliniTcfesotxet the sasrjuemishhesg I. . hi awujc 4 H9 some of ner skiers. if uuiouiuu iou s v oiaige recenujr; putv on tne route between thiscit -'and; Oxfprd, inf fJranvUle coV Ij'iruha once aweeland carries 'six pas sengers, and its'ttrrival kncT departure is aVraiigcdasto' suit those of the other Stages, f- -;;r j " i .' , : irentucK- we learn that George Robertson one of the Associate Judges of the Supreme Court, lias been appointed Chief Justice of the State, and that Rich ard A. Buckner, a Member of the last Congress, has been appointed Associate Judejnjhis stead; . A bill providing for calling a Conven tion had ;been rejected in the Senate of that State, by 19 votes to 18- j Colonization Society. --The. treasurer of the Pennsylvania Colonization -Society acknowledges the receipt of S2,691, sub scriptions and donations, for the pur pose j of liberating the slaves offered to the American Colonization Society, on condjtion of their bejng sent to Liberia. Of the above sum, .one subscriber has Jliven glO'00on the- plan of Gerrit Smith, payable in 10 annual instalments, one of, 55500 in the same manner, the re mainder in donations of S200 and under. No news vet of the Hornet. We fear that the fate of the Insurgent, Wasp, and Epervier, has been her's. That no one has escaped to tell Me tale of her loss. It is stated that Capt. Ballard has been aSsignjed to the command of the Brandy wine.jfitting atNeWrYork said for the West India station. The last accounts from our squadrons off thej coast of Brazil, &c. and in the Pa cific, represent all things well. A destructive fire took place in Balti more 6n Tuesday niht last, and destroy ed thej valuable Steam Sujrar Refinery of D. L.jThomas, situated on Hillen street, Qld Towp. Loss estimated at 70 or S80,0i". Insurance on sfock to the a oount of g30,00Q and on the house SI 0,000. Peders.ThQ MilledgeviJIo fGeorsia) Journal, states that there are not less than 100 peidiers now operating in that State ;.& notwithstanding the law requires all such persons to take out a license, only 11 of the number have complied with the re quisition The fine for pedling without a license, is from 8200 to g300. j r j . - " -&ge- The Preident's House was opened on New-YcMr's O iy, according to cus'orn, for to oflVrUheir respects to the Chief Magis trate of the country. . Internal Improvement. Were we pos sessed of the entire control of adequate funds for the improvement of the internal Communications in North-Carolina, the following would be the plan we are inclin ed to adopt : 1 Th e e x pe r i in e n t fo r d eee n 1 n g t h e Swash, now in 'preparation, should be fully tried. If this jshould succeed, the most impor tant object, a good outlet and inlet would be gained- But whether it succeeded or not,; we would, if found to be practicable (and of this there can scarcely be a doubt) proceedj to cut a Ship Canal of at least 4 2, feet water, from Neuse River into North Rivei- or near Lenoxville, if this should be found to be the best route. 'We then ascend without obstruction with vessels drajingl2 feet to Newbern: Neuse Ri ver, to the mouth of Coteckney or Con tentney creek, is navigable for boats at all seasons of the year This is an excel lent strejam for the purposes of improve mnti being much more manageable than Ncusfe River- It is navigable for flats to Stanjonburgh, during six months of the year.; But by means of dams and locks, jit. might be made navigable the whole yelajrX rfrorn Stantonsburgh to Lockert's Fls in! Johnston.-or to Cobb'sfMills, in Wake, oiii Neuse River, a canal might be tnade the country being so. level as to present scarcely an obstacleto its accom plishment. At this point should com mence & Railroad, wich0assing by Ra leigh J should; Be carriedas far West as circumstances might permit. Neuse arid ,i rent myers snoum oe improved as far up asithey are useful, Jjyjthe removal of fthe logs that now irnpedetheir navigation IWe tjirow this put, as our speculation, willing to listen to others who may .sug gest: a better. Newb- SpecU ': ; a, -. i! . ' .5J ;.- South-Carolina Railroad..,. The Legts latute; of South-Carolina has passed a ViJ! which provides a loan or advance of one hundred thousand dollar itfhh SofifhM lrolittaIIrM t c 4"iV r 4'-' tcl o- ,oi'i provjomg 01 SWptrt of g250j00afii rbetock ft ?lfteyiosiy passed lower uuuse. DDI Was reiecteri in nate. .v; - : J lt.We -bAver omittedlo notice before; :the jrhtheSunkey- CaniL heinifist nfofifabl Can.if in this Kingdom, rUing Trom ClOO u ioii per snare, nave nan a meeting this welc, as is irtost confidently belief eld to take into considerption the expediency of letting it dry and laying a Raitroad onnti and that they are about -applying t . Par Jiamervt for this libertv- This very'dav ljonf Ui-osvenor, the hurl of Derby, and the Marquiss of Stafford with feome of the Iiverpool and Manchester Directorsare oing over the road accompanied with Kn sioeers, for the purpose of making exam in nafioTis. Tiiese noblemen are very heavy h(drs of Canal property, and think it maye advisable to make them into Rail- A Railroad from thito Tnndnn is ron templated, and 1 believe a negociation is at th's moment oing pn between the chesrer Railroad Company and 'cestui powerful and influential holders of Canal stork, in order as far as possible, f make the Canal property available, provided they will support a bill in Parliament for the above object. Thisit, however, kept as quiet as possible. Thirty millions ster$ : : . i ri A i . i ing are invesieu m anaiproperty in ttus country, and its fall must therefore ruin many people." Distinguished Traveller. The1 New Orieans Courier of Decembi-r I, announovs the arrival in that City o( the Prince Paul William of Wurtemburg; already known there by his visit aboutSix year ago, when he was going to explore the upper Fegions of the Missouri. After having, by his lib - ral ideas, acted a conspicuous part in the Chamber of Peers of his own country," say.3 the Courier, this Prince, devoted t the sciences, now aims at nothing but that t xtening thf limits of knowledge and increasing the reputation he already enjoys nnong the Naturalists and Geographers of ourd.iv. The aspect which the upper Mi--ouri offered h his eyes and his imagina non, created in him, on his first visit, a desire to push forward his scientific re searches, but some business having forced, him jtO'-returo t Euiope.he now comes again witha view to pmsecu'e his former plan o go over the Rocky Mountains, ami to re"iir across our vast continent to the Pa cific Ocean." ' We had only time to mention in our last, the passage by the Legislature of the act to prevent the admission 0f free per. sons bf color ir,t the ports of this State. We cinn(t procure a copy of the bill un til its publication. It imposes however, as we before stated, a quarantine of 40 (lays upon Vessel, having on board persons of the clasps referred to -his clause to take y If ct upon vssris from ports of the U. tfie5, in 5 months ; from all other ports, in G irmriths. The act also prohibits all intercourse with uch vessel bv free per sons f coJo! or staves, and compels cap tiius f vessels to convey back such per sons on board ; renders capital' the circu lation of pamphlets, of evil tendency a mong our domestics ; makes penal , the teaching; of free persons of co!or or si ives to read or write ; and prohibit the intro duction of si 'ves info :his S'a'e for sale. It is perhaps proper to state that jhe act ' referred to was passed in its present form (another having; been previous! v-on its pas sage,) in cnsequence of a message of Gov Gilmer, on the last day 0f (he session, founded upon a pamphlet of an insidious character, introduced into, anil detected in this city, a copy of rhich was forward ed to the Executive Department.-. Sav. Georgian. New Vork-Theie wRi a. great excite meru if !) ciry, at the date of our last iaccount.s, -concerning fhe election of a (Mayor. The following are given as the facts : Fifteen members of the Council (by iwhom the .Mayor is ekcted) are said to be oppospd t the re-election of Mr. B.wne- bu' one of these is just now absent from the ciry j thirteen 'iuembrs, with the re corder, are for his reelection, Mr. Bowrie himself having also a vote. Ir this state, of the case, some oi the 1 have receded, 10 prevent a forcing 1 of the election "until the absent gentleman returns to the city in.- i etui iit-r is a wait orm er. vy e know not. the reason of this contest, but w e think that Mr. Brought to !iave absentel himself on the occasmn 15 of -he 28, elected by the people, being evidently oppused ti hiui; besides the indelicacy 'of presiding when is own cse was under consideration!- Fliere has been much confu$io;i k war.oth n the council Mies. An act to suppress duelling has recent ly passed the Legislative Council of Flor ida, by which all persons concerned in fighting duels, sending or bearing chal lenges, &c. are declared incapable of holding office in the Territory. t is fur ther enacted, that in case " any' person shall(kill his anfagonistgin a' duel, or so wound hira that he shall die therefrom in three months after, such person so killing or wounding, shall, on conviction, "suf fer death, by being hanged by the neck, a ny law, custom, or usage, to theltontrary notwithstanding-';! Persons who attempt to evade the statute by leaving the Ter ritory, are made alike subject to the pen alties, as if the offence had been i commit- Tiie new EpUco jalTj;hu rch laHarj&nll is tobe consecratedby Bishop Hobart of NewrYork, in theabkence ot;BisKftn rw- Lnello-day; The Hartford jMirfor states " , 6 ? w"p ,olne nnegtspeci- vll H hj;s:jfeD 'erected, iat ahe)eqs(eof nearly fifty thousand dnilara troiir a fxie aign oMthiejTowD and in every parlicu- the pafisbffom the Rev.tMr- Wheatbm : -Length ofxMessages.yh tenteyilje Ylnd-VTimeS savs- Gov. TfiTnlile? mpssao-p fills .two columns!Goy., Shafted thr?e&r balf j and Gov. ilay's fof Indiana t Went y'- iivt rniuinnm - i ? ' l- .v. . JSdgefieM,fSK CS Dec H. The celebrated horsej-lluef Brown, or bp whatever alias he maybe designated, was brought to o jr jail. yesterday. He whs np prehended about 1 2 miles beyond Nash ville,' North-Cdrdlifja. ryvf FT rWt mr' i af jLimn?i, ne iew-y oi k i;ommer c'rul of Mi'day afternoofrlvs Addi- i.ojiaij uinvats m)fll$yii riOOS pons oi lOr Juif of Mexicn; leye no doubt as to the melancholy fatefof the Hornei. " The gale in which she was swallowed up, Was one of the most terrible hurricanes ever known. in those seas. The Captjio:of a light brig who was in tlie edge of the tempest, re presents it ts h .vir,g been the most appall ing specacle .tht he ever beheld. The sea was wrought into a foam as though a thousand waterspouts were burstitig over as maoy whirlpools, while the winds were driving with, a fury that mountains only -couiu resist. His own vessel was very light, ami although but in he edge"f ibe. gale, he was borne blmosr througli the air, he knew not how. lhe Cahtain thinks thit no he.ivy ship, orstiip heavily laden, could have stood that awful tempest. " . Power i Some very interesting experi ments took j,l.;ce on the Baltimore and O hin rail Ro.d on Monday lat, and ftave heen continued during the week. A I irgej nuotber of peisonn have .attended to wit ness them, of whom many were dJsMn guished s;rangei. Among ; ihe exeri-nent-, we notice these- One .horse, with the 8me apparent ease that he wouid h tve drawn a gig over a smooiliaml tianl road, moved two ofvWi fi ins cars, laden witli Forty one persons ;tt the rate of between- tin ;,ihd eleven miles an hour. The d.stince. travelled, mt and in, was about 5 rndesTl' ,- ! Another horse drew 25 persons on a cani.ige of another construction, to the end of the rails and back, in a lively trOi. A second trip was made with the same tiorse. carriage and load, at the ra'e of 12 miles an hour. A single horse then drew two carriages and fify-five persons, nivi miles an hour ; a third carriage was at tached, and the whole, loaded with rishtv- four men and women, and the horse p r- tormed the trip with the same ease--and" velocity. Another carriage with seven persons, was rapiiiy driven by a winch, worked Bv two of tliern Two dogs attached to "a ear,i trotted off with a load'of six persons. Those who have not seen, can hardly be lieve such things ;' but ihey are true. Among the experiments on Tuesday, was one made by a car fitted wrtb a sail. Though the breeze was gentle six persons were carried in it at a rapid rate. The experiment afforded much , amusement to ihe spectators, ami went tohow that, with a laige sail and a fresh breeze, Car nages roay be propelled with great veloci ty. Ailes. " Ignorance. It has been ascertained th:t out of 742 families, cooprisihg a -population of 5,310 souls, in Bullet county, Kentucky, .430 were destiiute of the bible, of ihe 2,1 14 children, in these tamilies, only 1Q0 were girj to school and in 60 families out of the 742, not one me ndjerdf either could reaif. ' VV'e regret to believe this is not a very extraordinary case, even in some Siat'es mucri old. r than Kentucky. But we doubt if sixtyrsuch families could be found io all the New Knglaojlj States ami New-York unless of foreigners. Mies. . The friends of the Turf are promised much sport in Cplunibiaat the races. t hi monh. Our tourse daily offers a scene 'ot animation to tne amateur, even. at this early jeriod. Twelve horses are'jnow in training, and from what we have been able to jearh, certainty nut less ?han thiritv,will be candidates fur'the stakes. Col Winn of Virginia has arrived with tlire.e horses- of high pedigree and noted pprlornvaucaB2Iri H trrisoft has also arrived with fourb'thers, well known in the annals of sportin and Vir H joMimnd of N. C offers twd,who we believe have heretofore run with, dis tinction. These, together with the num- ber now trained in thi ilistnrf. nno nthprfe r r expecteoTlr'Hn abroad, give us an indjcationtatioijhTbls, &fe of spirited racing, and we trust of much company. 1 . ' . ' :.' Coluhibia Telescope, j AnecdoterVu JaVfisseu r rela ts the foilowing intfTesiing anecdote in his histo ry of Lafjyette in1 America. . r it happened to one of our acquaintance, to be in the Steam boit that plies between ft; ..York and N. 'Brans wick, along' with -Mfwdamsr; when the fatter was Presi-f deotpf the Ui States. The President sa ondistinguished atAtheJcMt of the breakg fast tble, eating&witli en appeuttf'nf Jhe good?thing;3 conimQn tosalf. i ;Jtt th other enil Wa L -an f .Epglish Colonel. 'ctmt tending with our friend, as ro travellers do that the Ainericaiw lad pitef theirfepuyicaijiinstUalion eseniiauy -ji nsiocr anc w tnetr .naoits Whal person do you Suppose that to be, downiexi to tiie Captairi,V8aidpeigb bor tjd fte -Cofoiiet; "I dutitt'nowtK reDljld th'e he is like the rest and eeemiibio be making a pretty hearty meal., But I can tell you, ,? continued ttxjrjuea tiooer tbala tbe Prewdent 'of thaX.17, t HeduVbrUei hi rstiUjJjtorsjnd 'hlcli" shlilih-i- rHow 'sfrikfnily j uifyu:, i"e genuine repootioiirsiihpijct' tjophe good arid pitfiotic! -Jffn Qiiocy; K. , .num, fev d?v$ wncez in rtHtioa lo th4 An,?r. 'f of the General Government to tfry4on work's of internal rmfovemenjt, tlte wprds Mitefnaicm ? 2 1 j .pact" erprnltor;Federarcoropacr., 1 - - - - - . ' I si RiehtnondJari; 5. Ir; -Mjilison, n-om v(he cwinmirte id" nlmnjjie sveial Relultmvsif "the 0n to prepare and remirfTi":iiVw"fOn?ifif;iif mittee of thej,w hole,! and iSi4e thrder (or this day. The imct ofvihe urder wilt' .Vl subject every thmg J.eretoniTeagrcetr'upoif ' 1 to change, without Itmitatiotu- , ,r;.J In GuUfprd.cjirantvf'.rtfh69tL:!tiTtirti-m.Jnhn.. Thompson, aged aSptit 40 y'ar JWr." 1 inimpson vwasr an faptive enterprising man. a ' pubuc spiritlahd Useful" citizen and a Wnev- atuV?tneh;in9 Shop of - Wd)isHin1GraTivilfB i halis I . ;.x liirp oJit;aboutNegroes, bUonno tlie EsV tate of Cant. tVm. Jn iii4 ' -v' "P . j, ; : - ATI . 40 ,i. st rieived from Cpcticut a f Garden?-Seetl wArrantH fo k 01 tne - iasi-yniarr&growrth.r-? v , Raleigh Jan. 6, 1830. , 40eo wt5( Thejfbllowing aresthe numbersrawnin the iicw-iuric cunsonaatea acnemc, i, - ou to- r 14 18 ri . , 1000 Spld atManagrs OtRcy YATKS & &rjNTYRE, ers WANTED,- Enquir ofttiel6st'Master at Wii Forest." ; ; Dec- 30. ' I -"'N 5; tV ' 382t ' Xo take charge of a S'c'l iii thnelghbor hood 6T Raleigh. The.situaMon isfhealthyuhd the water goo4k It is necessary "tftelTeache v should understand t he Liatin arid Ehisn lan guages be of good moral character. JFor term 4 ' apply to eitheii of thobacfiberaypertQflaloj ' by letter post jfcidVk, " " JHUSBBjB, ' Wake county, Dec. RAypVfr; A very valuable Tar, Uiyrf Plan- : Station in the County "of Grran ville, . a Tannery m the 'Iovn of Ox ford, and jot bale. ! OR the purpose of closW the; trusts renbsedf 4 io me, by two deeds executed bv Absalom Yancey and dulyTeg!stey of fice Jbr the county of Gran VO'lr'fbr saleiiv the Tow;n of Oxfpn:iaVth..lrt a olrebruary next, tHat betn9irt day and continue the safe From; day to tfay imrif coinptetj ; ed. the following Valuable , Trat of Land, lying on thesf south &f af r Ta! river, nine miles south! of Oxfoitmedi- atelyon the T;y1or Brklg-e Rrfadrleadmir ' tirona . Oxford to lUfeigb--ontintnis(imaoni i500crcs about 350 of tehicb are valuable iow groumstbe ! balance 'first r&te opjaiid, highly improved' by fencing, tobacco house.corrt nqu ses, stables, negro houseand a. very comforta , )ledweliin house, fbOriU: faniTly, TPersona dtspfsed to purchase. , -afe vioxltetl loiview the premises previous to the?iday of ale!. "Mr. Van. ; cey' wbo resides On the land will tike pleasure ua shewing it. j 'lh'-:fd :y Also, a Tannery near:af(tojaertb the Stock :of ileatbt h3e';jl)arKTbla,: and sother jthings belongWg'.to ihe eatabriihnient 1 y .lifcewiscjtwo Lots ofGround adjoining. The imprdyemehtary, 1 new. " Also, two pbmfortable nvelling" Houses onx Hillsborough , streetin with every fiouae necessarlQlf tiiejtoavaoieca 7" of famUiesi f V ' yMJi'C,i'li 1 Also, 53 ares oLaod )aKt!itCretk All the interest of tiie said Absalom 7ntft 'totibW lateC Father'sT Estute-Ait bis Household Furoi tui.Tibree Negro Slaves, a'Buinand'falvd 1 sfeall Tike wise sell oh the$Far Rtver pfant4t1- ' on. oh Friday the,.5th tUvof Feoruarv. thfiitrtrdr of Hogs, lloisjfCatUe, ;t6r)FokleWhfeiit ii....-iwi.i j rr:iu .. fJ lj Sale wm positiie afi(l fa OFFERS fori5le bis HQJJS& c JOTS iirtn Town of Oxford, with JhXfcA&Q adToinrriff aboutSOO aci-6whicb'b';iMjVaiS Wdiodland. The House b 5Kv 40 firim mbujous(and .well finished throu ghy6u? ha ytn with fir; flakes ott each ormr Wide -fMLssa&'e mehli Mtn.r rlli jl - beautiful erortf tf iVb Uached tp it i lartfe Fallow? GardnlfiirhiiHAJ V teruiiraccominoaating' to purcnSETau - 1 r J l'V cvcr7 W - . . ' i Also, aTANVAttrXhow n ipera?wblcV- ' , 'J 101 eter of land atticheto-lj and oVtfce pr " miaes is a comtortableostdrytD welling, wlthi 1 very;poavoienc;ibrato where.. ;This -operty- vitl- be disposed of on reasonable and accommodating term.T2 , , : - T9- B- WTTLF40HNi ' t"1 - 'Ti n 3h -i V 41 4- i 1 ' -ftr I -n . rr.'. 4 ... S&V4 i xu - j ? . 1 i: -h W 'V -