V iy-.V" gunent i -v l r -f r-ui. ill i I X ... .k if. r4 " I 1 . r e.. . I t. V: aV ! 'mm,--' M t ; v:' ,. ? ;-7Vi ornate--vvhK-: ? ntofOfani)u6ty;itHtiawfef and accepted. ' t-w?. j . - iflftetnll 0 mcorporateCorapany in . aitcnmonu county tor uie oui psui IIrnort6ant'feerta1n4ands the Bap- read- r '-X' t :"c6mityofB!aden,whftJiasbeenHeptfrom R VC,Vv" his seai6y indispositionV.appea and ' 'vVV4:, qualified; 1 ; . , t , r '- i J ttMtt Rwrtey presented a bUJ to compel ;ifxCttheRegU'teMandiCtcrk and Master jn a f ;VTtEqVifrvn thecounty of.CasVell, to keep ipltteeE "Grievances, ; ? ',Wfc-fta ort-r the pet-. ; stei.4tmctl e of copeBsation to the nicmWs iI klt?Cl;4rfa)ie House of Commons, tm$Pbtdii0 therefpre laws XV1 The Ml: toe& in the S 4fH iVconntH'Hde: Irom seryiiig as Jurors of nriw n fnVrp. rpnJ-ctinA' the town of Eden HSKf tonTo extend tr inslons of i an act .fff erect fnawpart 0jt waywooacommpniy I ' called Ithe-Cherokee purchase jntoase- lrate ihc? Salisbury igitatl Wre (otnpany WToendVan: act Ibasseldn tl825f to ;j-eTciii?tlje: or ob- Jktrticting the run of Brbwn?s iireekj in An- an iacC passed in-2$'.15.- relati vto the clejahstnt of ir)he towroEdenton JcademiniBeap bill wore efiectually to prevent in- jurybeing doce to'Stock, was read the 21 ttniielfedisTponeU indefinitily It was,. - soDseqneniiy jreconsuterea , on monon 01 . ilrv 'Btckifrspni -adii: 8tiU$rfore the Se- ? t': Hvebift to provide' fb0hejcollection of rqeut'jn certain cases, . was pjpsiponea ing- J 4efi nitelyby the'ejasting vote Of the j 'rl VTs iirpovidedhat whftf an m- V Bring suit npon th saine ' ,M T'Koi onornaepfl hill Vntirprninor fho Tlnnl: . . . ' 1 . Tf' H 'T Til' " n J V -v . . O . j..-." .. : .4..-.. ' .7 comoe JLurnpiKe vouipauy. passeu us o reading and was ordered to be enrolled ; i;.MJv-).!jhe,bill to repealan act-pass led inJlB$c(m ceding thm appointment' V Burke Icon nty, were " indefihttel y post " 'f.' Nearfyihe whqle sitting- was occupied iir'cpn;1' the bill fiingilS ;;ffe'eso. QerktfinSWiifts.,.f ;A yastinum- Derftm toiie,bill ' Vffhd fijWtosed its' 3d reading byla iWi -I 3ljdivid0alace a boivd and -before maturity, tfefvS 1 'khoitlcl be abour tcremoye,j!rom,the State, f'.'s ihelTiWer!otit . shonldl be privileged to t$l ; .. cbnsdrapie; priority.; ma was sent toihe House of ,Coinmons for concurrence; fe ".' ,TlMo'tp4caie'?the salaryof the Pubjic Treasurer was received from the House pfConimonl and had its fi rst read Thebill iatithrismg tr -County Court ;ofBurk ertba pp 1 oint : C6ra ni i ssioners to -i ewiiirid a y'; 6nV '0 Tu mpi k e .RoatLfrb m n jme' toi James Jovings', pas- rrr- the Lincol fimrmi .,st i.inrcmgn iniu re tAap ' the south i1--lS'T" Mountatn, and the biiiitot repeal part of iVarT,tai improving the liavigaonyolf eeeksrand fivers jn the Wm$S XmU r-county of Sampson-and of Black river, o f Rrfe f line between read i firstimend pbstened indefinitely urhe engrossed bi 1 1 s to amend an act Vpasse1u2ihJ;f 8284 concerning the' Poor -of Moreonty" jSnd Authorising Jthe ap. ipoihtnitypf -fcpinmijssio tnafK ui mvrqingiine?oetweep Haywood td.Bdncoinbe : cou nties, we're read the tefttotidnof MrjFraiiklm, thebill to oti. Burke' :4 appoihl; ; a roan iromjine Ljncom nne toyaqaes liO- " jeirtiTv'ffc nnil "third f imps snri nnipofi nkk 'yingfsYaeco fS.fmandsietV TizabIpa passed italithirrl reading l'5, an J'as ordered to be edgrpsseil; ; MrCjEairiey presented a billf Tequing thVEeintter of --'the u ntfr pf Caswelf& .Jteep nis ouice at lue vourinouse or yvitn , . itrii-ffi -1 k. Afc"i -rv. ..iiL i-y ? . '-v v - l 1 PTOp Thet TJfeW - 'reiected, ; r; r;.H, 1 -I:-. 1 4. '4' - ''":'A'..i.v- '; P&& ?,-:'ojie. nultbcreor; KeaU ; threettmes l ! : ifeiA -; -MrWilJumsrMartinfrdm- theclim. piztSi lunatics ana; mentis ,m the- ptate time and amended tfn dictwnof Justices of thePeace out pt Conrt, was polpnlfcpd indeflnUety, 4 . HQUSQF COMMONS. ;: , fci ? mdnesdav. v30. MV Vilon,treserited a Resolution, that nor priwte bill fehjill be introduced after thilfV.' Ujected. - , Mr.'M'Wan a; Resolution in favor of Oeor'ge.Miller. ' Red and ordered to be Mr. Murthison, a Resolution in favor of PlfeV SifirUir Read the.nj' time. The eioroised bill authorising Alexan derlM6rchisonJYJ)it2m Murchison and Duncan M urrhison to precr a bridge across lownr Little RivVriniCumbelrland, passed Us. third readingnf wis ordered lo be en rolled. -' 1 Mr. Moore presented a bill to authorise Jmes Spencer of Surry, to erect a Oa'e across the rf' leading from Samuel John son's to the! Blue Ridge. Read the first time. Mr Whitaker. a Resolution in favor of James Bryson. Referred. ' The hilt. for the improvement of the road froin the Old Fort, in Burke to Aheille, io Bunrombe county, passed its third read ing 68 to 51. ' Oa motion of Mr. Whitaker of Macon, the Mouse reconsidered the vote iriven last evening, on the resolution concerning ihe settle went of, the Sherriff of Macon county and the Resolution was laid on the tablev s i ? Thursday, Dec. 31. mr. Aleranner preseiuerl a dui to a rneml an act to alter the time of" holding the Supefior Courts of Mecklenburg and Cabarrus counties. Mr. Wheeler, a bill for the better regu- lation ofthe town of Mui frresboro' n the .'county, of .Hertford which bills passed their first reading " IiMr.: Horto-i, the petition of George uryer oi ,iiKes. lieierreo. ttThe bill to 1 n prove the imviijation of Trent River, ubi.-ve the town 'f -'J'rf riton, was rejected un the ground of ihe inexpe diency jof making an appropriation for such a purpose, at thi.s time. Mr. Hill from the tornmitfee of Internal Tmnrovjment, 10 vhom was referred a Resolution instructing th m to enquire into the expediency of promoting the ob ject of an ; act 1 passed in 1826, to es tablish and regulate a Turnpike Road in Haywood courty. by an increase of ihe stockror by -a further subscription for the sfock of said company, Reported that they had considered the same, but as no infor mation was laid before them as to the merits of the subject, they are unable to report the tacts to ihe H oiise and therefore beg to be discharged, 1 which was granted. 4 Mr. j Gaston submitted a Resolution wnifo pass en 11s nrst reading, proposing ihe appointment of William R. Hill as Li brarian, for the ensuing year, with a sala lary of g 100, f I A balloting took place for L'eut. Colo nel of Cavalrv, attached to the 1 1 th bri gade, Which resulted in the choice i f Wil tiant Greer. I A bailoting also took place for Artillery Officers, whirh resulted in th selection of Sjamoel T. Hi wley as Col- Commandant, ucjtc jjiiiiHfi as liicu'. Oiouei ana liam Brf wn as Major. ;'Mr.wain from the committee on Edu cation, jmade ku adverse report on the pe- uiinu 01 me; 1 rustees or me tuenton Aca def y. Corifurred in. A .The bill to ascertain and define ihe lia bilitiesiot sureties on successive Guardian Ronds,; was rejected on its second reading. Yr- Jjng presented the petition ol suif? ory citizens oi na'ijax, prayins that ihe G6miissionersof said town be authorised to sell certain lands, which being read was rtJierreo 10 a select committee. EvenincI Session. this nornitig, on the petition of sundry ct tizeos Of Halifax, reported a bill concern irfg 'thejsaie ot certain lands in the town of the. Haldax, which passed its first, second and third readings, and was ordered to be. en- gmssedL": ' : " ' ' f- jl'he bill 16 authorise James Spencer of Surry county, to erect agate across the" road leading from Samuel Johnson's to. the Blue Ridge was read the second time and rejected. I , jThe bill hiking void certain conveyan ce thereinf Wntloned, was read and "laid on the tables ' . The ,bilf vesting certain powers in the Cohnty Court ofgdgecooibe, wa read the :tbtd;..tEme abd -rejectidt-62 to 56. I Friday Jan. 1. Mr. Hancock presented a bill to author ta off' lirisf'thlB Justices of Moore coubty to com- peuaie me cier:c oi me county Court and Sheriff! for I their extra services. Read tppTrtime " "' f ; : tThe Senate haylnkncnJrred in the a- I menciraenvtp the Engrossed bill fpr the reliefof James D- justice of Bu ncombe - 1 cbunty; th said bUl was ordered to been- On motion of Mr. Gaston, the vote nf rejeibpn tlie bill, vesting certain pow- court of 5dgecotnb, r.ftnRidprpd- whon Mr. ftiw' mn.hil an aifendment which was negatived W 403rdThhni wntU f Mr Ra. sdcond'thiSTeadinJind tros brdcri .The bill to prevenprpjtracted and.yex ft nnv hir pntarffinff the-" inns- t The resolution' In favor of Peter Sain t iciair wasrd the second time & rejected. fr.-Long from the committee aonointed Tlkfnknpd bill to dWidetheegi- Wiin nf Militii fn Macon county,' passed its sepnnd jeading and was, ordered fo beJ mfflM; flV ivere theensrossed -Repln- tions in favor of Ransom tnton ot aKeJ andjosiah Rogerson of Perqqtmans. ! The Resolution directing the "Public Treasurer to pay the Treasurer of the Roanoke INavfVsrtfon company, Dj,vnu i ' i .J to 4kit ppaHinff and was ordered.o be engrossed- wnen nemanevH'ia-!cu i um Tlie bill for the pardon of I nomas INor- man, untier semenuu uwm iw. crime of Bigamy in the county of Gdil- torn, ana tne Din io imei l,,1l"J wm Thomas Petitte of Surry county, were read the second time and inuetinitely postponed; Tire enffrossed bill to legitimate Nathan Oliver of Washington county, was also indefinitely postponed. . Mr. Stedmnn iresented a bill to alter the name of Mary Ann Frances Davis and to legitimate her, which was rejected on its first reading. Mr.. Wilson submitted a resolution for the appointment of Robert Perry, as Su perintejndant of the PublicBuildings. Laid on the table. ' , . 'A number of engrossed bills from the Senate had their first reading, among which was the bill directing the Supreme Court to be held alternately at Statesville and Raleigh. CONGRESS. IN SENATE. Monday, Dec. 28. 1829. The Hon- Bedford Brown, from North Carolina, appeared and took his seat. A message-was received from the House of Representatives, announcing the appointment of a committee on their part, on enrolled bills :,and ' i J The Senate, on motion of Mr. Bibb, proceeded to the appointment of a similar committee on their part ; and MrBrown and Mr-j Iredell were ap pointed . t i I he Senate was principally ; occupied n receiving petitions most of wfyich were of a private nature HOUSE OF RE PRESENT ATI VFS. A motion was made by. Mr- Verplanck, that the House do reconsider the vote ta ken, on Thursday last, the 24thinst.bn the question to agree to the following resolu tion, moved by Mr. Carsonvlz: Resolved. That a select committee b ap pointed to inquire into the expediency of estab lishing a Branch of the United States' Mint jn the gold region of North Carolina."' And on the question, will the House reconsider the said vote? ' It passed in the affirmative : fSome observations which were made by Mr. Carson and Mr., Shepherd on this resolve, necessarily omitted for want of room, shall appear in our next. J The question was then taken to agree to the said resolution, and passed in the affirmative. A bill was reported from the Judiciary committee & received its 1st and 2d read ings, the provisions of which, as far as we understand them, meet very fairly the necessity which invites legislation on the subiect of the organization of the Judi ciary. The bill proposes that the Supreme Court shall hereafter con-ist of a Chief justice and eight Associate 'Judges, (in stead of six. as at present.) That the Seventh Judiciary Circuit shall hereafter consist of the Districts of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri ; that the Districts of Kentucky and Tennessee shall consti tute the Eighth Circuit ; and the District of Mississippi, the Eastern District o Louisiana, and the Southern District o Alabama, shall constitute the Ninth Cir cuit : that in accordance with this ar rangement, there shall be appointed a Seventh Associate Justice, to reside in the Eighth Circuit, and to attend that Circuit until otherwise allotted : and an Eighth Justice, to reside in the Ninth Gircuit, until otherwise allotted : that these Judg es shall attend and compose a. part of the Supreme Court. The details of the bill of course accord with this new arrangement of Circuits, &c. Among the petitions presented was one by Mr. Irwin, of Pennsylvania, praying for an appropriation of one million of dol lars, to be applied to' the construction of the western section of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. On the same day Mr. Ramsey present ee! a resolution of the Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania, expressive of an opinion decidedly favourable to the ob jects of the American Colonization Socie ty, and recommending appropriations of J public money towards the encouragement thereot. - . f v; On motion of Mr. Speight it, was , Resolved, That the Committee ion Military Af fairs be instructed to enquire into theexpedien cy of uniting Jhe waters of Neuse jRiver, with those "of ' Beaufort harbour, in the vicinity of FortMacon in the State of North Carolina, by a canldjfor railitaiy purposes. On motion of Mr. Carson, it was ijAJipTOea,. nasine tomroiuee on the -Tost Office and Post Roacls be. instructed to enquire mtd the expediency of establishing a post route' from Rutherfordton in North Carol! na to - Ash vUlejin North Carolina, crossing the Blue Ridge, at th flickos',.; . ' , a , ;On motionMrTtlondict, it was- i Resolvrd jrhcommntce on Military AfT iMir& w iiiguitvw 9 ctiumrc tniu inc cneOJen- naickiir i ..w..,vw, , - - j - Ahstmenv ; Af. . T? wlMtf, a turner maawrm - uTitK a to Preserve. the: live anaj health the-soiarera eart?en,: Ithat xaid Piedecynd propriety allowing -n; I & bpuntyiomoney pr:clothmgr.tbotho e i: rf v,att'-u7hftsfiflll Droduce: front In t LATEST FROM EUROPE. Bv,the shipfieorge Canning,T3ttt Jevvr York, Iivcrpooi:paper tpov. :;;24, have been. received. l f The Li verponl Ti fries of the 24 Jh , savs ; It is with great pleasure we t'tfate tpat great activity iity continues to exift in the Cotton Mai ke. The sales list week2 were upwards of 28.20,0, bales almost an unpre cedented ani)unti and -the brisirjess dune; on -Saturday am! yesterday; ; was also vtry 'considerable, being aboufi 6000 bales." It is exjecteU on the meeting of Parlia ment, that the intended communication by j steam from V.-ileotia to .America, will be carried into imtnediale excuiMr.. It will be suppoi ted by the Marquis of JLnsedown and Vlr. O'Connel!. Wet India Trade. -We announced some daya ago, says a London paper, that apprehensions were en'crtained that our government were seriously thinking of throwing open the West India trjde to tie United Staies. 'I'here is now, hojdoubt, extraordinary as it may appear, that such is the fact. The negotiations upon this sulypct, have been going on sub rosa for some months. ,; ;: A Rusian c fiicer arrived at ; Odessa on the -3'Oih Oct. with the ratification of the treaty of peace. -4- , . BOOKS LOST. DR. RUFUS II AY WOOD has lost a number of Works4rom his Library, and inserts this Card, to request all such as have any belonging to him in their possession, to return them with out del y. . January 1, lo30. . 39 4t UNION HOTEL AGAIN. tSCLAlNJING every thing like bombastic newspaper nuffs, on occasion of sucli ad vertisements, which too ; frequently end in no thing else, we simply announce to the public in general, and to our friends in particular,1 that Ave have taken that well known Stand, Mead's Tavern, with all the Furniture, Servants, &c. and promise our utmost exertions to keep up the same order, neatness and regularity, as here tofore. At the snme time, beine: well aware of the difficulty of the times, and from the cheap ness of all the necessary articles of living, we are determined to reduce our charges proportion ably. ; HAYWOOD JOHNSON, THOMAS PLEASANTS, The Subscriber having declined the Business in which he was heretofore engaged in this place, tenders his acknowledgements to his tnends and the public generally, and begs leave to recom mend to them to continue their suDDort to the Establishment which he conducted, and which will be hereafterundrr the direction of Messrs. Johnson & Pleasants, whose disposition to ren der general satisfaction cannot be douhted. JOHN E. MEADE. Petersburg, Dec. 30. oaw4t sriTJIE subscriber intending to JL : move from this part of the !!!! ti i jam State, offers for sale the aiove e'stab lishment, with or without the (urnir ture. There is attached to the Springs, 6 or 700 acres of Land,a part of which is in excellent f rm ing order ; prime Meadows, Orchard, &c. -NeV proes would be received in payment ; and the conditions, besides, will be liberal. If the above establishment is not sold by the first of Mayoext,it may be rented tor one or more years. From the increasing custom for the last three years during the summer months, the pl:ce; if properly attended to, may he rendered as prof-, itable as any establishment of a similar kind in the State. CHAULKS JUGNOT, Beattirs Ford, Lincoln, Dec. 7. 37 -6t. A TEACHER WANTED, TO take Charge of an Academy in the neighs borhood of Raleigh, The situation is very healthy, the water good, and the .neighborhood agreeable. It is necessary the Teacher should possess the following qualifications viz ; under stand, the Latin and English Languages, and have some knowledge of Mathematics ; and be of undoubted mo;'al character. A salary to such an one, would be three or four hundred dolfars per annum. , ' Apply to the Edito-s of tins paper personaily, or by letter post paid. lUleigl), Nov, IT. ; 26 t NOTICB. STOLEN out ofmy pocket, in the Clerk's Of fice at Ttoxborough, Person count)', a Black Leather Pocket-book, containing a number of valuable papers, a number of notes Of hand. wnicn cannot, at present joe rememoereo. i r-?4 collect one, on Lewis Daniel, for 450 ; one oh 1 Francis Lawsoi, with VVm. Street sectiriiy, for $100 4 likewise, a number of small Notes, not at present recollected. There was one-half of a Hundred Dollar note,. U. JS. money, payable at the Branch Bank of New-Orleans, letter L. No. 383t; also, one-half of a Fifty Dollar note; U. S. paper, payable MCharleston, Tefter L, No. 2146 ; one Ten Dollar note,:of theState Bank of N. C. and one Dollar Note, of the same B mk, wittt a numljer of Constables Receiptsf and other valuable papers. I would forewarn any person from trading for any of the Notes of hand or o ther papers. To any person finding, or giving informa tibn of the Pocket-book, 1 will eive 1 reward of f30, by delivering of the same with tne contents to J AMES WILLIAMSON." Person county, Nov, 30; 30 3m "I - NOTICE. ; To close a consignmentv the subscriber has For Sale S.hair Pipes, O . t 4 quarter do' KPrimt Mddeird mnei , 3 eighth doj.' - , iNevbeni, Dec. 5. i 4 -commaBdingpmcera certifacate. ot toxai un neneeTromardeM spirits, and of -orderly beha vioiii'aurinsrhra,5efjIiamcnt. v ; i' w- : . 'in 1 1 1 ' in gj rioao? - fiy.uar,r attllfc redttcddrice of $2 25 per gallon. '- ;r :. w : k A credit wdl be given, If required t ' tn&t a muraer oas Decn comtnitt.r 2 IfiAiintv.oTcnal far. anct.Srate of Konfcsr".. Votthe Slstdy of October last. )?Hmw 7 .r iw .,r. 4Uk penaterflh&me on thebodya cWajVsn fBjrfr5s bf 4 county And as it is f,Mherl - f ... rtri!,i.tr-P.lA j1 . ? JD saiuii' hhhk,u vy""ii f.- ,dv,vmvicu ani bKow-tnerefre, trt -thes "end, thtf the Vaid mell Cottqn marbcappreHemied and brou,t to justice; the aboveTeward of $20WiIIe Jjv en tjd an person or persons who, n apprehend and icdnfine tlie' said W hitmel pptton in any ja;j in' hTs'StAte4 6 that he jnay, be : .brought to j,!(. tuck - And I-do hereby, mreoveneqaire.' cq mo nrl anrKnimrf ftl? ofGceiS V'liaSO Vfr.!ic n.n civil as military, best endeavors to' to be nnprehnd said i Wlntmell Cotton; and' hini-'safelv. a nd i K wot ne cbmplexit n, slender and erect in? person,' AeaW wi h much t-ppareot pr-cisioiff is about 48 years ofage, and i$ supposed to liave' fled to the Stnt of AlabarHa.V: t&ZV Mm& Gve- unde; myj-hand aj-Governor, jl?? and tindery he great seal ofihe -State ial the Cityfjleiglithla2day of &&g& JanuaryAa)lB30 fflm J ' - V- JNO. OWEN. By t he ( Governor, a j r ' , Jons B..Musk,' P.'Sec-.: Union; Canal tdeip 15: . To be drawn 7th' January ii 830.'. 1 60 No. Lotteryl dawn ballots 1 prize o 30,000 1 prize pi iq,Ui'U 1 6,000 S,260 1,000 1 lf,00) '1,503 1 10 10 5 10 300 200 if ' 5. I ; 500. SOY 20! IS 3 Besides SO 60 40 30420 & 10. $1000 $500 ?5oof;p$?oo$6o--rm seyeral to gentleineippf -North Carolina. j Address'all yourirders q .! r-;V'r y A-p;icksge of 20 whole ticfeefs erpbracing ail tjhe numbers from 1 to 60 which is compelled to draw $100, cvii. be had for $200'- .' ; 5 YATES & M'INTYRE, ' " i ; ' Richmpnrl, Va. - MANAGERS' OFJPlt;K,:i !? ; - - The fdlowing are the Numbers drawn in the U nion Canal, ' No. 14 -- V 2Q,i25,; 49, 44, 5 4, 2, l325 45, I 32 54 - $1,000 1 44 49 500 i 32 41 49 ' 500 22 25 32 ' ,400 ' ,25 44 49 - f200 " t20 25 64 - 200. All sold at the Managers' In Wilmington, N, C fin Granville, N. Ci ce.- .. A ' v YATES &; M?INT YRE. , Superior Court of JLw. Chatham County. Fall Term; 182. Alfred Vestal & others vs. Thos. Vestal St'others. Petition for he division of Lands of William .festal, dec. IT appearing toihe satisfaction; of the Court that John Vestal,,. one of. the defendants in this c4s, is not an inhabitant of this State ; it is therefo ordered, - that notice be published in the Raleigh Register for six months Of the fiiine ( of the PetTyn and that the said John Vestal, at I llA no. V tn.nri ni' ih'.n nna. ... -VI . It J of March next, plead, answer or : demur to the petition, or the same will be taken pro confesso and heard exparte. y i- CIIAS. J. WILLtAMS, A t''-i - : ,tj01erte&up Court. Buffalo SlibalSchbol. ANnfeebled constitution, renders i:it impos sibje for me to take an extensive circuit in he p;lctict; of my profession as ft; Lawyer'; and I therefore propose; assisteU by my. brother, to Monday in March ext : by ivhich" Yfne. 'jny buddings will be fmoleted. Mv house is Tarce ond roomy ; and 1 have begUli to erectmall but comfortable Cabins, .similar to those at the Wmnsborou.jrh and Piatt Spring Academies of wiiiirtiumia, tie sr.uation is a naimsome ken who cannot board with me asVa member of my family. ,. ff.i.f , ' . . I wdl .tcach the Latjw and Greek iLanguaes, the Mathematics, anbhe Elements of the otluf Sciences ; And alsof required by parents or guanlMns, I ill ttacTi with great care Hhe ele mentary branches of an EogristeaMtoli Th- , itionjwid boarding, including camnesshinsv &c. ik. will be furnished for lurs per annum, twenty-fiveofBvhicifmut- be paul in advance. No scholarwillj be taken fr less, term than- one qaf? jbut entrance may be had for one or, morequarteisatany time after theopening of the schoof.3 ; 1 noWbaveivdZaWiaandamanx o get. a tew- more JtoihQSeX examination and instruction I woufd devote d sUfHcXen portion of time 'toL.et:dtiti much lUttatioii feet the Studies nf thpir ctr)fini.l kwi Jt not; examine theni. a bfteb'.once a nfntlu ndesuch fcireumstans, avyoung hian tm.s? WW:1 8tutfies to gtealldidvahtaget and pbtam liccnseo practise wltyoutvconipetent HWM Poetical infurriiatic:j?dQ ybtpopose to deliver law lectures j but wjtf plointtu the authors, or theyrtsfh5m rend ; examine the;vottJnrtmn'''ditti'KtKAm:'- "which con- itntion the Su pte me CoUrt. is I have - h. Ja i; k, ceihntarylaw fw mstruction, atlar boin dlesai0wahf hip .hundred dollar per AnnumA 'tweuty .five of which must be paidtnJdyanW:- ft -All apphcatioos must be made 'to me in person,-or by letter, directed to,TWv? Ire dell count, or to, StatesriUe: V V iw f -For particulars as to ny qualifications, I refer uerson of Lincobitoa.-.v:V'i " ' D6a 11, 182V. ; , v ,2-W ' ahd'FbolscaD PAPEtt; eretalities justecived by " . J. GAMS fc SON. Apprehend and f:e or 'ca', id ind. taken, the hodvof Whijnll Cotton js about 6 feet high-V of lle!,V Whole Tickets S10, Ha1C5 Quar ! .ters250.ftft' v V i sies cs. ."vi imjTc soi l m tne. laStr.Umori i Cant "i"-" oi'raijuj uuiise m uincQin couiiiy.on the Catawba river, nine miles. from-. Sutesvilk, and twenty-four from Lineolntoiu on the ' first .mc, wiown De pertectlv healthy, anl n:t the advanttfgVof -beihireiwye from all places of dissipation: V;No Vholars; vrill be ta Kieaier ease inait gerteralJyfddflh lawyers'" ofiices, in acqing aiio1eeof nheir pro fession : for it i9at6ruat-(hStict'wnjr lawyers nave neither timemtJr ncKitatioo -t,'i di- '34?P?n, tne chancres ave oeen mde m'the English lw bvthe and laws of this State, and HwtHi';i: y a ft , ... a. -'J t it- rr t .'- IS r ?

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