ezcsriuiifiuF which uave open insuiutea ta , the nereoui action, tthoseof IVeifalkHM r a rf -r- s -I- , S . tn?;T, an d1 "2 54 5f 7rSP. .cat, 8 qd af itr poIs.ittin and . muscuf an al r . V - D(Ulln rJHUMV Plil,-U,ICllt iVlVBJIllHf- . f. OT- ftU CB W ' ' vT r . S;. or to Seth Jones. Esqe- be o' ".K.--Wnrrf of Trustees. 73' '. . ' fL' Pnf Iretbook xnmMK in January ,pufo. April 3,ft K5 d:yd' May, 1830 7, 8.-.? 11 N0TIC1 N -AWAf " from the subscriber, IWingr i AN a'a , months stnc Sussex county,. v a. n . .l : n .v-"' i--r". . K.,TnvP!Pfr nJIT.RS Mi SO font TArIJUdrs ver arlnumhalfin advante. i' r-t teJr nulla ilea everv tumauaj r- 77 -if " r. j 1 r-1- x,tr AD VE RTIS B M ENTS n 0 te i c e e iri sixtecnUhes neatly insetted 3 times for a DoUar, & tenty-fivecent! isuvejr iinm?i amy :Tne inrODrjm i for every jPOcceeding! publication m'T "T" T1H11RS0AY MAY 6 1 850. Lt7 i, - 'a w ! - k I It ! I ir s.uu llrVT .k h is! rexnect at this ttme, as he .v, near relations at pr near, -I'ri. Sf .bout 5 feet $ Inches . high, tout SptW built ; very! black, with quite a full hSTr PS iir" which he Keeps combed very high r ()ecirrie,t off no clothe. - J V:i? '.Ja v rrvml iof S25 for his confinement tMy 15 pd- Wpability of- our .Sand-hills and tight 4ry soils generally, vto produce wipe 01 ex- jcelkptqu land, poat present worth on an average; . 5 u cents per acre, npay beaded rocluce crops, in value superior to thefiest crops of our richest land $ besides affording afid great lyencou raging a considerable population of industrious, honest and happy people, where we have now only a most unthrifty and scanty population, lhe numerous ajid expensive experiments which I have been making for more than 2Q years, have been followed with complete success as to the quality of the Wine produced, and in some instances,, also as to quantity. One of 't,he kind of Wine I make sells readily for 2 per,gallon, when only 3 or 4 months old. Its quality is of the kind of Madeira called "Juice of the Grape," which it 'resembles so much as,to be easi ly mistaken for it. As to quantity, I have gone as high as at the rate of 1120 gallons per acre : though-only on a small scale ; but I am satisfied, that when a Vineyard is in full bearing, we may fairly calculatejupon an average of at least 300 gallons per acre. Some vears it will De less ; but in others, a great deal more." me , March 1, 1830. :r Btate of North-Carolirm. Hertie Count v t . Court of Pleas awl Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1830. TTT appear'uur to- the; satisfaction of the Court ijihat a certain negro slave,, caliUig himsf Samnd Wilk'nS bow in the Jail ot this county, wiil have been confinetl on the 2d day of Mrch, 1830, for the spacenf Wele months,, and tire ..n..ihin4&Hi..an.l confinement, of the said lave 1 .I Ko.., oitVrtiiUtrl six months : 1 It is therefore 1 ordeled,' that the Sheiriffi innediately after the Second day of March next, adver ise the sate ot iM hlave for Uireemontlis according to law, and niake sale. accordingly . - '. ' Test. -T E. As. UHODES, Clk, T This is the Wiae produced by my Madeira K Bank 1 of KeiWern. e are , mlorm- Atfreeabfeto ttje 'above border of the Court o.f Piens and Quarter Sels'ons of Bertie county, I fchldl-on the iSd day of ..luenext, before the Courthouse door in the Town . of "Windsor, ofter he said Negro .SlavSf (Samuel 'il)fina) for saie to thehiehest bidder, forcasht.. . v , ;XEWIS-BOND, fihenfT. - Hvimlson Marci &0. ta 56s k State of Nortli-Caroliiia, " ' ' ) . GranviHe County. - , . Superior Court of KqVrfvSprmg Terra , 130, libbert-B. GilliTm, AdnVr, tt.c. !. vs. . Thomas HWilllr tlforoas PuUiam, Ad'm'rs K ' of John and JamesJPittard. . ' T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, ed, that at the late meetijng of the Stock- ders of this Institution, besides, accepting from the Legislature an pxtensiop of its charter, it was determined to discontinue, immediately the Agency at Halitax, and to wind Up also the one at Charlotte, as soon as practicable. Congress. It will be seen, that the -o , impeachment of Judge Peck of Missouri, has been determined on: : The ComiTiittee appointed to prepare articles of Impeach ment, consists of Messrs. Ruchanan,'Storrs of New-York, M'Duffie, A. Spencer and Wicklifle. The National Intelligefnc supposes, that the articles of impeach ment will abe prepared and presented to the "Senate at the presentfsessionutjnot acted upon until the next, sufficient time not remaining to allow of the attendance of witnesses from so jrreat a distance.; The subject of the Tariff, contrary to all union of sentiment between themselves &! the Ministry, which was netessary for the despatch of public business1 and the good of the country. In so Nnany words, this ws an invitation to the King to dis card, his Ministers, aijd thereby remedy the evil. TheKipg however, chose ano ther mode of settling difficulties and pro rogued the Legislature until September Until that time then, all ' may go on spioothly, but with the re-aissemblirig of the Deputies, these difficulties will recur in an aggravated form, inasmuch, as the iembers will bring to their deliberations, feelingr of increased hostility to the Gov ernment. If however, fearing this, the King should dissolve the House and order a new election, it is equally clear, thatm I " the present inflamed state ot public sen timent, the new legislature 'would be still more unmanageable than the present one. But one wayremakisof preservingtranquil ity & that is for the Ministers to resign- a step certainly consonant to the genius of Constitutional Government But will they io it r Ay there's the rub I Should hey not resign, they must follow up by new measures of a similar character, the vigorous policy which they have, pursued. In order to carry on the Government, thev must collect the Revenue, and the supplies not being legally voted, they can (Mily collect itby virtue of a royal decree or in some other illegal way. An attempt of this kind would certainly meet with forcible resistance. Under these circum stances, it would be necessary to call on the troops to enforce the Kind's order. In that event, and if the army should prove faithful, the constitution is abolished & the absolute Government restored in its purity. If on the contrary, the armyhould happen to agree in feeling with thelpeople, the dynasty is changed, Charles X re tires,and some other person, probablythe Duke of Orleans vreis;ns in his stead- un less indeed the foreign powers interfere or the third time and replace him On bis throne. ( v -see- ; j - Salisbury, April 27. Distressing Casualty On Friday night, he 16th iiist. John PUtt; jr. of Cabarrus county, in discharging his gun in the dark, ing a Jbondpayable tomiinself bverasingJ ine real sow ana mseruns: a largvr. ,xie was sentenced To De imprisoned tn me jail at GermaptjjLn six months, - to .stand one hour in tife pillory, and to receive thirty nine iasnes upm nis oare oacK, 100-; in flicted on; Tuesday of the next County Court foriSfoicesV, Fur the prjsbnjij John M. Morehead, Esiq. for the Statte, Soiicitur- tieneral bcopt. Ureenbo -iiVmtre fWwd,whfchf c6tildnoti)e ' ' - ' 'h tlitnguihed 't.ojti tfiiisefoduWuTbyCthjti" . F, t ) . iuflaence Jbepin'alTmatotr .thVoK ipat inade;ma'ny;ie?ns, f '. S yHk -scjill andpine,otnottier;xaVhich did V. itC norgiv;anj-tsn-.tf. life ; tlieaqiitfal f f ' " -camedurmg20riiii)utesi in such" atate;tff r" -Vc-!;'-tJiVo.tensioir, thatTt raised its iftbpeQr& r -t. fd its fycvlpked.stekdilr, aiid'af lemptetfj, T ( f to .walk, and.efeavofodHris K if.own f?equenirl 4 During all this timer, IV'Jv' the circulation and pulhafion were verf a'c- r - . ...i Halifax AorUm The Spring Term of tbe Superior Court for this county, was, held last weekJudgo. Martin presided.fTuesday was assigned for the'trfal of Cordy Drew, upopv an tn: dictinent for murder 5 but in consequence of the 'absence of a witness .material tor .the defence, t w;s cnntinuedv ari ihe prison er remanded, to stand his trial at lhe next term Several rases, of 11. i nor, importance on the, State Docket, .were thep disused f On. Wednesday, the Court was occu pied in the trial of Williara S. Powell. charged with the murder.ofJno.IliU. ttap. pea red, in evidence, that Hdl was a very Fashflurbu!ent man--that he had Several times, when, in violent n;issioo, shot his horses, attte and other stock, and that he had made serious threats against Powell. On the evening of his decease, being ac companied by hi brother in-law, he went, a little after duck, to the plantation ofPow- ell, entered. his kitchen and attempted to .r - L I- I- e 1 1 ne a nejjro, vvno nau formerly Deen in nis possession ami had run-away ; from mm ; but who1 was at that time placed in the care of Powell, bv the owner. ; The pris oner,. aroused by the cries of the negro. repaired to the kitchen', where he fount Hill attempting to subdue her and calling tor his knile to cut her throaty or cut her loose as siie was biting; him.; Hill was or dered. off, but refused to go the prisoner then left the kitchen and in a Jew minutes returning wiih his gun, hofHill "dead on the spot? verdict of the Jury, rnansuugh ter, an he waS sentenced to pay a dine of twenty idoilars. Thursday, Pink Dicken was n ied fur the murder of Harris Ditkeru -"lhe deceased came to; lhe house of the pri-jtmer and commenced abusing him, vvli reupon the prisoner : seized an axef in blisbed. Sr. i .'.' J JBL, that Thomas N. Pulham, one ot tne oeiena, expectation, is lairty oetore tne nouse 01 ants in this case, is not an.mhabitant jf thVs State Representatives,an("l promises to be exten itt;s t!eretnr.e ordered, that publication be ' ' . made in the RaleWh Register for six successive sively discussed. The bill, altering the 1 t weeks, that the saidfThomas N. Pulliam Appear at the next term of this Court, to be held at the Courthouse in Oxford, on the first Monday of September next, and plead, answer, or trmur, t tithe said bill of com plain tj or the same will be Tahen pro contessoand heard exparte. Witness, Thomas B. Litth john, Clerk & Mas ter of sid. Court, tlie first Monday of March, A.T). 1830. 1 ' t--, r' THO. B. L1TTLEJOHN, C. M E. I ; Pr. adv. $2 r5. ,o:- ': ' ' ; 60 -L Golil Mines Jianils, Negroes, &. f 11 HP, Subscriber wishinff to remove from the 1 neighborhood, otl'ers., for sle his valuable Plantation fourmiUja west of Charlotte. The iract contains 232 acres of land, a'. large' part of vhlcb js as good raa ny In Mecklenburg county ; aboutflljO acres are firsr second and third crop ground 6fthV'b Tbe plantation nearfV adioTns the celebrated Capps Gold Mhie, and the opinion seems to be well founded that Tariff Laws, so as more effectually to en force the, ir provisions, being again taken up, Mr. McDuflie summitted an amend ment, ; proposing to repeal, after June next, of the Tariff of 1828, reviving .that of 1824, and- after a certain period fur ther, a repeal of the tariff of 1 824,! leaving that of 18lG;ih lorce ; and he followed his motion by a speech of two hours in support of it without havinfinislietl what he intendedito say. j Definition. ----T'ne Boston Cou rier says "the Republican party" means the Cal houn men of South-Carolina ; the Jack sonites of Tennessee : and the Vifn Bu- ich est tive,' an4 conttnueil for n- quarter an- - hour, aftetMhe chest belly were . onenedi-; "S; i ne secretion r tne gastric jaice was ev; , r.:1 lently more abuinlanrihinfor , 1 3 lie auiiuai neat was nTfw.tie r.Pf , Tnfhi Xtrlt nf iho ffk nsJmn .. flf o 1 1 i K visible inhabitants of eaftb or airthe Goq .V'i'.V dor agcendsup tbgreatest eJevflJiorfat,? me eartn -s .surtace. 1 Ue largest vl the ";vc .5 Andfl, yrhejfur rfM'Jl tip of one wing.to ibetipjotheotfier. t s.;zY'' Their habitual abode be'sWat heihf L C; v qual to that of Etna (aboatpiO.OOO'teet-a bove-the level eFuhe sea-V'and' ascends to 20,000 feet, at wfttclr immense elevatmri they suprtjjtbemselves for hub i, and'de:, iSP1 4 rtest rapiditf , pissiii ' in rougn every variety ot climate m"tler space: of.a few minutei. ijfyr yelrsagoV ulna mcsM-u iu .Hionisnmeni at ine Vulture of the Andes ascndini: to a hetenV V, : .i " ' 4.- 4 ai.uicn ine. air was so ranaeu jis to De on- V t, lfcipaof sutajning actduriinofier- - " cory'of 14 inchei, at which'hghtman jsJv, scarcely able to breathe",' aud? loesliis- f '?'V s t rengt h f bu tthg Cqnd or a scentTa tti I Ve- gion, where thpressu re of the a jtmospherh 1 ' . V , is hut 12 fnchesh;dippeatVdetgbt iti - it appearing indeed to respire with V j ease in mediums where the nresaiirftif ' v x( - I fers from 12 to 20 inches. "Your hand annoysvnie exceed! rgfy.l said the Prince of ,L'a; Kocheto tji latk- ative person jvhal was jirtio near him . ' j - If .4 a i a uiauer, anu wno wasconstantiy vlllt1 r 'Vk ing the actioWtp the ward.' ' Indeed; tiiy V 4 1 Lord repl ied the babbieY," We 1 a re so ' X crowded at f table, thatI jid notnow where .to pot;my hand;". Put it upon your mouth, said J the Prince),- I- iStr William Temples opinion, & Tem -7 ' f' .tt''T 1 r end i nr to htnke with the! helve i but ycf"LCeiuPerauce, inat virtuie With- , , whilst in the act of giving the blow, a pe,r-xbut pnde, andjortune without en Vyv.tfiat f y( son standing behind him seized the; uplift g,vest 4oIence of' body,;antf-tranquility ' i.i . .t . . . i mind; thn hnt i'lri jfjr : -i vie at.u inreoy caused the strode to i guaiuiaii oAiyoyini ;ana dk in a different direction and with support of old age, the precept df' reason: ai) n in r nf-it kah t m a c ir h i virn m i r.i iirim i r Nriii -nn ucirio ir rm r v rr a ww ii ii m i in rii i inr. ii ui i i- i - -w m v m a i mm iiiswviKinii. in i-i . - p .. ed he! be ma the ax produced death. The Jury found the $oul s -well as th, bldy The tutla J prisoner guilty of manslaughter, and he goddess bf health, and -universal rnedidhi wis branded in the brawn of. theileft hand or Ine, that clears the head, and cleansea with the letter M . Advocate '.. . the blood, that eases the "stomach. 'and pbrges the bowels, that strengthen the ytfl The Newborn Soectator. after pivino-ah I nerves, enlichtens the teves. -arid wimfrtVftf to scare some vagrant wretch from the fccount of Craven Superior Courts says Hthe heart. ;In a wordj that secures and nrAmisps. arr.identall v shot, his mother tt iv tv... i riUVi ri:Aa4.:n J'?:.--t.- -! , j --- The circumstan i" c uaiiiMii l"ih.iuic iiiis uaiy iuu ucucp uicsuuu, auu uiereuv aVOitlS. tnft ' I ces which led to this me- perfect sketch, without payiris a nassins fumes and winds to rwhich- we h' . kM ophe, wejlearnfrom a tribute to lhe talent and imposing dignity cholic and the spleen those crudftjes nTftVi - , 4 ". lancholy catastr ffin ntrinnii on t HP v v..v,,v- v "" wiih.ii iiuuc oi i uuhc iu csis iuc jui auu suitrii tiuinors xnat nnii f ni erurw of Mr. Plott, the fatherof theyoung.man, dicial chaacttfrff.whilst in .the exercise of the gout, andfltose slimyr dregs, ' ott t rof v had been visited by some rogue, who at hi functiuns. Iff meeting discussion, and which the gfavel and the stbtie are formed ' various times, as was believed, had taken deciding on principlesjof law, no passing within us. Diseases By wliicbVe oftea corn, auu utner liiiiiss vvuicii cuuiu uc ea sily stolen. On the nirht abovemention- ed, about 12 o'clock, the dogs kept incessant barking, which awoke the you man, who when he arose, took his gu steping outside of the door, discharge : i 'a c 1 a' l ... ; . i .s-.ff.i'. in tne tiireciion oi tne noise ; oiienjjenng cessuiy iu a jusi tuinpieinsiuu ui ine mc- j Tnl;'liTt3fP' thi. Iwiikp: it wn nsrprtninpd tlaahi. mo- i its of the case at the same time sustain- I Ifc- -tUo JL,01iit:X, ther was not in bed, and the family be- ing, in his relatiob to the barthat deport- pnmimritrniorl. n r!trrli wse rftmmnrpd llient which SO haDDllv Combines the ' RUa- V'HI 111 tilt r -ij w'y.t. i " Uwi will ui ii i i if - I j I 1 11 r . i for her. After searching the different viler in modo with the fortiter in re? :he Pal; intelligence is received pf thesucv h wittdows oi uouoi or uncertainly seem M condemn ourselves to greater torments & ' V : I cloud his understand ins for a moment ; misprip hifp. thn hvt uJT k- ' -. up,an whilst the luminous view m which he pla- yet invented bv am?er or revpnw!nr.h- - v I ng ces the important features of the testimony, flicted by the greatest tvrantjlIaiDonthe' Kit n,& never lails to putnhe most ordinary Jury worst of men- ' -i.v '&:?:'Ai d it in complete possession of those facts ne- '- 4 A 1 V ' !' 4 -w. s-,'Jt t : 1 f "L" ll -3 - old aliound m two hills; particularly 'the ren qf JScv-Vork. We suppose rwhi 'plantation V a branp'h i rUsftnroh it folof a . f i : . j t : v mile. which it is thou.rht.bv meh bf iument ever of these should: gain the greatt 5 is asfrtcltjin; the, precious metal as nyojf the relative strength, wilt becomelAc repub- Burke Mines. There is also-on Tie plantation .. V ' U ' ,i i ii.-e ,Vi i k. .good 4Vater Power, and an excellent Mill-Seat hcarfarty ;J and the others will then be ouse. tV?v nroceeded in the direction pleasing uruanity of the gentleman, with V",ul cuw" u VUI "wfJwr.w'ttf - w. which he had fired, and their fears were the lohy and uncompromising deportment VWS' lw'w.Mt ' soon too fatally realized.. She was found 1 lhe Judge." . Iura Arr- y " 1 lying speechless, the ball having struck " . - ' - . v... , - - t- ary v i.- Vi G...:.rr-:-i.- .New-York. Aaril 231 - - , 'VAMOTHERS.iGRiEP-. r" - -: i! tfor mining pperatipnsi alo a Twellinghouse, two BiirnSjt-Stables & other necessary out-buddmgs. Also; Wor 2 likely youn legroesfor sale or aart of themi siich as may not wisu to follow jiue. y'hir:-:-.-'-f 1 " : i -i - -AnyTttSrsbn derrous' of purchasing,- can call bijd viw die premise s or enquire of Mri .Hoht. ' Ftd eral Goal i tiOnist s. " She had probably gone out, at that time of niuht, to look after some clothes fhat had been washed the" previous day and were hanging out . to dryland to secure them from the prowler : aAn that wretch, i?eior.-4l iv Forsyth, in his (speech a whoever he may be, must be considered i-V-.H-BtlwkAnM. . 4 L ' . A t?.t-. few days shice on the Indian subject, said u. uer umime.y ate Georgia will havg the penalty of her L, result. Mrs. piott is an' ajT1;able wo- ir a i niMliatelv nrocured : butlittle hone was AtY snares OI tUe UnteU states IJanR entertained that it would be of any avail. '" r7?-c :",? ;-I"lcI,,V Ii JU -18' ptM ,!1ll"C lie: IIUtlUaiMl!& III JLUIS SiyilV 1 , , tt. 4iiikni or Dr. .J. Di Boyd, ot Charlotte; tor bond, cvm (? wc pozmrf 0 Jiesfi I lo man, a kind and affectionate parent, and uer,ption, wiLlipoSTW Wlkf which 'i Sprague ;! replied Georgia highly respected and e&emed by all who cCharlotteNlci March 29,vfeo; 121' ' shall! haW eV boild ftflfilled-Lbut the cut- know her ; and this melancholy. event has " -Wt-- - " W '- tingW ihelpouivl.of flesh, tKertte lhetub I shrouded her fauiilyo best know luw ? TTaTTT!fi?CT!Ti . !' , V . ., , , to appreciate her worth, and to whom ner VRA jB AGH KBrlSTaR, She musttakc are that no blood-be oJ j, 5e irreparam in llie deepest a MONDAY, .MAY 3, 1830. drawn !?? rrepai fliction. Journal, -From the tenor. of late 9 Disaster. Abou 3 o'clock on Friday m t ijici e Metis ve.uittt 110 on 111 i-jciw i wicia the Southern .'CotiHtfy,' ;ihas : embank eil so adyices, it' appears pretty evident,; that the 9h inst. the. house of-Mrs. Rachel. Mil extensively in cuUivati'the Vine.asDr. Frknce is oil the eve of 'omV great con- lis, vydnw of Edward Mills deceased, ir 1 1 r - , - r '; " - r- 'n-ti - lL i. u- i took Jii e, from some cause unknown, ;and Mrbemont of Cfolumbiaj from whoirtere vtilsion, ,:Er..there must be mutual was Aveloped iu flimek before- the 'neigh: ?)bftned theViAe-cuttingsdistribedthis concessions a civil War, or Pans;and cer 00rs discovered it. The unfortunate .old Spnhgv amongst oui 'I Agricultural iSocie vtain btherl citles.must beodcupiejl by for- lady (about 80 years of age) was entirely f pi Sntmg therq.d eign troop ill ago pla 40 which however planted : that there was a considerable (majority, a ,tV w, svcuuif y ears, vui uiaKe a urtjt" jaiui "tuic vuckuiuviiu i-y extensive Nurejerywhich, Uhe pngs peecvh in due tune, prove of vast-benefit to our wiuun toe iasi iour a no a nan montns nave. beo rcm-ifkablev ()n the 8th and 9ih December, the dats "next preceding the receipt ot-tne fresident7s Message, the price ranged from gl 25 5.0 cents, to glb 60 cents. On te 1 4th, the day after the iMes:age was received the sales were S120 .ml the price afterwards descended,-, with yanous.fruciuations, to gllG, at which rate several sula were mad of February. From th sent, the stock has bee proving, in proportion as the jirwspect of Congress refusing to renew lhe charter has diminished. The report ofAMr. M'Duffie; from the Committee on Ways and Means in she House, has Anally restored it to the fulf value which it held before the Message of'the President was iisuedI vfoijjil seem Irom the,sale -reported' tbdayy that the money-dealersi who ;ate tisually very good judges in such matters, cotl si tier the permanency of the B4nfes;fat!termore secure than befure ttie discussion commen ced. V;If we take the. priceofrStocfe before the To mark the'uffering of ihe babe l nat cannot speaic its woe ; . To see the infant's tears crash forth V J - A' -21 YeClcno?rtnot whythey flpwf ,k 'J.h - To meet the meek, .uplifted eye,, ' frf ' ; That faJn would ask "relief i ".; ;r " l4 v-V.! Yet can butUof agony i" V" " ; 4I nis amouiers gnei. - o, - Through4rearyf days anddarker jniflbJhV.. r 4 ,VX, To trace-tfie march oMeath t: r J i' 4 V r, ' To hiar thfefkifit and frri,r ln-K- V The q uick and shortened breath T". iiriitf.li t ho toe yiArt f !r Jm .toT.jta. . e about the middle ' Aa pray inat niggle D1eff t r . . : , f ... ,, .1 uvular." M""i HHW'IV VBSP"- , , ' i "i at time tot the pre nC U mnfni-ri - ' W ' Vl. -, v ' i n craduallyim- a'.v . " , " W . -V t-r'U 1 ' - . '. k;.:4,,.s .-i ..V." . - ... . ( . . t r i .f . - a letter received from him a few weeksl certain -fromthe cbtirsetJof proceedings 11 V" ""V f ' r b , . . ;v h , "-r v ..J. . . cured a bottle of snirits tne dav nrevious to ! , he writes, "T have riot yerbegun t0 which-have.taken: placfe;ana'whcli mtist UuU .nd it U thnih t, Kp "fiei "?r.fww: nt my cuttings andAt "haveat leasttiiecessartlv tnvol others of much more v clothe?, id:. aVihence coni tLifh-7iifR.Vn'. jl'7RA..ffi .OpO to plant, besides 3 or 400 graftsjilangerous criicteriv' " .y-Umunicateii to the building wbde she' was 550f6DO.sh4resVwasr3,56o:oO(r. Suth'Vb. -I4nteha to make.lMy ground is KVtie od1 Lre.dy, and I shall ben iWid2d -rhu ..-iu L: - t Lli il iAi ti-;2 H"1?" i"s.-r only-effect has been to take certain Sum , I irom i. n auu u. and rive inem to u. & and F. Fluctuations: intol vinsr no -laro-t 1 :in amount- of iirrinlrtvU nrl (n cttrh in ari nffef nresidinW Hofc vr . . ; i7 . 7 i tcin, iruiu ai uut i ai causes mere i v are. au . ' -x,- . - J 'c v. To see inone short Kourliecayd "y s ; The hope of future years '--" .4 i icci nuw tain aiduirr s prayers ( y . - How vain a mother's tears ; ; ' t iito thinki'.the cold grave now 'must c6&, s' 0er4what vsraa, once the chief , ' .' Of all the "treasured jovs on earth . . - This U a mothers,gfief: .yetnWe.artt'wndthtofeJ)aai , ; Of angmshand despair, To lia the eyVof taiartoHeafenl' -; J Anci tmot rmy endd is there i 4 n oest,cari dry.the &Usbmg teaw r. Thi riv thf tiaft falisrw Until theQbstianV pious hope t - Overcomes tlie inotheys vgriefl " - V ' - if - s Tlriartirl tht lif. nn Manrltvffli ?filK i, 1 ,6 V . the 5hr ver0f ,is.'age, PetJf aamer!allett, , V.S Esq of the firm ofUX, ak'tMallcftnhistbwn' ?: rV by the grace, ofGodthe diiigent Use 4 of ap pointed: means the seed sown, in health brought ? ) forthrgood ruit, which ripened nr wtkneWi at" V: r ; i he passed to' ? bia rew cf.atitywitlx alitaeru Vri 'A - -i - I V'ountrv ways xooe regreiteu. Joukjj go fay h 5 - 1 - -ft T "U . f ? , ;U ; -. : T4 a ' ' 'Jt : '.If". . 1

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