.1 -. S " - c ! I 43 :;.' .... c J '1, AA' This 4y (the 22nd inst.) iniWUdclphif 1 I I v A I I . J ,11 2tA?!?5 jLucre turn ppienam arawingvi tne 1A.. fL.,,t me on Friday, the The f een" " . - : . . t .nits bavins been couti- "ttr last as chirged ith ,connterfeitingv WandconyictHeUtenf forme leriH ui .v j . v ; ,, wi... f. "i . r'! - L . 'k- ' ' ' n - ' fi '' : . : -I i , ' Oars are the plaAs of Fair, delightful peace, ' UnwarpM by party rage, to live like brotlers." 4 Published cveryTiiVirsd&yby JOSEPH QJlLBSify SON, at ThretDottars per annum--halfin advance. city, .. ft..,u. Prfr. under the im- The trial or juuc -:- Jcr meot of the House .f itepresenta C iS postponed to the next sesS19n of C t- A Je nnt beingprepared. J.tabeed retained by h.m as Counsel. ... It will be ieei that our indefat.gable Representative, Gen. Barring, has.suc S'iB getting incorporated .nto the Tariff Bill, an amendment for the reduc t of the duty on Salt, by so large a ma- renders it highly probable that f no, at this session, at somefuture one,. the M on the consumer ot this amc.e S be lessened. The vote of the House . Mr. B's. proposition tallies badly w.th i o;lt's .leclaration, that the re- 60utlo.s of our Legislature on this subject were treated contumr-Iiously. ; -e- ' ... United States' Banker readers will find in the Concessional diary on the opposite rage, sundry Resolut.ons sub netted by Mr. Potter, one of our Repre sentatives, from which it appears that he has entered upon a crusade against the United States' Bank, similar to that m hich lie was enlisted against the Bank- inrr Institutions of our own State, at its Legislature of 1 828- Mr." Potter asserts unconstitutionality of the Bank, and wishes a pledge to be given by Congress, 'that i charter shall not be renewed. In submitting the Resolutions, Mr.. P- re marked that it was not his object to invite discussion on tlie subject at this time. He had offered the resolutions as a set off to the report of the Committee of Ways and Means on the same subject, and he pledg ed himself, whenever it came up for con sideration, to make good the propositions k-ri ;n die rpanlntions. He had of- I. 1IIUI UVV'i ------ fered them independently of any regard to mere personal parfyisro, with which he acknowledged no sympathy whatever, but as a guarantee to the American People, from his pUcc in that House, that the measure, to prepare the way for which the report of the Committee of Ways and Means had been brought in, would be re sisted here. The National Intelligencer, in commenting on Mr- P's motion, says it can hardly be regarded as any thing else but tlie expression of his individual opinion on the subject, in which we have iio doubt he is honest, but should be very grfy to suppose that he had any prospect of carrying a majority j with him. The vote upon the question of laying it on the table, appears to us to indicate nothing more than that it is entirely too late in the Session to entertain such grave ques tions as his propositions embrace We perceive with regret, tlvat thej nomi nation of Amos Kendall, to the office of Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, has been confirmed- Every Senator was present, and the vote being equally divided, 24 to 24, the Vice President gave the feasting vote in his favor! . If we do not mistake public sentiment, Mr. Calhoun will regret . I . ... m & . 1 m 1 to the uy oi his deatb, Having given sucn a vote, i The nomination of m. M- joah, wi ose profligacy is redeemed in some nieasure by the benevolence of his private character, was rejected by a vote of 25 to 23. The nomination of Moses Dawson, o the office of Receiver of Public Moneys -at Cincinnati, in the State of Ohio, and of J. B' Gardiner io be Register of the Land Office at Tiffin, in the same State, were rejected by large majorities. And yet of those who are rejected, if report speak truly, there is not one, that ought to be disgraced by a comparison with Kendall. He has succeeded for the moment, but he will find that the highest advancement, VrocuVcd at the cost of all that men most value which yields! them the most sub stantial happines and brings them the fnvm lasting fame -must, with all its igl letter and fascination; prove a poisonous f,orro8iVeo the heart- llie North-Carolina Journal finds fault with the phrase, "reformed, transformed" used by us, in announcing the election of Miles King, lately removed from the of fice of Navy Agent at : Norfolk, to repre- eui mat DOrougU in the VirginiaXegisll , ture. The Journal objects to itbeeati'se it is evidently mtendecl to convey an in- sinuaUon that the Government was wn mg 1U ine removal of Mn.King. t h te've; such was the impression we wished to make, and we are Nearly C.f pptony fithrt wu uue Wfto views Mr. King's case li vith an impartial eye, can hesitate ftr a 'mo- ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding sixteen lines neatly inserted 3 times for a Dollar,& twenty-five cents for every succeedingpublication VOL. xxix. THURSDAY MAY 20, 1830. - no. i;4oo. ihent to tax the President with injustice 1 How can the Journal persist in its insin nations against the integrity of the gen tleman named, at the very moment ; that a certificate is going the rounds of the newspapers, from the Secretary of the Treasury, setting forth that his accounts have been satisfactorily adjusted at that Department ? With this testimonial in his favor,-; the Journal certainly hazards much in stigmatizing the removed agent as an "habitual defaulter to Govern ment." The Journal also alludes to the Resolution submitted by Mr. Carson, in relation to Mr. King's removal- Rither the Journal or ourselves, mistake entire ly the object of the proposed investigation. So far from beingintended to fix upon the Navy Agent the imputation of corrupt conduct, it was introduced as we conceive for the purpose of exposing the falsity of the charges brought against an innocent man. We find that the same view of the subject is taken by the intelligent -correspondent of the United States Gazette. From a letter in that paper, dated May 3d, we make the following extract-: l There has been considerable agitation here on the subject of the removal of 'Miles : King, late navy agent at Norfolk, as 1 stated in a for mer letter some months ago. Recently the ex citement has been revived, in consequence, as 1 am told, of the developement of a fct which is somewhat irregular, and which, in this case has given cause for suspicions of impure motive. A letter, Js the rumour runs, has been written by the Fourth Auditor, (Amos Kendall,) to Mr, King, in which he offers to settle his accounts, and ihi after every means had been used to impress the public mind with a belief tht Mr., King was a defaulter.deserving of public repro bation.and well meriting his dismissal from office. Mr. King; immediately .prepared an answer ; but before he sent it he took counsel, perhaps with the Senators of the State, (Messrs. Tazewell and Tyler ;) they approving of the style of the reply insisted on being the bearers of it, jin order that they might be assured that it reached the hands of the Auditor. There has heen u strong feeling created in the bosoms of the Senators from Vir- foreign style, and all its splendor. . I would rath er have, one tough fighting Commodore than a dozen of your Admirals of ribbons and strings. Ten more Clerks, and an additional Assist tant Postmaster General, for the Post Office De partment, for which a bill is before Congress. bth. Additional Clerks io the other Depart ments. Ifsuch is the retrenchment that others have contended for, I have only to say, that it is not what 1 expected." " I now wash my hands .of the subject, and I hope finally, as I never have been fond of contro versy, l have seen a population of twelve mil lions, or more, thrown into confusion, for no oth er purpose than to advance the views and wishes of a few individuals. I was one who aided in kin dling the flame. Can it be thought strange, then, that I should feel some mortification at seeing ev ery just expectation end in disappointment, and every effort in ubortion ? Public Dinners have been given to Mr. Poinsett, our late Minister to Mexico, in Philadelphia and Baltimore. The climate of the South American States has proved fatal to the lives of ma ny of our Public Agents. 1st John B. Provost of New-York-; 2d Caesar A. Rod ney of Dela ware ; 3d Richard C. Ander son of Kentucky ; 4th James Cooly of Ohio ; 5th Emanuel J. West of Illinois 5 and 6th William Tudor of Massachusetts. Great Match Race The match race o ver the New-York Course, for $5,000. a side, was run last week and won by Wil liam R. Johnson's Arietta beatins: Col. Stephen's Ariel, with great ease. African Colony. We have seen ex tracts from the first number of the Liberia Herald, a. paper printed at our Colony es tablished on the coast of Africa. The Editor John B- Russworm is said by the New-York Commercial Advertiser, to be a respectable colored man, of handsome talents and acquirements. In his intro ductory address fiesays : " We are in hopes through our columns, o 11 win " -1 1 v.i.t , , iu. 01 emia bv this circumstance, and the election of L j? ...i , . . . .i r 1 1 . iraue. 11 is me general opinion in me umieu Mr King to the V irgmm Leg.sla ure, by a vote gtates and Eur . ce faut , ' . i , . , ... , e.u a could an American or European reside on Cape j ? . . 4... . v . , Messurajo, and witness the daily passage ot and integrity of the man who has been made the . liri ' , . ' . . 4. - 1 -I , ,rV ., . slaves up and down the const ; and see what ma- victim of proscription. The matter, however, i... u 1 -i , . ? ' w . . U u ny 0 our citizens have, hundred of their fellow does not appear to be put to rest, Mr Carson has -fr.,ii-- u j k u .u , f4r,ii i 1 u- u men actually in chains, on board, he would then 3 t . x-.u xt ... 1 1 r begin to Uiink that the traffic was far from being calls on the Secretary of the Navy "to lav before r , j u u r j l b ! . . r. 3 , r discontinued. To such a pitch of audacity have i-.L xt a xTiiw ... many ot these slavers arrived, that no merchant A 1 u i c .1 i i . vessel, unless strongly armed, is secured against CllllllCIHl "3 H IIWIUll UT lift I UUI III illlUHDI. I J . 1 1 . 1 1 . V. 1 - r . , their piratical attacKS. 1 hey have even been " . . 1 L nnivn to IcaVP th Hinnno anH nthi nnHc by hini since his removal, which have been re- r ,-,.u . o , , , , - ' , tor this coast, with not more than 2 weeks nro ' . ' , . . . r.u visions on board, depending altogether on fall rejectionior suspension ; albo a .statement of the .e'. ' , . i.- .u il.lliiCi in wiuii ivc i..riia BvvimuiB stini o , ,... 1 , J . .1 t 1 : j UX .1 nA ;....u:il iinvc 'uc iiic uuc mnwy. t -. .i T . . ,. . j uui K i miai a,an ait laws, wilil.il SIC CUilOlcriX ai in the service ot the avy Department, and ..a fK .. , .. ... t . , , i , , tJ 1 . . ' the distance ot hve thousand miles, without the fiinut .In rx t- li'j7c noon cT I r" 1 rrn i n . T- fh. lid. 1 i '- I mantt nt intlir'Tinor nnn chmpnt IpcnapaHnRO i-l..nf W.i nlkano im-ll' n m M . rx l in - .-. 1 I i . ..v. wuv..uv.; ir , r L. ""n- e those engaged in the slave trade, must be ,. , . . deterred by the certunty ot the punishment, or pies ot all cnrresiondence in his possession, .. r : i - J , ' . i r ... ,i 'ai . - i- -j i J they never will desist. Colonies have been luliAthAi sinth Itit r tti n f anv rf lion in rvinn. c i ' French and the first, nei- At the Superior Court for Caswell co Judge Donnell presiding, Isaac Patterson was convicted of assault and battery, jnd sentenced to six months imprisonment. The facts in this case were these: Robert Ware and John Baise were engaged in a fight,in which Vare gouged out the eye of his opponent Baise. Isaac Patterson was a friend of Ware and duringthe tight stood by and encouraged him. Ware fled rom the State ; and Patterson was taken up and prosecuted for the maim. The plea set up in his defence was, that it was so dark that he did not see what Ware was actually about, and therefore did not know that he was attempting to gouge Baise ; and on this ground he was ac quitted of the maim, but convicted of the assault and battery It may be proper, perhaps, here to take some notice of the law in such cases, that those who partake so much of the nature of wild cats as to delight in affrays of his kind, may know in what detestation the offence is held by our law-makers, and duly appreciate the difficulty in which they may find themselves involved either as principals or counsellors, aiders and abettors. Here is the law : ' Be it enacted, &c That if any person or persons shall of malice aforethought, unlawfully cut or disable the tongue or put out the eye of iiy person, wmi uiiern. io niuruer, maim or ais figure, the person or persons so offending, their councillors aiders arid abettors knowing of and privv to the ottence aforesaidr shall for the tirst offence, stand in the pillory for two hours, have both ears- nailed to the pillory and cut off, and receive thirty-nine lashes on the bare back: and for the second offence, shall be and are hereby declared to be guilty of felony, and shall suffer as in case of felony, without benefit of clergy." And be it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall unlawfully cut or slit the nose, bite or cut oit a nose or hp, bite or cut on an ear or disable any limb or member of any other per son, v ith intent to murder, maim or disfigure such person, in every such case the persons so offending, being thereof lawfully convicted shall be imprisoned for the space of six months, and lined at the discretion of the court before whom the offence shall be tried." We have another caution to add to bad husbands . for it will be seen by the fol lowing case, that the English law per mitting the husband to chastise with a rod larger than his little finger has ceas ed to be recognised in this state, and it is rendered doubtful whether he will, even be permitted to flog her in a rational manner," as a learned counsel somewhere recently contended that the lords of cre ation had a right to do. James Lea, at the Superior Court for Caswell county, was convicted of assault and battery upon his wife, and sentenced to six months imprisonment, and to stand committed until all costs be paid. Recorder. e drawn and the drawins received at hAx. sortf Emp9rium of Luct" Petersburg on tfri njvutug wi uie Jtn instant. .t - 20,000 Dollar 10,000 do 2,500 1,500 1,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 5 . 500 5 . .400 10 500 20 200 100 35 do do do do, do do do i.do 1 3r Tickets S5, Halves 2 Quarters 1 25- ulut' cnwius ng- .casu or prize 1CKCIS w ill meet with prompt attentfon,Address to B. W. HEW SON, t s V Petersburg Where he has had he pleasure !of, Belling' and paying within the last two weeks, no less than Seven Capital Prize. Notice to Bridge Builders, . , nnHE Subscribers having-been appointed Com H.? missioners by the County Court of Chathauy nt May Term, for the purpose of contracting for the Building of a-BridgeL across Haw; Kiver, at or near Lambert's Ferry, on the road leading from Pittshoroughto Raleigh Jiereby'gtve notice, that the Building of isaid Bridge will be let to' the lowest bidder at the Ferry , on Tuesday the) 15tKof .Time nextr where those wishing to un dertake are requested to attend. , . V Thos. Snipes, Wmt Ragland, Henry Moore, . Thos. fM. Johnston, John W, By,Um, ., . Commissioners. Chathgmn May 15- Jvfe 1$ NOTICE. fllHB Sale of Absalom Yancey's Tar kiVer MJi Plantation, in Granville county, COTtairiihg 12 or 1300 aeres of l4ind;, will 'positively "take place oh the, first Monday of next month (June,) in the town of Oxford. Also, his Interest in'hnr Father's Estate. Tnris madeUkpowhpn hh day.. , It. M. MILLER, Trustee j May 11, 1830; ; 76 3t - g - - A North-Carolina Wilkes Cduniy. Superior Court of Law March Term, 1839. Tasey A. Adams vs. Spencer Adams. . Petition for Divorce, x PROCLAMATION being made, and the l)e fendaht called and failed to answer i- Where upon it is ordered that Judgment be entered pro confesso against, him, and that publication be made for thf ee months in the Raleigh Register arid .Star, that the defendant appear at the ' ext terni to be held on the 'second Monday of Sep tember next, then and here to pfad or demur, or final Judgment will be entered,agairist him. 77 S. F. PATTERSON, Clerk. New and Cheap Spring Gbods. THfe Subscriber has just received and opened an elegant and extensive assortment of STAPLfeand FANCY DRY GOODS, suitable for the Spring and Summer Sales ; .embracing? almost every thing that is useful and elegant for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear. He has besides a, prime lot of Coffee and Sugar. Purchasers are invited to call. .' " '-" B. 8. SMITH. Raleigh, May 14, 1830. v 76 6t Htate of Norlh-Carolina, Granville County. , ' Superior Court of Equity Spring Term, 1830. Robert B. Gdliami Adm'r, &c. its. " Thomas H. Willie & Thomas N. Pulliam, Adnjr - of John and, James Pittard. , , V T annearinff to the satisfaction of the Court- At Iredell Superior Court, week before 1 that Thomas N. Pulliaru, one of the' defend- last, MerrilU who was convicted, at last Unts inthis case, is not an inhabitant ofthisState er with He office or any other indmdua s by . . hf e Htion to these vouchers. It ,s probable banwh, but.with the wceptiSn of ore, that should this resolution be adopted . . , . 1 ..... ., '. , ther is strong enough to prohibit tl till Hot. c'itti pthinfl" mr orvH ennvprhmrr . 0 r fall term, of murder, but who appealed to the Supreme Court, and obtained a nevr trial, at the re-tnal ; he'was acquitted of murder, but found guilty of maft- the traffic in slaughter ; and was sentenced tobebran- wheth in rel therefor ST rn V?h T omTl shvesfrom binK dbn in its neighborhood, ded and imprisoned West. Carol. which wall , how that there has heen nn 701x1 I n. . . "... I f . Oil rk u VPT'irfc mimrAt At clavno mrmit-AI tnln lha tor the various . rumors which nave been i t i c .u c circulated rt-spectmg this useful but i 1-used f. . .. . ... ' . . . pub c officer." 7 ortQ: V "J Yu " -;r" "I V r : : . I ffl to i-:.-J..iVJ5 inr.f then rn im nnriotinnc in MANAGERS' OFFICE. The Grand Capital Prize o 830,000. 1825. wore 29.254. m"l82fi. 555? Qlfl i In 1897. The following gentlemen constitute the; 29J89; in 1 828, 43,535 ; in 1829, to the 25th T -XT' . ' j. i 1 r . . . i 1 rl Uav. i 11 A Ci 1 rsivirci in visiters to vv esr-i-Tnnr- tmis " ""-. a.-mw. Among the advertisements, is one by the Sheriff' announcing the escape from jail, of certain native rogues, The Sher iff, Francis Devany, was formerly, as we learn from the Commercial, a white-wash-' er in New-Fori. We extract the annex ed articles of news : Monrovia, March 6. Plundering. On Tuesday, 23d ult, six Kroo- men who had plundered several articles from on! board the Brisk, Capt. Dring; at the leeward, the Managers Office. year, vz r Samuel P Carson Esq. and Gen. Monti' . u t Stokes of North-Carolina 5 Rev. S. Fiuiey, Rev- S: Steele, Dr. F. Bacheand Samuel Edwards Esq of Penn sylvania ; F. Smith and James M. Mason, Esquires of "Virginia ; Dr. Lindstey, of Tennessee $ James Shannon I and John Rowan Esquires, of Kentucky ; William J. Anderson and John Townsend, Esqrs. and Dr. Wainvrright of New-York; Judge Hnll. nf Illinois : GpnnrA M!iiUnrhJ th's town by the vigilance of our SherifK Capt. . c x T t , Jt-.M. ... Dring immediately on being robbed, conveyed Esquire, of New Jersey, and V illiam W. intelligence to his agent here, and though the Seaton, Esq. of Washington City.i Rroomen nart lett our borders for Sierra Leone, qt. , they were induced to return upon a false report, n . . t IuiT! 4.. -.ii. u " that two boats had preceded them for that place. icuTWJny. 111 uie last icuci wi uieu uy Tney are now in chalns awaitin tne arriTal of Mr. Chilton, to the Editors ot the National Capt. Urmg. TllUor.in rpr,U tn U. W1rlcism,. rJ Important We w happy to inform our citi ... . y ' zens tftat the road from Millsburg to King Boat- further illustrates and proves the truth of swain's (Bo Poro, Con.dd Country,) towards the kUrnrmar tpmpnt. Hp clpft rl v PvnnP open.ng of which, many of them liberally sub i 7 : rVi;; y i:::: scr,bed' om We anticipate much tne weaKIiess 01 mr. vv lCKiine s attempts increase ot trade with the interior, and a com Sold at the Managers Office, Richmond. fhe following are the drawn numbers of the Union Canal Lottery Class No.. 7. 1 2 27 1 53 21 223 28. 11227. The Grand Capital Prize of $30,000, was sold at the Managers Uthce, Richmond. 4338- 1450. Drawing of the Dismal Swamp, Extra 2, -58 5 13 35 8- S8 43 58 $15,000 '5 13 35 4,000 .8 14 50 2,000 8 25 50 15,00 The 8 35 50, a prize of $1500 was sold at were apprehended and lodged in the prison in to explain away stubborn facts, in order to deceive the people into a belief that the present Administration is notinore extra vagant than was the late Administration. At the- coaclusion of his letter, Mr. Chil ton says ! He (Mr. 'vVicklire,,) also says an Adminis- munication with nations, with whtse manners! and customs we are yet but partially acquainted. Emigrants. Among the Emigrants in the Li beria, are the Rev. Mr. Erskine and family, late! ot 1 ennessee. Mr. E. is a member of the Pres byterian church. Books. Four boxes containing chiefly school books, and a few articles of clothing, the dona tions of the principal booksellers and others inj Boston, collected for the use of the colony,! dur- trationii responsible. might be made a for the !n,our ort sUv tWe arred In he U' lni?' T. .1 1 .. f Iberia. We owe manv thanlr to th srtivo .l VVhprp in the last clas YATES & xM'INTYRE, Managers Richmond. Managers Office, Richmond, Va. Dismal Swamp Lottery, Class No. 5. Will be Drawn on Saturday 22d May: .60 Number Lottery-10 Drawn Ballots. . 4 " 820,000 highest Prize; Tics 85 Halves 2 50, Quarters! 25. fjnion Canal Lottery, Class 8. To fee Drawn in Philadelphia 22d May, 60 number Lottery 9 drawn Ballot. I of 20,000 is 20,000 1 10,000 10,000 1 2,500 2,500 1 1,500 1,500 :- 5 1,000 5,000 Tickets g5, Halves 2 50, Quarts. 1 25. For Tickets, send your orders to Yates & M' it is therefore ordered, that publication be made ih the Raleigh Register for six successive weeks, that the said Thomas N. PulJiam appear at the next term of this Court, to be held atthe Courthouse in Oxford, on the first' Monday of September next, and plead, answer, or demur to the said bill ojf complaint, or the same will be taken pro confesso, and heard exparte. Witness, Thomas B. Littlejohn, Clerk Sc Mas ter bf said Court, the first Monday of March, A.D. 1830. 1 a THO. B. L1TTLEJOHN, C. M. E. Pr. adv. $2 75. j A 60 State of North-Carolina. 0 Granville County. ? ! Superior Court Equity Spring Term, 1830. John K. G. Jones and wife and others, . Willie M. SpeQ & James Richards, Executors ; of John N. oswell, dee'd. j IT appearing to the satisfaction of tbe Court, that James Richards, one of the defendants in this casei is not an inhabitant of this State : It is therefore ordered, that publication be loader iii the Raleigh Register for six successive weeks, that the said James Richardsvappear at the nxt term of this Court, to be held at the Courthouse in Oxford, on the first Monday of September next, and plead, answer or demur to the bill of complaint, ot- the same will be taken pro con fesso, and heard exparte. Witness, Thomas B. Littlejohn, Clerk & Mas ter of said Court, te first Monday of Marcht A. D. 1830. THO. B. LITTLEJOHN, C. M. E. Pr. adv. $2 75. . . v 60 North-Carolina Granville County, John Bullock, Ex'or of William Bullocl dec. 1 measures they recommend and the policy they a dopt. I say the same. And what has been re commended f ! 1st. A new Executive Department . 2d, Giving more pay to the Attorney Gen eral, for which bill has been introduced, be sides giving him more checks, and a paper car rier messenger.) l A ). ' 4 -'"' 3cL; Increasing theay of some of tbe; For eign; Ministers, Who how get 25 dollars' perjday beria. We owe many thanks to the active A-1 Where in the last class of the Union Canal Lot gent of the society in that city, for his prompt- tery, the Grand Capital Prize of $30,000 was 1 I--. ... 1 . - . 1 . ness in rorwaruing mem. 1 soia, ana wnere oui a lew weess since two capi- JtcUve Benevolence. The whole expense ofj tal prizes ot f LO.UOUf 4,JOU, Cic. Dave been sold. Richard Bollock & pthers, ' Superior Court of Equity Spring Term, 1830,. IT appearing to the' satbfecUon of the Court that William B. Inge,' oneof the defendants in this case, is not an inhabitant- of this State s It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Raleigh Register for six successive weeks, that unless the satd WilUara B. Inge appear at v the next term of tbis . Court, to be held at ; the Courthouse 4n Ooro on the first Monday of September neXL and ple, Answer, or demur, to tne Din 01 compiamT, xncsanie wuiDeutxea pro confesso and heard ex, partem ? 4t Ytitness, 1 nomas D, iuiejom, v.ierK ana Master of said Court, the first.Monday of March Aw D. 1830. "" ' rAA -r - : THO. B. LITTLEJOHN, C, M. E. . the late expedition by the Liberia, is defrayed by tne Auxiliary Colonization Society of thei State bf Pennsylvania. A noble deed, worth a tnousana volumes ot commentaries. YATES & M'INTYRE, Richmond, Va. 4th'. Rear Admirals and Vice Aclmirais for 'Hillsborough Mav 12. . Ai the late Suoerior Court for Rock Ingham county, Judge Donnell Dresidins. James Stewart, -chartred with the murder Kf with Ur'silaries ; ancgentlemen, if ot ter Kichmaiva tree man of colour, j Capitals $20780 4 of J1000 of $500 we go on m this way; we shaU neit want Field couvicteu 01 luansiaugnier ana Durut I 10 of 250 200's 150 12ty 100'sAc. iiarsnausior tne Army, lam opposed to auuiis ; in tne nana. NO TtME TO ; , May be had for JR5. Dismal Smamp Canal Lottery. ' CLASS No- 5 , xsraws in tucumonu on ue kuit. New Publications; Tkkets shares in proportion; Moore's Byron Vol. Isti Studies of Poetry. -A - The BiTals 2 Vols. . C Darnley 2;cIq. . j ; A - . MiUman's History fpftho Jew. Leonora.' 1 f' 'u"t:A - Hayne's & Webster's Speeches on oojfti Resoraiior, put up together. , f Jurecewedtar ' T " .U. JOSEPH, GALES ,sr" j'Ai; v ::Al "ft - 4: iii-n-Mr.fiti r j .. ". - r-1 if ' ' ill to- - 6.