iff . -LUo? i7 hi p ViJdji fc;J.kd,o:i. iv r-hdulSg: teiimttttw&& ' t c-:V h ?T t Ut, V z'1 ' 1 'T ' --y p -- f . Vt v "V James" NU'thr i$h vca cf Wi't - " . aUirWilfiiiW basvbeen 1 and parncuianj;r?:vi V i, formed inlthat Coconsw.: wards or oneiro""j r-cY other objects contemplate h that of keeping on an sprtmepV fu;eful Grass and ,rdeD:S?eds,;for . .f the members jtWt, price , "u io introduction of'rrew nabl tiiui ut;Oran Tt antars from the answer made by: the cretary of the treasury.to a call from Senate, thate b.e remo.ed p,p,;ipnt Jackson's inauguration, 'rt several CustQvHousesl23 in: specton and 23 .wjghers ;guage and ; . r . kwnn a diminution measurers, i n e i e , iaS ? T " 0f Inspectors" In seven Custom Houses Vh"p number of ten, and under the head of iveeruagers, and measurers, of oii, making r eleven. , put.ireiuim mu not stop here;" for it appears by another column that theinum&r of Inspectors has actually been increased to the num ber of 59, and two new guagers have been appointeci in the place of the onereduced--si thftt we hav an orfcreaseof 50 new offi cers in the cutonhousc alone, under this reforming ad rri in istration "3&5wf- The Anniver sary of the few-York Sunday School IJ niou,rwaV fieiebrated (ait week. The gcools formed j the Park, and proceed ed to 6asttK"Gafrfen,"'"ech;achdol under its owo banner, and led by its instructors and superinteharits. ! 1 is computed that including the'60 'schools, their offi cers, superintendants atidinstrifctors, to na iUar wl h the Vast tnu'I titu de assembled AD VB RTISEMBNTan ot exceeding;aixteen 1 1 neameatly inserted 3 times for a T)5ilr,& t wenty-fiveelots fat every succeedin Publication' teelsasan vejpA meotl disomon ol Vbjury-'f It public mind. Jlt makes men acquainted Colors,thrs high-handed, uninstifiabhe and with the! possibility of the thing, land once disreputable rfct df,the National Efecu admitted in,to? their breasts, they will not tYQ-Caiauba Journal contemplate , it with that, 'abhorrence in ' , 1, ' ' r7" r. , . . : : V t : . ll t ij' . lheChevaiier Rivannola. chierEnisi- which it ought tb be held by :every true -1 r. . x., P ' neerora great English Mining,Compahy va"t?j. Ui);.- ;' r I - in lexico, is now examining the Gold ' -'iv 1 " -t lv--- ''C?t J ' .Mines, in, this section of the couritry. GeatPkEz, of 'Venezuela, haa is- We understand he speaks very favorably' sued a j proclamation declaring that JSi- nfiheiniv though not of jthe mode iwhich MON 'BoLtVA has hot received from any ttiey afeyvorked Should his eport to legitimate governnvent lanv authority to bifern pi overs be favorable, Vwe doubt nU,; ii1bnnU nfdhflrnn,u riot it will be, it is , probable they will in- i - 1 -i 1 t - 1 vost at htroP ranitn 1 in tna mining hiuinocc rrv. nnfl fhnr Ail pit irpn a rp 9 1 t hhnPi I . J r . -1 ,? , ,, i o VJJ "v. .tv - Tin this State. 70. win Tlftliir-iK tTrnvi2 iu iii uiiiiuii uuiiioi) itio vfiitvui o u uvi " diers, who shall be found making war in he territory of Venezuela," The go vernment of Venezuela oftersjthe sum ot 2,000 doll drs for the hekd of iinon BulW, var, if he shall fire a gun in this: unjust and wicked var,or shall be apprehended within the limits of Veriezeula." i The Rutherford Spectator says, that the Locusts have -'matte- their appearance in that count' and the adjoining ones to the east Sftd! south, in such hmubers as have never been equalled. Every tree top has its swarm, while every sound of the wood and every tuneful melody of the forest,- is hushed and' drown- ed lrt Ithe hollow, unhannonious dm of these ill-boding, unwelcome visitants. to witness the inestiipectacle, there were froriKfifteeiitOi f twenty thousand souls within the garden, "felling the area, all the seats of the bniad circular terrace, and. clustering- upon .the wide surface "of garden walls: The opening prater was made by the Rev. MrPhelp8 pf Haverhill Mass. and an address was pronounced bjr Mr.Rice,6f the Pearl StChurch.1 (The usual h rmns for ; the Occasion were i sung With thrill ins effect, because lire vast lasSem- blage could join inrfthese, and the nch sweilins straius of f Old Hundred" were hea rd and Tel t in mightyfTotume of me KhIv, by aU wholcaid nOt jpin their own voices in the divine song. ' -These schools are am6n the most ini j.i;rtant ami valuable Institutions in otfr country . l heir goou ettectSUpon socie ty, will je felt for ages tocomejfnd their influence upon the moral conditicto of the C u u irt ry i c a 1 c u la b! e. 1 i5MCiort.TThe.fol lo wing is passage from the message of Governor Tomlinson, d e 1 i v ere d at tlie recen t ; open i li g o f the Loislature of Connecticut. ; , A 9trong sense of, duty constrains me to call ) our attention to our common schools, not with Mariding ny vievs on the subject hive hereto fore been particularly explained. To the intel lectual and moral improvement of youth, is just ly auacnea transcendant importance. While the ascendency of patAotiin shall be maintained the reputatioh of the State valued, the augmen tation of its power, atid welfare sought, and phi lanlhrony ekertaits propernd benien influence, the elevaiiortjo'C Jthe. standard of instruction and aUainmenin our common schools, and the con-seq-ient " dusiWyefii. knowledge, will be anxiously .desirtand " wa'rmlyfaportjvrl b'v,a free and eligpten'di people. Jf, satisfied, how ever, with our pajit periorrty in elementary education, : other ' States rsh'all be n permitted to" pass us in the career of mental inTprovement, we shall incurfearful Responsibility. - The talent committed to lis by 'rh bse Kwbo founded our free hstitui)ns on thecbasisrof public ihtelligerifce and virtue, we are bound steadily to improve. The spirit of the age admonishes ua to advance. The highest obligations impel us to sustain the pre-eminence! of our primary schools, once so generally acknowledged and now so undeniably T necessuryto "the honour, of the State perpetuity to those who art acquainted wi i I cai, property oh lead, that keepers shod Id , coot in ne to- put' t)reervs nr niklp ill irthpnwan i ris. I - . - ; Usnnr fM.': the least add in either will dprnmncue tl.e One-mal Attachments.. , -. ; . . gazing, and the' if ad is itbaorbed juto :h A l?1!15 f1 ttahmentsi .naVjngiued AC . .v,"i,MV conteni; I leleerious and ofteti -fatal rl i1 ' ct rwelllcu.iWTi to , ihe . JacultX...--, -safenilwVI, 'tW handtof the ,sWff pt V? f l.h.. ,r,yy.n-.X!,j..pre.secyte. lhjoa'd fon- wmyotice. h hereby givelnBitt . all ' -,v d i i ion for anyv length attachmentt tof ' of green or bla k gi Xhieh h coi ' 'v-.;5 of :. nd arrd sada aoir it i wH knoW to pn?fta tnd i eplevy.or plead, Jud s Vf; .. .. . , u .u v , . anient fiud wdl beente9ed.Uff. ftgainst him. 1 ;.yri;; many that it, has the property m keeping i ,J: ci At p - L , butter pure thrjgh the: hot wethK?May -.-f m&tf Xaw4t x;C -i - - f coIqicoI 1 Curiosity. A few weeks since, while the workmen werp employed in taking out the 4 grit" from one of the pits in the Harris Mitie, now owned by Messrs, J. &. J. E Patron, three ptwts were discovered just at the top of the slate formation, and below the stratum of flint rocks, which contain the god4 These wt're sunk perpendicular in the slate, and aboutour feet from each other, in a triangular position The posts were dug up and examined, and found to be of post-oak; timber, about four feet long and ten inches inidiameter the lwer ends of the posts were sharpened, whije the up per evidently appeared to be sawed off transversely ;! in the sides were mortise holes, together with the marks'of an axe, too apparent to be mistaken. From the position in which these posts were found, it wou Id seem that they had formed the es of a rude table or bench at some former Opbxion of 'Mr JeTersoru--lnst before oeriod As a proof that no modern cause the commencement of our lateTWar with could have placed them where they have l?Un,1 vi. ' lflrrtn vaod K;,ri. now been found; the ground is; elevated ' - 1 ..nA iui. rho rrooL' tand hanaorn anv -jl. self as follows in reply to Mr. Leiper of ... cleDOSites of soil : vet when and bv Philadelphia, an eminent manufacturer whom they were placed,- must for the and Father ' of the present ; Member ot present remain a subject of philosophical Congress of that name : u . inquiry and speculation. At many other mines sticks, ot timber and logs have been 1 sumption. at .least in albamcles of which we getner witn a variety oi arnnie, lormeu raiser the raw Inaterial. On this the Federal pa- bv the hand of art. such as Indian pottery. pers and meetings have sounded the alarm I IndLifitt arrow points, (made of ninU),aml imnese policy, arsirucuon or mierc, o.. n:rf.- tS Wrtnil. n vnr mm shanps that is to aay, Ethe Jron which we make must not 1 .. Rutherford Snec oe wrouint uere, ihio pioug s, axes, noes etc. in Ji " .i .V. .l i ' i . i iHt 'l' THMeritJiat ine snip owner mHv imve uie proniui currying it back m a majjufricturrd form, as if jjnother New Mine A deposit mine ".f erlnahufaciturjngo-ur raw matrials,.fbr ourown ly opened ori the lands of ness of putting up pickles, use glasS'al most exclusively ; stone or earthen w. re mm AOADBMy; use, ihh would not be a surplus produce su fla Mr. Tnomas Jeans, on Second Broad oeuig consiaerea unnt to contain p;erve. T!IH1B ExammiiOT ofthe Students of this Ini ' pickles or even sacrh.irine liquids, not vniy ;-JL: sitMiiojV.tke.ptice'on W"tdnt?sdAy arid ' v ?!j; from their deleterious effect upon the to.- i Thursday, tn9(and 10th of 'juried V,Od Thurs'- - tf?H mer, but because they .'tend ot4 i?; t I , iui'. - -i .V d V " -1 - '.Students. ."fJaTms,1-Gliardians and the Public ' v iS1 acidity in the hitttr. Boston Patriot- pectfirliovited to attend, 'r.- ! A 'J . : " ;Thseiia.Ss?on''wm bc'rfn w the 'follow? --1 CONGRESS. , - r Ur?irdiiomia1 termi viz Tf v ,f:S? Monilav.MavY7. - ' t Kt&l ' r r aoove mcmaeau necesaryexpences, except - ) other buMness, ' : : f " m I I'M W 3 The House resuo.ed he con-idathm of lSSferi " v M- 'poii.fA " 9, ..4- r 1 W-v';$t.u0hts'miwf furmsli their twn cndle9 4 . r...raliafvro's resolution .. for repeitfiDH itk&&k lutn 'tt r..ir.u ,Z 4 the duty on salt ; but the hour expire. t the Prinpipal-dlesf at twenty-cents' Ub wiuiyui a aiiai uucsitun ucirjrg uKeu uuuu pno 9 ou per ae&sioys lor-pea ciQme. ' JLOe - it. -. .-'v- After postponing some h House again resolved i -Id. . f'L... ...L.I. - J! t' jnni.ee vi Li e w hi c ( n ine mil inr ine rtf vrwto io?r ta i.u -i jr ,.:t-. mnv ti oi uie uiuiaits , wneu : Mr. l4umpkin,'of Georgia, addressel the commitfee for about two hours in i)ippoi ot the bill. Mr. ElUworih, of .Cofinecticut, followed in a speech of almost an huur against the nil. ' Mr. FSter of Georgia, ..wit ro,e, ,nd, TSS .Ccunied the fluor about two hotir,nisup-1 : " ! r o i uf ki port of the bill, When he concluded; s - IVillie M- Spear S JanieS , Uichirdsf Exfecutort v V4ra1 gentlemen rose, but v . of, John N. Boweil,".'dec)3' Mt c- r , l ' a A n I B appearinir -toie sausi action oi .;c ioutt, r. Ev .ns, of M une, obtained he floor. I-;Jj:ii;i..W r.n Jf n,UhfI ?4in mi hw miitiun thp rnmimrmu n.co muH I j.: 1 uji t . '.,.V..ii.-'i.'.. t ....... ..... .v,,.. v,., v..,u..vlv- wt., nuu in castfj 15 nor an ; ninaoriani oi AtuiS;oi.aTe : the liouae adjourned ; fcl f s therefore brderedthat;puhicatltbeniade; ''' - : ? Ui the K Cotton been i spectanie farmer, in the upper part of this I liet, and pies ItXr nei5jarr Jifewbeyn Spectator, Koanqke f , ' tsr 7 i,, t AiWocatej rand WarrUtpn KepotefVll pleasd i fr i& , .. i lvetneaDoyemree insertions, ami tor ward ttieir ,v Vr-i I '-' 11 ' ' 'I" ' ' " t i 1 ' i.i. ' . ' ni.".ini i i. .. f V ,ii.s , j. ; Gr4hviiiecaty;i - 14 ' ' iJ-;A'' i Seed for Sheev We have . ldstfJ I?i?m8 ciatiapoear Mwxtt , , informed by an intelligent and re- -f ito fiM iinnH ' .rii - r . .. r. . I , vT. - 7- -vrj W-rtl :. V .:,-..' t id answer ordemUrto the, bill V vV district, that cotton seed is a fine whole? of conipSdint, m the same will be ukeijpwct)iv 1 - some food for sheep. He says that tor f3o, ano'afd elparte. -.'j; ' ' ' VUi onma :mo. .iti';r.rr loe iirVntoi Kio t Witn'essjThomas B rittle john; C!erk;3t MaV. . ..&( some time; uu ring-the last winter, his f-' 'jrt r i .-., n.-n . . . i u. , r , i t i'- .i ter of saidt Courts the first Aloay ortarCha ; - sheep were fed with nothing elsef and that x. I. 1S30 'v-' ? As low. nun unu uiuiwuu null i .. , , l,tiu. u Jj I 1 libjunit, V. Uri . j-i.rfi-l rint:in miil..' i 1n rt'innvl inn iif navifratinn 1 in carry W-it to market. - and . e xchan&rine it for River ill "this county, and which has 6"en those articlt s of which wr have not the raw ma- leased by -Mr'. Charle Hill, vyho has em lefinK; yeUhiH absurd hue and cry has contriba- p0yed four hands, for two weeks past, ted much totcdeiaUzNew-Kiand; their doc- j dwts-per week-wortii trine goes to, the sacrhcui.ic "K1 culture and man- " rt . . , , , t c ufacui.es to enmmhee x u the cullin? out eo- 881.60 ; making the proceeds pf four pie from the;interior country to the sea shore to hands for two weeks, gl6320. i l his turn merchants, and to conert this preat agri- mine bids fair to become one of the best caltHral country inio a- city ot VLmsterdam. n tiQ gud region. It lies borde.ring on Hut I trost the eowl sense jf!Ajur; country ., . n . P . , i K. " r,;., ,i w,U see that its greatest prosperity depends the river, and the gold has been found on u doe balance between agriculture, man- most abundant in one ot its tonner ciian- ufacuir sy and commence, and not in thi9 pro-i nels ; 011 extending the examination -to Uioera'nt navigation winch has kept us in hot the ore&ent bed of the river, considerable water -ment. mvh, -.vftrrwi if itr.n C Ami., withm.t a sr. which leads to. the supposition, tnat.more renderof riglits, is my sincere prayer." 1 , .lot-lefesdld is contained in.e iands of -t- ; this and other rivers m inis region, ami 2?ngiALMmtrt are similar to the auriferous says a judicious writer, " upon ni'; going rivers ot urermany ana owuzerianu. iu- intu FUnders, prepai atory to his first in- ' vasion of j France, about the year 1340, A BaT of a large siz, wus filled u few was struck with the .flourishing state of days past on tte farnYot Dr. James Nor these provinces, of whicli he soon discov- cfcii about 5 miles below this place. W. ered the true cause ; and : endeavored to understand the bear came up in the open excite -a milar spirit of industry among field where the negroes Were at work, atul his own subjects j who, blind to the ad- -ttppro.-ithed so near them, that they, com : vantnes bf their situaion; and ignorant menced beating huh wijth their Hoes ami of the source from which opulence . was su cpedetl in forcmg him to climb a treev jvool better than y.M ever , lorte.be- Notice to Bridge BuiWerS.-i i but are given in the statein which tey ;l inioii'by.the C AvCourtoll Chihani.-- are taken f root the gin; this information 1 Ht May' Term, for the purpose cf contracdnjr foe may not be. new to many of our readers 5 the Bunding ot a tirmge across lAWJitiveri.'.v 4 SMl f but it is to us and we have therefore seen ! or ner beff's Perm m the. road'feadi nrnnpr t mpntinn it -tirrpn MniiYl from H'ttsbbrodgh. to HaleigHiberebygriveflotice,, ir t propei to mention it. Ureen. mown. the bMq- rtid SndgV,.wi1lrbef)et o' f -r z?Ml , - the lowest'bidder at -tht-FerivTorfTSesday:fte"' , ;-rW' . T-Uf Literary Emporiu'n U .about - to. -be; .15th pf laneflwherejhoae Wisoipe to'ttri- ;-;rl gratifi. il by t He sight Df the first living derUkc are requested 10 attend. ' . , Rii..o ers -rUMic jin, ever brought into ThpVSmpeSjKr r m ,,-'t? the United Su.: . It ha recently an .v V'!-J xWrk JlalandVi ft r'f ,1 m trom lJalcu'ta: i- hfteen months, old, ! r.,,-:s Jlenry JUonre, , -r. ;Thos. M.ijQhw 1 -Vf f f - - ? ; ilohb V;By namn. r- v, V) Chatham,. May',15 TrM-DiTllAnly Vv'nunr tVI-RAfn llrtllnAtr' . '.., ' If Villi UUlIVVn., UA Wt U- If tltWIIUiJUllWl MCUll - ' 'I's-i - . . r-1 r ,-1" in, Richard lJullecIc feeders. destined one day to flow in to their coa n- try, ' neglected his' wise admonitions ; tuir would they even attempf those maiiuluc turfs, iheateHatsj6r'which,thevTur-i of its freedom and happiness. The work is not nished to those foreigners.: The Kin?. ausrsymisfarfro LhweveH encouraged Ifrehiish partisans defec ive. Renewed energy in ita execution s 4ii ' ; , - f . S . . iqua,-rathe dominions ; and caused ar principles and 'prbmipn'4' '- ' - At this time - (says the Miltedgeville RecoieV)''tVef;i p6TemaU n our Pen itentiary, but onewbo wa9 sentenced to it at the latektetb.'jof the' Superior Coui of Burked cWhtyf and . ; for a singula otVence to haye been committed by a wo The EdfforftififrEHiabeth City Star iu noticing" tlste Suot Court of Paiqiotaufv pays! tU jubi inuuie 10 me presiuuig' judge v cannottose these hastV Teraarks with ! ,ou.a P'og.triDuteilMdglVHer is happily united? th pleasing-urbanity of th gentleman with theetmpbngiSiiity ot the Judge. In all his charges he is clear? elo. ?Ue"L "d inPrtiali endeavoritig' ashJy its j j - v 1 iiu -j uuire 3 lias tr o-i vn m ftr eral satfotion Many jeaiecj in thf mmm entimeuta, expsseU ?bih-caimentf many wise laws to be made for the encou- rage meqt anu regulation 01 Traue particu larly orte, by whicialKpersons were proV: hifiited froi wearing -ahy woollen cloth buiof Eiiglish fabric i " By this he gave a beginning to the wpol left manufactures' of England .; and first turnedie-acttpn and etSerprisingeniu of the people toSthose arts which have rai sed England tof the first rankamtthg com mercial nations. V-fVilmirigion Ree. fPacfon, Polly Monroe, -who was cpn victedjat tlte laStiterm; ,pf tbf Superihr Court for ' thist county, of concealing the birth ofheir hild, tknd serit;enced to six mchiimprjsonment, lias In; accordance with avbettitmn itishert belialr feiriedlltiv! ; jhafiyprthh the cou btyl- recjii ved r a pardoa from this j Excellency. Qov Owi and shehajt ac accoraingiy oeen aiscnargeuirom luriaer t?roIcrtDtibuhaVi CwHnatdbet Vvrfill, sqtlt- master Lancaster oqrnoaMift'Aje. ?ufsi -rvreum. w e xare acquamveu. ; whh f ur feet three infills in height j a "little more thao Stveh fet in length, and weighs upwards of two-thousand pounds. Is only li9iinc orgm i.f much. fays the .Travel ler, is the upper lip. which is verv flexible. The. on er lip i like that of an ox, but the upper m"iH- like that of a horse 5-. and he uses it hs that animal does", to gather up hay from ine rack.or grass bujt, wnh this surior advant Rhinoceros has the power lit. to six or -even inches in lenfith from the I It is therefore ordered that wftli 'nose and then drawinfifit to a point. J the RairigWRegiste 'x iv... u i: .u.. Fa iw.'. ..;'. .A ic 1 that unless the said - William B Iiiae appearat ole to srasn a stick, or . any small suo ;f nvft .'fiuAnnTi - UVUIMIVU9W --AAA V 4. 1 Wll . ib ''IIUR VT. 3 frmtl.e groupd, h .- fn;Z 1;..: nf t,;A . , - V age, t na t the JLvthat Wlliam Inge, one of the defertdahUr . ' A of extend nig this i this erase, is not an inhabitant of rihi'State : v . catiori be made-' i . , v. i out of which, as soon as a gun was procur ed, he was ahotJiffe?foi Gazette. K Liberia. We; a rt gra t ified to st ti te, t ha t ihe brig Montgomery, Capt.; Weinberg, chartered by the Auxi'iaiy Colonization Society of Philadelphia, sailed from Hump- ton Ko.ius on rriuay las;, tor liiperia, with i cunvjjany of 70 emigrant free people of c(lour, on board. Of these we understand-, SO Were emancipated by Joel Ear I, Eq ot beorgia ; b by I . p, Anderson of Ha gerstown, Md.; 6 Uy Dr. Tildep, of ew- tonvirgliwa, 3 by Mr, Felfpw (a ! Qua ker,) of Southampton:- c6untyj$5 by G. V. Hulcymb, of Lynchbursn 5 several others by different persns-the rest were free before. , Of these last J 2 Were from uear Jjyncnbur, ,vand 3, uaniel .Ufcbwnj hisife and daughter, froiojiihis; place.7-7 Th ey a re general ly sober, i n 'iu us tr i ous ; fa r- iti e rs anu 1 aoou re rs, many or: inem pious aiiq two respectable preachers ot tne lidp tistpand MeihistChurcee oh itloubtf fhaf tii 3?y .wil prt'fcvajtaa&ls rep fofefe ut -: lojthe oaisHtng 1 cofpfty which ftefo Y anu;" we co rd i at tjt. w fshit hem - gooUnVoyageand all prosperity ifcEthteit new -country.:;- j - stance, and hold it extremely fast. Septembercnexffn&pI4 ; Tt. W i-brownish, ,ery hard an,. ,0. ST lid throughout, and when full giown.sotne- Wftnes tfipmas B,rIejohn,.Ctknd tiureB measures three feet in leogrh and Master Of said'Court, the first Monday cf Mrch eighteen inches in circumfeience at the j A. D. 1830. base. 'iV. F. Stal&man. 1 v : it TU0. p. UTTt.t)rJN OiJSU B. r 1 mrnibiiea us; tneiojiojirjug remarK -uuiinei iC'atndtbiOf.MoifM.oiaiiiin bu nbury; fPenpd iflhtonsequence ,9f!.t.0ga)pje- THE C HILD'S FIRST GRIEF. By Mr&Hemans.-" if O call my brother baclc to tne, I canot play alone M - 1- -3- KortliCiEiroiiharWil Udun ty - j Superior Court ot wHarctf, Term ,830. j i TaeyiAt Adams Spencer Adams. I, ' 1 r?L . f' Petition lor Divorce: " A fenda nt called and tailed to anstrer tWhere- uk on. .n4 JL " ienQH iii cHiieu Bti taiico iQ answer', -.tvicrc- wT?mS h!r - uponittsord:thadgBtDiertere Where is my brother gone? . ccWainsrthat PWicaifdi4t The buterfly Is glancing bright Across the. suu-beams track ... I care not now to chae its flight- O call my brother back ! . Kit v- 1 ! The flowers rnn wildVthe fldwers we sowed ; .Around our garaen trefri , . l iiiir vine is aroooin? wun ns loau 1 v , 7 - f J - -v made For three months in the lUleurh Ueeister ana. ayir, inape aeienaiiLniappearas me tw i j term to oe new on ipe secoaa HonqayT-;pep. A J tember tiexti then ahd there to plead or deanir ;i r a ir iiiini.jiiiiiriiiHui hhi iip rniinni .miiMi iiiiu. r.s - ,77 -t :t? - , k ..'f J U... m Win " 4aiw Kil1 1 He- wdi not cpineo thee : h,, , ,v TboiarH. WflBe & Thomas N. Pulliaw, Adro'ra ,.7 f$ tonce hsttim-time, smio . . i, f h. and Xme $ittard.' ' tin earth no more thou t see., t ''ZI t.thV,tf.rinn f th Cnnrt- rState. of North-Cftrqlina ; ,S'S, iiranviiiUpunty.t , v Superior Court of Equity SpnngTerra, 1830 " r. - f , A rose's brief; bright -life bf jby; T Siich unto birowas given i FT aonearine to the; ; satisfaction of the Court. X'that Thomas U. Pu$, jone of,1me defend ants' in this case, ! hot an inhabitant of tbif State thifrirrirvlrprl.' that tmbRcation bev tcr'5 madein.MBalefgh tfegistet ' f?r?& m eekv ihat&d Xhouse)xfbrd -f fAtid H ,vaii-. senteinberxyCandpledt'aiis throoe-h the-ldnr. lonsr sammeT nours- I i fu- iitji ten ".mV"t.: ihLt WiBAh aooaae :Agamr f ? r1 ai:eh eonf essbv imd heard cXparteT aiarcn . . . Jm .. .. " . 1 m If '3'.-:, v;I . . lis vuviiir viiv uriHiicr. w ill. u .. t . -rw .11 1 i . i w 1 11 11 1 1 ti.Eji .i . 1 .: h 1 auuic ui Lite tii-cuiiiNLiiuueftLLKiiuintr -iiiiiinrrirKMi .vviiiPii nairiiiuiiiif.il ineiriJiinP' oi i v-' r --r - - - .--r : . ,i nurBi m t - f w r . S5 f :

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