. -J ' . y-v VTOURSDAY; JUNE 5iM53d ,Ofrour 'Representatif eV Messrs.: Al-f ston, Carson- Contieritoi; Potter, Reri cher; Ws B; SheoDard Vnd fWlohf o.l or and Messrs. Barrineer. Deberrv. A. iH,;Sheppera anj Williams, against theVro bill. 1 -n Road .m..vb,iCi wuicn a single r ,r i horse drew a carriage weighing more ote fourth. pfiJidiPutiutnt to a notice from the Intendant of 'Policed a meeting ol trvc citizens was neuron oajuruay last, lor the purpose 01 entering into arrange ments for the celebration of the approach ing Anniversarjr of ;Americn Indepen dence. A general Committee wa ap poiureu in prcscriuc uie uruer ui ceieura- tion, with directions to render tKe same public, through the medium of the paper. This will be done so soon as the arrange, ments are completed. We are authorized to announce Turner Pullen, Esq. as a candidate to represent this county in the House of Commons of the riext General Assembl y. We. are re quested, 'also, to say, that Mr. P. will be necessarily absent for a few weeks, but will return different pa . ' . tial message of tha Pr.M . or other free norcAh. r" i... . , o .toiuciu, inenuonea ui unr, wno nave fa The PresidenVs Veto. We regret that " '"siscnpt to our last F Ave have not room for President Jackson's r"vl nn, it would seem that there Message, in which hevstates at very con-J ls som hpe of rocpvering the benefit of ulerable length, the reasons for his re- e West-India trade, though the late ar- Congress WVhjtve not yet received an vvuutui.ine aaipurnment of Conresc th.n - 'ur intelligence is down to-'Saturday tnor ning,at which time the Saitihd MoUmp. bills had passed thetfcustof Representa tives and had been read twice in the Se-nate-: We: feel greatly encouraged at the prospect bf their" fenal nassar siutions, yiiiA.ii mere were 2H ner-i sonsa th"MA r ."w ,roi ineir inient ..... was uone coo, wan much .wein-; they hav ntr v-h 1 apparent easei for thA fr.. the tablp. J- fK- " i: : eni f-H iiicHi co sleep. ..-r j -'-orvfjicuj isowr l'he actine Gov- D . , - ?1 A b,Ii was reported from the committee! frnor of Louisiana, nursuant to a law of ihfeK." oonnetv f a fat k Jl . . we" aJ,Pd to the in timeto visit his friends in nfrW '.u "aa Pa98ea tf)e Ho.U9e T 8 .e passea ,arcn has have recently been mad; rts,ofthe countv, before the i - .PeSf ntat,Ves ln relatioTi(to our Co- Ssued a formation dated the S4th ult- 25 n.ile from thi, ;. ..Mr, HrCuicaiea on the cbnnden- T an iree negroes, mulattoes. , '"enrst edm easori. at Buxford, a- v'l, irom rye Si in the said act. . r -. t mi ii ' I rivol x.r t fusal to sign.tne Din aumonzing a sud- ew-iorK, bnngs no intellio-ence scription to the stock of the Washington on we subject. , We trust, that th and Maysville Turnpike Koad Uompanj. made on the occasion by the Presi- aaa , i:r. r r iL--D 1,1 L-.. flpnf a 1 " . 1 1 c ui Jveff l vve suspeci, me rirsiucm vuutu nave " ,u.T "ui serve as anothei pursued no course, so little calculated to on ' the mountain in labor conciliate, as the one he has adopted The Fourth Auditor has made a rennrt Whilst he ((firms the power of the Gene- ,n answer to the resolution submitted hv mi (' t K . riA r xr . uicui was car ried oNe-York and sold tk. v., mm nave uih n,...ki... ii- , iuwl come ,nto that State since thfir.t H.v r "f X ' " e """". " BB Bnhel8, January, 1825, to depart therein, with- U n7 liP''''', s.xtyday, .after the promulgation of fr.i (Mf ifilX Life of Bishop Jleber. The New-VnrV no. n...i-.i . . ' rrucescant -Episcopal Press has put to induT. ffinald Ho, U.1 t liv- ' "u ",!,o"actrerS sent io chmnt. He will be well 5brTl erw : r ' of articles iscendin. ."rV the river: kSSSSST , ton, Flour and Tobd. will ; t" wT v r - inp i present. lurchaied t f,,m c ""7 ".V vnu no v, , iu t uoiiars. raj Government over the subject of Inter nal Iniprovements, he contends . that it should be;resfricted in its exercise.. He insists ohdiscritnination between the ob jects to be selected for operation, under! this powerj"; denies the nationality of the particular object . embraced in this bill, and disputes the expediency of-, entering upon an extensive system of Internal Im provements, in the present state of the fi nances of the, country. Will not the partial admission of the Presitlent, that Congress does possess the power of ma king appropriations for purposes of Inter nal Improvement, dissatisfy the limited constructionists, whilst it will equallr disappoint the latitudinarians, who affirm the power, in its broadest sense ? This will be the inevitable consequence, to say nothing of the downright enmity which the President will engender in those States most interested in the tnfeas AM- ; . v7l" respecting the accounts of Miles Kin.v &-th aU'ta d.. t:i i i ...v.,,,16 l ulsn xiiuueriaKe. iVhat the nature of the Report is, we do not know, though judging from the oppo- v 'is pi UUII1J5 ana from cer- I he bonnets ar and i Hie Sasnn. I O rom ms co"esponce, and from , . ':?'""" are- b " reject to mk 'm unpubhshed works. The work will . "r 1 ,hZ"'' !ind rUHSIieu irom materials sent out hv tuanuf t... r n u weir rair Mrs. TToKut- r.:. . , . J miqaium. w, iv a ii iciiu m JNew-iork. All. profits will go to the family of the Bishop. Dittresring Casualty.--On Tuesday af- hin pa.....l.. i i i i y . . . I tlrmnn lucf T U T v"'aiN vvmcn icii rrom Mr. Whit- o Z- rfdtuu a young man of I tlesey, in relation thereto, it is an unfair rin ! Was rPwnnd in Neuse L. " . . - I statemfent of facts, quite in keeni'n. with , Vi "" on ? i8 H the ure. This feeling beginsial ready to4de- yelbp itself. In the debate which occur ren on passing tne Dill, alter the veto, Mr. Stanberry, a Jackson member from Ohio, was-constrained by the force of facts, to assert that the President's mes sage was an electioneering document." . Mr. Me Duffies Report We intend in a few days, to commence the re-publication in the Register of this able document the best iState paper that has issued from the halls of 'Congress, duringf'the present session The Indian Bill.Vtc announced in a postscript to our last paper, the passage of this bill by a trembling majority of five, otes-a result which we fear, has been the effect, rather of party feeling than grave deliberation. Some of our cotem pofaries consider this bill as sacrificino the Inflians to the rapacity of the Sou tb ern States, whilst others repel the idea of force being employefl against "them and contend that its object is to promote their voluntary emigration and therejby to bet ter their condition. The friends of the bill state as a sufficient reas6n for its pas sage, that the Indians are forming inde pendent governments within the limits of -vw, via,uus u, ineir sovereign w m wm iirif i rx n w v n . A a i - . a - i . - v- vmjjuiicuis wi me Dill contend. r Tr f . . . . I n'lUIHI J. II e at Cincinnati, in the State s Dawson, n tir k t n -j character nf Mr ir.,,ui, r l.it K.,f i' . ,II,U capsized w.uuaii. w e nan niun iinmeniately sunk -upcuv, i.iac ine generous motive we at tributed to' Mr. Carson in the introducti on of his resolution, was incorrectly im puted. There are unfortunately, but few individuals sufficiently high-minded to ex tend even handed justice to political op. ponents. The Auditor's Report is to be printed, however, and we shall see. The Majsville and Washington Turn pike Road bill has been rejected, there not being a constitutional majority (t thirds) m its favor. The vote on the ques- l,,ei,,17to and oPI,essive protect non oi us passage, after bein Twenty three tays later frim Europe. From , he N. Y.Coramerci.l Advertiser, Ma, S5. The Packet ship Canada.Capt.Graham u... forenoon, from Liverpool, E to our. friends and Tu"-" ':1"5jr Crop, b, wy of 2SS 5S! b t that he will mke valuable iriU and re quest all those wh . :?K!nx?antf r to .end them through i iSS JOHN jK. ROY , s - JAMES GOROOfr. m: AND ft 71 VV 14 AUDIO i NortCpaf2,,,,awke''nty-' hHSbeenlerTS'Vich ciefendnt in trie hinris hrtk ok is hereby g,ven, that forther nroceedih. and replevy or dSST" to swim, he soon went to the bottom. lhe o hers were rescued by a boat which ."...mnainj piunn to their relief. The fate of poor Leib is much lamented by all wn knew' him : he was a mechanic; "at tached tu the dredKing boat building here tor our- Swash, and was industrious and remarkably in-enious. Newb. Spect- 'e'Cmplaint8 of thi 1 ie SW greatly subdued, if not entiT A TJTWZ tlSSSSS are g ed. and it was Mr. M'Duffie, in his late speech- ijfurous and a question, distinctly and enrnhti.ali . a rf 1 The iu,tIo i. i'k2JK3'?Si:"S,r ratibn. endeJ d,ffic" 'f 'e!"-. 'toSK'IMir zv .1 . ,t r uiiuouorea moral character On the 8th of Anril tL P.,.i: louch anQne. a salartWhJ" ?"e journed over to the 26th .atiia,ucul aa ntto $300" 6"v,tc ,n . iA - . vews, was "fv"ia -wr io aetlf Jo urougnt up in the House of Commons on c"y of the Board of,! mot nl,. ' .. . . " I aL .... . .. I & a . isaunuies ni tna iPW, , uhc ui iae i roiteet n, a.,iJ , s he should v . . .VIW "UUJ VOICe on Ay flnnr. a;. . V 7 OI ADH A nor o 1 ,1 .i. . . ' o" WWi, 'e aenominat. ..,.. , . ueoaie it Store, Wake. ones. Esij. Se- 2: returned by the President, was 96 in favor, arfd 90 opposed. The whole of our representa tion, with the exception of Mr- Shepard ot the Edenton Distriet, voted against its passage. It is stated in the Intelligencer, that the President's Message on this sub ject, caused great excitement. -nd-h. the final action of the House on the bill, was attended with a hio-Hlv "" MWt I1IIIIIIIIU debate. Several important confirmations of ap pointments, have taken place since our last. M. M- Noah who was recentlv r." jected and re-nominated bv the President I 1 I ' . . S - nas .iKe Jimos Kendall, rubbed through by ut uie casilO!? vote nF thn Vice President ! Tim n A -... was xi to James B. "Hiornton, of New Hamnshire. I . .L t nas Deen annointed Semnr) r '.lut it was the tine h it wlliir ha A- d;-. vvas carried against t h Hfinlo., k . icui. nt- aiso disclaim,-,) Un i -l. - ,. votp ai its nr ti ' j wnwn i . , ' , .v. ... iuci ui iioiiTif.il At i uk Lu . no a n n . . .la Brrrtci inr m.. win nn .r it the subscriber; fLWi 111 ttllV tllirif llf Cllrl rm 'I k...t "r?.w. ae never ..c iu, in nis omciai character, and he ver would, support or oppose any measure, any man or set of men, with a view to S n i H"a a,ms- e dudained sach tricks Miutruus ana sucn unworthv mnf.v.. e ne- or was received with cheers, and a bH was "k .m-nediately introduced. ' JSrW2S' He ncc. The French papers generally Jf Pgonc ..... tuents agreed in reeardino- th AUlu.:. c cioseta and twoxomfbrtafale peru.ctpw which he described " 38 near athncl, and both par- It iirt'K: tiui onice now to be. if he r.o.,1,1 u V. "ca wre preoannff tor th I atfK - - r.W yj-o-VMf ; i. . ... ' . fiv-i n iUr inp I A , . O wwtini. ".rr.L.,:t.R,ven"ry -. nu"ivu us uy a correspondent. .S mh , rT!" -g"ling the dissolution .f,h4 I?f5 par- A report prevailed on tUiTST withleWSeS -r.: ' " r s. that thruu.r."9 " e,,nrff.Wrl r wZu ' "W4 OTMQuse worthy of hi, hih char,tU aV" r..,".care .i,; -oenieMrto be lmme- wJJy wwe frmH6ase... " rree' "issoiveu, and thata;new onewas- Th Mai-. aSSC de ocy now Mtt cU'-' ,n" " wa' ' irfTBRSl1 I - I , . ' - -viiihsuC7 i.riw. xm'w wit t9 ' ' a r rm - ,i . " ,vwl l ,av "'c majority or Che Senate Having resolved tn Atik.Wu'' " rurhi. t tk - I -s-ricjrn seen any r .vig their own ....ionkt hS on hiSbk "ffll SSSU! iiotc. ui im r. invoeiafi i t t i ... t i - n ucuin i i --" s ,i r i " . vwwc&aiuti iiifl iniirn I i i v mntrollp f il m . ' r treasury, in place of Isaac Hill recfTO; ana the appointment has been contirmed by the Senate. The foil - appointments nave oeen recently confirmed by the Senate : Thomas Gillespie, to be Register of th I niJ Offi.. r. ,i - i-.. . . ua,ce ,or tne.uistnct of Lands sub ject to sale at Tiffin, in the State of Ohio in tne room ol James B. Gardner, who tunc rAnim!oii.n.l A .. .....niMMiuueu uuring the recess of me Senate, and rejected, vice Piatt Hush removed. ' i-''-' ' Morgan NevlIU to be Receiver of PK Moneys, for the District of Lands thatthe faith of treaties requires us to Unhlf f 2 ,? iB. mne ana permit them to nfm,;ft ; ..r m, ni U -tk t ' " . , . ... . twu.u ui lYiose r-r.j ...v u5,u, nCy nave naa trom time who wa Amm;c0;i immemorial ; and that we oueht to assist Lr th I '9 ( , uu "e-recess . . . . c "ugru io assist or the Senate, and rpWtd a a instead ot opposing their efforts at civili- M. removed. uo. v; e, nave copr of the bill be- Sheldon Clart. , K. 4 ... . t v uuiaiser or Uoods for the Port of New-orleans, in the State of Louisiana, vice Abraham H. Tn. keep, removed- v William. 8. Coe, to be 'Annr; .f J'e.1 into a snitlbfe nunjr of district Sut n' NC "li r. the reception of 80uctf'trib or n.:: , rk' T,Ce Frede"ck Jen- Indians as mav choose tn phinmk 11 ' oere thcrnmreside, and remove We have already staied that when the question there " ?; . was taken unnn nir n..K.V "cu u,e.H'eston -ive in exchinS- Zr " ? ISfiLI SZSS.S W now also jearn that all thehf De 7Z non except onVall from v lure usand unnuT trnA.:n r: i . - ojuujjn,s i lS pro. f,8,78, 1 he nrst section authorises the - ...nll io nave so much territory as be- to the UvS, west of the Misssis- i'pm uoi luciuuea in any State, divi ppronnaie laiffua iF M .. unle, aa " imperial sceptre." Baft. Chron, Virtue Rewarded. mo&t extraordi nary public meeting has been held in Sum ner county, lennessee, and a Committee appointed to investigate the unpleasant difficulties, that were supposedfto have separated Gov. Houston and his wife i ne committee have reported, amt th report was unanimoosly accepted) that ne cause ot separation was jealous- on the part of Gov. H. that his a young lady of excellent familv .! exemplary virtue that Gov. Houston was a "deluded man," and that. " there hoi a semoiance ol doubt" that his SlVen OCCaSlflh fni mii.k reproach, as the Crown may pass from the State 00rth-Car6lina, oourbon lino 1 : Mr, Hughes has left the Hague for Pa l pte?V-iVl8 rrs, previouslv tohiarenirinnfi,:. Robert B dHaoi Adarr. &. ' M 111 LII . W wV post at Stockholm, 4o which he has lately LTbomaa H. Willie& Tmai N; Pulliari been appointed by the American ftnvr i of John aniSt ment. r I Ur apaearinir.io th!,-i.:s.t:ir .-w.-" ants mthu caa t . . . . . Qce ofAe National Intelligencer, 4 May 302 A. M." The Editors think that they owe it to their ii iendsi a far- aa i . . . .. - - .ntv ins i t " us iiiev can rAith wife is an "innocent and injured woman." them, by this proof sheet, to ive them the -.uu.. n,HBe aiso publish a letter earliest advice oT the ibllowtn facta rom Gov. Houston to Mr. Alia., r.,i,. In the lu "toJ?.Cl ;. . v "iiiv,n me jrovernor p. 1 Psea me nouse ot Rjnr-flo:., imi f a.rJfi-l -.ri. . ... - V.- i ... i . t-v-wm, w ouviDiicii hi hip rnieitif.r a i iiii i his wife. -'sl - c ia 0o N. Ph am aoaear JtHienext term of this Court, to be heUhe Courihouse in OxforuV ort tberst Monday l5 . -y : " - h" answer, or demur takento contesso and heard exparte. Wttne h Thomas Vf. UaieiohnVcierk St Alaa- 1 Si State of North-Carolina; ' Granville fTfviintv reducing the .lotion .(r; :rc7 P1 Con of KoaiSbrinir T4rm. i a The whole is a atrarTnrJ J! i ivelv. wa naarl hr , ul. !; A i P 1 1' ' Jooei an wWe i- t . .... -y.,-t ijiu-i & r- 4iaiK.c iiisiiuricv. nnn i ; v - , T'- ceeu.ng. out wui have a tendency to sat- wting onjy.. the siffnatufe of the PreS Willie Mpeara fcjalctiv l!ycu4 cha- denti may be considered a law!' the tefe . .CJ,pccioie iany rrom the foul- same manner, the bill to reduce thedi r-- mwmittiti i.t i. i. i. rwm 044 i u ii iTiitiMV. nun anAMAAA. ai j. -1 rT.'VW to be paid ,'or, their improvements nn i-.i r 'hey leaTthr ae to ,t aiS l5df in thai. . ' ' from Garnwia un4 vr... . - . V,v,a, L,V.,V"1 n8portation and. to receive fuhsistene fnr tu . o4 rr; yBar,r-ana the t.on eicept on.-, ,H Mm Northaro?iM ceVt ... . iv vuc vuiru in Tnf hi hk l:ii '... .. ' leigh.ReinaterleU" aSl C,ause appropriates thiWm nf ttnn Sl?.OT. "rolin repreient the LkS jOn r .i - : . " ouvi I ui (ieir constituents if PUrPSe ovingmct to the N!fe'it:Vt--feKV-- , ; -jv,w1IwW .ne ynari eston Mer cury, , and our answer iseadv; Wo without hesitatioii represented bjr her St I A i. v i r f i a 1 . r the Indiana hpnW- . i , cjtimci, -or baridon the lan.L. --v h United Stated " Wp 7 - -jvtuwi! acrerai.ot; tne news papers in South-Carolina teeminlgwith ar ticles on tne subject of a dissolution of the union, proposing all manner of measures looking to an immediate secession of that ouue irom tne Union. Some propose a Convention foi that purpose i other think lliai ine le(rtslalur an l oil U , aX1."01 tleir object. A letter from Washington suggests tjjat the Oo vernor should not issue writs otelectiea for Represvntatives to Cbogres at'the neit V iuere ecuot,. We hate' nut heard wnat enect the desertion of Jheir places ry " r .OCMV-,uc,HlwrrB ns nau upon pubr licfejngwh?waal "men excited. though tp H ..Ai lieve it is halfinuch , among the body WW PiiODle iase; baoen whui.i i.; believe ; In this Statff-i in curing tk.t r. K . ' -7. --8! t tar 9 ,we nave heard, fnis rash act of the South .m nvmk- u been almost tiniv.a 1c ; have heard butaimvrina?-;i ual expre&s a differedt seotimeit. this itv I u ppfn" la tpe 'PcUdiihi Court. llJ X that Jam nu..:ifuri m ni - - m mm i w -mr - ' on Kum exported, was passed by a lar ?tisthere7bWoiSai majority, and may be considered a law- xh (mU In the same mariner- the hill, that the said James Richan!aannM-. -T an adapUtion of our commercial regula tions, contingently, to the opejiing ofirt term of this Courts ttth hot.hi ri.Zl?Z LI .,"?Sr .".'i'h.??1 MJ?yf .September tercourse, by trSatv. with tfilTrirn o7 onies. fafrpr .ISZ llt ljr" T VT iimc spcui. in secret session,) was passed by a large'majorityi and may be considered a law. , In the 'House of Rpmnp nr.f;. bill to establish the office of Solicitor of tbe Treasury, which ox ieinated m tK Se nate, was passed. - h Jn tliaame bodr; thetiiiH whlK laated in the Senate, for th mA-kJLe pitxc ui i-uDiic lianas, waseiected.J In the same bod v. tha Kilt - tarnaan aporpriatiojth ofjthe Cumberland RoadiaaftMaid ma be considered a lawv r w pjt feaao and heard exnarto. gSf Cle lias. frWCaTo Jotm BuHock, Exorof WmuIlocJev RhaiiJBullockit.otherK-- Superior Court of Eauitv ni4.Trr 'a A that V?illn .Intlirfedi: 4t is therefore crfered,thtoubUion Weighllejgrjsrr tbat vntesa the aaid wijfii& titi&&pb&Z&z, lhe nexr term of tbiajCown, to he held V tho Courthouse ;iti Oxford, do thefiot Monday f Septeltbr nelLlDKi blead-acawer. demiir. .to the bill o complaint, the s&nie w3f be uaen pro contesMi and heard ex parte. 4 uncsa inomaa p. JUttlejohn, Clerk and Uasterof said Court, the first Monday of M uch, A. D. J830- ' - , The Vice President having vaf.1W mired frbra th Chair of the.&nate fo me; jemainoer. of the session, the Hon. ai!;vSfflthi of MarylahuVwas elected 5 . i-' ;'. ! '.'" v'.V I 4 J . 'Ml 11 i 'it -I? J i "1 r H) -. , (C,1 i. . u. .r. V :cnate tempi V THO. U. JUTTJ.EJOHN, C. lU EL. t" : ' 1 - 5f - I- 1 0.