v w . . 1 ; . - - Kwfhller. " TjiomaP' Hunt. Ti;rhurclrM-cfowic4 to overflow:. rnmnj anpily illustrated th? sacked truth, tliat 4o to rmh aehouidijic $ory be given TVralUe J or ftViytff al pohit of Vlem y -,.vTrv, vhiu out irom his own con fusions, (weihinfc We .inayterin then thus) that when lie signified his willin ness tb; linquilhis ciims to a re-election to, the Senate, Ii efui not mean to be CD MlwTar.,. '' 7 ' .1 -A A - -..VyiB,wu uieratiyi put expected Aw Minnt It o'clock, in the Methodist Ohurch, rJ William Seawell, Esq. and ' tijc Dbratiwii of Independence will be read by f i4iaH v Haywood Jun. Esq. A Pubfic iii ruir wili be furnished at Capt. HvSpr1n?;antl is to be on t'jeiibletyfl'clock, P: M. fiof .4!Mn up in mil ot the Unas 01. ; f , ; - , , -rr---T!i)lonizatioo'Saciety. ' if u ! - rp Te dration will be delivered this j It has been stated, in justification of ...vi.csmrm-g re-nominating jlr. yoai to the Senate that Mr. "Marks, one of the S!?t0rs froni. Pennsylvania wiio voteu .aSinsJoah, eubsequently avowed his wish to? support him. MrV Marks has authopxeHa denial ofjhe statement? anl savs that if he had been present when the re -n ojTi i n at i on was acred. u po n , h e sho uld have yotd against confirming the appoint-1! :"'T.I A L, 1-1 ' :' i 5" . . I menu ne was ueiaineu irom the Senate -lfr'gi:0fOflic.e Hunting. -f A a remar- e instance of the prevailing avidity for office, it is mentioned in a PhiladeU pjiik jiaper, tliat tle Marshal ofthe Dis trict of Pennsylvania has received seve- I ral applicatio!.-s for the office of Hangman at the expected execution of the Mail robbers. , , i ?rmicc A Society for the promo tion of Temperance has been formed in Fayetteville, David Anderson. Esq. Pre sident, and George M NeilU Secretary. The Observer, in I mentioning the fact, makes thp following remark : The spi rit so generally diffused through the coun try, on this subject, has operated very extensively in this section of tiie country, and particularly irt1 this town, for a year fVAfc flSshtd the Wove in .the Capitol is toibe; ill u ruinated, arid Mb sic. wi IJ be pi fividtU jof;ilic enterjtaihinentof y - ... ' ; Sfitiyf .JviHeXnVust be - endued with more or;lesthan human feelings vwlu) can rise i lroUi5ihis bed and enjoy the ; Weet&ofheaHh anil liberty on this m HiVrable dafwithoum the tribuV'of' toHeayen, for live (ohunate?a, and jiis'ferVent; asjpi ra tions? for a- prosprou9uf, Ettjojng . a 1 1 our Inst i t liti q n s in thei r f u 1 1 force a n d j:fr.eedoinrcaisi'n the beauty and cer tainty of what was'this day lifty-four years agotiixpTie'tt.artl Pr-bVmaHtaJ--r. there should oe throughout our extended ' .)uatty a universal sympathy of action interest and feeling, whscli should link; -all liearts together.' Personal prejudices -iMmld be,,: surrendered by all with one uccord, to make room forfth em ore gene r iusJnnd cotisstent emotions of union and bmlheVly kindness. Ail political ani mositiQlS1 De ' Rrgt ten and al I who pariike?nt of the day, outd in ee i asine n d s. I !No ,d feu m s ta n ce siKuld btfjrmttw totnilitate against the -.1 the jr lasses were" nuiaklv rlrjlnrl r t,r. last drtps. " EcoreM fiweor was now Ivo i.erated from all parts of the room, and as sdon as silence could beprocured,' tbetPresidentdP rected thecompAny to fill again to the' same toast. So soon as it w:s repeated, the whole company spbntahebusly rose and pare hW.tr cheers ; whilst the rapping oh the tables, stamp ing: "POn the floor, and other ardent mnifesta tJons jff approbation,- seemed sufficient- to brine rbuiiai:g upon their heads. After tliat-m ment we thought we wottld rather be lie n?v Uay, than any man living. Never i before did we see such, unequivocal exliibltioof deep rooted. aflection;- Hiescene was emirientlv in spiring, and gave sufficient earnest of what may be expected from el people, on Uie fourth or M.rcht looo.' Fayetteville Market. Cotton, g8 75 a trinvj vr ill" fiuencowil exteud toahnost every, other branclrof f nilaMrT.TIifiirnier wilfifnd. a ready a h d' goo dfn) cf i or'l s is-p nfdu tb V m ercl i a n t vi U f n d a n v i n cVes6 bbt h i n, th e "n um be r a id abiJ it V o f h i sr c n s to m-i ci ?s , uim hi une eyerv one wno laoors at al will find a grpaIcandrifl.a.hfgji en price.Tor his laboV. These are not mere ly lajnticipated benefits they alreiidJe ist, and are experienced by a large porti-' on ui our leiiow-cmzens. Presideh'trs late development of his, deter- l!l nty it ot amo I i ll i I' , . ' ! nllMlpli . oreerjai narniony .u.viip w mnri win ?tie mos humble toMhe'nw exalted, ail should rayoring to make the occflSion M died and i n truth;! a Nation- ALJumiKW't: . ' On Ihis sulyectf wxannt present any thing morea pbropj-i ate. than th t; su bjoi n ed j letter, Ttl irfi-.iJy ; iic laiciicnciauif Adams,. theay succeeding that, on which our anestxK&w by the happiness of .nbora Krarta'ke oflf their, degra diiig fetsitMen'-rn the struggle : M ' PhiladelphcdMy, 5, 1776. Yesterday the great est question was decided which vvas ever debated in Atnerica, and a great- w, perhaps never was or will be decided among j the State, amounts to an acquittal. men. A resolution wan passed witnoujt one ais-s-n;ing colony, fAT TIIKSE UN1TKD STATKS & ARF4 OF RIGHT OUGHT TO BE HiKi: AIV INDEPENDENT STATES. The day k sed. J .The 4th of July 1776, will or two past. The quantity-of spirits sold in this nlrtro. lin'-' wp n rp :iaurpd. Kipn in- " ' 7i "w .ccasHuwy' 'f 'V'u.,,,,, ,T4ve calculably reduced ; several dealers . (atLiT. the, day were closed by an leastLeight might be named) have cnf xclent dinner at, the Lodge fre,mU to use or traffic in them, atid many indi viduals, who have been only moderate I. IHIM mi Mil Wul. i- The Frankfort (Kentucky) Commeta' tor, a paper ol characer and talent; J uii e 1 5, says ; The tttrnoxt conUernd tipn perva-des ihe Jackson: ranks in; tnis 9 50. Hairifr. vftrl ib-..oo n.... part of tlie worldand, wi h gllod reason.' '2 a 7.1 Candies moubl. 14 r0j& 1 1 a lhe sertion8 from the; party since the i. oorn. i0a02.i. Flour, S3 a ,4. TroirSa 6. Flaxseed, 75 a 80.vLa.-d. G. Lead, 6 a 7. Shot. -per bag, 8l a 2. Lime, .2 a 2 50. Molasses, a 28. V Nails cut, 6 75 a 7 ; wrougiit 18 a 20. O.its, 28 a SO. Su-ar, common 8 a 9, prime 10 a 11. Salt, Liverpool 65 a 7iU Steel, American, 8 a 9, Tobacco, IeaC S2 a 3. -.Ap.' Brandy SO a 35: Whiskey 24ja26. Wheat,TOaf80. Beeswax 20 cttF. U. 8. Bank Notes' par o per cetit'. prem. Checks ii the North $ per cet:t. prcniuin. Observer. Twenty-fourth v JuneiTh. anniversa ry of St John the Baptist, wascelebrated m Thursday last, bv : the Members of Washington Lodge, No- 15, in a style which has seldom, if ever been equalled in this place- A lare procession of the brethren, strangers as well as visitors from the county, was formed at 11 A. U. at the Lode from thence they moved "a hn; Main-street, to the Presbyterian Church, where an appropriate prayer was delivered by the Rev. James Weathek hy, succeeded by an address from Dr. W. B. IIoncxKs, master of the Lodge. Til ceremonies were finished by sinn- a beautiful masonic ode, selected for the together." Cotton TnV.Tfie citizens of Macon, Georgia, have determin d to, hold a fair some time during the Tall fijr. the purpose of awarding premiums to the best grow ers of cottoh in that vicinity. Legal Decision.' Francis R. M'K.ee,in dieted for Murder, in outh-Carofina, has been discharetl by the Court of Appeals, on the ground taken in the motion, viz : tTiat iafter a prisoner has bei'n put on his trial ;in a capital case, a nolle prosequi by y Mr. Wisvvall. The Orator of the ' i i i lay ivsaiu ro n a e acquitted "himself in an uncommonly handsome .manner, and to have given universal satisfaction. - - The Festival of St. hn the- Baptist was celebrated in this nlace. by the mem remained aUWaRhinVto'rt iotl 'un;i frT 4 Friday mwninV.He WasC scccminamwl . by May IKneUoi and ifiifyV'and'-vfilti pursue the hK&f'direcit rduCbo Ui4lci;rV mitage late, reindende jjitTeanTesseeO -Oil his arrival l$Kfri!ftgwf caHerd'on iiiin, and alJjMinfht1ure tfasiaSVjf? reiot'eed to tke aiiitic?ti(Miatsr ldiaUr1urr,r . , Tv lvkcda Y-s l -1 H r:- ; mation to;o all lengths uith-the majo- W-w'H.r13 of his nartv, as well m. thit bono-4 C H e'are mfebted tbCaptAi- A ol Ir, v ion tiS-the A'meriran vtm.. a i..Afl Uhin MafriRowlaid;' 'amt'to.'Mjv -Mercef ) . herrejpectshpn,dced,a falliuklhrpalenger 112 jljg friends entire v unnrceedontpiL Wrs AoJunePW, coniaun;fe m ? Four fibers of Confess from, hi. ownV18tbye. WllV?i?P?VV ' i3tater Tehnpsftit is Vumored,' have tte- I4t; r V.-HtV se ted btni, y.wl certainl v.ami. i- aing'! daSl ' as Ve ai cretliGly iriform.tlVi fm uhi:were elected aS hisMVie nls aJ.'d'? L Hie West P.gMeij 7-: L--' porrs of his administration; havc lipoh what they ha ve seen anliieartt'at irir intoo,- during the session, to tally ?labaii doned him and hi nartvr Im hers of Fnlton LodN n the 24th inst Cour Cabbage. A vegetable of .this name has recently been intnfducedmto; the United States ; ,and,Trdni . tha repre sentations given ofit iaHheT northern-.pa pers, it must be valuables an article p food for cattle. It ro ws .frpm six to twelve feet high, and furnishes an abund ance of green fodder. The;4talks live four'years. Sixry plants, it is stated in theN. E. Farmer, are sail to -afford suf ficient provender for a cow for a year 5 and as the sifc shoots only are used, the StUksiast four years without fresltplant- inj. : ,A?quare of sixty, feet will cbntn 200;pianiS, loui UHiL upan, ur . iu jhijic ! 1 a'rffo ur -d o ' v s requi re f or a. . y ea r's pron vender, 'without the, aid ot any other tood. trsonrcfCof our enterprizingviinculturists wsildffntroduee this plant 'u'mgusi, ibeYiiiisht confer a realenelfit on the c.mtuunitv; as ityj"bl tliRiv 'b&V.iajiei IT'rr7"3: bwerPv 1lu,nbfclT circM!ostance,.to keep fns cows or; other ca'tlle in -good condition through; the win-; hr. without intrenchinir on the means re quired for the support of his family. , - :" , Uatawca joumar. rymntoinVeallevlateiPV. v passed . tranquiVriigTit Hii 'MajftsCyV rvmntonis. are alleviated. "t V. vmntoni? JjanH6n ilay l8.We'ma veniure io couv' diuiaMiJ.urreauers on uie favorable turn whicJvhi&Majy-iUoessT jHV,1 lias taKen.- It is nowIconfiUintlyffirinr ULl that tjieJ King may, for ihe'presenrar least, be CK)nsidered'6utfidahffen "3J Morning Chronicled ' V' root Tuiien; no; as vvitiie uut 4'- aiiu pi .aru AJKiriwiiy iu J ' , , A welfOhjcs ffJant tidfcY' i'vVt:" Ai. j . Iloll baclcwa'rdifritamrffhjftcfc ry4 As he,ColutbVhJpe'andvprjJe- tft ' ii The slandered ntl ttw? sorely tficJ, ? ' ' "J - " In hiB triumphant course siakbaclv, l " 't "J 1 : Star ofthev:tstm?mili;6n eyl:r , AreturniPR-ptrflTfiint-hbt. f-sA-j 1 :?Thehrine of old Idolatries '-V. ;Y:''fv. .TC-r." niT mtv w.il' fi1nn a IraitnM ' r . ! s OF meteop dazzling lo-betray, The members of the friternity marched rom the Lodge Room, n masonic onler, SmaIl p0X,orlce is given by a o the rresbvtM'ian A -hiu'ch wh-re a ftei , prdclama:ion of t,e 1avor )f the City of '.ion was leuveren oy i e iv. .vha iv-cK, Ninv.Yorki recommentling general vacci lollovvecl.Dy an apprupr(ate1 A.lrs .irom that maV cases 0t small pox have And boV tf fortius puj ef nf'ii'n; 'J The earnSit of a.beUer dayl" T ' ; v 1 . He is not faller-seek to -i h K-j Mr. Francis A. Ward,! a member of the Order j after which they repaired to the Mansion Hotel and partook of an excel lent Dinner provided by Mr. Allemong, in which they were joined by several gen tlemen of the village, not -among the ini tiated. Catawba Journal. 4 Fail Foftd.-TUa Corporation of Pe tersburg have subscribed tor 2,t)00 shares i - of Stock in the' company for constructing 1 a l?:il R'ivil : Tft to RnnnnLc 1 .-, - . . . - ' . ! . - f- " ' 'ft. ft.ift ft.rftiftftft be a ?ucinvralleepiicha in tne nistory or Amt-rica. Uwrv. ; '1 ni'aPt:t belief ihviliU cvt byatrthfmvxeA- Ia Public Dinner was 'ine s&ntrrAliani (it tlie meat Jlnruwrmrij Festival . i . ., . . . . r,! T r ,. h ft 1 v given to .this jxeptlman at i.nrfrwk, nre- Jt ought, to be commemorated as. the t;opjik-.-wb . - . n 1 iivEKANCEw.bVllolimn acts of devotion, to Al- vious to his embarkation for Russia a' jigUty GaoVit 'ojigh't.td beioltnnizVa with' which about 80 persons were present. ' & illiindnationi--THoyi one end of tke conti-! 1 Dinner fa Mr. Barton. The Cincinna jfKST to TviiyHiVi from this titM"forwottf 'fff''i Atiie.rican cor. ta his an animated account r Y'm will ..in roe transported wiffi enthu- jf tfte Dinner given to Senator Barton, iasnrj but t aii; nb: Im well aw- of the on homey I v 200 citizens of that tnaintail ueda I he toagts given on the occasion 1829, Jo June 1830 : tliesetntes t yet, throttgh all the glootn I can I an me enipusiasm who wmcn tney were see the rays'ofilight and giory I can sie thatl received, evidence very clearly the feel the ehd ?3 worth more than all the means and i ine in Ohio,, in relation to the President's hat posteritywill trltimnlu although you and I conduct in reiectinp the Internal Imnrove- . The . following appointments were made by the County Court during its session last Week :- ' Gabriel Holmes, Shrrif.. U. VV. Campbell; Town ft f agist rale W H:uriss Count v Trustee. Inspectors of Yayal Stores James Ushe.i. Join. A. l.iilinton, John C. Bowden, Wm. Usfier, Uotrerl Moore. - Inspectors of Lumb r Jesse .renHett, Joshua J.i!nes, T. I). R-.tcl.hV, ArchM Coll.ns, Alexan derMcltae, J. V-S Jt riucir, Z- A Spicciy Dennis Culling John S J tu s N: cttoliis Ric!t;itvl-. In sector is of Staves Morgan -Shoulder, Dun can Clark. ' ! Anjiount of Inspectors"'- Returns, of ar ticles! inspected in the town ol V jlming ton for the last year, that is, from June occurred on' board vessels which have ar-. rived with emigrants from foreign parts $ and that small pox exists to an unusual f-xtent in the interior of the States of New-York and Pennsylvania, - which, without doubt, has been introduced bv persons arriving from abroad by the way of Canada. NaU Int. ' Itve cbainless and UnbitWea windr Oppose the tori;ent:shea. I Ions yC.ourse, v And. turn assdehe wliirtyind force-?. Imt dream not that the mighty; mind ' a ' Will bend before the' blastsirhate ' " lr . For though all el$e b3 'desolate,, , ; ' . y It stops not fronits high estate- , ir- v VxAiJ A Marius Amidst Jlh? ruins at Mi f H 1 Ife has no fallen(e very- breeze Y.'T - "'"Vf'1r ' That.: wadets oet CktumDiaVhosonu, 't j . -tii r'A Fr'm wjld Penobscot's forsf.treesf "a!vU; From ocean's shorefronf Inland' seal's? i Ay c Or wliere tb rich Mag'iH&'bltesbpi iiJAjp that posterity will trlumpli. although you Jny rufei wbichl hope we shall not. Iam 8cc. fir- - JOHN ADAMS." 5,im?ie-CV)wr.-i--Ignatius Riggan, of TiSiinessee; Ijapjiienadmitfe.d'to, Superior Court practice'T(.loraas J. Jones of Sa lisbuiy Vaf hingtim ' Lazarus, of V11 nVmgton, & Franklin L. Smith, of Meck lenburg cou nty ,Nto. Cou nty Court! pra cti ce. - Review of pie Veto Me8sa'ge.Qu f read-f-rs ys Ifindi an1 interestihji; article into lay's.Registeruuder this Head, copied. rom" the Natipnat !lntellincer. Though we. say it xvho perhaps should nof say it J wy iai uie juwsi, auie review ,or ine 1 resident wssage. vyhich we haveseen and will richly; repay Jhe reader fortiie time employedn. its pervikal. It f eemsj. frouircertain letters twhicb haveiteel;pubslSd dVh&roni WopMry haft 'ken ' cWAell'ecl f to'' res W his scat aud make way" fur Mr. HilL yhfy i " . . A m' - i sitia pleasure ppced to. flow? ,ritt tbc r -. r i t . --'! !. -,, - - . . !, i.."' - ' "' f, conduct in rejecting th;e Internal Improve meat Bjltsw The sentiment compliment ary tb; the Senator himself, was .drank with great nianijstation of feeling, and in the spaech which he made, alinost ev eryj sentence met with vociferous demon strations of approbation: Horn his hear ers; .. The eighthj regular; toast was : Henry Cliy. The father o the American Sys ternhis tMnscendant services and Abilities. have, identified his country's lory with bis own, ; The" manner Th! which' this toast was re- i ceived, is thus described by the Ameri- ' . - J.. .': . ' Jt ' " - " can s . j . j. . . j : ; ' ' A . ? - - ' : . As soon as Judge DavTes announced the name of Henry i Clay," the most deareiung shouts and tremendous rapping upon the table commenced which ; coutinued for a length of time,,'and -wasJ hushedtonly iby , the . numerous stebiortan: calls for the rebiainderl of the'toasfc- v rTJie President wasitlienenablcdW get as far as the terrns Tlii father of the American System," ywlvetr befwas' again Jntemi pted wit b long, loud , and repeated shouts. and plaudits surpassing ny thing: we ever fciefore witnessed ton k-similar 'occasion.; a. At -icngin mei rresiueni wiw perinu tedW read theTemindefof the toast, when. the same scene of turrtult ndrbf jibigel again .'ensued Withbat intertissibfdrnai)y riiinbtes.,,v 4,") 'ii -t i, ' f. kL, lrir .-J. .1 . ' A'i. ; nc. iv Biiiiirs, i Schick ivi 8 wrmir irimi utc Ol flHHU- sarae On Friday the 1 1 th inst. a warrant was is bearmjr onvcrd to bis eaV,V : fit r- age ior itsjotty mum ; - kT'k V5 A meed thelallen never-find" Jnmes Usher, 33,448 1,264 19 13. 255 Wm. Usher, 11,633 3,43S 115 J: A. IJMh.irlon. a.7R0 1J.251 619 7.862 . o ' - . , 1 .1.1.. u 7Wr. Sav' Luvds-r. priuoauiy ue T. D. Ratcliffe, 33,300,861 ' 1,'956,JJ6 teuiber - term AleA Mcltae, 18.484,080 2.737, Ji9 , Ufflfcted State Jesse .Jeonett, 3.438,592 , 1,56G, tV0) Jnslui.. Jumps: 3.74fi.2fi1 1 t f --. r " - ; Staves. . Duncan Clark, 801.700 .. H Wilmington Recorder. issued atNasbvdle, (Tenn.) at the' sug- ..A .homage f erestion.of James Colhnswortli, hq. Dis- trict Attorney, against a man by. the name ol tiun iioore. iaie 01 ooutua, rolinaon a charge of fraudulently draw in from the Treasury of the U. States, a pension in behalf ol John Meison. a ICevQ. lutionarv patriot, -who died some twenty vear'sftfiio." 0 examination before Hie District Judge, he was committed for" tri al. It is, said that he has succeeded hy an artful system of fraud.and targe ry, in obiaininir about 1,800 dollars. The' Se cretary of the Treasury, having obtained intiniatiori of the fact, and an accurate Taxes description ol MooreV person, set on foot 1 takeiiW remedy the eyd a dilient search, which has eventuiitec ,.'-9MM9v A praise, winch patriots only hear!., igii 1 ); v AH oaur ine nou? is uasiening uni, vj . 'M" rWhc'n vaiidy tried by sUndl-r's fl'amfet J jjr Columbia stfaU behold herson-,. ' w :( Unharmed without a lauret gne -T r f: . i-X Jrt.... it..f.f;.ft j . -! ' Tlie aogel guarded tria4 'cartie!- y' 'x The slanderer shalLibe silent then- ;V f',f'A ' His speU shall leave' the mins- of men, ;':Vvv ' " v And highef gl ry wait -upon .r;f 't smmaj mm 1 1 i i - . n hi nrrpxt and imnrisonment. Ile.will a.MARRIRD. tl 1JV A writer in (lie Hillsborough Reconier, on the resources of the State1 iriakes the following tetnarks on the Goiil Mines : i- To pass from agrfcultural to mineral wealth,' bur State can Certainly claim a preeminence which no other will chal lenge. Throujjh the iwide et tent of thir teen counties, ctlie most : precious metal in the world is found in quantities which e very. successivedayAiinul tiplie,4i .iid . ,the pursuit :oFwhicii is drawing thither the capi f al and -enterprizeof ur ipwn .wealthy countrymen and of atUliftore wealthy Eu ropeans. M ia computed by an intelligent anu practical iiiiner .maj ai ieasva rnini; on'of, dollars .Willlbe .realized xtqring- this yeaV from, the "various' gold jnjries.of-the .Sfate-'r '-and it is a fact notorious, that we areyet m.tnejntancyfoi tpe, juuning an, apunayiooit forward iq more, inan, qua-drripUnffthi-amountat no distant period uesestitne airect miinence frnica me ac 1 4 !L .1. J. " A trted at tne approacnijng-op , m Kayeuevme, on veqncsoay eyening, roy t Vs! of the Circuit Court of jti& the KeyvWf Gt, hfA s.VaU. UcpuQcica) h , . ljialdayeldejt daughter f 1 ' . ; jTarfor STcepA -enl :m.m who keeps . . -. c? . DIED. " ' - ' ,! - r a l-rge u k ! nvcj, : o""' v .v - ' . , i f 1 rayeirevvnc, a4icrff-icw wj iiinca, sir. a ' tar at the rate ol a -ill a day t eMryO Onthe fh ult. t bis residencejft Hertford r -heeo. 11 ' pu5he tarlh tiough; ppitn- ,WH ru' ' fr kits a little fine frover it, nY the.sbeep ;. g'nfr.' m Seoilana Neck, withia 8daytor consume it eagerly. 'This preserves h-in completing the 83dyearof her eMrfc'.Mafy jfA . . . I." ....I iu ft.M nlrti lat'd 111 til M' I u . . J.J" '.I '. r ( . j .. V 4ieciG(ra-ain!t rol.JJmer. Fanneti : : t Tlie late papers contain mothanthe. usual Drt)D'oVtion;of sureides for this c'oun? try-some ofthc cases, areT men who, never tin tne ir tasv uci, nowcu B;!jiv"in of insanity and ' who -seem.', to; have : been led to that by thV situatiinf; thfetrr pri U'fa aff.ra Tiiere is itirutb aereat depfesaion of every iuit?-tha. ''usujttfjr. ied to 'gain j but ts' not his Repression nursuUsr AicultUre is to this dayfal Hi ' CtlaUl ift Mj . --- - pd urate Hhdr vaona. . for crowdei and anptofiUble emplomeata-rr m 4 iri?XT.. iTT an.T onl ttT no tK CtV RwtV. ; f. W lillYlJLl ut .auu' mivivu M, 'V y w ., -.-jc: a., I at Judeville, Surry .county;, on; the-191U. 1 :'v"(. or May, ,oy .lesse; wa , living u ,uwh-. iiunn- ; : i. west frum KockforuV - aoaio ouie oortn or JortesvbV, aUAV MAE7yeaw old.4 feet S inches high; three, white feet,; wliite in fter"face a knot on the inside ptJLtie left tm-jtv rove io llOGK', body, JiraiseU at 1 lulls: 'is t V : 4 TN'OTE of. hand. on Soii Rdrr; ?? ADuHarViven asU lai lecbileiqe-.;; ; tin Kntfinaber tafekA Datable' tbexatii ot VV i-i.i t ftUmty. n thcSutCriber lreoC therefore frarq lPi4V5?J'? i : a , '. 'jV .;.;;T';'r' . a. , ' v , - v, -a-'-: - r.v-i. :' u--;. i : vet .NVie, ot the ;fnikr ,tber.( pnying, oj e .um , . v.v - i 1,