1 -M A ' . i t . a j wrought 1 SO ;Od(s: 28 la'SO " ' '. true ,'toifo'i!,r,!,B potion w?l-au;iXftr ' Wcw trial, a?,,,? lHt1, v v Doay: was taken home t tp his Tegidence. 5 his, wife sUrtdjfpr : physician!!)'; great 9 JLtbit the f-rbn might be e.naed t,o '."rrv up t's case by ctrfioran, in the e .itif'hU . inability td give security f..r befo the: Supjfeme;;Cpurt, twa .the wieks .since, (--t.i til'flnd';Mesirs. be aw ell DF.RS For uic vr - - nd BADoraKf jrrisoner, out ine ae ;on of thi ludgw, virt-not be promiilg Led until ft'e.Cotirt1 adjourns. If rent oris UKei ,u us. 'ir.' VJ - 1 are 'sustained Xmgh iJJUsjin: be (pit upon his trial., Jf-hey are not sns-fcnedr.itin'rU Vlow, Vfo-wiU pronounce Judgtneut ac- cording to iaw. r ; made in :tli&;year,2000Mto the grand na- cation from, " almost honorable sourci?' tional : cemetery inf the:Regent'5 Park " thatlr Randolph took atr ith the The foliowmg a specimen of the" itrlS': Commander of the ship of war m which iv tic ,iias ciuuai Kciif as soon as tUo-gui. uii iiiV eyeests uPn a "P st.one' Perfect- board. He directed Capt' PerrV-M "sail iy free from ornanvent, covered , with curiouslv : t ro t?oi.n " cutchkracters that resembled neither the Greek, J; .ui. Pigeon rar, Chinese, or Stiscrii. t.r I couIdrdeci-I ser of l"e ship were still in Norfolk, t She pher them, they ran thus ' 'o' did not sail, however, until the next , Ii? honor of Robert Owen, the Prince of Paml- morning. Thi story mayJ not be" quite Mofrrams.the Architect of rial Castles, & the ejtacf hut iv -nhklt nnr'h. Jil t Hero ot i,ood.IiientionF. After seeing all his i.rt.rt r i -e plans uhdertodd and acted upoo, he retired to heaf Fit" portentou.s freak orjracas-. his cotta'ge, nirthe North PoTe ; where he in- perhaps of the arrival, of a Minister Plen- haste ; oh4)er way she stopped.ata pump to unnK, tel! down shortly alter and ex pifedrshe was' taken Home immediately andjaid out a, corpse by the side of her thusband. ;, :r t - On the same day in New-York, a man named Thomas Dougherty, returning from the funeral of a relative, 1 stopped at a pump in Division street,; & after dunking fell down in a convulsive state. ; He, was taken to a house and medical assistance obtained, but in vain. He has left a wife and two children jOn the next day, a man named Smith driver of one of the Bowery, Stages, died in Mott street in consequence of having drank cold water ; white the coroner was yejt holding an inquest on the-body, he was called to inquire into another case of death which resulted from the same cause. trduce;d orrler and sociality among the; Bears, 1 ipotentiary attCronstadt in durance vile na preparen mscooeot laws tor the govern- We know Captains of the Navy, as well ?n,ra mSt.vLK Ik sKmarb,e raised tu as Commanders of Packets, who would ns memory by the uihabuants ot a Lunatic ., ; . . i r ramer taKe the sea serpent or the snost oti Sugaritoinmi teit&V " '& "fe" dJSOa ;VyS24 'i9$Nhnb V 4 rThe Electionlfor.Members of ;tKe-: Le , 1 "Vv slatare&Sherill$,totkplace anThara' day last;-in the counties of iGrknvillVV - 1 V FrahklfoNasV Wdl&c&W:":v have received, the return's TromOnnViuV'':'' 0!!'-?' Rayner, of BerticandthanieV W; Kerr, of Danville Va. have been Admitted to the practice'of Law in? thi Statethe. former in theCbUntynJi the .latter Jn. vthe Su- nerio'r CoSirts .( 5 "K; !; 5e DeKwlt'i been said by fyreinersr that -Americans; are rematka- hie forTusinghigh flownwords in describ- n" Hie IIHv iiiuai j wvwuii.i tivvoi liink we inay safely Sefy any of our cuuh- trynien, toequal the grandiloquence dU plajed by an English Editor, .who mcom- mcnting on the enormities of a angfol sheep stealers, says ': The unfeelVng wretches who "niansled j the . shep, have seen perhaps an Unexpected effect of thejr wicked ues," flnd ifht horrifying accumula tion, ofihitikpom Another pdper itftioticing a hail; storm which octui red recently, observes, hit asted about halt an nour wun greai vi: encel; ihahy'of the stones, or rather, ag glutinaitd concretions of indurated hail, measured nearly uiree uicucs in uimm: erence.;v. . - -s5., ' ''- v ' - Ih theJast Message, which Mr; Adams ent to - Congress, the, following passare occurs, lin .relation to the: powers 6P. the General and State Governments : wTheeaVof a: Conflict f between these two powenf has hot; beenv supposed ; nor has any provision, been- made for it Tu our institutions j as a virtuous ntionof"an: cient times exisieu more man live ceiuu ries, without allaw for the 'punishment of parricule,;';'; ;. What a delicate,,, yetcutting rebuke this, to the political , disorgahixers who are meditatih the dissolution, of "the Onion ?-7.V; ; ' 'lie, mtitJffSVf scarcely open & paper from anypartoftthe which does not mention? the excessive, wannthj .rn v.'.'.' ' . . . rrn I . . J t I. . - . 01 we .weatnerv - ineneai nasuepiiquue oppressive herethoughour .Thermome tecs have not rangedcar high, as n places jwnnen north.: ; lhe ercuryrqse on ' f uesay' last to 95 ,bUJias rarely xceed 9pl frpm the- complaints of the New York andThilaaelphia; Editors they must We hada full Specimen of the scorching neat wnicn uoiosmitn aescriDeu a ue ngingto,thi tbrrid'.iohe - ! 1 Those blazitie sun that dart a downwartl ray, And fiercely shediintolerableday.-x .V In Vashirigton tiitf too' we hear ;tKe -ui nas oeeii very oppressive, me - i J Of Comfort The JSditor of the Bos ton Courier attempts tp console the pale faced Southrons, who, notwithstanding the Tariff,' are flocking to the Northern j Cities" in crowds; in search of health or pleasure. The heat is so oppressive that theiSouth-Caroliniahs and Georgians who nave visited Boston, begin to think they have jumped out of the frying pan into ) the firei" The Courier insists however that the present is uot a fair specimen of the Boston Weather, and kindly advi ses their, Southern friends, to come again' irt January, when, he says, we can show them how we. manufacture the ice tliat now cotds their Champagne, and makes theiv Claret and Lemonade so delicious." ; University of Virginia. -The visitors of ihis.University have just terminated a session of ten days, during which .thenar c&ncy in the Law Professorship of that Institution was supplied by the appoint? ment of John G. Davis of Charlottes yille.. -The place of Secretary to the iBoard of Visitors, vacated by the abovci appointment, was conferred' 6i Dr. Frank Carr, of CharlotteWillc. ff- ' Dr. Faustus, across the Atlantic, than the 1 DAn.,ln AT i Tl.A vi:n.i;iu d--.i u,ftlul Wl KWUUkC' ut uiw.- , tug iiiincugciiiic ivccurucr ftajs iiizti ur,t jempieipn ifeia of that town has Danville, Ky. July ir stamped about SI 00 worth of Georgia The proposition made at the last anni i " I I . I T I 1 -1 1 . . - Gold, with harulsnmp iW. hpvino- thp verharv WI l,ie uanvme colonization ao i r 1 r t r ciety, by a gentleman of the TVc, has actual value or each p ece of metal, in u 1 tVi aL ' , i r J It ; . been promptly met. Eleven other .gen parcels of S2 50, ga and 810. Mr. tlemen have subscribed their names as R. also intends making an establish- life members, at glO each, making the nient in the gold region for the purpose! round sunri of 0 This in addition to ofassavin.o- and marking the .Pold as it oiner hums collected trom our philanthro. r v 1 ! 1 11 . P'c citizens, makes the nett sum of 8220, may be found, which will be a great con- 1 . , ' . . JT V, 7 j - . t . 0 . , sutiicient to transport ten free blacks rto ven.ence & saving to the miners whojiave Liberia. Let other Societies do as much. heretofore, been obliged to part with the and tlfe people of Danville and its vicini precious metal in I its crude state at a loss j ty wilt try again 5 and may Heaven pros- of from five to fifteen per cent. N Per the work- Louisiana. The Electron for Governor There is truth, freely out candidly of this State, and for Members of the Le ; Upokenm the subjoined cpncluding para L'islature. took place on the 8th inst. The grP OT an ftSsay wn,cn recently caugiu returns for Governor, as far as received. our eye in the Middlesex (Conn.) Gazette sive for A. B. Roman 2043 votes : for A. under the signature of Civis. We agree BeauVais 932 votes : foPW; S. Ham lton w" tne writer entirely -main was in tne 597 votes ; and for D. Randall 344 votes, power of Gen. Jackson, if he had cast off It seems probable that the Election Will the trammels which were thrown over have resulted in favor of the first named him the moment he set his foot within of these Gentlemen this District, so to have administered the At the same time took olace the Elec- 2vernment as to increase his popularity tion of Renresentatives to Conrres.; In rather than diminish it. He had only tp the Kw Orleans District, there Was no follow the magnanimous counsel which, opposition to the re-election of Edward n the year 1817, he gave to Mr. Monroe, D, White, the present Representative then about to enter upon the Presidency, From the two-other Districts we have yet arid he would have been rewarded, on b'ls ho material re tu rns. -i-.W. Int. retirement, at the end of, the Presiden tial term with almost universal appropa- Mr, Clay being on a visit to Columbus, tton. -A at. Intel. I K. war' k it & i-.:. L .u r r u The want of confidence of halt the t,.'n teml,.rilfto hi,,, the compliment of "hon the government, does not ar.se a public dinner, Which he accepted, and "v v.. .... 9 III ICI.CHC "11 lilt- xvi 11131. a uv v-i r - , , .v- . - . - . -r I . ments 01 tne anminisurnon, anu can I i At present there are four candidates for the crown of Greece : The second son of the King of the Netherlands -Prince Aibert of Prussia, the Prince of Hesse, 'and the Bavarian Prince. Speaking of' Mr Chilton, the Louis ville Focus observes : ''A majority of Mr. Chilton's district. we are informed on 1 good authority,' sus tain him in the hisrhininded independent, ami truly., patriotic course '1 pursued by him during the late session of Congress, ( .The meeting which called on Mr. Chilton to, resign, was composed of abou t & dozen ;perons.'? - 4 . . "Mr. .Chiltou District was among the jinost decidedly Heroic irf Kentucky. ! "V . - ' ' -sfir- . ' V ; rfTOTTFB. relates en cases or a. combust tion of, the human body from the use- of ardent spirits, ali of which are attended by proofs sti facie tit to authenticate Any possible evebl. One of the cue.is stated in the .following language . """It ts Jjie case of a Avoman eighty years of . -age, exceedingly " meagre, wlio had drank 'hnthin'sr but ardent spirits fur sev, eVat years. ; -She was sitting in her elbow cnair, wniie ner waning maiu wem. oui 01 tl$ room for a few 'moments. On her re turn Seeing her mistress on fire, she im- -.-. . P-.i- iuy.i: K ' l - " Wieuiapeiy jntve uie aiitriu, anu suuir:, uc was lumbus State Journal says, "We are much gratified to see so spontaneous a movement. a:-d general concei t of action i n th j s ; mis t reSpec tabl e and worthy c fas of our fellow icitizens." This class of citi'.ens -seem every where disposed to take their political affairs into their own hands a sad state of things for, dema gogues, ffnd politicians by' trade.- lb. ' : ' ' ' 1 . ' , " ' .. .; At he late Westminster Election Din ner inr London, Mr. O'Connell said -" He gloried in proclaimlnghimsetf a Radical Reformer ; by which he under stood Universal Suffrage, Vote by Ba I lojt and Annual Parliaments." This Was e jjui'valeht to a, proclamation of war i in terAtiwnem agai n s 1 1 Ii e B 1 i i shr C onst ito -tlhh Khd Govelrnmeht . A wise 'reformer would 'chnfine himelf at fifst to what coutil bf deemed .practicable. . Verylwild proiei'ts sometimes bring xintoj suspicion' th e sinceri ty of the projector. Nat. Gaz. ranging tmmj"bD toyp ;ana ,wnatj pc vwuin v w..,v. maRes.the matter worse, n ght, is .said: Uf T"Z- V-i 7C i f 1 "1 k VTr: . - ,& A ... i hii hands, but they adhered to them asil &nng no abatement tffUhe-heat- In "this t ihev ha(j been dinpediin brandy or' oil on cHmate we'ari orpalr favbred ih-havihs-'F thmate we'are grealy favored , in -having vmost lnvariaplya'pleasant breezejiight In Richmond the 'Thermometer has' sen to 97$' BafiioreorjJiff fel delpbja, to;96$;in '8ton, to jHn,N? 4v : Jersey; to lpO; at Saratoga o in3 Connecticut; to.99, i JProvidenceVtv -t' PhiladelphUftp Persons died irtWtcitnth Vst f;o Inftwo Uayi,'6men 'beUifttng'. fd. tKe- ta!f!srfiSk'rt,Tiir .on tb, ;i,waa&f.$a' fire. Water way brought and thrown on Ika hrlv in'ahiini ntirp. vpr IhP, nrp an- teared more violent,. and,was not extin- euished,tilL the whole -body had;;been consumea.v . 1 ne. Jauy wasm:, wre ,sarae "piace Jn'Whicn she day jthere waano eitraordinanff fire, and she .had not.tauen.? , -r 'vi- ferent Postma;tpra fhrrtiiffhfHif.'fKaSSf-. to favor : nsYea?ljr as bfaiticib1etwi iij the resul tbf;the Erection ineresriec! J$t Ve cdu nUes V . Ftrtke .VilIiam M.Snee5Kplt:C ' cerO'Brieu 784 ; .WSiMKJlanahinreOS Ivey v v V' f ! V Aer(-Xes1 OUlian Il72 iV Wesson : f U 5: Araongsf thetmen what dirie-dvV" iVMsSf5 '5 " ' 'f'Vf For " CTiuW one; and one .f r Mnic..' cH'e ; Shame on the se with whicl ,t fcu.'.i begaft The V are all-for JOaUna Kl!jLfn - ! In FayettevdK Mr. 'Thomas JLirttoiVJS: Miss- Rachel P. WalSon. - ? ?-fff'' V Vv tv died. , -v In this city, very suddenly, on Frkl4y44veniifer last, Mrs.' Eliza Child. ?Alsp; piv,tle sa?ieve. n'hg,.of a protracted illness, MrH Esther Came- . ronfl)f Wilmjntpn,-in this State On the 25th julu the Rev, Jqsiah James Kirk patrtck, Pastot of the Presbyterian Congreja-v tion of Fayetteville. He vww ordained to the holy office of thel Gospel Ministry, ana iristalfed to the pastoral chaf peith the reasonable Hope , and expectation of seetng-.thejWwrk -ol the lord pr spcr through his instmetalijyBut,; alaal ' a few brief days and He was Called trdhi bis labors At his reside njee, in Robeson county, ;ori the 24th wlir ' Lewis Barge, Esd in the 60th year of his age,, deeply tegtetted by'nunerous nclrolc qf friend aid acquaintnncs " 'f ?"uy ' On the 2 1st ult at. his residencein Mason Co. Ky. Colonel Duval Pay ne; in tlwey$7tb year of his acre! His father1 was Mr. , Wilfia'm'.Pavne. aVerv respectably high-minded, and honorable geiW' ' ; iifiiUHi, or rairraxvcinniijf ; v. vine atmc WHO (as reluierl by Ramsay, in his Hfe of AVasbington,) . J );V once, on a rsu jden quarrel in. tjli Courthouse yard, in Alexandria, struck' General then ;lBoloV , : i r" nel) Washington tothe.&round. Vi , fl W kv K.HI I, XT'-HJilirFMr - i.1 . S ,V JSatttral Curiosity. Oi Saturday last, ve were presented by a citizen 61 this county, with a chicken with four, feet. four wings, two hecks, two bodies and one head, all the parts appearto beijjer- lectly well formed with the exceptibn of the bodies, whichjare Joined somewhat m the manner of the Siamese Twins 4)oth neck, are united, rat the proper place to the.hcadi ff 'arrenton Reporter. Francis Granger has been, nominated! for Governor of New-York; by the elect ors of the county of Suffolk (Long Island-) Thus there will be three candidates sup ported by djfferent poJiticalL interests- Enos T, Troop the acting Givernor, by the Recency, orYan . Buien Party, or to spea k -more accurately the Repu bl ican Party Erastus . HootTbyf the., Working Men -Francis Granger by -Anti-Jabkso-: niahs, supported ty the.'f Anti-Masons and probably thousands 'of independent citizens It istpredictpdlby several YorkDaDeiS .thati.GrVnser's nomination wiU be enthusiastically seconded through ine dtate. men, vrmg'. never be remeilied, unless by the improve ment of the administration itself.,;; If the President, with firmness and nubility would set his fape against all intrigue, and dihcountenahce every mean artifice with all its abettors, he might soon change the face of affairs in every depatmeht of government. Let him patronize no scur rilous and licentious press as the vetiicle for publishing the laws, & discountenance every attempt of bhhalf to domineer oyer the other, and to insult them by carrying important measures by a bare constitUr tional majority, which is in fact a ' real numerical minority of the free population; Let him shew-t'he same regard to honor, integrity, and" right, in . hisnominatioos tti office, and in his transactions with the Indian tribes, as he would, consider him self bound to dg in hi personal dealings with a private man Let the majority of the legislature, and of .tlie executive offi cers, then imitate his example:' We should, soon havevthe best , ad mini stration, as we long have ha"u the most loyal people of any government m the world." fplf ERH will be a Ball, antfv Party, it hocc X , .Springs, !oa theeveningssjofjL the $th ami , f. 0rxi!u qfK Newspapers Th e Marshal, who "has been : tal Jog i the Census in the bout a hou seethe inhabitants are civil and i taken, the iinniatesvare; unwilling ; to ?ei- i - -The Common Council, 6n Wednesday scrintion of stork to the, amount of 1 VAdtian' doltaf&z x the ".Virgiqia 4 aiidj oiaiiryaroiiiia. i rausporiaiiuiioiHpaojfi Xhlaittiir i ti s s ttmated ,i wi 1 1 en abl e thti Company to supply, all deficiencies;in:the process of. navigation jiiid t ransportatic n, (which feave5 jieretofdre limited theSk op: -i-1 jJa :-. :iriv" mi grations', Vina 'to ; afford rfac11itrek,nr re quired, tomdmduatenterpnse , . yU- Ji 'rlV-J'SA'. r Norfolk; Herald -,x r-..'- . - .r.'-'4ttBBsu f"Hfw ucisu.ws, upon. iue,auiaonijio a cuiamuoi-juuiguisttui a.uic tMn-mtj bb. gr- jierf.H:, Je S95 - "' "-Sf2 Sx fs--' V 4 ?.V, The followinj; is ah extract from, the Oration delivered by A. H. Everett Esq. at Boston on the 8th inst.4 When;Charles Carroll of CarrolUon crosledthe hall, another member sport ively remarked, as he passed before fhim fc Tliere gbes half a million of money atthedash of a penI?' The clear ancj: beautiful character of hi signature evin ces that his mindHvas undisturbed by the sinister prediction.. Carroll was im mensely rich j -but he reckoned his!. gold as dross in: comparison with honor, con science and liberty - He chose' wisdom in preference to wealth-t mean true wis. donir the wisdom of the 15cripturesr- w hich i Honesty, Y i r tu e -Kel iron i ; and esperiencerhas snovn that, in his cits eV as in every other, length of-'daysi is 'ihiier rignrnanu ; :anu-in ner ieit nana :riciies apdnonoTf. Charles Carroll .ol. Carroll ton is the ontrsigner who survives, to' wit netjie fifty-fourtK anniversary of" this greaxuay -wi? receivej as tne. ii v tug reu resentativexof rhis fellow-signers, the grateful homage of the' country " He .sur vivesrwitb -nndiminished? wealth ; "aod; J may add, with Undiminished aTaentjT to s take it- witfibu t iiVsltation,: u pbri :tb e jr suit ni auy nonorauie anu useiui jenier- 1 n vesica & pnncej i lievethan fifty thoasansand 'dollars, 'fti the mi u more ana 11 nioMiaii -ttoau : ;ana wtieii ve heard it, ;felfjvritizen mtte'd-theinorttb'iHhe racV of ttie signers oi.ne ueciarauon was exunct in PROFESSOR OF MUMfj: " r ' ;:S i G-entlemen'of Plymouth WashiVgttm, Ntew bern, Raleijrh; Faytitteville, and other places int the route through" Nprth-Carplinaptnitv he a ?A. now oil Jhjs ttour .Visiting, the abqve mentioned - f''VA p.1 ce, for theVhrpose, of TUNING & STRlNGe ' t ING PIANQ'FORTfi. F'r'2$1?f 1 I 'l?' .f-Mr.tnake it' for thft tprsenLieipwssly' . " V'ir" liis business, travelling' thrdOi'h the . State,t for : tne Duroose aoove menuontra i.nor oeeftim ii cares tor, ho$r, many persons oave goneor intend - -v-. v ' yj. going, through that district iorani tf Jheir bui. j irru4 stness.v"bat simply -because he teeis desirous tof l" honorably earning few 'dblfars'.V He wilt tike . ' . '"i:.i care to::procevrecbmhtendVUow6wiW respectable persons, in Edentn, where;he is; . :ZkY1 now employed in TuijiJiglUNpS & ORGANS- V -ct so thut those who lhv future ttiav:Teel:dinhWlt.' . " " to honor him with their, bafromige? miyhbtYbd f ' ., J ... . 1 X ' r-t..J .l3: I"-' 1. V - Si i ' cious iosinuatlons ot teiliun" un.w(Srthv indivw' . Edenton, Ju-y 8. . y-. ; . 94 3'v , ' 'V-.'i- " " Superior Courtof LiwAprn Term,-1800 ' : 'IVrVV --t.V MPetition fpCDivorce;- ; ify ;.EU Bryant,3:VV.rf; r. ',1 s;"s ; -1 ORDERED by Court; i thaWpoblicaoa he L " - " ' made1 in ihe'Nbrth-Carolina S pectator, 6d ' . " KU' Rileigh' RVgister, that the Deiendanr te: 'and 'I' 'i-'U apoear.'at thei rfcxt SfiJerior- Court 'df-'Law! tn , " 7 oe oeia iorjneJLJOonry.of naywooa, at tne Uoort -. ;t tlbune W Way nesville, the Wednesday ,a ter . tne 4tn Monday in beptember next, hd, Dlead or ansVertO the Plaintiff's netttionr th' same ajii oe uesru cvpane. ; - "r- 4, ; AVitaess, Joha Lpfve,' Cleik of Wid Court, at Office, the 3d. Wednesfiav.aftr iHaHi tnnV' ' .a r a, :i i oJrt . ' ' ' I - , : : sons love, fjs..a T . C f xrxu: rAT:; 'Avnir- , ; Au4ui7.yyicy-7-,i d uties; vyuiiiy . "r.- fiUiperior, Court of Law Mrcl Ternii i830, . , J, i L .Tasey fc. Adams vs., Spencer Adam. 0 Hf"' i " f Petition far Divorce. '' " - j':'" TJROCLiMATlON eiinFmVMQODia;- : T:V: JL, lenaam caiieo ana wieaxo answer t Whereby 1 u. 'k. upon it s oraerca tnat .Judgment bettered pro 0 r . contesso against jQin, and . that , publication pe ; made foflthre months, in the Raleigh .Register " v - v " v and Sta.f that the defendant appear -at the ext V- . - V : I .on '1.14 tV ....J '.T ' '' f ''-! , lenniCT nexi, nieu im mere io pieaa or demur,; - or final Judgment will be entered' against tarn. 1S1 .';Vt . 1 T ESPECTf UELY iafc,. . t!.ihhbitaBtt of, , ! EUabetb;Citi?RleWh, Vewbe ;Wash- ' ?.lr, dcies: not. make a practice -tS triveUinjf ; ' -Vv -v -j the;:cpuntvfoh "thf i vV advejiifemeni but so many personslaVvmg goneTV -?-'X 5 1 througii fhsbicrWho kAd'nothing att: fA ipr the 'business; twi induced, him tf umlcruke -"j ; .V'-.Vf