...- -,IIrc ijfFirilifJ vei.r i v.cui;imenas tnej former COUrea; as. a wiwilu-cju-uc) ui-y uuuuw jjow. aujj ineu jjck, uu a jmuc wimjuiiiju ,V.-r ..r -- v., v v,,, vS,r ,- - nreferabU The River U rat-Vd to he waltt-and betake;himself once ranrB.Ctb tjuWs,ttf wh( UV gcnVra Irffoshi-ixcent 'i thfWlciiiW V?1 , sack,, notwithstanding toK?1!? uteKoCMpHxj oVcrs&iWfor , pi . alneatand ; excelteut-1 frhneVihaft ihit mbuntainsL Nicliolas Bid- Cft5W;c UnWsity of Ah 1 v X 1 . 'ed, tli answers-both rom , Uie n.w?icn,wg given., it . a- wnootu a,na tD -Int' and the fewMeVtattVWipi beauttfut appearance; ; J -: ; r?L ,r ctiurid that had4een;UV ;:,The Wsult of the meeting asiap- . .hen the wbbl Contineftt oWrt, I ?n fhe exarariiMhich 'hai been set by the Citizens ot MecwcDpur j J Vtter was also r,eceivedanpuOisnH..i ! from a KeVOlUtionaryjrai)Haraaii, agt;u, v? Oar realer? w... oere. nax i if a doubt hoii Id sUIb remain Jn the ind of any ont on thia important inci jlent in the History: of this State, we can farms.1.! such person with a'copy of a pam Lhlet, which, to say trouble ip ansver- ?nr u? numerous applications that were Col. PM-HreMm'ta it at the U' was nublSWhUat Ms eipence. A..d jf, a fte-f eadiiig,.t.hi3 p;imphletany fur ther explanation be .desired, e jiave no doubt,' that Col. Polly will, ;at an j time, be read y to give )t j'l ,. - r 'fiie following is the letter vof Mr. Jef FivRsoj to Mr. Adams, alluded to : 'i , Monttetltoy Jiy9, 1819. pixi Sir : 1 anvin debtto you for your lej-t'ot'ily-the 21st, 27th, and June the 22d r The firs', ilelivered me by Mr. Xireenwood, gave j-ie thelg ratification 6t his ncqtiAintance ; nnd a ratification it always isto he inade acquainted villi gentlemen of cahrfpWQrtf and informa tiorr) as I found Mr, greenwood 'to he. Tha', on the subject f 'Mr." Samuef Adams VVells shall nut bei.forgotter. in time and place t,wnbn it can he nsetl to hiad vantage. , , . V - r,ut v hat has attracted mj peculiar notice, is t've paper from Mecklenburg coUrrty, of l-Nl d. published in the Essex Register, which iyou v ere kind as to incfose in your lajt, of June iiie 22d. And rod seein to think it genuine. 1 Ijelieve it spurious. I deem it to be a very un jiisttfiuble quiz like that Of the" volcano, ; s mi i.utcly related to .'ua (&i having brofc en mrt in N. i::in.lina, some' half d ozen yearsrag-o, in that part of the country,8 and perhaps in that very county of Meckitnburg, for I (do not remember its pre cise locality. If this paper be really taken from I fee Italeiglt Hegisteri as quot ed . I wonder it fitou Id have escaped ldtcnie, woo. culls what is lt)od frpm every; paper, as the bee- from.every fl6ver ; and 1 ih.e National ; I ivt elllgeixcer, . i 00', which is editeiljjpyrtfcCtolinian- that the fire sh6ud la?e outNj all at once tn'Esse3 one thousand mdes from where. the spsrk is aaid 10 have fallen. ' Bui if really taken from th Ra leigh ltegister, who is the narrator and is the name subscribed teali or is it as fictiritSjfis as the paper itseffi It appeals, ibOj to un - original boolc. which is burnt, io Mr.. Alexander vvIjo is ii art, tg a joint, letter irom vasweii, Hughes ana Hooper, all dead,, to a copy sent 1J the dead Casweil, and another sent to lioctor Witlwmson, now probab1yiedf not re- tollect," in:he;ihisti)rYihe.ha8 vrtten of irNrtb- rkrolintVlfiiftTjpcig'nticrlfeiep ofj its county of MfGkienburf Ilorrj'i too is silent iir pus lustq r. Marion, whose scene of taction L was t he nmntry 'bordering on Mecklenfrurg. Uatnsay, V.arshaH-Joitesr'GirarditV -Wirt. ..ItistbrianS4if . a5im itatfi. nt thp 1n11.t1.11. ,,nce or ecKienwing crnnxy, ot tii-Uaro. lma, absplviDcr. tt ..hW-,the British allecriance. .ml abjuring all political connection ' with that i.atioialdugh-nt Congress too, is never liparn tU It i nnr krinwn v-n-a u.-l rnntli I after, when imi1af broiriosiilon is firai maa;.v! ituat body. Afroea7-v-tll'sbold Sample, vouut no) you have addressed our tirrtid bfeth- renin peuln of thunder; on their tardy? fears would not every advocate of independence have '4- ( I 'le paper sneakV t4'; of: the;' continued, .eie'r-" "Rue!,,; r 10 ine cause or iiDeriy anu inaepen-1 "ence Now. vou rdmembei' as well as I do f Wm re had not a greater fory in Congress than 'jcr ; mai ttucrnes was very wavennET, some I . ul suiuevijijes eeuie, accori UltV Was rtftt n Mrtitdv iliif 'footill 1 !hf 1 whil? he Was -present r but tht.Jie C.'(J IJf on, a"nd thefrUine of conduct!" became T C '11? "utsioou as sugsrestme any doubttul Store of Thomas Al.;Johri "Qhty, toeceivetthe Report & Woodson He states tbat.there are-but -three m r" oe eaailv rmAvPff:'iinrt'f.t thm? pic; 4nVii,;iaU l f 'l ,1 of the iame bounty dated Jan au, f " ,uui part, w uic 1820 stating thitXhte WaiTreicnt at the Stock as they, majk deem proper and ad .,L. ?n PhArtoHpwhVnfhcUesolu- disable. V ' v- Hai! ne seeu inisanmonai iesu-r- v v . " " , ' " 1 mf 'it U probable, he might have changJ niomentous results- If ever .ther was a 'Spectator, sent to the Editor of the Re- P( hiv opinion as to ine, creuipiiujoi mis- , , a x, harbor bvthe late gale with arequestthat a Ki8toril fict. - - MnA??gh Ahesutted in the LnvHp,;f KaiiTj k.vn tu the adjacent tates,'sl'silent;.iWien !rlen. 'J",!u;Il,a" 'S,,:tr u,?pcul" "'' iv's resolutions; far short of indepejiencllew uivholeWme atimerit on. which they !'w 'btiTSa ctrifttf jr,g .i amiable eteac. diflaratiori of the, saroe date, of the indenen- Previous to ttie, prorogation 01 Pari iament. rng trie gloneaot MecKlfnoorg county, in N, v I rl r :i K -i -v - -r (Molina, io'thers;f tbf dflting lkinsop4 chance oq relieving the distress of f.nd others, 'who tiurtg so heaVdy 6n ns? Yet4 Ireland bv arranging a scheme bf emigra- im ofKoaroRn Novate wa, fcaVolifci shail nullify the acts'of the Gen. r l j,,vely, that thispapet is a fabrication:1 because &ral Government. Independent ol the W llwp'?fVffflJe absurdttv.of this .insinuation itself, the -4 J , nt I shall beiieve-.it v-such' until 'positive .--.s- .i " . ' , . ' t v I!. l4ljktetn prootV oOtaautheiiUcity -sb'an' be me is gona by when tle New-York Cour-' 1 M lSIuctd- And Mne pme of McKniti b fnitBociuifer is considered authority J ' II rt' ai,d not a partof the fabrication, iit "needs .r1"' v . I - ' vi J'T ' ' by the pr0d(rcpn of such proofs lo an jr thing. - -r- i i :. 1 1 or the present, 1 miistTje'an unbeliever, in 'the ' . -5e-' -v . " 1 - 1 7 V, rTI :rJEVfF4tS0N. tf - "" f wtl cvu " ' 1 fer ' v '4aga' ; x" ? : friends of the NewberSpcctator,, inr al "Hope ;i?iif cJ.Wf 4taye deasu re Iwsiqi to oqr remarks and' those the , bating, that in jFridV laslVa riuriiber Editors', of thVStafr nheretioa f ,D5"heen emnlo red . ttnak 4 rvoV- nH friend Hawk EfetnhiQ spirit1 of toio'd't the T?;v- ' X ;,K , ?c l-,J-V ?t 'fellowshinSt brutherl vdoY?Whichbreatheft Kr. Uement& Report-was a, fcorable ki.tr;tf;r. "St bc-eitlniiVrWVcl iA JL'1 h'-V'" rc ioj-thebeueBtorbUheatthVutexwrid nlWd atid Jea J thenar i e;Grnibqro?Patr ot tortwwy so Jongvar bey cotitinuc u rrparfrr tw--T4 I'J I X. - ' 7 morwu) xo ne..next: general AstV"' prajrjng for an Actto ijpcorp4,rate a Com- ? ' U.r o" ' taU inueuco w,,, naw. ivver wruwr- - - ' V - i7;"Jj? f rs . . . ...J ' .4 .f ' fi,. , . , . . inevierroinauon or a.ampaign whicu j breaking up of a nest of Pirates,, who have been fdr many years the scourge of Christ endom. ; It emanated from a source as rtiystericius as the Tountain oif the Nile i but tiptpjce the IJewhen returning to its b0d, hks;it left ; fatness! and fertility be- u nu 4 Vf m oe seen ipax me Adelines MB'!; upwards of ten lAcmo?'. wounded; and that of the Freiich,at about five thousand. ilt wiU be seeualso that the Kins of France! permitting feeling to usurp the place of sound discretion, has, in the ex cess of his rejoicing at the conquest of Algiers, dissolved the Chamber of Depu ties a n,d trampled n the freedom of v the Press. :-i France appears upon the eve of another' Revolution:, which cannot now be averted I .. 1 Ireland. Next to the political excite ment il France and thfe taking of Algiers, the cb d i t'.onjbf f I rcl an d is te most inter estiiic subject of vhich we Have intetlv gence by the late arrival. The distress is represented as beings at its height, in that unfortunate country and is not con iioed to particular districts, but is general as well as extreme: ; Persons in this country; can scarcely : realize, even in imagination, tbousands of individuals to tally destitute of the common necessaries: of life and actually dving frohi stKrvation. Yet such is the fact if the English 'papers are to be credited, and what motiie can there be for esaserationin such matters 2 Instances are meiitioned of persons hav ijig" bledthc cattlefpr thejurpose of sub sisting dn the blood j pifl'mmilies having lived for weeks on the coarse leaves of cabbage and on the leaves of .the field, without ahy other food": and in conse- qaepceK the poor creature appear with sunkeif t'eyes, haggard and ? emaciated . countenances, exhibiting a mixture of : : ..' 1 i , .1 i- AV. rraviniiii fi tli r g; Rort peel Stated (that the Minister, - bad n(f intention of proposing relief by pubi6 nVney no permanent godd having i ' ,i s. . o s been effected bV such afneusure Zfhe Unded nronfietoVs, hi' InpedJ would . , ' . tf , A '.' , : ' thipk t their duty to apprd pr to the suherers: Re added that he saw a cOjbpips, than by setttng its surplus jpop uiation to ultiviite itsiwuste?lands' ; Xh?j N. T. Mvrr.ouer;& Ehalr- baS just retur ned from ;England, was sent -thitlier oil iin eXttabrdiiiary inission to as-- ; 1 T1tis tsalf verycieVer-iof t!ievfit brller oC fine' thinW satef perhapHbV thoUfftl bripf in it flnrntinn. hno' pflTrtPil hTtsme thai iUt tfrf itnf rf ih Nowharfi 1., ... 1 hn n.KKKtaii ipAm i rooT ixpitqin 1 r nitrti the influence Mbb" eating exereisHovetJcupving t to Joreathean atmosnhereel ooetrv their rciseH"fi are mtstaKen it omr-ieste then tr?at otif friends t Oxford i Salis&i-1 or our ca-sare.f - j? j in& wajr, we are ae Jight'ecVWitl! ?th"e sux2esti(a-'fconteinedyjti that Register about a central editorial TeasC i 'Let jthe"m1jr--nsk.ethfeDecesa r iafrangein en an d we agree t o Cu rnish, turtle and .ist'one crabs. -v.-W wish'to en cpaiuer Qur, oromers, paim ao palm, in their corpuscular dignity: At"prent, they seem but iry tortgueS, .who salable uamw; i;ai a Kiuuiv inyueuce tu re operations. He't not the project sleep. 77 , y - - . . rf ' fTrust us for thatED'-rs. Reo. - awW cottrtol,.The last Raleigh tivegisrer contains a column 01 caitoriau 0f acharacter very unusual now-a-tlays littcal opponents, the editors of the Ra leigh Stat v'The appearance of this mon ster of the deep, 1 20 miles inland, in fine- health and spirits, excited a sensation in Raleigh-and the Editors of the. Register take a suitable notice of the memorable event. This is Editorial courtesy to $ome purpose. -Freih Arena, " Treasury Note& We j hare learned from a satisfactory source, and justice to the Treasurer of the State requires us to mention it, that the rate which he has adopted in reference to these notes, when presented for payment, is, to refuse only those which have been altered from a smaller to a larger denomination. He loes TiuU it is said, refuse those which are merely, ragged or defaced- the in convenience: arises from the public gene rally not being able to-distinguish an al tered bill from one that is merely ragged. We know that the Treasurer of the State is an upright, honorable, and obliging gen- i.inan, and we have' no wish to cast anv imputation on his official conduct. We' repeat, that these notes are now a nut sauce and the St itet ought to redeem them as speedily as tlieyfare offered, and never issue any more of them. . -- ' . Newbern Spectator. We leart thatCol. Thomas L. McKen ney his been removed from'lhe situation at the head, of the Indian Bureau, in the yar Department. We do not know the precise grounds -of this- removal, but we believe it was the want of conformity of opinion with the Kxiecutive in regard to the pjlicy of the Government towards the Indians, , in certain narticdlarsi We have not heard that any one has been '-ap pointed in his place; 1 he station, though an important 4i nev was out a ier.Knp, not requiring confirmation by the Senate. we presume that tue t;ierk next to mm in the same office will succeed to-hii'dn-tes -Nat; Intel - V: K.- (t New York, Aug The Flour ' Market. SaYps were brisk. and the '.demand increased yesterday.. Sales of New -York were made at S5., and the, same.; deliverable two or three weeks fience ; but prices a Ivan cd to g5 5-8 before the close of Exchange hours and even-this price- was .at last, refused by t)i e jhil I e rs Troy ilou r, from or.il i n& ry . tv-heat sold at J(S5 j .and, western , flour t;i om , new vwheat, . was heltjat 5. W heat broyo-ht lOSSicents at which p'rice i250Q bushels 01 Baltimore were iold : ;. . ;.; ; 3Uftoii,N. V. Aug, 249 , . t The, l$ptings'Te Saos,-SiUci i the ; sort of, the fashionable, is, natwnhst.i tiding the tatexjess of the .season, sf ill crowded with coliiahy. Maiiy families 1 from the Stitrin f arrival' eve last " weelt'r-amon w hich5 af e (MOy to n I a tid ; fa nMi of Charleston. PMU!, et dignifieJ.C00rse piirtfefl ii thlbtemah, at the lafe t-' Ittcalwtttl inherlrt pf city, arfd j His1 un wea fl ed a t teni '0 tie al'th e tf i s:c"6tf afttung hiso0slirueilts ntustWraw ufotrnd him 'a1t.-tbo?eJatrf ?iswniw.A Kingsloif (Uppef Canada) -pwrf!m.s- from Amratlpe) Uldstrntivef the ill blood which xvigng-r in the .Southern States. '.Weuipe they vvfll be attiniively read nd considered. Wbenter the cri sis of separation- arrives,1 which we think not far distant, there will be enough for all hnmfjfc to; dcrr ftfwill entirely alter the relatioi;-if--Gfeat BUain with Jhis con tinent and.fhej'cjiangerwill be'to -hr, im mensely beneficf!.' :'. : " Jteicanfoand funishmthtsS'y hilst the Pieskleut ofthe Ilntted Stafes has,.a$ everybody knbwH'ctedtametrTcally inop- position to; iu Wn sd vice! o M ?Mont oe4 and" to -the principles preented;bv himself asthe'deterinlned vru te? bf vhis cond act, the Vn6ted.personai;dishkritarijHng from: dif- uerent. pnuueat DiaECS, exisieu ueiween E Fim,.nVl rh-inv. iKf 4hhii iLwtinrtiT-tn fnunif paf ;t,i bJ; Jtdjscreeti.' atjd prudent class of polittciaof both parties; Gdzl' ' King-or England 58eeds tuJ'have pat in practice" Genetaf-Jaeksfm'jt theory. - It is1 w e It known nbatrrf manyjy ears f previous tows; Witaro!ritscnilinjt the thrpne, a oi r rr?rH'': inena r-M suing satisfied that "lii!T";flreVcap6b(e',jiA fc-6n4f t4 thf King ;cratmpM;fhenir:!n I -n-ii-.i-ii't'i i ijifLT'j --.i4.T I vyaawuuwuiiiu i,Hvyw.a ,(-,.' v:t (-.', Rwi iintTn no trn IT' r' -r . -r die, of Philadelphia as a suitable- person - , ctasXreastfreand-rebeWe Baxions.coiiectea tn ooara ;tne TftnsMW Ij nlp.xm ;HhHjrIMrhis na a ctiit.-trilA, nrsnn I - steam'-boatvf(r. thetbenefit .of. Fnlton "PnR the Capiicl Square, ,otv Saturday , ? - ' rX afternoon; 11th insfciat halt, past 3 o'clock. netrs,: seems 10 oeeneraity ana tavora-i bly noticed 5 :and,&by tlie toilovring arti eleg it: wpll be seen, that by a respectable meeting, lately held ill that city -be has been confided with the trust": 'i7cV Fo Meeting . i;v Phdelnlf.a. 1n Thursdayj 26th lilt,' was respectably kttentJed, as wen as to chaweter s .numbefs.' Matthew Ca ry was called to the cJiairi and P. S.luDbnceau and JohnlVairghan appointed Secretarfe. ' The t. ; 4. . .. . . 1 .. . oujpci i me meeting, , as siaiea oy iop cawf man, was,' to consider the propriety of foliow ing'the example of Virginia, of placing boxes pr uie sieam; ooars, 10 receive ine contrioupout or liberal citizens for the heirs of the late Robert' Fulton. A" resolution was then passed, approvi. ng 01 the plan as one of the most feasible, wn- der all circumstances, that can be adopted, for paying some portion of the debt of gratitude aue to htm and them. It was also resolved to take the necessary measures for procuring box es for all the steam boats plying on thesv Dela. ware and )he other waters ttflhat neighborhood, and toprepare an address to steam boat travel ler in'that State, recommending the .measure to their patr)riagc. Another resolution was pass ed earnestly recommending the adoption ol hti ilar measures to the citizens of PittsbHrg, with regard to steamboats plying on the western wa ters of tht Stafei Nicliolas Biddle, Esq. was appointed- Treasurer to receive the donations tb be made for the foregoing object. Notwithstanding the distress of the poor haymakers fronil Ireland in consequence df the waut of employ, their peculiar hu mor has not abandoned them, You've a cowld Mrs. Leary, deari"jsaid one of them to her crony, last weeal Acton. " Indeed and its torufor youlMrs. Ma-honi'V- And w h e r e; v ou I d you get that honey?1,' And sure I slept last night in the field and forgot to shut the gate nowi" Mr?. Royal and the United States Bank. It appears that this lady has met with rather a contemptible reception at Nash villc,and it is said, she attributes it to the influence of the United States Bajok. No doubt; no doubt. Savannah Georgian, VERY LATE AND HIGHLY IMPORTANT., REVOLUTION AND CIVIL WAR IN FRANCE ! Th packet ship HiberniaV from Liver pool f st August, arrived Dlow at N. York on Tursd-iy at oon, and the Postscripjs to thj papers of that day, announce thp following momentous intelligence : Thursday, Sept 2dlf p(it 2 o'clock, P. ": GREAT NEWS I ! ! Oir news boat T. II. Smith has boarded the ffiberiiia & reports by;;telegf aph that a Revolution has broken out 4n France v ibaMle has been fought in Paris between thr i National Guard and the king's Guard,' im which'the latter were defeated, with the loss of 500 or 600 ! ;4 a General Lafayette command e'd the Na tional Guard. : . j; V ; The Government ''having been overthrown and the Kin and his Ministry having fled from lite Canita!. the Duke of Orleans has bfen called to the head of a.Provisidnat Government. , v ': ' , " . . , Lafayette havilia; been . elected to the comrnand m Chief of the National Gruard, issued the following Proclamation ; ' Ffcttbw CiTiiys Ym have by unanimous acojamatipn elected me yout Genenil.f! I shall prove myself worthy of the choice of the Pari sian Guard National. We fight for our laws and liberties.- t y " . -;, ,- '::k.-.: Fhi,pvtytfir tnurrfph is rtain' I beseech you to obey the rders ot the Chiefs that will be vep to you, and that cordially. The.troops of the fine have already given wayi The Guards art ready to 4ap the ..sXnnie'lrii4 traitors Avhu haVf excite tlie'civil wal-antT'who thought; to' massacre the people- with impunityi 1 will soon be- forced to account before ;- the tribu nals for thfeir violation, of fhe jsws and their sarl- gmnarvj piots.' , V iflrOfl SiWned at General ftaarters. ' - -. K"t:Lc General Bmtrg. f -1 ; -taris, jmsQt S 'LXpAeTtE.- J The i m m ed iatel cao se oFj Ke, eoluttoj)' if seems, waf the attempt Sijtlxc toi Enforce the! decrel iVir aldislfing hh lib?r-; tv of tbe tiess. : To; pre Vent this,' thV populace interfered, and eng fired- aponV by the King trbnps, resisted the agres stun with ihe most Jieroic determrbatioo. The nWcrflrt Natiomil Guard was revived, and furnishing tbewseKes 'with'armV from ' intionfY'-ultiseoin Liverpool 1-8 toi2d; Twenry-fhrVe th6iraRd big'Soldr 7Ffour had declined . ' ' ; erljf otJthis ci(yr ttoMistf R. Mrw; JoTinstoii. V In tliisounty, on Friday- last, Mr. John Wl nims,:aged70, year?. He-ha residedjo. Vake for2it veats Snd has tvrav rsustaioed the ch tactertof t good erghbe andan boUesCmanr A r In'IIdifoxeonnf?, Val dntbe iSist siltif coi; lisuinprionszajor.Mioun p ucwii, oi. aiiuou,-iur several years atncaioer, ui.j,iie. t4egTaituri;,iruiM r- 11 . f.J :l.fj L-iiiL't-L.'.' .-:.....i.t -i ; s 1 J. yk, . . y ' t - successfully encoutitered- the regular sul4 fii:TfffAfi: S"t diefs. Tbe wWfa&citfi , - U .i. - ri, i . r.i i Fatly invited to-patromse jlne. rtew oncern v. ..'i . the aid of ihesudenuofiheKcoleJ'oJy- x aABS lWIGftT.vv tecniquei organized ihemsehes incf a're- . VeUpfaxfr-JStA i: SJ7;.' .An gular milftart forced ardbT unanimous ac- i-T " ' . V -'i-v. ' - -4 clamatiort elected Lafayette their CTearfaL' StUlXotti.O0W' V .vr-, v-eSte5; v nrAuh .n;rwr--.w c PENMANSHIP XJLi Uclelpbiaiptcoses giving a'Coure,of Lev sons in this; plate.? Iia Svatenl lias met toejd-3 cided apprcbaton Wth5 Mercntile coramurtity . of the Nprthern' Cities 8c all the Southern Tow ni in - which-he- has tautrli; Tlifc exerciies arer cal lit r r 1,y order of ihe .qaptaiiir f ft -r- - s culated, iii the shortest possibteXime, Jo-give tf? .-?-tX: freend flowing comra nd f the pen ; irtdai, ' style entirely differenurom thatstraightJineL " shrprhand, so muclt, coait ended Tot byiceVtatn ' Vr' '' Itfiiglvts of thegrey gose-qui)l-adi whidv V' is fit tOr no uai.M.wh.it(vr.!Mjidi9 wilt !fft . w. (aught ativ of the ancvor Ornamental hands if re JifS, Quired. Specimens may be' ,tee at therflook- ' l2r" Store of J. Oles & Son.-.... Those who ifd intef: ' A Class will commence pnfMoftda?. I3th inst.! ' ri rci-soii wisiuug 10 join, win give in mcir name 'this eek.' . ' " .(4 ' " N. O. A $1. wmtld . spend his leisure hours iK the execution. of Fancy Writing of any descrip tion. , , . . 4 Nv Kuteigh, Sept. 3. t . ? v . V ; 8TRAY DOGr.v Straitu or stolenTfromthe sttscrberK-about the middle ofjuly last, a.taluableHound . Dogi of a yellow color, and tolefable large size with a white breast and neck ail witlra blaze in jis face, the end of his tail, Klswhitr He v was riseti in uranviye coutuv, aDQt'Siz mnes answering -to the description' given above, ,wil please make it known to N. J. King, tlJat " Chapel Hill, or Dr. H. Strong fPltTsUorp who will secure bimVfbr me vAtlinfotmtior. respecting him will be thankfully receivejil. aniq anypersou who wi,U deliver the saiddog'lo .eiAi ther of thi above mentioned gentlemen, ror to; myself at Oxford, shall be liberallyj-ewarded. N B. STKDMAN. September 2. I 10'2- . ' State of NorthGarolii4K ' - Rockingham County. fJ?H i Court of Pleas and Quarter Sejssions,'; Wm. Winchester Isaac CunomliiSj, Admr. of .RobU Cummins. 'ft Motion for a decree to sell Ldiidft," 1"T appearing ito the s-tfisfaciion'' ofthe pourt n&than Cumnuns, are not inhabitants ofhhis State tt js thCTefot' -v oraereiij ui.ai piiunuainuui ue inaae jor SlyweeJt3 , r in the Kaleigt Hegister tor , them to appear at Our. next Court' of Pleasand Auartef S,essIonS : to be held for the Countyiof ftockingtiatrJ: at the' ' Oourt-house itf Wentworth, .on ibe4i1i MondaV- of November next, and plead,'' answerer 'demur. R ; I ;4TesU, . HO. GALLOWAY, CVC,C. Sept. 7. - . k '10 6w , uVIalje add, Female AcademvL"V'' J Trborough, in the Immediate -nVrghbhood-ofS'4" Sparta. ' , ''PJfi SDelliuc. Reading snd Ayritintr. Boarding, WhslirngJ' d.Mendinari 1-2500- southeast or Oxford.-. I heard bt the dog at tfliaf j y.r pet, Hill, while on his way from Pittsboci;ugh tof 'y Granville. .Any.person-hearing of a stray doff t that James Moore and Ins wde Mateti Jo Cummms,'? Robert Cummins and NewtohV. heirs at lawijot Robert Canmins;'dee.i Greek, Latin, & tne subordinate branchef iQivii - . fV;i iieogrnphy, English Grammar, Hiatory, ' . ; V V ...Composition, fee &cV . . ;fi'(Vi -"' in the neighborhood, preferred.. L,Tt r ' ' .v v LT.ider anrrangemetttVitVfis preslitCp 1T 1 tronisers, . the vacation;, will i commence Ysttdayv . V of August and ter.mhatfe 30th of September. -Clji- " ''V ' -Such as did not enter ;jat. the commencement A of the session, wiUrily, bejAareale, fromtbe r ; v' time of tbeir entrauce up to) Jb impktibA oft f r" . their res'pective-.SeSsions. , . ; n'' 'June 23;4g5Q. ; ' 4. y .i.t ' THE SUBSClUBim: vt s ft OFFERS for Sale hiHODS5 LOTSlh th J'; Town otOxford, with the LANDMionim. -about 200 acres ofwhicb abtut60 acres aret: Woodland.; The Housed 5240Yeet;ic5m?j motlious,Kt well finished (thrbughi?uV having 1 ."JV' 4 rooms with lire place off each bct,wVwith -sr wfde passasre dh each-a earret dlstriLnfeil into ri" closets arijf two-comfortable rooms t snd s celatv ; under ttie whole divided into several apartmentSV 'Y.' It is situated iri a most beautiful oro nf nlre i: , - 51'' aitnr.nri tn if i a iarii- Kaiiintr Njniim imnieKAX - v wuu iruns seiecieoirom wie norm ; an lce-tlouSerM' A , Constructed of rock a stone So rimr-House" Well of excellent water, in the yard-Km Office In 10A Acres, of land atUcHed-to itjand'on the pre mises Is a Comfortable .two ktory DvCeUing with ;J ' " Mfv i-niiioni.nr. tnrr -a tiifnf It err? ', :'--A - .-a lueyira suuaoie ior a lawyer, ana etery neCcs sary Outhous,. all,in good re-rJ; V 1 V?: "i ' " $ migrur give employment to J or.ianJsihavinV - 1tter.lCojiStrucedYard j seldom? seen j'ftny L j ' where. This -property I will; be disposed of oil . f- - reasonable und accommodating terms.'' -f; 1 &yi "J ,t ,yt.;" ; -rii(fcBi JiTTbEJOilir, u . - Oxford, Septal, . i l ;;oar tf X Jf '.V . f pHE Subscriber bast formed Copartfterstirt ,v ; : in ine a.-tfuvt AitruwairL.a3,,wun jit tfi. - .n-t . Sdperior Court oT La w April term, 1930. , tflarfiryftnr V- -f'r w-V. ,i -A f , vV . Petition for Divorced - : ' IVRDEKED'hy Court, nar.puancsxion oe -. F..made,in tborth-CarpruiapeetatoTaiulj. -r - , Uigh-Rgister;;thatrhe;t)cferidantfle, iuuU..' appear.at the heSuperio Court-of Law; to , ; behewf6rtbctnty;ofnywo,attheCJurt-t f j :r I louse ,uT Waynesville, da the'2d iVedoesday af-t ; ; , ; terthe 4tb Monday tU September, ie!,and , ". .t plead or answer to the. QaintiQTs petition; 0 the, : tanae will bebeard tx prlek? 'lt sJ7:&':j " " Witness John 'Ixve, rClerW of said. Court,4 -'-.. f5. UtOiceUhed Wednesdiy after the 4th'Udflf C- ( day of March; 1830. .' h l . 1,. ; v y ' . . -t. . . ,. Jf Nit . i u - Vt.. ' i '.1- ' J'H I t J - ? e . - ffm -