4 '.. i PVitinip&toaJtecor.der,l8a y .1 We 5nTvrn att . ACTIONS. 4 rft Recorder. 4 i 1 1 sj .WKS the practiM of .treating 1' ? ?K ;Thi.mav,C ancj.l.E ar KW Secretin It:..trtt, :4ltiuCt!jr PC, ttuit tfae otfiett bf-tbe, meet;p&was; ' ithe.;TJ.erancSi5SUcet.eS,.i?;4he; with IwwiH'not "hereafter support ny Candidate; treat Vhh the Viwt of gaining vote?. , ; TfWt Committee- of, three persons , Cnofntea-b the chair; todraw up n address; P2tfc 6f 4he eounty on Wtobjfcct.. ! t0 If ThtW:eommittej -ctRvifr persons inecVbythp.clvlr piqctire; ubscri ADntlSBilENf S pot exceeding sliteenlines npatly inserted 3timesfotM Dollar ive.nt-fifr cents for toryYoWeediniiiaeV 9 ''' . f i sUi t.yAf.'itmn -' The committee to xr&h a.;w.; -.j: ; Bihgii ap- minted 'to drawjip tbeAddre?. ? The RV.: U.ci: Palev, Dep.njs John TroliwVfTOSf1' :he;p??!n;te nrnrncurVr; subscribers . , 0 motion II. was - wrut-rru, vjui' .vnr Dodins of this tne?fiio; ,be sjrsrned by thp Cliairman an(TSpcrpt3r,y, ancKpubufilt-, tdintVe.Hi1Uboro i''vC - .iii.i.ii mil in . f i n r n ...i ... I. iiiii-i i , i , i. ! i ii i iii .i i ii' i ! ,t J - i -J. iiwi i ; v t - x.! i ii i i ' i ii 1 1 i i iii i j ii i i ii i . i . i i m ij 1 1 1 . iii i i ' i hi i i i 1 1 i ' m ii i i" 4' '- V , . r ;.;V , - - ii.- .r f" yt, v J- c'ontnjle(i;-ontWeathi for the r boon VQ I i " "V'v.l'.'v ar - ue-er.mineu never xo pirt;Vfith t)ei; jeeacy ut with vour life. And. never-will you lose tt. until vou have !os 1 ypu r' 4Ta?Vn J u & 1 1 1; jouriora) setise is iroue';,:, But el f p.tionerins. t reat of Vhls- ad banish" both one a freeman amongst take, great pleasure in laying" before the puDiic, . as nonoraoie to our-commercial Reputation and character.. key will shii liUs'olve ar a-rtd. tie thcr. U; ihre a. lie.', annlf iii",l-"j!rt tr.r ussunk iiJfeadvojfiWt tfiathift vote can ancl,inuntbe bnaRhtwith ( ardent spirit ? Xcj; liis uext ueihborin pito the mis erable bIn atul in , greater pity to, the unhappycountfy that contains liirh lend a h dpi us hand to raise him up, anlendea aor tOiibpire Imn with belter views and ncblei: feeiiuss; let (iim-beseech Jiim not to barker i his,, libpriy, ' the liberty of his wife and dhildron and countvfor rtiip. ; The cmUdat: Wjio, offers ardent jiriN to any fcco,rv;doe it a an act of friend ship, hospitality, jjood willtall which means; " vu will vote for me I hope." IThere are mMv in 4ur." county, men who mak" use orardentf spirits men humble in, their; wajk and -lift, to whom no candi date w oofd 'ever' th i nk.:.f tendering the in toxicating icuv.AVhv f Because they are freenfen-i-ni n not to be bought and JinMess to 'the'Trtemm of the county, , of Orcmgn: 1 : -' . ' fellov Citizens. , i 'H ''-.. ' A? A nublic meeting held in theN cAur? j sold for whiskey. Tt has been said, ev naen Monday 'our Suporior Court ity man, ha his . price. ?' . If this be ,so, in September, rhe, , ondersigaed l-;er; f-let. tlie man who wilh vote only for the pointed a unmitt,e fo prepare and f oh- j candidate that treats, henceforth know jish.an Adriir to vou ort the'Vujijert of j. price his par valu it will never.be arandid;te' f r '.fiice ;irot ;and, fnoliinie'.t treating those' whohave- tie ptWxw of voting, in order to g.iin their T,-t. I is knowa t'M1 t yu, 'hat oUt candidates, for; anyyeTirs 'ps?," have WHlei 'a praciicd.atferidli public ga therings, suqli':a9iH8tc'i,- public tle, davaof tryinglivarjcayt aid .tax-gaiher-inrs, and tieating;the, people wi:h ardent p7r..wth the intent;t induce them Jo fiv ir hir election., This state of things In continued for so many 'years, td has been so cnmittoni' that the evils flawing fnm it hav bpenv overlooked bv he niot of us, and the fevv ho regarded them fear ed it wis a hop&e effort to put an. end; to hem. Inled"itilsvtKutht evn now by some, that nb'man can be elected tuot fi e in Ora? g' county, Unless he pays for Ms voes in whtskei. I We H ope d i ftVrc n't -rv. nd trust that Ue day is come, when no respectable man, wt)o; has any regt d fir Mmtelf or the, citizeVs of his county, will oflVr himself 4 a candidate f.ir.idfic ivith the iotention of treating. We hipe the lime has arrived when every voter will look upon 4he Candida e vi ho off rs hroi ii dent spirits lo secure his vote, as offering ! - .. .. .. " '. :. !. ' . ' I. . - an insult to a ireeman u ung uunue in the mo?t degrading shapt;, to purchase fiourhim his Vhte. Those who have, been, or higher, it cannot be lower ; he is cheap as dirti ' . . : ?t : .:. .Fellow. citizens, view the matter of trea ting inrwhatever light, you please, it is at las.t corfuptinn and bribery, ruinous and disgraceful to our, county, to all in it fwho partake of it, .whether (candidates or elec tors. On the part of :hose of your fellow citizens who have commissioned us to ad dress you, we do earnestly in treat you t set your name to the resolution, which will.be. presented to you,, not to yote for any candidate who treats with ardent spir its for the purpose of effectinghis election. j John V ithekspoon. I . - s . Jamrs W bbd. Wm J. Bis g ham. THE COTTON CROP, laV hereafler become candidates (Vr . pub licothce, nmt be aware that the practice r.t dealing out ardent spirits lo ileir fel hiw mei) at public iiieetings, Mid enticing tluin to dritikj is and must be attendeil .uith the worst of consftiuences Voting ul old partake of tli mioxicuttng cuj. Ut resome .learn, to lay aside the , gu-ird vliich pride of character affordb,andopen-lv-net the drunkaj-dV'part -healthy lepu tation, property, peace of. mind, and d mestic. comfort, are all sacrificed , to grati fy the .selfiah- views of the candidate. (Jatiit be patriotism, respect for the aw$, ngard for the: iostitutrons of his country, or real interest in the .beit welfare of his 'CJMirMrv-mepjwhiclKpi'tjmpta him thus to, ac ? "Most Vuieilly not ; he . pursues l .Ve rircourie culculated to 'ruin u 1 1 these. M.itiy a candidate his converted the hir- tt Diwnvt'ir. j ii hii ramp fruiii his hr m r It is novy pretty well ascertained that the present year's crop of cotton will be consid erably short of an average one, per haps to the amount or between one and two .hundred thousand ba)eS, in the whole country. Tiistis an important circutn stance, which will- have its effect upn the price of the article, aa soon as the dealers in Ku rope assure tnemetves or the fact We are decidedly of opinion, that it will raise ief price of North-Carolina cotton in our market t6 at least,. 15 ents,'"before the season is over. This opinion, is founded upon the fact, that the supply in Europe has beeti rapidly di mi h i sh i n g each year si nee Ja n u.ar y 1 827 ; and that the sales jhave been 'very heavy, and at improved prices; during the last few months. On the 1st of January 1827, 448,710 biles, $2,360 , A.7H the M;ock in Englaijd was lst'.Ianua'y 1828, : 1st ,1ft mi HtTv 129, 1 " 1st January 203,250 ; It will be perceived thai there was a reduction during above' three .yearfe, of more than one half of the stock in En gland. What the present' Itock may be, we have no means' of knowing j but as nearly as we can ascertain, the sales at Liverpool alone, from Jan. 1st to August 7,h, 1830, have been about 450,000 bales, ' New-York. Sept. 3. 1830 His Excellency" Bar6nKiuteer,Envoy" 'Extra, cordinarv and Minister ; Plenipotentiary from ''Russia to the' United States?' Sm : I am informed: by Cant Conerer; of thr sealing schooner Superior belonging to me, tlia- n nis pass tge to the Sou'h Sews, to fat. 38. Jong 68, he fell in jvith the. Russian corvette Kensing ton, in a dismasted state, of distress ; and was in t'ueed, from your solicitations, and 'those of the Itussian admiral and officers with you, to retut-i: to this port, and saf ly landed your party (niue in numner) last nignt. all well. . . Cup.t' t.Jonffer imorms me that he made a most advantageous contract for ' my interests and Chat anyj itmount I thought proper to demand. youraexcellencv had agreed to pay l am, r, a 'raveller -often have hem a st.il or an 1 my feelings cannot ue .led wstray by any -pecuniary considerations. 1 shall not receive any compen sation for ttie service', rendered1 vou. knowing that you will repay the sme, it chance should place any ot my suffering countrymen withio your reach. The caotain assures me the aiiuuint I receive i to be paid by the RurisMn govern 1 ment I Ins in no manner clianires mv decision. as I consider individuals should act to govern ments, and govsrnmeuts to indiv;dal, as indi viduals to each other ; and I am happy in having1 this opportunity of shelving the Rossi m govern- mr.. r..rKtAU I. : : .1. r - i mtiii wmii in vanauiy . oceii uie menu or my country) the feelings that a citizen ofthe United States entertains. I send you by the bearer twenty -seven trunks and cases of baggage belonging to you and friewls. Wishing yon and your , companions ever blessing, and a safe return - to your country, I remain your most obedient and very hum ble servant, ' SILAS E. BURROWS. New Yobk. 4th Sept. 1830. . My Dear Sir; I regret that the comentarof yourletter of yesterday deprive me ot the saiis- facnon ot expressing otherwise than in words, my sense of the servces rendered o my govern ment and myself hy the commanderof the sohr. Superior, who landed me and the officers of the Imperial Navy, and enabled me tfms to accele rate, the return of these gentlemen to Russia, at i time when if the aid of your vessel had not been afforded us, an uufavorahh- wind miirht have, for weeks together, precluded the Ken sington's m -king this port. His Majesty the Emperir,- has too vivid a perception of that which constitutes th feelings of rightful hor ana generosity, not to appreciate tu?Iv tise reso lution you have tattcn 'o reject the com, nsa- viuu mi irtr ius tu urae ana me trouoie occa sioned t. Captan, Conger, which it was my duty t tter vou. His J mat rial M:iis;v atn it - - mt 1 J " " " - ' - tne mor6, that indep ndentiv ofthe hieh motives or a general nature which actuated vou tn this circumstance youexprtss in your letter the par ticular satisiacti n it gives you, to have an op portunity ot obliging the Russian government & nation, whose sentimt nts and conduct you ju.st- y observe to have been constantly of the rnosjt rtendj jcriaiacter towards these United States. t gives me personally more pleasure than 1 can find words to describe, -thus to receive an addi- ional proof of the feeling of good will existing between the .'radons.; To that state of things the Emperor will ever" attach great. importance, and, he will learn with pleasure, that, through your means, it has been pt.cedin a cleur fight. Accept, dear sir, my thanks and those of the fficers who accompanied me, and at the same time theassurnnce ofthe sincere attachment an I esteem which your conduct towards us all so ful ly' warrants, and which we are fain to extend to jour coimuywico unu ct uo.rv, in wnose oanuB-rF- you have conferred Upon mv government, irpiirTflflk - . - - myself, and upon the officers ot the Imperii vy, who were with.me at this juncture, the ob ligations, of which 1 have, in the preceding-lines attempted to express the deep and unvarying impressions f have the honor to remain with high Conside ration, dear siit yuur obedient and humble ser vant . . : w - KKUDENER. Si ias Ei Bnnnows, Esq. M ANAG EB SV OF FIOE, ' N . ; 'v Z v , JRi&mond, Fa. , TJnion, Canal LottmV U ClJSS IS. r :. To be drawn in Philadelphia; Saturday, Oct. 9ti, SPLENDID SCHEME. . 1 Prize of -30,000 ; 15.000 10.000 5i000 . in the thorninirto'tiie place f. gathering, la nnantify unirreceilehterl, we apprehend irto a driinkardi a brutht Rtailman, antt ;i ! for' the .rime length of time. There has wwrrfew,: before he returned again to, his1 liieside. wThere no fancy in , this pic-; ture, but shameful and degrading facts are here, which the records of our courts; wdl i carly substantiate. . And now we, would k, can any ,tnan vow that he wishes and nf nds to promote Jthe, good ot. the county, Mhe at the sVine iMniet he pursueV the practicp of .'treat 'mg with artjeniispirij ?r ; 11 lie does, fellow 'citizens, can you brieve tyro? Will yo'uHsupport.him ?; ,We;hope. tnost siticerely 'ihedayhas cpme, when yi will sayVo,Jwe ,,!H(f not support a "an who is thus helping io ruin us, and bur chiUlf -nv1aiil our children's children, in 5H the tn terWtfCweihott) tiijoit dear - on erth life. iibertv.and"tbe pursuit ol But it is saiil the candidates are not to Waia'e in this mattiey wouldwillin-! h quit thepractice, f6r they know; it is diwz uiucf harm, apd,i js . attended j .with' roach expense f ihat tney pay large, jwdiis drafts; as strong ji's black andwhUe cat make them,;yeryA. much; against tl?e; g'a n. Thev .complain that they cannot b elected unless they treat" with whiskey." And men professetlty of principle, men of first standing, awjngst usJ who' know lat they . ought not to do evil that good aj come," thui 'speak-of the great, body f the freemen of our '.county And is it u.Can jt lie : true ! "Other couniieiin ?(,ir States unblessed with .spring waWras n a"e is. a na vaccu rwn with f imsnit poles,' worserif possible than whiskey, 1 1 10 10 10 i 10 10 29 t 4,000. 1,000 600 500 400 300 200 ti o ' jiot - remember :when the articlta- of Corn; ;Bacori tahd;Iiard? xverspcafce iii ouCiinarketfatpreset.- ti 1 7th inst; soon after the : -Sfeamtmati WiU ham Peacock left Buffaloe on Ziake ErtA a joint in the, piieV o .BuUef which convey sieamio tnuynnuer, gave tray, steani wak and .are said to have -V H k4 and discharged the, entire liead -of. Fntoa: steerage' 'cabin ;Jfiu tfecTcI wjiich lull ot I passengers, ; chiefjy women m!i 1 w? MA n . ... Y aw' I- I viiituiru liua 14 lieeh lost by this accident! f t Jfr tne CatTeTliePort&mouth N2 H s Gazette saysfMrC William Tfb! of that town, has ; a calf six months old; winch , girts;4lv vfatt of this,&CYty;-f,; has a calf four ionths; o!dy which girts feet much larger in. proportion to tHeir ajes, than MK.! Frost's. ' Morse eam.-jrWashingt'op Taborna Tree colored; roanVias been "committed Id the jail of Moore .county, chargedwith ha ving stolen the horse f Mr.-hham Sims' of this countythe same that was recent ly advertised in this paper, t -7fc6om W5S. ving been once tried and found guilty pf a Besides 51 eachi glOO, 90, 80, 70, & 102 similar Jpffence, a second conviction vvill -ach, g60, 50, 40 besides 5530, 20 10. 'subject bi-.n to the punishment of death! Tickets S10., Halves g5. QuarWs 82 50. ; ' 1 ' ' --vv - -.i Eighths SI 25. ; 'TJ)cJains bf.'Sishop JIobart wer' A Package of 20 whole tickets; which is com- interred at New-York on theH6th JnAt-.a pelled to draw $90, ma be had for 200. and a " ... '.".V';r-n--'&,j Package mav draw the thr, fil t l " ; vct7 BCt concourse of citizens manifest . i t - . " -r-,"M 'a. LJ.w.- l-.. . 11155 mtiivrespeci'iiy aiienumg me runerai The service of the.Church'were perforin-; ed by. the Rt-.Rev.- Bishop Moore, of Va assisted by Dr.-LYELLangl Mr, ScHKoeDER; and a very appropriate discourse was de liyered bysI)r. Ondf.rdonk, from the words He was a burning and a shining the Lottery. For tickets address your orders to YATES &M'lIrYRE,; K Richmond, Va. Managers. MANAGERS' OFFICE, Richmond Va. ' it,.,-- Union Canal Lottery,. CIJ1SS W. , To be drawn in Philadelphia, iJd October. 1 Prize of 820.000 1 4 10 000 1 1 5f C00 :i 4,000 1 3.000 1 2 000 8 - - 1,000 . 6 ' 500 , 10 400 i 10 : soo 20 200 20 . 150 ,40 : 100 Besides g50, 20. 10. 5, Whole Tickets 5 Halves S2, 50 Quar ' - ' tefsl,25,' ' ' ; ' , A Package of 22 whole tickets, which is com pelled to draw $50 may be had for $110. : Shares of packages in the same proportion. 4 All orders addressed to Yates & Mclntyre, promptly attended to. ' 1 V i YATES &McITYRE, - Managers. Richmond, Va. , . GO3 The Yadkin and Catawba Journal will please insert this Scheme. . & McLV light., and ye were willi ng for' a season td rejoice in his light- " " V h , ' ; i ' -' -' American Cottons. -In a letter written hy the Rev. Mr. Dwight from Constant! nople, to a frietul irii ITtica New-Yo.rk, he states that pur Cottdn goodare n jood reputation at that place-so inuclf so, tliat , tSe Engf iih actually pu! American Stamps on their goods, to sell them to better ad I vantage. , ' . ...?. t ' . ' State Electiorls.-in Vermont, morCre cent returns show that the ! defeat of the : fnends of the present administration has i been overwhelming. B t In Maine, the Jackson Ticket has been victorious. We have been beaten and 1 have no disposition to boUter up our I cause by talking about "pledged or doubt- j ful men.' The probable majority .of tljie Administration ticket for Governor,', will I be about 2000- The New-York Coin4 j mercial Advertiser consoles7 itself as fql lows, on the result, of the election 1 iii Not a drop of comfort from Maine1 this mor- ning. The 'outrageous conduct of ,th4 'AdtniriW r- tration partv iii'tbe Legislature of that State last f I wmier, wincu wuuui uaytq ucinycu iawparty i V .''. I - ? ,t. 1 V- . - , V-;" " ' . .f -'"-t,l K -4 bt'pn a gradual iti'provenient in prices durtp.2 that4 tiinH Taiid that without the k ri n w I c d ge ; o f t tie 1 part ial failure of th e pro wins cfon. Nothing could have caus ed tlii's rise but tic belief that the con sumption hail ten 'increased a to assure the consumers tha'f the stock.of the last crop will be still further short on the'tst of January next. ' ' In ail djtion to ihe statements in ano ther column, as to the deficiency of the present crop, we understand that in most of the cotton growing counties west of this, the loss by the brought '-has been ve--ry o-reat. One gentleman in Rowan who expected. to make 100 bales, will now be glad to get.20. '.vosefyjer. JUST PUBLISHED, . GALES'S NO RT M-C lit) LIN A . for the Year m v ' Tf V OM j;THE NE W-0 RfeEyEM ING POSTi -r if- '..OuV.reatlei-s will recollect that in one of ilre late severe gules oLwuid with; which our' seaboard was 'visited, the corvette Kensington,1 on heV way from Philadelphia Douriu ro ar. reierso"g, w" -. Minister and suite on board,' was, alter being at sea a few da'ys, dismasted and otherwise iniured? In this crippled state vise miu she was fallen in with:by the schr.k Supe of tliis ci ty,then ? oh her; passage from ew-iorKto tne iraciuu viicau v oai-ino,v6e.";T r; o j . o , ,vfci if w r xX: at tne pressing souciiauuu ui, imo ivua.a k nnrnhpi nf nth. MUiUllAI.', -OCiriAAlDDIV I OiU. n wh r lse. SPfms to Kkvc nl.nerl h-rvL -rr, pie wonderfully.- What's the. use fif freedom, if ; ds head; folks can't do as they please f .The humbitglet I nun mi. rilctnm.llnileP uhnilf I hfinontr.ij .-e . r eating at Elections. 13 nder this 1 -"'"'.," in a preceemg column, will be found the tbe We8t.india. port,,, was published a'Aoyerlhe:; r . U :-' proceedings of a public meeting held in State in. newspapers and, handbillsy in letters sVf' -it OranTA rountv for Ihe nurnose f adont- higT,tharthe good ?e pie dared not do otherwise J V- Urange, County, lor tne purpose ot aaopt- lhan bee lt. In the course pf the. season, f! j ing measures to suppress the practice of however they will find that: such earthenware ; H1 f treating at Elections, and during elec- a cWM? .anU jingles canPt He got iato,1 V"- . P . , to Jamaica in exchange. for rum and mo!asses---and , A k tioneering campaigns. j then they will vote the other way -until which Tn ih'ia. Oi.vprrimprit whorp pl'ortinna nri time we do not wisn to near irom Hauie agam." Containing, besides the ordinary. Astronomical r,a!ciilatioivs. Essays on the chanirine of Seeds j on the effects of frequently stirring the Earth ; on the Cirasss suitable tor the Southern States ; on-Vhe ait of living happily on the best manner of spending Winter Evenings; and several other Moral & Agricultural Articles ; Medical flecpes, containing Anecdotes, c. ; also, a list ot the Officers ot the Unueil States and State Govern ments ; a correct list of the Mr mbrs ofthe ap proaching General Assemolv t -and the time ot holding all the Courts; in the State. 1 Sold' wholesale -byvthe Publishers, and hy Turner &' Hughes, in this city ; by E. J. Hale, at his Printing-office in Fayetteville t by Sul'mon Hal), at his Book-store m Newbern ? and retail at most of the Stores in' the State ' Sept. 27, 1830. ' menu ne ui inc ueunie aim ine irfcernj? , v reigns over Frenchmen ' ; - -- r ss. r ( the 8th of August, the fluke orOr- - MANAGERS' OFFICE, RichmondiVa. : New-York Lottery, f EXTRA & To be drawn in New-York, 6th. October. so frequent, and where all authority and power are derived through tliat medium,! French -atr.-7-VVe refer:Otir readers i it is of no httlew conseuencfe that they to the interesting intelligence in to-day,g i should "be conducted in a pure, rational paper, broughrby theCWcorttf. j;.It,will1 and dignified manner.' If a system of be seen that the Revolution. ot" France is' canvassing for office is habitually counte- accomplished, 'arid, .a KjHg ,.d,eriripg'. i$lt naiiced by the people, which virtually authority from a constitution Trained bf tends to exclutle from success, all but te-l the magogues, our country will, indeed be J no reduced tn, a deplorable situation Wei On trut however, that the moral sense of the leans yvas proclaimed King ot - France; community is about fio. eradicate.- an-evil According to, sonie. accounts he takesthe well calculated to aeteat tne Diessings a-i title 01 rimva vii, wnne oiners can htra rising from our happy form of GovernK Louis Philip V ; : '. T :- ment. VVe. hope yet to see the day, when All, was tranquil .vynen he ;Uonc6rdia! the. sober and edafe cttizen can polls without dugiist'j and wl 1 1 a I ; 1 o 1 anu moral. worui, as in oiner oiaies wnrcn 1 well migni.vjrenerar asningnm .say might be mentioned, shall be the only the1 French. wonderful people Agei , roads to preferment. Then, and not til to come wilt read with astonishment of then, will our State assume her just con-1 your exploits." , - . c-r - sequence urine scaie 01 nauonairespecta- 4 . - - i ' i1 v ' - ft ! ii -4 ' f v I '-- - : . i." St , 1 0:1-' go to the sailed and the issue 01 the Kevolution dn- u ? ien talents I peared to giyJ , uni versaty satisfaction"-. H V: ' r .K Minister: td61c nimVrid a number? of oth I a dshall it be ald that hr-ih thlarp' i'vv on board arid brought them: to -this .cut aIthfui;,vba!thy;andVe8pectabletco tyrSoorfter they landed, :;fillow4 It-must continue? You are freemen- ing correspondence took plaeebetwcemthe . ftiu$; vour uuerues- vour tatners (owner, anu oaruu , ii4 SPLENDID SCHEME (V Ticktts only Five "Dollars , : -; i l- Prize of 825,000 - r r4'-l t'K, 1,500 J 1 1viV, rf rr 1,000 r' tf $500, 400, J300 200i 100, 50, 40f 20t t ;,':.5: : -h.lOand 5.4 Tickets $5, Halves 82 50, Quarters 81 TAU orders addressed to Yates Met ity re. iucumona, y a. prompiy auenaca io. r , , : r , ' Y ATES & McLS TY KIv. bilify -The remedy proposed in Orange, is the legitimate one.,. Let 'the people df the dif ferent Counties, then, in iinitatioti of the example set them at 'Hillsbqroughi hold meetings ana.pieuge tnemseivesioisup nnrt.no candidate ?who courts nonular. ia- l 7 i - A : i. ii J:.iJ:u'..t:- r i .. a 'L'.a.l i uy uie uisinuuuon ui arueiii spirus. 1 " ' OQO ":C.S -,iXf yiff j CoL Henry P, Taylor has been apppi nt- ed Secretary ofState bfS". Carolina, ip 4' vor In this citf, oh Wednesday! evenlntr laisf. bv - the. 'Rev. M Dowd, "Mi-- It dW Guffie, : to1 Itfiaa iiartna Ann vyaiion, uauiter ot ue Me limo-r' jy Valtort, of this countyi un we ioui ,init aian .fuvanceci ,agef - neaf Prince's Bridge, Ch at ham cbiinty T lMr.Tlifmas Bell, sen.' )V 1 sympatbizef with ' his -relt ions and friends hi 'this severe yisitationJ' By tlie . poor bis loss will.- be felt -taost sorelyi j His nu- ' merous seivants are bereaved of a father rather Julian iHwin. i iiu buuw mill, t lUTCU Iia place oi jtiooen wave sq.eceaseri.,. TCSpected him, .and he wi worthy, for he was ; Th. HFletcher9 Esq., of :Nashvilte; has i curWtJan.' Communicated. ' ; V-i ' p i oeeu appomieu uy ine. vroveraor; oecre- I c rcsiuucB .w ncr-iaiuer, jjcar ianf tary of- State f -fTei Daniel Graham, E " .f -i t -- .. v ' , V ' . ' ; - ' I 'i" r r i 4' jnesseejin place o l bccw P1)ilfte; C6ft.ort -nf the nonr r,f 7 ' ..... v ... .. , r r