. ' wi." wntTTMltaR. 1." !S3( -i i t ill 1 !nrerof theSUte, atnext annual ?lectl a A Wiltfriirness to. call on his ft lStm,a4teeiirsfaitMuldisChargeof Mr. Thom-ts I)f 1. -i. . la Bif k countV bv ifce nviJ-jivnSUriraatt. the t nnft7i.i BiitYinrpiscribed 1 .i,ac rpimatu . ! 1rr 7 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4; f830. thC;luuu;4uvj. "f ; ,7 j , Lance ot t regulation of the . office, ,;.are, we D - the principal reasons vvhicli have . .iusoA this tteterihination. u-p are opposed to extravagant saiar . . hnt in an office like this, involving l rPSnonsibnity; not less than threel fnur hundred thbnsariil3 (dollars annual-j raiinat through the public Treasurer's Kauds, itseernVta us, that true economy Jlmiires a cjompenation;, proportioned to; J'riskf and; liability The : penalty of hand is ranch greater than is required of any officer under theGeneral Govern-; mJ and but few !wontebe able ,tf givej h The object of the bond is to secure tiie State against improper useof tliej nublic funds ; certainiy,.tnis may oe ei-; r .. - - 1 ;n -iv fected by a mucu suimiei sum. c u derstand also, that by the regulations of the 4 OSce, monthly settlements ' take: place, by which the amount of cash is as certained, and that in no instance. Could there be a.defalcation for a larger amount than from S 50, 000 to SI 00, 000. ; 1 "We have been induced to' makeHhese remarks, from a belief,' that the subjeci is one! of vital importance'.,to the public remedv be wanting, that the members of jthe ensuing. Legislature mat be prepared to provide it. ' AVc understand thaat the recent ses sion of the Presbyterian "SynodV North Carolina, held at Hopewell Church in Mecklenburg county, the Rev. Dr. M'Aut ley of Philadelphia, was nominated for the ProfessorshipJof Ecclesiastical Histo ry and Church Polity, in the Union The olcgicat Seminary, Tliis nomination is not decisiye, but will have to be passed upon by the Board of Directors of this Institution.; The Virginia Synod, which meets shortly, will probably cncur in this election.' The course which such ap- pointments take, is for the Synods of this States; and Virginia to recommend some competent person or persons,and on their recommendation or nomination the Directors finally act. . 11 1 e Syndjof North Carolina, will hold its next annual meeting aHillsborough. AVe take pleasure in correcting the er ror into whch wei were led, trelati ve to ?dr. Mallett's having failed to secure his 31ail contract from' Fayette vil I e to Charleston. He not only retains it, but has likewise obtained the route to Wil ir.ington, in place of Mr. Latimer. We wis!i we- coukl reinstate o;ur old:: iriend Mooring, as easily. . -sy- ; br other' pretended acts of Governmenl It appears from a notice in tha rtia Carolina Journal, that a petition will be Venifjentinry will probably be an ample presented to the next Legislature, pray ing for the erection of a new -county, to be composed of parts of Moore, Cumber land, Chatham and, Wake. ' ' -see- , Ohio. -The returns from this State, as they come in, promise results more bril Uant than we could have anticipated in or most sanguine mood. The revolu tion in public sentiment is almost equal to that in Maryland; Pennsylvania. We stited in our last that the Election in this State had result .ed in the choice of seven members of Coi "press opposed to the .present Administi j tion. Mofe recent accounts show, tin nine of the elect at lfeast, are oppOsitic members. South-Carolina Al I the old membel r Congress, from this Static, have be 'fe-eletted, except Col. John Carapbe ho is beaten 307 votes, by Thomas plitchellrl It is ascertained, and we ri Mioynce the fact with great 4 pleasure tlif "there, is sufficient number of tlRe met- hers of the State Legislature chosen c o&ed to a convention, to defeat that mfaT ?ure. This' is indeedceenng news1 the (rie'nds of the Union. V , Governor : Gilmer 8 Message--We li Canoed over thisvfdocumnt and Ifin or ve it very interesting and well' written., ' The first part otthe Messagens c 0U": I?ied uith a detail bf the-reasons w , nluced. the' Governor to jcop.vener an t'1' fei-dinary. meeting of t thfeLegislat lex- re. l'states.that the 'great number of fcer. 3 Wvgi-. to.r have, taken 4 poRsession o 'ro2e territory in search of Gol tithe 1 ' in hiinca vof the author: t olw the jStaW to the; ijjnry; ;ofMiblic Spropefty and !the rixhti 01 inGvin.aans4:enueed the conyo of t)e legislature riejcesssary. He have ordered lout the cMilitiav to tfilie rSfs oiijtheSta'tes, if the catio woul protc Cpns it h tion and laws lad ciih ferred;' on hifu icli;aithpritj A The Gold diggers wereltresnassm in nrat: nutnhprs- rpal- 1 s, v ; O. D - , " .7' ' isinirnmense profits, and yet owing to .peciaiar cu'cumstaifces, they were nei liver inal men ubjett to arrest or any other criin process. The Governor re com- s to the Legislature, the immediate pass ge of a summary law for removing the tru tiers? and intimates that it Will be iMcjessary, owing to the tempting na turelaf; their employment, to make the poikjbns bf the iawhighly penal. c are really pleased to see, that! the Gov rnor recommends a repeal of the enai tmeits which prevent Indians from beu ; competent witnesses,in cases where a vvhte man is a party. Attempts have madevit seems, to strip thein of ther property by forged N contracts, - be caule of the .impossibility of defending ther rights by their own testimony. The lav is certainly most unjust, and must exj )se the Indians to great oppression. V y not let the competency of tiieir :evi de ce bedetermined by Jiidges and its en libility be weigleil bv Juries ? We fret to state, we have a similar law in thl State. ' Ve qiiote the following passage on the !!.ijerct of the difficulties between Geor- 'lj at part of the law of 1829 which dis- ajnulled all the laws and ordinances of tie Cherokee Government, has been eu tfely disregarded by the Indians. The cliefs have continued to meet together as- aj Legislative body, have passed laws, aid carried on all the' operations of Go- virnment in the same manner as it they rtiUy' were the representatives of an in- d fie.ndent nation. I have had no author- it to prevent snehf conduct, because the iv which repealed all their ordinances a l.bunished their chiefs for any act done fr the purpose of preventing emigration, ? tacljed no penalty fur any other exer t se of power. Although ambition is nor ore censurable, when exhibited by an idian, than Nte mrtn, and the situa on of the Cr ie tribe rendered it but fatural tha strotig eiioft should be ilade by thl M who had lir their wealth u i n i e rweri c o o r a l n eg ine aosoiuie ntrbl oySv it to retain their power, yet is riot therefore the less proper that the tatelshould conipel them, by the use of he necessary authority, to' desist from heir pretensions They have had suflfi- fcie-nt jnotice to do so. Further dela 4vouJd but encourage (iisonecience. In- t:eadSof making their legislntive, iudicial fcuard against any future ambitious pur- noses. The Governor next notices a compila tion of the lavys of the State; for the last ten years. The persons appointed fo in spect. the work say, in their report,that from 1800 to 1 809, inclusive, there were only fl 8f laws and but few resolutions passed by till Legislature, and from 1810 to 1819 iuclnsivH 708 laws and 291 reso lutions, while d nring the last ten years, I J there were 147T laws and GCj rpsoiutioos passed!! The Governor recommends the estaDiisnment oi a voui i, ui iriui auu supports his recommendation with ability. The next topic yin the Message, relates to Slhvery in the Southern States. 1 The Governor suggests the, ' propriety of passing a law to prevent altogether, the juture introduction of Staves; into l Georgia, except such as may become the property ofany .citizen by devise or I Kp. KmncrKt into the State bv emurraots'. "w ?-- - . j intending to become citizens. We should like very much see such a law on the Statute book of rth-Carolina. , The Governor passes oyer the subjecCof theTariff with almost a single remark,but alludes to the President's veto as afibrdl ing a cheering hope that the Federal G- vefnment may t)e again limited to the Lex ercisejof,it8xonstitutional power i T The situation of: the University of Geor gia i$riot?ced by the tSovernor and we are glad to-perceive, that it is represented, as in a inui uuui ouim fecoranierid however, such an Increase of iti;6niiowmeDi'aMviU:veiiabIejt..to r pro- r The Giivernor da ys'beTore the .Legisla 'cqri th& very v IrestVmeanr of .iJispensing lfnirigtWUniatricttlltes. tion, respecting the quantity of Cotton andsotherproduce raised in' the State. Various attempts to procure similar facls have been made in our Legislature, but from what tause we know not, they have always miscarried, Suih knowledge must certainly' facilitate Legislation, .to say no thing of the usefulness of such informa tion, for reference We. expressed a hope some weeks since that Ex-President A daws wouldnot per mit his name to be placed before the peo ple as a candidate for Congress. The fol lowing extract from a letter written by him, ih answer to one inforniing him offi cially of his nomination, seems to show a willingness on his part, again to enter the arena of political strife. The letter is da ted Qui hey, October 15, 1830 r "If my fellow-citizens of the District should think proper to call for such servi ces as it may be in my power to render them by representing them in the twenty-second Congress, I am not aware ofany sound principle which would justi fy me in withholding them. To the mani testations of confidence on the part of those portions ot the people, who at two several meetings have seen fit to present my name for the suffrages of the District, I am duly and d.eeplyTsensible." Foreign. By tin - James Cropper, arri ved in Hampton Roads from Liverpool, intelligence is received to the 14th Sept. It is a singular fact, that this is the third voyage made by this vessel during the present year,in each )f which she has an ticipated the New-York packets. The Cotton market is represented as flat for ,the week just then past. The Petersburg Intelligencer says : kThe news is not particularly impor tant, except so far as it removes all ob scurity from the views of Russia, and proves that the fear of hostile intentions on the part of the Emperor towards the king of tlie French, was entirely ground less On the contrary, Nicholas was pre paring to follow the lead of his Allies ; & with equal promptitude, allowing for dis-j tance, would recognizee the new order of things France has therefore nothing to apprehend Her heroism, her devotion to liberty her magnanimous forbearance in the height of the conflict as well as her moderation after victory so striking ly manifest during-the ' memorable three days have not only called forth the en thusiastic admiration of the mass of man kind ; but deprived even despots of all pretext of complaint! What an example to other Nations! Well may her's be tail ed the pattern Revolution P In the , Netherlands affairs remained in about the same posture as left by our pre vious accounts. The States-General were to meet on the 13th Sept. but as the Bel gians appear determined to dissolve their connection with Holland at all hazards, we are at a loss to conjecture how this as sembly can ever adjust matters. The two Nations (and such they are emphat ically, for although paired by the Congress of Vienna they were fc not matched") seem more cordially to hate each other than even the King the master of both ; and hence a difficulty wh;ch can but ter minate in civil war at last." -ee- We have hitherto maintained, that the small notes usually denominated Treasu ry bills, made payable to the bearer, at the Treasury of North-Carolina, and is sued by virtue of an Act of our Assembly, were a violation of the Constitution. Ex clusive of the Constitutional objection to such a circulating medium, we have al- ways regarded them as a quasi fraud up on the community We are happy, how ever, to say, that our opinion upon this matter, is supported by an adjudication of the Supreme Court of theU. States, made at its last term, and reported in the ourth volume of Peter's Reports The case we allude to is Craig and others ver sus the State of Missouri. Neivb Spect. 6r. 5. Bank.- The following gentlemen orm the newly appointed vBnard or Di vectors of the U. States Branch Bank in his town : ' X'J JohnHuske, "v.: John D, EcclcS) ? James & Hoop ff, : ' : Charles P MaUetU . Edu?ard IV PRllkingx, ,: JPi7limsonTVhiteheaJf i. ; John WtHaUf S-''ll - " t f lex, vcson, Wilmington, u : i: ' r Beverly Daniel Baleigh f At1 a meeting oflhe Board on.Tuesrlav last, Mr. . Huske-, was re-elected Prest deht.rrfJPayeWeriVe Observers Jly x .There rey at' ,thi time, living; On one Aggregate of whosei ages 'isy 410 : years' the oldest bei hsf 100 and ther ypu ngest 70 yearsld' -4Tn the game, family is a Bible hlZ years ottf Fash Tithes- " 7 j Catastrl)picixt' or two' ago, a gentleman inthelupjier part tf the city was aroused Iroin his slep by hearing, in the apartments below, the noise of per somfcojiening and, shutting the room doors, a n I r u nHnagi ng t h e d ra w er s'an djpa n t ri e s. Being disposed to be prepared for attacks of midnight marauders, he had for a long time kept a loaded fowling piece in his bed chamber. This he got 'down and ptaceU ready. for action He rthen flt around for his tinder box, vyitU a view of throw ing a little ' light upon the, subject," Such, Jiovvcver, was the humility of the tinder, or possibly his trepidation, upon the occasion, thafhis efforts to excite a flame were for borne time v fruitiest. At ! length, he struck a hasty spark" which happily proved successful.. His nexlt step was to seek out the disturber of his re pose and of his. goods and .chattels.- He gently stole his way into the kitchen, atid as he entered he observed the shadow of some one flitting on the outside of one- ot the windows. He raised his piece, with desperate aim, and blamed away." A oooy ,was nearu to fail neaviiy, out. no sound of moaning succeeded. Though almost uin put is naturalibus," he tU not hesitate to fly to the street door in pur suit of the friend'y watch ; while his wile whose apprehensions were excited to the Utmost, ciied murder!" from the upper window. A watchman came ; and after an anxious & painful search there was pre- sented to their teariul and astonished eyes, the lifeless corpse of a monstrous gre Tom Cat. N. Y. Sen. Trotting extraordinary. From the En- rglish papers we learn that the celebrated American borse Tom Ihumb, has recent ly come oft victor inahother extraord t na ry match against time. He' was backed by his owner 400 to 600. fo trot 16. miles; in harness, wihiu the hour ; and after this match ws made, the owner offered to take '4 to 1 that he wouldjrot 16 miles within the hour. The offer was prompt ly accepted by another gentleman, who, it is stated, ' backed time to a large fi gure." The decision was had on the. 4 30th August, near Cambridge And it appears that this astonishingTlTttle animal; performed the I65 miles in 56 minutes thus having 3 minutes to spare ; and that too without any signs of distress. Bait. Pat We announce with sorrow the death of Peter CRAWFOED,E'-q d Columbia coun ty. We are not alone in thisexpression of regret. What man, acquainted with the political history of Georgia, for a: series of years past, -lias nut either known him personally, or heard ot htm, as, one among the roremst ol her Legislators, the tirmest of her friends ? A weak pen can pourrth but feeble Draise nor is it hecessVry. His whole course shaped as it ever was, by the put est principles of Republicanism ihe most devoted patriotism; speaks for its .f Recently elected to a set in the State Councils, which, (if the wishes of his ad- minng and confiding constituents be taken as a criterion) he may almost be said to have held by prescriptive right ; his experience nromtseu auspiciously rora lair, lemperaie md safe deliberation upon the important opus wnicn are iiKeiy 10 engage me at-t tentioo of. the Legislature. May the sur- vivors refl'f, that Peter Crawford, "being dead yet speaketh". -Aug Const. The following advertisement is copied rom a Dutch newspaper: After a short illness, died, yesterday morning, my wife, leaving behind her three, infant children. In the hope that her pure soul is ivith God, I beg to inform my custom- ers that mv stores win oe as wen lurnisn- . 'Ill ed as loriiK-'V, navmg conmieu mem. 10 the direction of my principal clerk a man extiemely intelligent,andas well versed in business as the deceased herself rentlv delivered before the Students and visi Wr of Marhden and Sydney College. : Amidst the host of ills misguided man . Permits lo HiirenclKhmselves in his domain, Intemperance liold? a"4read pre-eminence. It winds its snares, and plants its fatal lures, Among the flowers that crown the. jocund path In which th heedless feet of childhood run.' It binds the strength of manhood in.its toils, And digs its fiery pitfall for the limljs Of tottering. age. As its great arcnetype, Its foul defofmiiyi'and veil in smdes - ' anci winning tjiaiijyiyin w in tneie. its mbstajfipalling dangers Jurk: For while the hirt in scenes ot festive mirth,, And social iov. Indulges happy dreams- . ahat nought Of harm 13 near, tne monster pues Ad tiareftraincdfpartake it3 cbarwmg draught. i lie case in uic mnui iiic wy iwjusi comainio n.ncuuviea,"?rcc. ; aiso, a yst ot line ' parti the forfeit of his lite to the outraged laws o'fficers of the United States Imd StateGoyrn-i s L of his country, at Salem, Mass. brings to mind merits ; a coirect list Ipfbe Members" bfi the, jap- : i he following lines of Mr. llBTAjf'js poem, re- nroachiner General Assemblv tand the 'iltAm f i 4 -W i nesprmcespi nenos, can cwmih:iiisuiiiuivi w customers ana ine puouc generauy, W pall and j tn shlhmgrobe Tike those pure angels weary examined Uhem. JJe ias superfine aid' lpwt ,1 -And'htcle hia beltish front )n--fobks,beiijgti r pTicetlaeIJtackBiwi', . .OVtvellamt ' Mix'v ' " 'I k So can this PerooirHaskpinr bright array nwTtisvVeletvValeiMjiaFi:renlin& ;? "Ff 1 Arftl or the yieldfng passions soon obtains , c uenuemen , yver, wocar4re f An eohquest 4hese, alas! become OoatsanU oons and ,Vsts, StocktwpeV; ms strong ameand theiunitedpower tSlSnW . P But rarely failsto crush their Victim's ,mind,r. k " Tr ' X I $ i H 4te Anddhto prematurely to the grave.r J0 Sorti5i -v v., 1 : nance of .tbe 'patronage of th,e public -i vV:f b...- Aw-. 9f-,y N- Having-received the UtestJFashioiii,r-H4?i whSv minI. where the wine tut, flows. feel great confidence in mV ability t give satia- H I Mt. 0.vrett Kurjn.n' fom Onmdjig coUnfyj Jtf; v . J In Rracketovp, nnrke cniint Mr 'Adktns tL-"" -' Bneliett r.td.ahou. 5i. M. Jt'i.-ad rtliredW ' "bf-dfn iLsxrd inauh, k v.y a ftlw minutes ird -," In UostbitV M TlmmXv SVmi ae Sfs , . . i V At theAhns.U(Msf in l.jjin.i Miss Ooi'Ui. 'i Scotj-md in 1T22. H v in tfe llritwh service v. Nefore hccume 10 ia!s cuiniiv vns at the tak-i io$T of Qub. c:wlK-n - Wf iVlt,odiUv rrad dock when-Iu was l;i5e;i !yvtbeIijTV one of. the ftib why a WnsJeiiff'.on. lhen ?, cmltid ed' frn 10 fjAtfr battle. i"MU)fnM , servcn sv-tai yeurs m uux HevoltttionaTy ' war,, '.n GrtensiciyMnenlyt lit Ictt ior?mfith, -in April last, ty.iire'JtI (f'Jfw Wivhiiiji toj.f and on his Waviac?5 tpedt tUe Uyijit iiiv-uwui, , woei lie oie,a ' ou m: , tUr 4tt in4 int. RS. DELI A MAVWOOO wiU bepfn-d , lo accommudat- 10 or 12 Members of the erisrrng Legislature with oard. ' '"; ! October 2!.. - s - TIIR KSTAHI lSil :KNT liP ! -J MH. M RldN(i has commenced her Sell, - ; will give lessons on papery Velvet Siii,v tCt; ' ,, s. in (he mos accurate and expeditio-is stke. , flf , Terms fpr Dm whig & Painting on PajjSer. 'h J f y$ ; "'. per1 quarter, :.. -? MM-- $ 6 a' On Alvet, twenty lessons, ' MlUMr' , Raleigh, -3.pt. 6, 1830. ' -f- r.ST AH LiSMMKNT UP A &&&iT$jr Tho Noi of Ornamental, J;b and other tvne. ntirefv neri and' furniiure nef.essary 'fZ Newspapt;-.'; It fia5 two ffoodre'sSesHWnA -.Mr SHies nq Type in commoii iise it'hu a rtuantiry , ' Thepatronage bf tejfourjial irfknectable', . H&i and might be much extended. -i.fe ' portion of his time' and talent. m'wt:' menl of this est!blislmeii, It Ivohls pii'rIr pro4--pects of handsome rvmunerytiun " t '- 41 lersons dsposed to pnrhc se, will SpplV tp the bclitor tor terms, which Will be iilciul autl accommodatinir. ' ,4! ! Fayetteville, O tobef 7. THE OOK-BTNUlKG business! s; A Boy. rpm 12 to 15 yents old, of repeCtablR.f parents, moral habits,) andfcwhpt yih ead and write, will be taken as'an .Apeicevto-tKev above business,; if witling 0mon trial) - to ibe hound by the County Court till , the ajre xr-2l years. f 1. LIN'OMAK, " Book-binda Jiateigh Mr- ' v october,3Q. . - ' -' ''' s&q.;;' P. None need make apptication who can not meet the above requisitions, . : '?il)..Xif - notice:. t ,v '" ALL persons indebted to the Estate .Jp'fiaftfy Duprep, dec by bond or QtherwisearefK, hereby requested' to come, forw-trd and' iraae payment. And tliose haring atW demand against said Kstate, are also reqtiestecl to exhibit, them accounts, for payment; legally 1 autbenticaledj , within the Rmo prescribed hy lajW, or they will, be barred of recovery. ..: ' - ' !. , s LlWIS DUPREBt'oH , October 11, 1S30 . , v 25 3w THE ATLAS, Literary and Historical . bricai"Journal fith thf .tie Vm I ha mlAnactirU I ntiAi A.r fl, aiLA.A x Foreign andvother publicatioii with acclear and important history pas'ftitaitparV.f. . the worjd, panicut:fM:j&Agla'ii PraoceSc tiie uniicu.ouicS, iu oc uuwutujiune rv "w f' vwvf'i7wM n. ni; ,.,. nuvman'f ; .,..kv4i. : infff wjtbout exnense to thetrietdrs. i ' nMnk,fli.97 i'' - "tl tl' JUST PUBLISHED, .&AjBSS&r ' NO RT ri-CA IIOLINA. ' FO R TH E; YEA II ; i; aat';;'! rbntainimr: besides the oWrv AvrkZrn&t caicuiatiops, assays on tne chamriner to Seeds t- on thte effects of frequently stinmg thtEarth ; ontH tss suitable fr the Southern States nf snnr!inp. wfwter inf; sMi - O - - o r floral cc rtgncunurai Ariicies) ieuicai HeCmes, holding all tte uourts in the State. I Sold wholesale by the 'Publishers;. and' by Turner 8c Hughes in this city , bjEv. Hale; at his Printing-officin ettevilieamorC Hall, at his Biokrstore ;in Newbern and retail ' at mosi ot tne oioresm tne, state. ' Sept. 27, 1830 ' TTAVING received 'an e e,nsiv4orltment LljL of'GoocUin'hia Hne,reapectful; 1 Vestios, -hiclrwifl be oKt low, rmade . vw orucr, n ijciivi woruiKriisuipj H ' I the shortest noticje an on the most sccomouxla-, ting terms. He has nooo hand, 'ndw inteiKls? 1 to keen consUntlv. av larere',1 f supplyot may j ta vor.' roe witb l heir LtCXANPEK CAilPBHUv. Splpci 1 At pram nnrfMHisinrirnlJniiTniit 1 PUBLlStlRD every Sturday.in;tbe Cj:ofiv New-York. This pppuarpilicaln?;kv Z 1 ing "a large and elegant ivolumeKoT424:aWete t - ' , " - C .1 , - -r. : v .- ; . 5. :Clt vj . ;. 4t J ': TV' .v n 'tilt- . i 5X1 i '"'-"Vi , - lit 4 Kw , i W. - - 1 T , 4 s - -P. t I . r 1