. - - tijaturoin ihem.U th friil ttatc r .;.;Vv tATC A:;!) JUi'OitTA.yT. J ; - cf alarm-in which , the Spanish ,Covcrn: X Vrr''i."l".; .! Vjt r- , tct: W menVVs thrown by, the movements., cf the ;v rV Arrival at .New-York and .Norfolk; rfUKeesh6 according to 'Jitters: frotn : ';r brragI,lver StvSebastianV;of;the'S9th uU2nil,irist.. V V'than intelligence bf the Jamcrpfljj he contrjiveirtantcrlSpairi in conide: ; : ; .w.VThe ev--1 by jttujse mjK is;,of -abjelhVs; takin&therbute ofNtourrtf ; .conside d Arrasotu'to pata-lnto Catalonia- J'lDw;:'f v'VV;?:- thtf mSkntimeiyahd hWWuttf.a ? ySVVi A RelttpoHs -taXen; place. laom.. cree;4ntcnHctin aIFFrenchra:en,;1wearr . ' ::'Brunswi.ck(amn ingtheco!orel f: : V : :m ed accqwpt,bd t Duke has fled fram abrninioni byJaria ; vTulstJi hi issued , ; W TiKfc 5nrPnsP'V subiscts' VTv .'v. nnnfUovHlUMl: k irnrVpndpra arivareV ,-.';, r V disaffection" spreading n 'Germany and the, m Ul e Zfog'WipUr.n ' Jm? I . V V troiies eViflently brewing ift.-Spau-iex- rkifr'mAl "A--REVOLUTION 4 iitfuwau Gertie !at New-York; fromtLrverpooli w 'X V X Viae .itenmrg Mawtucn, reaciieu X4uu: j ! da,nightilast,;brught .Jet ; -. f rWdoWnid SatUTday;;ntorhing, tontaub . I . , : : Vtlng 'intkHgence f tlafrmn turbin- ; 5-;ay bducedef night of, tbePike?: who . I V V r.Vis pelted by: the te6ple; on tov.reton ' 'Jtf,T theterttvof his.coachman.-t ' ' ;V; Ilavjixg i-paihed his, palace; he ordered the ; ;t-;;Vats to betlosW;& his.Ws tafirupon ttjc aat!tci:Tlii!f. comm'andwas;-bow- t.S:c V?ev; hoobeyed; And the eifusioli pf blood ras avoiaeai i fprvuvi.o " ., f " ftad troops ina aiv.ji . v.- . : people whd; besieged kit,ahd crequeste4 ! ; v'VtJicmiMate tneir- 1 ;-':T4nds'WiVthw;the:,Viece8liof artiJery : 5 Wptpd1 against the inhabitants should be . vVv& romby ed 5 that his ISerehc Highness vould -y: -jCV'ctoiowJedige Cjianlbers j andthat h : I . -uyduld nqt ejideayof to escape to England , , 'vtb ! ,to,spprtd Ui4tr.asures of his subjects, a j ;V-V - inong foreigners. r The, General returned 'ithjthahiwer that"theDuke.refused,to 'i"-VjfF4emWteV'i' consequence of i V -1 ' Swhich i the people collected, disarmed , the v-i.-. -r civil lOrce ;auu set . ui o w , wuauvj mv ' iJJuke 'having "pnly time to escape otihore-:uck'His,4lid-de-Galnp4 who hos arrived '- V, 'bis escape "also1 oh horseback ; The" troops m tbnBVuhswick has been saved from : V' " :CTHllaVc :andt conflagration, bya .burgher "2 : guards which was; immediately armed and ; ; ; J orcanized to' protect public apdi private , ' jpVopertyI' -The lTwthus numerates the . - 4prbvocationsiwhich had led to the over- knw'nf thisiYounarinUDDet of the Holy, --rt- Alliance: He has retusea to sanction tne " Y'Sf cons'titutiongiven to his states bythis un .l'cIelfcguardUnGcorge IV jhe has'con- " f es vhicVwere imposed during a season of ";C$ 'Awaf'rhe hastaflrested Ihe most, noble, of ' rv; Vhis pe'pple without trial' $ he has disregar dpd the iudffment of the tribunals and di- ' ; cted' their decrees .to be torn," in pieces j irVV'-fcandvtlir he 1 ; ;Vl, 'has orderedthe secrecy of correspondence IV V . i V to be violatetj; aua leuers to ueopeuea -.v At theDOst;omce ; and while he discarded j-; vf rcn his service or .banished, from his do- T minions, the most respectable servants ot -i. J r?;t the 'state, he, employed as Ministers per ' i ' -l. fi6ns whose-only recommendation was a ' 1 ;y;. r : jlmd subserviency to ,ns caprices. In Henc they sailed onf tne7th" Septembers extend ins: far and We. JrAons::jLhe'ru ,m'ofs,cohtaine in the TFr erichland;copied; 5nit( the English naperVs: U a reported r volt orjne soldiery 01 i(usia, at 01. 're tersbu'rsf..Th'e fa I lest KdiaMce'doenot appeartb be placed 6nthe rumor; by the loi'eiga: prints; yet t is more nuniir puuuw ble 4HaHa seriousVtumult has occurred -In tliat vmpW? htiS - V. - ? ' " - Thelatest .dates from. th Netherlands are fo the 21st SepW at ivhich period Jthe uiictlistractionsJ:So far.froin'-ibeihgT henled, were more alarming than ver,'--1 The; lat account from Brussels," sayt-2 ccarche : Shells may bc( rsand m c ctate - ,, , , , d IF V&iHVcris "-A ' 4-vl .,' 0 ; petriraQti'on .o'iv atHost . -.ay. , cf . tr. r; ; Ths .first- Jay,-. Mr-, . pawtUrn- V?. ff ?i5 ?f. 1 UrV- Tlic'bahlts of the-Kentuckt river. Wttk. n ast.Chanf t,; ; 'V.y.. '.'Hi.i..- f . prntffi?fif!,f;or!cal reseat ,K; esrnndeed4 a person' couianoc-.weii.isu ouuiei.u r - ,r rae above' Nf; w.r":.: Ufcx - t , u r a , m. o l it fi v ' w mice .t. ; . i ' r vitf7 rt a -. -:.'Jud?e TtyH has furnished ;h;s readers 'Wth'tWVjnttresting.npticcatin numneror nis magazipe. mi? cihuimuui cation of Go v er no r ,Gol es tbj vTh e 'An t j quanaand: -Historical .Society; o noii'tisTaUoone ;oT,interealicohtalDiog vaiuaoe lactsano cuiiuucuis.; ifiuv' i and Ohio; will be the; riyat Sfates . if : the WeitThe'mitferai ift iinpniiianMlI we had! almost said, id the iybrltttis as ;yet,but 'partially, devel oped:1 t fchVmistryV mineral ogyf and - geo- tnoTreasure wnicu iic in?cauj,;oi? a Jfew inconsiderable e'xceptionsa, use JeV at present, as itburiedjii thenotys eral regionvwill " supply 3lcaiP.ehonoh' Tor the use of both-Europe. !and t -Am erica, . Coppeai beep freouently reported tfib seen by traVellefsi Tliis mineral, of it- self, would oe lnvaiuaoie, anu ; scit-nxiiiv-men Should besent on 'exploring expeili- exasperate the Burgher guard have been disarmed by the pdpulace ; jiart of these guards have, joined, the people. Evry, body is hiding his valuables. . Tlie woniei and children are leayin -tbojeity, J which? is unpaved; and barricaded; "Hnw,will all this end ?" A letter frniruMentz of the : 17th of Septt states that 25,000 Prussians, are toj take a position ori'theSaar ; and Austria riot content with thej85.000 men $he hasaU ready sent into' Italy, has ordered addi tional troops, to follow; r i t, c ' ; ,The Grand Duke of Sate Weimar has left Weimar for Eizenart, Disturbances are said to have broken out in the States of this Prince. . :4 ' IMPORTANT FRbM COLOMBIA. V: J : mViature peiidant of Don Miguel, the i tliV thopeful lord" of Portugal;' Vf:Wi ckn state-wiUerfect belief that t-'K1"" 'Vfli EmperorANichnlasHvUl .immediately I- f- f i recognise: then ef is! Government . of Xi'utsPliilipl Kingf,le Freiych. Aus-4 t V'":i; ' ' triahaValrealdv recohised fUe new Order : i'lVV V." '3-r.hih:gVin France f.Her recognition pro- - Ncecds to rrarjs via ueriin, auu ue ac- f conipahTed Uj tlit of Prussia. TiWj. :;"C: i J.f HE, NETHERLANDS. ' . rv - i r ft correspondent of the limes o Wed X 1; ' iesdaywho'dates jits 'commu nieation at i ' C ithe Jrlaguev Sept. 1 U ay Oir Tuesday selshere -waa'a Very-nuwero'uii': inectrne 'Vv, v ,of whicji these gentlemen formed a part. vr A' second' resplu tioii, was formally: propo- ( :. a o mi urinnfori nvn vnsr mnmrirv. innr a Provisttipal Govern nfeht. should be form J.' ir of which fourpr.fiyef these deputies j I ?A y ejected, as inernbcr. ,'v;lhird reso ';;lv,:jqtjoi4aain' like manner; carrieU; that 1 ' 'V&LrtbjTiing, shuld'have'tvrenty feur ' hours ' 'w"&" ' ?ilt wd hira to'decide whetherhe would1 " -V ' "agree or not "to'a sejiarationVof the, Belgi ' 'i J'roniiIpljand,land jfhte answered no, I v vr r d id tiot answer atalltlBeJgi"um wai, at ohiKatperiiid, tole de-' -"4 clared 3ndepepdeht)iiiiderUheVutectin ' Carthaena naners to Seotember 8th. and Bogota dates to August 28ti, have been received at the. office of '' the' New York Journal of Commerce. Their con tents arejiighfy important. A revolution has taken place against the , government --a battle has heen ' fought between its partisans , and - its V opposers the ' latter have been victorious and entered the cap ital. ' - " The first cfocument which, presents it self to oirr notice, is a k Declaration of the, Garrison of tie Capital of Magdale- na," pronounced in Carthagena on the 2d ofAugust It -begins thus : " The Commandant .General of the Depart ment (MannoMontilla). having received information-of the l UecUration of the Provinieof Socorro in favor of the nation's remaining 'entire, and of tlie; constitution recently adopted, and declaring his Excellency the Liberator, Gene ralissvmo of the army ; nlso, taking- into ironsld eration1 tlye critical circumstances of the;apital (Bogota) in consequence of the resolution , ta ken by the Collao battalion and the neighboring, popxilation; and' considering the imperious ne cessity which devolves upon this, garrison, of de vising means . without delay for preserving the iiitegrity of the tRepublic, "and saving our population from the horrors of anarchy, pro, coeds' to cjjnvoko a Junta of War, composed of all the officers, in tin? place, in order to hear their opinions, and decide on the course of con duct to be 'pursued in this important crisis." A meeing.vvas accordingly held in. the Evening of the same dayf at which all the officers I'wefq present isxeept two;- who were detained by sickness, and one who wa absent at Jirts dountry 8eat. L V f. liie Junta tben d e c i I e u . almost unan- f i m ou si yl tlia t un d e r ex is tins ci rcu m i ta n ccs the Lommaiidantv Uencral ought not t o' obB y th e ord er s vhi ch h e migh t receive from the Govef ninent. at Bogota, and fur th e r m o re t ha t i t was hi s d 14 ty to r e n d e r assistance; as far as he was able without fendangeririg'the internal security of the iepa runt: in, to inose uepanmeius wmch had.declared, 01 mightIeclarej 'in ? favor pfa change of Mi nistrjfthV Consti tution, nd the fnfegrjty orthe-llepubljc.'V'-' JThey are also agreed to inyit'the Llb, erator to placeJimseIf at the, head of the' a rmy4-al though the Com m'and ant' Gen e- i a 1 1- u ggc? 1 cu - ii a ju , s u ; 1 a u m v 1 lau t? i) might vgi ve :bpportu n i tyto hisv enemies to accuse him of more machination's, and ' to this should- be' jnvjejtigateaVr as it must uridpubtedly be , found in tquantities.- Sections of 4 and 'hasjbeerp reserved by Governmentln ihe sou thernv part of the tateundferthe belief that silver ore has been therelfound. Mr. Half states.it as a. .fac t rthatla s ma I K q u a n ti ty was rai sed , and counterfeit dollars made frdirij it, pur$r tharf theJ Spanish dollars. Medici nal springs have been4 frequently found, strongly1 impregnated , iith sulphate of magnesia and other :minefal properties. Salt ia; manufactured, $ not otlly for the use of theBtate, but large quantities are carried to , Kentucky and'Tennessee There is a mixture of some foreign subn stance," Which though not discoverable to the palate, I renders if less useful for the curing of provision's ! We, believe the same mayj be said of that brought -into this? market. Foreign salt; is ahvays used in considerable quantities for this ,purpose. p : ' ' 'It was our intention, at first merely to have alluded t the subject at the head of this article. The letter which is annex ed, was communicated for the Illinois Magazine, and furnishes the only account we.have seen "of.this: most singular, curi osity. The prefatory1 remarks are from the pen of the editor. Theexistence of petrifactions, at": 4 point inaccessible to inundation, is, as far as we are; ail vised, a; phenomenon in scientific history. The 1 agency of water ami ot mineral' substances is supposed to be necessary to the production of these formations ; we know 6f no instance in which thay, have ' been produced by; the action of the atmosphere,' nor. can wc ima gine any' rational, grounds upon' which, such a hypothesis could be sustained. If we areright in oiir conjecture, the coun try: in which 1 these- petrifactions exist,' jnust liave beenV at some period, submers ed in water. - Bu t when r Are these the romains of the ante'diliivian itrees r Did Noah's flood cover, thU7 portion of the earth Jong enough to produce such an ef feet ? I pr" have, these high grounds been covered with' water 1 at a period 'subse quent to the general deluge ?' ' t-t r Jef arson Barracks: Mav Is 1330. : (l Dsar Sin: It affords mevpleasure to com- hv wi" your retjuesi wim Tegarusto tne FB trified Forest.', , . ,j r V',You asked for a memoir on 1 the subject, but you must be satisfied with the following attempt to give' you -merely the fads is they cnine witjU in my own observation Without? venturing;- single speculation beyond the effepts prodded, rwisbrather to leave the; subject iv more able hands than mine ; and if I can aid, in any ' way, tosolve'the problem, by a statement of.stmple facts, (wdl known, liowevtrr, to most of the of ficeTs, attached to the .Yellow Stone ezDedifian I shall feel more than .compensated for any finie I shall devote to the subject.V- i , ". . - ' s The enclosed specim--n was broken off from one 01 tne many jarge slumps ..mllimbs -of trees found near Yellow, Stone river,' and brought way onih",,hir 4 ' rh; jines'.Tom Browned .Vist evermaoe puuaciyuji ujbv,ui?w w race. very intfHestittg. , t .f s- : '-GKarles yearsroTir iV-'vfl j; J; Harrison' f Betsey RSddVf .:five yWrsld,, ;r- li.' H. Jpnes's s.. c i mc ijo n,e iiy f VashtPgt6a4yearsVdd-c l-sVi :VearsUid,T : rf.;:- c;.- , 7mcr-r3 156 I wprielegantlyVr Lasttpay--f -f'Vf ' r"$ R. H. Jones's s. c.Tom Browpe by '. Wiishrnpton. vears 0I1U u ii;J 1.' Mr. Alexander's s.Cc Veto,threer( I v,? ; yearslold - k -! i 5" ? ' f vf -hA&- o s J. J. Hrrisoh ch. f. Catharine , W l; Warren, . bv Virginian; out-of- theam : of ancyWarrtnV ,: felK ! POT JFFICE.T J :.l Raleirh. lsf MmenberS 1830;5 THE amount of Postage at this? Office Jias in ! created to a sum which requires monthly depositee. ., Those' having accounts areihere&y notified that navment must be nunctuallv made at the end of each month. d Accounts ityilj.nof be. ke 1 1 J V r r n - -o ;?ar-.. ISO iOfB500.:?4CKVSW) eS-" 1 1 ,q.Ui,wni0WiIn.ig,on(Oel r -12.500 !?"". 5,000 4,086 1 irv "1 is if pt with those who are not 'punctual. 'rV , . iV'i.: THOSjG,. SCOTT, M. - N. B. The a'ceohnts for .last month are! made' out, ready for settlement! U -rni"' , s- c4-jj. V"Bh:rl.wd h m with nw Insults. Genl. fBrice- fe?-e-Tg thai heVouId obey moVother v n ol,theirfrecvditic,wheriAhe cuurace ofallitil.i-j., u ..i-.-C ix-.1 'r . ' H 9d (X4 "tracteU tt,r a.- hy fy. htrr. A; d-tat 1 i 5 i?S,f"5'v,"id .to1-1 ;f?h?? ,aA and inlorm l.SmoHhe I wishes of. he"Joi . ;?.JAr?rJ UV -The Declaration l signed 'br Ithe ' Vv tr' lf Wffi Commindant GetieVal,-n!r all-the - other, V,:.'.,;?f.tfif.r deeUratipt). Itii UWH.wd thAt officers present., t-; j-. v . " 0Vyt 1iainhvLl6orore,PaIace4Ya..d"is l ';: 4"P capital otMasdalena." It rJ Signed Z$:fS ViWfe.f B Jtt-Jfce; .e Frpfe'ct of tfie-VUcpartment,' 'i,u ,. ait other. tows HAying learned Uiat they ,were j,;, -t- - --A-i ! :. .-- J,-'-.1. ' ,not mefr;to getvictnals Fpay1'tBVu8.' ' --Cv: ; :HWK4VP)tJJiidji wdi?.ifmil ; : V ,3,hb,:pbtrifh forest ,y; i."-: ' nwtyemrrninentwil -Ue. restored VJJut -rwi..;..i,--' : "r.":,: ''i.lIqreJeni!tWft Irl- rsdom at.dprude.ice.ttla'n have yetheen' I' SS' vl ,,,,R??.H?,-r,V Iff ;V?bcetf brbugh't qpoa theouritry: : ..' V7 ' Zli l it J f- fcyr.!;.:J'-'''.if ;v2:;&; ;v4 , soop iwanquinmiiatioh;:.rii,e 'V4-lf!riw.!rfPt.Ptpe or.dabcauliful riUrrockbeathe : t.-.ratard7a'l4.S4Jiday.' cmost'itri- ;innaqetaWe'p?trifwtlji:nd';WslaV '".tivVt'i :,v . , -"''..' . v , - . .. '; .," -I , '"j uiw..viic yi .iif. omcerg atcaciieu to tilt Yel low Stone expedition, in 1825 f Vv 1 Mhemost remarkable 4 facta. npHian regard to these petrifactions, of what was one a forest of thiqlr timber, are their location and belay? its junction,- yath the Vellow Stone,, near UUtude fortyigut degrees; these remains jire most" abundant. i - - , 1 ; , ; - , , XTbft'topoffraphV of thts section oFtn.infi.,: try is(hilly, and much broke n;intb .deep, ravines and bollowa. . Oii the sidea aud; summit of the hill;at an Elevation of several Imndred.feet (es. timated three hundred) above the present level of the rjver'and at an estimated height (for.vve Mad np instruments) of some thousand feet above ;the ocean, the earth'ssurfade is literaUy.cover- eu wiid, siumps,;roots, .-and vJimbs' of-petrified m l,c jrcscniHr.Te appearance ol a Petri i fied Forest, broken and lhrovi-don by sfime pnweiful convulsion Of nature anrt ru 'all directions in enumerable fragtftents. u ' ' V 1 Some of the trees appear to have been hrn. 1 t-.l' .fli.f ! lli, . .-- - vcwun itt wmnp, ciose to their rrinto .others stand at an elevation , DfVomV feet above the surface, JMany 4f the stumps.are of a larire sue'; meaure4 one'of,them,1u-company with wariLi of.fittee.nfeet mircumf;r4nce ri V t ' ; ;-;'; Yours,- Vuhnteem - ! Lieut B.,WAtKE ? W rZS ' TJORTrJEItrJPATENT'. jt." . PXfHE reai advantage of this machine overiH X ' jnthers heretofore inveni ed, consists -iin; the followring1, , viz : in receiving and working the, clay in the state it is taken from? the banky tfith out. wetting or any previous. rn-enaratioriitThe ciay is uxsi piaceo in ine granuiator ,xnTougn which it passes to the machine where t he , brick is perfectly moulded, ptessed and laid oni aAvre volviog platform, at the sanje .opevati6n"arid thereby made ready for atackihef and burnim;' without the tedious and expensive' 6peratHn"of crying oj air or sau. -a ne dhck iijus maue may receive apy degree of presstire required,? u to .10 tons Weight ; Consequently are much harder, heavier, more uniform and perfect5 than those, Usually made by hind, The machine will cost from 20 tb $2500, and being made 'of irori,will want but little repairs! The power of four horv es and the labor of 3 men. will be able to worlt a machine, and make ready Qr;stackiner 520 'to !A nnn i.. u-r-u :..1Vt , -i . ' ui iv. in ja iioiira. . i ne, pro prietors of I lis i m porta lit t i nven tion . offer - for sale, ;the jight, of usio the same M kny part ?cf the United .States and"teirit5ries, ; upoii liberal terms, "either Tor singlje rights,;0r :for xitlesVtowmy or StatesJ- ITiey will also recejvejrders Tot ma. chines, ad procure and forward the same to any place where they m-y be wanted.' ; A working machine and model may 'befaeen;? -andfartheri information had, on appiication by letter" prPo therwie, to thf .Northern Patent Brick Company',: or to the subscriber: in' New-York. - - Joseph c. BAranYiN;;! ' 1,' 178 Chatham-street, The patent for Maryland has Heren' sold for $20,000 wiihin tlie last month ' The'vfeol for North Carolina is owned by n indlyidualandis ofTered atj the smalt sUni of $2500Ait$ cbmmu-! nication on the subject addressed lb 'Joseiirrn- Baldwin, j 178 Chat bam -street,: NewYork " wtf. icri vim uiiaicuiatr atlCTIllOll . '" V; r Jit i I 1 -v . , i .Petition for' Saf. rrxr , 5 T t f P?r Jhe tisfiictioa bf th. VJL- t tne Oeteridants Henry Stocks & 1 Hr.fcn and Amv his uifr ai t!?H thitate; it is rder,d th bS mac e w tn Raleigh Reirister six' waV it far kd county at the Courthouse 4n cJU? A on U first Monday in NU; V'v V we to the Detiti, thV wCT "1!"? 5 J lrtnP ""f ordered accprdi nglyr Witnei Jam frSheppard,rClerk;bf our sfi-CcS oftc the first Monday of August," 1830 '4 JAMES. SHEPFARniw ?4 '-3' -NOTICE - s'2 . .7 IfEREAS inr, a pVtnled V thi 'rf f V! of Equity of Wake conmv tiuZ k '? - ; THE SUBSCRIBER H f i ' ? OFFERS for Sale Ma HOUSE .LOTS ih'th'e t Toof 0xfor,' ith;the LAHQ adjoining -about2D0 fceres of which about 60 acrea are .Woodland. The Hoine is 52 by 40ieet com modious, (and well; finished throughout having 4 rdoms with fire places cm each floor-with a wide passage on each--a garret distributed into closets and two comfortable rooms s arid a cellar uiiuwHui; wuuic uiTiueu inio several apartments. a"d it ia a W FalUng Garden finished tettrfafa-ratt with fruits selectedfrom the north aiilceHouse "VHv, ITaUniTS constructed' of k-a stone Sprlng-House , a 1 is m a a ghT healthful; and wealth secfibn'of . WeH of excellent iVater in the yardman Omce In! coontry.lThe buildinirs are large, 'commodious,, the Vrd suitable for a LaWVcr: and vVrvViVeI 'and in m'lAd.rnaip. and Wfll BiliirttrtrtQtheDur : ft. . i t . -r.. .... .. .. .... y . - : .7- ' sarv uutnouse. an m nnH vnoU . ' - Also, a TANYA HO' now in op6ration,wUicli might give employment to Sor 10 hah3shavin 104 acres:of land attached tojtj .and bn the pre mises la a' comfhrtahte , ) ' : - . . J:-uCMlUKiWWl I every, convenience ;for"a ' fahiiiy residence, v A better; pdnstmcted YardV seldom -seen V any vwucre. imspropprty Willie disposed of on reasonable and accommodating terms. : - 'Uxtqrm.bepU'l. U $5oaw tf r . -SUPERIOR COURT WWjXmj&l rySehtimber term' tflllX; nhodahoUingtont'A ' f mii s Wilhamitollington,' V r-., ;v i ' WHEREAS, Mubpoi;aoSi 'wye been issued ac-imst i hAJA. Sheriff of, Edgecombe county that Jhe '.said - dei WJ founds and ppclannatlohaVintr4 Deen made-mibliclv ttfi A ST w'd C0HW,faye saideShlrforYe i aeienaant to appear and answer oy toe-sad subposnas and he: having, failed giveiy si weeks; in 2 the: Northaroliiia Free nA-j;r;.rr. wwn, uri of the the: real estate oftfte latJl V'i u" ordered that ;theJ Clerk Ma.ter ascerti. wmr oi ine apots ot tneui deceased are enti. Mic legai priority, and:that .he hofd.th$ PTOCteds subjecnlhe aatVstaptioh thereoC-. ThiMtanotifirllnksbm Intr t,. -li' for Vti&fi before thetl9th efNoveniberneiL a iue ev.iae:ices ot their cJmsJejrall v. TT . It nit m . . . t HafeQc 16th, 1830 -;,22-faw4wP? '- ",Y -PJfANp, FpfKTEa.-i.:;,: s f. '.- t V (spectfulyinfQrms;ihe Public, that he has ot hand at, his Ware-Room Ssieveral Instrtf. naenti of his pwn'manufactufe, with that fullness j of lor a and excellem; tonch; not o b& excelled f -ue ovcrs. ot music, vand especiaU? those Whci feeihtefestedinf the prosperity of Dome stic JUoutacturesareVespecUully.iiiviled lo.call oid examine them, ,T : , . ! f fV. fbegurtheMobWvc;liaf;,hV;tiB contin iest6;Strnrg;nd TunVPam asbtr.etiK forje'i wiH prompUyattend tos those wk nwy,; w sh Jus services; :at any distance withifl 7f l miles f this City. ;iVVO ' N,V , t. !v Also ; oh hand, a second hand Plano--4oliire' 4 Hs' FOE SALS. nnil AT well known and-eligible, Sitaation, i JL b4 - totftirt of J WarrentonTt N. C occupied . pses lor; which they Vere, -designed i or the? imgHT. oe ponvenea jiuo u ue-sirame pnvaic dence foj" a large family more . tninute des cV? ption ildeemed superfluous .aa it .is ptejurtj ? ed jliat'nolie would purjclaseSwithoutTjein the premjses. ? The furniture belongiiig to the Establishment wjll also be disposed "of.: Should the pripdrty not be sold before the' 1st- day ot December next, .H will on tbat 'daye offt red public &ale on UieV?-'"'0?"-of ehaglug in'-thlsjiiieofbusiness.woold do Well to attend,; as it isj seldom .thaVsuch an op-, portonltyis the present is'aporded. ; ' V'f ' 'The Terms which shall be liberal, and such w to' accommdatepurchasers,Ul fee made on the day of sale'.: - ? s f -V; i" ' t veuers n i,ne, .auojew-aaorccu. v . sciiberr'pdt'age paid.'vfll he promptly !ttD edtto 1 1 v r.' : ' V 'I'll' s ;V:r:;.;'-" CA IlOIlIB M. PX4UNKETT. lYarrent(,iit S8th3eb'a8jai - 17 OOhe1" ColurobiaeVscnpe' and Richmo'i inquirer: win jnsertjiiip auwp .fuisjM . six weeks.'ad forward their.accounts to this uir fice for collectibn.1 'i The Celebraieff,.Kac"e "Horee ami in this place he fvA aue mil i f . : rry -v - .:: lion Thn l , t rr jv t -i.; .i .. , -ix, -;i w.k.Mun jit rnr - t . ' r . ,. i ..... '. i;idL.c iu; :-., if.T r r i: i nil.'