,c'.f.n5-4st vi?t te'-.9r '-1v u-f 4- " .AVivflrafr-i nlfr a; II ' 2 BoPBm wish ta Cave We sferdiscnfmued a? the, eas- " nirarion of their year will be presumed ude-' siring 19 commuancemit .cnnnicriiiaiucu ? Tot three time fat nolU?tw4.twenty-fi?e'ceiits for eacn wpequeji; -pviiciiun.rv vj9;!V CTeater.leBWih5in thsame' proporjion.'. lf them, thef. will be . continued 'until ordereq M -it; ON THIi MjNlSTEHTO RUSStA ) " tion, foVvthe salirjflof a Mimsterio" Huia befn iirideV consideration! Mrv .BqRfcES, offUhodc Island Addressed the as der air Vhlch'ha been saidt' bftli atjau t roe, & ajrainst whateyer ha been, ad vaced by me in support ni me nioiion nisue DTc Kr,,,l'rM,, from Ohio.; W'rtB the Wulrncef he House, it nfty be weU6 look' back fo the question made by this yhovtiort t fotv gentlemen in ther. zeal jo etucjize the f Minister orv to abusie those lho doubt thev pcrrectjnesa of " li'ia 'appointment, he departed almost entirely'' from thet matter in issue before ; A J , y . J& Th Ejection to .,lhta Uppropnat ton, and the motion to $(rilte it from this bilhave keen made because It is oronosed for the "parr went of a salahr to a foreign Min?sterr wh6;by hi ommijo of ( I,epation or bv certain afcret. Brnciet j?iven jo hon ia authorised to 'teate the Court w to which he is aeoty to tfxW any cthtif country whenever, in his oirn opinion, his health mar require it and not to tfturn to Xhat;Coutt ia topp as, according 'ia the sam opinionit roa be'itfufiou to hii health to do o. 5 We deny such Xnission to be a "legal one. "we deny tnat the snlary provided by law ;for foreign"Ministers,is, erpr cai be due , to any man sent abroad under ttc-credentils ' vith M.b ptrhrileges reserral, ftiwr:such powrra g anted to rnmr not ta the 'fin ((lie but o his torn, use.' T5 objection' -tothis,appropriatioi has- tiereFre not been made because the gentlemkn wasi when sent tibroadV nd " hal long - been, a valetudinarian or because, if then n;heahb,that health exhduated by tbe toils of dipJopiacymtght reqnire refreshment by relaxation and relief frum publieerTice?-No, ;Sir nor, because that re lreshment might: npt.be fnnd'unlesf under inihler sky. and by removio to a more - genial climate than that of Russia .i;ch things may excite, as thev certamiv 1)ave exciretij tne spe cial wonder of the,Natiojttnd they are, . and they will be ' .very , proper topics of - de-J bate, when conjudermg tivej state purposes- oi this-mission V hut Vheyvhave notv been;, nor -will they be 'nude the giyuiifo of objection to the ap. nropriaton ofthisUem,inthetbilh,' , ' We object to thia Salary lan iiccount of the il lepklitv of this Mission, an NbecauW the Secret tary of States knowing the feebleheaUh of&Mr. .ltandolphknbw"mgJiatinbility . to attend to the . IfiboriouSjdetaiW ot thal public ser-yice-kno wing that his const mrtion 'coiild 'not endure either the winter' mmmtr clinnte of Kusia,dtd invent this mission, and did' advia the President to seVd out this, gentleman with cre dentials as Envoy ' Extraordinary andj Minister Plenipotentiary ; 'of the-Uniedt States gt, tle Court of his Imperial Msty . the Krnpert!vof iiusia ; ana ai nie skuic iiiirt;',iv, j,'! m ' vmi niission, no matter for what .'causcto r&d .surlt . Mioister, "vinj whatever country he?Pfight '.cbiwte to resides vSuch a missio;catriot be form ed Mich a MinisteV cnnote sent abroad,either under our laws or our consttlirtioil, o ihder jthf usaceaahd laws ofNaliorts.s' the attention of the House, tlkerelpre, t the enfnrj',heh er this sahtrycjm.4be.tf6 vfort n illtgat nd ' vtpd M.ssion i whether it .caTf.be; duft a v a mtafitu. meruit,or i pro rat compensation for.theervic which Were rendered at ,the Court; of Ruf siai t -.,f-r - .''.nil 1 . J . I.. ... TUl-V lOfi oj all, wuetnern can ; De.aut,;ut;4uc;jiur3 mission taav'uubxervt i certain purposes, Jdghfa wful to the Secretary of ,$fate h Ptty M1 enquiries can, tojthe best purpose be-.mdc; ilf is proper to givesomerrepiy to :,wnawi-oeeivi liered by several gentieineu agamst tijis- moiion. These gfctUlemen have said lesfto'sxippirt.: this anpiopriHtion,' thanO impugn ; the motives' tf those who tpp6sedt. . ;'Vitbmysmotiv these gentlemen are welcome to armise themselves The storm of their tabtise-'past ?Over ,me, as v the winter storms of my rflative Ne15frglahd have often passed 'Vtr the' humble h dwelling of my boyhood, without shaking tStone feoni tlier chim- ney, or s'.aning a sning'ie on .uie row.- .i iwve too much respect for myselfti? believe lhaVthey liiive aimsta roe'Jrom thevwantonness of maJice.i but -A-i believe it yas done'simply . -because, they couitt nno novmnpr to say taore appropriate 10 the qwi: v,ssrL 1 This motion' has been 'jrnRde to prptect'he rights'of tlie- fiction .'giunst the encroachrne rii s of :powrTloe, who Vesisf "uch . encroacii ments ar.d assaults of power, musfalwayhxpeict to eiicourlftrryociferous,. uries. Ihave -nt enteredjthw wVlfare without ' ceuvthisr Vii cost f A School of high atithynty tail;. ht me IM V W'-ife; Wat of aggn. s-ion v He alio takes th;e iword-AhaU perish by Itiie sword' hut in a wartfdefefvcs'ct, Uim who has 110 1 ord sell h'K cofind buy tine, V', 7 Mow then has our defence .bencmet andn swered ? Mow by' thel gen'tieTn n.frtmii Virgin ia ! Mr. Ha r liodiJ!) ist ?iof at;!-. am accus ed rf ohcting tothis,' iihprprwtiotrbrcauiie it is tortlic use of' "Viiginf dU1' in tiu the.geiw tlf man 13 utUf rl'v miaf aketiA'I tmfarm&rAiimLot tins crrorip ' few momeRt5.itfiet. hej. hadtakerf ... j . : .' .PL ... .'-j . . his sent. (e 4,aft nutwitlfstitnding.: lireiUlo Jim u i rrntr m punt. sunervroe-dHr,.; in .frv place, and hetore this House, o ,'proleKt Vigainiit ttii procedure. The ecutlein'e-wht'tijiuit tbi-n, .anu who do me the hwiior to hearme'Tiojl J'kti DottAR per anngTntlbnfr.half iaaynce4 i Those Vho do noCcithV k thet tWf: 1 1 Vi new, l,vat-1 SJ4!d MO ch thlbtndiitiittita J hotild hae cothpi-to rrgr,t, coul'l.. pyoV of.the eaniiquafcei, amids. the 'ruins tof unr I iHleman's Mtgrubn axa'rtst me, ahdltif I ; Hide ibh rt under the eve of ' the uUoU. I H I know,, cannot be done j " aiid 1 Qiuatftuf wuihiBi- made tlie nrmtfrl fui.rtmmurf lite let the imrmfatio: 'wherever ttis speech isreaa, without tny correinlonAfitsirOTs. U'll AiLlcll CTC'llivrTi iuw, f;uvii aiiav, p,"" loot much moral h sentiment ni n; iVirgTnis, to, f et dewjf oneof theiif felhiw- men as quite go stupid, or qute sd maTeyolentV-1. sV V -f' -v 1 ?vThe gentlemari afteces J that". I consider this '. . - ' J r . i xtt Tfi.;H might have .beeiv saifl bvJme.becjAiseT believed ijt to bertrue- If said, waBt said,ijr.cnnld it be nterded frt derogation of Virgmw Virgins retary ? f 't did not," fand nb-' man -wiU intimate that Vfrgjahad eveq looked With i afvorable i?ve 6n"thi9 bribe,'this sr)lendridJ,betoVmen.--- Not those who, hear, butthose' who listen to tne Rncr ot ue avren. ana are- aiuirea .tdt, wi t'i- V. 4 . ,, .. I.; cn&nimem, oecome neoasea nv.uietrrnjpiw""? Siil froari tberadle to.lhe'B-rave the ntice mentsof pleasure, beset our youthf the .totis H ambition rtc s.pread A or our TigorfHi "jnanuooa j ivnd in old agetthe honest i amor. .Aaten&j when ail Tne,r loves are frozen via , tne: neari:- atrc the dim; ey. to gnjse at, anp the , sum ear o ten to, the glittering heautieand jjroldenrmelo. dies if avarice, a Are we, dishonored, because.in .the.laniiageof Sir WmJones,. vice i per, mitted o spread her Snares ayotmd. us,'.that the triumph -of vii-tue msv. be Imore rtConspieuoua;? The ermine of the iudere'is: not tarni vhed bf cause 1 some unpTincipJed litignntJiaa' craftily profTered J a bribe to the conrt. ; ,The mame of the insulted t,ncreti;i has arrived to u s after a jntirnfey of more than 2000 yeats. ptisqjed by. time, ot.by the breath 'pt' anjr one ,of thV niiUions of millions Who havepronounced itf That-naroe, Sir, -like, the Alps of hek bwifltahr whose' tops nearest to heaven ar;e covered with leternal snow; is ;the monument , ft imperishable' pdrity while . the name f Jhe treacherous and cowardly Tatquin, with infamvi, w!U be, as it has been jt throughout all time, the, name if whatever i most vile and odiu(i&1 .'sSuV'iyirginia Liaf not dishonored ; the jiriiiicr, unci nw ine-iempvea, win suner uic iiv 'v"?T1je gentleman trom Virginia fMr. 'Barbour would tJterthrow our obiectionstothik app o pri at io nr by' eulogiai ng t he, man Kent pn -1 he . M i s- sion. . lie auuqes to tneimoitumemsot Hwiwn dolphs fame ; and lest mpn might call on him to shew where they arf, be has placed' them in the hearts of his countrymen, were no being but yf thesearcherfpf hearts' could discover , their existence ' What indications has Virginia given i in i. inse mooumeni.s are, wiwcue gviiiiciun h"a4 loci ted them ? He h& fong been a Repre- sentatrre in Congress from that State. - This is something in bis favor t ijuf frm a State so longsepatated into districts jt is not conclusive. It is confined to his chnVtitHPnts,andpnly proves what the gentleman himself has otten asserted bit tUs,flr, ,hat never had man such constit-uems.- He represented be whole State in the. Senate4-tme i but this was for ,the fragment on ly, of a term. Why was-he- not -re-appointed ? The-interest Sj-the hnnorvf snd high dignity of Virginia had bee a. placed bmler his- guardiaiv ship. 1 pioxv oid he perform the offices created by these trusts I r f list conflnct as, Senator from Virginia was brought before-the- Ijegislature' of that Stte, on a questiom ictnceming his reap. pointment. In this great Areopafrus, thsn which none- ia more dignified, each judge, if. he bad a 'monume'nt of thisvman in his heart: or his house. read ttie; inscription -upon iitu bn ' svhat w:i he tried H Not on. its political jcreedhei, did not suner, as me .Best or men nave, tor-: Beresv. Hisfaiih was, fori every purpose - beneficial to himseljt aod his wprV alone were brought into question. On this question a deep and in- terestiag. debate-, arose. vTe entlemar. may have bea present and heard! it ; or if not, as it uas publ?sljed he must have read it. It belong ed to "Yirjiin'a,1 iid was a part of her great com- monu'fcinu concern nor would l nave orougni this wholes'iimcexample jof family discipline be- ?ore xiie nation, naatio' nie euiogisx m tnis .fro wartl son of Virginia told ws.that the monuments of his exploits were'ln the hearts of bis country- firm the tentleman's?88ertioh . He was.weigb- ed and i H mene,- mene" ttekel upharsih' w;s written on all his .monuments. ' lie w a reject -el, and a -distinguished, Virginian was chosen Jo represent that State in the Senate, and n-store he ancient honof and dignity in the councils of the-najion.-y t. . , tff - - I'ask again, where are the monuments of tm3 man's lory ? v. Has heimprovel his native state in the ) great arts'of civil life ? In agricijiUuTe, his own peculiar vocation. '?"lt has neve' bee s:i,dfhim. Have manulact'ures bf en -fostered by his! encouragement? . Sir, the rcry name ,is tKliousj to him. 'The kheen, i tbe most innocent f: al ifnimul.Vaf'd supplying! by its'wool the.m: tertal for pevliaps our most oseful manufacture 4--the irh'eep is so hateful. t( himl that, -with sll .the'p'tietry of the golden age in his blod, ,.thi gentleman has said V Iwafiid go" twenty nnf cut of myti&yJo kick a iheepJ Commerce has been asfiuldrencouTaged by him as either of her sis ter afts in our family of. nations - industry. He is'0;?e'of a ciass-of men now grown quite 'small in nurj country,, who despise trame tutu, trsioers ; and wfrrtifd have considered- Cosnio de Med'rcis the pnncely merchhnt and founder of, Florenc-e, s nqbettej? thaiv'a linpedUrf He is literaiy; the fnufs o? his sage councils t the laws origi- natedj or sittained by hi$ th?qnetce; j and which will carry, his name to pobf,eiity as ;a" patriot I statesm-Aii .? When the genlleman shall .point to inese rnoHumems, and snew; inm; 19 oeiong io jir.. rtthdomu. , he mv- realize 'a fame, some what less fugitive and per inbable than" mere L words. ; - wotds- ' I fwjcenifeman arntn. v.irgima r.yir. jianwuri wotddj parry mr op(vitloh jo ...this sa!ryM mere nwhtjcal account : and says t am ;oppoed,' tp ; vit ptj& uHf M CA-lUndolpht oy ei t hr e W; t he fabric of teJeraVpowero Be it so f let Uie m:in enjy tne chiflie ha doknei , Lhad no' sture jitiapiiw-er.u.hkhyi-cTy'citiiead'id not eqnalh enj-jy. iv trHve flieno1 nonor-.'iio-emoiuinm- -t iu vm i K. , 1 . . " --..-,( -..'.. t -.. 4 . - ; , 1. . believe, and t think.tboxisanJ33 mhoaidedjn-i's UvcMLfftit'.' f tint hUVelVlhat ailV fctniC-' vvrttrqwxo notnpw beleveitti tote, jiincchat time greeted -1 on ' gtyeii;-holier sanctnary. to the -. C a indite secure,sfielter to the f hts its runs shs gtyen;a holier sancin'af y to the ..CooitutioiTj' Or a mdite secure,sfieltertO thehts and liberties of Ibejpeoplelf ijds gintVrrtrtiTik! .'Vrrp throw; that fabric, he coud:nt btify ' nnder its r'uiijhe ffWKt prhicjphys-iofjthe' ievolutioii itTnon and indepe-ndeiiee' tlie Sflf.ga1 ofitny. cntu t f , t pp.i uicai c reed 01 -every. uou r on my Jife) itut pot s one rlp. . be forgotten'? tlianf the saintdd. Woip which hourished niy i.nfa'ivcy f NptejHluTcdy, a shout the powet, orthwiU ' to mrcaThinjrle stone 40 fear a he w ed.fic. Ntvf' nil Htni ui m-v nirnto niiost? iimvK, itigt:i ntor-ritv'i';.,trtt.st-piOAt$':Vbut'',wiiat has he - done fo advance' leartiHig, morality t of religion 1 Iu' this HouW, vhere he so; long'lHid k Seat,' where, are I . t, HHi iiiu-uiivnian outtp,wnitj couiti iw jiuiki, it ils4pLice 2SiK'k',;en'd:iydigbl tfifst-daVnel ifn fftfc world aftrr Ui eve'nt.rjohn Ilindo'roli L ogized. !t lie wiO be ceroemberedJ when 1 mudi better . Vjirginiau and!; perhaps the, Jteptleman hims'Hfmjiy'be foTgotat hnthe will be re- mc;iucrvif mc yeara;oi muatrat anarntmswu famine are membere'dl when those of plenty and prosftinfo are frgotten&He . may five in sToryi?- hut not,ike Washington, 'V in the hearts o hi countrymen" fjsy ' " ' y ' ', v I should have sa;d no' more of -4hp .Secretary of Iegutlon ,haUlot the gentleman tmnsmated Ws cmfirrriationtby the Senate int0 the Roman ceremoniklqf bestowing the Toga Virilis. ; Tips I toga, this gown,, wa tneppen tomm, , given annually by Ml the Romans to all their boys, who had, during the year, arrived; to the age of sev enteen, years fiy this classical allusion, I pre siime the gentleman intends to assure , that Mr, itandoiph's Secretary of Legation ha fully arrived at that interesting "period of ;his life.- I had asserted he was twenty-one, but I willingly admit uie gentleman's correction, - : ; me ouier gentleman Itrom Virginia, ' lrj Coke) has rejrd orced hk colleague. W;II these gen,ttemeh never have rlt-e with mistatmg raev Have I reproached Virginia Neversir, never ! When apea king of any one of her citizens here I have spoken of him as anr American citizi-n.r uen cpraKing ormai.rate, i nave, on i his floorv ct'elsewhere ipokeivof her as one whn:b poured her whole Snurtan snnl iritoKe RcVpIn tion, 'which sent to the held f conflict a band o,f patriot warriora," who have filled "the.world with thei th. ber?? tory, Telinquishecl, ber territorial . claims to an empire, prtferringio State fiectfonal interest the omre gtorxmis objects of Union and independence, f reproach Virginia.-1 ; Is it j.t the birth place, is'.U not the burisl place, of Washington ? Sir, who can reproach th it mastfriunate, most con secrated .region, or even suppose the enormity nosible. ' and bone to be forcriven I have, as the gentieimn svs, abuse'f thd Presided t and his Machriavelhn policv. t have. spoTcen'of: (he ."President as of the first dignjtaty of the nation, and in no termsTof disrespect. I have -alleged, that. Tike monarchy ih the old world, he has been advised by ministers iand under thnt advisement, has permitted those mi nisters to furnish, in his name, his annuajl mes sage to Congwss. "Will th gentleman, pledge his literary reputation, upon a den in, of this al legation ?" I, have s:ud the PreMderit has been miscouAelledf hn shfFei edhis confidence to be ;uused by an artful Minister ; aau ,that, too, in this very appointment , I -put iv to the gentle man. upon -his conscience, to sav, whether he believes this question could -have come up, in iSi House, if Mr. Tazewel had been Secretary of St.de , ' . V L "Of the'Secretriry of JState I h'avei spoken, atd win speak, I believe he meritf. He is a power const it utionnlly connected with the Executive ? butJiowiltkctbe parasite plant under the shelter of the' ah, It hns crept, and clasped, and wound itself around the trunk, splie above spire,' until it overtops the loftiest branch of themagnificent tree. ...The leaves of the Ivy wi'J soon coneesj those of the oak ; and, unleasthc insidious plant be removed, render It a saples- trun"k. ! The gentleman recommends to us charity Christian charitv. vhere does he learn, that the delinquencies offtulers are to be r'tsited on ly in charity- ? While the .Messenger of- divine charity wept over the coming ruin. of. his nation, ilid he not svert-ly rendke th(se; Rulers that generation f vipersv&tinging and poisoning that nation, and hastening on that destruction, i i 5iiv We are- charitable. .The people have looked on in charitytf Charity his done her ut mo'st. ;Her f mantl has covered a multitude of sins ; but the brood ha multiplied, and in., creased in fize, andputgrown the covering. Tlds gentleman unites with- his colleague,-in eulogizingiVirginia. It is all .supererogation. History has done it justice .T he lofty-niiitded matron,we .knew," thought, well of herself but no one deemed her quite so proud.ais the gentle man has announced her to us. . In gelding- the broom,, or scolding her household, she my well scorn. Neptune's trident,, and Jove's power to thunder,, aa the gentleman nys he does and some of her children have given. us fair samples of the family lectures. All these gentleinen agree'-ln the 'argument tirainst this motion, drawn from tne incompe tency of this House -to question this appropriati on. The President and benute, to whom the CriBtitfion has confided Oui foreign relations,! have, thev tell us, established thM Legation 4 and tpis iiouse unii.tn, ns mcy aim in,, rouse . ... . . ... .1. .... . at .. . . . . this appropriation in support or it. Are We plu ced by the People as the constitutional keeper of the public treasure, and vet bound to follow every Executive call for their money I Is it our whole fiscal doty to obey orders-', Md grant su!- skhes ! Does not deliberation,': and 'debate; ai:d discretion belong to tfvs ..UoHsc;f;?Ve can grant, and-.every power wiutji can granii is, oy us ve ry nature, endqwep wnn'tne pewer orretus:., Sirlour power tt refuse appropriations h the Con stitution-d check placed to our hands' not to stop hut -to regulate tne movements ot.ihe rxccip- tive. without,' this power ani! its, discreet -..and diligent usevthe nation would -be,af the disposal ot the-'.President and Cabinet GoUncil. , - Sir.' this mission muv h; regarded as the com- meuci-mfeht of a system of sinecAvre appointments of salaries w ithout ,a.rv uses. Sent io-one Court, where he did noihing : and, ,in the .exercise of Ins noweTS, gone to another; where he can ..do upiQing, wuai serviiic is rcijmrctf, ur was, could 6a expected?; fro in him? Vhtrivbe Mall reiurn, next Jm, what will6 he liavetlbne .? His niUHV zetuvus mcmii? oj, inn uinwj , ji, rtieiv'be receive this .salary, he will -receive it WiwiOtW service or any-Kino i rjineneu. 10 uir na- tion' I torMti Tli Secretary i tloes;avrw, i i t he Message, that the, " miwer-to luave tlu Kusstan c'otifi for the adtantago of a more ceniul chmate Va givei'i to lrii Rmdolph Hi ewiaideraCoti of the extern JO" wnicn auis consmunwi i iiii paiced in the public sert ice,V : W bat were t hose Vrvtcs4Theidrities.of -a member of this Hoiise Uiv'of the Stnate, iand for which heTeceived his legnt compepsajiqn, 'uaeevery owter - menioer. Wi' jus const ttuuon im piureti.' py. uese, str 'viceTHVere''o6t1the.tcbnstUu)onsf, others 1m oaiietK'and" even their lives veojviumie!, in.' ik 'Vetvicea h Is this f-entltman, alhne, telcf tcdjiir 3 extent tb whicii fbis corutitttfjonhaw been' tm paired bytiMe ssricca,' receive in owe year tlx?. Mirrcot loyj hi, -rr is: Tpe.is YKKVJif tliyiL SKHVIQE ooilr records, rfow manyhearl abf RcVolu lonafy silUr would this haver xriadeglsid.t-riAtVKowr-inany;abodea.-jof the Iightorjoyi and bright oyoulliele rhe nt.sket ken bmtC-dqt 4,, , w wr our motiJ!,.;, S . .-J? ' i the frontiers of ,the tieiihSurilik StSSVi. ingsof how maaypiow ready to pemh ? Such almiy-beent to NeiVrYorkatKlamptysatfy theL, , v. , I j;k -'o ii 1l V ' -r. -:..:-L. -...... - ?, f ..z-i -ii.jj ' lJ.-.; ... i -v . -Jf . iiV AfelR-.a-. ? t ht hfb iitr. ftri.l with urma. s ine setentTof thft GpviprTTi bwflje mabe extended tdtke to1 theiCoiirts uf.dl . , Jh' ntWn.ivccuii moF depsmite ve Nvy utf tnviiofur adimejBUV1 v serves to maintain Order andidiicipKne.-. 1 (i ctyitue Jiauons; tohe forde tf onide; fyonr.the q'?sth to fcrhig W"ibe jlabate dr v ! j. 1 , ' - v - " - v' v f 8oIdief W been thol fot ' insdfcard'r- A J? I prMriansv:;;Tequiijng4 n resin ence, either Uear j f -ct pr icius- wi - incioreign power j' ji formarity of s.visit and a presentationniiay" sr on h.s plantHtmn - -t t?k W-B.t scheme.of speculation Jdoes tius system; open to the criftyt and unprincipled tofmeo- al ways, at jpfiarket ..either. to sell themselves' pr.'ta buy others i By this, uhstoble politicians nfevery variety of creed -may be'kept to the true faith: jj.f,""?."'"?" ween .partisans, snip-yrecKeo W pnnciple and fortune, my; b? tvrexVinlo port, and laidTup pnd' preserve q. for futurV use,-' 'Esta blish thi svsteui, sir and add toJit'aQovern ment TretVvry JB.nts and tlve Secre'tary might buy into the .Presidency 'Ub yonwwo .rni nej ; nor, like thjtiljmn who-lioiight the Im perial Put-pie at auction be obliged to lay down his pwh gold and silver for .'the purchase.! Shall we; sir, through T-any fer oftraiisc.ndihg our jnnsdictioo,.glve!4wranctiorKjo such a system ? A. bolder sta,na than w no- required v a tHkerj 1G years agfrrhis florby an Honorable mem berjow in oiKce, and presiding over the deli ber .lions, of the other' !! will, said he. voe no jpt r.mri tion. fop the Nrtvy until the 'Secretary 'of that -Denartment VA jcuiwcu. jj' n wai. wawne resun ? ' i he secretary IheappTopriation was,; under consideration for v.Miji imo eneci ine-second ti-eaty WitJGreat Bi itahui Mr.' Gallatin' deftlaipft". .1 that a ffeatjf'bad no bipthjig .force as a law, of the urxi until such an pnpr mtioni Were made1 an mi in is iiofuse, hoiumg rtlie power, to control Micrva)propiMtions, !ieI(litictcmsttutiol pa,w er of rejecting treatit-s.; Mr;rMadisf,n conielidd that this House hadlh:.riirht to iinl . thee.xpedieiicy of i treaties : and, as hey S mfeht fin? public fith will nof be touched in jour fo- reign relations u .wr.tundolph should not receive agpaiury ; lug, resiung in tntanrt as minister to: Kusta. Has the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. J. is. ItiirboiiB) torp jiten that the motion to strike out the Ciiacling tLuse of the bill appro priating s'al.ries for the Pmama Mission vaisus ta'med by six iy-onff members of hir Hawse, and that he hirfiselfwith nine of his cj11yaiUfs, Vot ed for it I Will gentlemjin stit! contend for their own incompetency tiquesipn this appropriation? sir, we are, oy tor. Constitution, vested With a l.t 1. L. . l n : . A ' 7 . .-,--;. mu tumpt-ttney ana .aiscreuorr on these ampor l ant matters ; and to these constitntionaS ntiri hntes of this UHie has this motion been ajldressi V is humiliating, but I must reply to'te gen tieniMn trom New-ork. ; t or - mVselh IHwotild e.t him pass. It is a kind of DonntVan Umue- raent, this kilfuie: flies with h won hi I say, with the commiseration' itionT ofsifJocle Toby, to the little buzzing mconvt nicnc'(w I have him hi my hand,) " Go, pour ins-jfct, hen the worldds surely. wide enough for ttf'fcc ami me.".,... ... i 'n . - . ... - k. I have, some anoloev for eivinc sum af iention to the spb of the gentleman from Net '-Yurie., Tlie plure, ihowever it may he filled, dves'give a kind of character to what is';said ordie in it. No matter howu't-rry inconsiderable, - r even coiitemptjbje a person-may be. wheneve a con; stitutionaf portion of the proplevhw? ph6ed him at one of Jthese desks, replying to what Jie may have said, though it may .not be very creditable'? yet must be excusable, many Membc of this House, flhe Unmans were wont to nlnce 'is tcooden imace in their gardens,.. the special pro urpiorwme piacc ; ana nortice .nas rfatd to l .1. . - 1 - . ' ii r: us tne soliloquy M one ot hese lionjiiui'deilies wnerein ne gives sonic .account Of nis ?nvn apo L. i T . . 1. . . .... . theosis t (.; x,'Kaid the Prispus; ' H tudess log, until the - carpenter- took me in hand-'a-lttrlte Juts nozv worked me up iftt-t ig l !". 'TlrProple of New -York can surety turn out as gcr)d work as ine. itoman carpenter. , "n- The Gentleman from .New-York has t thrown is ponderosity v into the scale of pajjiervric,' thereby. to render jthe, weight of eulogyiion the iiussian. Minister overwhelming scrap ;iiron in creases th weight n. t tbe 'value- of g Jd-1 He 1 i'. i m uoes aumit ?ome sort 01 tait nt in spealirtg, to uie p intaineiuaiv rvis or mm. it tn ei,vqurce to Lowndes, to Clay, andto Webster CiceWi tootf his tumity name from a betii- on st me part of his faceij 4Hnd doubtlrss many a coxqbmb hns belWved himself" to ht an orator, beaijSe, like L(ccro, he had a wart.oit his nose. Srtne-body has said that .M:mr .of alt -the au'miil creation alone, is endowed . with vanity' v vho ' ever saw. a. Uoclt ow measnnntr Ina; wmtr in flight with the J-'ulcon f ' X believe . te're are gentlemen in this Mouse who could igive xx& g-ol reawnii why Mie ehquence of thji Orator of Roanoke is so well recollected by th gentle man. from New-York. - No worknr on t(itv Uoan oke piantaiion b's better reasons to ri'membrr the eloquence of t he overseer. Much :f th:it ec ceivncmyin loved hi joke Knd Lis sariasms, he loveo iH.iitue more ; nui tie woui(inae spareoj the iashjo'n that occaHon, couhtitiQ, l)aveSUsvf 1 .!. ... . ,, 1 . . f I , t. " . . f peciea n mim onog mm in'o ine por rcontui tion of enduring praise at ihlhands'of hegeiW tleman frem New York itocb reveWl for such tt'caiiKei ii s;id io be pecullarloliat gendeaiaii and species o one other rare amonjg ttS." 1 -IUh the gentleman sr tons ben a mere abiec- iie totbe Secretm vt btie, tbatjhe'ihiiiVif i slandi'jrpUs,toi associate tlte -namenf tbt Politic dan .with'anv other acci!ent K; Chihlrer? in the sCieptdic times -who. have, advanced sf)raew!vit into, t he i my eterieV of chv wistry do, " aR eV ' b'eaf- f'HVF iip,'l!'H'i'ii ij;eiiicr in f o;tnii amuse ihem-elveS wiah, a cieati pipe4 m bfiSWjfi'g-up. huhbTeSvind sending tlieiJi off - from die ob'w l infided and ghjtt Hiigtit s.dl jU'a niorm ni. au fiAtH; mni ,viniD,iH!ii - hmu iiicir, origin Ari noiuingiK-s. ior atigjin i jciuiw the 5 uuiy be amuMng htmHelf iny Uie Cjsamcs expenmeutJ -"W ho iwau Id Int eVrupt i mentiil h'Mrmony . of jphi icid frjeir lshp"l f -c all w"iich he;is 4istingnssliedjtlie characterot iiPae wniAiwivcriTy iitwg To reeomcncrfti tjiem jbe payable.:, Hd 'wtio-ai salifce dire lobi crHmos'li:t'v faiifram tbev tables was rmovcq j and me naval, branch ol the str. vicelid receive,' as it alavs Jias reoeivtjd, hTs POrd'a) and. efTicient support:" In 179SJ whn u-ite question,; a;:graut pr ref use appro priations fr CTVing them 5iiVto effect.- This case does not require the aid of these doririoM . the .KeumtarKiaiixed Hit, CHunoi hoi elevt'ttedbv ASjuJ i r ij .V'i., oseMimiiqciiirejeoi. .-v fOT4- by th frVjs of.otfter-sGotl forbid, 1 hVmhrnv is cijujin out of his'orthinolo, ))Mt I alwAUrilirNsr iha.ay.t,ff ay of JoVe, mun dvancemeiir, Ttt.r carr)tgnd lyinif-atUe gateof the'Tt'eASurv: Au.i4 11. w v.k ' lt .i iw. inv. ' riuu lit m B.s linn hu-iw it. niiruii ru i. .etL irom ine we;tlndt"toes f , nbt imake eery5'helr't !sicL-l 0t'llemen;'t(tibtresv Wve afcsxitnceth"af late treittR.witb the- Suhlime PorleSir ererv f HV'tsy1 "ring' our jtussiao reiavions imponanr, comepiHntjf i.any question s coiicernlngthem.' Do;noVour new reLviions with the 'reaj Eu. ropean jrivaVpf Bqssia demon9ttemtre sfrbng Jy our ned , of au eilicient mission at the Court of St, Petersburg!! ?' TbW Secretary - has": loll us-iothe Messngethat tbelack'Sea has? been rtpened Xo Vlyor treaty iiMhW Sublime Porte.' wTlie" genHenW 4qes'looWt fc;ll wlg thatb.e swordsjf oti'r braye Ilijssian frend4;not -;ratioii,wideneJjhe Bsphoyustca bfeadth'se'q'iAl to the Hellespont, nd thereby united t;! Eus. ine, wjth the Kgean tcvant.wKole ,'fediteV; ranean. tle Atlantic, a ijdxii other seas,!, oana. What" may dr ftussian-irrmeria! frieml sayt ttt ui for receiviiVgifrorn the Turk as "jT- booir; io: Say nothing of our pronise -in'yrturn, what his valor; blmxi-ahd 'treasure' rwd "conqijereU foiv uai; and all nations ?'dmitting, ih eref ore, Vth'elv secret -ar tide, does not the jtpe.nih; ifnv..the1&umeV4rHh'? py the. linssian oo-werv or tb Turkish treaty; riighfdy, enhance the importance of Uiis quatK ou, and edit imperatively oh the Eecutiveffor reh H If tlie Bientlemaw Ciiimot oerceive this. ie is jeRs a statesman t nan ne.wpura seem to oe aod even much fess kuijli. if that were feossibleV : uj 4 nrew,.my iticis irpm uiiprincipiea; parii :ansj and newspaper ViJtiour! ..1 siid s"'. before -1 lrew pait ot j hetruth rum th; Secretary-) xhtrvat 'rhe,otlier part of the" t&r& prticty t ,Sir, it has-been the Tabor of 'JlheSecrietarv's hfe to eptnhlish newppaperaentirtCdtoVitrcredit j knd to dlst r'eiitt all others. He has founded 'a school, and wjd the' head of .it:'- In "that ijschool t he 'g-eat -axiom is. everyithing'isi'.ti'rinpo tics ;' and to him are.iiot "noJitics; every thi no l..et hira.go on to improve the" condition vf . the Press, et him 'extioguish fthe, light of truth wuerever ne canvexren tile finger of powerr Let h'm do one thnjg 'moreaidedoby his- 'mln vms, no matter', "where let' nim persuade s the p e o pie, t hal t Ive h meat' 1 1 1 e independent p a pers oi thta Country j are Vehicles of falsehood, atid were 4'umor ; - let them,te al tbcvJbavevbeenJ.o;M foor, branded as7s finil, aiul dirty , and -I1 f me uicmuT .who tjuoies rrt)rn ineir .-pages -ine his'orv and impress of the time. be reproached as a Blockhead, a blackguard, a slaqdeTerand such a consummatioH would ; have ' sa,ved 'fM.it Charles. the throne ot France ;. and to rie pari ots cf that cntinirV, their revolution. I'fd qutev tor- the vJsecret articled irj the TuvkisV Tiehtyi from 'the he wspaper dares the Igenile'tian question: the truth of.the quotation i lHd I drawn a bow wiih a more "adviseda Aimv could the pigeon "'on the ;pole have flideri-d moreJ manftestlv h le centleman has notwith standing all. these 's&ei'tion, accused mc of drawing ny taciwfrom a perjured Senator. - Has iCcome, to this HiVS'ag it 'on i"id necessary not to commit our first ijeaiysith the tlrest Disciple of Mahomet to the Christian Senator "of the t'nit ed States until theilipsswere sealed by the so lemnities of an oathf?l j js kitfW formula m the executive-department of the Senate j and i will appear byhe pubtislied journah ' oft Jl hat bbdy to have 'ho pbee in 'their proceeding until the present session. -When, a-tTeafy..inTr95jjWai tub)jjhfd by a Senator vac-ainat'an'injunctioin! tot that body, who acqused him oFiperjury fVSTlie entl?miii' wtfosfe mission is noW undercotiside' ration, d'd $k this fluor, pr'onouhce .asfudied iiilogmnt on Stephens Thompson Mtnn,1' the Senator who published that treaty rVtottWhe eulpgizf perjury Sir, , the- secret article "w published bt fin-e he treaty : was -announced' to i be House, or sent to, thetSeiiae. tiThe enrres. pondenCe on the West India question was pub- nsne! in tne, same inaiine,r. rjas inej secretary of State adopted this rtiet hod, anda put odtibjS fe lew, to take the .natio.. I puhve v l I do-nn;ask .what warranted, but, who.- utho riredior instruc ed, r'encmi raged the gentle man to Connect pel-jury .with-, that venerated word which designatealhe membrrs of , a Na tional Council, the roost dignified and honorable on -earth , - i-'f ,ttl, r : 1 How could I shunjnsultv when such' men ate reviled ? iltlo not ask "hy what statesman ror gentlemen buf by w ha apology fdrTa man tr- in-wnat ouer. assempiy on carinas " ine uoary lhead' been used aa a term, of. reproach ?' " lhs the gentleman passed o tsr beyond the vigour,' Hnd bioom &,molesty of itivenescence, that,' he has forgotfoh the amUle instinct of our nature considemtion to aire -tvlueh it mav enrae tn nMirc for itself i ' ) Though greyhairs luive been, held in respefelhy ; liarbrians, yi 'all 'countri alul by 'even the tnost ' prAfltgrtte- and unnthtnerVd in all ages, yet knowing, that (abiTyp d phtmas) lamjnpt disappointed rf the' language' Or d meun"5r of the' genllem p from New-York, rnf better than I am,, haye"beeu?revfe(f in their aee ly mn no bsuei thtn jie" is. aahiWtonwns callx-d a; houry healctl incendiary by avnga 1701m ui fiirumit unparusjeu iuen,aacny : na jiu i UdeiicV The "bald head"i, lssuVe the-iren1- haa jV. been experienced hf anyjvyiiiille'ac&. V-x'&t la'cKut 'tt o fiave been tnte graf efol to the Apman' pejuplcl'or grant nig him thejriglit to 4 ear iheUA'ufcY'Crawn;.than tor anvheri tfieir irifts; because Nhe'weai'ing ft enabled? Wot So'eonceal the"extcri.ri,bstlneii!tjol'iiis headv-iUf it be true;. as Shiikjt-speare tejts uitiij, thalrrwhtihatitre. tlitn' m .hajrV theh the , gentiemattil Jtieheve, Hrtould Je ;w'ujrx taurct crowrc would never like orordiet fur hTs' b'd head r Prt.f1igate'wK)ifi' meti&o$Mi!dren aa they ;sare called V' the fW''iH'45U?cf,ii of.the city, and as wernnii ny iieiintorraii, Atoniy lorTooa lor ,hi wiring eagle, in h; prideoj plice, hawk mv Pt.mn h WhV; rnnSwTbut'i I k..,u.;--.i:i.,...i of thejgentierrjen tiad no pj icetiriself pefore oie If these genilcmear are out if the field; ?ik1 1 d uot see. them jn (ot.ee, oil any fwiijt f uiij itcwru '"4icirwar nnugi! ine is-iisap tiown to be:C.plaTns' of iXdrianople i 'rttbAt by tb treaty ofthat JUitv tbev. for all nurnoscslof navii tlcmMii hq ioke ibourndie, semato be original i i' iiivr4iiuuuriui.ivvfiivi ii i You.-bleaset imjtrrf.-ction, haseenSUtTcivd .by J some ve ry' ere a r m en 1 2-bii t Vd u e" r are ly xjif -revert I 4 Qae.cxf .have.fccaioir'4o,twear it.fbr any.Ltck of tb nomkr.itK'.r-7 ' Hk7y j .-V ' tYho'Vevikil the prophet -.returping: from ttie hluziii tfansl'itioh- -of hi nriste'r.- w"n,h a counte' tpfetai" I nf-ifeta. Jirlidif With the' clones nfi ooenincr . Hea- 'inn6ccnilvei aitai wrapOi'i theiiwnde of7 Ehja"tH4a'hoi .he Jenti- f v V.,.;V1 nv- i-Ar.t J,t r,r si,W' v.Mv 1JiA 1'- s. 1" - Coinhmed: frpfp. -jhe, bte'.arriyaJs' IV SSiSSS'i'l i'iw. ' -II'. 1 V : M " . mt ff O't! 1 . t;. . . -" . '.Jii " alarmed' that Ttenm 'rOu(Fridav.eveniii2:ir'Decmbc reaol 01100 ttas passed fcjr thft'Chatribcr;; ' chiefs of ahiSatldAaGufd uanectSTi-1 .vf '" 1 atttcesary consequence of the vote V irt,ththamberyot:; UepHtiJast tnday i,' t evening," jtpon tim new ojaiEatto'ri of thel atwai uaam. wathe rejnDrai ox Uea - xiii.vuueiiruci ine cuaimana or xnat ioti v. ver. .tbjkf fin.' and ?i WerinirffrrLn or tnvanH-t ixifit.to 'this, pieceof -Voqaetiy-'aTrdf yes terday;" . after, Vt consultation: -with hh fHf ndVjthe yenirable "patriot resigned his coui.nissUri iuto'ihejbancfsf theKin, tu a -Aetteif intvdiicH e;jlecared ihat, in fcr 8MmipgJui'iu.tibn as a simple soldier "of-, .thevllfGwib4tidhuSet4.wa8 Jeter mined pf aU'the- ineah? still atliis disposal ta srjp-".' pu r i, :i u e u iron e . a u fat w p rm c 1 pi es wn i c 11,. Ul .."v' r au- ..rT.it. "tj. iiaasiiu i 11 tim 01 uic ckciii? ui uiy. .jt, as afw'ajsVnderatodd, bcfve the vote d ffi. -idyVthat'Iiafayetie'i apjwintmentya3 1 r life,, bat that tne 'office woufd die with ' ' was-;i 1 1 Fi or tifeii but that the 'office w'otifd dm with aim. ''.This splerfdcd'tnarlt : df 'prjblic con- J -wV :iuvVV tUHJU ooij uup uccu jusuueu vy v t.hi. nstriht'a !ort' tri?f- virfnpc and 'rtori. ' i uyoi u ja nej iwogr upon ; receivin it cali was proraplly;bbeYe.d?and a.long.in if; J tervieNvas the result. Lafayette declare, i C; ed tjjat he appeared,' notas an ; nnconhec- ! . ' ted Wiyidu'albut'fas a negotaator ati'f ! ' thaf he. would rccep t,the commandii A- h'r chief oCthe Guards, trom his .hands:sai J ' " ii-,i. t : i i ' j . . i -.v iiiu cuuiu ueycr, ,up .0, wiuioui an, in- ,1 1 tuaion ot popular; strength into his inaje ' , i ty'pre$entcouncl,.and theitrodu 3- -"f tion of Uch'anN?electora law a would ia-v'-f "&vt-' tibfy the people, amVgive solid ty to1! tKe !. 1, -J institutions if the reVoiution. . They wt Tdu ee from the JfournaUthe W- l C iiai .vu "t;u nas xaKa 4piace apitiriw hf itiiriiul pfu lv.o'.ni ri ki.,. if v.v ..i.u. -j ; '..,: UUI, CV UCC-I1 - -T iimili'iftnj rr -r .; f"-"'WAVuyt w,Tnw vuvn -TVVI IIV' ': memionea mar, iTjioutt itienorat iatay J ; eterrefuspd fJie earnest, ihdeed7supfe!ica- "1 ' , tin? entfWaeof iKinff -to're-fcirWhi ' 1 , command of, the Rational Guard. 'he went i "J' to the; alace'atHhreeo'clock on h foT.f ; oui. ra;iuunsi.ers-tvere removea on- t r-T' the nijch t of $9th pecernber( front ,Vincen " I , v f 1 les, to br transferred W tho.tfortri.fn fJiV HamJnTKaV.tJittf sentence oKtiprrii'tiia? ?mnnunnmn . r .J A ives frbmiyarai through 10 1 i ' ' V and fromTeJi:ontter SfPolanSl,' to tU j: taied;toJbe,f 000 but; ittonld not bca-f 1 f , certatn)d;whia"ccurac5v ': , :r iThe' :Iessaefyde?i)iamtatesv 1 -:- thafcairtbVfestJacVJoantfrW Warsaw;-. i,V. .VlRlfin'of th I .ltbnrtnmn 'tfmtUA'Mivr.V- Li ---: from uw,lo HH.wii axronv uavinjj aecJaretti J ftfftT0 ,?alis! vntrfpedflencV. atwf 1 . "thnf, thevli hqanian i'esrHneiif of. thV Tmi v ?! 1 Tjal 0ua,rtwBchaccompanred the,6 UT- l urnM to ,WarsVVAnclaniation Tiad?r- been pbli$1ied;atyarnjoming ".tho ; kQ inbbitantaretnrri tS eif workf and v1 V- ordering the chttrheH' and public establish uients to be reh; the"5th insUnt. tl the ;comrnaud:V ! all;.- tfocpsrad '? . 7" . T.-r " "r X"rai wear lie I 'n: iU il r n"- .. t t' i f ... i . n:...,-, i.T Ihocoinmandwhea fHe ' two Chambela assembled- "r" . -r . ,J riV'i "ivun txMji viucreu aivine servtctt tope pertormed to. thank ileaYen for-'th :vui "tciaior ; jaut, ne lsueq a prtK - ; cUmarion-tinhich heitatPfLth l,h,.t -i viv J only, accepted:!!, inon3eqnencjTornhB f ; irrirwrtanctif etistingciscuu k h'A id imi tation of the1, ettmrjle bf tKeRomans ' 1; who;in tfmss of danger- confided ithVsb- ofa Dictator Th procUmation also, in-:? ft ' tiaiates: thq .General's ihtehtiohfa r,H-x' OicUtor has also issued ordergfortiidain -l A Ml r'.t -!-.: ; V - J. titSJ tins slorip of tirtyi;iei tlu.itseiveii.aii.. ear ' ' v --v 'K 1 - -' ! ,. - . ( W f. . A' - - ' ' . v '-. .1;

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