77 Lt L b & counted W-WJ? mitci; made;up 'ere my ap 'a thed beenteW " ; . ttxiTH mn. i mine iiau three nours, au v--- .n- - rv;."..,u W UP " . i. V- X R.UV" 1 . f " aa. - J 11-1 mralieu ie matter to Uenerai Send n'this occasion ? jbut wbaMus fe tk wag I catirioat this distant period fecdllect I can-only , toy- whatever feted to yoif at the timVwasorrect. - r;,t Ezti-art of a letter fror& John1 Qutuci Adam I f ThP main toint onvrhich k Vaa'ur- a that General, Jackson buoukk pe Sf .n4 tn trial was; that he wid Violated uty&" ----- . , .. w . , via orders DY taiang ou ouai auu lacola." ;. t.i-'xi r;VAi r Second Kxtract-rV i.uiougui.nis oo- duct, (General Jackson') so; far aaitiW nbiect of" considerations attHiattimey explanation otherLtban a Iknowr uize of toe faits of ;the case; urged, a more deciaea ;iaua -nnetjui vucai - apjj. ww tion of that conduct than itirecived t tay add that myinjaOii thenis myppin- Mch have potxngrd;. Third Extract.tas:stlirwtetnac cardinr to answiKelitiW M -UK Mimsteriaid:att5aclivVa8:'prired by another hand and ppiisaed in the cJNa PrMMiftntViewa andintentioaft la yrela- tiou. to the subject, t - ' esentdaw Certain 'indi; ITne; Vice President Having retiwd.froralesti hn &6 passage-oFr'theibUlas rrvHtiiw m Mri a ' . - m a n a v n n ' nftfl mwo i imp nri f" dt tti n mcitwtb i florin a I in-vnnv 1 mn mmmm ri T A , a m ? ridq ats:ivalkedvwitb' the 'sky, regardl ess of. ineiFi way ana ' irampi the dearest and4 must .. pies ot t&fe - (Nation, tie vou Id notcivel Smiths ot Maryland iridic. Iseil'ot tittlof the "StatesmsnHo ininiedth 1 Harnpshite, ,MrTaxeweII of Virgia ingMponrsome op i pro em . r:. , : v;' f invatuaWe: nrinei'-1 v The vote - W ere-Hf fi rs t ballot A it' Mp," a k rmintrr Thts facts ! hen- the'modern Statesmen wha; ad been so On a second ballottingt thercTverG for -ifatouasain tntJch lauded f :. fW;: Mr.; Smith pfMd. leyMrcTaziweil, Sf iTa man of Mr.CSlhounYtanding 4 tMr.-Brown Wnot pNparednor had Bell, 8 ScaUetine;, 'T 'f J Id descend snch ilo ubteriugev he intended to say a woril on the subject ; On Vthird balldting ere were lor Mr, r!lriilarlf where tnch a roureewas -our-friiti the extraordinary conrse ptir- SHiith cf Md5 )Mr-Taiewlt,21 5 Ccaneilfor ,1 thinki also mentione4 ued1a. the debate, he could;? not Yetnain Scattering .yyrk' y lwjls mt. 1 silent. It had beena.d that thse who , So Mr. Tazewell was elected President (or the appropriation Hvoind pfoiH pra tempore ot .the Senate, 'u ii i- . the.Senatcr to ifie Executive willU-1 iVhereupon" ?Mr. Tazewelli rose.V and si! Voted trate He considered rthe? measure constituti-"I with a profession of Ms sincere ditmst of onau anu snouiaYOie lor ii, wtxnoui any n aumiy x uiscnarsc ine iiunei . oi uie fear-orrdesijttt ofi prostratinsr-himself or Ghair with satisfaction to bimselfor to the the Senate'. aUthrteet'bftheRxecUti ve; Senate begged to be excused fron? accept- be tnadc between the I-esiUent arid Ms late had assigned to hiin. Mtnjsfers. He hafl been taugi.tto be- j. - The Senate then proceeded to another lieve that "this was- the dloctrins1 of Great I balloting for President of this body, and Britain he had been ab taught to -be- it resulted as follows : for Mr. Smith, of lieve that the President? 'wa responsible Maryland, 20 j Mr. BelI,oC New-Hamp- lor xne acts p nisiiufsiers. ; uur snaus ire, n , ,ai r. ivugics oi umu, t , mieht be cast .-.at tf.e ;Mihisters,! but they 1 Km?, of Alabama4. wouhded bnlr the President : for he alone I So. Mr. Smith of Md. was elected Pre- 'wasresjwniibleTU'' lawlessand sident protempore of the Senate: (&,being rank usurjpatioiiTnutbe conducted to the Chair, made his acknow- Sineccatts. it'i;ftangttige:' of ledgements for the honor which he said fWarltssVirfirinia He hA3?af much res- hejwas satisfied was paid rather to his acs pect for-that Staters a hybther Senator than to his ability, and said i that the only -she;had lurnisheildable Statesmen in return he could make would be to devote the Cabinet ahd distVrihcd rarjriors his best ability totbe properdespatch of in the field ; btft he heiiYfid' Ihrewas the busincis before the Senate tti'ie;!m;;to.Jpfnatp teal; for thpre aervati on ' ofhCon stituti onvf He i had ttot been able to" discoveiwany abuse of po wer iri this case.' The practice began with Washington, ini sending-Uommi Jo Second Sjession. b- : fTednefdaVr February 23 Tlie Chair laid before -th- Senate wessage froni thePresin ottheynited 8tattt, in reply to a resolution of the Sen itftoii the subieet of the execution lof the hwof 1802itdireulati tridnd inter coune wun tne ioqian frwe j wincu was read, and S00O xopies thereof ordered to be printed , by a .tote of rYeas TDi itri Nayi 19.' .. ., : . ;r , --fltoiW fTbe message Is of considerable lengthf ems "a full "statementf thevViewslDfthe' Freshleot pa tha snnjjBcx oi.ine proYion decided; ,in the ; affirraatlye--Ayeal03;-i .Y t Afterthe'JTburnal was read 'MrTest of Indiana, .'announced td:the Hopseith daith of -Mr.Noblef Senator frbitt ;th'at Stated and morcd the usual resolutions foratteninV hia funeral, and for wea:riijfi: crape oner montn,4as a marK oi respect. lor the, deceased Senator. ; v -Tbe Hotis then, forhe purpose f aiteridinsUhe Tuneralr adjourned ,to three 'oclock in. the after At three Vclockr ' the -i Hou se re-assem bled, and were buily;ccupied untiljhalf after. tefllnffcting'on"; -a. variety of bills r it being the last day on which, according tu uie jmut rmej one nuuse cuuiu seim a bill o the mother for concurrence. ?The following bills were among those thatpassV ed. The bill declaring the sense oil Con- X it .aat Xn A 4"V A1 J.1 puss as w me cuutciuifis ui vuuh i uie i propriatioi for certain harborsV riiers,v surveys, &c. :The Tagt named bill embra ces some of. the items vetoed by,theiPreT sident last session, and was opposedjwith much, perseverance, but was defended with corresponding firmness, and finally passed, The bill from the Senate, sur lTHURSDATMARCH 10,;?8 v As other Warding t vPttMonday iaata man named ALEXAKOKa Col c lo qoa from tlie upper end of the county, felt from his horsed in-this tity.iA a state of intoxica tionrby which he received such injury as caised his deattf within twenty-four hnura I CoVo'4f.ssVT!his bodyterminatedits sittings op the 3d t4nst. -its ' constitutional RpjiUhe Congress itself is, now a mere abstraction : and-; Ut racamredIenbei9 mixed wUhrthe community atlirgefenjoy no poliUcal privileges superior t those pf their, most Humble fejlow-citizens. Al read rv some of our fault-finding brethren are beginning to enquire i whatave Congress done," and to enumerate the things they have not done. As usual they seem more disposed censure them;fojr deedSvUf omission, ihanto Applaud; them for what has been acomplished -Thia is not quite fair dealings afi if they, have riot done much ' ood nor inucb liarm tle j uia iter u uv Bri w ma jr - cu yi haps be let alope.T;iHiv RAKDoxr mce said, that he had rather have an hundred speeches," than oni:4aw-tiv:.!th'e' :-Statnt" book ; yet a great vmany speeches. & fev laws have not pieaMd faeijpfytefy&ptti' fore, i The late sessio-tf passed off with as few long speeches as almost any other, & we oiisht not to complain therefore on .. .- '.-s.1 K1-'- this point. . ? ; : ,; The reader will observe .i on reference to our diary,-what business occupied thtf cjosig labors of the session.' AVe Nvill publish a list of the acta passed; in our next. ' " ' . IcTfUJPa rtCiAy is. J al a candidate- for the : PresWcfiC" - v Xa. addition to the nomination o this distiti - isii eu c i y 1 1 is q tor iuai . e i va ibu m u on by the tfla'tttrp pf JDelawarer -treV ph x serve that lite members of the MnssachW renuenng to the unio tnat .part ot the Cumberland road within the State, also passed. ' ' l;, -' ' Tuesdfrt;,- March 1. . 7 On motion -W M r. . Everett, i t was re solved that the Committee of the Whole House !-e discharged from the further con sideration of the bill making provision for tue claim of Caron de Beau inarchais, and that the claim' be ' referred to the Presi dent of the United States as a matter for is- ! ' Wethwsdcty March . The bill for the adjudication f the claims of Ex-President Monroe was ta ken up for consideration. Mr; Bell sta ted that he was rel uctantly compelled to sioners to Algiers, andjwas foil owed . u p, oppose its-' passage, under, the rimpression Russia. -:: r -'r"":--: satified and Mr. Forayth-also opposed OTl that part of the Cumberland Road vith r-' ' . . i' 1 k.. '' - If na rn lo?nff i-rrxi4 Jn wrininla ' f .. I IO the limit A of thflt S wa finall' V-fr-j25S: 1 Hayne aud Mr. Bibb supported the bill, passed, after the decision of the House a The nrincibal business transacted was as did Wfr. Livingston. - 7 gainst motiona for its commitments and i.anrr fl- f for laviajrit on the .table. 1 gtvin the assent df Congress to an act of (nally passed after a: conference between A long discussiontook place upon the nejjotiation. ; 1 ' ! The bill from the Senate declaring the assent of Congress to the act of the'Les- tslature of Ohio for erecting turnpike kaf es Statii- MiTJivinw'.foti; sMhmir.tftdii&ri.s- tnorte. The bill for defining contehipts and past negotiations i with the Ottoman olution providing lor tlie'app the United States Porte. A part of those appropriations was Z. ' nf : contest on this intportant bill, and,! by a j7imday, March 3. ' vote of 83 to 50 by Yeas and Nays, the Tbe SefeJsvasemra'red .nearly the whole" Proviso protesting against the appointment day in t1lippivsideratijn of Executive bu-j-of diplomatic agentstby the President in siness. - l 3 -" v . the recess of the Senate was strickeh out. . Th President approved and skned all The bill having been thus placed in a sit- of the !awTrefaf&d nnf anhmltfrl !iv MrifTanp anil - Mr. the E which were nresented to him. uation to be returned to the Senate for Aiinougn a rumor prernieq in tne atter noOn. that one or two, embracing Internal Itnprovementa, would not be approved,. .course that haV been pureaVd by him Viq the execotfpn or th Uw.TJVe shall pob .iih it at as early a day ai pbsiblec3 :t TKa'enate ' aieineif ftjbt .; cprisld atioaof the ameiidraenta to lingpproprMons for; el uppor ; of Government for the year. 183 i--is here tofore stated : ' ". 1 ifer r' ' ?Mr. TVler rose. and. in a speech of about two hours duration, defended the course f his colleajrue,.and. replied, to the arguments of Msstmnand Kane. Remarking upopthe termsIavr ess " uncoristttutiorial, .and f derol gation of the rights f thjs bpdy,? as uatd y his colleague i--he said that the citt zens of yirginla were a bold arid-fearless People, and called thiiga byUheir rislit .names. If the term's BSed were offensive -to the Senateheliad jn league would ye suen rejtso using theiu is would justify Muf in doing, and satisfy the ; Senate It seemed to be thought that, if .anppisitidn was made to the measurer of erAdministration by , n.enibers of the'pSrty,f it:i tion of the party and of the Executive.. r This reminded him of an anecdote. t!At cr near the time when! Ms colleague - was delivering his ipeeci, ; commenced the breaking up bf.the ice id the Potomac." Beins: in company with a eentleman, he- ' . - . . r-: , a l a comraitteetiikppar for the punishment ot duelliojr within the ktrict of Oolumbia.hich- wai agreed lAft6f - the morning business, the Senate was occupied bn till 5 o'clock iii the discussion or the araendments pro posed to the general appropriation bill. Tyler, h Vetofore publishedwere agreed to,' as well as one offered bv Mr- Web ster to substitute a Charge des Affaires for i Minister plenipotentiary to Con stantinople, and reducing the appropria- tion ior tne mission iromi zt i,uuu to $r,ooo. Saturday Feb. 26. . - f The several amendments addled to the Ganeral a ppropriatjon Ibi 1 1 , severally a dopted by the Senate as in Committee of rthe whole, were azain considered by the - i r j JIOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Wednesday Feb. 23. The Western Armorybill which, pass ed the ordeal ot a second reading;, comm up for a third reading, and portending rer newed debate, it was eflectually,; dispatch ed, by.a successtal motion to lav. it on th e tijble. Debate is' dangejroiis to . any measure, at this stage of the Session, and it is often doubtful whether it is not bet- ?f"d e uuu pupu uj ter to trust the ate of a billito its naked DtAftaires for k Minister PlenipotentiarV an to put it m jeopardy by de- u, u.ef3uuuu :r;wft,auopl,., .- i The engrossed bill for the relief of cer- f.p virinnc miinnin.litr is.m mnnnlail I ' . States, was read the third time, and pass ed by yeas ISO, and nays S2. t " ice, and that a portioujof the bridge had Xeen carried away, thiisserying to show that-Virginia liad fairly .jjal;JVtyini. the Administrationatd fatsed :tSe;nagtf lae oppositiotii f Hefivas wilKn tor Jef the anecdote pass r What itwas worthy Every Senator shouldilteel thaoCttbi subject of Exetlvc a stand; should be taken. 'Bstpcrpitua- should be the language of every r- .as, to the preservation of the (Constitution of the" United States. ;empesmight rage and commotion! reyaif-f amidst the rocking of the battleraenis, v and war yf the elements, we might1aUgh,uiconcern- if the CoristHutioriasirprese its purity. As to theiihdependent Spirit of Virginia, not the 46 Houses ofCon gress; -backed by the Federal judiciary, had been able to d4vhV'trbin' taking , a stand. on constitutional principles.Mr. T. remarked on the course pursued by. the present Secretary of State aftef the stand, he hid taken upon the; Panama question. He read an Extract "from his speech on that occasion, and said that the liort. Secretary had not only turned his: back upon that speech, but ujxm his vote a tlie question alsci. He had; moved Heaven and.Earthtolsee'k to put down the last Ailminrstratlwiu- but. notwith. some agreed to, - others ' reject el, and much discussion on the points of order, tne question, on tne appropriation rela tive to the persons engaged in negotia ting the treaty with tlie Turkish Govern ment, was finally taken, When 7 the provt so added by jAlr. yle'rtto Mr- Kane's am end raent, was adopted by a vote " of 25 to 17. The bill; was' then ordered to a third reading, and he amendments to be engrossed. ' u-..4B'S. ' '' Thursday Fehtuary. 24. , The .House, proceeded to the considers tion of the bill making appropriations for harrying on certain roads and work of Internal ImprpvemeU, .and; proyifling dollars for arming the fortifications,, was jor surveys. i - , I d.SBfreeri to. Rome, debate arose On an objection by The Committee thenrpse and reported reconsideration of its amendments there to, the House adjourned. I JFedncs.lay, March 2. ! . The bill appronriatinff upwards of 100, 000. dollars to continue the Cumbcrland Road through the States of Ohio, Indiana, and IUinois, was also passed its final reading 89 to 66. The amendments made 'by the Senate in the Bill making appropriations tb car ry into effect certain Indiah treatesf, .were considered in Committee of the Whole, and produced : some discussion $t the policy pursued by the Governmentfn re- terence to the Indians, which was opposed by Mr. Storrs, of N. Y. Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Huntington Mr. Burges, and suppor ted by. Mr; Polk and Mr. Bell. ' The amendments made by the Senate were concured in. ( j 1 - . The Committee then took ujKthe amend ments made by i the Senate' In the Milita ry Appropriation Bill. ; The amendment of the Senate, appro priating 200,000 (instead of 100,000) and.ConnectKjniv through the jnedium of -A pnblicneetujgi fia.re"ipprpved tnec-'nonxW 'f intiOT; J-Besidiisthe naeinibers oRbotbr" liranchel'hf . the .Maryland t?g)plaiur opposed ttf theil icy f thVesInt JatK ministration JuVt lie fore iUViljoflfOen( Uf held a meeting athich.Hjtasesiilyiidf,- -j -' V that it ihlkt duty of all wbJ love the. "H 5 country, to unjto in strong, endeavors, at - the next Presidential election, to deliver1 ' (fom the hapds of enliyholiayethWat'i all that is valuable and yenetahle faHi jzA instituttons." .As a. means t of-effecting "J. .this, , it is recQm'mended that : rational - . Conventioalielbeld at Baltunevlpd 3d; Monday fcember nexttSwhicUr, the people ToT all the Slates arejrirltett t pen d ilelegates equal m iinmeer, tq the Bhictorstof presidnt;to ,rTiigh! thesey theVlSchmondSfalrer t'&M ptfr vho nptv represents Mri KpotraVv Distrixi ihoTiessv tha posled so jfar -to hutho whimsWto petntitliibselfielini ceremoiiionslyp aside,; , H&wiitppposv 1 out success, Vwhen we bear iftindr4hji fp ;f fir m -ft. -4 ' tnartcrr hai snth coHstttueiiti as he.' t CFss,We .irtj authorized to atatW for thcji)4ormation ef the Assistant Mar' fchdlsi in ' the District" of 'North-Carolina . wt;the;rarsh4iU. pf.Mm i)e earli- t . i, U i its Monday cJ. 2S. Mr. Hendrifcks announced the. death of his colleague, Mr. Noble, and paid a friendly tribute to his memory.. The usu- was informed ef the. breaking npoftthe Jal resolutions for. wearina: crape audat- If a tn) 4U4- Ai...n V.f 4ha hpidiva hall 1 i.J:a. U. .f U. J..J Mr. Carson to the appropriationof g5, 000 for ..a military road in the State of Maine in whichMr. C opposed it and Messrs. .Verpianri and .Anderson Sun- ported it ; and the appropriation was fi- nally agreed to. C On the item of 50,000 dollars' for the Improvement of tie navigation, of the Wi j mirlr; ? :-. i 11. i j adopted. The Senate then. took a recess . d jgjss; D 0 ptitil eveningyjlwhen agreatrpiass of?i yi.rtv' uJ0 u yate businesfwas actetTupon. f ml ZtZ'lJl ..;v ri.e: " : . -h AEQlat some lengl Tuesday, iifarchj$i(. river, a jfnjr hi compilatron of the old Congressioftal Doc uments by Gales iSc Seaton,'for the purpose of fepriritingwas Unally drdered to a 3d uuuie ? A was advocated by Mr. Wickfifte of.a publio and private nature were read ubyfethe latter gentle de- Mr. same individual the? present Sec- retary originated d Mission; and called upon, the Senate to isa'netion' it. The. cpurse pursued by Mr; Adami -waHhen said to be a dangerous inffictiottWof the Constitution ; and after whathad recent ly transpired, had not; the Jackson party r!2t to complain that "the Secretary p a-one all this to break up that par tyr? great deal was said about modern. ' JsK- wat diScult tpiicd'gtatesK the bill making annronriations for the mi iitary service ; the bill making appropria tions for the NavarsWccj for the Pub lic Buildings ,andfof tSe payment of the,, annuities under! the I several Jndia'n TretieSf &ct :&c.' After a recess from 4 o'clock till 6 the Senate aam resumed. m : a ::' '. 'TT' 11 - .... Jine, uenerai Appropriation nut was re tu tned frni ie House of Representatives M'ith vc4rtairi amendments. . ' .These, eon sistediri striking Xut the amendment pro posed bv Mr.Kaine relative 4o - die ap propriaUonfbr the persons engaged in nei oiifi.VflTi AhU fRirtJaK TreatV with: the standing the shoes: which he liila had I proviso added thereto ai proposed by Mr.'. i were not wornu-wiien , ne mmsciH substituting in lieu of both' an r-this same indivTdua;l--theVfaresent Seci.1 iT;;va--!,,ia was opposed by iiArcnerat some length, on principle, as II. V' - ., . - a. "! a .,.. on tne-inexpeuiency anu inutility rom ns and het wished to mY( how long thejie. appro- priations wouia oe.necessary,. Mr.urocK. ett answered frankly ia"s:'iQPgas the Mississippi Hruns.J7 . . I he appropriation and Mr. j . : j .1 i Va-rocaen- ursine littier srenii&aiitu -re- AiS K5t.J?TS. peaUdly: Ie,srS. Vcrplanck nI inWpnf .Krvr. nf tU TTnitd Sts t J Pllloro participated in tlie , defence of , v.. w T- 7C ad ditionappropriationi towards the coh- : a ':f ati -t 2 ' r i i 1 1: r--i:4" tiugcuv iuuu, ui. leaving - uip wuhuu tional crueation onfoiaehed. J ' A motion to concurin tie amendments wmisagreed to by the Senate, a;afrticjb ry debate, vrclr lastid .ill1;hlnijn clocks ajbtiG4i:toas the Hbnse of Represealates ontheysnb? ject was ad6ptedf and :Messrs TazeyvelU Webster & King,: were appaiated," nuna- the item. Itlwas eventual lyagreed to. u .-The' bill was finally ordered to be eu- grossed for a fliird reading. 4 u ' . rFfiday, ftbl 25.-; .'V? The bill, making appropriations for car rying on certairn works; of Internal lm- provemenr anu- proviaing ,ior ourveys, was passed 10r to 57 Tlie bills :,ma king appropriation for carrying into effect certain,. Indian Treaties,- for. improving certain harbors, tand surveying certain rivers, &c, and for buijdiug light-houses, &c several iypassd through committee ot .tne wnoie. vine oiii -auinortziBg a subscription to a compilation arid re-print of-the; Public Documents destroyed i in the burning ofjhe Capitol,, was discussed andoniered -to ,a thirdreailing, 3 io2 ". lL..1'Ja.:a;'''tT.t-;'ftffi 0 ? owurpay tw.jzo. n tioiigflli ird reading, i was es- the bilBto the Bills. The Indian Treaty Bill being under consideration the ayes and noes were-ordered on the motion to copcur in an amendment: of the Senate to strike out the words which provide that the lap pro -( priation for transporting the Choctaws be paid out of the 500,000 dollars appropri ated by the Indian Bill last session, and substitute "out of any money fin the Treasury not' otherwise appropriated." The question being put on concurrence, was decided in the affirmative ayes 92, noes 72. ; rr ' -t:"' 5,s' ' , Thursday March ; By a suspension of the joint rule!,.which forbids'the presentation of any bill to the President for-his approbation, on the last day of the session, several additional bills were final i r acted on aDd became laws.--This was tnie more gratifying, as some of them provided for private claims. H Having gone through with all the busi ness before thejn, and M r. M 4Duffie tem porarily occupying the Chair, M r.Caraon rose and said -Mr. Speaker : Thel Houe of - Representatives of the Twenty-first Cpngress, havemet for the last time,-.and when we separate to-day, tnariy bfns will have paftedtd meet noimore forever.? My heart adnionislies me that this itfafjt occa sion for us to pfle urallfpur animosities upon the altar of peace, kindness, .& good yvill. IftVising; sir, to perform -a last act pfXegilitive duty, ttpop this occasion j -I it tbetriore willing! v, and witbtlemore, nleasure. because, while.' it is an: act of Justice, jt is act jof rieudship.f f 'ask leave to introduce, the following resolution; which 'I hope will be nnlmmoasiy. receive ed and adopted : 'e'i't ' - M- 'vetCThii the thinks of ts Rouse ber tpreseiedto'Uie hohorble Andrew Streosua. Speaker, ,for the dgmtyjupartialitf pTonJp- North -Eastern Bouwdart.-Wc learn that the King of the Netherlands, who wis appointed Arbitrator between Great Britain and this " country in Nation to est ri the boundcjy line between tU Stas j periatirig them fbrtheir arduous laborl anu vanauajiias rcpur,u ms .wisivutf rapu utat q.e 'Win aHora(tnem eyeryviaciiiiy jiis promuigauuu nui uoyaiteu wui in ins power to eaaoie xaemto ooiain inein -in-Mi anxiety, u . ... " ,...w .s'.:M money, ; when. received by ,liiiVwiiK l&g. Latest from Euaopi-.Livefpool 8 0t:WM dates to the6th Jariuary inclusi have P. Splementary Ac passed t;t. been received at New-York; We are pionngress ist rinable, owing to the crowded state of the. our columns,- to give copious extracts,- the Department of State, to be carefullr; t?w-nnd u.wpnc.u1 an(aU errors; or, inaccnraiea ' , rise in the English Markets, and as migbt ta be. rectified which nst necessarily k-';; iCki nMw cqnsume.considerabletimeiJftheDeparK - upon the sale of.these articles in. the """,v . ? Northern Markets. flautw vf?"-" -wyww..;. Mr. O'Connell, the celebrated Irsh Female Twcher. Wanted, lj i patriot and several of his associates have TOfHOt a pood Eapfisb Bducatioa united u been arrested, on a charge of Conspiring J." knrwkdjje-of Kasicy inquire of tfim- v i trim niiiBit'ivqT r riF-tvi to evade certain prociaraationj recently promulgated by the Ijord .Leutenant;' A- i : ' . m f- i il : Wat -r- Ireland. I ne uistUTDances doui in -tin- I t . f . . a " -T.- a 1- gland and -Ireland continued, and Jjhis event is by no means calculated tqj ftlay theni. .. v' - ' v-'!v' f Ki c The Poles have published a Manifesto, at once splendid and moderate, eloquent and juat The Russian Army is announc ed as on its march, and the next arrival will probably bring us accounts of actual operations. The Poles seemed ready to meet the Autocrat of Russia, with a gal lantry and ardpr-worthy of their cause arid who can refuse to aspirate a; fervent hope that this deeply wronged people may rise victorious from the struggle 2 Among al f - . 1 1 ' - 11 . . ' !! .'..at'' tne signs oi .puonc enthusiasm ior uoerty JriaiP A'i ail Uiidiitl foflllWpl? aa. aT!&;.--fe'WaB .va.tl'a-l C i . aaaa. -a-'a' aK K .Va. 1 A nW .jut i.he otdOvttriient-i. deatearose on tna t ju estiqn, wn i cp was cu5.sn.ar d-emaoifer; the previous question TTIB Co paTtoeM.lp ef Ttiomna TTarri& AJv (red Joiway under the firm t&SIarri & Jones. ws dissolved by mutual content m die 29tli day of January -- v r - - ' ' 1 tf AWIED JONES, L , , THOJIAS HARMS. 4. nalefgh. March 8, 1831. lru; Attention ! City Guards. - A Prirle IVlcetiof the Corifuhy will be held l-tthf Courihoow, on Skturday night next; at T o'clock. " , order qf the Captain March p. IgSl.V . - ; DARINGfATBOClTV. AST night a1outdffht.o'clocfc,ifi,Villag Xi fChapeHlill) :m startled by the cren ' tiwi waumga 01 a Kee-coiorej wotnaiw after urp Chi'd, a UU twyof a boot three yem of age, wiio had been atolefrfrum hr, KodooM sonto execrable villain t,a carried off fhecbild in or der to netl it, tfaieion has aaehed ta nnr in- l 'aata.alia.aaf "( .aM.. aa aVaaluaa;lr a. . t ' . . . i miHiiiai.nijwjiHjiiw.iiijmiii jiroppKais 10 tuts at At 1 V m xvarsaw tne tact is menuopea mat tne ,nu",er y "'J' wc ' 1 na no aisapnerra i ; i i 1 -' 1 it. 1 about the time tbe chikf was Hh&toY li is neeV. ir ' "fj-' havp tint nn 1 vi Conf rihnfpd with trrftst. t - . . . . t j , . . . ! A JewW not qdI t contributed With great SaSnZ, " irrjerautv to tne ots but they ha the. Jewish language, in which the-cause j the dijicoVeryoflhe Clnld or the idcteertoJv'ef of liberty is warmly advocated, : 1 - a - -r- - - - .; 1 :... i' ' uwuit. mm -.j 11.. a iiiHiiri inu.ia M iinnfT will, rw v t 1 a j 4 n .lLa-i I communicated without del to UieFoatmaiUr e conclude to-day, the Correspond-1 at thi.nt.ceV ! -v .7 v ' enceK between the. President and Vice- President, and commence ths publication of the other letters connected with this singular controversy. Haing given Mr; Crawforp's letter, we shall, in our next, place CfcapeUfUt; March 3, I' . f Nfitide to Adventarer8.? 1 3o,oao 2oz,iuAnc. nnHtJ Scbemefor ExiraCbb Ko.r&'rpiaetf. Xr of th Ker.Yort Cbnaoltdated I.ottf t inprf Mr Cat iiottk' addenda -Mr Van vfnich Drtwtftb Mrth-a dnererit from H msert Mr. Calhoitn s caawajwr van Schmet heretofore drawn; a' d1iUr.etiots , , Buren's diplomatic note,NandNMr Hah- hkvinirbeeniaad Oefveen oW number Prin;' iLTo-.btement. .We Waf (hei-puKUT, tXM il a-.ma Uo I'nmmanfonflj nn f nA I IftfTPS. I .l.k.Ai f... klK.-i 'i:ua 1 J" 'r. - v. ' JSUUiT? ui liiv wy uwuvw iv . wtv vav viMHb MHwiujKiiii V'rl4liB. . AUTniQrf ta' Will' 'i'-'-'v pondence, by the Telegraph an, l5fllSIrM ,' , . J f:., -i ' which cosf 920 m ttJi$ Lottery, i warrated to u , .... .'' ". .. r : . I unll In; h. '.lun. la. . Ual... . .1. al ....aT. There nave Dem so manji replies, re joinders; rebutter! and 6urrebuttere,"that it is difficult to tell vho.j3Ta therightanti ranttfd to be drkwfl to a Yacksga la, the1 uktux - 4 f-rfLi .rf, .i; at. iiMv1nir-beena3 of RAtaftS "arid SfeAT'si commiatiori mi-iy iv i'l i t :if'LTr : ments4an eioqtent anuieeun&aaaress 'aMMendeel&ed. tHe i&W't&ir MKOliT THEN' WALL PBIZSS 'i ; ;V .QpaDollariv . lOEOOfJ Dollafs. . 5,000 Dollars. ! 2,000" Dollars, J, ZG6. Dollars, ' lOPrizeaof 1,000 J)ollar.v 500 DoHara. - t ' ICO Hollars. - u m a , l i who l is in thejwrong land we dare say, there are not a few pf ourVeaders as much perplexed, as- Jartes tiTras,?wberi soon '.a WaTll.-.l ' i ' - atter jus accessioaaxouie asusivruone, j r V lie auenueu yuurv w ucar tui; jjicauiug", a cause of some consequence. JLpe.Cotiu. v p ji iai v - - x:: j . ai t , sei tor toe rraintia naming uineM,ine i , iu t l?m :a so ri(-fact1v:aflftfisd thAt'he I i '$0 f excUimed,r Us aVamcAse,? and was .'Besides many small Prire, .i' !. J. "" ' , i " r ' 1 1 :AH wi;h one mm&ernn ihrm are o tilled la aPout rearing, uemg persuaaeOa, noweyer m .nd those wiib ikmi ol tne drawa numo to.stay ana near tne otner side pi tneAues-bo, , - tioni the Lawverfor heBifnikti the case no e jpowi on his aide., Un tbts & jionarchi pnused taexhicAnery.fiL sophistry .pf the Jlritisli; bar; rose and exj claimtnar d?aiast both disputants: lei t the 1 -:. ' o- VJV :.-.':: " J ' . 1 life' P3 Orders 4rfoiijgcaaTof4icH(jeiif.TIel ' V te, 1ngleiJTKketM-8bim uieet w;iV ' a RccoUecUiidaddtes -1 t ! -A. - ft.-" '-F 'K 1T: 'af' s -4 1 . -..- '..a"" t: - 1 sT1 1 . . ... S i 4. J 7 a : .-a At 1 " ' . i , a r.ji-;,.f,W" 4 n1

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