i ,1 u r- i -J . . iv .: Lit It . V' T irf , . ;. 1 i, Z ; .f..' IK ;, A1 ! if i ?.' : Kvi- ;', 1 i' ; kWSf' " by theIerkan government to emigiants. I;?r jOpaTTOCrm.fr - ;ir' rf ccS . , . -SSm&Sii -k Vi-444ea-sds acA v vtc. r;'r JiNlx- GLASSES, 6?c. ' , PSfS ' l very eat Ji24D DU8.v.acres io ferent;varietifes selected in Europe, between i,- , I f ; iS3f&&ttff' . every man of family vThe pnce.of pas- thw and tfrthttenTee of- adrth latitude! T1" Subscriber hare entered into eopt J.' -TT fr iiat and sefea one bneat wave cnaae ;v; ten. or Vi -Ii elIow on the strandj f - J : ''l-',sTrnnnihe'i!naUesstand v lr-- ' 0 Though scarce the pe les felt the snoefc, ,' a j db wes ua' vuti mc iiH J-.;TeJat an3. heard the autumn wind, i'&?'.iiiTt uri?etr stirred tne snray ti '"Tettt soon bpre sprjna verdant birth. 'Mdfo viibW on its native eartb.: ( And fttow hseicareeangedth6ht;i AnaTei ne ien me woto w mguv. s. tid like yonea In tumble ljfej," ' N-Ti-1.. ''' ii:j,'iti1:- 1 Lii -i-" 'it'- ,"svenis ace omows rwi, . Ur.rdent pn moment, itflfe on sferife . i S'TMt change tpjtiie soul r- yAnd Joyi like autumn leav'eaTfall fast ; ilope sits find beinjs Bght is past; , rH:: -. UYY I "i ' j.l : Y'; ' ? Tvetood on earth's mnst daring, height, L . 'And seen tiay's ruleV rise, U x ; : " In his magfiificence oKyht, : " ; ; ,T6 triumph thrwugh the skies, And jH.Jthe darkness -f the world Par from tus shining preSeoce'lwrled,; , A! toq thst fades upon tbef earth, Too weak to finger here, i ( ; - ! tebfossotns with a sacond birt - Todeck the Coming year -v r- CKalf knno Kr fri-iii'a totornsl (1nwr, Be iraiier than a fading; flowerx , Ah; no 1 like autumn leaves that die, iV!''"':-3T? bloom. again ir spring, y. - u . , 'Fresh joys shall rise from those ;gone by, ;jAd purer incense jriig, . . - y- "" r , Arid when, likesuiii, hope sets' in nicht, ' v Y-- Shill she not bam: frpm woridsj more bright ? sei'rchirig' tEe (nsW tu tior to find, .an ex- press power, : conferred tui - Congress,, to : distrihute' the snrnlus revenue amnhw thfe IfrMh States? VVewilbei obliged "to tlie advo- t4?- ' hi em-conjunction to ten us "m'. where it : is ; lor we nave too mncn cnan- i?tv to believe, iintkotii ' a-ootf tirnof. that thev t4rij defending te CbnstitutipnoioA w f M i"l2nne side, ..rhile they are at the ' tbeotbri in the yery manner Which they socferepibit Perhaps ; they ; mil say thatthU. vay. 'ojfviolattng: the Gonsti- tution voutd be popular and, good Jar tKt coMf,v;f i- Bfltt tlieihoUidnot forget that ; Internal improvement is tidv poputar, & uieir pian xinypmar wnn a targe majori -ityii wbo also, unlikle themselves, honejstly and ' tobd for the toil ntry; ' And more- ;':';AOver,-;till within a sliort time this laat o- . mniiin hj nvar noon- IAii hrafl .. : , l:-.. v Jimer, ;.Spect. . l;;-fy; :.;V .' Yif;-' Y-Y .r.V t. We have recently beard the following fstory of pne of the Givernora of rtie States t t His 'Excellency wa; doin e bonors of LafayetieV reception! in - splendi room fitted np for the interesting occasion:' ; , lie hadbeen as, little accus tomed to a Garnet, as the : country man who - walked around it on the floor 5 but, treat t. ffi''l Uncyas an inorditatejchewer of,tobacf lSm ico ad han", araosJuicy mouth, which f ;tk0 fiirkW carpetj whose splendors were .unfolded for: the reception of the Nation's t Uuest.; I nc sery'ahn m attendance I ooj jiOi one but a tobacco tchewer could fail to7 a understand, tThe Governor, did' not take Y 1 ' tfrelr hint s, -arid- tle jshining receptacle, ':Y? destined 4nJ every? decent ;esfiiblishrrrcnt. r jthe accommodlijtion of such gcptlemen ''P6" jwas pushed round" and it no longer wnnout turning -jus nacK 00 j the IvonOred object joP biscountry 's rati- -0:;"r-1 A to ' Hk if nih"prirur m ff1! ittl A Pvitod I ! by hie acting of a pantomime Before him, tvhich 1 he diaKoi Understand. 'He" only 1 Ievyed the harder aj poured forth; the ciortterotts saliva in increased Quantities. AtiaST, wtui iuucu .liupaiience, oe ex- claedftoJthesT?a - Ifyou on't ukeJthAtihere thereithing away 111 spit .--Austin's Coojty in Tiexa3; is redeiving a trreat accession to its population from the Utmea states iine last JLomsiana 1 Ibe emigration as unparalleled. s were engased f Advertiser' remarks ; Tds last seaspn,. w ' ll!!:'Twel vevor'thifteen .vessel 'I n UtMte bctwejenj iat place and this, ''. all of which were icrowded wiA emU ; l ir it is estimatctlthaLt i.4 iodrh:a)aJfeta; Wesjjts many will em 1- .Wrt'-, thariiwent' laist I fear, -several - Vi;elsAhave:alrdyaiIeu are tmw nVraritS' are now in this ciiYy!ambsrem . ve mfH 01 capiuu. lue crops in lexas I ! last seon wVre. yry Umj some(the sfL ' . ' rfiWfora'cabinoa9Sen2er,lsg20; Steer- The nnsent vear he h as Saufficient- Graphs 7;Zil-Z"Ji-A'. r' "H ""r'TI n.uo -OAKKUYV ii CO.' age-810 when a jamilyis takep, V re duction is made. The time foe perform ingtne voyage is xrom uircv w mcuajs. Something (new We- are, always grateful for Inf6iatib The,, following is from theilondOn Globe -- 7; ..'. .'".it!.: ' f n. r-;iVAn.tne.LieisiauvevAsemuiie9 01 me United States, abell rinss for dinner at $ o'clock '.ji and the Houses whoever may be speakinff, are said to be cleared in a moment, une scene thus exniDiiea, re sembles that in one of Foote's farces, where it is announced to a host of starv ing authors that the " milk porridge is ' We beg leave to inform the Globe that ,ine sysiein nas uen; enueiy vnaugcu oiuvc U- was maci r acquavnteu mm t ne : auov e mentioned" fact, j f At present, when the hoUr of five arrives the SerffeanttatvVrms enters the House on horseback, and blows Yafkee" Doodle tbrough; a tiri horn 5 a nic is immediately fastened on the mouth of him who occupies the floor, by the Cher to Congress. ;The Speaker serves a mint julap ,all round, and tlie Members are marcneaoui;in regular oraer, to ui tune;-oi-NlYvYf ::M' ' . ' O'Rourk's noble fare will never be forrpt, By those who were there, and those w ho were ' . not." : V - . ' ; . A writer in the United States Gazette, gives an account of a sect of Christians in Philadelphia who allow themselves to eat no animal food. He says : : A They are denominated Bible C hris tiaks, and have a church in North Third st. hear its junction With the Qermanton Road, where! they meet ; tor public wor ships morning and evening, every( Sab bath day, jit the Usual hours. ' V The opi hi on Ui at th e sou I ' su ffers a partial annihilation' by the repudiation of any member of the body, is incorrectly attributed tn thetn ; they hold no such opiniops ; neither do they believeAin the Meteinpsycosis pf . the Pythagoreans They have higher. and more rational mo tives for! adopting ' the system of absti hence. lliey derive their views on the subject from the. testimony of the Bible ; vie from comparative anatomy, & they find in the organisation of man a corrobora tion of their'yjewjs of the scripture testi mony. Hence froin conscientious motives ftey have, long discontinued the very prevalent habit of feeding on butchet rd animal?, and. haye confined themselves wholly to vegetable productions' Nor do they stop here. They, have also di eaded the allurements ! of the intoxica ting boicf arid ' have been contented to satisfy their thirst from the hntpid stream j in other words, they are water-drinkers. These habits of! torn perance secure to them the' enjoyment of general good health." r . v . A SuRpnisR Some time last week,' a family in this city received notice that a present from a .laushter recfntly inarri- ed ahd settled in Charleston, (S. C.) was-1 on ooaru a pacnei vmcn nan just arnveu. it was procured from the vessel and ap peared to be a petty tout box. On open ing it they were almost petrified at find ing it contained a corpse, which they at first thought that of their daughter. On inquiry It was ascertained that two boxes Were on doard both of which were mark ed H,, and. thus i the mistake occurred. The corpse is believed to have been sent hither for buriaf,;to some afflicted family. " s Y 1 i .Boston Patriot, My Wake Forest Plantation Y IS AGAIN FOR SALE, (The" late purchaser not having complied with : r ; ': hisj contract.) XT contains t7 acres of land, the most of it good, ffhe buildings and improvements are good and the situation healthy and pleasant It a wiMiiu nifcc uours nae of Raleigh and in a vt-ry excellent neiffhWliood. Th 2500 d(ijlrs nd either the impn)vements or th land alone are worth much more tr.onc v. lamts . ' CALVIN JONES. Twentyye Dollars Reward. RAN A WAY from the Siibscriber? in Lancas ter District, Sooth-Carolina, on the 91 st in stant, two Negro Rpys, SAM and CH AHLES aged,. about 20. years? each Sam about 5 f-et 10 inches high,' rather of a vellowish per foreteeth out. and a" scar nn liJs.rla-hr - paused by a burn. fChnrles is very black and quck spi.ktn, Walks with hia toe turned out. is about five feet 1 Finches higli, slim made, and i.on wii tneyuett me, White roundabout cotton Coats ami pantaloons. the same, but took other clothinfrl witflihem: ' The -.hnvr - ara wiiibe paid lorpiittm stiid Bvs in any Ml and givmgelintbrnlatkm thereof; and all reasonable chartres niid. : JinfiN nut.p. China Hill, N;lCl r'.eb, 24. ' ; .-, If 3t ft , w Arwoii-Cjotintyr v . ' .; ., Court pf,Pleai iid Quarter Sessions. m laVnary'Terrri, 1831. "'' William B.fMqurkIe es- the Hirs at Law of ?T" -lv?r5wre oroerea, : xuttb publication be made in tfe Bleigh- Regisier NorttwCarolina -zette for six weeks, that uu'tata Ifc-.t.i i arxd fietyamm appear; on or before, the 1st 'day 'of rT",H'V tB; ppocoesso and heard expefatq,tbem,!oi-ctiheofn ? rom $he ilintites. ?p rnmrt-ri(p makinB" Wine, andvlto ?8lence -.11. doubt respecting the Success ot the vine in tms .. -. ' .. . o .... -rr "rk ..... ..'- w country. . - , , -.'t.A.'.fxMtbiit nmnnses to those w no are oesirous of 'Undertaking 4he cultuteot Ihe Grape, to fur- to fur-1 nish fhem with,tlpots three years old, carefully ki labelled, oacked wit wet moss, and delivered on Ship-board, free of-ejpense, ontoe follow ing 'conditions, viz : For 1000 or more ttoots, cents ech root ; Tor to 10UU, . 15 cents each t and 25 cents each Tor less than 50 vines.' -Payment to be made on delivery ot the Hoots Letters -not received unless jmt paid., ?, Subscriptions received by , 1 J.' GALES & SON, Raleigh, N. C. A. Loubat has selected the following spe cies of Grape Vines, as best adapted for the 'purposes mentioned : ; Thble Grapes, or f'r ma- SO. Picardan, kiug Sti-on? Wine. ,31. Chalosse, WHITE. 32. Panse. 1. Alicante, v KED- . 'Robin Eyes, with big 53. Plaret, , W clusters; or ffiilde 34,. Auyergnat, Tour, jrui-grain, 35. St. Jean, 3. Do. Melting f or fon 3G. J.icobin, ; dant.J -5 ,57. Meiinierf 4. Sweet Guillant, 38. Pini, 5. Muscut, ''39 Prtntahie i5. Do. Vrontignac. .40. Temturier, -7. MiiscadeUe.l'romthe 41. Bourgignon, river, lot. Midvoise, Tokayi Syrian, Constanlia, Mal.ga, Meillers. RED. Large Muscat, Malvoise, 42. Bouteillant, '43. Suisse 44. St. Aitoine, 45. G imet Noir. ' For the Tabic Only. WHITE. " 46. Chak;!aat(fr. Fon tainebleau) " 47. Do Golden, 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 48. Do. Cracking, Red Foot, . (Pied 49. Do. Musk, Rouge,) IT. Rlnck Hambourg, 18. Constantia. Fur tVinet WHITE. 19. Auvergnat, 20. Blanqnette, 21. Doucinnelle, 22. Plant de Iame, 23. Olivette 2. Douce tte, 25. Plant de Heine, 26. Burgundia, 27. Morillon, 28. Midere, . 29. Boureelas, 50. Muscat Laaarde, 31. Do. Small Ue'i ries- : " 2. Do. (d'Alexsn dria.y 53. ' Do. (fr. Xura,) 54. Sauvignon, RED. 55 56. jr. 58. 59. 60. Chassehs, Do. Violet, Muscat, Roige, Do. Violet, Muscat Grey, Damas Violet, 61. Do. of Pquet, 62'. Early Masrdalen. ' Catalogues may be obtained at $6 Exchange place of A. Loubat ; a'Kl lso bis Book on the Culture of the Vine, and on making Wine. . i- A. LOG BAT has constantly on hand a good supply of BRANDY and WINE by the Cask or Box. . - PROSPECTUS ' Y OF THE THE undersigned announces to his. former Subscribers and the Public, thut he will, in a few resume the publication of the N-OKTT l-C A ROLIN A SEN TIN EL J lie has been irtdfCd to this determination by the discontinu ance of the Paper on the part of its late Editor, and tle improbability that its publication would be undertaken by any othf r person. He ;.s al ready sufficiently, familiar with the responsibili ties and inadequate support connected with a Pre-s in Newbern, and in again subjecting him self to their operation, he y ields more to u sense of duty, than to any hope of pecuniary emolu ment. His expectations 'will be realized if the business affords but a moderate profit ; and this, he trusts, wall be secured by the kindness of his friends. i -That the Sentinel may be rendered more ac ceptable to its readers, ihe Editoir is makii.g arrangements to issue it on an imperial shret, with a handsome new type. If. a corresponding improvement should not be effected in the gen eral character of the Paper, - the deficiency will be attributable to the imperfect qualifications of the Editor. His judgment, however deficient, will be honestly applied to the promotion of what lie Conceives to be the public good, i COXDITIoks. Tht Amih-Cardina i&dii!el v. be published once a week, on an imperial sheet, with a hand some type, procured for the purpose. r The Subscription will be 7ree JJoIlars per annum, payable in six months from! the time of subscribing.. Advertisements inserted on the, customary terms. THOMAS WATSON. Newbern, Dee. 1850. V Town of Fayette ville. PURSUANT to the provisions of an act passed, by the Legislature of Norlh-Carolina, enti tled " An Act to incorporate a Company styled Tte Fa yeitcviUe Railroad Company"-- , Public Notice is hkbebt, ivejt, tlwt the Commissioners of Fayetteville will open Books of Subsciipffon at the Office of the Bink of Cape Fear in Fayetteville, under the direction of the Magistrate of Police, for the sum,1 of Twenty Thousand Dollars, divided into 'Shares of One Hundreds. Dollars each, ' t$ constitute a Joint capital tock for the purpose of constructing a Rail Road from some point in the Corporation orTewh of Fayettevijle, to the Cape-Fear Ri ver," with the corporate privileges to the Sub scribers, 'or tlieierm, of twenty years fiym tte 1st January. 1831: 1 the s.iid Hooks of Snbsr.fintinn to continue open from the 2d to the 12th day of March next, both inclusive. r J. W. W RICH T, Magistrate of Police. Februavy 9ili, 1831. H tM12 Money ! Money ! Money ,1. IN ABUNDANCE, IN MARKET. To Owners of Gold Mines, Plantations, and :. other Property. p riHt- Subscriber begs leave to inform his JL friends and the public, that he ij daily visit ed by capitalists, whose funds are greati and r.-ho are lesiroiis arid anxious of purchasing-wholes or shares of Properties improved orunimprov. w wish to become pTopnelors or partners of Gold-mining Companies or Would loan and Invest Money at reasonable interest, satisfactorily seenred would invest and advaace their Monev in any wayroykled' they were secured and sa ii.niru m reauzHig a, Mir ana reasonable interest fr the same :Therefore thirse who wish to sellf or mongage rroperry, or get casb partners, wui.no wen to apply tome subsctif -r, per mail. lorwaruixig, every necessary mtormation-und in struction,-ecompanitdxwith ah advance retain ing it frtS&:p-WS$te$lQ&e in every V"':'i -hi : - , : GEO- W. EYERITT. Real Estate Broker's, Attorney's & Genera1 , Agent, No: 23 South Foyrth STtreet, Philadelphia enn h ' Mi l'y & MAct kAunVirnl orenvt. fit I inks ' T i -t '. r - i a . -. aftarhil tn it ia lArsref Fallinc warden rormsneu 1 withfniitsseecte1frbm thenorth an Ice-House constructed otirOcKr-a .stone ;prng-iiousc wll ?-.rvll.ht wot m thi vard an Office In suitable for a Lawyer, and every neces H'n,l(hmieo' u Pnnfi ronairJ ' . . arr Outhouse' all in. irood renairil Alsp, a;l AJVVAUl now in opraitoo, wuiuu mie-ht irive' emnlovment to(B or 10!hanW, having 10 A acres of land attached to it: anil on the pre?; Imses la a' comfortable two story tiweuing wjiii convenience for a tamilv residence. A better constructed Yard is seldom seen any - .4 1 !. .1 e where.. This property- win oe ipisposeu 01 tn reasonablsj and accommodating Wrms. - TfO. M. LUOT.EJOHIN. Oxford, Sept. 1. ' 5oav tf mflE tollowtncr va tiable BOOAS nuolisnea . L 1 . . 1 principally, for the use of ?he Citizens of North-Carohnai are constantly kept on hana.tor sale, bv the subscriber?, viz : The Revisal of he Laws of Norlh-Carolina, by the latediief-Justice Taylor the late Bartlett Yancv. and Judce Potter, madfe under the di rection of the Legislature of the State, in two Tarfce octavo Volumes, with full and 'Com plete I ndox. f Ditto, brought down to the yeaij 1826, by the late Chief-Justice Taylor, will a satisfactory Index. ' . F . Haywood's Manual of the Laws of the State,. ar ranged in Alphabetical order, Vah an appen- 0 . r"i " ft-r dix. which 'brings the wiwic toitne year 104. Potter'a Justice of the P ri new edition, lately revised and corrt .1, f jrith a number of new Forms, and the ; Law ji; contained m which, are jonght up to the y ar 1828. Martin's Iiw of Executors and-(Administrators, (which-is Toller's English W4rj. on this sub icct, omitting such parts as i pe not in force here, taking the Law as it stoo ? at the settle ment of this 'jountry, and intrj glueing every act of Assembly of this State v .ich has alter ed the Law and noticing everdjudgedcase wmcn tnrows ngQi on me, suiiui.; ims c dition of the work was revisal by the late Chiet-Jastice Taylor. " y Chief-Justice Taylor's Digest of tfie Statute Law of North-Carolina, relative to YiUs, Executors and Administrators, the Provision for Widows and the Distribution of Intestates' Estates : A Work which combines in one view all the enactments which have been made on tliese subjects for a Century past, and which are dispersed in more than forty: statutes. Agricultural Essays, written by a North-Carolina l'armer. Allowed by those who are best ca pable of judgingj.to be the best book fur con veying useful information to the Farmers of this State that was ever published. It treats on the best mode of improving land, on deep and horizontal Ploughing : op the Grasses best suited to this State ; on the best modes of raising Wheat, Turnips and! 'Indian Corn ; and treats largely on the raising of L"r Siock, .Draining Land, &c. , ; 1 The Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court ot North-CarolHia, from pie first estab lishment of the Court, when i bore the title of Court of Conference," to the present time, which are as follows: I Reports' of the Conference Court, by D' (.'ameron and Wm. Norwood, in I vol. The Law Repository, by Chief-Justice Tay lor, 2 vols. , I Term Reports, 1 vol. by j Do Murphey's Reports of the Supreme Court, 3 vols" ' 1 1 Hawks's Do" 4 vols. Devereux's Do Vol 1 Hawks's Digest ot the Reported Cases ad. judged in JvTrth-(Jarolina,lfrom the year 1776 to 126. J... A Collection of the Militia Laws of North Carolina, j (Tj Subscribers will be received for the Re ports of the Supreme Court which are publish ed at the close of eaUvTerm at $1 50 per number, and forwarded by mail to Subscribers in any part the State. ! s i:leo r sojiool. MR. BARBOUR, a Graduate bf Washington College, Copnectfcit; will jpen on the 3d .1.... r I..., n cJi ric.'..:i cv.n..i K..F it rmtiitimWftp a-vuvyvv.'v4i jiivmm. m vx his'bharactecaoa qtiaKficationa, reference may C ir ;Ji?uDGB CAERON, n i JUDGE, E. 4 WELL, and GEN. SAUNDERS. Raleigh, lhec. 1830, 1 5 . . RALEIGH ACAUEMY. JAMES GRANT, Jn. will open: a School in the Raleigh Academy, on the' 1st Monday.'.; in January next. I he plan ot Eiiucationis prepa ratory for an admission into any class in our Uni versities comprising the Latin, Greek 8t French Languages, Mathematics, Bellesf Lettres, and a complete course of English Literature 'The price ot Tuition will be the; sameias that heretofore charged by the Tiusfees f the .Ra leigh Academy (viz.) for the fiist class $7,50,; the second 510 the third 12 50 ; ami the fourth 815, per Session, wSth fiflv cents for opbr tingencies and firewood, paid in advancei -Bohrd may be had in his Fathers famiry at eic-ht dol lars per month. The public my ijest assured that tne strictest regard, will be spaid to the mo ra! deportment pf thpse'confidefl to his-care ; morality and the truths of the Ghristian Religion inculcated, yet it wiIJ bfikept ln fmind, that this is at Literary and not a Theological School. He expects permanently to keepi up the Academy and to rely on his own exertions for patronage ; it shall therefore. be his pril and ambition, to raise this Seminary to'the elcvaied rank.whicb it Once possessed as a Literary lnstitutin.'Tliere will be Public Examinat ions semiannually, wneii , Parents and Guardians acn navefan opportumtydction - theldbscriber. The course of In- rof witnessing.! he proficiency, which their chil- drenjor wards may, have made. atisfactory,tes timOriials of hs-scholarship and i morals, from the Professors of our Uni verity,! 'ire in his pos session;Shbuld any think nhete exist only 'on paper, let them try him,',, k if' i : lie wouldfcliecrfiilly attend td and instruct a clas of young Ladies, in French, ! in the recesa ot the, School. Dec. 14. State of NorthrCajrolina. . Person Courrty 1 "' Superior Court f Law, November Term, 183Q. : Elizabeth ' Watson EiijWatson. ' 5 "-Petition for Dnrprce St A jirhony. ; appearing to t he Court, tha.t the 'defendant Elijahs Vatson; 'is not i an inhabitant f this State j it waa therefore jrdereiLby the Oourt. that.publication be made )n the,' l?aleigh. Regis ter for si yeeks, iforhe deindainto'appekr at the next tefTn of Uns;6oH;ib pe ilield atxtl;e Cbnrthouse Ui HStVon'4h yUwday after the 4th jCunday m March xthd"shew u,fifMjr,: : wtiytie jjrayerJ ofiii petitioner should notW granted. -V"":'-r-?XrSr.: V,;S Wilness.1 Dtmc4p Rose. Clerltlofaaid CoSt1 1 atmce, tbe 7th iilbiufay fterUi;4k MbndaV li. n. . . ' a '- f .i m mm mmmvmjm -"- T t tnnA U,,', " Fancy Dry Good business.- . ur. .:FF.UGUSCQCIIBAN. New-York, Reptv 21, 1830. v, ' TTAVE how ton hand, sue an assortment; or JJL'- Fancy Goods, as theytbeliere; 4s ''not- sur- passea by any otnett m iins couniryj i.m ynviKiy, and selection, comprhjtn&the following: - articles in Canton, French, Italian ana . Jf ancy s urmsn Goods : r "-.i;'.-" f . - ' Black ' &. colored Italian Lustrings, Imitation, I Plain andJChangeable do- . v ' Black, Colored, & Changeable Grosr Kle rvapies, Figured do. in a great variety 1 "' 'f '- "' Colored,' . Changeable.lapk, & Blue Black' ; Jlarcelljnes, ; ' k?t,x 's$r' 5-4 Black and colored Bombarirte? ! ' V . Crape de LyohV P''0 and tired illsmlarinei Plain and Figtired Jponfinai Algerines; Palme. :;:srynes of the newestlsles, ftr H.-i.;,..'.5"'. iPMnch Prints & Gilighams,-,& Foulard Muslin p, Pongees and many other' articles i for 1 Ladies .dresse'sj t ' ' ' ' '" - ' V . SpilalfieW, & Pongee Flag St Bandanna Hflkfs. Gros de Naples, Gauze,' St. Crape" lldk'fs. arid Scarfs, i ": ' ' ' ' ' " ''? Silk and KidiStocks, and Fancy Cravats, ) Black & Colored! Italian Cravats, Imitation do? Buck Beaver, Silk & .Torse-skin Gloves, . Gros de Naples & G mzw; Garniture Ribbons, , Cap and Belt lo. of the newest styles, v Eiighsh & French Silk Hose, & p ilose, Em broidered & Open-work do. Linen Cambrics and Cambric Hdk'fs. Black & Colored French Crapes Worsted Ba , rege, Brown Cotepaly, Etc. Sewiiig Silks.vTwists, Braids, Fancy Buttons, Hooks and Eyes, Sic. &c. , ? They will also have an extensive; assortment of Lace Goods, conisting of English Bobbiiiet, Gimp and Tliread Laces and Edgings, Caps, Cpe:, Pelerines, Cheinizeltes, Black & White Lace Veils and Shawls, with si complete assort ment of 4-4 5-4 f-4 & 8-4, Thibet and Merino Shawls, Cashmere and Merino Long Shawls, &c. t- A. G. & P. C. Rave selected their stock with a particular reference to the. Southern St Wes tern markets and as they will add 'to their as sortment oiistaiitly as fresh goods arrive, their stock wiB. be kept up thraughont the year. All of which they now offer fa? sale at low prices and on the most liberal term and most respect-: fully invite purchasers to call and examine their stock. ; :. '', '"s Orders will be promptly executed! with care: and fidelity. - ; New-York, Jan. 1, 1831. 9-3m, ; Fresh Garden Seeds.- i i WILLIAMS a HAYWOOD, have lately rei: ceived their annulsupp1y.;.j!pr Garden. Soeds, which are of the last year's growth and of the best qualities. ' , ' . Early York Cabbage - Double Curled Parsley Sugar I. oaf do. Large Dutch; Parsnip London Battersea do Brussels ,. Sprouts . for Large Winter Drum- early greens head do . Long Blopd'Beet I-Jarly Turnip! do French Sugar do Long Orange Carrot White Solid Celery Cttrled Cress Scarlet S.VT.' Haddish . I Long Salmon do . Early Cherry Turnip do' Tomato or. Love, Apple .Round4 Spinage -v-1 Ruta Baga Turnip Mangel Wartatl White Cabbage Lettuce Rhubarb Ice- Coss . do . Vegetable Oyster Early Frame Cucumber Early Bush Squash . Cluster do Long Green do Nutmeg Melon Citron do White Mustard ' Nasturtium ' '. Red Onion Silver Skinned do . , ..China. Beans . VVh"tt lnt Si veek Peas Washington da Dwarf Sugar or Honey do . Marrowfat do. : ' '. Raleigh, Jan. 10, 1831. 9 edwtlAp. TO THE PUBLIC. TIIESUBSCRIBE takes this' me thod of, informing his friends and the Public at large, that he has attain removed to the Town of Lbuisburg, and how" , occupies that large ' and v -!. ana now - occup VI. .;,VV. j ebmmodiouay owned by5Mr. Akx , ai and he pletlges himself to do hts; very to g,ve it istaotton tp all those that may favor: him with their' custom. . .-', I 4 ,;WJj. P. TAYLOtt. February . 153L. ' ' ;. 14 jJm v n.herswi'pxford Examiner, ; .Roanoke Ad tocate, will insert the above three months and orward their accounts. " " W. P. T. TAKE NOTICE ! ! ! - Mr lApprenuce WILLIAM A VERRELL who was bound to me bf the County Court. ot ;Wm Uounty, n. uniu me age .pf.iwemy lone years, jto learn tne ooic-binding?,,pusiness, has ninaway.. . He is about 18 years tild, &..when he went away u , dressed in blue clothes and a drab box coat with capes. Now be it known,' that I wilt "pay One Cent Reward for his appre hension, andno .. othejfcharge for his '.elivtrj'. I also forwarn all persons accordihij tp uWt from harboring saitL William V&rreB ajnd caution those who have no ..acquaiHfa;nceitb:htmf:to he on th;ir guard from tmsting him, for experience has taught roe that he is a Ro-ue. . '.'is ' v f'- D. LINDEMAN. . Raleigh; Jan. 29, 1831. ; 13 j THEEierctsespf.lhis Institution commenced struction tmbraces, m addition to the usuhi branches of Eivglibh, the. Greek, Latin & Flench Languages; ' "..;'i , -t' A-.lfl ' The heahhmess and local advantages of)th place are too well known to require commenti Boawl can be had on very reasonable 'term'i with most of the respectable families itf the vd- ... iWTERMS PER SESSION. F 1st plass, $10 00 "1 v v 3d do. 16.X)Cyabayhce,,3 Fittjir Cetsextra .r ch Season . , coKtinsrencies. Feb. 20, 1831;' A CDpy, rpm li to ll jers old; joif5ncctabV IL prints, mmai iiabttsanowhoiiean read wille1aken as an Apprentice to the ipbvlusmss If dlihr f itiHah iriah ' fbb J byx the" fttyot(rtnageofi fc ) ''"'. 'Boole Jdnder -fHfJih: CL'u- : nbtroeet.A abctcJreduUfUons.? 4 DL. ImpdttersBTftitert.Slreet, NewYnri OFFER , FOR" ALE, the largest and J complete astortmentrof Earthenn. ' tj : M Uhintti plain gndgilt Looking Gltma, yc Ihe, New-York .Market will ..afford, comPnv3 every style and varietyof jthe .newest pattern."1! v, They ,return.therr most cm dial thanks t0 tL, Cl'iends in the Sotithern States, for their su-V in the persecution now, carrying on against thT ior iiieir reuisai o join a coniOHiaiion one iariff of nrices for Crockerv: t!.,.L the trade," ilt is mainly attributable to the euce of our Soutaeri,!riend, that .we have b enabled to survive thui far." in1 this Kitilatiaii i exrvoscd tn Ah nmhiiuit ;,.a H and capital of the whole trade, endeavor;,. . effect our ruin and expulsion from business. ! pledge 6tirselys fof our friends to give tliem J 'ery satisfaction! in;6ur power, as regards the n1t lity' of our goods; he.excellence of ourpacke and'the. lowness of our prices for Cash or f,? Acceptances; and ia return, solicit f Voin tiJ r V aicontinuibce of; their patronage, aiul nartirJ iarY rciucsi uiiisc who nave . inn uence ufa thejir friends tp exert it in their behalf, M t. trust the cause m one tfiTey are all interestej m and much benefit will accrue to us from tlJl friendly acts in (his way. ; It has been said, Combi nation was broken up. As it regards pr; ''teii this- is triie, and all, we' think.' friends pbes will allow that we have effected this clixn J but we do assure our mead, that at no period since we vcornmenceov our , system ot unsb.ct led jricesVwere wc jn greater want of K ance than at the present moment. Thecomh nation, of men are ! leaving'; no means untr w effecting ourtuin, ! that they may revive the oil ayavcui . wur hcuh auu siiaracier are assaiiea every shape, . ouv importations waylaid and st ped in every instarice where threats are suffiti, ent to iotimidHte.the manufacturers from ju ply'iog ntr in fine, no VeXation or trouble wliii) the malice of men -could devise has been n. lected In this struggle to subdue us. We onci more call, Upon everv friend of a free trade come- up topur ' support, and pledge ourselvH to give1 them o cause torepent of their libetwll Ity. - , UAKKUW & UO. 12' 88 Water-street, above Old Slip. State of North- Carolina. Hay wood County. h j. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessiong , December Sessions, 1830.' " Andrew Caihey, by his attorney VVilliam OuVei . Thomas Price and Richard-Price 'u , Original attachment. .!.;y " Levied on fifty' acres of land. , "" Tf? ithi case, it is ordered by th Court, ibaS jL publication be, made in the m Raleigh RegH-j terand NortliCarolma Gazette, tor six wks notifying, the defendants Thomas Price a nil V4 chard price, to appear at a County CmrtnjS PJeas auqf Quarter Sesjnons, to beheld forth County pf,t H4ywoKl: at' the Courthouse ;a Waynesirille, oj the first Wtbiy after die foirft Monday of Miich next, then and there to reple vy and plead, otherwise judgment final will bej renuereu against inem, aau tue tana copaemaq to the plaintm vse,' ' A copy. : l est. Kuaciii Lurn i tWwt irsxar Aatrazf'CoirjjrEfcBiiCK of the Metfai Jt "dtst PrbtestanVCUuirch, comprisi' g the A SocVffedfMetbpdist Churches for the D strict tfx North-Carolina, will ' sit m Granville ountyjU Rehoboth Mee'iug bbuse, two miles east ofCsi ford, ; on Thurday the l"th day of March next: MRS; JOHKHiVY WOOD, RESPECTFULLY announces to the Pubtit that she is prepared to accommodate Tra velfers, Gentlemen; and their Families, Boirden by the ''day, week,;month or year Sbool Cai dren tor any length of time. , '. "' Her House is sitU-'ited in the immediate vicin ty of the Capitol, the Bnnks, and several Sea) naries cbEf Ikarhingi There is ; a beautiful ar$ highly cultivated Garden . attached to it; her Rooms are spacious 'and airy. ' She assures ! those whomay honor h wh their patronage, that no exertions shall . be wanting on her part to render them comfortable. Mrs. IL has also; a-good .Stable., which sbB be wel)provided with rpritivewler for 'UoneS and a -careful hostler toattentl to them. - Prices as moderate as those of any BoardiB e m the cuy. ! 5 Raleigh. Junuary 5. . '- tr r 'i BOOKS MSTA TIOXdE Y. THKStfbscirtbankful;for past favors, bejp "Jeiivej-'ib annnce-- to his fricn'ls aml'the Public generdly, that h$ has lately returnfd from the North, arid Is now opening a very h'" some assortment of BOOKS St STATION AKY, wlvich he is determInef1o sett for CASH, 'nrft jtiinttual etmersajewaa any person in his iii Uktd'thePolqmaff -;;". His Stock - being too numerous Tor aa . adves tisemeht, he invites thoe?wbo want to purchaa in the Book & Stationary hue, ,tp call and amine the same, and,he has no doubt but that M A'llt be able to give perfect satisfaction. ; ., .. '. D, LINDEMAN. Q3 N. B. b,;li continues to cary on tbe 3W k bind i ng buSirfis in all its branches. .HonseKof Enttairineiit. BENJAMIN 3. KIKg; respectfully ahnoopcfs t o the Pubiic,t that he pitendtf hereafter f open a House of Entertainment,, t his vtn known Stand on. Wilmington Street, ;near the centre of the business part of the city. He so lici's all peisons vrsUing tlieCiiv. to call on hM" and he Oaiteri; hibajsclf tbt be :ca1n give satisfy uon in tare equal to any. other House in iw" fic-.wiu untfcoaruei"s oy tne montn or yen Her wpreparKi with good Stable Room, & prices will be3wnd accommotlating. . ':' 'lfcr -l ' -r B.S."KIN8 Xtntiaty dSSO.' "Vt.' v J, NASH COUXTY. Cbnrily Westray, 7 Superior Court of I v vs. silk V Sept. Term laa Petitjo? WilsohiVestr:iy, ,-3 for Divorce. - IF appearing by the Sherifi 's return, that tU "defetvlanMs not to be found, that siibfr as;directed by the Act of Assembly were let f the place of the DefendantN last residence j this count v jsnd proclamation having beenP" 'ficUynade at the Court 'House hr, feTrZ fendant la appear. and answer as commanded V sati aubpoenas. It is therefore ordered that ; tice thereof, be given in the Raleigh R; JIS artfj lloanoke Advocate for three months . 3m. V iL UBArKXv C N? S. Pr. Adv. 25. Febtnary 19 DUNCAN' ItOE, C.&CtS'X f-f- ' at, i rT j.' -A- , v. r4 Il ( w 7

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