- 1 7H'J" - . - t w.fc wf- g - i - - i - mi i in..'.. , .:- .7--j.-i : Pfom Bdjfcr't Weekly .M9sen8t''. . 7 q lwfcitnir.Vrt jm5 4ottchhe imes were vfUten .by the, pw.Wf' r v ..t-i 1ff'cttd'4n tatliJ v. Arc . Toa 4 not ery wetX'' Av,fi uua ucare aiwui vcrj -tt?e(, but platse jour nonor, I'm very , One pf the crew of the Macedonian, ha. ing'yeeUctVthe wagelof ; i-thre4y ear's cruise went with he robneiis 1mrul into a store, and having pu rchased; a poc- lkt hookvDUt hJllpflndtea in hi wsisirnaL Duckeu suu,.iu wwv wv ofhH round .jackets The store -keeper told him that it was the fashion tn put the fmimey into the pocket Joolc, but the-saibt amrnied, he wast iipvto the mcKs oi rine JartdtubbrR. andwtmt tt ne nex he, returned to4theMdre exclwiniivgib m-ts, nd "a .lcly 4M kpe, hh points ! M ; to the futttfei and wOcipite Joyt of hea flreat elee TKevVe-irit it-ive me an other V? ' He ha?t indeed apstUiis pocket- hooka ", bat fcec&Tehi;fites ;v : 'A thls,wn6;50ovn trpoij tfieksea:iti inips5:? snallinnr as 'the scene H. there, ia 'ah. additional horror fo :bther"da2et8:w1itli ; that or nre wauueur v ...or -ura..;,.. A table spoon iof wheat floor thrown in- tb a tumbler of water, and repeated, once an4oufKas beeiaben with : pfirfectuc- cess lor uysenterj s?o says a wew i orx iUlt0r, Will) Siiv it icu jv vf at U1U59. Logwood tea,; wjib d andv sagr, . has frequently been taken for Cholera MorWs. So;sav8 a New-Hampshire Editor,.on the authority of an aged gentleman i who wUr nesseuit success in many cases. . , ii i m i i.) -w. -4.- Sepamng aUarid the tTQt&UrfJtwiing. X' remaihrng; jparfcel of COTTON GINS, bt otm H. 444Tiuson' oesimanuiactuTc, taitM Ug ofOlifferenr Ves f frois 35 to 51 rrpn Platen at -,tiie Teduced price of f I 50 per Saw. - ., , v:j . ' 4.-' . ' :(- r August 4. 4 v i!Q.tif r- 5 tftiUe" Eutaittmettt V-bls highly cttUFtated miqa, h (hit yenefabl t :l-"in derived this de.irable temper, but from f VVraniirvanSebf the iid and bener; i i V Such state of rolfMi aloo Uapi.oess to all, it U dairahle and, happily, to all axtajii- able. v C'iiiji f m .south' ! ve hare elided away ! ?' ttairs of my youth t ye axe fvOated and gray j :f; HKyeiofmyyouthl your insight t mo J T; TjtMFrAtbvrDr. iUdcliffcy attending one bf his most intimate mends in a dan- geroaa unesv; reiuseu, who an unusuai . strainenerbsityj to take a fee. Th nattent Insisted i but the doctor was po sitive. When .the cure was performed, and the physician about to take. his leave, Sir,? said his friend, in this .purse I have -put every Jay h ifee : nor mu st you r goodness get the better of my gratitude. ' 'Hie doctor eyed the nrse, counted the days: in a moment, and then stretching forth his: hand, saidt; Well, I can hold out no longer : 6iiglfj I . could t Have re General Jackson? $f Letter , lo Mr. Monroe. The removal of no public officer should be effected tc create a vacancy or to zrati- fy ike ambition of a favorite partizan." tVVhen this shall come to pass, tle pat riot wil l have ample cause to tremble for the honor of his country, and the perpetu' Ity of hei 'republican institutions.' TDLESESs'The worst vices, springing from the worst principle y the excesses of ineiioerune, anq jtne outrages oi me plun derer, usually take their rise from an Un subdued idleness. flPHB Sttbscribew v.outr.taXe in their Tainting ;JL0&or, by thefitst of October,4 a prrbtly youin ot atraut l-e or is yeara ot aee,rwno is at respectable parentage and possessed of good tngiisEk education. . , , . J? ,: . ' . ; WM. POTTEK. f ' lUUigh. AugOSt 1 8 .. i' j.H v., . V - State of NortfcCarolina, , Buncombe County. V -Superior Cort of Law ArilTerm,-iS3U Charles WHramso val Polly Williamson. Petitiofqi UtvOTce. 'Jiff Strength of my youdi t altyour tigot is gone j 'Thoughts ot my youthl youx gy visions are - X)avs of -my youth I wish not jour recall s ,bof my youth! I'm content yoa should UUf j fKyes of raf ybttih ! ye rucU tvd nave ieen i Icbeeks of my youth ! butVdU tears have ye month ; but alto itible. Jllbion. UoughtS of my youth ! ye haT led me ajtray i art -..ngl ish Strength of 0y youth', why, lametn your aecu r slte suie ol y A number of sailors were dining to gether at a boarding house in Havana, when one, an eccentric Yankee, hastily arose from the table and in a threaten ing posture flourishing hi knife, bawled out, Who dares to say, that he don't . g w "r' - ' ft love roast, oeei r t m u are say so,' crieu man, who arose at the oppo m erits. MATtY BABqK, of FATprrBVitxK, re. xvl'-pecifidly iiiforms the Public that she has opened a HOXJ&E OF ENTEUTAtNMEXT for the accommbtlation of Travellers, in that large, airy, and commodious brick building on Gilles nie Street, lately occupied bv the Branch of the State Bank of Sorth-C,arorma,for the transaction ofit$ Banking business. 1 , She stands pledged to use her best exertions to satisfy those who mav faror herewith their patronage, and therefore most respectfully aoli- cs n . .. FaveUetiUe, June 5, 1831. - 50 5m t ay'bf.rojrijffe ! ye will aorfty be past ; ; ,f 1aiu3oK myage I yet a wUile can ye Jast f JOy? of my "ge.l .io" true wisdom delight jEycs of my ae I be HeJigion your light ; "tioughtsof my age dread' e not 'the cold .V--pds'.;.!- ... '" '. ' 'Slopes of my age ! be fixed on your God ! Jr. r: v 11ELIGION. TTlie following is worthy to be written in . V v r- 1,1 . The hand that holds her chalice should be , pure i . ' The priest of her high temple, 6potless srs The vestments of hef .-ministry. - Proud rank Only degrades, wealth but impoverishes, Ornaments disfigure her. 1 Would liave iivr pure, unpensioncd, unsttpendiary- ! She should rob ihe earth ot nought but sorrow; An ar of promise, herrextrenaties -Shyuid rest on the horizon, an3 her span Hinitrlace the Univerie; PHILIPS. tlie-table. Well,' said Jona than, coolly taking his seat, 4 Then you may cat mutton;' Frbmjthe Kpiscopiil Watchman, Vi "2 SONNET '. '1 saw a sw eet babe parting wi'h its breath- .'; Its cheeX-wsiS pillowed on the mother's breast it stidfcirled famtly and the victor Death, i'iii l!J'iis icy fiuers jon the flowtx "bad. prest. i4 It wai too fair a thing to linger here, ' j Too fiail a blossum fox'our atmuphere ! " .'- And eVr grlvf fro'wued upon the gentle, child, Or i is pure heart ua .anxious fear had knoA-n, An angel throng I'md marked it for.Their owiv, And bore to heaveji its spirit uiideiiled. It course was lpyeTyr-andso passing fair, s That oeauty would.iiVt rob its cheek of bloom, j But rotes lingered -;Uh the lilies there, 2or fled as passed the cherub to the tomb TSS SBLBCTOR, flam but a aAew and .disposer of other : men's slutf.' ' ; Jlguaton. 5 i 1 LIGHT HEADINGS, .k Sometimes lair truth iu fiction tve d'wguis; . omelunes piesent her naked to men's ees. ' r Slectdtort , The father of Help in J. Meigs was born atliuidietoa, in Connecticut. For some time prior to his settlement in life, he -addressed u fair Quakeress at Middle? field, soaxe few .miles from his father's residence, and found much difficulty in 'obtaining her hand. She repeatedly an swered his pjo testations. of fidelity and attachirient'iith ' Nay Jonathan, I res- pect thee much, but cannot. marry thee, for better is a dinner of herbs and con tentment, tlun a stalled ox, - and content tion therewith.' Air. Meigs finally told liuth, that he was then .paying his Mt visit as a lover; and should strive to l ! .form an alliance JAith anotherfamily, and $n 7. would tiierefure bid, her farewell. The ;'r :i" l-Pi 1 kind and tenirtaened word, pronounced witli so uiucii oltness, fell upoe.j her heart with healing in' Us tone, and as he mount ed his horso to ride - off, " the .Quakeress v beckoned htm to stop, exclaiming, re H'k'urn. Jonathan! rhiitrn, Jonathmtf- Mr. fbrthe eelebration -of their nuptials. fcThe . I have lived,' said Dr. E. D. Clark, to know that .the great secret of human happiness is this : neversuffer your en ergies .to -stagnate. The old adage of . too many iioiis in the tire, 'Xi conveys an abominable lie. You cannot have too letters ! many pokers tongs, and all : keep I them going.' .' . , Spelling.- Tlie New-York Evening Journal svs, there' is a small shop not far from Grand street in that city, the .windows of which' are garnished withilit tle bunches of herbs, and strings of dried roots, bearing labels like the following : cure for dispepsy- cure for scroffoHs complaintscure for fever and ager for j antlers, and weak jintes cure for infor mation in the eyes,,' &c. &c ; This is not quiteiso bad as the orthog raphy of a goodtnan and his spouse in the West ot England, who in order to let their neighbors know that they cured those affiicted with agues as well as the jaun dice, hung out a sign on which was in scribed 1 cure the: goose and my icife cures the ganders. &WJM?s . INFIDELITY. It is an awful commentary on the doc trine of infidelity, that its most strenuous t supporters have either miserably falsified thetr sentiments in the moment of trial, or terminated their existence in obscurity and utter wretchedness. The silted au thor of the ' Age of Reason" passed the last vears of his life in a tnanuer, which the meanest slave that ever. trembled be neath the lash of the. taskmaster could have no cause to envy, llosseau might indeed, be, pointed out as in some degree an cxcefii ionbut it is well known, that the enthusiastic philosopher was a miser-, able and disappointed man. He met i, ath it is true, with something like calmness. But he. had -no pure and beautiful hope be yond the perishing things of the natural world. He loved the works of God for their exceeding beauty, not for manifes tations of an overruling intelligence. Life had become a burthen to him, but. his spi rit recoiled at the dampness and silence of the sepulchre the cold unbroken sleep ana tne siow wasun away or mortaliiy. lie perished a vor$hipper 0f that beaaty whic but faintly shadows forth the un immaginable glory of its creator. VAt the L closing hour of the day, when the. broad west was glowing like the gates of para disc, and he vine-clad hilU of his beauti ful land were bathing in the' rich light of sun-set the philosopher departed. The last glance of his blazing eye was to him an oveflasting. farewell to existence the last homage of a godlike intellect to holU ness and beauty. -The blackness of dark ness was before hiin the valley of the shadow of death was to him unescapable and eternal the better land beyond it was shrouded from his vision. eJ, Valuable! Tovvn Property ' FOll SALE OR RENT. THFi Subscriber is desirous of Selling or llenting tiie darge and commodious House, on Hdlsb roug!i street, in which she at present resides. It s admirably adapted tor a iJweihng where there is a number in family, or for a pri vate Boarding Establtbhraetit. It is situated in a de'.ighttul, airy part of the town, and iu the im mediate vicyiity of She Capitol and PubUc'Offi ces. A more particular - description is deemed unnecessary, as it is presumed that persons wishing to treat fpr it, will personally view the premises and judge for themselves. "the terms will be made accommodating to the purchaser, in the event of its being sold. Should it be rented, the Furniture atUclicd to the House can be also obtained. It is hoped that those who wish; to possess property gt this description, will make early application. Im mediate possession; m:y be had. fc-LlZAUt; Til UEUDY. Kftleigh, June fi. 30 N. II. A liberal: credit will be allowed the purchaser. Ii ! IC7E..G. still continues to entertain travelling families and others who may call on her. TORSADE My Belvidere Plantation, FORMER!.? the, residence of General Smith, on Cape-Fesr U-Iyer, in Norih-Carolina. It lies opposite to, in sigut of, and two miles from Wilmington, on the Stage Road leading from Wilmington to Fayettevilie and the Itoad leading to Georgetown, Soufh CaroIina. i This Plantation contains at least 200 acres of, tide Swamp, 160 of which are banked and ditch- and now under cultivation. In fertiHtyt 5 don't know that it is supsriorto other lands in the: neighborhood, but in every other respect it combines more advantages, than" any other Hice plantation in this State. In the first place, it is situated precisely in that pitch of the tid, which exempts it from the effects of '..the salt; water and Ireslies i and it is so protected ny woodlands aJjoininij, that rry losses by storms have been vetv inconsiderable, which render a crop certain let what will hup pen. Last, though not least, it is intersected by creeks, in-fcucu a manner, that it can be harvest ed in one-third less lime, than it would otherwise require. Thero are about 900 acres of pine land, which is poor and will remain so forever, except some 50 or 60 acres perhaps, which has a clay foun dation the rest would require manure every year, and with such lands I I'eer meddle. It is well watered-, having many oyd springs, and a well ot as good and as cold water is can be found in the lowei part of the country. Improvement. -On the premises are a com fortable & convenient two story Dwelling House and a Budding one and a half story witn a Kitch en, Wit sb-House, Stable, Carriage House, Smoke House, occ. A Burn 110 fret long and 40 feet wide, two sforie-a high, in which is a Thrashing and othei- Machmcs. Also, .an Overseer's House & Kitch en all which buildings are of brick, put up in the mo.n substantial manner. There is another Bain, built of wood, directly at the river, from whence ihe rice can be conveniently thrown in to a fiat or vessel j and any vessel that can come over the bar can come to the barn. I have endeavored to render as permanent as possible, all the repairs and improvements 1 have made. The buddings are all in perfect or der. The plantation highly improved and capa- oie ot mucu greater improvement. I think it is upon the whole, lite handsomest and mgt pleasant residence in this part of the eountry. ; The improvements were made with the ex pectation, that it would be my chief residence all my life ; but the stte of my health requires nat I should reside more permanently in a high aim ury pari o me country. My Aake Forest JP lantatioa . IS , AGAIN FOB SALE, (The late, purchaser not having complied with his contract.) IT contains 617 acres of land, the most of ti eood. The buildings and ' improvements are good and the situation healthj and pleasant. It is within tliree hours ride of Raleigh and in a vc-ry 'excellent neighborhood. The price is 2500 dollars, and either the improvements or the land alone are worth much more money. Apply to CALVIN JONES. IT appearing to the satisfaction "of the -Court that the, defendant, Polto Wi$.amsorii isiot an inhnbitant of this State j it was ordereti that 9 A CAMP MEETING WILL be hotden by the Christian Connexion, near John W; Bynum's, Esq. In ChatJutfn county to commence on the 23d of September. Preachers and Brethren ofothei denominati ons are invited to attend. .; i August 5. 1, 39 State of North-Carolina. Washington bounty. ' In Equity -Spring Term, 1831. Frances Cock ix Maty James. HT aDDeuriner to the satisfaction, of the Court JL that Sidney J. Smith and Mary his wife (for raerly Mary James) reside without the limits of the State; It is ordered that publication be made for three months in the TUieigu IUbist eh, that unlr 8s""they appear at the Superior Court of Law and Equity to be held for the County of Wash ington at the Fall Term, 183l' and fil their an swer, judgraeut pro confesso will be taken a. gainst them. Witness, John Goelet, Clerk and Master of said : "Court of Equity, the second Monday in March, A. O. 1831. SJ3m pd J. GOELET, C & M. E. W. C. JVJale and Female Academy. jniliamstonr A7. C. WM. A. WALKER respectfully informs the inhabitant of Martin ami adjoining coun- ies, that the above Institution is no open for the reception of pupils. TERMS. CPr. qrr. of ' ' .12 weehs. Greek, Latin, and sub. branches, $6 00 English Department,- 4 00 Fuel furnished by leacher. August 15. 41 6t .-.first frttitof their union was a Son, winch jlHv'.the father, in commemoration ' of the hap-jte-'.' piest words he had ever beard spoken, ; k hftrt hanttfiea liETURS JOXATHAI.' WHO rose h distinct on and subsequently to if v: - "av: -UnittttO.tates. JJoston uy. uaze.tc. 4.- Oxford To be " marked for death" to see the last sand dropping from the glass, and to feel that you' kits. becoming part and par cel with the inanimate things around you, is appalling and the btternesa of the ;ht i ALSO, Another Plantation, called Mallary, About five miles below, and on the same river, containing about 400 acres ot tide Swamp ; o which 40 acres are under bank and ditch, and in cultivation, anil 1600 acres of wrcll timbered Pine land, lying on both sides of an excellent stream on winch once stood a Saw' mill, which was but Jiuie used. The mill has been do wc tor some lime, hut the foundation is perfect, and the mill dam! is entire j so that it can be erected again at a Very trilling expense. In ad dition to the Pine tHnber, there is a quantity o Cypress above audi below the to'iIU A pouiKlinjr M;l and Thrashing Machine can i ocerecjeu win great. advantage... . - " ., . 1. A great deal of the high land may be very fA; Contenient Np. Two schbfars siect in tlie same room at Col-1 In.r illufXr ctirt mil Vlir s!n fliu Twr..iiff. :irA ;u aslfen ?' fVhv. P r-' publication be made for" three: months in the jRu therfonl Spectator and Raleigh Register; that Jhe said; Poliv Williamson stnneiir at the nett Supe rior Court of Law to be held j for the County of Buncombe, atjhe Courthotise, l Asheyille, on the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday in Septem ber next, then and there to f plead answer5 or demur to the said petition, or tiie same wll be taken dto confesso. and ser fofhearinc ex parte. ..Witness, Joshua Roberts, Cferk of said tioort, at Aslieville, .iIeaecovM(ni,;(r':tb Mond.iy in March, 1831." J. BOBERTS, Clk. ; 30 3nV Pt. adw$4 50. NKW PUBLICATIONS. JGALE3 SON bave just received tle fol towing new 'Works' v ! . " . Bourrienne's Private Meoiorrs ot Napoleon Fragments of Vege and Travels, by Basil ' Hall ' . . : " " . " Songs of the Afreciimsf w,th other poems, by Mrs. Felicia'Hemans" ' - , J Chnical Illu si rations, of Fever; comprising a Rrport of the Cases treated at the London F-ver Hospital, by Alexander Twedic, M. 1). ' ' ; , Butler's Ancient Atlas, beautifully executed Encjclnpedii Americana, volv6th, . August, 1831. , THOAll'SON's PATENT. rpiIF. PUBLIC are hereby informed, that the -1. General Agency for the disposal of the Thomsonittn Medicines, Family Rights, . &c. has been transferred jrom. Morton Howard,' to Jarvis Pike, Hiram Piatt, Rufhs Ferriss and Thomas Johnston, by Dr. Samuel :ThoroSon. Therefore, all those who have formerly held A gencies under the said IJorton Howard, as well as others wishing to become Agents, will apply to the undersigned, at Columbus, who will be ready to attend to all calls, and upon sufficient testimonials being produced, .will . grant new Agencies &c. - s PIKE, PLATT St CO. The Public are also cautioned against purcha sing Medicines from those who are not cuAorr ed Agents,' as many are selling articles "Under the name of Thomson's Medicines, whieh have nothing but the name to recommend thern, and many articles sold by them are even poisonous, and act in direct opposition to the principles ot the Thomsonian system. Therefore, those that wish tor genuine Medicines, will do well to ex amine into the authority of those from whom they purchase: as all authorized,- will be furcished with a punted article signed; either by Samuel Thomson or PIKE, n,.i l . uo. Columbus, Ohio, March 1831. 22 6m Broke laittfthlt place, mil escapeik., -, . A United States' prisoner. He was iriM , v preiiitU Court of the United State, i, this i " bilk e-f the. United States' lUnk. audsfmeS tojTfWwonment. Lews is a Gunsmrf fay. trade, and worked in North's Tictory itS town, Cmneetlcut, in 1824. ne ;9 bl !l I" be a nativ, of Spnngfichl, 2 M$.beeuformS time a resident of this staK He a middle sraed man, well formed an,i I L 1 tirtye years M age. The abo be giyen tony person who will deliver him We this placeVor confine him in Kny C the United States, so that 1 can get him sin .X-T.C W1ATT, Jailor Eateigh, N. C. June 18, 1831, 32 XoYtVi-CaYoVvud Rooks. FOR SALE OR RENT. STORE HOUSE in Nashville, North- '- , ISe' 5- ; - - ;plied tne other. . Because, it are not, I will borrow haif a jcrewn of you.' la that all ? then I'm sound asleep".' Day Humor. An Irish post boy hav ing dntt'ii a geatleman a long stage ilur-it.- irreHt oi rain, the gentleman civil- , Pfi J cousciousness prohtahly cultivated i and a part, of it may be that thoiigU full ot strength," and able converted into a valuable brick yard, to grapple: with a host" of human foesr yet . lt 80 situat d as to admit ot its being divided the cold hand Of the fell destrover is to i l? nne setuemem or equal value and si he laid nnmi Vnn .nd l,lK ,lot.(L m,r aavantages. i T" ; ,Vf '! " BU 0'UrUiSll The advantage d the pond to the rice-fields. anil Ilht And llfoiart rrn orl nrrmckl 1 :.. i u- ' V, r . . . o . -- -.-T.- ,vv, 51.-, viihi wiiCH me uqcs urd snort 'or tiie water ai onte, witnoui one honeiui fellort, with- wacxisii, they can: be supplied with water. out one crssn UDOii the strono- arm that i ! 'l'he soil of thetide svamp is of the first ou- rin.- 'hty eleffahtlv situated for cultivation. nl T am informed not a creek in it, except the one on which th mill stood. I will sell either br both of these Plantations, on an extensive credit and on reasonable terms, upon the payments being satisfactorily secured' Enquire i my absencs of Mr. Johjt Walxb. ; WM. WATTS J ONES, June 2?. 34 3m readied torth to crush you. 'iliese sensa tinns are eminently lelt m cases of extra mil i nary severity of weather at sea, when the wiian(the wares -have obtained the mastery and, those at whose touch the hip had veereil li a. thing of life," give over fcrforts, and confess i heir impo tence. . Such a, state of suspense, such a loarlunooking! for of death hundredi of 1HE following valuable ' BOOKS, puolished 1 principally for the use of the Citizens o. North-Carolina, are constantly kept on hand, for sale, by the subscribers, viz : The Uevisal id the I.aws of North-Carolina, by the late Chief-Justice Taylor the late Uartlett Yancy, and Judge Potter, made .under the'di rection of the Legislature of the .'State, in two large octavo Volumes, with a full and com plete Index. Ditto, brought down to the year 1825, by the late Cliet-JusUce Taylor, with a satisfactory Index. Haywood's Manual of the Laws ofthe State, r- ranged in AipiiaDeticai orcier, who an appen. dix, which brings the work to the year 1829. Potter's Justice of the Peace, a new edition, lately revised and corrected, with a number new Forms, and the Laws .contained in which, are brought up to the year 1828. Martin's Law of Executors and Administrators, (which is Toller's English Work on this sub iect, bmitlinsr such parts as are not in force here, taking the Law as it stood at the settle ment of this country, and introducing every ; act of Assembly of this State which has alter ed the Law and noticing: every adjudged case which; throws light on the subject.) This e dition of 4he work was revised by the late Chief-Justice Taylor. j Chief-Justice Taylor's Digest of the Statute Law of North-Carolina, relative to Wilts, Executors" and Administrators, the Provision for Widows and the Distribution of Intestates' Estates A Work which combines in on4 view all the enactments which have:been made on these subjects for a Century past, arid which are dispersed in more than forty statutes. Agricultural Essays, written by a Nrth-Carolins Parmer. Allowed by,those who are best ca pable of judging, to be the bestfeook for coin 'veying useful information to the Farmers of this State that was ever published. It Wats on the beat mode of improving Mutd, on deep and horizontal Ploughing: on I the Grasses best suited to this State on the best modes of raising Wheat, Turnips and Indian Corn ; and treats largely on the raising of Live Stock, Draining L'nd, &c. The Heports of Cases decided in tpe Supreme Court of North-C;irolina from tlie first estab lishment of the Court; when it bWe the title of " Court of Conference," to f the present time, which are as follows : f Reports of the Conference Court, by D Cameron wid Wm. Norwool: in I vol. The Law Repository, by ChiefJ ustice Tay lor, 2 vols. Term Reports, I vol. by Do- Murphey's Reports of the Supreme Court, 5 Vols, t- Hawks's Do 4 vols. Dvereux's Do . Vol ! Hawks's Digest ot the Reportjed Cases ad. judged in North-Caroliua, from the year 1776 to 1826. ! A Collection of the Militia Laws of North "'. Carolina..1 ; Otj' Subscribers will be received for the Re ports of the Supreme Court which are publish ed at the close of eachTerm at $1 50 per number. ana torwaraea Dy mad to Subscribers io part of the State, i V i iOSEPH GALES & SON XvA Carolina, .with every improvement, neces ary to carry on business on an extensiv4 scale. The Buildings are new and substantial,- and the Store Hoom 24 x 50 feet, is! considered by oia ny superior to any hi the State in point of con struction: a cool Cotton (iia and House capa ble of holding to hundred thousand pounds of seed cotton, with Lumber Hnuse,- a jirti rate StanJ for Business. , I only give up the business io consequence of having made as much mbney as 1 want ut present. :': . v I will give a good bargain if application be made ere I change my. mind-: A. WATSON, Nashville, N. C. Aug. 20, l&U. 41tf mrvn . ' . ' ' . . 'mo unqersignea a jvgent Tor Kobert D-)n. "MS -aldam, Esq. rbf New-YorS:, Is authoriseil to sell, on the most libernl terms, lhe-AiHdwinr T3 twfaa6c an rtgibfy tituateJ, LO ?S, ii the town of Fayettevilie, viz : 1 c 1 Lot South side of Hay Street, landed 'U Hay Donaldson and Franklin Streets 100 feet front on Hay Street t formerlr occuoied hu if,. f Oankof the United States with the mautul upon it. i ne oricK and stone supposed to b sufficient for the erection of a ia ige of two ato y stores. -'' ... -'J 1 1 ditto North side of Hay Street, 43 feet fr0n ahd runningjjack to Old Street. Said Lut b& ing opposite to the IateL;ifayette Hotel. 1 ditto South side of Hay street, late the fayette Hotel, with the Walls as they now SW 46 feet front, running back to Franklin street.-!! In the opinion of an experienced architect, w'.j has examrued them, the walls may be u u again. 1 ditto on Franklin and Donaldson streets attached to the above, tor Stables "Garden, The above lots may e improved so as to yiejti ten to fifteen per cent, and hold out to hie opportunity of making an investment. The Only inducement which the owner has for pr.r. ing with them, being thafc e rendesin 3wl Jtor, and cannot with, convenience attend to them. . . -' ' : - Tkbms. A credit of 1, 2, 3, and 4 yearsj m equal instalments, pnrchitseri giving bonds bear. Ifig interest from date payable Jn NewrVork an 1 secured by a mortgage on the premises. 4 For further particulars, -apply to JOSEPH BAKER, Aggnt, c'e. Comer of Dick and Kussel street June 21. 33 tf. f fill draw on the 21 st September next. Tlie 3S ILotIc ConaoVVdalei LOTTERY, . ' XXTBA CLASS XO. 18 FOa 18c!. 50.000 BOLL AHS 0.000 DOLLARS 30.000 DOLLARS 20.000 DOLLARS 20.000 DOLLARS s SCHEME. prize of 50,00fj Dollars 40,000 Dollars? SO,Q00 Dollars 20.0DO Doliars 10,000 Dollars 880 Dollar. PROCLAMATION By the Governor of 'North- Carolina. Two Hundred Dollars Rewards VS7U.ER.EAS it hs been made known to me, f f that a Murder was lately committed in the County ot Duplin, and that a certain THOMAS HUDGINS, of tiieCoanty and State aforesaid, stand charged by the verdict of a Coroner's inquest with naving perpetrated the same on the bodv of one Anthony Miller, also of the same County and State ; and as it is further represent ed and made.' known to me, that the said Tho mas Hudgins has Mod beyond tie jurisdiction and limits ot the State i t Now, therelbre, to the end that the said Tho mas Hudgins may be appreheiulediand brought tu trial,- the, above reward of Two Hundred Dol lars will be given to. any person or persons, who will apprehend and coutuie mm m any J ul in this State, ttiat he may be broueht to an- swer the offence with wnich hes'ands charg ed. And I jdo moreover hereby require all ohi cers wlatsoever, as welf civil as military, within this' State, to use thir best eiideavors to appre hend and. take, or cause to be apprehended aud taken, the aid Thomas Hudgins, so that he may be brought to justice. . ' The said Thomas Hudgins is about twenty-one years of age, about 5 feet 8 inches high, and has a lair complexion. , Given under my hand as Governor, and under the ereat seal of the Stnte. fat the Citv of Ualeighv this 30th day oi May, A. D. 1831. ' M.STOKES. 1 1 1 I I 12 12 - 24 60 180 180 .2340 3,500 Dollars'. 1,000 Dollars'. 500 Dollar S00 Dollar 200 Dollar?. , 80 DollarF'. 50 Dollars-. 32 Dollars. mm By the Governor. Jno. R. Mcsk, P. Secr. 3m C epJlT &C. ALJt,Ult. any milks - and : ."' : . - ' .; Of JiVRUY DksOttlPflOK DOH FERE A. C. ALLEN, "I New -York. ' 167 Maiden Lane, next door to South Street ? OFFERS VOR SALE, -.' FB EXCII BBfiLYJ) T, Otord, Dupuy & Cof Sugnette, London 3d proof and other brands. ' Swan Jni, Hour Glass, Weispe, & other brands. . rum: ; St. Croix, Jamaica, an'd W. I, Bum. WIXES. Madeira, Sicily, Tennerifie, Drv Sweet aiul Mlaga Chamigne, Ifitte, St. EstoWv r' - Ju- 4,,,:i ""in in oonu. ted. OIL, SOAP, CfiXDLES. Winter, Sumratr, Sc Fall SptirmiOiU watian iteunea Wliaie Uil and Liixsteu Oiks, w Urown and Windsor oapsr of vatious qualhiea. The aboVe Goods he-ing- Consignment and constantly on hand, will, be sold m lots to suh puas-. ppf. . : - Besides Xf, 660 of 16 Dollars. Whole tickets gl6 Halves 8 Quarters Eighths 2. To "be had ofr -' YATES & McINTVRR. ; . Manager?. All orders (past paid) will he promjit ly attended to, if adddressed as above to 'Richoiond, Va. or Charleston, So. Ca. UniYersityof Maryland. rpHE MKlJlCAL LECTURES in this fnstihj. R . tion wiil commence pn the last Monday in October. Theory and Practice of Medicine A Til k- N1KL POTTEK, M. D. MateriarMedicH SAMUEL BAKER, M. D. 'Obstetrics, 'and the Diseases of-Women anil Chddreh- -RICHARD W. HALL, M. 1). Institutes of Phyhick-rMAXVVELL McDOYV ELL. it D. Surgery NATHAN R. SMITH, M. D. ' Aivatomy THOMAS H. WRIGHT, M. D. Chemis'.ry JULIUS T. DUCAT EL, A. M. NATHANIEL POTTER, Dcaa. Baltimore, August 6. 40 tN'l Warrant-on or tlvC av oVida , FALL RACES for 1831, ILL COMMENCE over the Warrenton Cour?e, on Tuesday the 25th day of Octi ber next ami continue lour days. - Ftrst dayt a Sweepstake for 3 y tai s old Cotts & fuiie- roue neats entrance ?50 two or more w make a race. To close on tlie evening of. tlie 24th by entry with the proprietor by sun srt. Same day, a saddle of tlve value of fcV offered to be tun for .by ' Saddle HorK on j. three or more to make a race. : Second day, the .proprietor's purse $150mi by hung up two mile heats, free fur a") llinl eutrnce$15. '. t Third duv. Jockey Club Purse So. 1 ;he mile heats for $200 money ' hun? up -entrance to subscribers, $20, to,non-subscribers Free for any. thing eicept the winner of la P'"5' Ceding day. IPotytfday, Jockey, Club Purse No. S mile hea to ibpsiit 'of the rem;in'tr of d sut'' scriplion tickets of which 3150 :r? coiti'dt"1 oL .Bh'rrabce -tsubriber $10, to non-5; scftberl5; free for any thing- bin the wTn' of tlie two prtcedin days. All Btries to he irad'e with the Propnt by sun-set on the evtmrg prsctduig e-tl race t The rules of new Maiket (Virginia) Cwc 'to govern. - . ' v?i Rubles & U:ter fumiJin R'ce H'H-ftB ?r, v I; ,JfOUN' CCUKUN Warrentou K. C. - August Sh, 1-" ' K ' -T'K. twor.fieujr iledtfV .i'' '-'1 " have ihe Tract in eo"d comUtioh. ai.u such other levfvlations as wilt insttre sa'i ?ood ordvr. ILs r flnUfcr himself, will by utU ai to. g I satisfaction to all who "may favour hiu company. .'" -: Will be furnished b Hie proprietor on iiiis f the X'u4 ana Jsj k-c .. i . ' cofrmoaution tor vs.? iir. W": J. i

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