-- i ihnmrirfii tm' iii mii Mm-1 ' ' 1 ' vfir-fi Mil' 2tviootice or uieiri .t-"" - rfiffdi ul5cqtjeivt: Wyoi .ecf VncM , - V JlU they. emaViSoW)dtt.3t!u.. . d - - - 1 1 " - t .... . w . ... - . .ft,. ' U yV"J 1 ifcu.. waling I ."Jt ' V'V. ' '. f ! ' i iHVtpfflhViml fcTSll. iff.' V .11 rertiiTHu 50. 'n i . . sir 2a ' - 56. 6er-. ?3 48. W; 2J 5 a -''V .'. Ji oirwu w mm DJ, V?,Uf .. - .. i.I S'i rt V VLp v ?I ?Kf-: lffBtr nwiiir 22m- cent W : 111 w-t , V.- 30 i''y:. t.i.20;;. CtKlievir Slavs ' ; . 6 m?. I- ':" . . . 3 ' Tv 4J i-A-.-; .'. .' fcnthi?ft f all .kUifa , . 3i i2e-- f5 V' I" 1 r. 4 t ,e.pvmtd lit nj.itf. , -'mm 13 7S'.v'Y r .27V5 - i i 1-0 20;t'J 3 I0 Ci'jl 85- ft:;- "ivr-i tir s.i ;..,: ISO f fft - top 50 V 'A n V ? so : : 25 ' A : 30 ":f0 U V'v.'t: 'WRiff flO; - I s9 50 10" SO. 30 " . 61 V) J3ET. 0 tl5 lis Itftt-VJ fom ChtnaBoiiek - mct j ! rv i " nr t . . -- ..".to- - 1" IrnDtrrLfT- CC. iriie Pepper . . , p CtAXiafbor . ijBJack Proper t ti i j iu.aju x 1 1 'i lisa - j , 05 cents) . 12ri4' v 3 'v-rr: r 6' " - id'" n 1. Ij 1 l:r; 60 IS fCwtilcs Sperm, or wi . 1. rd ,, ' ; tilWrttfelr - - ''Oint)W. crude l UOi ccw, man ruciurep. tnUrt, Sic. SnuiF ' ' 1 , Ovnj odes , ' ' - Ochre, tbrjr : ' 15 56a 5 cc'ivti 8 ' 13 25 40 5 Free idi., V ' Fr 6rV the National IntetyfeeatcSv -J- " : -r- "fy&.nie roarinec lvs been toss5pV for Trtanv ;iKaj.B, ji) thJck .'patherA ami oalan aiitng ji n he haturalTv aviuist him."!f rif th-r,,.,io. r - ...wwuoj nrtii jvbi utiK-jiunr iw uc cic? vJch have i!m w, lv4j5poiihk lm onwse,' r.oai ivtr,ner, reter to'tBc pofrtt fitftft Vlvcl He - pi a dv.;p;iitci'tWw ror.v be ft Iesl AbTt to cor. iecliJre where we new ' .; . Jidttsthmr.' v; bite Ibey I'rrHsJiffiiiiout S'htslcsjiakett by; lfre4jatp!t''u('j;Vtti) at Drpofe jul jne'pi-jaiiiT pri j wis atw nr'Ari)tfethbrti!C iccbtxtuvr. at that Free Fee C Free Fte IfrvtJ 5 9 4 2 - 3.. ; bar, sheet St -ph? Cera iables &. tr"d 25 1 4fir;a-a-bt 30 Hil?fciflffi"-a;:V-.U'.': .-.v-:: itJaiv4at4 wire tbs- 6 f . 7 av. 4 i . - 1 5f 3 V ''15 10 12 50.: 5 ...J 1 I . 5 : 4- cyHs ana cna;ns v 1 ai-its,vrsWeU Si tfit t 'lahiiaeredf :. .1I - 'I Irpp ' jititoanti ttCtH red Hjimafluficiurcd f. V? t so: ; : ) 2.50? 3 V - ' . 2e p2-;-, 2 5. ft 5 av. ' 4 r-' iV 1 50 ? prV'folt6 and5 quart tm,t."V lbs! Ifoclscap Vlr A ' , V,''Jtto'i5 -., : : 4n itlr lan Jtiage 1 bar. lrjrJaiii5i$M- lbs. Hot 1 le,'nt 'jkbVrd 1 4rt.' 2J25 50 ;i: 10:; 6 ' 25 20 c;na )7. . . 10 .-. 15 tfr;::' ' 15,, , ' iuO: 250, ftoo ' 1 350' tti 10 12 15 pr. cti $ cents 4 5 .. 5,",: 12 I. 50 7 aV. 5 5' 4 v j . 4'.. " 1;00 2 ' 2.5 ,v; 1 ' . ' - i i $0 1. 50 ' ' 90 pr'cwt Ij50 , 2.00 .'Free. 50 25 ". .. 10' . .0 cents' 17- ipl - . 15 ' 4 . 15 6S2-3 :,. 26&:3.3 200 ?50 foOO 25 . roo 'i 31.' 403 40 ' 50 . 18bv20 fin ft' 1 yf ' 5prct flr;PHfiSl D EHTt AtLKt ION. 1asi-efKlwia;.nt is m de a f-,r to rtJ cf its ecift, ur. bv i4 oris ! tvb lfWJSd-NSyaW liny ibnv iJTd putt!ifaMv;t' c.nnesn wU. ami t re'jf t tne conStence'tbi sCiire tne fjnrc;.vlemf itf eWfrtcpaytA-nt of tbc tm rnnf( Vd piomth heWtbftd fcfM T.rcT '" jfrjrtTiliMifl wlu a 1 1 H'hV-'J&iUJ, pnvite f atUntmn td !le nronruNv vf ti tta.) forway U-y, that ' it w.is With dJU- tti'tyi itHr "Ordinary" 'appropriaHan bA etni at'thia Ssitnr '?rhere was no call trcflrf and as ?iov .distorted, m'rdanor- ciU-potrwt'YcH(luiger-id featp'uu er can ine more' danroks lii ihe hands l any jrdiviUual ha n hat Hit gsyin, there ahall&e no law but my Urilt.V (Sticli in ef ftfft'rs the veto of tlie President,- as note C&CiSdi Af -measu re which Jhfc int e rd ict oav il true, bfc)nV a law iii it shall b re -passed in the Senate awl ' House oi R.epr4e0fative';by"tW4-thtrds of the votes AhnHifdeintdy rtidth3 Prevident f5nn i h'. 1 ..... I 11.. . X-'A . Ji I TV a ' ag i-V . . i. aiuu wj .-reHivn c oi - ins untteti'' atates vice,, wrrilit, KU n khofii hcilrad Ji-' ?enit ta be, h tmsfilf -4 If afrdida'te fiif rcl uwfjlc rtthe'waut-uf consiftte'tey between srofsior arid 'practice vt'ticft ftaie ihewn t have c1 racier feed thtf'previi.ns coursa.af thii Atljirimstftnion1. -inh'8 fib l:c capacity,' inil d, tt.e'PtesidetH tt . have;, hii.'tt lMSMfrf f ; rSi -rvaVri',ii.. ft hare- basitd himself hi ccmsiraciiii ann-Wae'smnt before the 8vdftU' wiicj : pfasrfi f'V-fh beautiful the,oVie; n fccdptcd lie attenlioO'or both IIuus,ea .i -ddwwbr fuses' todf nf's 4lbat u(cv'it.-v v imv'B rie pieasnre of 'mttli't iMttheni ir4iu l!ny aredoiif. !liso-rurifodeVahairo- Presrdent shnnld vfch$ niorehaa tute lrm ras so deep' lat hfr hosHd' be 'Wvftpting m'his tiary," if lie withheld a tepitoi! esprVsaiftit afiV : and vvW 1st lie; mi us rssin agai ri iftift fymj ion Hpon pnressi Ai was acttngNfrfectly in ttw teeth ufir : A tew jnurnal was ev'eif then in cnnteBi.atioHi and Waff'-soon Sf ter estub! s!n d, pnhe Seatnf Gaverncief', tW thtj esipfess purpose of idvbca'iM? M.i re-eleeth&n ;-taesainve journal t1se Ex tras the pet a.8y:ers til Ghvertnnrtit have : ec n o fj a tt so bu si I v c n sajred , u n'd e r 1 1 vt i r official fran k.l ti extending the circuJatU tU -of ..jWImUi lb President' coufideriitv terM ptibie1 indeed if'Kh, f ersta f a tt ith ni e n t a !i d'tapty assbqiitror! , the? hope of reward aiMt'Thi tear Ml ptin iehmettNthe Adminislratioi liiht'couir! uptirthe rcva!ty of one-tUirrraf ne or the? other Hoasin any cotiAicf '"between ttt ppesideot and, CotigressJ ; We' never eUpectlQ'see a billTiassed by iCongi ess i;i opposition tir tlie ' Veto- Tiiey who do mke such eaIcu.!ati4Ti who flatter them - ielvt'g, for examnfeV that a bill it jay pass Congress trt re -chatter the Btfnk, notwilh-' SaRdifj thrPresidtitt ohevijrsi--have a better ojit;rn of human nature "than ve crnertain.- me moi aohoiuie uesp.n ost earth dc'n"ot hxdd-a more absiilute pow er, aiit h Aofo wielded1, h- ui terdefia a'M m -ih pirtil te tvi 1 1 , arid w i fTi eni ire re e k. lessStiek of "ConAemirejnceV than the power tnh.prerdcttt tf ttsatTve atl hilt wAch uijja tJin there isrwijrerndr for thVabjifnwferjF theP- liber-ale tfnirmirL, Tfheref ikvtnafle? iff "Hhe I JVfetd essa tn ju&ti fy ah ?l ai e ac h -tnewr of the President the UState : dr1f it be Tint found therei are tiife! re that1 it U to bej l"ound:iBdi-1iite re dj tion ! i Thee facts, which nV uhewili? ondertaketo corotert, it they'iaftijrd no ither injstfuert tt.!''shdaJd. bfe:- & f esim Yd all luture f Preuents t aviid mistafcclt sueh-t as tHi.Hv in.prabtTro.t'''.tie-;- prae (ice wlcll in$ litttdy grb.ivn up, . of fabi i eat'wsj b xecttftve 'iesgs for-ora tar ci?ipn?pii!rstluively,. intei whicii ,tliirgi,arjpjtSt litay huppeni whicfi were 4ver drfWf lbf ill 'the Pi esldenifs- f)h'An- AfMiphTi If tr-.e ' Pidut-were, to iirrite ins owr; i j essae mm i n. so ti oi ex p res s bra bn-h tfsmgitjsucj things as ttuscnuhl tievcr itttii a liidtc m inriu ut uiiiitp ui sure appeirftnnt of S mhuI (i win, ' twice rc- , HI llie jwn.u iivai T-Mivtl 11C -cl3 ejcted7byheiSeTVaie.v ; luf were -far I ro m csi in u see ja n i m jreae;n me nx pro jxl and, jf we Had- no Other reason, weslnatd bbiVc; to a molibn fut that pur- pose, becA&se we are acre it wottld uljti matelv faiH and thus atate:CWetu'utrv withoutVdvifrifage. . It is'to IhehwakVn- rfigf reason; dfilie people that we:mtfkt!6Fk for 're'Hef fi-oir thc abuses opo'.rr wliiclij we -have Witnessed,) add those farther e vil 'wlich ayef piesaged by the tasycto Wnise and phaket oS lh fncutiui' whtch bhk)ds4 bvr Ihey pditictiflef its Hreail?, and 'c&ffipi:tt't& " r- !t t tnere wajf ; bo iegiacrn, no wev er, andlbf oursf :iio foii!$fijfcRe reti iru - ringr-tne efro..wiftr;iriyr:ueaKf Tnere lelctttielath bpenir vf tle sesii- ,k t: is fliotieUWe to orpe h'-- on"-to detnant! lsamassiH jdafeV -bakti.e?ay.cea .1, If the rVs"defit:;be 'tfttsV inadc to-say, adviss-rSif Faii:tfM to fiiid m it therseirvi- It ty ad Wppl necessary to coiiAti tu le it an vh&$Mj) ( Re wa i ds a ; i d Ph -n i m iwent sdiii -si d e ut seem s to h a ve taken a tfeSsit., DelenddeHt. It fiSli-bittts(irtby5Uav, ..and- at night it lwnnt:3iireamk. It is st his reside : it is ioJiis abiiijetp' he takef it-:ti the Ca pitol : it aecripalites hriJvn.hii journey b Not content ;ith putJtng- j.is4?eto upon it, his' kn own p! &ts are -: h a s st tali the nil -nitf! of porer itnd all ;fthe j(jl4bwiers "id" tht frtunrt;toWork;upon4t.rhe;i;fy w up. We --btfar idung tte$&putdpmi withihe Bik.l Likerv-iflfut But-We. anticipate. .'.;.; . if: in of, .thPresiilont thustfof the secotnl tnne, caUetl ' tw atietuiorvot congi-css xo thatt weage, tu oeter.ee .i tne Veto uportt. Qf pure!eM?H. 'b!cb shH remit Internal iajpruvemeuts, cc. wiitfoe wrtl f th fuV.l of W'.ieiii, awd te spe.ne revnemoeren oy tui rrautrs ; uui we wuu irw;n Hijk f r"n"' m,t wy anv thing here aWiU pariica- h' toe Messace or uie session uas' cci'ps-1 - eifcmem an. ; -j : i vor Nest to rttabored denttnciStiori of t - ti - f bo chtr.tfht weuH t thf tf baik i takiojr thnr tie CMwCUition j d tint he hMT,iwwnp! ' V i U'" ' trH;fe'-ijyrfAaJ7et-i cotrmt fafibattist:totin t afdjtleWcA ; f " S m fbe' icrtWhrtir to br retlf -.'n-itw ette. "ui ofkanit. ba--ncoataed - UifeS'kr " 1 I rnnr?r;,tdK:feierj;Micjth'eeai!icf.i-'iof ,r n-pH dibey tue m.ndae bi f if rrftU'i' ' ; '.V1 ncih rtsftiOMi ain.rtti.e enlarged 4 tVia tl' indMcitiber ttvadd trtrngtl t'atOeiK' ,4' i"' ' iaitve prottitit . . , " - 4 is,myc lostrfiisff KwliSc4riOMH S'b4:aW 1 .'1:Vtt Wevlave inserted this pai-Agraph ; at large, -and italicized certain part $ of it, o rcvi in the hiind of our readers-' the niae of lhj Mist cmiowiCinonsfert xvich the prtiisldcj serioufdy tiYonogd-' tn ton- res to orff3ize. -llere'Wa's to b ff-'Bank', -u:.-lcr the thtifnb of the President-.'htch was t iiake no. loans, nor. to!S'ae vrany paper, thou'v it-wan touU biHs nf rhaiijtp J which was to . Ivatii no 'debtors, though it "was to receive antl exchanta ih hills of Jtate Ranks, Orccsu?,' 'what a Bank IX' And, having .realized this mira cuJWh' cntcption, auclr ank w-is nulto ljre GbnnsHjns to thev.-ConstiTuti crease, it had, ins fact, evaporated alttise- hcr. It vasgnat fnany weeks afterwards, ht Mr. McuPffik was datioanCed a an enemy to this same1 Official' journal, for having a'C4rairuan of tle Gominittee of t!ra iioBse pf liepresentativrs,- to who;u the above part idthe Message was refer fef -"iimde a re.WTt5eTactiV coitformirto ( the PresidvntVery earnest. recomnHProi ct ir a Ba'V hich ht- says in his told uy rn hj tsvt anneal ?es-a;(e; that the. consritatjonality-'of the present Bank ndxht tiW be questioned." In the pi -ragraph iowtqu.rted h? teUs us ihbqf. The prraeRtfRtairir itiappeari$, is d -eniod un cunsittutional : becan-s it is n'ot owned !V y,; batfby stockho,NU,r 1- Because it etnU.tnooey-ivlSecnus it hold propel tyt Frteilfroiiv;ta-ese'-oljertitm-th President thinks; it-wpy Id -;.be"CorrtfHttio"na AVe iould:.poiat-otttir Reform nvhwrh would, wUhnt ihetruuble of i'ithlffchi'fj!; a new Battik 4'.ave tonHtiCiitianruiztd tMe -present OHeuj-If-thc rve.jtiUient of htf Bk-had reniovcdriMAosi froJu'thePteVn?Jry of ihc:Portntouth Branch, -jiwd pat'par1 fy toidlni pface ; ti- it had treea the iea t.of similar .efruvs af? iver"r5Utiioh 5 ii itlttf-d coitoHJ 40 -e v- tnN.t'Utn-eht loathe. Pneshteottoplay trport 1 if jfh,arf sWifetedMHegaKantSK t6 mtfce lut'k and drwfco pf tijetmoneyof tUe RevoliitionAry P;$&u)i3Si i.if uonhlAav'e ceased to be b noiiuas'tO'CutiKtkutionxi .objectioti. " 1 W jtatMsihemeaninir of -ihe-cloMti u ge&twn a loss TojcoBr'ive, rdtior of tlie-.Gtnbe hal a hand in the! Mus' sage- and -ntpwdvd, -by the- phr ase1 of en largement by,- hsfUlaiive provisions,; a re ort - to tieJivlie;fLaMA and Od Court systems, uti oris of vl i ch h cpbrou;h t w it h U m from iCentuckn Iowhatevr setjse it be takenihe itfea of lestaring aboat v.n existing Bank of tampeiing bv law wnh contriartsi curraucy adr "Ccliant;e, wa thai";! wanting for Csnaf lo 1 :s ludicrotrs im ,4-lo eraicu " ' As wight ivave beeA aulic'p&ted. th!ta recommendation met'-lhe saie ta'e in t'onress wirh its predecessor j aiul to this day we h&vti met with no indivhlual s; hardened against all sense of shame, as to be willirig to stand before the Pt?b iic, and iiefend it. We have no-reason to doubt, however, that the President's bin, hy addrnur fU orjria xre"ieo hM e5trn,iJ ' 'IIV J'.V V.Jf .A'T .aUHUI'Uill UIIH.1 - All'lf (l(lCi rni, not 'oHt(tM '.w.tb- aniif tn'di;flity of ttw Senut'Hrti'peti'kttteipKs,;-' whtW - .-r ibey. dared t .'Vsae-it'from jhi otrrinaun, -ab- - -iiio:xb theccoUtiItitfir-jitxfirety y apiiiitl :i:eif h:itl tvr -oiade VitU tbeir advtte al ovn '-'" int, lie lias in tbe ppi"inthe;:t of aimiei . (J -vitai (fnon,Y.ther ) t a lnd tThzc msU rsrV'' 1 vijp v w djsrvtjs.tihn to wH'e tbef-pirri-'aiirrxbaf " ' leturt Jm n.n-um'nty ad cprntrue tyrhh f sjf, that beU'reKtent iiofe supfwrn iaij pojiti'tnenf ; lVttjHv,- he bft stiovr ' bJUl .elt" ill . -ihi pi-ygxv'sa Fir. thtrifsHrate leaietTr a Riirtj' a ki;d of as hi.k'tle to Jlrl Monrpo r o -d: ' - ' , Be it tktvejijr Tfwjra, Tbit wiew the rei eb-citon . ot'Autlrew Jackson Vi sideift thta lV:1r e 1(?.1 deeJrtb!r-me,j; jhTt'f JZ ivt-Cf, Thn a cft-rimittee .c'jr of Jo tv.ii 0,wlt-.s-, Utclurd J iuryea.v09pV.'F)anC 1 1 n I e rs. m, Tsmm;i W igbr Jisepl( - W jllian a ,l 'riiwi WrT". '"foe i.tp4atecf.f to iivect tiny Cimm.it'tftrnTMtiV n'te- c?uAeay litis lit. rct4 at 'Wdke)fcruV'o-yTtisd.w ittr. uurui ale hh JEWlorJoflbrs tUilrtciOppfeaedldJ ibi- re t'Ie tto Anilrew . J Ackxpiy ; t, v Il'snhctl aar'.ThAt the fofeg-omTesoht-; ihMw and ;yFeaible' br'pubh4ied rt tfitf Carbtnu " u aic1uttea.tiil ltatv b- iflm tr" , IlKNRr tP01SDE,STEU,1 Ch'ni jo:tN w MiQiir J.ijf?'!-1 Ch Jospa Witaiwv'Secl. '. !' ' I" '.-.: V . ' " V FfiWCmt"&f:v?Bieyf5 .that h !f. . S:aMnT r- t aVVA avita.4 tt concpisshr ibaher.'besVRMts'if ot ' , ""'Cl wise,, tbihs am :3oi fool ecrr, 1 here ts oe- subj ect .upon 5vHb his Qhairrna tt, AY tl ijouBi t ci H a h iu J oh n professions auu ri3 itus jiHu,.tui,ij tairied.': That fibjeet is the Ivrkopt'hk 4UNiTJ60..&iPrB3Jtjf onci:.dobt''th-at i''.Tbe object of thc meeting was then e.t tne dehahdiiiofif the Batiks wasv froki ndained'hf a 6hciie and lucid mahriebv the beginriing,; hf nV.tttiughvit ma be tJauici R. Dtrje, aTid a coniinitte spiiessedih ihylBguags-.f.lV-.olfieral fiTwti4tur.I)r;::Piew l;lecKirWn,' bee naidrstQtes, are-in vurctt nt election of a t:def .Matraty-yvbte;' ' are ium a'l'uiwio, to meke, Ve -claoa the freeman pfivileawepcrfArnS" tho;1" freeman's . datv. iji freJitdiscasslnj' 4Hct ofthi-ib.Vquntation,-we arr at jr-laive merits ist the 'Candidates and.itr - conceive, .unless the learned K- 'cailirviU cxpres.Mi-g oUr opiBMms nf tlie: . , ch-irattcrs. - . . x. "tr,-, -"''fv The skrtchiwli'ch avc shall ive yor;; must n'ces!an!y;;lie brief rapid and. ijtn- : perfect,' but it s'haji'be candid, and It shall , be honest. We .j.uiplore.-ynu-.by .ytmrJoT" of count ryby every xonsideralion Vtlat'' is dear and sacred to yotj - to turr&ndef your partialities, and to thr6S(bpetf everv avenur to 4yur understandings To (ii.J eral Ja !tii it is irifoile.wa shuuld be personally uofnenuly -none of . i fcroj person aUy- acj uaioted i with hi m none of us have received at his hands in div,di:;tl injury or. affronff. and can ba charged, with- tin private resen linen's-,. We kwow him only by his acts, and can not, . therefore " set tlowa aught in na : lice." . ' j-' ; l , vV -'.' ' Since the inau-sru ration of Washington, , 1 no Prelen t; . .badassmned thes Kxccu t i vc v tJbair under apcVso favorable to 'the ' test develd'neuts of character a-did: Gen'r JacksU.-- P fiehh lof hi$ellafift de yf ; jjp. pursy? . .. rt w, jttM -. ..-vi Y." tieasurgd atti:d:e' bf hit "fu n b-ri-that 0 couniry sou&JtaspieHUMicri . ds?sericeafkl jseerlhjtHe ftblii -t dilrietiAO cy of free ai)l eili& t?nprfeopleJhe htl'read .o.efaijncaisxiMv'M" prfdcdi mstrotJi4 lutmysteal t rae ntsJ ei I iwfi tuny f Vepubttfastatcsinan MfcTrtHifactotil1-;- ance vytn tnje , genius.- or aeriMsu wun,. ;,; art tl totiimc7:.pt.i(he va1d become- the President pf the People and riot of a Par ty. His aduiirable letWr to Mr. M inti oi were green ia lirenwittbtaaf''A eyery selection,! party aitrl patty feflmtr ."' should b.;ajule.d 'i ra e of areat and powerful iaoa4fod never 'Yiwlwlsa ir - party 4teia!?$Ke had seerKoo: hisddes,tbLegtUas lure jiif bta ;natyF;Btev fepobau the crrru JiM-i-f' HfPf???.t? L"'' last Veto Message he could have: furnish ed to Cong ess i f.r'ailetl upon, wnuld have been: the rvTf. ditto of that- which1 he so so1enunlrv reomoed-hiti bis second an noat Mesagei,aiitl which his fcjendsas t . i . . : ;'jy:: r . l .ii2: wetr as his jiuveranes, rtaye uuiveraaiiy condemtredi - . ,-.r - f f-. ' A ineettobf 'ctzens oppose f tothe re-tecti63i!of Geb. acksyn, Wrfs eldltn the trC.UytHie :;at i RbtkfoH'I''jSo'rFjp coonityi Oa?I uesday, thi?:4'lhoP"jt6frt 3her;TTe meetihwargar 4 1 I Ricttard C. Pt'rvear, WtJliam C. Bird, a'nd' Jnviabvies, : arn,iMerto;drati'gat 9i2 tei m; She had heard! much of his ho- 3 .. i f, .1 .. I. . .. the o'n.niixi retired a short hresolufiuns expressive of the meeting:, who! having time,'. 'reported .the; tot i owing preamble and Ues(iluiiurl : ''.." : : 'Wheusjej, on cqn'.r.tstinjf the. present 'aitua t ionW ' Wr coiiftt ry sv.jth v.fuit it w'a but : Te w ve'ttrrf sncHtnier t&iral.rainiktrafio v of ffn toV -iner Presidents, vre c iniM.t but p,Tceive lbat toe moral an. I po I it ic artdtHf of ur: G?v eri i me utJ lias depreciated Jtliai' the tie which herettoie bare ;-b6uiid tbf lnit together; Jreheicdwio re tetcd, ah.jl threiteo its; destruction s "fentl, thai j1bpoiweaftM better da 'fjtfw -public j aftstlegon iiating; .pio a roerce nry contest tbpiCaiiptfpr f t. :. 4 T,''.S?fttS ijfe aiwwK bot at'ribut ; e. ..0tilf esiid raisrid- ofA'b'drie) jaci Wt6 bvaimff'llle rttTice-df &ivinateM the warrlildV&t'bn to 1is vi tll. a:iitv-depi ,tion tkererf thiuiibmeuf "of tbowb drd lonyr "services of tftt'diHmkvjd.or tiitUiiyof "ttios? rssaVdell-ySaii given lesirtal precedtMit v; tbat trio evwsby vH'Ch mtiiic opiniin i jjradual'y -sapped !aJ pt ccl in the scaW of 4,efc:it!e pa'raa?e tout be l"a irr tbe e-'t-vutse nf a coiistudtnml rir'it, ukr iie single: .till fi"D-li rrpifinuibty of iii'enhc.i'-4C the ex- i'tc-sic-.' of a N:itm4 11 tk, ulntae biit5r were n C. Btrd, bersf ConsreSA., EdmtfhAtou jn- a ninltation of the relidency to a sin- ;le term. 1 She haai nearu.mucn 01 uts no lestv and nrmpc" and she doubted not his preempt -WAldcu .;, of afiectionfoR.hi4 iftWf icerfcnlif" ; nt pievgea. ltd!ng lacfi.' sacjc! dept - 1 - a . it 1 ifence. in n pOges, te ?ueu.iN. m.); , : : U i wifM&&riglacfay her ?nW stecW 'tfepeiiWJbiWbC , ; ;"' d jT A ed ? Answer its , freeu.en,?dtspas:onately 4, f : s ; , t J J tOTlie"emjoiib 1 , 1 thes?ima, doB Caucie :" ";i ": '.H . V, . -i:ifcr::'-:i.Li'l.-i.'4,i -,1- J. IdrriofarfyI4 Cjifr ryi ipshackU44tu .' ' intu powe4def :' ctciilaf editvaU"j4de) " t-slvfeKn!'', ft4tttiB!iJiaV-Cfteii'"; . s Jacksoa beeir to y uu au Ainefieari SCitesi man, a" p:.triot,Pn?ideiit, cal n, dtguiiJe) and iiuparti.il, not itifiuunced by- petty and vindictive freiinsdrlhiowiutngbu-i nf parly,. b:it looking ytii courgei iu d, -cnvpt ehensi ve view, W hi' cootrrif IwkCt" : i Wt V'. . 'J '1 , .(il'f? ! J fr-l , '. A '- i aa"'' -r.t t. Itt-twy :l?JrTLt -,.5i:ciy,..liii !.;tltrv?J'XoX, YtiknoAV Julias uct-'i.Whii - . ; ttfeeJtfiidi 'urxeo 2tt prrscui u u WrfU n te ! in .veio ;pco.omtpiuu 4 v et-.cr r ? ei 1 sca in- o yeijiiwiiu f yr. -1 r 1 46d wri? ffle"OOprae,,onuci jic - . - 1 jeti-frjiVW' f 'A- priMtpkf l MJirtr, iiw id h j the nndof lriyuibVtlui.Hii H; - - ' - I ZW u.r.,i..u. lt.lEttld b ioru oT tbe otmieo , . . ' f . t . - ." i , t .vunMu irf o.vbened ty having io f.e.r ta.dshVt,y b'iri5.rTrf ;.e C? .ivrrumenit, JJto jUd.e t'app-viers t t.mrtj-ha.l lt-ft hi seat, tf.- - :,t " J i