: " : : ' i I . ..r :' II f snan an '-!!- -T--,- - . .... ; . -j . j . ..." :m.m IKS Of FAIR DKLIGHTfUt PEACE,, UNWAtlp'D' BY PAB,'T UAGF r4 111 LITE LIKB HKllTHRKJ. 1 . . 1 1 it I i ordmgly, r itals and Infii l:C. education. oniianjce of' he t.ttfntioi 1 : .. re. I halt iM'Btn llt.VIl J 1 M Yihos imln 1- tn nl Uart'l l ,t' rj x aoardmarv "Wee adthired attei arationl were soon n$irei! ineu oenmu. vr3 looked vmltxf whom the 'apWi timore the satlW was nvet jfc rJr' fc tint waJiifcfV. charity in thfP! itjc.es, th a dan ft! flan- f V i Mich shemiovev lay in wHch she ln .onol'Hacl Oil y symptom or b take 'he rem hatient-- a coloi1 k the hospital. 1 to teq e hen p pnllCI III 4 I ate'fraife astj strophanti hel, accompli fihiis sister v ). but v arteivbt co nlace was sough e catastrophe only rafle. The next victi Hertrge, the daughter alv hy farmer in Ada'i lama. Several othe s band were attack i ra Iv'ospitaW or iia Urn house, where ;atar, bt they hav O be ready at H-uts liter relief and Inn. I Wh c. b--. mil i -if 1:7 t. i fia fdv can li er SUPPOSFil) Mi bm ualtitnorr. fn hT"Tii V, near the town; of Emilitts derick county, MaryfaVd. incipal establish men tf and x he i tiie mother h .jse, - Here academy for the instruction 'ies una very extensive ,j!an. pity is governed by aSupe - f Superior, called Mother Mather, and tuUC(lunsei- sisters make theT engage -e year only. At th'end of v are,at Mbftj 0 leave the 7 think proper. Th.' ir vow strict in the extreme. They smuneratioi for their servi sum is parJ to the Jommut J sufficient for tl eir apparel, Vide for tlvPi Con tm?nrv of e Cath(iic OFpan Asylum III IIIU STates irection 1 I r : v , - f in'tr-Vw.l. ''J I : , -- . iiv, one ii i f .mimore, tl y w Aexarl LA, . j -v ... -win vii VftT Ot nnip i n M ... rf tli lf'" "-ty nave tf f fhy 'Ui tMyJ ft! .1 . VI f tie large ltllr '1 1 tbe fullowinc smf) man from the jfi', the lpfal pri'Ci ktrientioned ru'tli? ' from nn'tther somc jelieve that'lhc-ir C' ."jnCt-s, ami the rtc i a 9tro tg J mil" Jrcr- ty yijars ci: Uhe intet" 1 . b, - k 1 about : frank so mew trad i n cess. tor of letter contai imn;;t return! merit nut .4 Kv uM rra?e with his ith whom he jiijjname of - A-r They have me in Alba- Bruoklvn. ilminton. i l Was Il ia, one in attw one in inn. enlarge of :fed with JQuis an ire. It is itheir use iViih what receive the fct of their ii ue$r(4 which hi sufferings he wttnese. cron es, -w'1 at native l?S- A ear o when sofj f the. villa is not rejjlected tha er bee ilb nl of by I, Rtory oo bis griod anoTlti tlvut ha lieved, " on iiis him inadsamepeti self to dved, a a Ab. ut him) h a wr.v- few d iy' money vjn a mjs' village fce ben 1 pea red, J re to! I ec has nevcCttijfh a nude aidWt Aich of ds ri uivien called iLl nd at interL v'y V on the d'epai jfeig merciiants i Jie.. markabfe, thlier and oi dinar ylld t nriiiixinii ch he ;r 10 n u o n IDA, , 16, 18312, hd gaining a precafious i 'Subsistence ifl blafk-leg and horse-jockey. Th MY MAlrtfiN SPEECH. iireV. it was observed, did not bear isfortuies with thK utmost magnini Hbecame a motyly anl unhappy restless unsocial, & absent-mind hen sober, and addicted in his 'maud iomeitts, to mora"iz,iog on the vicis es ofAife, and the vice$ of the times. ' habits gradually inCceased upon andt length tijiok an aspect, which me yjears past, has caused hisneigh jto laojc upon hnn as partially nran b became subiect at intervals of dif- it lengths, to paroxysing of intense ral distress, durmg which he frequent tclareifihimself the most, wretched be fri exisrence, but from a cause which ne courI ever know. It is sa'nl that ich seasons he has been known to rise i his bea at night, fling himself upon cnees, ard nray for hours in an asonv lering o despair ; and perhaps the t day flyto the pottle tor relief, and er its inflTAcrc1, run into the, opposke ' erne ot horrid btlasphemy. Two other uliarities j of his character have also n the subject of remark the one a 4 on for tales of murder, the most hor iletails onwhich he would dwell upon a intense interest and the other, an rdinate affection for the small incon- ient houses which he occupied. This se the eldest, perhaps in the village te had buitt himself, tor his own resi Ice. Afte the ownersnia had passed in him, he jtHl contrived to reta n pos sion, and nver would consent to the jhtest repairs or alterations being made, s notions wj-relotrked upon as the' whim a half crazed man, which it cost the od natured owner nothiog to gr itify il he was suffered to have his will. hen compiled to leave the house at it, he did'jso with lamentations which stressed tl6 sympa hies of the neighbor od ; and vlien told a few weeks ago at it was to be torn down, he said it was en time for him to be torn down also j id actually emoved to an obscure nouk . one of the Western counties, professcd- from inability to endure the destruction his belovedjdomicil. About a fortnight ago, the house was irn down, atd a discovery made which is produced Vio little excitement it) that ginn, and, in the imagination of many, Hords a clueboth to the prosperity of atTTo his subsequent eccentricities.. The ru.?e had no 'cellar; and. it he floor was lid on large sleepers which rested on the round. Between two of tiese a qutfnti y of arth had been rtlled in, which, in onsequence of the settling of the house ad caused a rising in the floor directly bovc it. On removing this a perfect hu nan skeleton was found, living on one ide, with the hip and kiee joints slijht y bent. A coroner's jurv wns immcili- Uely called, and' after examining several Sccoml Dti. Proprietor' Purse go 00. U had always be n considered a youth dolph, by Got 'anna, 11 of snmW(imiM!,j-r.. having got Hrftatin Thos. Doswell jf. h. Traffic, 2 3 pnr.e atTOxford, ar, 1 taken a h-gh gf,ee, J. J. Harrison's Tom O'Shanter bv t.i.-u.ia levcy ai ui s ume oi goingp4re lonstm. '-'n"rTMii-iiii-'ii'--n",r-M;Jn'---'-' -run i aai'mi uhmii r'"1 ' nr'n i-1- rinimTSTrr'T"' ; ''H ! vented so my myWio$ie flrstclassai least, Uichard Adams' ch. f. Pet, by Go friend wee persuaded-fP6m the hi tamenessofmy construing, wh?cV could W. H. Minge' Mav Day, by Archv, 5 2 notpossiblybe wy ofpiht, as.y Latin Timelst heat, "3i.55s. 2d do. 5m. compositiimshoiv 1 so much.lf,i1ie fact 54. - was, mypnze po m was written forme The fine mare Miry Randolph, woo by a poor semU who tvtfs educating the race with eav. . She was raised by tor M church, u , which I hal consid- rtrole patronage;- ' However, sufficient .ind sold in the cotfrse of his summer for promise.had been ; 'evinced to make ' my $2,500. We nnlerstand that she was rneiiiU anxious to procure a seat in the b ,urht on Tuesd.v nirht bv Mr- Puckett, Hou?eofComiooor me, and according- for g3,5oo. XV t' have heard her rated ty, through Hie, ! trrventioii ot. tiutter, 8ince yesterday 'A 'race at 8500fK the attorney, t wrkturm! M. P., Third Dhu.VW race was one of the wim weouij win. moil tnat I shoulit op- mn9t intere';ti we haVtf seen on this pose -lheTBUgin every stage. the Cmirge sin wa, re-o:ened. Six hi-m ouject 1 naciaicer aK.ng tne oauis hm.se, .Urte4 for th purse: James J. jvas to make arp, which I thought r H,n.ift)nN Qlliah Wm. H.' Mingo's I C, tor my auric told ue so would be ama- Wm o r.J,,,, iBliw..un"Min.rA zioglUlked of t; the pper circles. E,!X; ReU,K.n. MaclinV Jane Shore, iou,u.ioeaSei,eci.,,,r animpromp.ii; aful Hector Davis' Dlly Dixon. Eliza or a sct. improipj ju ? I inclined to the ReiMv gotMe start in the first heat, and first, as the easie ,,and had o doubt the k t fihe rcachcil t,,e ?nat the house j would MisUf-to it from me, though 3d mile, hen she was passed by Goltah I saw them 1 eluseatention to many a rogue and Andlw who kept it lhroughout1 lock- "avi H', fu -u e- 1 """"S'J ingeacIv other for so'me dista 1 mice, wneu maoe seveiai ptenUjU sentences about Go!iah rok the lead, and won the he.t revolution and ararehy, and annihilation b a 18 jncl on, y None ..tance.J. ofthe beautdurf4&nek,.and what pleased Mr.Min2c' I (3 took the lead in the At Tl-cS leave to inform the Citizens of. R-1e"it ' anil the Ptiblic penr.tly, tJiRt he h:tt locatie l. I himsi'll m tlm (i.ace with the intention of prr tisinij h'i profession. , .; k : rVsi.lesthe SchoU of F ne Artst Dublin nn'l t .nnrlrin. V liaa !r! t ho hh. T-:! - --- www ' in., iivtiii iii tti aur 1 1. ityinjym the rHivre st Pans, atul other GHlleriet on tue Continent f Europe. lie will nor pre- : -iime to comment on his own works, but Te' snecifuUy invites an inspection of them. . Painting ttoom is next d'Kjr to the Consfitiiiianal it P"ining' Offv'e, wht-re he will be ti.ippy t : t roci ive oriieiN. i '"g Htft. 17, 1812. 40 MUSICAL IVSTHUCTIQN. t Its. M AHY .f. LUC AS adopts thi metho.V S. of inf;inninif her friends ami The public, 'hat in Consequence of repeated Solicitation, he has co-Oe to the deterrTitn ifion of again Tv; turninpf to It leigh, wish a view to he devotion of her ime as an Instruct im-of Music. Her sciiobl will he nneneT on the first of Jmi-y'' , ensuiMir. u, tre whicli time, her terma, &c. ; will be mule known. In fiis commuimv, where so larjje a portinm I of heMifc h is been pent, she feeh ,roniih:nt that it is unnecessary V)sy any thinofhef ! quHlifications as an losriictr-. ss. She trusts'thac ; her friends will yield her sii' h pajroiiae sb is determined lo met!, and this is all she esk,s , Shocco. Sept. 29, 18.V2. 47 V. i' t v:'t--! .1.- . ..... T C . .r 1 . I i... .fi. V- M. W VW.rr. me most, iHuuiiqn appropriate pnssage Uec.W heat and owi2 to some inadver 10 a speech ot Dar ting, which my lather tence:n lne ridt.rs of Am had heard and' tal;en down himself, as he told me. I dihet carl v and went down to the house whejC '.: foijiHl all the best pla ces taken, and I ivas obliged to get under the members' liallery, behird Joseph Hume, who w'aj making a. thundering speecii against ci tise boroughs, and most particularly deifi uncing the one which I represented., ( ne or two gentlemen whispered that t ought to say someting; but 1 could riot, :pr ihe life of me, alter or abjure my first Sentence, which began. 'When the de itinios of Kurope stood trenibling in li e balance," &c and I could never biii Jn the borough af'ler that; so while I was trying to turn the destinies ol Kurt pfe into the late 01 little Aurelin, down -tvltimped Joseph, and up jumped agentlfert;an below him who began, Sir, I can ass Te yoji I had nointewtiori of adtlressing ih ITouse when I entered it but the extraonl navy speech we have just heard," &c. I 'airiediately thoujlit how much better it v ?mld have been fiir me to try an impromnt , and determined to wait till another tugh-'but aftr the bonorabie Irew and Goliah, vas guttered to get s far ahead that they fotinA it useless to contend Tor th's heat, and iieid back for the third letting I C wnvit with great ' ease. After this lieat was run it was discovered that Andrew was lame in his right hind leg, and some fears were entertained that he was se riously injured. He started, however, ; for the third heat, and, taking into con sideration his extreme lamenes-, acquitt ed himself with much credit. Goliah got the-start;' followed closely by 1 C and Andrew ; the former contending for the heat in beautiful style, by about a leng'h only. Time1st heat Im. 6s. 2d do. 8m. 14s. 3d do. 8m. 9s. We have Seldom seen so much interest evinced in the issue of any race as we saw in this. The knowing on"s were betting before .the last heat two to one on Andrew against the field ; but, so soon as the heat was won by Goliah, same few were trying! to hedge in; the majority seemed satisfied with the bets they had mode on him, and a feV offered to bei NOTLOK. THERE was committed to the U' of Wavnei countv, hs a r'unawav sl-ve, about the 20" . of April last, a ne.ro tnn by the naTie of 1IM, ! whoys h b.lonjs 10 the Kstate of Chas, Bright it'tlie District 'o Mi'lborouii, Son' h-C&i olio:! -f Sa'td nejro is about sitty years of ae, tall ani t j spai-i-, n 1 of a very black complexion5. T1J ! ' owner of said slave is requested to come for ward, prove his property, pav Charges and t.k:af : turn away, or he will be dealt' with as the lav directs. . ; WM. P. JRRNTGAN, Jailor. Waynesboro', N C. Stpt. 13. 45 6m and casting mAye into ids hst which he Kept waving to artu tro, I saw not only tne( prucipai" headvrbut'many o the actual sente ices wxiltt at jength in it. I was first teinpted ftitfall him to order, but as I was too youi' a- member, I thought I had better mention it to some older M P. .vitnesse. adjourned for ihe purpose of j and though I ha ,ed Hume, 1 knew he was iendinj for A -, who washunted out, Jau active en.emj;ol all abuses, and as Mich arrested, and brongtit to the place just t. ! 1 directed liis a ttntuyt to the hat; anxl he our informant was about to leave it. He took no uoiice tt' it, except saying, that arrived in & state of boisterous hilarity, the gentle, natV iyas the late L rd of H e and seemed exposed to treat the matte 1 , leasury, and tie had stolen all the gdt as an excelUut iok,e -as being those eugeu paper in his Hat trom tle puo ic member, had sjtn ;ett a quarter of an hour, . to fm(f (m AlldreW the fie!d ; : i'U V u i but Uoiiah was too much tor him. !e mf In; e n (id ire a se 'a. fem 'hey adits &. tnbler V which 1 of an Indian, hich hatl been dug up hard by, at the time he was building the house. A person to wUsn he appealed recollect ed some Indianbones having been dug up about that time, but they were only the larger bones of the frame, and even then much decayed ; while the skeleton found under the floor vyaentire each bone be ing not only well preserved, but placed in its proper posirion ; a circumstance hardly to be expectelfrnm A 's li mited knowledge of natomy. Rut setting this asws, enough' came to light before the jury to show beyond a doubt that a human boy must have been deposited there since tie building of the house. For example, th tioor was origi nally fasteied down witw long iproughl nails, 8nd the part direct ry over the skel eton has evidently been forced ap since. The nails remaining in the sleepers, the heads were drawn through heboanls. rl"hese appear to have been bti down and driven into the wood ; and th Wrds when laid .down again were fastened with cut nails. Again : a witness renumbered a ronversaiion he had form erly hid with a clerk in A's store . concenwng theWituation of the house : and to have expressed his surjirise that a cellar lyid not be?n dug 1 . ' I M . - . A n .jtmmn ira lnnf t l-v i . utmer it. ne reasuu " a. uai mc earth under the houne seemed to he i tn - predated with somel)ing which gate it a string smell of caw". A pnysiciaq ot the first resnectabilVy, who had. .-attended ssick person in thfoouse aiwnt tne same nerind. rerollectei the. offensive scent j and it is now iswertained that the family ac tually quitted pe. house for many months m the same amount, ana resuieu in a thon in tire rir. In shnrt, when our in iVir'mant lftthe iacp, facts were daily cominWhtr'fWoh the excited rectd- Andrew is a fine animal -and it is said. that when he is hors de combat for the rurf, he will be transferred at a ver handsome p;ice to a sportsman of the riorth for a stud. Compiler. Fourth Day. Colt sweepstakes, milt' beat?, 100 entrance, resulted as follows Ji;hu M. Botts' Barbar a, by Gohan na, O. P. Hare's Kate Kennon, by Con tention, Pete'- Lvons' b. 0 by Gohanna, Time lst heat4m. Is. 2il do. 5m. Ss. , I NOTICE. pUKKRH & IIUGIIKS are Agents for thfi i fo. lowing very valuable publicatio: s. Viz : Encyclopedia Amerirana or People's Library, a popul T .Dictionary of Arts, Science Litera ure. History and Politics, brouarbt down to the present time and inchi'Jing; a copious collection f ! .!.! I ii or original iru I'-sin .xo'tTican uiogrtipny 1 be American veuarterly Hevitw published iti Philadelphia. s Tlie mcricnn Journal of theMedicalGiencflR. The Quarterly U-view publislied in Boston. Thf. K tinhnrs? It'-viev. ' ' Tin; Museum of Foreign Literatures . Tht. .biurnai of Law. The. Journal of Health. , flu- L;d)'sti(ok. OMers for the Wo-ks will he thankfully rVa ceived and promptly attended to. P. S. 1 . & II. are also Acentvforth" can SunHny School Union, tne Y, estant Epii-;;S copal Press and Protrs'ant Epif-opnl S. PchoV0ll vj MiMi, .1111, vt 1 j i;i'-aiuiy on n.ini a iar"; in nti'y of i ht-ir Tlocks. A CAJU). 1 1 1 2 2 dist. I determined t ".listen a. little, and what was my horror Vhen my ears were arrest ed by, Whet! the destinies of Europe stood totteriug jn the ballace." looked for my own noVj.8 and found them sate. Now couhl he have iut o the same de- scripfvou.of tiii -French revolution as I ? Could he have j seen the pamphlet from which I copieti it ? Perhaps he had got my fath'ei's ma;ftiscript t f Dantin's speech as well. My uirves were by this time so ' " '. , . 1 dry, that . na -given up ah intention 01 peaking tor Ii iat night, when an attack upon my, patii' turned all eyes instantly upon me. It v )S broadly asserted that he 1 1 .1 . i . r i I ... I iau,stnu ins jcat lor monev, aim nan pledged his c ididate to vote .througii thick and tlti: against the bill. Ihe house ail hiugfed and looked at me. " 1 could not laujf jo?'. though 1 might have said Amen, o be i Tor so it was $ and. tlioughf when the mteillal ttadical, sat down, there was a sortrif till lor ine, some drunken dandies at thVbar cried question t ques tion: and S'J t 'tl I, at whicn the opposite siile roarea.vv;'iilaughterj aim so ended my first ins,ht yli inteutimis; and though I had nit ma'f 1 myself celebrated, I. had made myself f jspicuous enough. la JieJle Jissemoiee. Flf IELD RACES. Firjtf Dery-MA Colt Sweepstake, two mile "iVats, -gSUO entrancerh tlf torfcit. lVn MiAiscribefs -'five naid forfeit. The following the result : Vm. At. vVesV b. c. Sir Walter by To'isWV I A' JohnJMlB4tfs br. c. Douglass, by GoTlotioa,, I i - - - t m - 1 1 Dat'idyj Jiincirs d. c. iooarco We learn tht there is no probabl'ity that Andrew will ever appear on the turf again. The serious injury which he has received and wjiich first manifested itsi ll at Foil-field Ilnces, will, it is supposed, put au end to his racing career. 4 Petersburg Int. Mr. Rivf.s had a private audience of leave, ot the King of France, on the 18th September. He dined at the R yal table a few days before. We copied $ame weeks ago, an amu-inu story of The Yankee's visit to Sir Jo seph Banks," ' which our readers will probably remember. T'.e Hero of the story, if we may credit a correspondent of the New-York G iz-tte, is still living in the Western part of the State. 1 His nauie is S'tackfoi d, he is father of Capt. Shackloril a well knnvn ship masrer our of the port of New-York, and is the1 on! v man who ver crossed the Atlantic alone! He built or purchased, a small vessel, in which he embarki'd alone, and naviga ted her to Great Briiain. When he ar rived in port, he was supposed tobea pirate who had murdered the crew of the vessel and was arrested. . He pro duced his shippirg paper, which con tained one nume only and other docu ments to prove his character, and it was not till after some time persons isi Eng land were found who knew him in this country that he was set atJijei ty. j . TUttN'Ett & HUG TIER with much pletsnrq iiinon. c? t their tr'u-nds and the pUdii ' srenerally, that tby hae just removed tbeiri very '-xtensive antt el g.int" Stock ot Borks, St if i lonary, kc. ccc to tne large biore on ihe cort ; uer of P i f ttt-villr aiid M.n sn S;r etH, imtned? -j aicly opposite to tht- rscw!ern l' nk, where they j n'ri nnw prepaied to receive and attend to z orders. ! j As the tore is vrry spacious and finely finish ed, they flatter themselves 'o be ahle to tlisnly tlicir Books to more ad.an' ajj- than heretofore, ant! tlie v promise to. spare neiili- r pains nor esj pfi.ee in rendi-rin.vr it n dt lightfulplace of resort for f tie .readinfj and nfhionale Woi td. ; . Their rxerdoiis 'having' so far met in a rood d.'R-r-e the approbation of the public, th, yj"es l assured that no hij; wordier promises are. eeS'R'y from t!iem, and as experience :dl ihiius, tbey only soiuit the renevre denre f ;br tnei'.'ly. . " Straugr'rfJ who mav visit tbe city ar and rep cttully. niiv;t-d to suend th. moments at the Xortu-fJurouiu B'k-lore. Sept. 12. Wake Korest tbstUi iy "fc. 1 1 ririF. following 19 the gf neral outl t. Plan of ilns Inst'tutioU, adopted at fitting ofthe B ard oi 'Managers : 1. The n .me of the Institution is The Forest Institute." 2. The object rf the Institute .is to young Mir is era u ob'am an edi'Ction denCTH 'Korms, and to irain np voutb in io a icthwitdre ot Science and prct: tui-e. ' ' r3. Every pupil dial labor three hou andr ilie "d'-rect'ion of an expeiyn :yl -ntsfir. laimer, wuojrC to tht cuntrotof c.pal teacher, uho is to be a tiosieL i, 4. Tne 'total expenses of the sh dl not exceed tCO. of which paid in advoc-, and an :dlnwai to e cti siudc'U according to labor 5. No pupil shall be a-lrritt ofagf. ; 6. Every pupil shall furni X snd a ,loe, piif nwels. 7, There shall from the middle bmi Y 11 t f 1 m cal Atrl f i. ' V inn ecViouS q i-mer v7auiian1s, ail con- 4I-'i i V 0