0 v. - v. " ::' y - . . . . "!'- ; .Tf - , ' -. I- . . Jl ..' : ! ,' . - 'I . 2 : v ; i Jp. HOMH-AllOL,I GAZETTE. ; : . ; - - ' .. jt- ' , - . .... . j fe;. .-' ' I " OURS ARK THE PLANS OF F.i;IU DELIGHTFUL PEACE, OSWAKp'o V ABTY RAGE, TO LIVE LIKE BROTHERS." p, r it TUT. HT.ttlST&B. T PCBMStlF.Ii ETKRr F HI DA TT, Uv 3os Gtea '& Sou, 1 Unleigh, North-Carolina. Tfl" I? s T)dttARs per annum; one half in advance Thne who lo not,eitlier at the time of suh 9cribin,or subsequently, five notice of their wish tohave the Paper discontinued at the ex piration of their year,wi11 be presumed as de siring its continuance until countermanded.. a rTy erti se m e n"t"s , HjI aceeiYin' sixteen lines? will be inserted three times fork Dollar ; and twenty five cents fnr each sitbsenuent nublication i those of . . j erratpp. IpniriK. in the snitie oroDortion. H . -f ' the number at insertions be not marked on then, they "will be continued until ordered Out, and charged accjirdintrlv. TREASURER'S R SPORT. - TREASCKt.DEPABT'nsT, .Nov. 19th. 1832. The Honorable the General shmbly of the State of A urth Cardina. In obedience to the directions of an act of the General A':ienluJ passed at the Bession f &P.7, entitled an act con cerning the Publit Tfe;vsurj,,J the Public .Treasurer respectfully submits the follow ing REPORT : . Of the Public or unuppropriiled Itcvs- mip mul PTnpji. tii ures. i The balance of cash-re roaming in 11k- Pubhr d Treasury on the 1st cuy ; ot November. 18-', was Te receipts during the en-u'mg fiscal year, ending on t!,c 3lt d y of OctoycrlSjl, aiuounted to 95,753 10 16i.48i 94 The disbursements during the sirae period, (including a trai sfer of $29,074 95 from tiie Public to the Whicb, deducted, show the balance of cash remaining ia "the hand of the Public Treasurer to the first day' of ISoWrnScr, 1831, as re ported to tlies General Asaemb'y of thft year, and for which he is charged in the books of this uffice, to be The receipts at the Treasury from. all sourceso' unappropriated re ve ihgtif during the last fiscal ye ir, tUatus, from the 31st Oct. 183 U to.,, tie 1st of November, 1832, amounted, to ninety -fwur ih msand five huftdred' doiiHrs and fmty three cents, (94 C00 43,) viz Cflii received1 of the She- - rifiiifor Public tax, be inghe ordinary reve- : riue cf 1831 , payable in to the Treasury on the 1st Ost. 1832, and not otherwise appropriate:!, $66,905 73 Pitto fines imposed for, failinj to comply with theaii of 1831, . 3,600 00 Ditto on account of addi-! tionai returns of texes, ! 33,022 99 (jiee statement marked Pit to State Bav.k of N. Carol: lis, for dividend on 2754 shares of stock, ' at' 2 per ct. for the half year end ng in Decem ber, 1831. Ditto ditto for the half rear ending in June, 1832, Ditto Hank of Cape Fear, in ftiti for the tax of m; percent. 6u their capU til stock, (3073 shales) .-' or Hie year 132, paya ble 1st Oct. Ditto 'jank of Newbern, oTi ccpttnt of the tax cf one per cent, on their capital stock, pay able l?t Oct. 1832, this sum ree'd in part, Ditto Buncombe Turn pike Company for divi dends on the stock owned -by -the State in Fiid Company, pit to the "Executcr of Mrs. fc. E-iA. Haywood, for rent of public lota . in the cilv of Kaleighj resit of 1834, Ditto on bonds , fur ; sales of .lands and ne groes belong. 696 19 5,23 00 5,523 00 3,073 0 4,570 00. -125 00 10 09 iiit(j the late i , John Hay . wood, Ktqr. . Jsjpaent,B) principal, $3,303 67 hjitto ditto J inttjest, 7o3 44 44037 Hi jDitto't Ch .rTea Manly, , Ksq. amoutit othTst ' boBd . given for. the pur chase of the r "tjiCbine tract' " of -nd, prtn- 409 00 18 40 Ditto cit 427 40 94,500 43 $icT, with the balance stated k'ove. show an aggregate amount , ; ,,!;, ... . 127,523 42 riv disbursements af 'tbe. Treasury ''! the saute, period, that is, fi m W 31st (l Jet. 1831, to die 1st Nov. is:u!: for whicti- vouchers have JuIiu'mH llhi rnninlrnlt " 3 ly btm allowed, amount to ' 119,598 68 -.liicted. shows the balance ' -$4mainingin the hands of iVr'Vrfi"l'reasHrer. and lor is accountable, tp tbtf i fV in V N I ve The disbursements for e ye;ir, as . stnted alove and Medticted, consist of the full owuv items, . General Assembly, : $40,379 49 24,6i 45 2.360 00 ft. 000 00 1,171 00' 1,000 w 200 o( 29,8'1 77 760 00 22 50 600 00. . 900 00 500 00 juoiCiaiy, Kxccutive Department, Treasury Department, .v Departnu-Mi of State, Ccmpt roller's Depv'ment, Adjutant Gentrid's OMioe, Treasury Notes burnt by commit? tee ot Finance, session of l'8Ji, ' Pensioners; Congressional Elections, - , Governor's House, . H 11 1 J i 0 Printer, Stoclk in Roannke Navigation Company, State Hank nf North C:trolin., in terest on the deferred payment for stock, ' '" Bojiie Hanks, Sh.e'r.trs for settling tK, Ctmti'njrencies, v"t liepnirs of Statue, Tuskarora Indians, , 19P '25 H66 40 : 4.9U8 87 . 2,800 00 3,220 71 J V-9,593 6ft For a more detailed exhibit, of the items which make up this expenditure, and of payments an account of allowances or drafts made by the General Assembly, and warrants issued by the Governor," &c. as require I by the 11th section of the act of 18-27, Jhe Comptroller's Statement, pre lurel lor the 'use of the members of the present Genera! Assembly, is respectfully referred to. The specification o( t: e d-s-bursements therein stated, is made from he; vouchers received and paid tor at the -I "lit I A. , l leasury, ana win oe lounu iu as;ree wiui the entries m the books ot this omce. The following statement of the moneys received and expended on account of the Literary, Internal Improvement and A gricultural Funds,, are also subtnitted in further discharge of the duties required by the several acts of Assembly. . Of the Literary Fund. The' balance of cash remaining in the h inds of the Pu'l c Treasurer, as Treasurer of thi-s Fthid, to the IstNov. 1S31, hs reported to mc Genial Assembly of that year, was $75,025 96' Tl? receipts at the Tr,:asu v of money longing to this Fuiid; ' m the31Wy of Oct. 1831, to the 1st dav of N.iS3;-'ini"li"t to l,,ir teen t"h..u3ind 0!Km'rlied &. thir ty dolUrs and s'.xtjltf and consist of the follow. ng suw,f Cash received for Entries o; Vca.? Lae.d, 7,898 72 Ditto for Tax on Sales at Auction receivetlof sundry Auctioneers. 570 57 Ditto fur Tavern Tax received of She i ills. 2,632 00 Ditto State Bank of N. J Carolina fur dividends on 282 shares of Stosic (uvned b tiie I'itsi- de.nt :r Directors . of . . , th Fund) at2peri2t. tor the half yenr end- i ing Dec. 1831, 564 00 Ih -o uitio 1 vulends f j on the above shares for rht half year ending June, ly2, Ditto UoanTke Naviga tion Compan fordivi- 564-09 .ends on 50"jr.ares of stock (appropriated to Jlhis Fund) at one snd . ti.ree qu rtcr percen tumideeisr.d Nov. 18ol,- 875 CO Diti.o for "i'ux oi Faiis ; hcld in R chii oud coun ty per Act of Assembly ot 1830 : 26 36 13.130 65 Making, when added to the balance above stated, the amount of T here hns been to expenditure, from tlf s fund during the year. 88 156 6H JI. Of the Agricultural Fund. The Cash received from all sources (appropria- -Ud to this F'und) viz f o r. the Ch lks ofthe , County, Supeiior and Supreme Courts, and j from Clerks and Mus ters in Kquitv, from the 51st Oct. 1831, to the 1st Nov'r, 1832, (statement C.) ainauu ted to ,$523 29; Deduct Di.sburefnenis (D.) during tiiat peri od, made agreeable to the returns of Stid Clefks, &c. and Tor which vouchers, have v been taken and passed 'to the Comptroller -'. ' 93 49- Showing a.Jialance, ' unexpended of 429 71 rius unexpended blnce" isdi rected by act of Assembly of 185, Chap. 1, to be transferred to tlie t Literary Fund, which beiisg add ed, shows an aggregate am juut cf Cash on hand belonging to that Fund on the 1st Nov: 1832, of 88,586-32 J IV. Of the Fund for Internal Improve ment. Bale on the lst of Oct. 1831, as re. teltr the Gejftral Assem bly that vea-, jf : jr,944 9 The r,efts at ihVTreasury on.. jaccount of the FundMor lijternal improvement,' from the Slst Oct. 1 83 1, to the,4.-t day of Nov v lb2, amounted to two thoumd s:x hundred and one dollars and thirty-six cen's, viz ; Cash received from sun dry purchasers olChe- rqkee Landslip pi opri- .. atexl by Law to this Fond (Statement E.) L Principal . 1,909 oH Hiito . ait;o interest oyi y.j 2,601 36- lQ,5tS 55i V 'The expenditures lor tlie sme Pe ....,1 f.i mi,n than. nod i'r'-) am iiinlt'd to nine thou- sand e ven hundred & thirty-two dollars and Hfieen ch n'-, viz : Api'opriatio'.s fVr sur- ri'ys ot Unit ro;.ds $4,17612 Work on l'ape-1'ear Ui -. C- ver, heinj o much paid on the Slate's Sub- - scrip' ion, for st;;ck in the C. b N'av. Go. 1,562 49 Tennessee rivei Turnpike 2, w0 00 Work on Hro il lliver M'oney refunded t sun dry Cherokee purcha sers per Resolution Superintendant Public Works Secretary Boartf Inter nal Improvement ' 1,500 00 78 5-i .100 00 15 00 9.733 13 Wliich deducted leave a balanrat Credit of ti'i Ftind to the 1st day of N.-.v. 1832, of 813 M-l Since the Runlcs of Newbern and Cape Fear !mve ceased to declare dividends on their Capital Stock, the receipts on the bonds si veil bv the purchasers of Chero kee Lands constitute the only source of revenue bid mining to the Fund for Inter nal Improvement. As it was th.j dividend,. only, and not tlie stock itself, that was appropriated to this fiyid, there can be no expectation of a return of its means to ef fect much, without the provision of new resources. Under a resolution of the Ge neral Assembly of 18-29, directing the Public Treasurer tk to abstain from -.collecting" any money due upon Cherokee ttonds, given for the land lyinu; within the county of Macon, or lying within the county of Haywood, where the same is covered," 6lc. th? collections on these bonds have been in a great decree sus pended, and must remain so until the suits as-iinst the purchasers now pending in the Federal Court are decided. The balance of the State's last subscrip tion of $5,000 for stock in the Cape Fear Navigation Company, is regarded as be in fust entitled to be discharged from this fund. Should the collections in the course of the winter prove insufficient, af ter paying that balance, to discharge the debt contracted on account of the Rail road . surveys, " ordered by act of the last Legislature, such deficiency will be sup plied from any other money in the 'Trea sury belonging to the Public Fund RECAPITULATION. --J The foregoing statements shew bonces ot Cash on h;-nd to thu 1st day obe,' lyi2 s tollows, viz. . Amount Public Tr: surer, $7924 7 i Ditto Treasurer of the 4-uiiUiiS1" it ternal Improvement, 813 40j Ditto Trcasur.r oi the Literary Fund, 88,586 32 Making an aggregate amount of ?97,3?4 46' With which the Public Treasurer, as such, and a Treasurer of the Literary and Internal Improvement Funds stands charged in the books of this, and the Comp troller's office, and for which he is there fore accountable to the 1st day of Nov. 1832. That amount is disposed of,, (as directed by law,,) in the following man ner, viz. Deposited in the Rtnte Bank of N. Carolina, at Kaleigh.and rem.m ing atthe credit of the Public Treasurer, on the 1st day uf Novem ber, 1332, ' $58,067 27 Ditto Bank of Newbetn ditt, 24.714 21 Duti Bank of Cape For Fayetteille, 12,100 88 74,882 36 Worn Treas. Note, Silver Change Stc. deposited iu the Vault of the. -'Treasury, 22,442 102 $97,324 46 In conformity with the provisions ot an Act, passed ar the last Session of the Ge neral Assembly, entitled "an Act lo change the disposition of the money con stituting the Agricultural Fund," all the accounts kept in this office, for the pur pose ot preserving a separate and distinct record of the receipts and disbursements of that fund were discontinued with the. expiration of the last fiscal vear. No re turns have been received since the; pass ing ofthe Act; but the accounts 1 were permitted to remain open until the end of the year, in order that certain arrearages due from some of the clerks uiijHit be col lected, anil that the individuals, entitled under former returns, might have as mucKfittf'i'Vi liuje as posaioie; n piescui. men cuuiiiy. The amount annually disbursed at the Public Treasury, for the purpose of de fraying the necessary expenses of the Go vernment, exclusive of specific appropii ations for works of -Internal Improve ment, the redemption of Treasury notes, &c. maybe stated at an average of about eighty thousand dollars, viz. F.xnenses of the Legislat ure, $40,379 49 21,603 45 7.271 00 Dip juoiciary, Drit Departments attbe Stest of Governn.eht, v Ditto Public Printer, Ditto She rills for settling TaX, Ditto Pension List, Contingencies, including the ave- rage expense of holding-Congressional elections, and elections tor ProWent nd Vice-President of the "VI. S. 8tc. &c. . 900 00 868 40 760 00 5,508 87 180,289 21 iated revenue ought to.,be so reirulated. m any event, to meet this expenditu -e:-.. Tlife most Icantious could hartl'y it,Vd'a sitbstanViat objection to paving iHS-fi r propoi titirt of such a tax as will only ey the neccssary ex'pense of. a'Governme which, while it affonU an iicient pni ;?c4ion"to persons and pro perty, is sh iw elleil, as to oper ite witi. a rigid reg;iiec)aomy. TheorJ'mny public revennif this State has nyt been adequate to thf ipirpose-for many years. The a:tii)unt ? InuaMy received of the Sheriffs,- exclu l;e of taxes appropriated to specific oh jets has, for the last two y.ears, flue" iated between sixtv-three and sixty-ei2.hr lion sand dollar. shoiviur an annual tlelffl, in this source of reveV. nue, to mevt tli current -enses of the Governmenf, o! twelve to seventeen thou- 1111" J dollars. ! hi s deficiency lias been uppJied by di -idends on b.ink invest- rneiU ; by tht jssuing of Treasury notes at different titn s ordered, by the Te;s lature, large aii 'Hint of 'which were la;d out for batdv Rtt"-'k, jivhich again yielded a dividend r by: Wrirroceeds of. the sale of public lot's ar.djids iu the City of Ra leiglt and iUVi?ify ; an'd by sums de rived fiom othtj tfifcidental sources of re venue. All :t Use-, a re, in tlieir nature, fluctuating andtifeuiporary, and have, of hitebecu neaTiykliscontlnued. The Bank of Newbern l.a.i declared no dividend since the year 1829 ; the Bank of 'Cape Fearvince the yV-ar 1830 ; atid the State Bank continues to tlivide only two per cent semi-annuajjy. On the other hand, the demand, at the.Public Treasury, for tlie redemption Treasury notes, has ir creased, as the t otes have become worn and in fit for ciF. ulatioii ; thouh thisde- inaiul may not 1 expected to be so great ; in any futui-e ir as heretofore. These causes, and otH ;s; have contributed, and do s?i, f(, lesv 11 the balance of Cash in the Public Trq, jury, at the end of each successive year"! The balance now on hand, as hefeii Reported, R7,924 733, it will be seen is .ss than the amount of worn Treasury )tes put up and arranget! f.-r burning i-'iiTent K) by the sum of eight thousand' 'x . hundred and twenty two dollars and hir'y-,even cents, (SB, 622 37. The ''Treasury, notes cannot be regarded as available funds ; and hence, in tact, though Yjjnpareutly otherwise, the Public Fund Jv&'j deficient on the 1st day of November, b- just the amount of ex cess mentioned iovfc. It is believed that this difficulty' n y be met in a great de gre, if not c"t-i'ly, by a proper revision and en(orcemejif the laws regulating the assVssuien.t'f lands in this State, vvYthoi'1 retoi-tin :(to the imposition of new or inci asett tses. bucb a measure, by prevenliSf jjle numerous frauds and evasions praetir j'1 individuals under the" present s,ys: m Cassessing lands for taxation, wouH . ir alt "babili!y, in crease the reWerie to the de'a amount; ami so give the. legislature a conK wver The perifnjif rjt finappropria "f the State, it s conceived, the investments, i the State, when lAilCourt which preced upon their- hant , and enable them, "with iL at which the re advantage, to reinvest in works of Inter nal Improvement ; to make provision for the increase of he Common School Fund; or to direct sue j other expenditures, as, in the exercise f awise legislation, may be deemed tpnri jtive to the mtiral or phy sical impiovetn nt of the community. The,time will a Hve before the expiration of the present -ssion ofthe General As sembly, wlierr, jcordlng to the provisions of the ameiabi .charters of 1829, the Banks of this iS -te are permitted to di vide portions td . heir capital. The situ ation of these. ;ititutious warrants the expectation, tht',; large dividends ofcapi- t 'Hi tai win De mad! as early as tbe terms of the charters w permit. Under these circumstances ; is respectfully suggest ed, whether spi .legislation oh tlie sub ject of the fufmiilUposition of the money may not be ex p1 fent. I he files marked (I,) (L,) and '(accompanying this re port aie referred to for the necessary data. , In connecfior with this subject as it regards the Stat;Bank, it may not be im proper to re taVtic, that, of the original subscription ofi-2,500 shares, the sum of elghfy-three thousand nineiiundred and si x dol lars 'el e en cen ts, (83,006 U) has neyer been pald,; By a special proviion pfe;fbarternof the Sfate has re e!va;iytdeft44' on" the whole number of es suoscri.oi.r4, - ueuueung tnereirotn "I 1 1 I . " .1 a sum '..equal to t"4ir per centum upon such part o the saul tocK as nas. not oeenac tually paid fr y the State, oh the day when the div.it nd js decfaretl, out of which the retail r is made." This inte rest of four per' Sent, on the deferreil bal ance, has been feu;ularly retained by the Bank from the Oecember 'dividend. If not otherwise, i Itructed, the dividends of capital on so ;auch of the stock asi has not been paid ft V w'- he applied to the discharge of tha,Jebt. ? The iuconvefaence resulting from the diversity of cur fency prevailing ill diffe rent sections of (he State, cobtinues to be much felt in tr; tlsacting the business of this department Frequent tlra ts on the Literary Fund, to s) p ply .thtj i deficiency of the Public Fund have be? 0 made duriri"; the past year, and tie cl ih replaced as soon as tbe receipt of the-tli of 133 1 afforded the i- ; wBma meatiP. I lie followinf litatenipnr sbiw 4 'fte amnm;;. which the PnUie stood iu 3 debted to the Literary Fund; ;at eat umntidv settlement afer the fa rnifir be came exhausted : On tiie 1st January, 1832, there had ocuii used of the Literary Kurd, ?2,937 20 February, ido 51,271 6J$ March, do 52,913 25 April, do 52,765 tioi May, do 58,380 1 Je june, do 60,823 924 July', ' lo 6U.445 3UJ .August, do 64,339 88 September, do ' 55,762 66i October, H d 5.108 42i In he ccurse'of the monlh of October, the balance wa? entirely discharged. The use which', i thus made of the cash be loiigiff to this fund,, excludes the possi b lity ofVrfyrag into eff ct tlie design contemplated by the act of 1835 ; and the Prcsidetl and Directors, instead of in vesting, or otherwise disposing of it for iinnnivement, as directed by that Act, t Tive been obliged, virtually, to relinquish fr a time their control over it. To suf fer thus to go to decay, and to be consu med, means liberally provided and set a part bv previous Legislatures for the be nefit of an after generation, resembles, in some respects, the conduct of an impro vident heir, who wastes in mere indolence w hat has been saved, by tlie industry and economof the ancestor, for the lasting improvement of the inheritance. Were it properl y in the line of official duty, the Public Treasurer, as a member, of that Board, would here venture a hope, that some provision may be made to enable them to preserve and improve that Fund," lor the valuable ends had in view by the .As-setnbly of. 1825. The proceeds arising I rem the profitable investment ofthe a- muunt ot cash now on hand, g88,536 S, would be sensibly felt in its accumulation. Under the operation of an Act, passed at the last session of the General Assem bly, entitled"" an Act to increase the li ability of Sheriffs, and to provide more effectually for the collection of taxes," the penalty of two hundred dollars has been imposed on tweuty-two of the She- ruis. ur these, eighteen paid un the pe nalty atthe time of settlement. Against the others, judgments have been taken in the Supeiior Court of Wake county. In relation to these fines, the Act precluded the exercise of any discretion on the part of the'officer of this Department '.and hence they have been rigidly enforced in every instance where they werejucurred. It is belieted, however, from tbe know ledge possessed here, of the promptness and integrity of these officers generally, and especially of those who "readily dis charged the penalty, and from other evi dence furnished by themselves andiy the Clerks, that there did not exist, in a'siri ule instance, such an attempt at fraud, or even such a degree of nesjliirence, as it was the design of the framers of that law to punish. Many of these delinquencies resulted, no doubt, from the fact, that in many counties in the State, the County es the settlement here, return anil affidavit men- tlonetrV .iv-v wi .'isch.uij aie icquu - ed to be fNS5e takes place earlier than it "a nciial to commence the collec tion of thp taxp7Sw.th,, counties. In wet.rl tha fnnrtdV hed during the first and second weeks 7U-uh .of July, when a strict compliance');1 M11 Act might result, weie there no oer ,n" centive to duty, in the entire loss te State, of the w hole amount of .this spMJef,' nil pncfnunf 4. m. 1 7 of tax. Would not the restraint intends, operate with more eilicac, were the Cleric authorized, either by himself, or before one or mure Justices ofthe Peace, to re ceive the list and affidavit, otherwise than in open Court ? In the last annual report of the -Public Treasurer, it was stated, that the money' due at this office, for the use ofthe Tus karora Indians, had been all collected, and remained in the Treasury, subject to the order of that tribe of Indians. They were informed of the terms upon which I hey tnight'ieceive it. Since that time, upon their complying with the requisitions .contained in the fourth section ofthe Act of 1828, Chap. 19, entitled an Act con cerning thelandsfo.rmet y occupied by the Tuskarora' tribe of Indians, lying in Ber tie count v, on the north side of Roanoke river." by executing to .-the btate such a releasees is therein directed, the whole amount, &3,220 711, has peen paid over to their agent, the Honorable bates Cooke. His if ceipt for the money with an attested power of attorney attached, has been pass ed to tbe Comptroller's office as a voucher; and the deed of release, executed by the ' Chiefs or Head JK ".of the tribe, and authenticated by a hti;' judicial officer, and the chief executive of the Sjjate ol New York, depoViud with the Secretary of State, bf him recorded, and placed on the proper' file in that office. . -- The balance which- remained unpaid of the last subscription of the State for stock iu the Roanoke Navigation Company, and which that Company, for a long time, declined receiving, on thegraund that they were entitled toVinteresl on so much of the subscription aAwus not promptly paid,. ;has been dischargeit A certificate fur the i i i P . i srr i. - o t rii wnoie numDer of shares, iu, m diuu each, (subscribed UiJ the State, was therc- uponTurnished bf the Company, which h'a noon .pa.nritii j State, and returned to this office, aciee- my to ihe airection of the Actfwr nerni. tuatingt.' e evidence f stork. A-certifi' rate for tlie stock held by the Slate in the Plymouth Turnpike Company (100 shares at 325)has likewise been plucured, record ed, and fi'ed in this office; la the near 1823, the President and Directors of the Literary Fund 1n este.1 a poriion of the rash belonging to that Fund in sfork of the djanks of Newbern and Cape Four. 'These banks continued " to pay the tax of one per centum or. the -hares-thus purhased, and held in the name of the president and Directors of . the Literary' Fund, s on shares "not owned by the State," until the present year. The. collection of this tax is now resisted by the President of the. Bank oil Newbetn, and a deduction of that whicb was paid tor (he years 1828, 29, 30 antf ; 31, from that which is due for the present year on the other shares notxjwned by the State, claimed on the ground that the : State is he proprietor of those ..shares V and that,cnn'sequently, the word's "not owned, Sc." exempt them fromthe tax. The question was immediately put into a train fr adjudication before the proper tribunhl, by a motion in the Superior Court! of Wake ; county, for judgment: agaitibt the bank for thVwhule amount of tx, as heretofore paid. The opinion of the Court sustained the claim of the b;ink, and an appeal lias beep taken to the Supreme Court. Should .the decision be ultimate ly against the State, and should the Le gislature amirove the II . -- 7 v . . bank of (ipe. Feur be ileal t by accord ing to such decisioti, a ilirectofy resolution of such purport would be sufficient au thority to act accnrdinjr'y. The file marked G, accompanying thi'n port, contains a detailed statement vt re the nett amount ofthe ddferent branches , of the onlirtary revenue, and the cash rc ceied thereon ; also the receipts from other sources nut appropriated to.particu lar funds, and payable into the Treasury, from the 1st of November 1831, to tir& 1st of NoAtember 183. fhe aggregate amount of Treasury note's issued,. -the several amounts burnt, and the bajanee unredeemed and iu circula- . tion on the first of Nov. 1832, are exhibit-, ed in statement Ki The diminution of their return upon this office for redemp tion, it will be perceived, has been very material. . . A statement of the amount of insnlverr cies allowed by the Comptroller, in set tling w ith each sheriff appears in file II. ) Shows the number of shares of ban stock owned by the Stale, and by thf Pre sident and Directors ofihe Literary Fund exhibiting also the number on which the dividends have been appropriated to the several funds respectively. ' . (L).Bank exhibits received at this of fice since the last Assembly. (M) A statement of the account of tfvd State of North-Carolina" with the State Hank, for the .original subscription ot 2,500 shares, showing, w hen, and in what payments were made on this account. All which is respectfully submitted, W.M. S. MHOON, Pub. Treas. OXFORD MALE ACADEMY. fiWWu Trustees have engaged Mr. .Iaiks II. i. VYiLKKS to take ctiaiye oi thi.i bem.narfr ttie ensuii g Veat'. The Winter Session will ; comtT.cnc.e the Second Monday of -January next. The qualifications of Mr. Wilkes are well known, and are highly appreciated by all whp M'e acquainted .'with them. Tlie course cf Studies will be auch'as will pre pare ivr any ot our Colleges. rJ.)..Td in respectable tamihes is cheap, and 39 jrd is t..mud for health, nior-ihty nud j-norft the Ttrustees feel confident tha ttiei. socie y will ciontiuue to receive Us tiereiofore, A Cadet a iiuerHi 11a 1:1 1 ...'.11 nil E-rrTl',.T Kri "1r Session, of 5 months, and for. i iiitiini n in iui un ..iikti.. " e4iiio sa. the Lahguagen payat)le in auvance. MES M.-WIlGIN8. secVy Oxford, Nov.V." 14, 1832. ? 2m, Tffjrte UBS CJil BE Rf) V V w 111 WJIUJi t tiieir Entire Ar an' SliASOAltLK, FANCY Al DRY GOOD! ItfllWlVAilE ASD CUT.. hats, lacks. ani cotton cA Foolscap and Letter Paper, liluhk ifol Spelling Books, &c. Sc. PCow opening therS'oref corn r of Etchnng-e Square ami I fiiUherough St reet wiiich tWej t-ftVr n liberal terms, at WHOLESALE clu-ively. Their Stock havinc been selected with clire. from the late Sales in Vew-York, they flatter I ll n.a,.r.... 1. . . , . I :n.1.tiumbntr . m..lr.ii ' in. 'i-al T lllvjr V " Htliut lllinnf waftii' it worthy the attention of drjlos generally. Among their Stock wdl he found a GENERAL AbSOIl I'M ENT OP , Supeitine lllne nd tl.ck. Broad Cloths K i-ie) & and Salti'tells Brown :nd Hi. ached Shectirijrjl 81 Shirtijijs Sup. FW;v and Cpipmon Frhi'S K lieit, Wime and Green P nnel Poin', littfiJe ard iUoie dKnke; Tickings i d Cheeks ! inestic Plai Is aiil Jtripes Plain and F gured !fio6kMus1ir.s PUin and V fiired C imhiic XIasUiTs 5-1 8t 6 4 J dkuntt Muslin V - -"'fl 1 Bobbinttt and Cotl u Liices Iunstable ami Leghorn Kannets?v" ' ' i Balls Cwtton Yafn,;&c&c. t " T6ged.tr with a very great, tsrietjr of Artlelifl , too numerous to partiCuLiiiie in an adveriifw nu.nt.1 ':t''" .f' '. J : v- 't i .1 . v.v I .4: m -

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