KALEMH REGISTER NOBTH-CAttOLIlfA GAZETTE! . . r, ' fe:' p if. r 'tt; ... IN -.SENATE. HhndityC Dec 10. Mr. Clay appeared tp-dy, and took his jeal. .1" ' ' 'Ine foUo.ing ;were announced as the Staltding Committees during the session " 7 'J .;em -.! Messrs. FuiSvth. Ki.iir, lie! Ail H'Vrrt. : Tfln!mMu. ' , fty VKsrs. Smith, TylerMSil.-be, , fAt t'ommerc. Messrs. King, Dudley, Silabee, . JM? .lrtyacrfi-t SfcTs. tlicevsoif, Clay, r F i)v iJlzrkuWiirt ' Mew. Sevmour, Brown, i 11 1 ' !vti . "Vi'xir ti'AJrt ). Toot. v , JJfefcii ri vi Waits. M essrs Beirton, TjCp'ip. I:- ' ''tV.-J- ,. .. ,t . . "T . tiii ? fl.. a ... r,: -tJII tM imitlliu Messrs. noooison, uwtikm, It . mt natal tfmibrs.-r-.ksbrs. dhu, simui, iwu- i. .. w. ,m .... -. '(ii'iPvbic lMHh. -Messrs. Kane.-Tipton, .XIo;i-e"t 'iolaitN; rentsss. lAiPtUcir Ijtind Claims. Messrs. Poiodexter, J5a:l0, Proi-1s. ltIrs, Kght. til Iiidan J fairs lessr. Tpnp,i Benton, PjfjdcXt-rVVlkujst Kr'-lij3fhuseu. '.? On ClSirr-Msse 1 s. Rig Be II, Nudain, Bron, MjfiiV. ,; . in$U..JduiHf-Utisn. WdkinsWebs: er, ' TPw tinfjhuy1."!!, iuudy, Manjfiiin. (On (tie Tost OJJIce, and Po&t Roads -Mf ssfs. Griindy,' tIdl,fEw n.f , T .Hilin-ion, Bur.kner. ,On itOiffs Mitd Canals--Mts-rs. Hendricks, Spra1i-! DtiJavH ll. Bnckli. r. . 'I Qn .lm-:otfii2U''r'. Ky;t,Ciiambers,Dicker- sbn; Sfl-iiie Port.dextr. On r Jiiylr'et'of CkSnbia. M esysra. Cliatn btrs, I Iff, i Hi't -s i':i..tMii, Milltr. Onthc lontingcnt Fund.---Messrs. Knight, Dud- i On 1'jfiyMkSed Bills i-flL-s-srs. Kobbtns, Kobin S6n,.l.wmi?. - m L M r. Kar.e.inf rgdrtted a bill supplemen tary t an iicttoiaullionze the Terri t'.rfy tffVFIifridayto bj)en!a Canal from the . Appalychicola fiver trt't.Andrews Bay j wbiej wasread and ordered to a second r reanrng.; , v ; O:ootin of Mr, Kane, it was .feCf-ved, Tti if Miniu"'.! nf the messAfr. of the Pts d m :.s refer.; to Pu!l;ck;l.;nl8, be referred .t;llf Coti1 niitt. e on l'u j,lie L:u-ds ? Mr M.oore-'pfierl the lolloping rcso u;tMn. ' . f It Mt't'ed, ,Tht the Committee onPufehc Lnwl? e instructed lo .f nquno into Hie expedi " tMc of i rmi;ijr in : IVi'I ie iur'ni.e,- the price c! -the I'ulitic infills, so us to . utlior zc its sa'e ai Si:pl prjjce on'y an will reimburse ihe United fjHiteS h.r t'.e-Ctrrent ..i.nn:d expe diturc for ai 'Tnir:ss"erM'rihe Jand .system. :nr, tlische.reinc '-he jiu.'i.ii iiitiiMiHtrKiiii .-tisu, itvr sriuiiiijj 'u j nomas, ot Marvland. seit!f!S, a pre.?pttKLu. rjjjlit 'o 'lie.r improve- I 0,t j ,-!tiri. Messrs. Kerr. Crei-hton, Wil jT.ent3 at such prc,.- may be est.bUhed. j iiams, Huntington, Allan, of Ky. Potts and John On jnoti of Mi Grunily, so much of i Kin. 1le P' esid-luU?! Mess'-fe as relates t fh " Rrrtfu'ionary Prnsnps M'essrs. Hubbard, P Ohice aTVd; Post R;,ads was referred J' Denn' Pciuik',V BucUtf, Soule and . : -mi i Cnoate. to that Committee. j Gn Inr;(J VWfOT. Messrs. Unrrr,.,. Porrl. &Qll nothm of Mr. Smith, so ranch r.f rt th 'Message as relates to therinanoex, ' ' ni tftrpi'o-n RlatvntU. wpia rpii'irwl t, 1 thP .atmrantiaff. ('o.omitie.es. " On lotion of Mr. King, so much f !he J " . " Me-age as relates to ihe Commerce of the Country, was referred to the Comuiit tfce. orf Commerce. : Ou Motio'j o .Mr. Dalla-;, so much of the Me---;!ge as refers to Naval AQairs, was leferied to thai Comnattee. r -Tuisduyy Dec.. 1 1 . Mr.,Cfav g.-ve notice thai !ie wouiu to- . i ,1. morrow agam . introduce ne lmu tor"apj)ro- i i p: i "Hng T'raa limited tiine, the proceeds of th public laiid. MiV" Wiikius iiitrodoced.a bill to pro vide for the satisfaction tof claims for French spoliations prior to 1800. Refer red-io a seieci committee. The 'S-'iiate proceeded to- the election of.a.Cj'iplaiij and the.Rev. Mr. Pie, a Hi iomaiVCaiftolic, wa$ elected, having 22 votes, iv Kusacll 12, anu Mr. iatcn,4. TT'ednesduy, Dec 12. ,jVlrBxickner ptesented a bill granting laJid tf the State of Missouri for opening a Canal in the. Big Swamp betvyeen the watejh'OF" St. Francis, Cape 'Girardeau . and-ftwe 'Mississippi. . lav, JtirjceaO! v to notice, introdu- Ced lus bill t,o appropriate the proceeds of jhe pubr.c fsinls tor a limited time, which, motion tf Mr, Kane, was referred to the IjTand Conunitti e. . Mr. Chambers ntrnduceti?a bill provf d.ii'g for tbejinal settlement of the claims id-Sfntcs -for. interest ou advances made to the U Spates, "i Mtv FtHst lh intfodtoced a bill io nrp- vide for the falfilnu nt of the compact of j o.)2, between the U. tates and Oeorgia.. Refci re'i to the Coipioittee on Indian At- i:.iii v ; Tn Resoiutitin otTeretl on Monday by Mr. Moore was 'm ml iff d by adding an amend, men t dfrecting theCouiftiittee to en qeire into the expediency of relinquishing ' to-ih.e. S'atesm whu h they It. , a.1 there fuselandsj and the Resolution was. agreed . , t Tliursdiiy, Dec 13.. ,. ' f Mr? Smith, instructed by the Commit tee on Finance, offered the Tollowitig res- dutum: ( ' i Jitsohed. That the Secretary' of the Treasury ijertih ected, ''with-as lijttl delay as may be, to fur nishithe' Senate with the' project of a bill for re-dufm-the duties levied, upon imports, l.i confor liiity with the suggestions made ,by him in his an iiua't re port. .-Wb . . resolution-lies' on the table. - A communicatitni from the Comtnision c r: of the Plb:!C Buildings on th Subject tif Ssrertiiitures irsre the, last session was iead. xj'td orderrd to be printed. - ' Mr. Fiegiuyse ininiduced a bill for W:f?'. ' '-Mi. D'SBaW a bill sunbleinentarv IfvlH ft lv J act tiMtie tV ctually to provide, for the v; panishtuent f t certain crimes against the 4 :t . ts. Referred to .the Committee.on iihe Jud.csary. " "' , ,i -A Jle.Ji.-ution -.wax passetF "in strut fin? iMtjti Gioiatec' hiquire, into the expedie 'tbllishi!ig a Lad Office red in inatjmqv ine'counijr. iaieiy ru' by purctseSi o.m the Fottawattorafedri ot Indians : ; "A joint Resolution onS fed by Mr.Smith. to provide tr prihting the annual state ments of Commerce pd Natation, was taken up and ijadeye.dTo lie-ion the table. The Senate a-'jouraeil, on motion ol Mr. Holmes, till Monday .,.-. HOUSE OF EPH;:SKXTA'nVES. 1 Monday Dec. 10. Mr. Dratou and Mr. M'Dnffie, of S. Cirolina. Mr. McCai t v, of Indiana, and Mr. Allen, of Virginia, appeared this day. The following fmmittees were announ ced to have been appointei by .the Sneak er in nuKuanc of the ordeis of the Hoa3e on 'J'hnrsdav last : . ' i On Elfctions. Mpsp!. ClH'bnrne, Ttandolpli Holland, (ifiiiH-tli-J'.f, Oodier and Arnold. On Hays iitiijtf' Means. Me'-. VcrpUuk, lo eejsofl, ti.lmoie, AlexiiiJcr, Wilde, (1 .'uhtr and I'o'k.. 0, . "', ' s On Clnirrs- Messrs. Vliitt!esev, Berber, M' IntiT' , Ii;ne, KOneiitr, Day nd reuiicli. On Commerce - Mt ssis Can.i rrh-n, Howard, $iilhei t-nu, Ntw tou, Da is, of "Muss, and Har per. . . On Public Lands Me-srs. Wickt ir, Duncan, '!av, lrviiill-.tni. Ftiimmt r and Mnsoh. On the Foil Ofiieaud fast Jinads M-sra. Ctmner. Un.sell.Virce, llainmouU, KavjU.tugH Doiibit-dv 'nJ Ito ne. On the JJhirut of Colinnlia- Messrs. Wash-in.fftt-n, Se!ii'i:tri, (Jltnin, Jtiiilcr, V. U. Slep.rd ai d McKeonon. I . j On the J-wry-:Messrsl BellJ'TEJlsworth, Da nie1, Foster, Gortlon, BeardsSey and Coulter On ift'voi'utionaru dawn Messrs. Sluhleobnr.h, Nuckolls, Crune, Bates, of Mass. Sitandifer, M'ar shall and Newnan. ' i vjf On I'upfic iJy t.,r7lrp-s-r--Messrft. f tall, of N. CaroliiTH, Davenport, Lvon Tl'iompion, of Ohio, Pierson, Henry Kin and Brings. On 1'riruU Land Chain'. Messrs. Johnson, of Ten. Coke, SUnbcryj iMai-dis, Cai-r, Eullard and Asldey. : On Matut fuditrex. Messrs. Adams Hoffman, Lewis Condict, Findiuy, Horn, . YVorthington and Barbour, of Viriia. . - ' , On . ,'qrrii xi! u- f. Messrs. "Root, McCoy ,"of Va. Smith, of Fenn. Chundier, McCoy, of Penn. and Tompkins. . .Oh 1'niian JJfniyi. Messrs. Lewis, Thompson, of Genrqfia, Angel, Storrs, Lecompte, Kcnnbn and HawkiiH. On Military . 7;? Messrs Johnson, of Ky. Vance, Bia-ir, ofS. C. Speight, Adair, Ward and Thomas, of Iouisiana. On Xavul .ijfizirs. Messrs. Anderson, White, of N Yoj'k, Milligan, wVmoug-h, Putton, Dear born, Lansing. On Fori i j ,, . Ijfgir. Messrs. Archer, Everett, of Alass. Tmv?i:v ( 'r-.iU fi I luriiwpll Wsviic ! Evan, of Maine, jfteed, of N. Y. Djtwart, Sladfe aiui southard . f t)n A'.v and Van ah Messrs. Mercetw Bla'r, of Tenn. -Letcher, Vhton, Ciaig, ; Leavitt and i Jewett. j 0n Waw Unfithhed Bush,?. Messrs Reed, .of Mass. Bouck and Silas Coiiflit. On cfiouwij.-r-Me-s-a-s. Burgen, BurdandHod SCSV, The residue of this dav's sitting was occupied in, a continuation of tje ball tiling tor fetrgeant-at-Ann, which resulted on the last ballot, in the election of Thomas B. Randolph, of Virginia. Tuesday, Dec. 11. Mr. Stewart presented a p"fition pray ing for a su jscriptio tf a million of dol lars towards the Stock. of the Western Section of. the,pienpcake and Ohio Canal. Mr. Boon and Mr. V lay, 'cac'i ofl'ei ed Resolutitms instructing the Land Commi'. I tee on the subj ect d reducing the pricl of the public laml, anl on the propriety or surrendering the refuse lantK, altera given period, to the States in winch they lie, -fi. - One of the Resolutions passed without mjjecuuM , uui on ine other appearing, Mr. William observed that lie could see no reason for being in suclf haste to act upon this all important subject, and moved that the subject be postponed, till Monday. This inutiod after some oppo sition from'the mover, and Mr. Speight, was car. ied by Yeas knd Nays, 106 votes to 78. ; ., . . : A motion was then made. to reconsider the first ReVduiion, which" was carried, and tha was postponed a'so. Mi. Mardis orT.'reti a Resolution arant ing settlers on the public lands a right of pre-enipflon which after some debate. ; was also postponed till Monday. y report was received ..from the Secre tary ol the Treasury, accompanied bv a Report of the Agent employed by the Department to examine into the aft'tirs of the Bank of the United State, which stated all the demands against the Bank to be 36 millions, and the means' of the Bank o nurt these demands 79 millin, anil that the Bank could nt. thereupon be other than a safe deposit for the public funds. " Mr. WicklitTe moved that 10,000 copies of this Report be printed ; but the motion lies till to-morrow.- The Speaker laid before the House a letter from Mr. Biair, of S. C. requesting, for obvious recoup, to be. excused from serving on the Coiiimittee on Military Affairs. Granted. Wednesday Dec 12. Mr. Cambr-lengs .Resolution fa'ling for the correspondence 'With the President ot the Bank of tne t. Slates, &c. was ta ken up and agreed to.v The Resolution ijnrTered yesterday fir printing 10,000 copies of the Report of the Agent of the Treasury, as to jhc ex isting condition of .;the ttauk of the Cni ted States, was (alien up. ;Mr. Cambreieng wished the motion postponed, until the correspondence call ed lor on thi suhjett should , be received, that btdh might be printed together. ' After some' debate the motion to post &r i ..'! 'v . pone was netire 1QI votes 3to 85, and the Resolution was agreed to. The'House then proceeded to the elec tion of a Chaplain, and the Rev. W ni. flammet, of Virgin a, 'received 108 votes out of1 i T9, and was of cuie, elected. ; The liouse then went into a Committee, and resumed the.consideration of the Resolution proposing to refer so much pi i he messageof the President as relates to the I&nk of t!ie U. States to a Select Committee. The question being on an amendment olTe.ed by Mr. Wayne, with power to call (or person?, and on the Bai.k and its Tranches lor papers, and to examine wit- ne-s-s, general !V m reierauep iu "c1- ration-i of the Bank." On this question j an ajiimated debate of two. Inmrs took idace, which resuhed in the rejection oi the amfiidMient by a large majority. Mr. Watmnugh th-n mined t amend the Resolyiion, so as to refer the, subject to the- Committee f Ways and Means, insteld.of a elect Committee ; wlu n the TCommittee rose and the House adjourned. Thursday Dec 13. On motion of Mr. Cfook, the Commit tee on Canals, were instructed to enquire into the expedienc y of making a Survey to ascertain the practicability of connecting L'lkesEi'-Te and Ontario bv a Canal round the falls .of Niagara ; and also the gs.n dienry of erectina Pier m the Niagara, at or near the vilyge of Yourgstow n. Mr. Wick lifie nropoMl a R- solution directing the Clerk of the House to enm- puunicate to tlie Senate a Copy of the Re port, with the documents accotnn;t?:V'ng it, made by the Committee on Public Lands, on the luhject.of the Chickasaw Treaty, and there-ei vation of lour miles q'iare in said treaty.' Debate arose on this Resolution. It was ohjectfd to, as interfering with the Executive dufieafof the Senate, and, after some debate, ivj-cted 91 votes so TA. Tiie Speaker laid before the House, a communica1 ion from the Secretary ol the Treasur y eovei ini copies of i be ('orre-ptni tlei.ee of the President of lite Bank ol the Cni'ed States with the house of Baring and-Brothers. Friday. On motion of Yl i Die 14. . Rjot, a resolution v;;s adoptetl, directing the Directorof Che Mint tt report the propre?y of adjusting m ire nearly the weight of our Gold to our Silver Co n, than ir is ai prestu. The IIousi resumed th Report of th-Com-ttittee of the whole on the President's message, containing a series td Resoluti ons distt ibuting the various subjceis to uistiiKt committee. After some little tlebate, the who'e were agreed to. Sundry Resolutions were offered, and referred. STATE LEGISLA LHE. IN SEX VI E; Thursday. Dec. 13. Bills presented. By Mr. Hinton, a bill furtlter o improve the police of ;he town of VVa'shmgton. By Mr. Melvin, to re peal' in pun an Act passed in'18tj, to re peal an Act passed in 1830, directing the County Courts to pay fees to certain Of ficers there) niiJiimed'in certain cases, so far as relates to certain c :untie mention ed in said Act. By Mr. Hogan, to ameml an Act far the divisiou of Rowan, passed in 1822. These bills passed tlteir first reading. The engrossed bdl to incorporate the H iywond Boating Company, was read the Mhird time and ordered to be enrolled The Senate then entered upon the or- . . thG (la an(l were "ccupied du ring the remainder of the sitting, in the consideration of the; bill to establish the Bank of North-Carolina It was recom mitted to a Committee of the whole Hou4e, Mr. Wilson in the Chair, and sundry amendments were proposed to it and car ried. On,motion of Mr. Martin, the Com mittee rose and recommended the nass:tw ot the 'bifi, the? second tune, whch was concurred in bv the Senate 39 to'22. r"- eed . . - --- -- - , Friday, Dec. 14. Petition presented By Mr. Bailey, the Memorial of sundry citizens of Currituck, Pasquotank and Pt-rquimons, praying that a Branch of any Bank witich the Legisla ture may charter, may be located at Eli zabeth City. Reatl and referred Bill presented. Sy Mr. Skinner sup plemental to an act passed in 1809, di recting how" ivf persons injured by erection of public mills, shall in future nroreed to hp. covee damages. Read thp first timo . 3 -r.jfc. vi in c that the amount due him bv the State ' - De deposited in the Public Treasury, until called for by his legal representatives. The. Senate then took upthiBaiik bill, to whficb suntlry amendments were'made, the most material of whicit was a reduction of the Capital irom;hree Mil Iron's to Oiie Million tight hundrcil, thcusatid dollars. 1l ore any questioaas taken on the pas sage of the bdl at its third reading, it was, mi motion, referred to a select Committee for revision and correction. ' " vj. Saturday, Dec. 15. 'FHilimi's presmted.y Mr Martin, the Memorial of -sundry citizens oI'RoqR- Mr. Hogan presented a Resolution ' - al 118 u.rtpn?aeratin be postponea which was passed andisent to the House ln(!eftnite1 was aSreed t0 34 to for concurrence, requesting the Speakers j 26, aS ",,ows: of btth Houses to correspond with Jude I For ti,e Posl!oni;Vient'y,les1Ki- Askew, B-ll,. Hall and ascertain whether his health 1 s nt ?u" ck S'f ' (iw',rr' o.,ik; 4 ti. 'conn ! AJishoiigh, Fa.sao." Harrison, Hawkins, t onon. sulhciently restored to enable him to at- hluss.yT Latham,. udsty, Marshall, M.tthew. tent, the next term of the Supreme Court, j Mevin, Moot-om fy. of tlertford, Montgomery,: Mr. Hinton, from the Committee ap- of 0rni?- Moyt. " t Greene, Moye, ot Pnt, Nor pointed on lhat part of the Governor's !T,n' . RUodeS' tl, Simmoss, ' skinner,' Message relating to the late J. K i St & Forsy th, ma.de a report, which was con- .Igedmt the postf., inzment Messrs. Allen, Alii--curred in by the Senate. rerommonHino- sou. Bri tain. i;af "fm. Caitt-i. nnfic '.. ingham county prayittg the establishment of. a Bank or; the Branch of a J5ank at Leakesvillk I By Mr. Hogan, of sundry citizens of paywlsbn, praying also the b cation of a B;lik sat Lea'kesville. Read and reten en. - - Bills pTeaehfed.Rj Mr. Morris, ap pointing lay bry on Rocky River joining Ans'.m and Mmfgmery counties- Py M r. Co! !i ns, t oregul ate the County Courts, of Wa-h ngtoni Read the first time. Mr. Montgomery, ol Hertford, from the Committee of!?(ikpsitions and Grievan ces, made a favorable report on the peti tioifof Mastitf Df. 'Crawford, Clerk of the Count'y CoirrtvOf Richtnond. Concurred in, and the re(,,oution reported sent to the House. Mr. Leaweiitrom the uitmimee on in ternal Improvonen'V made an. unfavorable report on the rH refei retl to him to ena ble the Count ' -of, Macon .ttKcomplete the Tenne-see Rrer Road, which was con curred in, ancj the bill rejected. On motioitfT. Mr. '1 oomer, - licsnh ed, Th.:f;: the Committee on Finance be instnicted to enct jn-e into the expediency of re pealing that secth of 'the Revenue Act of 1822, which imposes tax ot 2UJ on Lxchange Uiti- ces, .c. Th. iollowij 'r engrossed bills from the ofh' r House re read antl ordeied to be enrolled. viz.:-JjVmendatory of the act -of 1831, authorisg the Governor Jo grant cert da lar.ds ( the Trustees of Frank'in Academy -i'n-;,icon countv ; and to alter 'the titui of it' cv'ngantl renewingth botuls tf certain Offiiilrs in Mecklenburg county. Tlw Seiiatt 'look up the bill to amend the Judici try f yte of the State, a no af ter i!iscussion.Mr. Morris - nuved for itsi intlefinite po.sfr' Vnemeirt. .Mi .'Hinton mov ed 'oat the b"!i be 1 iid upon the tablf, whxh motioi: 1 vi;;g precedence was put and decided it the anii 'native 31 to "27. 3i ndfty, Dcc. 1 7. Petitions pi hinted By Mr. Moore, f'; pe:itons, a-hni Stokt s county in thi Sr 4te aid ' rick county in Virginia, prayitif the loc, tioti ot Batking Capital at LeakfsvMll'e.'. .; 3 ,'Mr. Wilson, from a Vol!in;!e;r Cow an'y at Tarboro praying an exemption'ft m a '-tending Militiadi ills after iaviogl's j ved for a period of five years in said, ci ;npany. . Read and reler iet I.- " ; ' f " 'Bills presents By Mr. Allen, giving longer tjme' f -r paying in . etry mottey. Bv Mr. 4Lintlsai;'. to repeal an act pa-sed at last session one'erning tlvse persons who are mtereij ed in the beach and ntar hv lands lying n Currituck counfv. By Mr Spencer,. a jointing adtlitional Trus; tees of Rush A a,tleiny in. Hyde county. Read the first t ikie antl passed , The engro7.se j Resolution in favor ot Zachariali W.C indler, of Buncombe, was on motion of M- Allen indefinitely post poned. , ? The en?ro-se I bill to incorporate two Volunteer Ciu'r:ariie!s in Pisquotanlc coun ty, and th' eng"'o!ed bill amending th-' Patrol Laws t far as. rebite to Camd n. Pasquotank, Choy.an and Gates cdunties, weie read the t! ird times antl ordered-to be enrolled. ( i The ApTop iation billow as received from the Ilo'use,.- read the first time and o-adf the ordef )t t).e day for Thursday and the b'-tl mere; tCttectually to prevent I tigaiion and ij avoid su't at law, pass ed its secoiro n iding 40 to 18. J . -' P Tut day. pec 13. Bills presenter By Mr. Wellborn, to alter the time f r theSherilf of Wilkes to mAi' hi settiee ient with said countv. By Mr. Matthe s, amendatory af an act pa-sed at lasf sessitu; authorizing the ituihling uf a f di bridge over R . noke River at Weji(n. -.'By Mr. -Simmons, to divorce-Rebecca; Ann Smi'h, ot Cabarrus County, n Oiiyrher1; husband fwhicii bills parsed their first reading..' ; Mr. V uson, tjoin .the Committee ofFi nance, reported'a ' bill to amend an act passed iii,183l, ;to increase the iiibilitv ot Sheriffs, ami to provide more effectually for the collection of taxes. Read the first time. .-h ' Mr. Leake, from .the Committee on In ternal Improvements, made an unfavora ble report on th - Memorial of sundry citii zens of Beaufort county, praying an ap propriation for. opening Pungo River.- concurred ui. Mr. Leake, from the joint select Com mittee on the srbject of a .? Conventioni reported a bill providing for the call of a Convention for tixing oh a Seat of Govern ment for this SjtMtt,: which was read the first tiine. Mrl4fil son moved that the 1; C" I further consideration of the said bill be PfPne untii Tnurday next, which was not agreed to. Mr. Collins moved i , i . r r i , - ' ' ""..v-i, v,a r in. i ;" 'v"v" '"V-"4"i "wvji, iv err, i.ant, " . ... ...o.tY, inuillll, iVIOOle, Parham, Parker, Sv?dman, Tdorjier, Tyson and Weliorn. 26." Mr. Havvkinjfrnm the Military Com mittee, reported t Restdution, wiach was concurred in " ar iT sent to the House of Commons, direcrsg the Atljutant General not tojcrnnieucr 4tiy proceedings to en force any forfeit ire against tlme delin quents referred.: J n his cec-nt report. Mr. H. from ; e same Committee, to whom was re-let .il several Resolutions instructing thehi o poquirelinto thfe expe diency of revisitithe Mtliia Laws. orint- nig ana tiHtnoutf ;g the -ame; also to en ' " " ,. - ;. , , , ., -f - V ''.; - ,, f " - 5,: , -. v ' . . '; . " ' ' , '. ;;. 7 f he 4th -and 5th Divisions, as to make 'ordan; Judkiiw, Luncaster, Lee, UttV ; i n from them ari'additional Division, made a fa"j!S,y.Tl.rt-,ie1' Murr:i.vt .ct-a, mc,; i . -i i l .i - i iCMilian, IS(..MSon, Norman, Ou'liw fu detailed report thereon .accompanied bv r..,"- a bill ' to amend the Militia Laws,' s. T. sawyer, F. A.9.wr. 8hen.,p,'fV tt- which was read and ordered to be printed The bill more effectually to prevent liti gation and toavoul sjiits at law, was taken up, ajiierMed n Mr. Welrborn's motion, bv striking oiit the whole 'of the second section, and then read the third time and ordered to be engossed. " The, engrossed bills to authorize tie aUering and amending of the State road running through tlie countv ofU'Ha'y wootl ' ton. 1? "n, Irvine, r.dford, Locke, Loudei-m Vesting in the County Courts of- the State the right ol -establishing additional places of public sale in their respective counties, antl amendatory of the several acts incorporating the Roanoke and Cape Fear Navigation Companies and prescrib ing the mode ot enforcing the collection of Tolls, were read the third time aiid or tiered to be enrolled. Jt. Wednesday Dec. 18. Bills presented. 15 v Mr. Montgomery, of Hertford, to authorise the County Courts of Hertford andGates to lay a tax to defray the expenses incident to calling out the Militia (luring the insurrection in Southampton county, Va. and for other purposes. By Mr. Alien, to divorce P61 !v Buckner fr?n her husband Edward Buckner. Read the first time. l Mr. Montgomery, of Hertford, from the committee of Propositions and Griev ances, reported a bill to emancipate Lt tlebury, a slave, the property of J. D. Scott. Read the firt .time. Mr. Williams, from the select commit tee on the subject, reported the Bank Bill with sundry amendments, which were read and agreed to, and made the order v. of the day for Fi idav next. Vt f ViillK,.rn e.iKmillQil o T? ocnl ii t i on Joseph Welch of Macon, which in favor of Charity Webb, of Vilkes 5 j readyig. also one in lavor of Benjamin Kelly, . of V M'. G. A. Thompson, from the sanl county. Mr. Boddie, a Resolution in favor of Saml. W. VT. Vick, antl Mr. Hin ton, one authorising the loan offJl.fl.es &c. to a company in Beaufort whicltr were read antl referred. . ; The b.ll to alter and amend the Judici ary system of the State, was taken up and discussed. Messrs. Carson and Hinton advocated the bill and Mr. Wellborn op posed it. It was finally postponed inde finitely 31 to 29. We musi defer the puoiicatiod ot the i eas ana in ays. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Thursday, Dec. 13. - Bills presented. lly VI r. Gary, to pre vent tiie obstrucuon of fish passing up the Roanoke and Cashie Rivers. by Mr. O'Brien, to repeal in part an act pa-sed in 1787, ch 278. for makirg process in equi ty efl'ecual against persons who abscond and who resitlV witnout the limits of the Srate, antl loi better.regulaiing the pro ceetlings in Corn's of Equty, and for other purposes. By Mr. C. W ooten, to amend ai act pased in 1826, appointing Commissioners 'or the tovvn of K.iiston in the county of Lenoir. By Mr. t lay ton, to alter the time of holding, tine of the terms of the county--Court in Buncombe county. By Mr. Stagings, to allow fur dier time to openSjit)ks for the purpose f receiving ubscrir i ions for stock in the LaUe Drummond and Orapeake Canal Company. TnfS bills parsed their first reatl ing. Mr. Towns nd from the Committee on Propositions aVd Grievances, tnade an untavorable re pert tn ti.e petition of sun dry inhabitants .f Wnitesville, which was concurretl in. ' - tr. Burns submitted a series of Re solut ous, which were adopted, instruct ing the Committee on Military Affairs to enquire 1st As to tiie expedien cy of mounting a portion of the Field Pieces' throughout the Statef of the de nomination til twti, fouratid six pounders, and of procuring ammunition for the same, to be. disti ibu ed at such places as said Committee may recommeud. 2d. To en quire into the causes whichiiave produced such a diminution in the number of Ac iillejry Companies. 3d. To enquire into the expedienc v of encouraging an augmen tation of Cavalry Corps. 4th. -To en quire into the expediency of encouraging uniform volunteer companies of Infantry, of pi icing pub ic arms in their possession, and of mfusing'more energy into the Mi litia than thoy now possess, by placing j them on & more ernaent establishment. 5th. To enquire into the-expediency of immediately procuring from the General Government our quota of Cartridge boxes with belts! for the same, with bayonet cases, pjstol holsters &c. that they may be ready 1 for use when occasion requires them. The bill to repeal thejact exempting Teact:ers ot Schools, &c. from musterin0 atlil working on Roads, was indefinite! V ! an ' -unhappines stmongs ihnse whose of the day, and resolved itselfjnto a Com mittee of the whole. Mr. Bragg Ifh -the" Chair, on the bill making an appropria- tion of 850,000 and appointin ? timiri:. sinners to rebuild?the Capitol on Union Square in the City of Raleigh. Mr. Long took the fl Mir jn support of the bill, and after sp aking some time, the Committee roseand recommended the pusssage of the bill fo the flnuse. Before the question was put, Mr. McQueen rose and addressed the Houtie at length against the bill. When he concluded, the question was loudly called for, and being put Shall this bill j as?w its second reading? w;as de cided in the auirmative, 73 to 6Q. liose who voted in the affirmative, were f Mossr Adams, Arringtoti, HakerOlowe', Rod I.e. Bonner, Borden, ltag, lieerfian, llurAs, t:,irter,CL- k,Ctomai.,(,.r;niie, Cromwed, Darnel, Fo cie, i;ary, ti-e, G lt!evie, Grady, Graves, lUmmoix1, llii-d.son, H.j);r. Unrriswo, liartU, Hiniotvjiurhtj Jaiyis, J. tt. Joucs.K. June'. Sk'nner,;'Spruii:, StaH:og, Stephens, Sl j. . i nom.'.son. L I bompson. Ti'let c, ' send, Tin stall, Mrd, Welch, Willey, i A'v Wot-ii, O. ooten, 73. Those who voted in the negative wefe' Messrs. Abernaty, Allison, Barrtiger,' Br ;. er. Burm, Cn-ilt-r. Claton, Couits, CtinV, -. ham, ftJutlibertsoft, Davidson, Dcw., Diitlce.. Doherty. Ecc! - s, EJmonston, Emmiy, , r.aais-v-tiass, Vsittnrie, iiwynn, Hart, Hi! jj. Lyon, Mmgum, NLoMeUer, Mask, Monk, :M r'i': gonierj', McLaurin. McNeil, McQuemi, tHt, i Pet-pies, Pettrtion, Poindextea, Polk, Shuhc:u!4 S-lile,tS!rrwood, Sloan, Srpith, Thomas aaleil, adswoi-tb, Watson, lV.ever, .H'h,, Friday Dec. 14. Bills presfnted."My Mr. Wiseman, ? exempt' from execution a certain porti)f of the Farming utensils and household an kitchen furniture of the citizens of p;i sif..t Mr M, rY, i . i .- 1 Haywood Academy in Chatham countv By Mr'. Pierce, to provide lor the e',' couragement of learning. (Authorizes lottery ror tne Denent ot an Academy Jackson county.) i 1 hese bills passed their first reatH- Mr. Townsend, from the Committee 'JO. "5 Propositions and Grievances, made an m i favorable report on the petition of ChrL, nan tiiKcr. - voiicurreu in. f Mr. T. from the same Committee, i( whom a petition on the subject was refer red, reported a bill granting to Rltl ,; Freeman, a free man of color, the privj iege of preadiing or exhorting. Read tin hft tiinp. ? Mr. Bi-agg, from the Committee J viitiius lepoiieua ivesoiuiion, in faVoro" Committee, reported a Resolution, vhici passetf its nrst reading, m favor of tl. Onslow Militia. M;.. Gee withdrew from the nominate! for Councillor of State the name of Wit. : B. Lockhart, of Northampton. '.j The resignations of A Parker as Lieutj Pol. nf fli 4Tl!i D.-nLnvn I ' 1 ivriiiuciiii auu oi iorinat McLeod as Major of the 41st Regimes were read and accepted. The engrossed bill to abolish the off, of County Trustee in Buncombe, Naj Uytie, tiuiltortl, RowanOn slower Colu;i pus and Beaufoct, was read the ecn; time, and on motion of Mr S. T. Sawyer postponed n.defini'ely. Ine ''Appropriation bill" was read ik time, passed and ordered to be ei grossed. : The engossed bill to divorce John jberts and his wife, was, on motion of Air. Outlaw,, indefinitely postponed. : jTht bill to repeal in part an act passed : m l 806. to revise the Militia laws relatitf to the infantry, wasiread the second time, f and ou Mr. L. Thtinipson's motion, p ptisi'l ptetj i 'lenmtely, b2.to 34. i ne oi.i to repeat , the act to .corcp; i ii ... Vi'iaKes, csc. to bear arms, or pay 'a fas, as called up by Mr. S. T. Sawy'er. Mr. Stallings-moved for its indefinite nosH ponement. Mr. Eccles took the fl .orio opposition to this motion and Sfioke foi ; considerable time. We subjoin an al)- stracr or ins remarks : He hoped thAt a majority of the li? WhiH not coasffnt thus to destroy the bill. He t'Ut that not only ibis bill woidd pass, but that the! iia-nerai A-isembly Vtul1 take this opportumijl ot -expunging from our Statute Books every lafl cicurfaleri jo. interfere wiMi the religious crtrplt TTur Tellow-ct!i2,f jis, as they had never piomicl -dnutiiyirionB efff-cts. Why,, said he. shouToVve insist upon rien, principled agaii'i VVai, a .d every thing? connected with it, to mtf t r, o-f p,y a fine tor not doing so, when th Country :a in a state of peace ; when, We know they w tild surFerdea'h, sooner than comply will1.! such requisitions r 1 htse vexatious and itlibef al t-nacl inputs smf onlv to drive conscientious indusirious and peaceable Citizens into othe: States. It is known that a number of Q ink! amilirs, of properly, and highly respcctabl: staiilin li tve afrealv been driven avvav bv otTensive law, which tnis bill proposes to repe! And f what advant ige hs the law been to W St ite r Of none, but h .s tended to destroy i ctiarncter abroad for illiberattl v tc"waids our Qii k r brcthren. Mr. fcl. said he knew tiat th' Sf te had a perfect right to call upon a'l here tiz ns in times of emergency ior trd, and no per vns in the comrounity were more ready to bea' '.hrir share of dje public burthens than these rt ngious peoole ; but they are principled aijam war, nd wdl cootpbute, in no respect, to c-rm on. I hey are neverthless as firm frien.h their 'CSTUntm-Tjf.taberu ml free (iovermnen ;ts any men amnngt us. In proof of litis, Mri E said e mirTtterTVrto tl)eir Aposth-s .t l..b rt in old times CrfiSrVe Fox a id William Pen?" Why, then, !wukl these Statutes retailed j our.code, whenthev serve only to.t-xnite liiifnn1' iy reelings m inese conscient ouif i.'itizef.s, . 'irive firs; one and then another respec.n L- fai1 i'y from our State ? Would it not teid '; tn prosperity and happiness ot our Cainm, totreat ur felliJw-cjfiEens of every description, iu forbearance and kindness, and b ucii menri.0 cure thei' heny support of mirm.!it:it iis' A" opposite course, can ou t promote discon n :itl!i postponed. . ' " " crime is, I that they will thi.Ji for themM Thi- Hr,np tliPn r.rraAA tn tU nAa- i-ct' accordingly, winiethey crefuliy .odd giving ottr-nce to Uiose who clitttr trom ui ... ... nr. i' . . I, . m is provider! hat the fines which these Citizeto are called upon to pay, are to go to the suppo ot rbe Lner.:rv Funtl. Mr. K. trusted mat i" Fu;id w:;uld not receive tne aid of so ohm l0'l . IttT.ftn rnliw'itefifi'-uiH nin hnf hf SliDDOt- from. less exceptionatite sources. v When Mr. Eccle concluded, theqie?- tion wan taken and ier'uei in the ' atiir0" ative 70 to 59. Those who voted for the indefinite po!" ponement 'were ' Messrs. Abernatliy, Adams, Allison, Arra Bode, Brag-g, Brower, Beeman, Cansler, man. Courts, Craige, Cromwe'V Doherty, H''!',!-' Bnloe, Paddis, Kost?tie,Graves,Gjdme,Cwyn,H mond, Harper, Harrison, Hartley, florton, lr""'J Irion, Jarvis, J, B. Jones, R. Joaes, Judkw-V atelier. M.-mV. UrtHtinminw. TtfurraV. h''. J Mt'Olln T-lurtn PT-tac PkiOjl. P-iJ tr, Pulk, Potts, Hand, Hoberts Setttf. iuni1 e t1... o ...T. V.i C'..n'fxr.- St.' !ii" "vvo.iiiiiiuiiRjoiutiiiionuui, ouu"B i Jiumnferi' Xiliett, Tunstali, U.rv, )' 0 u VVeldi, Will, y, . Wucnum, Witcucri A, and Ziglaj-. 7-0. ' i: 4r' r' 'i ?i.L, , -1 -5 v. -v ! -mJ.

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