J: - - vt I, 9 BALEteH BEGTEE, AND NQR'ffl-CARCLINA GAZETTE ;.' : f " ' ' ' i . - . .. . "1 i. - 7 s! v i V' 'S. '-it ' i -. . : ' " ' POETRY. 1'UKl ORIIirT MA WIS ATADOM BTKUW Q AM BITION. t loan "SZAit s(l Tre loved to hear the war-horn cry, And panted at tbe drum's deep roll ; '. And hll my bieath when flowing h gh, I've een our sUrry banners fly, As challepfing the haughty sky, They went like battle o'er my soul. For I va so ambhious then, buro'd to be t he slave of men. l'vestood and een the morning light. A standard swaying far and free, - And loved it like the conquering flight ? Of ngelsfloaiing wuie and bright, s.vJ'Aove the svorm, above the fight, , Where nations wan'd for liberty. :And thought I heunl the battle cry Oi trumpets in the hollow sky ! Vve sailed upon the dull blue deep, shouted to the eagle' soaring i And hung me from a rocky steep, Vheu all but splits wure asleep, And, oh 1 my ery soul would leap, To hear the gallant waters roaring, , But4I am strangely klteied now, '1 love no mort tlie buge voice The rushing wavethe plunging prow The mountain with his clouded brow, The thunder when the blue skies bovr, And all the sons of Uud rejoice. I've learnt 'id to dream oi" tears and sighs, And shadowy hair and timid eyes. LOOK AT Tills 1 - WHKRE WILL . JIONSIEUR TOlVSOJV STAND I His SEASON ? I AM autbonzert by ins owner jo ?ay, matne iU Stand at my ?viDie. i ne season, nas . has commenced, . and will end the first ol July : prMM. last. Season, Fifty-llo'iara, but may be flischarged oy uie payment oi i oriy wiwun me i Qv-iiii.hvi in iiisiirt- u mare tone nie.'anu aevenn -nvt io insure a marc iu oe in ioat (More of him'shortly. Mount Forjst, Northampton, N. C. ' February 4, 1833. .. 1 MOODY. 15 4w HAYWOOD'S REPORTS. "TaiHE Subscribers have iust issued from the JL press, anew Edition oi the First Volume of ' Jlivwoon'a Kr.ro hts, edited b) William II. Bat- j TLr.,-tsqi)f Franlvlin county. It-contains up- wards of) sis hundretl pages ami will be sold at fS..;,, -a , ; i As t' s valuable Cook was out of print, its bare republicaVion-wuuld have been an accepta ble preserUto the profession. But the Edior has, in euchfiase, anjiifiled References to such Legislative enactments g- Judicial decisions as , have been subsequently, made upon the points djuilgedd or the vtloctrpir s embraced, in the ; iciioits. j He h4 also ni-epured a' Table of the s feontiivuiie jromme aiuxeu to such V:f;,.,,i;..,ij,.r-,. K k..i i w Index. : unicatidn by Stages whh every part i now so general, that persons de- the' Work, can have it sent without risk. J. GALES & SON IEALTH. enjoymtin of health, few peo- J availing themselves or the op ay c ffei ot fortifying their sys- litacks of disease, w hich tl.ey do, by a light course of the Ily- uhich, though (ffic cious in i w hen lost, presents an agiee'a- easani preveimve ot contagion and complaints. They operate, in cases hf with the uneirmg certainty ot that iaiijjeroua of til sperirics prtis.ic acid, in ifig those coats of dead phlegmatic humors cover ana render inert the digestive or gans ot the stomach, in purifying the blood, and 'te storing the whole body to a healthy and happy tone ot teetifig, and enabling the stomach to re ceive and retain whatever kind of toot I, either Miim dor vegtt .ble, which usae has sanction td as fit for nourishing the human frame. In no Case have they ever Jaded in effecting a cure, whesptoperly persevered in, no matter what may have been the nature of the complaint.. 'Gei.ilenien of the first respectability of New York, whre have, ucU these Medicines, have au fe thori4d relerences to them for testimony corro borative Of these asaejriions. Besides wli.ch, the 'wriiVtn and published testimony of hundreds can be added to the, same purpose The s)stem of physiology upon which the ef ficacj5 of these Medicin s it established, is tx trtmely Simple, and may , be easily comprehend- A r m AnkfiilV a 1 IA V I k Iv 1 1 nl. Ira i- l.aB . disease wl.ch, taken at origin, is denominated impurity of the blood, cp kmected .with a disorder kniecud .with a disorder q aiaie.oi luejuigesiive organs, iicweier various -may be ther appearances and s) n.pvJms intwhich it appeals upon ihe surface ot the body. People uiHictevt wtlhhyjxichoiidriiicvtrtigi), weak eyes, .neivuus debdi.y, sck tivwUcltf, sour siomach, or pimples fiud immediate, ant! pertnaint relief from la.- uie of tht se Medicines. I'6 ladies, in part.cutar, thej ittrOngiy recommend themselve?, and among, Other Uuigs s a cosmetic, as they c j tidei the skin clear and smooth, and purge it Viaii dforu.iiies and bad humors. For sale by Ja.tial- & Swn, Raleigh ; E. J. .Hate, Fayetteville ; and T. Watson, Newbern by ' appoiimept'.-of Dr. II. S. iloat, Graduate ot the British College of Health. j jJorisotiiana, th- Family Adviser of the. British College of tlealth. 3dditiOB, 700 P-K 1Q. sterling. Dec. 20. V CARDS, HANDBILLS; AND ALL OTHER w"f IS OJrTJC 1 v . 4W . ,iaj. m i ! iith A CHARLOTTE HOTEL sffn FOH SALE. THE Subscriber, wishing to remove; from Charlotte, 6ff rs for naln pon very reason able terms, the above named Establishment, which is at present in excellent repair. All the Outbuildings are well fixed for carrying on the business comfortablv. The Stand is wen Known to be equal, if not superior, to any in this section j of the country. Any, communication upon the ciiMt will ho aitf nctpri to. Possession etven i forthwith, if requested. w w- n Aim J. L. DUIU. Charlotte; Dec. 1832. 7 3in SALE POSTPONED. v BANK STOCK FOlTSALE, By virtue of a Deed of Trust V $ic. "Tl Y agreement between the panics interested, 13 :he sale of One Hundred ami Sixty Shares in the Capital or Joint Stock ol the Hank ot New. bem, advertised m lliif paper to take place on thr 11 h instant, is Postponed until the second day of April next ; When the same will be sold at Public Auction, at 2 o'clock, at or bt fore the door of the Bank of Newbern, in the City of Raleigh. r The sale being made for the purpose ot col lecting a debt of loHg standing, will be tor Cash- C DEVVJEY. Cashier, l rustee. R:deigh, March 2, 1&33., 17 NEW BERN BANK STOCK FOR S$LE. "N Monday the first day of April next, I shall J offer for s de, at Public Auction, at the Of fice of the B.tnk f Newbern in Raleigh, Tion Hundred and Forty-one Shares of the Capital Stock of the bank ot Newbern, vtxjn a credit of six months. The Sale will be made under a Resolution of the Board of Trustees of tue University of Nor h- Cavohna, for the purpose ol discnarjfing the Bank debts of the Institution, and will certain ly take place without reserve. CHAS. MANLY, Treas. Uni. N. C Ralehih, Isi March, 1833. A desirable Residence for Sale. T lilt. Subscriber offers tor Kale the House and Improvements and Tract of Land adjoining the City of Ralei. h on the West, where the late Chief Justice Taylor resided. The 1 ract con tains about fiftj acre the House is handaome and commodious, and the situation is among .he best, if not decidedly the best in that neighbor hood. For the price andterms, reference may be had to Henry M. Muler and 1 liomas P. Ue vereux, Esqr. ot lrdigh, each of whom is au thorised to make a contract. M WILL. GASTON Feb. 26, 1833. 17 S To Editors and Publishers. nHE UndersiPiit d ofieis his services to the A Editors 'and Publishers throughout the U. S. I as a General Acent, t ither for the purpose of i collecting dents alrindy due (particularly in N r.rolina. S. (.trolina and Viiriniai or ot . r. Carolina,t S. Carolina and , cur,ne Subscribers to Periodical. Newsnaners , riirniP- S lib seri hers t. ; or un pub.ished Works. He has been enlaced Extensively in this St:.te and S. Carolina, a a travelling Agent and Collector for the past year, ; j - . ? . . aim reiers 10 ui- sii)jui.-rrtiT;criiiit;aie as an evi dence of his qualifications for the business. Such persons as re desirous of availing them selves of his services, will please to address him (p.st paid at Raleigh, N. C. and tale the terms they ofier. , WM..H. WILLIAMS. Raleigh, Jan. 14, 1&33. 10 N. Bv A leter fr "m JKew-Y'oik (postage un paid) is in. the Post-Office, and will not be taken out. All unpaid letters (positively) will not be taken from the Post-Office. . W II. W. Feb. 4, 1833. 7 o all whom it may concern. This is to certify, thai dunng the last year, Doct. Wm. H. William, of mis City, has t:een extensively ngged ;n collecting Newspaper and other Accounts for as as well as other Edi tors, and by his fidelity, puKCtiidlily and perse vering activity, h s given entire satisfaction. We recon.mt nl him U the Pnblic a a valuable Agent, in whose integrity the most perfect con , fjdence may be placed J. GAEES& SON, Editors of the Raleigh Register. LAW RENCE &. I.EMAY, Editors of the Raleigh Star. iKnleigh, .Ifn. 14, 1833. iijanlt cf Xttttfievn, ? JJA'UJUT 7th, 1 833. 5 AT the late annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Hank of JSewbern, on the first Mon day f this m. iitli It was Jlesolted, That a Dividend of twenty-five per ctnt on tach and. every Share of the Canital Stock of said Bank be. and the samp i tioiKv i ; declared and made navable to the Stork holder 1 or their legal Representatives, on and after the ' first day of March neat under the following rules and regulations, to-vvit: First all paymentsshall j be made at the principal Bank to the Stockhol aer or his Attorney, duly appointed,' on produc I tion uj uic ui it t-ci iiiiu.ue. oecoilu I'av I merit of Dividend of Capital shall be evidenced j by the receipt of the Stockholder or his At tor 1 ney in a Book prepareti for thut put pose. Third 1 All payments of Dividend of Capital shall be i endorsed on the Certificate of Stock, by the ! Cashif r at the time of making payment. Fourth 'iln i n iransier hook snail oe ciosed on the twen tieth d.iy of Febru .ry next, ami remain clos. d until the first day of Maich following, and no Share on which a-Dividend of Capita may be paid, shall thereafter be transferred on the Books oj this Bank. Extract from the Journal of the Stockholders. JNO. W. GU10N, Cashier. January 18, !83o, 11-tf. Notice is hereby given, THAT application wijl be made lotiie Presi dent, Directors ..nd Company of the State Bank of North- Carolina, at the expiration of three iiiuiniis irom niisoaie, tor tin renewal ol :i Cer- ' "IT r t w ' TtT. y lb31 for - ' . " tf k or sa.cl Hank, u. ! the name of the Subscriber, ithe said f:pnif;i0 having been lost. THE0PU1LUS PARKER. Feb. 19, 1833. 15 Notice is hereby given, THAT application )r ,))tie to the Presi dent; Directs and Company of the State Bunk ofNorth Carolina. iuhe exnimti.m nfti... months from this d..te, for'tbe rtijewal )f a Cer-tificat-, No. 2837, dated November 9. 1831 lor one Share Of the Stock o Saki Bank, in the nam v. w,c ouoscnoer, uie said Certificate iiavim? bt,,0!; "iOSKPll-B. LLOYD. oin .NOTICE. A PPUCATJON will hi made tothePresident, ie .!.'Ci0r$.and Ctn,Pay of the StatK Bank ot North-Carohna at the' expiration of, three ...... . u. ima aate, for the renewal oft Cer tificate of Stock in said Uant for five Share, in thname of John Coi, ol Edenlonj No. 1985 and dated August 191822 hieh is lost. ' Dec. 12,1 ' W1 ITII a view to the more emciem tinn of their business, the Subscriber have established a BooKBisnsitf Having pro-, h North, and cureii uic uct iiiiiiio .,. - - i employed a Workman who comes well recom mended, they are prepared to execute on m derate terms, all orders in this line. j Account Books, Records, &c. ruled and made to order: and every kind o! Binning promo.. j executed in the best and nearest m-noer, on reasonable terms. J, GALES & SUiN. CTT Being Publishers of the lUport of the Supreme Court, such ot the Sub-criDersiu i ma. VVork as chuse to send their ios. to uiem iu ui. u, w11 have them carelnlly attentled to, ana me Indeies aod all deficient. Numbers suppnea. Raleigh, -August 2, 1832. NOTICE. THE Subscriber respt ctfully informs the pub lic generally, th .t he has removed from the lower to the upper Tavern, m the 1 own ot l-u- isburg (recently in the occupancy ot W itliam v. Taylor, F.sq.) where he solicits a snare ui men patronag. . Louishurg, Jan. 4, 1833. 10 3m NOTICE. f f Saturtlay the 19th of January last, a Negro siave, tasen up as a runaway, bv the name ol HARRY He sax s he belongs to Jno. Mneio, of Caswell county, in this Sta e, who j urchas d him of Mr. Stephens ol Samp-on county. Also, on Friday the 22d instant, a negro man, named MIKE ; who says he .t longs to George Y. Lowe ot Bibb 'count), Georgia, who purchased turn ot Jesse Borden o this county. The owners of said Slaves are requested lo come forward, prove lrpertv, pay charges and take them aw.i) ; or they will be dealt with as the law direcis. WM. P. JKKNIUA.N, Jailor. Waynesboro', Wane county, Feb. 27. 1833. 6m COMPOUND CHLORINE TOOH WASH. (J3 ORIGINAL AND (GENUINE. D For Cleansing and Preserving the Teeth and Gums, and Cleansing the Mouth. jMIE Compound Chlorine Tooth Wash i ffec . tually cleanses the Teeth, and will answer the purposes of the best dentnfice. It contains no" acid nor any ingredient which can in any case be injurious. It will also be found to keep the brush itself. free from all impurities. The Compound Chlorine Tooth Wash has the further advantage of cleansing the m uth also ; and oi removing whatever is offensive tin the breath. It hardens the gums and is a valuable remedy for the canker or mii cness ot the mouth. Il may also be used itli the greatest advantage as a gargle for sore throat. In fine,. it preserves th.r tef th and mouth in all respects in a clean and healthv condition. It is atrreeabh- to the - ( taste. Gentle-men who are in the habit ot usuif. tobacco, will find that the Tooth Wash will sDeedilv remove an tiu enects oi n irom xne li .1 IT . - l muth. That the public mav rtst asnnd of the very salutar) effects ol ihis composition, the follow inj: recommendations from ifentlenien of the highest respectability are subni.tted-: FromC. H. Stedman, .M. D. IJ. S. Ma lint MrspitaJ, March 9, 18! Altssrs. Lowe SJ Heed tlavini examined .nd employed the Chlorine Tooth Wash, piepaiet! by iou, 1 feel happy tu s.y that 1 am fully con viticetl of its utility in diseaes of t!ie tteth ani gums ( ?nd with this vk-w I cheerfully recom mend it to th- attention f tlu public. Yours, respectfully, C." H. ST ED MAN. From S. A. Shur'leff, M. D. Messrs. Lowe U Hted- liav us d your Com pound - iilorne To lb Wash, and find it an ex Ct Ilent article for rt-moving the fetiu breath from decayed teeth, and also in ri storing the gums w hen spongy, to perfect health. On usng it in the evening, it will pres rvc a sweet and pie . .ant taste in the mouth during the whole nieln 1 have prescribed it in diseases occasioned by mercurials, and hud that it excels all other re medies in restoring the mouth to a he dthy state in a short time. Yours, &c. S. A. SI1URTLEFF. Hoston; March 15, 1831. Copy of a letter addressed to G. C Shaft tick, M. D. by P. Capen. Esq. with which the proprietors of the ff 'ush were politely furnished by Dr. Shattuck. Boston, March 8th, 1831. 6 Dn. Shatttck Sir : The Compound Chlo rine Tomb t ash applied, in cases of salivation leC'inini.-iidcd by you and furnished by Messrs. Lowe & Reed, Merchants' Row, Boston, has been used with great success in a recent fever 0f x cii )en ; when under the influence of mercury, this article separated the tongue from the mouth, which had become nearly closed, k cleansed the parts effected from the dead skin, without any pain, as well as the, teeth from that corruption which natur.dly adheres, in the course of a tcvv hours, rendering the Mouth Wash r.ot only at the moment of use a very pleasant and vivifying medicine, but leaving a most putifying and clarifying relish ,nd odor afterwards. I feel it no less a duty than a privilege to express my satisfaction, as to what 1 consider its intrinsic merits, and most cordially recommend it o the public, I. CAPEN. From A. A. Hayes, Operative Chemut and Superintendent of the Roxbury Chemical Works. Alessrs. Lowe & Reed Gentlemen.: Having examined the buttle of Compound ChlormeTooili Wash you gave me, and become acquainted with 't composition, it affords me ple..8itr to expnss mv belief, that it well deserves the high reputation it has acquired, li does not contain any. Substance in. solution or suspension, which can either chemically or mechanically injure the teeth, and observation and experience confirm the opinion, that its t fleets on the mouth are salutary and very agreeable With respect, A. A. HAYES. Roxbury Laboratory, Eeb. 8, 1832. From Benjamin Silliman, M. D. L. I ft. Prof Chem. Min. $-c. in Yale College, tyc. 5'C. Messrs Lhtve CJ Heed Gentlemen : I return you my thanks lor tin bottles of Compound Chlorine Tooth W ash which I have leceived, and which 1 cannot doubt will prove beneficial, as the ingredients named by you, and confirmed by Mr. llayes. are all salutary in regard to the object in view . I remain, gentlemen, yours respectfully, B. SILLIMAN, New-Haven, Cnn. March 23, 1832; IhtMbove Article is for sale by VI I I TAMO r. IJ r urnnn Raleigb, J.- n. 30, 183i 12 jfnfoi;matfon TO TEA YELL lftS G 01NGN0II TTT. DcBijca the continr tance of bad roads, the Mail will leave Raki h daily, for Petersburg, at the usual hour in a t; o Jiorse cart, and is of itself a sufficient Toad ; tht fefore, Passengers will not be carted. But for tl ;if accommodation, a Coach will leave Raleigh qn "ibnday, Tuesday and Thurs day morning, ah'd.gq". to Petersburg, via Louis burg, Warre.ntonVLarrenceville &. Belfield. The iri wetklii line of C ire hes .will leave Raleigh as usual, on Monday, dnesdayi and Friday morn ing, and go to Petei .birg in two days, via Nash Court-Housc, Ewfielt'f Jifax and Belfield. Both of these lines intern t;the Rail-road Cars at Bel field. 1 .: " r The dailv Coach -he will he resumed as soon as the roads will pen nit. ! AVERY, TOM KINS & SALTMARSII. Raleigh, January 'j-'.h, B33. , 10- ellAGS. nriVVO or three W irtron Loads of good clean JL Rairs are at pK jent wanted at the Raleigh Paper Mill. Important. Sale of Valuable REAf ESTATE, In the Town of ayettevilc, A - Carolina. Tuesd-.y tkf s2oth ot Match next, at the W Town House,- r on the pavement in frbnt of the Premises,. w il bt- soid at Pul)lic Auction, the following: desira: le and very valua le LOTS, viz : ' One Lot, corner t f Hay and Donaldson streets, 46 fet i front on II Y street, running back to Fianklin street, bei (g the site of the old Lafay ette Hotel, the for, jdation (which are ot stone a d very substantia,- ( and the brick thereon in eluded. ' -v, i , r Also, Five other XotS' east of and adjoining the above, eacli.l-.teei trota anu rear, running back to Frank tin street Joa tett.i llie ah. ve Lots are all situated between the ntw Lafayette-Hotel knd Market Square, being in the most valuable business par' of the Town,' the side walks in front'. handsomely paved and curbed with stoned Indisputable titles will be triveii. ' f Terms of Salt A Credit of one. two, three and four vt crs, purchasers to give bonds, bear ing inter st fiom date, naiable in New-Y-rK anu secui t ti dv f a -mortgage on uie premises. 1 II . . A I ' For further partipy ars, apply to , JOSEPH BAKER, T5'gent tor Robert Donaldson. Fayetteville, F'ep.5. 13 ts NOTICE. THF.RFwas committed to the Jail of Wayne countv, as a rf-ia'ay Jave, about the 20th ol April last, a ne TQman by the name of lIM, uhosys he behinji VtotKe Kstate of Chas. Dright i the District 0 ' Li Iborough, South-Carolina. Said negro is ab .iu'f SiXt) years ot age, tall and span, and ol avTry;black complexion! The owner of said sl;V is requested to come for wkrd,.prove his p'pperty, pav charges :4pdt.ke him away, or he ill be dealt with as the law directs. V i Vn. P. JERNIGAN, Jailor. Waynesboro', f C. St pt . 13. 45 6m MAljiOBBEKY. g N the 27th of leceniier last, I enclosed and " m .iled for Nek 'ork, a Letter containing three $10 Notes on ik Umtvd States B.nk the l etter r. acheu5nts .destination, but nor' money. On the 18th of J iriu-ry lasiI mailed tor New Vork, wo Lettct tach couainng iht e one hundred dollar Ut ? Notes, p:nablr at Ifay-ette-vilh with my si-C.-ditire endorsed on each bill -thr Letters reaclu lin ilu time, Out only two of the bills iu eacij; better. Botli had been open ed and one bill laf i n iit- of each letter. It is surely a. Pif tm ister or us Assistants, as no oth r person c lild have any oppcrtunity lo commit the crimn rj'Vill give the .!ove reward of Fifty Dodarrt5iy person who will make a irisc'-vfiy so as l(;Coyvict the cunning Rogue and oring h'un lo' ust'-ic . "WM. LINDLEY, P. M Cane Creek,Cj tlim cutint, ) . Feb. 20 ,'Aii.T8J3. SA 3t "Vi - -KptlCE. I BURNER 'llCGHE-. are gents for the fo towing "very;val4iaole ptsblicatiofs, viz: Encyclopedia Americana or People's Libraiy, "a popular Dir;tiowafy ot Arts, cienct n, Litera ture, History and I'o.itics, brought dwwn to the present time and inciudihg a copious collection ol original Articles Hi American Biography. The American Quarterly Review published in Philadelphia. The Am. ncan Joufnalpl the Medical Scier.tes. The Quarterly Review, published in BoatOlU The Edinburgeview. .The Museum o Foreign Literature The Journal Law, The Journal. i Health. I'ht Lady's Bjflk. Orders for the Works will be thankfully re ceived and pronrlitly attended to. P. S. T..& f. are also Aeentsforthe Amen can Sunday Schsfil Union, the Protestant Epis copal Press andijprotestant Episcopal S. School Union, and ke55 constantly on hand a large qu ntity of llieii, Jojfks. FRESH GARDEN SEED. J I L LI A M3 k H A Y W O O I ) have received T their anirusTHupply of Garden Seed, which is l irtfe and WelHseiected, and all of the present year's growth, j' ' The followigi.ij a Catalogue : Early York Cabfige , large (Jo June. oj Red Dutch t;b.! Large; late Bat,telea do. " t inter Druawad do. Cabbage for r eeding cattle . - s Early blood turn p Beet Lng blood. v o. , &iMiige1 W-urtt.eV, Early cherry. turnip Ra dish V. Long scarlet t'o. Fine early Cauliflower Late do. hite solid Celerv Curled Cress Early frame Cucumber ' Cluster do. Long- Green do. Small Gherken do. (fine or pickling) Rounir Spiuage New Zralaud do. vege'able Oyster Early bush Squash A inter crook neck do. Lare globe Turnip Uutabaga do White cabbage J'ettuce- Ice ,-o Large cantalope- Melon Fine nutmeg .Yd Gieen citron o. Nasturtium Double curled P irsley Large silver sli ned O nion E .rly China Beans Large Lima,orbutter do W lute pole, or running do. Early C weeks Peas Nimble Dick 'do. (very early) " Dwarf Sugr do. c lted Fine white Eggj'lani Large Dutch PjS'iip Long orange t;4 rot White Mustard r - Gblden Hotspur do. Large June do. Marrowfat do. fGolden SieuxCorn fve- inter uo, if tf early.) Rhubarb ' 1s" THE Subscriber, haying lost his entite Stock of GoodsIn the lute fire, together with bis rBooks, jNotts, Accounts and Money, as hereto fore noticed in the R deign newspapers has again opened a NEW STORE on thr south side of Hargett-streei,' nt!r tne MarketJIouse and Exchange place, onef donr west irom Jonn not- uway's Shoe-Store, in a new Brick Building where he would be pleased to see his friends and customers. And hopes, from his experience in Business, to sell them Articles of the best quality on reasonable terms. MisAsMitmtnt consists mostly of Dry Goods, Cutlery, Groceries, $c. $:. From his present situation, it would seem un- necessary to remind all those wno nave nmyei adjusted their Accounts or N tes,of the propne- ly or doing so as 11 is oesiraoie wuu i iu make immediatesettlement, either by 'ote or Cash, the latferwcruld be-prelerable, as his ipss has been very heavy indeed. HICHAKO SMI 1 11 Raleigh, Nov 15. 1832. 1 STRAYED On Friday evening the 22d tilt, a H LOO D BAY HOUSE, about 15 hands h gh, 3 or 9 years old, very fine hair and short e:rs lit was raised in Currituck county, and it is believed he w ili attempi t; return to Uial countv.'A liberal compensation will be given for his recoveiv. B. S. K.t. Ralt-igli, "MbtcIi 4, 1833. 17 NEW-YORK LOTTERY. Clas No. 4. To be Drawn March ISth, 1 833. S 20, 000, 10.000, 8,760, 10 ot 1,000, of 500, amounting to 8184,040. Tickets &5. , 10 NETY-YOKK LOTTERY. Class No. 5. To be Drawn April Sd, 183S. 66 Number Lottery, 10 Drawn. Ballots. SPLENDID CAPITALS. 5,100, 3,000. 2 of 1,000, &c. Tickets glO. Lowest Prize gl2. , Orders from any part of the United States will receiVi the same attention as on personal application. When $10 and- upwards are re mitted, postage need not be paid. For Capital Prizes, orders from the coun try must be addresed lo ,. S. J. SYLVESTER, v Baltimore. Bank of North-Carolina, Raleigh, Feb. 4, 1 833. t'W'vHE Commissioners appointed by ihe Act of 1 the last sessicn ot the General Assembly of North Carolina, for Incorporate jj the Bank of North Carolina, have this day opened their Book of Subscription for -itock in the Capital of said B-nk, agreeably to the dirrctiens of the late Proclamation of Governor Swain, at the Book Store pi J. Gales &. Son, in this City, where it will be kept open for sixty days, prescribed by the, ct aforesaid. Persons wishing fo sub scribe for Stock in this Institution, are desired to call at said Store and enter their names on the Book which is left there. 3. GALES, WM BOYLAN, JAMES GRANT, ALFRED JONES, CHAS. L. H1NTON, Commissioners. Southern, Northern and Western 9 LAND, LOAN, 'y COMMISSION AND GISEUAL AGiXCT AM) IRTL1.IG1CK OFTICB. ' New-Orleans, Jan 1, 1833. THE Subscribers r.s.pvctfuity it.torm tin. pub lic throughout tin. Union, that they hve opmed an office (having also appointed agents in v ashinton, Baltimore, Philadelphia & New York,) for the purpose of acting, as agents for transacting business in this or any of the above cithf having a very extensive acquaintance throughout the United States, adjoining territo ries and Canada, and having made urraugcmentg to attend lo trji snnttiiig and receiving informa tion f:om and to England, France and every part of Europe, the mo.t respectfully solicit a share ol public patronage pledging themselves to use every exertion to give perfect satisfaction. I hose editors or n-wspupers iw ho feel well disposed towards this establishment, shall have lhe.r busintss vlone free of expense, at any time, bv inserting this advertisement, and forwarding a p per to us containing the same. , We are now prepared to attend to the follow ing biusinessPiircllase, SeJI, Barter, Rent and Least- Landed Property, of every description Purchas , Sell and Exchange Bank, Canal, Raff-road and every other kind of Stock t Pur- rlunii- and Sell M.Trli inilKP nf iwpv daM-inlinu. at puohc or pi ivate sale. Borrow and Loan money on mortgage, or un incumbered real estate. Act as an ae-ni for pro- curing partners, for individuals to engage in every kind ot business or profession. Will act as at torneys agent an i other for claiming legacies, inheritances and settling estates $ also, collecting i.nd remitting every description of debts dues and demands. ! " Information given respecting the arrival qd parture of packet ships, steam and canal pack ets, mail and accommodation stages, and all other modes of convey anoe whether by land or water, ,with their respective rates of fane, accommoda tion, &c. &c ; also, all other information neces sary for stranerers and travellers, Jo be" in posses- r Intormation and intelligence on any subject in this coumry or Europe, received and forwarded (coiifidentialtv.) , Books and Kecords ot County or State Gov ernment Offices, searched and; examined, and he required information forwarded to each an plica nt. , ; ' A register of public and private boarding hou ses, llieir terms .and accommodations, will oe kept at this ftice, and -strangers arriving in this city, have only" o apply al tuis Office, to lie situated at once with Boarding place.-.. Situations in mercantile, riianufacturing and otherestabiishm nts, as brwik keepers, silemen, and assistant clerks, bar keepers, teachers, col lectors, agents, &c. Sic. procured ; if by letter, postnge must be paid accompanied with a fee. N. B. Reference will be given in all cases to those who require it, as to public end, private character, fttiiity'jfc. &c. All persons lo'rvarding communications re specting r. al estate offered lor sale, barter, lease or to be yven on bond a lid mortgagt-, will rt collect thai . is indispensably necesstry to forward a correct description of the premises i aiso a araii or -plan it possible stating situation, quantity, quality, improvemenls, dist.nce from citier twnsiotintyC8tppst road, navi gable streams price, termsV &c.' &c. i. also, en close an advance fee.lind Migl;p4ij ' Charges will be regulated according to nature and amount of business' : wife AH first application to be accompanied with a consulting tee, Iwhtch will efuitie the-apph-cant to any information theytmay requhreif No fetters (in any case) wdl be iaktn from the VosV Office, unle'sijost paid . Immediate answers infill be remitted ta all comrouoiciions:' " f'l L. TANDERBL'UGHtCOv STAGE KOTICE. r ' i uu" 3 1 1 i una ri Ml) llSI'C tt Sri Ac JL modation Line of POS T ( OACIiFv Wairenton, N Va. C. via Wiikin Ferry to tk'l Passengers by this line will leav e every Mondav, Wednesday and Pi ingi-f at .5 o'clock. A. M. and arhveat Belfill " - j - - .iv. :, c orineui (1 mornings andarrjvat Petersburg'by 2 o'c! Leve Petersburg: every Mondav. M'ednrtt. ana rnoay.ai iv a m. anu arrive at Ht-lfe B I ITl A 1 1 . 42 1 ..uitf. llclficlrl . .... m Thursdav and Saturdav mnrmnm i i"- . ..j al WVJCIlrl Tl.. o . . u . :i. l i ihc ouiiM iiuer nas maue mis arraiu'-m on account of the almost impassable situatii-nj the roads. As soon as the Mans permit, hn(,j. Rail Road Company receive their other Iccumi! iivetengine, a uinerrni arr rififemeiit wnl made, so s to give greater expedition. , 1 he- Subscriber has procured splendid inr inside and five outside This line foi a r oet;iioii wiiu ui.- liuauuKC line irem VI ui-renin. to Danville, which departs immediately -j i ne drnvai oi tue itvooiiiiouauon line trom Ui held. Far from Pftprvhirrf 4o ll:i.nvi)lf 1 'i tti v ' ii --VI wii'n aeaxs laKen ai ine urnce oi me Kail Rqj Company, Pett rsburg, also, at Mr. liv-lluiiiv', .1KB, . 1 .noiei,varrenton. are rrom vvarrenion 10 reiersburcr. 5 rw latf. A&. vv. JKFFRMYS. Feb.7,ia.io. Just received from New-York7 And.for ale at J. Gales & Son's Bjok Strre the ptmcipal Agents tor North-Carolina, MORRISON'S PILLS, TTie Hygeian Universal Medicine oj ih lirilisli College oj tlealih, Which, bv removing all obstructions in tlieln. testines; thoroughly cleansing the djvwelj; giving more, purity to the Blood, and therib? promoting its circulation ; strikes at the row of all Diseases, atjdgood in all caes ; givin? 'rest, appetite andSkreiigtb. Price one doiiarj Packet. 'fittaleigh, Nov 23 AN AS SI STAN T TE AC HER IS waiited in the English Department otijrf R leigh Academy. II one should be obJ-i ed, the Subscriber will take a few more Seta lars. JAMES GRANT, PrincipJ. Feb. 26. 17 It AMERICAN -ECLIPSE. I N th. contract between Cant. J. j: Harrisos and Walter Livingston, Esq. in relation tt the Season of Eclipse the present rear, now i my possession, there is tiic fodowing clausei i nere is to De no lnsurance'-ot anvm .re- and the horse is to be advertised in such manner and under such instructions, that the whole of the, money, asvneil the said Livinc-ston'i part us the said Harrison's, is to be payable to Edwiri B. Hicks as tue agent of both parties." Tue price of the Season is Sixty Dollan- 1 hat gentlemen at a distnirce. who p&roazj Eclipse, may know where, and to whocre to re mit, this is roaae public. Capt. Harrison's vertsement, at large, ir forthcoming, to vbc) the friends of Eclipse are referred for morefej information. 4 My addresa is, Lawrencevil'.e, Brunswick cota , Virginia. . - EDWARD B. IIICKi Feb. U,1S33 15 1m 7 notice: r IF the Widow or any of the Children ofthek EDWARD. LtVNE, form, rly Master Manner, sailing out of the Baliama Island, are living, tfef will hearsomethig to their adva ttage, byapplj' ing to HENRY GREENSLADE, Esq. of Nawft N. P. through. 'iVB G. W, VKMS & CO. Wilmington, N. C Fehuarv 9. 15 'IHOMAS J. BARROW 8c CO. Importert, I X JVaier-Strecf, ftcw-York-r-urt receiving the. Spring Importation in the above line compr inir a great virietv ofithe Newest Paiterns- Which are offered 10 Sotitnern Mercfiantsat the most reduced prices possible for the article tl be sold at In addition to the above, they have a frp and complete . assortment of Gilt and r' LOOKING-GLASSES constantly on hand at lot rates. Hoping a continuation of the liberal supp ; i,ituerto received trom our Southern friends ! have made every exertion to lay in a Stuck e the most desirable Goodsor that market-"J it shall be our constant endeavor toDromotr interest otall those who may favor u with thet orders. f THOMAS J. BARROW & CO. ' importers 88 W..ter St. New-York. New York, January 18, 1833. U fft The following naneK ar rentiested S PWblish this Advertisement as often at. three W lita u itl nit fur and caiwI thoir arniinll 10 IW Editors of the. Uef!st- viz. the Star anJ . Cor' ut.onal.st, ot ti.i.sCity ; llie-Obrver at H; jJtevdle ; the Wrtmington Advertiser; the Jvt her Spectator ; the Tat boro3 Free Press ; tW HiUsboroMlecorilertthe Oxford Examiner Mifloo Spectator ; thes Halifax Advocate ; tii Greensboro Patriot : the Charlotte Journal: the Catawba Journal, and the Rutherford Spe tator. NOTICE. TAKEN UP ami Committed to the Jail of ff noir county, dtf the 5th inst. a negro nw by the nameof BUDVVN, and says that b free, but h s n- protection. j The sVid Brown is 5 feet 6 inches H1' J common stature, dark complected, and has o of his upper foreteeth out. If any Pwn el the said'negro, they are requestedlb come waTd'prove their propert), pay .'charges take him away, . ' ; WM. B. WEST, J'"r' Sept-10. Tl I Elf AC ES over t his Course, will ro0" on the 2(M) March next, and continue ur days. ' , t -le First Bay VW Race for 3 years old . heats V free only for cot ts owned buna members of khe" Clut, and entered by ' ,"c'."t.9, Entrance 20. Purse to consist of d 1 'j trances of the meeiipg, with $50 addfo .. Cjub. J ': ,el-e XnnJ Tin,, 9 mt heats i nurse '. trances fl2 free for any thing. ... iTAirdXtaj 3 mile heats purse thine; met cor taie. dv j. bales & sm? .. Raleigb, Dec; iS. 4$ s miKi TtiftOR. S?r' Huo-Qrleans,. CLarJ 9 rf". Janopiry 2t ' I . "'. r . I ; .. l : .. I ft- v. 4 ? V . ft

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