v 1 -t L y 4. -'V ' fry? I' 1 . . .... r lfv " . i Raleigh uegistebV ton'obx it-camlina gazette E. .--J - Vv-I Hi-' A..- r' i i 11 ' t". i U A ,7 ': in . :r(ti,vr nJlt-catrs to deliberate on th-1 to be ndo in their CTitlttinn by, the VMbjoct, ar.tiy to' aovi the best forms votes uf two succoss.ve JSWaTe-t erpedirnt to .iiit(lcM. 'Ijicaini Jhev 1kh! vaf to a;oitl aii.in hjvnot irp el v "io corrrct pivenimfnt.-ut even ( ty desired tv instruct or li.jwit thru- d'-leg:ite it was .rol forventently pvaef caole, to impose a limit for "the want of a brd v f represrn- tatiTes, throtih wlose intervention it t'l.n hv ti.p- Pmvip !avinr intervened.' fhus it is de:nm?trated that this plan tor nli'eht be inarUt! out lor the snrction ofiis cm-istent with the printings of a po ainendii-g the Cor.stivtition is not liable to anv objection on principle. Since our Consutution is silent as to the mode of prcposinu amendments to it. the Pi.nn'n nrc- fi u tii'flilrint allV COUrSC w liich REV. MK. AVERY. the reonle. l)i es anv one denv that it ce.nu'R withth-ll e pvovinre of a Ieila ture, to precilie the toeans of enabling the people to call a Convention ? Upon jvhat. principle. t' is except tl at tliey r.-.av, as the people's repretrntt'ne. makci recor'mr-.d;ttmjis for t h sanctum ol t,h peoj.b- r if th.ey are made and sanctioned, then by w! at process can it be demonstrMted, tlat such ret ommenda tions bisfow imlnnHetl power, v.h.en in tlieir ffrms tknj are specific ovlij ? Say that the Legislature has recommended to the people, a Convention without li?mf: and the yti. fuse to saoctijon it f .that im n etliajely after it, the reccommend a Convention, with -power on! v, to ab li'h tin- 3Cd Article of ti;ef Con-titi-.tion, and this reciiunrcnda.t ion is confirmed bv the people, and a .('onventinii accordingly asi The closinjr scene of this rennu table trial, is said by those 1h wnessed it, to possess surprising interest; Alter the Court had re-asscinblcd to receive the verdict, cn interval occurred of 10 or 15 minutes, on account of tho absence of the prisoner's Counsel ; and altho' the Coart- Hotise was 'crowded to its utmost capact tv, the audience preserved, a profound si leoce, and all were tied in a znf.e of ea s CHESAPEAKE OHIO CsAKlAL. COMPANY. riilnr nnvrrnioent and the nractice of the ft t C , . Tl".l'. ..miln nf i-ii(nrin I Ctf .'merican flairs, ji mis hmm:v ....,.. . . . . ... ,r . , . .. . 0 himself, says the iv.litoi ot the is iiiupei in nseii, iim-.iv f - From lJit-N,;!nal Intelligenct-r. Tt I i a i!ie tw'.'to numerous friepds of this enterpri'.f .hat they slnmld have la'tl before thiiTi,hp. particulars of the lafe election of lrjeitlent and Directors of that Coin'piirif We proceed to ive such aiwaccounh.l rel' ainin, as tar as practicable. frjniVlie exhibition of any The edficd in the handsomest manner. sum voted To him m not more than due for thoe arduous exertions of. nis-;vhich we have all been sensible of, in judicial ml (inanri-vl lliltlflri; 'it t h tlfie in iiicrher roiirts of Man and. and !Mjtore ltl - !;nu! nfiiin:il miiumiNir.!! n- 1 ii i -i i r L ."... I ft. i 1 1 i ... '. ries an aionj tne line or. me v.a:ia i,otc aimoui pivssfU itii.urirvir-v. r br which he would never, whilst Presi dent of the Company, con-e'nt !o receive a farthing of compensation. Ibid. t'.ci duties of a more retired s,;(in A thaMie hnd dedicaled tho ,,m Ills li tt fl... ..' - 1 (it "." -- mi, tuu'.uioii anii'-i I-.,?-,rt-, of the voun? and common neont i- 'y fi-ti oasis. or our nuii'if :i racier lor whirl, k v.-ii.", i. in.u was u ri;i v;iu jit0-. k h; that siticrrity of character for w! of its cTvcdhnvy which claims on our consideration. ' I I- I . .. ;K,..,t . in'i villi 'in i inr .ill I k niii'i' . vv i i 1 1 1 1 1 i and intense curiosity. 31 1. A Kin . ,." 4' J -r.rt Li lston ' I oiling I i immii I . j i iic ,nt ! iituniior ot vopat. the - election was as loiiows : - THE CIIOLKRA. l.timcntii It illirilllr 'i frihlO1 111010 f - ' , ft riuniicm vi n i i i ii ,- r ' , ..fi,l ,.,nKiiiiiii-: iv inn his Much in-i- ,M ""-i";" , ' u' ' . i'r 1 1. I T... I.....,if1 ft l td ..i . . i - i , lie n oeaiu o;inroti hut uicum culty w,U lie r".eJ J ' . JurVt sustained the same steadiness of j John II. Eaton af-erhat manner and up o. . at m ; ; m 5mjnol)i!jtv of countenance. thf Peonlo shdiilil he. rcrrescnted in a I ... . ,. . -.it ' . - ) ..'Itwli i-vn cn rnni'iikim v 1 1 S T 1 1! Til lSlieU , T..:a I'.ifivia in. 1... .v-.- ti iii.uii i t5i j c F. Mercer' 34o0. Our accounts from tlie West represent thi- disease ?.s still adding toits nuoerous victims. The Nashville Banner, 'of tlie 2S'. Mav, informs us of its re-appearance j ,. . .. , i i ti . ! adjourned. ' there with renewed violence. brum the .,;,.i,l, ,, tn- laid before co n -res s 'Tor their c.a "ratoiri, a luniieace etisaci :'pnt ...l" the President nu; tlie nuestmn. .;'- you receive this refusal of MJ(.irf) Mosqtiera, to : be Vice President Republic. -,? all the members exceutV." voted ip lie negative. The meetm -' C CJivcnfion called for the reform of an ex istinj; .Constitution, ami it is not unwor thy of our notice that whilst this vroukl cost n-oihinjr, a Convention v. ill "create ... i 1 ... e. Ti o'lunrv sn:iit cnarjie niMui no- iiuum v.. . ,..i 1 1 luiMiul iv inn f in KiiriiPV liPtlpr ll W 11 Those v ho entertain anv nr.l lars ot v v- -ir'r.,.t(vp - t- i . . '. ..i,,,!.;,,,!.,,, mmuteiv desci ibnvj, it-t!:nlhngIaniaKe, ( onvevfwn oTishr not t object tothi- plan, . . fe.i'i.i i ,i i rX,',; ,,.;' is thev tlie probable mode in which the fatal deed upon the ground ot expect in:ey. as tnev . . i i,; . . , , . ' ... ".ii.i o was done, the nr.soncr ftxed Ins lai"e U I'll-1 "'A HI' I him throulumt the whole tria'. The won der is that", innocent or miiity, he has been able to sustain this awful pressure with such fortitude anil emianimity. At one .1. J. Albert W.t'.im'on Y. Smith P'. Jannev ' 3 100 HO C3" The fiiot jflticcted. Etlw.nnl I.ocas Ai Stewart 5 1 " j F. Thomas ! 10, 81 3017 there same paper of June 1, we extract the fol fi .1 i liill'lni O Xl4 1 I"" Ml We find it. impossible to'ive any spe csfie information: on this suhi.-c able us to do so- Wake Forest Pleasant Grove AO A I) KM any spe- i '8? ME Semi-Awuul Evutin i ition of fh q., t to-dav, ; 2- dents of ti5s Acr. iem VVI!. i,l.c th 2ft h ii,p V except the will of a majority'' and even that will' be restricted to n aye or no ; uncin wih.-iti ver tl.e rulinc minorilv sliall i . . .i ii- . . j. JI : .. . : '.( ... .1 sembied.. Can there be a doubt, that the ! consent to put forth lor public sancuon- Cor.ven'ion is strictly limit nh and (hat Ti e rights of the minority, will be pro- thev will riot cannot exceed their tected ajramst encroachment by theover- hiiiu.ds'i Sat" that tlvse wh.i penned ! balancinr power tl ey have in the Lvgis ii Is iprmitiiipriil .-ition. liinid and lea'ous hature. that nrenai es the amendments to " - . - J i - .1 ! : . . i .1.1 eves ujnm him, ana scareeiv moveu uieui tilf th.c fearful picture u as finish d. " -. Alter the verdict was n corded, and the rd' jmwert st: pei added that upon the ques tions submi t i e 1 to tt e t on ention. their vote shall I e final, but if they sluill at- itempt to do 7))ore. then no act of th.eirs shall be ; 1 1 ? i ami hii dinjt without the subsequent . i alification td ; a majority of three fourths of the pe.-jvle. k-or even the . unamiiwsv.s a-J-Pt of tlie people,? . fbily elected tak'-n by a vote at the polls Within 30 (lavs ; f or die act jourliineut o be submitted, and the rights of a mnjority ate safe in tluir oirn hands, because they will not approve of ao.et do. eiits bv which they will be made worse oil' than they are m.w. What then ate the objections urg ed against it. ? It is said 1o be novel in practice and principle and fir-too easy tti its execution. We have" shown alieadv that it is not novel in principle, nor is it without precedent to ptactice : the expe- t The vote lir.Lr. Katon was made up ; heahie to report Iron of the fo'llou-i4rn-iris ' '1ave no, desire we can iuve no ta ' The United Sii - - 2008 votes f ,onal motive ,r desir.n--to mislead' The Cortioratjvv; Washington 2003 votes jthusc at a d i.sJaiicr on this subject. As Imtividual stofclijhkis - - votes ; nearly therefore, as we can ascertain, For PresMlerihe nroxies of the State 'there were seven or eight fatal cases yes- Atti:rney General observed, as a matter . ()r Maryland' Foriet and Mr. Mc- tetday : and the number" to-day will not of course, the Defendant was now entire- i CuHoh) rV(:Htai:l. so were those of the short of that of yesterday. O-t.Wed-lydischarged, he became suddenly but i Ctrjioi;Jtion tff'eorgelown. The votes, nesday we stated the number of cases on -lihtly affected. aul a tear started to his ; therefore, off these interest were the day previous to have been twenty eye. lie passed his rihf hand delilierate- iosf " - : "j since which thetlai.lv number, we are ly under hi- glasses, and held U ov r. his a(l JI;itter' interests b'en vo- I confident, has considerably increased thus eves lor a moment, and tn the next with , fC(j ,!IOIK ail,j ftk v,,(t tt.,, exnected) swelling; the cases now under treatment 1 i ' r . w - il'iinln s I V I i I 1. I I ... I etl IlO.r.Wl IIOUS HI eil- i , , i , - i . ' '""'.Hi!; ... , - and ill'1 rHioliG in treoer.d :oe inviid i , e hopejn our next j The Kiirnises llm ;,.w,i;;uii vul to be aide to report from an official .source, jsum-'d ..n Mon '.ay th 15t i ot.r..ily. Wake Koivst. .tune 8, 1,. 3j y " 0k ' I 4 .1 great composu'e received tne congratuia- tionsiof his friends who were pieent- It is s?ned in the liuston Alias, on the, authoi ity of one of the Jai y,vthat ten ou j o twelve found iu ditficul'y in coming to ! a verdict of not gu'Ity ; the other two j were opposed to it lor some time. All the Jury, except these two, were citizens i , . M i. . . I , t . . 4 I - A. 11 ... . I . lor Mr. AierCC,f,lt Would have added to u a i'ge amount. we may, uouevei, litv ;Ui(l acS1,;itch all onk-rs n line. to his Vide. (observe tnat the deaths do not by any j. .He has recvi!tl returned tr'JUV.Nvrtt. v Tor M:n vl;id - 12D0 votes 1 oieiios uvar n great a proportion u i lie j t win iru jvoon y mi n.iius oi hi - (.IvOix-town - - 5J8 votes j and would h ivt eTri bun, no' wiihstand intr the coo blntld run against hiui. bv a niiony of lSivott's! x SADDLE AN!) HAUNTS MARIXG. tlK Subscriber respectt'uliy hifbnnsthp.ji,. lie .intl ins loriner cns..o!Hers. ihn U i' esia' hslicd a lir.irudi of lo U,H'uH'si:..t.()f 15 miles TCurt h of H.deijjh, ainti, n,)iV p;-),.- both I'.'.i re. :nul nt his S'nm in t ; v; ft.. . " 1 the hean ot ihe U.it-li d, to execiile' w c r .x- v . i ..,!.. c i.. ' - t . . . . i mi .'i iiu'i'.;irr I in t in i ' u i ' the C: -n vent ion." W here, and what is i lence'ot 50 years- might convn.ee s tna' " iv' - V i "." "..'V, ' ! ll 15 u inn'i su.mjii, inv. a u i t ii i :ri iniiui" i bin on ! guiit, thev ! i iibout ertuailvin their oniniotis' ... i i Besides, ' "' general quo.-u on oi ins lears oy TDK l.K.h 1 s- tV J lit l'ia. a I . .1 . .. I" .. K I" w. i 2 " i r. , f L .... ir l i r.ipii'imi i ii r 1 1 11 1 lilt Il.tllLei Oi MJill tl I. Hill '.lIUUll . ' i m nvji vu- . v. u i - - i j Hut weire n.t left w it'.. out .-the lild of Constitution inis ratified in 1776 and lias j ,v ( t iic ..ii i ! . i c i 1 1 '. r. nii t i'. rr n nf linn n imDndnil vinrp 1 "SO. T?e'SI (! CS. : .. i .i i : :. ...,.i ... n u iv i stood as above related 'HILjeCf. fi.yi f I' I!l.eir I'l IHIiIIMS hvh ; ll in Jiii'jwtil lo IjuiLi mi ?v ' f.vi mcd. ;;?id .he 'mean of coiiM-'.i. ntly ptovidini a liu it weiv th.us furnis'm-il, it las i ot hren ut tiual with th.c ."S'rJes to ii'ip.oscit in nnse lot m. AY hen the Fede ral C' rstituli 'ti was proposel to the peo ple of the ivates fur ihcr acceptancr, each S'ate ri'lrd a limited Convention ; the-e Wnv eiilions 1 ad no power to do ltoie than to aecfpf oi vjtct the tipple j inn, as it irai prej exed ; niilcss it wa in cases w'hcreihe Le'islattn reconuv-ended the article which nrescribeS a oiO'ie lor; future ameni'ments. It is said, however, that the riht of tlie People contended for by this recommendation, is founded on tlnasumiion that all were botn with T,heagirea.-. vote of Mr. Mercer was composed of. follow ing" pariiculars : The State of Vginia - : 570 vote1; Corporation AfJvfex-HKlria - 508 votes Individual S'WiLhonlc-rs - - 2362 votes I Of die votes'id Uilvidual Sfockhohlers, ; '. ihei eforc,' tfr Mercer received 23G2 to ' ; Mr. Katoh' yM), '-So, if the Elcctbm means uvai o great u pruptM uou tu ine j k en wv, u u n ikisoi in itr,t' whole number of casis as has been usual repiired f-r n.s uuieis, .or'a sn;)n0r -ciMal.-;., in most other places." wu-ch l. ( Kturs iuelf w.Si e,,b'e r tl.e aul -t i.fit-ra e Voi;inieii, to Ma iiwir.u- We re-ret to learn from the Tf'heelinsr Times, that the disease still rares at that place with unahated violence. Tlie fol lowing i the latest account of it : .a ll'hcctlnff, J'a June 5. Since Friday last, the Board has report ed regularly every day at 4 o'clock, P. M. During this period tins destructive epide- vvith almost From the I'ldadelpliia Albiim. We ate r!ad to see.the Journal of Com- m-.ii .i i oi iii..i ct nil o o -j i n e r t o . , . " . , - It' I ' .1 1 1111 1 t-L uirvc a vi.v iui u . a 1 1 vi uaiini. nn- equiu po.u.caipowcis. -anuuntt u--tr.,usi.!ilu of(,our(s to u,sff.in Krilljrs jn,m to the monstrous conclusion that a majo- . IP(,MrU (;fi1imin i.- .d n. tl.v uiic lias railed amongst us unexamoled mortality Un to vesterd;iv 1 A J ray may impose upon me .union. "uui , i,imi i;:,r W(1,.. ,:.,, .nna: . , . . . . i i i;iihli.i.i .riiii ivii.i .-"'.in iiiii .t i i it t i Government th-v rdease ; that they ir.uv , 1 . , , , . - - . , - - ,. , , M . - inade an erliy.hti ned decinu on this point, aho ish the representative republuan in-; , , n 11,1 ,v . , . ' , . . 1,'. '.and the Knode Island v ouri e:iiraed in siitutions of tins c.iunti v and rear upon , . . ,. . , ,. ... . . . " : . I I 1111 ri'i m vui v i ivi .1 u'jOi 1 1 1 uv . . . . I ,..llll.lllllV.'l-'lf,llll,l'''llll TVA itiat tlM v iMjiiit exerc:sc ccriain ou.er , ns rums tne oiom iiiiun i auie tiespoi isiu he determi'iiiM.,! against r. Mercer, the ...1 -.if 1. .. . .1...: . . ' c.-woe.pe.Ko.g wu vu.ue, 1 . 4 p M t!u.re hr,d bpen nv9 thp a I....... . I .. . 1 . ., 1. .. 1 ..... .. ' 1 n a r-. in h i ni n j ii 1 tii. ins 1 i "i The Direc-t&s attempted to he put in : bv political llu,etice were ii;nally de j leatt-d It s.ef Jus as il Mr. Meicer vas I the onlv.sacr.f'if I ".,-1. I . 1. .7...A4:...1.4 I 1 .. . .1 , I '.. . n . ..1..... ,1 UUiUca jiower. aoo u.c peop.t- ,.,......tu ... am uiese 1 ..i.i.ny , a . ... . ()f y l() n, Arft' loth: whose constitution was like condemnation upon the JJie.nration oj In- i . . .. ; . , , . . 1 r , , : r ; i A 1 1 it'i. t 1 c ini puuu?;n:i a 1 tt'Wi t on is sjient as to the mode of rctoi m.ing it, had "exper .-need the same incoiiveni t ii f. oin In r 1 epi csi nlaiion that are yew (elt in North-randina, as well as oih r inconv enier.ces. fiom tloebts en et - tiif ed on another .11 tide ol In r const 1 - j a nuuonty, -that onc'IMWiii. ovay perpetu luti? 11. The I.e'' shifure recoiv.mentii ti ate tne most int()1etTU)Mtvsv stem d ty- and tl peop'e approved the calling o a j rartny?-pyer th P.nvfTit ion in 1 F01 lo iiMvt"; v th.ee - vils. ' mav uiirT) all t l o rimi nation v:U limii nr. to these ! ir.enl :md U-'.ivo llu uianiritv with no rights '. 1 ii v. v. . . . , ..... , ... ....... . .. . . . .1 - ' ' - jr hut to practice the virtues of tame and 1 , ample. N hi !e however the Ne-tportJud tneir vani tn jiower 10 1 ens from publishing a repo of Avery, ti.ev .exacted from t 1 11 1 ' 1 I ol the tna . ... ...... . ,i.,l .i.lwii. u n 1 nn t flil i I II I 111! I Ul IM . 1 III Vilivil ncuin'.iiii 1 ...., :.,. , . , ... . .- . 1 t 1 I the reporteis a-promi.-e not to jive puon- rt"ht ol the man.nl v o! the People to re- ' . . ' ., , , f , , ,- -v' - j 1 11 city 10 their notes until the conclusion of Y till r 1-11I V n 1" ' much more monstrous coticibion"' that the trial. Such a pledge, we think, at; ipfraction upon the rights of the pres. 1". TT I 1 oor. an we si c its uiiiit y. liunurcu upon whiru a majority coubi be hi outfit to act' together. - In the e ect'.0 of Directors it will be seVn'that Mrtiuth and Mr." Jannev. 're- ceived eventjn liundred votes more than the jint vieor President. Tins was caused byu&'i votes of Myland and (ieorgctown .yrt being divided in their tase, and ilv&Oijjreate tlu-reof, 1798 votes, bv'mg g-vxti iti their favor aiid:rs, Jiariii-fs, L c. t?c. ot a dc-scr.jitron s ilum mr-i v, ;i u Souiirri. Aloket. I In-mi, I. ingot JV.igon Jurniss h-so, to wti.r.h but ;;t'; atleiiT.oi. has foreu ja.d os .ttvis par' wf'tiit c;ui try, v. ,1; oe curivd m t steossvely ; inj v.iitt- .-il cine, cf corn;,l.ont as to ilt m . worii o?' th s 'kind, the leather u ii he ch -.. -.; pu zvcii!, a:Jdi'.r a re.iaoiiablc couiiitris.iunii ;, ji.ii la.).,- ptlf.-jrill'rd. V j tloi.ti'.lent t ins ability to give satisF.Vi'.on.V : solicits .r-'u-r- t.-u'ii sti-?.? nviitri and otiV ii jtiisijiice. Yue I'foprictors ut ii ijes.vrii'ir j rf.m wita tt-.eir custom 'jjruy be assured t'.i a tat? I ll.4i m s-i w Yi'i Dt; nm.tf 4'tiie !et NorUit-rn fl I. .1 r 1 1 . 1 im.ui ituvc hi un- upv-..r.r iu uic jium o.u iiiou as wi! I f na un- nun lo piy tat j reported to the liiiarii' 142 cases, of these foot.., out of lUeir Tcs'-OtTice ih-atis.. It, 74 have died . orders areiectivtd itQijt abroad, tine excci: ; - It ouht, in juMice to our phv-icians to 10,,Uf vvoi k dues not VL: in ad ly. ire . 1 ' ', ' article niav he rtt.ir;ifvt and wdi troitn back, be ki.o.vn. howi-vcr, that the above nuin- ,,,-vidrd Tut. cost ofcurr'.e be UctraycU u,. her of caes by no means includes ti.ose iptr.ion wtio rnay nave wi-dei-ed wjio have1 been slightly attacked, w.tii the i His Frees tjr Work are as'ifoliotvs i nremoniloi v s mntotns more or ns sp. Statr H . oe-. I r 4 ilo.ses co ublrie iverelv; ofuch to whom medical aid has I tu btesl aud niOSt ifr.prWed been 'iiven, we iloubt not there aie 500 L, V'A IiU,n1 ! 1 " 1 1 1 , i . . 'Couch do. ;and probably loOO cases. Indeed there ts -lr (n i scarcely an nuHvidaal, much b-ss a.fami- (iinW,;1t do. double, " ; " "'0- prem .nitory SMiiptoms. v hat w a-. jinn nnced in a .New-York ' iy, not more 01 less affected by the usual 'UoioucIh-, do paper, threejinonths ajo, to i.ave been but Was then treated with utter tntir.etTUjPKvsvstem 01 ty- . ."..i 1 1 tu t ur.eo, but was then treated w ith utter . persons at e in constant attendance at the ! - 7 , , . ::- . . , ie rijrhts ol the maioiv, tr Ai t- 1 1 '.1 ' 1 ! incrcdu-lit v.- k;i been thus cot. summatetl, , - r-.i "Ti. 1 iic v h ar -tlu-. mi ne0, and re- - - . V , . ., , . - , the powi is i t the ji.vpiiA 1 - . . . ni.f.te e:ec?i(t of Mr. Ivitnn, throusii the , 1 . . .. . . -fteat it out 0! doe, 1 s to whoever mav re- a iff, ' - p.-iwcis ; nd dylii s cnh. Vlien 1 1 e peo ;4e of Virginia cal'ed a Convent. on to t e e thi ir Coi'stit ut -en, it v-as hmited to the dut.v l 'ft an i: t'he ainntlment- ; tliey deemed expedient, e,r r: cp.ai 1:; .a new Cot.rtituln n. and sid-minir tl-.eii v. tnk to he fvproved cr rtj'cfcd by t- eke pee.p! p at the -; .7v. Si the Convention re .::;idd it and ;n hev actetl. The" Con ' sti tft 'ion of Xtw Ilc.tnpihhe provkles that a Conva.linri n ay bevalh'd' every s-'even rcrus lo ante! d i' ; but the powers of this (. oi.vc nt.ioii are CKfte-slv limited by a .proviso tl;nt"io i-.ltefatmns shall l c valid tun':! thev .ire laid befoic the .people and rc'iUd f y .( ??)) Tl:e People of Georgia li;ive elected r'elea'es to a Conventii t:, wi.it h i I invited o specif.c duties a;t d was ot .'.tii'.eti by t.d minis! lit an liarh.to the rr.i mheis, tl a tiny v ill not adletnpt to "vitiate the bouiu'arics .presCribcil fife tl.u m In ttvr OVr S'.-.te we have had two k Ih.'-.itcd C tiv en ;ioii s'n. e 1770, the :. on to e:.nsid r id' the Fedora! Constitution rod pei man--fitly to lecate the Si a' of Gi ei nineii li e o-h.er to icci nsaltr the lioest it ol them : and 111 tins wav theevi t dence, in apaibletl and exuberated man quiet subjecis. Th- penpie cannot fail o reproate a principled opno-i'nn tliat i ." . , . , . r . . , , '. ' . ! iliate ne)'';!;t)orhood of the iruil, and a. I 1 ijer. i circuiateii lor miles m tlie iintne BALLOON ASCLN.SION. - nfluc nee ol .:: Lie Government, to super- t yesterday alternoo ., was ver lede Mr. MeiSer. 1 ami sueeesful, t!iourh the enj Fr- m tiie N w-York Ain-rican. The Balloon Ascension of Mr Dur.mt y striking. joyment of S40 to S f S- t-j ii'1 $15 tu j 7 15 in : !'c rsons w ri:in.cr to the Subscrihe;, wi t piejJ address tbej cuaimunici.tiUii.iT.o llal, bValtl W aktr County." f 1 TIIOMVS F. christm n. tune 12; lS. . ' 22 IS EW AR RANO ISMENT. ine U-i If Director-, however, is an I the si-ht is rapid indeed, 'i i,e balloon ' NCRKASEI OESl'A'lCU IN' ntAVELIJ.vs. leads as to -such cntielus ons. sovereign- ; ..... , , , iv'in i:wi . - ...i.i'i-.i. iiil.l.l. Illflf:: I I fit li 11 fW V fl F K j Ot il i"v n i vii ,w'i.ii 11 1 , is. 1 , . . 1 . , , . t r 1, 1' . 1 : i T t . 1" 1 1 1 , I 1 tin , It ii-iiil.l !., innoK Ki.l Nn. I . i I ,. .- , ,.' I 1 tV ,H,,P ' 1. Ill I'll Ml II' Mnn.11 IMill 1 restricted b no other, and bound bv. no j v 1 , , - i,l ll U v v i 'I t Uliw 11 1n1 11 u y a I I Mi "l iiinexceptpi'nr--ie one, a .d some ot then, rtll-a tew seconds alterit sprang li'uin the Jl ciiU ni.fi 1 t r .. 1 - 1 1... ! ...tl. 1. r. , 1,', '.l.ir. it, I I , r. .. l.i.l. 1 .1 ii.pc sgin ii;i,iiuii r.i Hiinili: III Ua Uie i'liiuii ",ia iimiihii hi iuc liiiuh, v i i . i, i i ll I II k I II 11 1 I il ! I I H 1 . Ii . ( - ..- - 1 1 ) 1 m, inusr i 1 j Die reside soniewte'e. In ttrs . ...in'iiu' il ic I rul n -nil 1 1 1 1 o in iinr,n lit I no i I I'ecp'p, 1. , i' - . i i " i i . ; lated 7v . . . . 1m a t o n l- on If liti v n r fro! irri'.rttit i V,1 t'l' i LIMMi u li t'V l ill i l i i; i e'iio. i i 1 , . . , ' - , . '-' , i solely upon memory f.i it od.irh it iric to uwiwiwl 1 n f'tLt I I lit, ut o llll M i v u j i the vote ot the reole,,lor IT is in tin: ine-s of tiio at:al ( omnnnv, as may irt. were low and dense, and iiothinji more "ar to supply the .want of it in Mr.Eri-on. i was seen of the aerial, iraveher. Tne Let us hope, jlhen. !'i the best, in regard ! w ind-beir. fi southward and eastward. in imii'i or niii ,1 iriean (it 1 h il nnhl ip 1 11 " ' 1 ' 1 l" I"- OU vil a, , ... . t . ... . , ... . . I I ... -.-.ls... .1 . U II I 1 . - . i i in mis Tnaue a:ni mat our ureal woi k ; ii ws peiceiveu i;.ai me onuooii vvouio the ron i ai K tnr v and i'v:i'"H'- -r ... v . . 1 . . , - , , , tnav -uner u iniury. w e c.it.not l-pe. j u leuts ol lamitois wlio denend ', - 4 I t .i- i- , i now ev er, as ..a V-1 1 v , to i i ii i t i ,i. i j i 1 1 , . ; t ol datemi necessarilv driven over in:o Jersey, or escape tne re- 1 up the Aorth nver; and hence less anx iety was felt for the unseen vessel and . i, ..4 . i : : ... i . k;,,.i ,u.,.r ..... i.i.,1- it,. ' oi ifUiauuue i.n., i.iaii.n, ih viniiii un: I, WIUI5V i . , ..j . . , . ' - . . .,, . . . I ...,",.,,. ,., , ..,. . . , ,,. , : 'oi me iiiaru jpr m wotcii we nave ireaieu-i im uarinji navigator, man ii uie winu nan i- i ii . i .1 v .i,iv.ivu liiimvvs.'iii i u.- iivu il.i un .Oi . . i . ' i , i . , , p-.wer oi the Assembly to pi e-enbe ! e , , - . , - ; - I as faithlul, uli'iiluened and efficient a been seaward. , i 1 I t U iiillAl 3. ul i m Ut l. tin iv i , vjlM 3 iiji I mnwi ni pi t i i r r pi it i r m . - I I I " I Ult UI H v-wibt " the oral publicity of the evidence ; and i ' . i i . , .unjust, inasmuch a u is impossible tor j'ai'V ind vniuai, h.owever retentive lr.s me- v eat. , 5, t" Fellow Citizens of Nonh Carolina ! T C C I 11 LJffl I irinilt .A lvl.illil'iLiillliiivi I . I . . .. r .. . - ... .i moi v. to irivc ns :m: e.purir :i n :irniiint i.l a .ii i - i . .. v.... ... .1 -.'-' ..".'." - -" ' ;ii"ll I" till iirnni ll in il lite i -nn , ii, the execution ; o,' a.trnsf, wliic . ! the lesttmon v "iven on an unpoi tant trial, n VV';iS j ... i - I .1 i . i . ii i i f 1 'i ii i ? in sn.'ic u in i i iiiiui.- i c i 1 1 tii ie . c-nhded to us bv a re-pecab!e bodv of ... ! . , - I 1 I .1 .. i I l UIIOl. .V lUU lll.lllUUIHj; I.iai il" I aons U. Hhe people ami Ibeir -representatives. -we 1 , - . , . , e 1 i. i-.i r .I ' i x i i i the article in the Journal : nave lain ueioie ou, ine tompiaiius wiiscji . : i ' . "i . i ... ..: r.V "The nrchibition to nr'utt the nrnrerdin -c ,r' i wi ii,i i iii w i.iiii m ifiii ii'i i . v i are made hftate, with tl;e rout tU of t!:em rarttl as far as the limi.ts ol an address like! this would permit, w e l ave als;, cotisiilered of those .T-dera! Coti.titution j.r.d to ive Favette- plain and practicable remedies, which are vilie the n?;ht o!' -. U ci . a memhei to j iinc.ioni(i by the principles of our gov 1.1 p A- n.id y ... But we will not puisne il j eminent, and have been confirmed by the fin the. No fail mmd, will ilnu.iini Im - niacin e ot the people in other States. 1 We have endeavored to-do this, not only ,.r . i. s:t....t. ..Li... .-. .i. unon a crirn.nul trial, as il.J trial n: re-d. it U" u ' "V 111 oimM,u,ueisT me siem.-,to us. : Iims no tswilin c a'..otit it. llm, tidlovvni; rjsidulion, propo.-ed by Mr. fiiend as we. e v er had. The interior of Castle Garden vVa tol- etaby throojedj though, as usual, the At an ad;furr.ed (ieneral Meeting; of I pav inu; spectators of another's peril bore tl-e Stockho iers of he Chesapeake ami ' no proportion in numbers to those wlio O io Canal: ''.'oinpany, held on Saturday, j cairie to enjov it gratis at winch we'.k; represented the U. States, j We have just had a visit from Mr. Du the S?ate of -Alary latid, tlie Stale of Vir- j rant,, w ho reports tnat he landed saVelv einia, the iiprporations of Wasnington, ; and without accident in an open field", Alexandria-and Georgetown, and a ma-! in the manor of Fordham in Westchester rike Tjspectln! inform!-! nV" s Aiient or' the Sieanv Coa.p ofames Uiver and Garup' titer pia.ol that it is ioiiistciit with both ihe therrv and j.mtti.e ef our e;over -npvnt thiit !he INnple u ay limit a Cencen lien to specific ssuhjecd ol considei at:tins arid whether hey will do so or not is a qui-stioi, rot i f ri'v'l b'.ii v. expediency. '1 !:C n ode ot irheiii'ir ihe Coi..',ilution ihat i- i e co ii; m e t d ed hy the report of a C n.nii'tee in oui las l.c-irlatiue may be ).opeily iiiNipteil. H I y may not the Ge neral ji&semb'y 'tTidinit to the 'ccp'e cirtain aptci'lc j-.meriii7i.cnis for their adopt, en ? Jl '.lie Legislature m n con mei d a Con t i.tion' lo make an ei dir.en or to ;tc c p,t or 'i eject specific amendments, and th-- people by ratify. si;, h a tee. mmen .Jm'.oo tan eaitse ihe Conver.tiou to be is liiecae.St of jn-tice to soft'; r from it? The cr comsn.i ct s oi a murder, or-cttiev crime, mav he (.raitc-d when they ar- d scovn red ; tlie prrxs niav cliscuss the proh;,bil-ty . of the pvisoiur's fiui't , and hung him or stt him af 1 Oeiiy, upon nil tin- random stories t!,at Hoi! in ihe iitmuv pheic ot 'ninif.r, and lhat too, in, the midst of." t';c ci.mniiniity in which tin. judges reside, and troro v Inch tiie iury. isto.be selectt-d ; but the vv e, nave nrawn no sectional f ... ... ; rt.-,i t. i. U!.i .-i.ti-c tt.-n ,, n wntiM. reiuienjii' many services to tins Corpora- I... i...i oo,mo,l tK n,.' w.... v .,v .v.. .i , iiwi j;i'.-v l l -. . i ... 1 V,1IIIiaiV.. lltl'l (LtVillill.. 111V. "'i. 1 II tl VI 1 1 1 v.- V lvl I 'i 1 'I vn ' II a V CI 1 11 V. t. , UIC I IC but a well utitht otic tied i-nd true report with manly nbiinnes- of speech, but vitt . . " ir . ,i . r, . , ; i I n.otn. nt a iur is ..lwi. out trom tlu comm as net n'an ftn the leelipjis and pride!. , , J .- . .. ,, , , ' c . " I S t at d separated tor I he u id, and the evidt I oiners. t e, nave nia u no si-eiionai: incs, t ore such ouht to cx-st, and ve do nol mean to he lesponsible for the con-j .eqmnceso! any attempt to create or pre setve them. '1 he Fende of N. Carolina,: ought to be one in feejiug, as they are inj inlerest. e put it to the consideration: of the people, whether this subject does nol authorize an appeal to thy justice of the min riiy, the right of a majority, andj the interest ol both? Whether those, who desire refoim will not now demand it, and MeCuiloh,; ,n behalf of the State of Ma ryland, was. adopted ; Resolved, 'Ffiiaf i.he. ilv.nks of the Stockholders of tht' ('iiesfi'.jealce and Ohio Gan.d Com;-any ,ure, in '.be o;. inou o' tin- inrtii-ie;, due to Chas. J nton ' JitcrcfH. for the ability, ere, ami ti otlit), u nic-.v he li is displ ij ed in discli. rin the duties of-ihe olRce i f lJi s dtnt of this C tun pa"' ? and fl-i.t, in coi.s.dr;i' ion ot' the at ten- In 35 hours lo Petersburg Richmond in v Philadelphia in 66 and ei"-rork in 75 hours, d :-distance, nf 6d0 ,. miles and only 12) miles in Mail Coaches. nni ie, p.sb 'i; j jL a l.-.te :irr:iSq l on the waters otV?nes Uiver Clif.'fip'.'K Pav. I have mad,- srranv ..nents for thence 'd luvid.U'on ;f the t,obl.'?tine";amjde(i in lie- it r v of co'. Cotmrry. ttc.tii ruatson J-H li ver and the ;!ies-i;)eake are .-.If ne v soul h up in t:ie in i-t com."orta!:e manaer, traH l . . ..i -i- -i l... Li .1 ' I n-'l onj n uie ru'e or io nines i;ie uu'oi v t-v . who ari desiroj.s cf IravclliUff !Jt ! ' W oy aim- s: tq ml to tiymjr, are inviiru to seas in x ;e iioanos-e Lme, v-hic-i ,e v?.-; n vtll. -jiiiI VI it in . vfxiv Tn.il'ii. I'hlirsllv 1 cotiniy, on the farm of V. li. Morris, in about an hour and a rtn:'.-ter from the time of his departure from Castle Garden. I !"s "'y f'- i , ' oomtoi tablf h id comniLxbous- Ins 1 cams a. - IMV, S-ttnvi:iv mormnir. The l'i o'.nefor t,oi bestowvjl and e His rise, he says, was very rapid, but he soon p:tsed through the stratu m of cloud in which the balloon was so im mediately lost to the spectators below, and then found himself in a clear region of sunshine, with, a boundless ocean of fou benea'h him. The balloon continued xpeises incurred by bim, to rie Willi groat rapidity, till as Mr. 13. estimates, he had attained the height of about 16 or 17,000 feet (three miles) good, and Drivv. commodious- narak ulhrad ito,r. Tlie 1' iUhc re assure.! tltut tUeC-: 'i he pr.nKd, tlien tht n. i-e rnusl cease. The . ... . ... .. .. . . i . . . -i . - 1 1. i- i i I'v.cciiinij's ii. .iv ic 1 1-1 u ci im ii i v irons liniO ' J ... . . . i l.r, until the (mm ai d reseniblancV of trutll ..e : z,d a. 1 directtd to pay to him the sum j Whole attention, however, belli- re vi r ,ve i oov ia.u i sulefit and l; ii'i ctmsbe, and they are hertbv delay t ftclfild, aini P.issetvers wit! pti'"-; immsdiatrlv oil o rt4ters!ortr' thes:in,e J ' o-i iv .ii IJo iie id. Tht i'c w ill ie i'r a bfi 'r; a C.-ach cypresJy for inv Ps.seoC" 3 '" Uii'IK-.id. . Pet suns from the JN.irdi r inTtHH"!. -there, is no cnun -ction vv.t'.i IVcicN 5t V :,'' lit of'01' ,,,e I'duo'it Litv on Satiinl.y r 1 togs, out on l .fr s tay and, 1 liuraa-y "' tht-ie will tie ii,! ii in il v. ii tf; l()St may not ne cirtul;ite.l. I low c;rn ju-.tice be se cond bv such a ht.itv of rani? On the con tndv, the (.ni.tiig ,ird exteioive circiihoion. of tlir: pi-ucet-diojjM may he cssenUal to justice. i.ivi 111, iv nun c.iv.1 svi.iif- t.nc -wuii. k'iiiuii,.,r f.icts relative m the case, ihhv i-t-icfive the nc- the extra .v-jovance, Uu( concurred in tho P.-rsoo re iid'.u-nn-d on their f 'tu Dollars in addition lo his nav Quired to the means refiutsite to arrest I Nordi w'no wish lo tikeeiti.e-i'e.;s.. V.'li'' as Fre.-idtni. ; j upward" progress of. his rapid bark, "" dnvnt Lmf, thsu do-iv will u ThU rpstrlnfion rooivod an 9iu;mo : Iip mold m,t mrtuin In- hi Kurnmot' . fir"!ty in iretiinsr Se-ds w .-idt-r of J v ' , ,, r c s I 4t , . . .., l.mes, mi -ilieir arrival at M.l'.oo -or vote, excepj the Corporation of Oeorge-4 the preei-e height. AVhen in the clear i rbe I'ubhc ar- as-ur-d t'nt t!K-re .ivd d- ! tovvn, who'jirelei red a diilerent sum for Ct'SSitv tit Hies,- I .,r.! In liiivt'iimn ii . limo 'ri;i iitwiu . ... - - - - - . v . . v, . . . . .. . i u.y t , i i 1 1 n i" . i v. a' , i i-i i i v. i . vv Hat iiiiK Cent man, cl)urjr d us a ma'tbu-t; r un- iiv-i vin,ii,iiiain.v3 .ji MlM.llt.Oll, l OUI II, j OCSHe region, a noriherly breeze waited bimi to- the lea-t del ,v on anv n-,rt ,t inv Lin ': 1 i.i i i i i '- i I l- . . . ; . . -. ni'J- warns me ocean, aim nut as ne i escetn - i' mere sa-min oe. it.e Msjue twi j ed and touched the upper whether, tho-s'e vv ho think their demands ! ti,at eve.-y osibk puiiiicinho.ihi be -jjivm t.o surface of the re;ari,4-'tl u ev-y P'-r-t -, tint m.y -c" Amot.or.was then made from the same clouds a-ain. he distinctly heard the roar4 f. T'v T .j.'V t0 ie, "i 1 .i . r l ti - . . i-i r - i i i I - v-' - vm h. v, ui nn c.v, . - i ipiaiii'i v.i i.usr mr ..i;n v oi ine rresi-; inn oi i ne sui i. iier -enierin ine cuuuis (lent of thtifCompany, 0 be;in at this La southeaster drove him back, and he J S. W Jo ilie pei pie may n. t vote ti n c liy upon . -, inendmints proposed t(t llieiti l.y the Lo gishiitn e. li is impossible to lu.iin'.ain a CHf.tr.av position nutil it can he slnwn that 1 1 e Peop.e derive power and do not ieGiftr h t vni'ioniirifii it can hi provt d th.-t the cie. tui'e is gr'ea'cr th.an its cicaun 5?'or that ihe ervai.n is above Irs n .'Lltei ." "i he.;f a'h ofli utlis ln-ie ;lso poin'cd out by experience a'Vd prac lice. It is a inisi.ike il 'we suppose ihat il e princ'nt'c of i his ,.-rt coin met dalien is v. t:i pr c-t'.enf. The (.'ons'.iiul'um of Com .eetie'vt -pr scribes, this very inotN of 1 1 : i; i e alterations in '. l;at i n ri u m c n 1 -. 'lie St,.tc df .'jiedema iif. effect, ti ujih ?of in voids, confttins it by her own char- . i. i, , . I i.s l' i- S'ates oi Soitfh-Cerotma 'yior.'t'V.-! &. Pcfaware repoof.iy.e the sam i- .. ... a i :. ' if.. ine pio-ceiou gs in Jos c.ix-. iu orxler tti t mpi. I I a i r. v l t- i (ji iiii w i i'ii tut ii., e m 1. 1 ei e i , . . . , ,. , ' . , - - - --.- . , , ... - , . ... . . . . ; .. , . ... ..! di!-tnt mitb som.1.1 in l.ioucrbt to ns belu ? Hide, .from two. to .Hit ee t liousaiu 1 do hirs: Continued Owenm? uinse to the ehrt'i. , . . . " . . - 7 ... " " .. 7 and also t.es.tablisli the othce ot stipe.-; till iu about 3o minutes , from the time intendent.yeneral, or Engineer in Chief, .when he heard she ocean roar, he lan to tho, Can I. These propositions . were, ded nothing loath we may 'suppose on alter cons jlerable debate, postponed to j terra firma,-.in Westchester, about tfijrty I August ne,T, to wincb tune ihe Ueneral miles, we may nresume, in a stnnn-'tt line avmhUii lor theM.ur i.oses thai are de- u, K,.ilov.. tl,:,t il v.wd v trttlnnp.,1 f V' ' ' . ' V1 Y,w,,m "K, 1 ; , , . . . J ' . ' -', " V ' iMrnuijj our secrecy a.hi trior cai t arm an in- Hig!ia,.ei.. it isil.fi. cult lo coi-ctive why ,iiese nuestions. involves the deslimes o ! n,...i i..-rs.m. n i, ... t ,1, eJ.. 1 .. r 'i l i , f ... .... - ... mi ..niu.nni,i ui (he Slatej' that It will restore harmony liutb tbn.uej. tbe coijnmuinty u hicbc.in endan- ivhere there is discoid: lhaT it will be ht I .r the righteous rais- ; tl.at lias much mere to y X tear trom tlie l!.us -no petvtrlect, diM.oloied and filse .statt nieuls which ine crenhitt d in con versation, ib.in from any respectable, pilmed, and ti ue l poi t. Wi, kno-A tlrat th- revtrainlr.B- antlioritv hi means ol developing the internal resources of the State, without any resource to ad ditional taxation : that it w ill economize the L'ov ernmcri'. so as to brinjr its exnences bUw the tfotnar ordinarv revenue, that I "I -) bt'on 1:,,md by ihe F.oK!is!i Con ts, yn.i :, li..., " ,t... .I,.;.,.'.... r . .1 I to loiie c.irsed. ll is a renin:, il i' in uwiiin lit mm ihjii in it u vi , . ,.i ; . i .1 1 . . . .-. l. . 1 . . , j uairui I..U.V ihik'., .fiivn a : lit VtT tlneiOped V. O.II II J , ,011 OaililliaV, arC IllgtllV sts.- Meeting;y.ia .then adjourned. So far a concerns Gen. Mercer, per sonally, U ..-proceeding, of the C inal i town, nimself and. Ins siiip of , the air' tiotn tne se;i. rie wa assisted in secu ring his b.iiloon by two or three black men at work in the lieidsaud rc'iirned to Mav 29, IR.",?. un .. . 1 1 . . 1 a....r nil, 1 l, l n j'nr,1 ,111 I' r,i,i, u.'.ii.i .. I i-.ti. i . ., , U,V 1 i --t cur Histm. .M'8 u..s bn p-rjetunteM fom ! factory, at 51 cannot, but he very Ratify - f rum the si rili s of seclioiuil iiart v; that . tne ureal kt of the 'neon : tne onlv tbint in i i . ;. i t - . . -. . . J - . J r 1 1 o it ui 111 in . nnn o irion, u it 10 ... . , viir 1 in M, 1., ,1 !,, Ii.. ....... H .. 3 5 .' ' .-ii--. .v. in ai,- ..... ...... t. w . , , 1 i i; , i: MJII w 111,1. , I I 1 , , , for revivio r ,lw. ! it tlie autlior,iv b bteo turned by our """" "zyu u"11"" loose wno fl. ;n kiihtat cc, b;.' v ii ioWK.y; clmi-ge.s 11 qiisui'. exertions, I I.. I ! 1 11 v m stimulate uiem lo munei and more it,,. ! 'hat the atitherhv ! (Jon; ts on the basis onour c. uie ...1..1.. wiiiic . rr- :ic in vi i!:c;i th e, theii o cs and.atKu'cjtij; Vi.yt. fiAYiWf)0D U. M. RpAKSON. ' Ii. M. sAUMEllS, THUS. S, Jr, Jane li.'. IS33- Jn. "I 1 V t 1 I Cvnixiiti y ha. I.re., ssMimed .-by our I 'r'"'Joa, un:tnnnousiy, oy mosc Wbo I'sis of Kii'li practice. Hut jP05"-! from olSce. that t'i.eir thanks ,.oiv things ..xci lient in Kn- ,.ai e due Ui. aim. for .the zeal, abililn, care. tiai med. THB PEOPLE'S hlS l?Ytm lUVi'th to aUlli .u'lsnihervvid, on tlie 1-t f 'rfTd B int oocivt:ir a ly.ms d VCl!l1'' ' . Sni-ir-s Corn II rj;' v -.t.M'el ion l' lion of tlie li .d-!.ad, ifXp'-e'sdv t r Ok I ' iiso ntii-oio' once w i'C 1 ;nfr-o .. n.. 1 ::. ,. ...1 : 1. 1 , 1 , . , . . . . a . . .inn niiu, wuiui ut: 1. as tiisiiiiiyeil in r iiiinMiir.i is nu; one. iuociU tlie Tiress has ' r i i I " . , ,- 1 1 ' 1 dtsCiiariHnti: the duties if Pi psh ont ol ; r , hum 111 oil iviii'.ii,Mii,iC.vi"v,T; ( A novehand inlet estm'i polial incl- i mod oimi of a hberl Pub he. dftit is related in toe IN. A. ii.dv A I ver-J tiser. dei iveii from recent fiapers fioiii New Grenada (Columbia.) . We have an noun ceo', says that paperfSMJuaqui;! ' '"Iif , 1 .. - .i- - V... ' . I'the 1 "J"sT4'ra s eieciton 10 tne vice : i'reii a.reauy pone mr lowaitis l'oolog it out tveu m f., ij, ,, - , denev (). ti.e 1 )th ofArrit aittllir KnglmidV' I Clompanvt In addition to Which his dis- i . nt- u 1 . ! OTP"Jeur wsy-w-- i S interetffedMis, in refusino- heretofore to ! In,,u 1,1 '.u was ,a,,,-," ,orc HhrtuaeY0f Jyn!e?Jjc,n) won.., onVrmj- io si,;,, n , ecfrve iNlVmnil v for elira expence-, j Conr.s, dated at San JosfApril; 21 det..,n u- luoSe askt d ,er.ft4.Mbcrt,er t-usoand j- fil g'J' c..,.v.Ces is Jkmm !eclinio;; the oSice,Hii the rftunilAhat the r.o mi 1 e I led b ei til s".' . ' H f c- m 1 el : e 1 said ' -i ' i-viv tClS lo acKUOW!- 3 , - S" Ir t . i" X ".;'! - '. and utoroV"d route vvill be selrrtfo- . ' This f.iue Will ic e:;t'aJl;sht-d t!i-i-C I" .' Week; at.d it sulricieirt pur $" ",;""'' piven to the lane., tie.' Fror.et r li:U ' Da !v.. . tTue Proprietor will n tilt m,t.,. l.,o .....a. r-..wi V r- I',. ill tk " I.V. ' v iio .kii 11 ,'i:i - and tbe AccoiP.iuOit.ilir'n l.oie tr to lisliiht Wdl be thsoonti'i'ie Xl witl be jiven len tbee Lntvs i operation, n ' : . IV i ; a.C'.''1'" : ri-F!--." i

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