I 4 - - . .IS, 4 V -4 ,f- - ' ' I" " - X f 3 IIISAOLIKA GAZETTE .4 , 1,1! v .--if ..,f- Si: I'll Hi el iff bo if . i mm JiALElGTI. N. C. TUESDAY, JUNK 18, 1853. &fievpfcd City!--' -No one will q.jostioni jhe Vlafm of Rat.f.igh to this ap- pellation,' aTtcr ,bihg informed, tli.it it lias ;arain.hpch visited with a Fif4, scarcely 4cs5S Jisast'rnus.iri its consequences than ?th?e witi vyhiclV jt'has been repeatedly sc-ourjed during the last two years. On 4 We regret to state that one gent'.min i The Sdpuemk Coubt of this State i w.ivwoumteu, though not seriously, by a now in session. Mr. Husk L. Henderson. piece ot falling timber.. and that another so fxhausti d himself by his exertions, as to be thrown into strong convulsions.' Uiith, however, are in a fair way of reco very. We subjoin a ff'f atement of the probable oss, and the names oT.he suUVrers. They of Linrolnton, hj:s been admitted to the practice of Law, inthe County ourts. da v Just after the fire was subdued on Sun- momil.jr last, 'a r nrmrrpi hp- tween two white men, in which one of I rhem was severely stabbed; The assail ajrrs of sofial order , and happmes-. received the sa'olntions of a ve.rv Inrgf s'nll send aforce which-will srvere'r pun-' ' ann inreatengg 'n 'demolition oi the rair-f iju.muer or our citixen, oi all parlies. j vv you iof ;iu your crweitie. est p iiiticai rick ever de.vised bv man. I He defartjsl to-dfiy in tlic steamboat ( ; W!,en you bck. .Msten to. the cotirt 7'Hfit a.pojitfwl broil wajed ?o long and Kentucky. "for Philadelphia and will cfiU of Ko-e-kuk am! the other friendly with s:) dfch"uji rancour 'houUI cense in- stop there until Teusday. Chiefs. B.a-y the tomahawk and live in stantly wi.thijot leaving in the breasts of ' o leaving the rail road, the Pres'dent j jeace with the frttntier. And t pry the tlie partie.i sme (bgrr of soreiics was look his sent in an open Ivuoyche. whh-; Great'Spiri'to ive you a smooth path and not to be exacted : it is the part of pro- i General Siimuel Smith and James II. Mc- ; a c;ear sky to return. ! dence and ,o'I patriotism not to lac.em'e Col Esq. and a? he p:ssi-d on to l.is To this the Prophet and the others an- atre-h. the- ileal in wounds, but 'to ;dj- bindings, 4was greeted bv masses of the ; swe'-ed - are all aAon-'inir most imlusinous en ' ant' Moore, has been committed j'M?" at! jU timed. har;h, and ifm.v ' people Ih-uite followed in another) My Fn!h,r.U ears are open to your . . Jr m,hC lmiuMnou, en- . . . . be, fatal r.et nminati'n. Far from he carnage. -it , words. 1 am jrUd o hrtr them. I ;ai:v terprising and deserving citizens, and ! to Pnson t() wit the issue. suhscriher .kit tbe-'wish for a renewal of! One o! ;iie ino.,t fearful sins of the j an cx itenre jt" of such ba'eful tenden- j I' Mill.. . Li l i H tint a ilivti 1 1 pnncip Pt.il .detp'm. .Tune 10. The President nf the UoiUmI States r- glad, to o back t mv pejde. I want to see my famdr. I did not behave, will i lat sumnier. I ought, not to have taken can iily bear the los they have sustained "byndax morning last, between the hours ( In addition.' to their actual loss, the f.ft we i've- and one o'clock, the appalling i CiMivenienre-attendin"- their bein thrown Pn.v homa;,e to men instead of principle. . . ,. . ... r' i ..I... i . m ,it us t i v ltl 1 1 1 in it i ! ir i . i i n ) .i - i i .... v .... . fu v. frv sounded in our ears, ami in an instant out ot business, without the prospect of j 1 a,ue!s mi,ST nnu- win exist in a tree U;,-; rn-'l!t , nr ,... mr and the nro-i day evenm- last. Ihe party landed ,at . will remembeV vour words. I won't r . .. . I . . . . . r-t . . ' -r . . .'":' - ..." .' 1 V r . I i . . ' ..1 K .. . . t i .. state, in many respect their tendency Ibable ronr leences of tMihlic measures 'vy ri, ano v. ere econeti uy to war ftgnn. I lit live in peace 1 hha.i " i .. ... ' . - .1 . " r. ;........ ... o:... ft..... I . .i '. i i ', . ' i I 1 i i. i ; . i -1 1 ... i nvpi in lw ctu'imimit I ! un il !, . k ... 1, 1 J ........ . . ! 1. .. .. ijt'iiev' ti pe correct he win uner a5ii ,-v' " ..ivuhmm.i v. .. . j u iinn;in;iK. uui . p'-wjic n.it: defend xear-nisfy but temperately : the ! People's line, as was expected, on Satur- j sutfored a "reat "deal.; When I rt Hack . r . . ' ' 1.1 I i T, . ... . 1 I r i . . 'i . after, the alarm ells confirmed the me-1 obtaining new locations, owing; to the Janchoty truth. The, Fire was discovered i scarcity of houses, is a most senoui draw io be i" 4hc -Iecond story of the budding ! b-ck. j ! nrrunied by Cant. Thomas Cobbs, as a ' Tona VuM Ills Coach shep, ofHc ajdjoJninjr, I Ciach-msLkcr?s shop, known perhaps more j n e rally 0y4.he name oi i asso s old la- vern. At this time it had made biit little ; progress,, but'.owing to the combustible! nature of the house, and the materials th which it was filled, by the,, time the ; citizens generally assembled, ihe flatni'S ' had acquired sth an ascendancy as to. the.buildin-s occupied by Turner and Hughes, as a iloo'k-storo, and by Hcuj. S. Kfni-, a a Dry Hoods Store. Also, a hcayy stcJk of car riage Timber, I . atlier, all his Tools aihd a tood deal of work, amonjr which was a new! Cam:iSiv just completed and r ady for" elivtrv. His losrf, exclusive of the buildings, canniot he less IS sa iutarv, an.Hheir innuence propitious, i he will cam freely but with candour7; rMIr Ul of cavalry, to City tiotej. , huid you' by the hanll. - , , , , i..nd d..r.-..rH ihe barouche prepared Jr th President i . I and oecoiiuu'. But such can be the rase'ofilv. when the policy o! public measures: is candidly dis-j Iems. r is said, that in Charleston, cussed, and the characters of public men i they have c, ised to talk of Nullification, fairly canvassed- IJke storms in the i;hv- and iba-t .'-tf.' Hsdl Rial pno-ao-os the at- sical -atmosphere,, they Will then purify I tention' ofl classes, Tnis is as it ; J1"1 Mr-, Peter Wa-er' '' j midnight Judges-an able and upright . ,. , V J i l- !. "i - ' followed, containing roovmi ' tee,&c. ; man anil t tighten. j should be. the way. Rail Roads are. , Yesterday the President attended di- .'. L. " ' The circumstances, aftendinp- the de-!thp prepnr was drawn by four beautiful white horses,; The New-York papers announce: ih owned, as i the barouche, by Col. Kee- j death, in that citv, d OJiv.r It'oicr.ttj for side. The President was attended in j mer S cietary of the Treasury to General this barouche bv the lion. Henry Horn ' Wbm-t,,,,." n,wi . f lldm Aahmvc. (eat of Mr. Mkjickr, as President of the than 4,000. Several ncr ns lost !c;u-ri:itres sent for renair. anioti'r m bom were .luilLrt.- N.is'.i. ) of tlillsborouh.aod Col. Wm." lliiitoh, of this Ohio and Chesapeake Cailai Company, which are copied into this paper, exhibit countv. handsome Car body I'he Kail Koud Compaiiv jdso lost a Carolina, 'are about t be roused, we i Church. . J '.- . '. t . . . A inlitorir nnil ci t 1 t lr r-t C t i.nn 1 b-dieve, Jroni the apathy winch bas sol ...... .a. j ., , ,,. ..v . y , , ,r, take place to-dav, and .the t resident viii 1 I.p r.nnn- 1 . ... ieve, long paralysed our energies. '7' c m ii i !..-- e i! . . I .. iIaivai. . I ". 1 . . . . C l". U .. 1 . . V ..... a r- 11 .fTrtrfe ovtifi.riii h thin it lb"t A ur',(r cf nttgne& nciwccn lotir ana; six uiou- j " n-x i uustM viency io uiu views oi ; ne. unrgei on Virginia secoi unci I receive the civilities f his iiiends' pouit. es In almost a moment's time, the;. amount damaged, by be intr thrown 'from the re COiouiuiiiv.aicv tw tut v sisn.it . - l , i rr 7 Bevjniinn S. King. -Between two and three thou- subHsnmenioi Messrs. i unier auxins, to rescue whose immense stock the most vigorous exertions were now miple- We are haopy to state that, notwithstanding their fatal proximity to the coach shop, pearly .two-toirds of it were sircured.-- sand dollai-s ww th of tyoods. JViliianit Hr.ywnul A quantity of Tin, Glass, Nails, Sec. stored with M;.Kin!f. Dr. h'iJus IItiyw0!. - A sumU shop occupied by j Bernard )ijuv.?- valuable wooden huddlncr, occupied by him as a Jewellery Store, together with seven or ciht hundred" dollars worth of prom the time that the Bnok-stofe caught, Vjtllinm Wnt(. Thp house occupIcd by j. c. i.J became apparent that the nlV mode by ' Stt-flman, as a-Jewellery Store. . . - -i i . - Li Co'. TrViii. i'olk. A small buildhiff occoolcd bv wliich it was possible to save the enMre John (i- Warsljall u4 a ,,,)COI.vrt '' b S'.tle ot F;V- J-.hn G M.hhuli About $00 "worth of Stock. tl-.oe in aulhorii v, totally unworthy the mined to evleiwl the Roanoke Rail Roatl. f j ' I Richard Mtrn, Esq. to whom the A- Eleven dm:, laler fnnn England. The. ; ship York, arrived at -New-York-, brings i . . - i ,. i . i - . . . i i i ... : ... . :.. i .. i. .... i : . i cnaracier oi a people wno noast ot tiieir j into '.lie hi art or our Mate, wnue at ; ' ,t ;t" v.uioiu-.ai kmi .-.oi i m y n.is ut r;. m- : adyir..-s fo tne 1 3di ot May mir.2io(. Newborn and other places, unnngineiast tnirie.en yea.s. ,or ; j. block of buildings on ti eeast iorj, was, i blov.in"- up two small houses, tojarrest the ... ...:n- r .l..wf .;,nt;,ri bv -""" iei.emc.it occupied bv XV m. V, ettevme sioci , 7 , 1- ,( Merchant Tailor. r . i. - n i .1.. .J ..Mi- ..r(. progress oi me un; ui ute u ui .m. John SliuirL To tlrs end. therefore, eve- personal' Iteedoio. In other" lands, meiv.Wil are subjected by force tq the il! vi their ! the spirit o'-' improvement masters here they voluntarily subject themselves. This no doubt is freedom? but of what a degradn g kind ? liberty to be a slave! .Well, let those who love such liberty, therisb it. ; ' It implies a de- parture from principle in them, as well , . Ins ab:e, faithlul, and gratuitous setMces , begins toes :. . , , , ,v n eh an i . ; as its treasurer, has ies'.!)el that ohire. i I Iti n ill; 1 4 i rv- T iT'i'Tr. 1 l h'tfi l.l0ri , ' lll . ' I. I . v The plan of the liritih Governmer h ib-it cvideiJce of vitality It has been decided in New-York, that appointed Treasurer till the stated meet wheu a ma i takes a newspaper out of the! B"ard, to be held on the first . ,r " ... i ! i- ' Mojulav of Jul v next, when a Treasurer post omcey-or lilts and reaus it 'Alien left ! M s " t ,- .i i r 1 .' .-" i will he -elected for the residue of Mr. at his door .r sent to hisaddre-., witli- j Smith's tevnu --African liepostiory. out ordcrif it it diccontinued,. he becomes i no immediate, probability of a the CouneiU ui the Ilriti'u Kin;', tho' their unpopularity is very ap- as a dangerous .fate ol the public mind, j resnonsib'! l for the payinent of the sub- 1 Pahnom, qvl mmtif feral ! The ly'itnr llis dwelling house also damped. Several Merc- ants lost more or 'ess in rerr.ov'h0- Liicjr gouc;;-., .diu none oi t!u . anv serious amounts : Isot one dollar was insured ! ry nerve was; strained, and the two'tenc- i . . 7 , , J- ' - 7 I AnnnmnatP arrn iio-pmpn s bn-r boo-n ments alluded to, occupieil by Mr. John mnt. , n . f ., , , . vr ; , :ir r , ' mane in tins City, for the , celebration ol G. Marshall and Mr. Win. 7f- j ayhr, T, ; T , . , .... . ,. ,., c the toua-rH ok July, wlu-cb will he pub- were 'accord i holy blown. up. lne frag- .. . ' lished m detail hereafter. An Oration ments being dragged awav, a; considera- , ,. ,f TT ln , , . - ? . will be delivered bv Mr. Henry J. Cannon,- ble space was obtained, and the Lt:gine ' . ' . t. 1 , , . ' . and Mr. Cnas. K. Ramsay is to read the was brought to play handsomely upon the ir, - r c ' Declaration. ; 1 he Lommittee ol Anarige- scorching roof and sides of Mr. Sliwrl s Illtcmlant o-plipe dwellingiaconstantsupplyofwaterbeuig Gen Ime;,:Cu,. Grant, Alex. J. Law- furnished by a line of communication be- William A. Williams. William II. h tween the Engine and the Pumps. Things . We,(on R G;l were now admirably managed, and every j movement seemed directed oy a common a doubtful Long was The Seventh annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in ibis I)i ocess, closed; its sittings at Wai renton, on the 3d iust. The best account oT-the proceedings appears in thelst Eayellevlile Obsfrucr, from which we extract the lol lowing : The Bishop, sixteen of the Clergy, and thirty-six Lajj Delegates were present. The number of Congregations now with in this l)ioce.4s are above twenty ; in 1818, flie Church numbered but three CI erg - men, now she lias nineteen elncient Cl r-" gymen whh a Bishop II 7.eulously de .voted to the kk great work.5' . lncludiiig a C'hurch consecrated on last Sunday, at Pittsborwugb, there, are now in a Sta0 of progress to completion, sfx Churehes within thi Diocess. :Tle most: important measure adopted scrtption, id becomes, de facto, a sub- j 'scriber,, air jieugh. he may never have or dered it. f the Utica Sentinel, in noticing the res pect panl to the Hon.--Daniel U'ebster, in his late vi-it to that place, says : It is grateful to us to remark, tliat on ties 1 for the emancipation of .slaves in t!ic West Indies bas been communicated in the publ'C. Ir-had catted the. greatest excitement in Loi'don. It would, proli ably be brought befoie the house of C4o.n' moiis on t'hi I4'h .J.iy. An outline of this plan we will publish in our next, remarking here, that it is .. measure in which our Govcnunent i i i '. . i i ..i more oee7)iy inte;e.rei, tn.m any otoe.- has recently agitated llnj publi'" 1 be lienjamin ti. Kice, ii. it. ol i orcasio t t.-eimgs. were suttereo t. iiaru.ie j , , t-- : .'tsf- , , I . r .i ! which wWe not 'in entire liarmoi.y wim thosftesti-; . , V ircinia. tins bee:i ejected nastor ol the, ... .. ! ,.,,-,i , f'. ' niniii. s v r s;)tjct sj'ont uieousiv ivne1 ei m i nis i 4it.v.. Presbvlewfan Church at Princeton. N. J. ! uMintruished man bv numbers of both noiilicu! ! jL-:--;' - ' - - - , i - The celebrated Horse, Sir Charley l1:4,l,es' . . j i - uymhxe.hl: the property of m. Ii. Johnson, died a iew d.rvs :ance. It is sajd that the English Government has sentfut -an agent to this country, lor Is"1 .';-. . . . . . art the . purpose ot making enquwies ana " Xcw Hampshire. Joseph M. Harper, Franklin Pierce, Banning M. Bean, Hen ry Hubbard and Robert Burns (all Jack son) have been elected members of Cou- ss from this 'State. MAUKIKI), In Huncombe cou ity, George W. C.nd! -a V.(. to l ss Richel 1C. d tu0d)ter ot Capt. Cba. Mc-ore, ! -i "In Sivnpson county, PHti'ifk Murphy, rq. tr Mi-x Ki ?: i Ann, Hiigi.terot Mr. vV iiliam I'o-on. I It chm ml, Va. bv i!e Kiij it Uevj ' liiOmp M rc, Ti'oni:.s Green, tisq to M 's Mirv Kom: Ili.rrhie, -econd d mgiitt r. of '1'iins It i hie, F.o. 1 appropriate understanding. struggle wagcil between the two elements, fire and icafcr, ami for a season, Hope deserted the bosom of the most sanguine. Oil Ai tho thronlpninfr vtdiime bend its Ul HIV v..-.-.-.- -' ' - - 1 . 'ii.cli r. fl-irrio tnwiinls thp bllildill"-. aS . ' . . , , i- - i Convention of citiz. ns from dilTerent nor if spekino-with wanton ranacitv for lur-1 . r 1 , ( r. - I i " n i . turns ol the . V" . . , ... i 1 1 City, with a The subjoined Cahd," which we pub lish with infinite phasure, announces two ; by the Convention, was the resolution tt interesting fii.cts, viz : That the Corner stone of Ihe hew Capitol will be laid with b-ariijtig..ie operation of the Penitential y j We announce to-day an event which System i thc U.S. This is a most hono-' has stricken our own hearts with grief, , Pt- -ii. x ,i and will convey a pang to thousands of rab'e aniihstitigui.shed testimony to the . , ,1 - ' ,, , ' .... , . f , - . . i bosoms throughout the Union : U e allude enngntej juxanti . humane legislation o. . t) the- nntimey tleath of Joia Stouaud - bur cou'Urv, tribute of respect which I Tomnsou. ihe'able and honored Senator ! '. At h.s residence m the cnurty of nplip, i- . , , - :" A , , v-, , ! r i 4- t si i ' M!i ." 71st vein: o liis aj:e, the Kv. Samuel Sta. hasher extorted by the philanthropists j of -Jje h'ate ot Louisiana, l;w:.ich was fitni lNsU;I, (if Prn.(eriilll (;h,llcll , Anniversary ion solemnities, on the ensuing of our independence as a anil that on the same day, a State will be held m thU view to the discu-sion of the various projects for improving its roour cd cotptiin of water resist its advance and onr.v At lruth. mil. r i ces which have been recentl v .susgested, ed by the exertions of a courageous lew, j . . J . - I ntid rfo tiroiiinro it urnrl irn h. o Ik nni v ot who mounted the ro.f of tl:C endangered j . j '.. . - iii' action m supro! t of suclv svstem of ope- building,' the fire was arrested and the; r ' : - , ' - R ' .i rations as n?.av be best calculated to ad- dwelling saved : . i ' , , p . . , . , t vance the general good." Neyei did we see such intense anxiety A . , r r . ., ,. t W e cotitirentl v anticipate that the oc-i maniiested for the safety of any building, 1 . - , . J : casion w ill Jcoilet t together, a numerous as there was for- this, and its preservation ; , . . ' , . ,, ,. n , , af, and htghivsrespettable assemblage, and presents one of the most remar.teSde'co- . . . ? ! , , -that their (Udibera'ions will result in some incidences ever recorded. At the great . : . . . , , united ehVnrt tor improving the physical Fire, in June, 1816, when there were up- 1 . ' - ',., i' , .i I condition ot our almost impoverished wards, of 50 houses destroyed, the pro-1 T i . 1 , . l . i i i State. Jiet then every county, vhose gross ot the flames was arrested at this t ',- 'c ?-,,'. i i- i t ; contiguity to the seat ot government will hou?e, by blowing up the kitchen. In, i ' --,, , ' , ., ,. ; admit d it, send deiegites to the Conven- January, J330 when SO buildings were , . . ... J , . l . , i tion. let not croaking predictions as to burnt, the fare was again arrested at the ; . , - . , : I the impossibility of achieving any useful same house, by blowing up a Kifchen .0:1 ) x'. J , , , - . . . ... , I I llllll P.W.V, -..v.... !V"J.Jl " i.i "un mi nail tne siuiie sp'oi , .rum unit lino uu""i"j, has been again preserved under ; similar circumstances, having, besides the above, been in imminent danger; from' two other hres. Nor do we think it; either improper . . .i i . t -t - . ..-i . : ... ' . . - of the-t,tion against-the prejudices () ' 'aieo in me last ivegisierj. i ie tn i.u m- t,. uVOve. Mr. St.o.tonl, m eaily Ijfe, w:.s..'.-. .. ' e , ,. , j stances of this sad ev eut, are so suockingj ti'tly engaged m the service of his ftoiin'rv. fJ-r t!us antjjevery otner age. 1 ne subject nc , .t . fll ',. ! w:tS a Hevolm,on,ry M,id,rf'and aPPea,Vd o1;ai t-noo, , ()f erilllyai .punishment has been one of , aml are calculated -to add to the pmgnatu- 'c"n ; t KuUw .sJ,ri.n; 'V-'f :,tt; ' U Was placed i . . - .. . . . . - , . cr , , 1 c' the. close of the w-.r, he devoted himselt ;o 'Ii-- . -C? Committee, ! the -mo'! R,,XK!US toric of' .investigation j cy of the general grief for t.helovi of so, Mi 1iV,.y ot tt,c (wwpel, in the exercwe:of whic, ) i i establish a School, to be located in Ua 1'eigh, and called ihe ' Episcopal School of North-Carolina." This under the man,i"empn.t of a consist ii of the' Rihon of the D.ncess.-ito jurist and statesmen of all count ies j sterling a ptr.ot. s Cliairman, four Clergymen and eight 'of any rjier. problem in the science of go- T .i...i.... I... O .- .v... 1 . I ........ , .-. 1 J 1 .1 . . I - . . " .1 jj.i,!.!.:., ii.iu me rA" i icu ! mm in . vernmeift : ami ! nai mis country so iicmi i T I " I . I . . I' . I . . 1 . I jr." ! nateign me present moiun, ano it is Hin t -M j j,;- f;iI1t;nric dmnlrl ti. msnrti.,! ! r i . i- , , , i . . f, . ' . .. i m .ill lit i- institutions, snouia be icssorieu f our readers at this melancholy cata unit, uic oenoui win -j-'t into i ui :uei ua i e 1 operation. ire Commi'tee consist ilev. t-Ti?o. v. freeman, itev. in o uni isnt a citi7.en. r nl i:liol ) n-n n f liiin o u a f L'liw! " ' ' U v Villi l lullv k . u jjUiiiiuumin c V u If it fout' at al! alleviate the regrets ; , , - in uui l cuviti nt iiii in v iit i i t ii.-'- ' (p to i by the older States of Europe for iir-j trophe, we could here' remind them of the M jfon.uti.b, is a compliment that should t honorable station which he held, the pros- i I . c i r .. . i:r ...I.' t. i.... i. i. .. ... .. ..i - i...... f - i 1 , 1 t'JH 1 1 J. ii ' it M.f .iji'ui 't j ycrfi?,.,. ; In Cnirnlen enmity, Mdaclii S. Lewis, I'.sfp an ist'rrble man and valnuhle citizen. At Vickbnrjj, Miss.- on the Tth nit. Mr. A. H. Wntson, oiercliant, an 1 .lane, Bnnly, and .IoIk-;, thinejilers of Dr. I Interna nf lied of Cholera.---hiv. V;it?.on and one of diese. younf; 1 d les v ei . to lie married on the evening of tlitr sufiribvn vvinr.l) idey were sunimontd inlo eternity, tnjj' i .: i i i p i:r i t- i. . u-ii:r n iiie-v were ?i nimnnKi in (i Ptprmiv. tii.' ... , ... 1 1 i, i. . 1 1 . - . i ,. .1 i:. i nee tot a longer prosperous we, wnicn ia .v.- .. r " ! vjreeo, nev. jarvis lu o-ixion. uev. jos. oe prizwi anil appreciated uv an- uoei.ii ' c . ,. . . , eivmj ims snaoen auu awiui Dereavemem in o i ii i-. ! - - . . . , 1 before him.' to be spent m the society of a .i,.- , ,., if. Saundeis, Ijon. Uuncan Cameron, j iPuint t and shon d stimu ite them to : . 1 i 4 n i . i-aiiLii'nai gloom. ,. Ill ti n iv n r- v u i lel,alt,-!' an(l s1,)JI si imuiaie uu in io n((j;.t Ujei.,ls(nfr aml devotedly attached . m ., -. mm m.,,,,,-,. li,,,,, i .. ,, Hon. I homas Uufhn, .Ion . bto h. ll.jl- s5lH hier vievvs in the improvement and ; AMli! v . a;;d We coubl moralize; from this 'H) VV Tl 5 K I'I X(i Spn'idl Fso Toserh 'B Skinner -'.'n -;i11IU,:il,Hi1-iii n iiiinii.ai iniiisii;in.-iiis. 1 j tl--"v v" l,,v- ..."...vt-.-, .... jvn.K 1 iMi ot the citr.ens of Kale'h s rr- Dr.Frcd'k J. "Hill and Ftlwurd L viris- i The Nashville Papers are clothed in I earthly Iv.pe, and the transitoriness of ail A quoted t Hie Court House ,luVa,erll0o , ow. Ksn. mournift.?- t,r the Ueath ot the uev. win. The Standing Co-mmittee for tKe pre- ' Unme S tliat Citv, who seems from the entyear, isyompo.ed of Rev.Wm. M. testiing ()f hjs "fellow-citizens, to have iji;een, iev. oni. vv . freeman, uev. .1. II., Saunders, Messrs. Gavin Hogg and been 01 e of -the best of men. Duncan Cameron. '. Snnp-:-ot the Northern papers intimate The ni'xt (Convention will be ho'den in j that thr object fef- the Presulent's visit to the Town of Washington, on the fir si I New-Jsland, is, to prosecute a suit, he Monday in Mav, 1834. , , ' . f" - . -, 1 , . ' has theTe. m th.e court 01 ..upid ; that he Hut, we refrain. To other and abler hands we relinrjuish the tak of doing jus tice to the -memory of the deceased, ami as far as possible, of consoling those who mourn his los, by a proper tribute to his eminent private virtues and his exempla ry public character. -Xut. Lit. If sies to Hie proposed meeting on the su!d oi' Intern d Improvements, to be held in this (Ji ly on du- 4 lw July. ! K leitMi, June 18. - a :.cAiii). 'piir, COM Mts.sIONfs appointed tb rebm'l to ay ;tic (;onn r Sto.ie, in sviiicll is to be depo. Mien a meiiiinr. enjrravin emmr ma at iv ot ti The Foundation pin; that he ( 77 President and the Indian. n,e i -vcn:, mi tne tii i;.y..i .imy next, :. have-Mi itor of the 'Haltimor of irresistible eyes, and .cen filVored w irh a cor 1 11 . - a - I . . . ,, .1 ne vo cii.M ai.it ! tin: 31am 10 five t'i . . . tvna fits -i it 1 f mI h Ull) PC 1 tl l Ss 1 (' II h f K,. !?..!.;.,..... 1? ., u , ., I,...., ... .. . . ,rK'' rStOtie Ol the first 1 TO- : -' ":".' v- " - - rv iUiioi ui uic n.iHiiiiwic n.rpijiit.uii im-- ,Mj 1 unpretending Staitc. desire to see its cha racter apprec ated and its resources de not.ricilion a.I' Unit (.ml, and resnVecltidl i ' : 4 1. i I ........... 4 . 1. 1 . . ...T.l i . .. i i r i j- . I '. II !." .11....... r- . tes'tant Episcopal Church ever built in j V1v' ? ' been tavoreel wnn a copy ot tne .o; .owing ; - . , .i .... . i ... i -i: .,.i. ..a. ;... i . . r- . . . siieio, I r.ni sor-. ano riiciinv ot the I ifnvp--:i i) i - i . r i I mat a ti ei.uer ai tiisci ei ion, oi w m. uu- , mr,,,lir aildiess ot tie i resident ot tie ' ,i ? ' .i , .' , l a MS, W as laid Oh the 23d of April. I ; . . : par. i.i, diuuess u un. "l11111 l,o,iie Memoirs ot llie I.e. rsiaiuiv of the-.Stair, Mioncun .jot witr, at' least, is expected of , jlxti.( States to '''Black Hawk and his j todies ot the Sujovmc and Ciien t cm-.i.; ,TLP,,rnpr Stan, nf ti.P tiirn d T.dloo-. him. ToW if'tld l)e f()Unded. ill tact. jj Hi I II I 11 OI I lie Ii rf a.- U ,t 1 1 Ot Itt T Zc l party. oi i 3 uu-, ui-uc irtseiu auu join in t)i c. re loom . .tune 13. or indelicate to remark here, that in eve c ry instance, the fortunate escape was; mainly attributable to the presence TO TFiivrniLic. It is understood it hut the Commissioners ap- c' pointed by the Legislature to sopeHntenrl the re-- ' OlllltlO.w AJl l.M ,rtL;i!.wl JI.IVC- lltlvTI.IIIilv.Li 1 t IA mind, the calmness the collectedness and 'the Cornerstone of: the edmceouthe 4th of .July i- '' c,, . lt.!next. This occasion, it is exni-cted from the ar persevermg. energy of Mr Suart herself j ran?cments that h-Ac been .mile, will cud to- ;t ladv, whose Ulliform conduct Oil such ' g-et'her a large, number of the most intelligent and vespectaoic tiuzens oi isre ovaie. . It is believed that tins meeting will afford a fa- von'ble opjiortumty to ascertain public sentiment will be laid soon. I'he Building Com- 'tfc ack-iowleoge the entire prnpnety o j Chihhrn When I saw you i:i Let us all do our duty ! We mittce have broke groutil" for the erec- j his b i g 'accompanied by his friend the j Washington, l.Mld you that you had be- a (VYRJ) Vice-iesident. - haved very badly m raising the tomatiau k i rnXTjusm feJIUf;ilKS return their prater:.! A iridic a;e of Chinese Mulberry against the whi'e people, and killing, men, J J tilHi.u to d.ose KeHtiemen whoso kindi- .wotfieu, and chii:tieu up. .n the ir. inner. veloped sh-albthen deserve if we cannot command tion of that edifice. success. occasions, forms an admirable contrast to that of many of those wholboast theiv.Felves the " lords of creation.'! 'This is the on ly distinction we can peirmlt ourselves to thaw, for none can deem it invidious. It. is due however to, fnany, to say that they did their duty nobly. Very efficient with respect to the various projects of Internal Improvements, wh;eh have been proposed in different sections of the country, and perhaps produce unity of action in support of' such sys-tem-of operations as may be beat calculated to advance the g-cueral good. To this end, the the undersigned beg leave respectfully -'to invite public attention to the sub- aid was allordcd by strdngers, and parti- jject, and' propose tlmt a convention be held in culaily by.those who jhave taken up a this city aUB pcrjwl above mentioned, to.be . . : ' . I cotniiosed of such delegates as mav be appointed temporary sojourn among us, and are en- jfor this purposc the several counties and g:?ged in the erection id our pubwe and j towns m tins Stale., privale building. 4 As usual also, our I)avi(1 J- Swam ; ' . T . . - . -'v - Henl-v Seawell I roioreu population iisiuignisuen inem-. .Reives by their unremitting efforts to be. -serviceable. As to ti e origin of the fire, 44 darkness fted shadows, test upon it." As will. al ways be thccase, theie is a diversity,. of sentiment on the subject. By onr next, it may be in our power to give a definite opinion. I t i proper to add, that a white loan. has been committed to prison, dn sa's Jiiciou of being the incendiary, but Dp&f auiiiialiun has been yet had If ,v ill lit. eccn hv ;iri n I vorl i mpn f in , , i .i . rii i'Treesiook place lately at 'New-York. . to days paper, that on the 1st ot July en- i. f . 1 r - . ' ' ... . . c, ! Tlierevere 5000 ot them, and to prevent suing, a l-i mo oi jvccommooaiton diaes will be put in operaUoi, to run between this City and Bel field, where the Peters burg Rail Road terminates. The Pro prietor of this mute is James 'IT'. Jeffreys, Esq, one of the most extensive and spi rited Contractors in the Southern coun try. ' - ire nionopt'dy a'od speculation, no single pur chaiertvas allowed a privilege of more thanK). The object was to difibse, to 1 . . . : i. ! . i i as jn-ektan extern as pussiuie, me anvan- aivi. .1 them dur nf ihe ll- Fre. and takr t .' i 4 Your -conduct last vear compel !t'd me to j method ofinf nm g the t'Hil c, ihnt fVrr th- pr.-- .end mv war,iors;g;,inst vou, and your ! stlU U '"'. tne Skss,o,v IlSou, . ui.1 . " i - V , , : a tacned to ihe V : esl vte ria n Cliurch. f iini- i " i i- ..r. .. i . . :.r. ... .1 i people were oeiejueu e.v ss, a.... n,M;ks :rt. , ,.rwH, conhisr .but will fee s,)t-.,l- your mensurreridei cd you to be kept un-! ,v .,r,:l,iged', win. n in. v hope to sec their trtendi "til I should be satisfied, it!:tt you would and cns.omt-.rs as usual. not. try to do any more ii jiiry. I to!j tlik-iii. June 17. t'l.n I iiri.ntil inruirp vvhiMher vour nconle I If I? YX h 7 I - . . . . ii. . .. l . . . . I .: i I xiisheil you simuiu remru, aim wsmer n i ttjkxjamIV s. KING into. a, his friends and W. S. ilhoon Duncan l.aineroin -Wm. fbll ! J. (irant Geo. XV. Haywood Weston IT. Gales VS- Whitaker J Parker Hand Wm H. Haywood, Jr. .Rev. llaniel j ' WmT M'Pheeters lipjSGfScott Thos J Lemay (eXr'jft'jLiwmic e Theophilu4 Hunter : Charles 'Xiaaly fhos. Cobb j r;.P.alcigbr JuiK 12, ISZ?. Vihlliam Hoylan liciirjiikis M. Saimders 'James Iredell L.. HeiKlerson .Thomas Kuilin J. J. Uaniel P. Hrov.ue Alfred Jones 1). VV. Stone C Dewey "VV n. Gaston Geo. K. li.ulfer Daniel I. Itarringer E. P. Guion -.! no. ''Beck with T. P. Devereut (,h ar.es L. Hint On Natdr'i O. P.anl. . Johnson Boshee ,.iooV5P iiv;tiCvdfr iliii l.-iiid nf mil ! horrv laf?'-f l' 1' - " j i j isiieil you snnuiii i ri u i n, huh w-juiri " T) whiohs saiil in be more highly valued in ''you did return, there would no any -.i;tn- ; JU co-.tonurs, tfi.i he lias removed ther,. the "&k culture than the common mul-1 er to the frontier. Gen., Clark, Vnd ; ..,.on-u-r ,,f i Siock-f Co-, s,y,d Oom tm ' , Atkinsoa, whom vou know, ha e 1 ie.-tu me hmhi,.. on ruye'U.v.He-sireet, d. bet ryfS . . ; lectfy o osite Ihe Crrt lliefti., pwM-dr.by H. Ci&i. It bns been ascertained that i cil,stl c!lief an, hi' ,rfsl-f -vtur t.,c wi.olc w n.s Dry ioUt a compl... . ..; i. c.,4 tt ( . .i .t p . j arc anxious, vou should return, and Keo- j ussorimeiit ot wioclt tor bprmg "und SunOtir ,u"rT " ' ,i i , .. . I kuk has asked me to send vou back. '.Sal s, he hl .,u-t u,d n., he riNW?tt sohcrt nah and Auirnsta. was, otf the rit ot tins ... . . ,- . .. -' . n.:. ;:,il,.lr.l;.imii.ironi'tio tt.it.V ' ne , tii - Hah-. i, .iikk- Ir. 4-. , 32 -v'.Hir "jooil conouci ami i- nave g I 1 ' I ....... ; ft. .f ctimrlrl tin f:L':i to vim r i) ' c. n .....ii n,i;. : weie. oo to toe same time, uvoo aaies jjiui u, j o . iii- itji. x,. r .,..,.- 'r',, .. . own country. I OSS t-ia Ml rl L uui.-moMiii a mill in i - i ... .. . i i '.l ll - y tlx. nml. ivho is with vou. tvi ! . . I, ...,.m luA ri.tl',.1 .,irt IV tL. . .4 . f V, . A ' t on- loo!.- "'"fi '" v ru.i ,- . i. . . i !.... . f . .r.i- ... - " . MraSOH. Ol Oo.lini li-j ICS. UCV. lUtJ'O , - - I r .1 I . n' HIHU"", i"1 .i in. 151.111 iv .ir ,j. The Western Carolinian, printed at Salisbu'-y, has changed Ktiitnrs, but we presume, the political chracter of the paper will remain the sTiine, judging from j niontb,,5f).G'i7 b ile's less than at the -sum t the address of t;:e new Kditor,' John J per.bdd';t-t year, ami that the exp-u t? fied by talents and experience for the dis- c'-arg-e of the duties which he Kas assum ed, and we wish him success ir his new ,.Mii.in. thioi oh we rerret to fir.iL that a Tfe President of the United Slates, i t'ei!P'c- ' " . : o 1 . ess icii tui . iiimii- a iu.iii in n- .. .. f , i i ,;., s- - v ii. j iii ! Mat. Gai and, who is with . ciencf, up to date, as -compared with last , . . l- i e" -irn K-'e V. t'mf 1 connect you through some ot r 4- . oq will see the- strength ol n"f-: -.i'...-! e ..'.! oeoolc. You will see, that WILLIAM . 1 VLOIJ, Merchant ,Taior, mtoi ip's his 1 rirnds od i hc no H he, ? tlitt llM llliCI II... Ir .1r,- ii'.rl rl lulu.l. l.' ,;l .... Ill IHAil 1 IJ'FW .'. 7. " ...V ' "V -ll , You will see, tlutt our young-' cu,.y for caw-viig n fiis omm;-Wiriurtlirl'i . 1 1 . .1 . . ,' ...... . . - 1 l i 1 f ! ). t' 4 1 4j .'ft - ' . . 4 1 I XI.. 1 T - J . . ... l 'i.1 riT'.j. iif.i iv ii- .,ii i.i nr. I -1 r , v- rafliral r haiiTe has taken nlae to his no- "1 - 1 J ' ' . J. ' .lc . - .' . i.i.i ot stAte, Mr. Lass, secreC-iry ot war, ami i " ' . - , .. , I udeiigo, J ,ie 17. niieui oi;:,r,.,., i4.cc . u ua.. t..u , j , yjriyale secretary, V,L l"J r.... o ............. "'-f. nlncnru of cr4incr Iiiit. V i lilts l.mv. r..T.l :..?.:. '!(.. 1 1,;. ; ltUtUClld t j;n uui v. vi otv... ' ."- jurriy.-n us i.;iii liij, "i 1 iuusuati "W ft- .1 1 . .1 ' . . ,' ...... . .- - : .- men ae as numerous as tne leaves in me . nonce, nr rt-sj.cciiu.iy inci a conimufnce ? WfiHt can vou do ajraiust Us ?; oi jmnhc p.uo .- J4 ever, the spirit ot t'ne following passage from his inaugural ' Everv one who prefers tranquility o turmoil, and the stability of government to mere party success, rejoices at thv aif justtneiit ot a controversy which iofsed poison even into the-Kacreir recesreol domestic life, corrupting the- vry fol!i- nd t tost respectfully introduced to lUi- I lV J ;lu"1 ' " timoi e, by the rail road, the carriages be- lamdiesbut 1 nope ti tour-t'o .Tlie East. He v.ms h'andsom?" v. tage jng tl'awnbya fine locomotive "engine; ' and o rcejved by the couimitte? ap point d tor that purpose. Accommoua or ee would be soon sent a$ isi t'Sklfcaletlii Female.' Heminary. SSV t uld destroy your whirl e tr.be'.; yfor. tfceuWSet .o, iinJle'r t.e ipi nnifnV 4V you, a!Wouhl let the red nrcn hunt and take care ol their j iev will not aain . f raise their hand against their white Ore1 ihren. We do not wih to in) -.ire you. We desire your prosperity aiul inpiuve- mmdiaiUeen oividk'U for him at N- But 'f T" l,'U" iJU co-;n& nudt-Q ieerOhotel-where be ! kar tlie uresis f r people, i L aucc ot'lltfc bithsRiiiier, wll commence !.. .day new, Jifie 17'h. JL s, M.C. STftT, an exprrienced Prrcej'' trt s f o't ii.e N .itti, irived a siorti.rne a. i'o htr, w'll ye coHim.t. ei toe numc hoe ci ; and air-truct.oii of iue v '..; ivi.. 3 o. the 1 lull ru . "vViL M pucivr -?t. - ', ' tv ' .1 V V .1 . i" - ?v' 'i "Vi -'f-irj.f 5T - W TT

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