T v ' v, 5 . " He" litEIGHECJiSTE, IHJOABQLINA GAZETTE ' -I ft i . PA At "4 ' ' ' - - ' Mad ' - . ' i i . - 1 . . , . ' ' . , , j !;. ..- . - - : . ' w'. - y, ' ' r . . , - . , - --.v.- ... .. M 1 WORTHY. "T riTVFH 4 T . nv Slit WALTER SCOTT. , Vl- BT C. SWA1IT. There was a wailing on the early brjeeze, and darkness in the sky, When, with sable plume,nd cloak, and pall, a funeral train swept by ! MethoughtSt. Mary shield us well !-jthat other - forms moved there, than those of mortal brotherhood, :he noble young and fair ! Was it a dream ? methought the 1 dauntless Harold" passed me by i The proud Fitz James;' with martiai step and i dark, intrepid eye : I 1 That MarmionV haughty crest wap there, a, f. V.D . ! And she, the bold, the beautiful, swejet, Lady of the Lake.' i The Minstrel,' whose last lay. was oer, whose broken harp lay low, u And with him glorious Waverly.V with glance and step of wo : - And Stuart's' -oice rose tliere, as when v'micLt fate's disastrous war, He led the wild, ambitious, proud, and brave Vich Jan Vohr.' Next, man-ellirig at his sable suit, the Dominic stalk'dpast, With Bertram,' Julia,' by his sde whose tears were flowing fast ; Guy Mannering,' to-i, moved there, o'crpowcrcd by that afflicting sight ; And Merrillies,' as when she wept on Ellan govven's height. 5n1inr onrl rmivp 'Mnnlrhnrnc iannrn.irhed. I amidst that burial line ; And 'Ochiltree' leant 6'erhis stafrV'and mourned for Auld lang Syne !' j Slow march'd the gallant ' M.'Intyie' whilst Lo- vell' mused alone, For once Miss Wardour's' image left that bosom's faitliful throne"? With coronach, and arms reversed, forth cajne MacGregor's clan ! Red ' DougaldVcry pealed shrill and wild 'Jlob RovV bold bro looked wan : i The fair Diana' kissed her cross,'and bless'd its sainted ray ; f And Wae is me' the bailie' sighed,'that I should see this day ! Nest rode in melancholy guise, with sombre vest and scaVf, Sir Edward, Laird of Ellieslaw, tlie far renowned ' Black Dwarf;' f I Upon his left, in bonnet blue, and white locks flowing free The pious sculptor of the grave stood Old Mortality !' ' Balfour of Burly,' Clavcrhotise,' the Lord of Evaridale,' And stately ' Lady Margaret,' whose woe might . naught avail ; : Fierce Bxthwell' on his charger black, as from the conflict won ; '' ' And pale Habbakkuk Mtcklewrath,' who cried God's will be done '.' And like a rose, a young white rose, that blooms 'mid wilder scenes, i " Passed sle the modfst, eloruent, and virtuous Jeanie Dean.; iSh- And4 Dumbedikes' (bat silent laird, with love too ' drep to ;))i7f, And 'Effie ' with her noble friend, the good Duke of Argyle.' With lofty brow, and bearing high, dark Ra-1 venswood advanced, Who on the false Lord Keeper' with eye inlig- nant glanced Whilst graceful as a lonely fawn, 'neath covert close and sure, ( 'Approach'd the beauty of all hearts the Bride of Lammecmoor !' Then Annot Lyle,' the fairy queen of light and song stepped near,' ' The'Kmghfof Ardenvohr,' and he, the gifted Hieland Seer : TJalfrtfv ' nii(i.nn t T 3 f.iill 1 ""6v"ji """""I L.UIU iiciiLeun miu ' Ronald,' met my view . The hapless Children of the Mist,5 and bold M'hich-Connel Dhu On swept Bois Gi2bert' Front de Bomf ' ' De Bracy's' plume of woe ; . And Caur de Lion's crest shone near the vali 1 ant Ivanhoe, Whilesoft as glides a summer cloud, ' Rowena,' closer drew, ' ' ; JVVith beau'dfui Rebecca' peerless daughter of ' the Jew 1 Stillbnward, like the gathering night advanced Tthat funeral train . Like billows when the tempest sw-eeps across the , 4 shadowy main, Where'er the eager gaze might each, in noble ranks were seen,'. ; Dark plume,' and glittering mail and crest, and woman's beauteous mien ! A sound thrilled through that lengthening host ! met nought thfe vauhy was closed, Where in his glorj and renown fair Scotia's bard reposed I . r i Jl sound thrilled through that iengthening host ! and fbrtlijmy vision tfetl ! " But J that inouj-nful dream proved true, the immortal Scotr was dead i BLANKS t FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. BOOKS. JVKW PUBLICATIONS. rpilF. Subscribers have this dayreceived Irorn Boston, a fine" and large assor.rne.u u. c.t latest and most approved School Book., embrac ing nearly every new and vaiuanie wo., u. '" ,col,J . J, . . , .... T(r,lK-,P with kind now puDiisnen in iU t..ijr. - VU" variety of inierestinK.anll useful new Pubhca- 1,ons oF every description ; among wnicn are the Biography of good ;Wives. Lectures to voting Ladies delivered; to the pup of Tro Female Seminary, by Mrs. Aim.ra .i, Phelps Reminiscences of Spam, by; X,. Lrusii intr. The -new American Orchardist on the cul ,l manment of the most valuable Fruits, Ornamental Shrubs, Forest Trees and Fh.we. s--adantedto the United St -tes by Wm. Kennck. Aw, ' fresh sPPly of 50 suPerb fhea?- lv Bibles, assorted, of an prices ana qH". iy u.uics, TURNER & HUGUES. R deigh. May 25 ' LAW lAli"RAB.X. Edited hy Thomas Sergeant and John C. J GALES & SON are appointed agents for M.;v;.i.rciibscfiotio.nsfor the above work. The series will commence with Theobald's Practical Treatise on the Law of Principal and 8uretv particularly with ngard 'o Mercantile fi.,uM'ntf..n lis of Exchange, and Bail B nds, 1 voL 8vo. London, I he price oi uiib work is now $3 75. The entire numb, r will be included in the number of the Library," and to subscribers will be furnished at the very low rate of 83 cei.t: . , . ,- , , ti,. (i i ..w T.ihrarv" will be published in monthly numbers, royal 8vo. ot 200 pages and .wU at, R!0 mm unniim. navable in advance. t uvi i ' on JUST PUBLISHED, Price 37 Cents, And sold by J. Gales Son "W-fcRAf:TlCAL PROOFS of th Soundness ot ihp Hv e:an Svstem of Phisioloev, uivinjf4! inrnntrovt'rtible testimony to the afflicted, of ih u.tlrnHhlc value of MORISON'S VEGE- TAHLE UNIVERSAL MEDICINES, n luding, with other matufo the origin of L fe, and cause of all Disease e-.lained, an entirely new view i of the Origin of the Smallpox Virus, and of its ! beinc most certainlv eiadicfble, or rendered harmless, and sundry cases ol Cure, witlrmost important informaiion competed withvthe sue cesstul promulgatim of the Hygeianfstem in the United States of America. March 25. NTF BOOKS. rimiS day received by the Subscribers, the 1 Cabinet of American Jlision ," in 4 vols. 12 mo. TURNER Si HUGHES.. May 10, 1833. t - Medicines, $?c. New ami Valuable Medicines. Butler's Effnttscent Magnssian Aperient. F- r tie prevention and cure of In lijr stion, Bi'ious ai d Liver complaints,Nervous Weakness, Headach, Heartburn, Habitual Costiveness, Gid diness, Cutaneous Diseases, &c. The surpiis iriif efficacy of this stiperior Medicine hafe ob tained for it the patronage of the most eminent persons both in Europe and at the North, whose high encomiums, together w.tu its extensive and increasing safe, MJiy prove us pre-eminence, and bids fair fo render it the mot popular re. medy extant. 1 o the d '.peptic, the sedentary, and studious, it will be found invaluable, from. , us promoting a proper action of the liver m the sccietion of bile ; or tlie correction of it when in a vitiated state. Obstructions of ihe stomach or bowels are gradua l) removed, it res ores the ; ap)ene, unci gives nine, su enmn, uiui eno j; v i to the system. Travellers, and residents iw warm climates, will find Butler's Mugm sian Aperient a most desirabie ariicle i it prevents any accu mulation of bile, is portable, and the method of preparing it u usually convenient. Children hve fiecpient occasion fo gentle and cooling purgatives, and they will take tlji'i Aperient m i preference to any other. By merely pounng wa-er on a ten-spoohlul of this A pern nt, a cool ing and grsteful Effervescing bs vegagl: is obtain ed, resemblintr Soila Wafer in tlie taste, and imparling to the constitution altthe benefits of i the Congress Water at Saratoga. Carpenter's Saratoga Powders, f TI ese powders form an Elf rvescinj; Aperient dr-iight, possessing all the medical virtues of the Congr- s- Springs at Saratoga,. Carpenter's Comoound Fluid Eltrtct of 1 ' ... J J SarsapuriUa. For purifying the blood, and removing all diseases arising from excess of mercury, expo sures and imprnclencies in life, chrome const itu tional diseases, arising from an impure state of blood, Sic: Carpenter's Compound Sirup of IJvenvort- A sale :md valuable medicine for -Coutrhs. Consumption, Spitting of Blood and Liver com . . ri.i . plaints. Compound Chlorine Tooth JVash. For cleansing and whitening the Teeth, pre serving the gums, and rendering the breath sweet and pleasant The principal ingredient! in the (i mpound Chlorine I oot.h Wash, has for yeas attracted the attention of the most scienti fic men in Europe. Since its.first introduction m to France by a member of the Royal Academy of Medicine, it hns elicited general and particu lar notice. As a speedy remedy for all eruptions and soreness of ti e mouth, and for completely removing the unpleasantsmell and tns'e alter smoking,, it is now considered preferable to any de nliifice. Chloride of Soda and Lime. F'r destroying contagion decomposing pes uieiniji fpiiiiia, prcseiving provisions against decav, Si lienor diz-.ng strong or offensive; odours. The most valuable art-cles for sick rooms, &i Swaim's Panacea. For the cure of scrofula, secondary svDhillis .1: ... J ' . mercurial diseases, &c. Swaims Vermifuge, A certain remedy for the. destruction of worms, and cure of dysentery and bowel complaints in children? " James' Anti-Dyspeptic Pills. For Dyspepsia, indigestion, hearlbnrn, Sec. Judkins' Ointment. For the cure of white spelling, old and long standing ulcer, scald head, ring worm, erupti bns, tetter, &c. i v,:a. ; I 4--'-'' Roberts' Welch Medicamentum. For curing asthm gravel, rheumatisrr, gout, impurities 1 fthe biobd and removing, habitua! Costiveness. A'so, all the p itent Medicines now in gene ral Uie, constantly . n h n d and for sale hy WILLIAMS & II Y OOI), - ihtcaries and JJrugi'ists. Raleigh, May 31, 18.. , - 31 . --5ft '' ' NOTfCE. Jti. TN or about the year 1800, Certificates of the Funded Debt of the Uniied States, issued by the Commissioner ot Loans in North-Carolina, in favor ot J McKnjtt Alexander, were lost or con sumed by fire. 'Application wilHe made tor a renewal of the same, by J. McKNITT ALEXANDER. February, 1833. 19 NOTICE. A PPL1C ATION will be m:de to the President, 1 "11 Directors and Company ot the Stale hk of North-Carolina, at the expiration of three months from this date, for the renewal of a Cer tificate of Stock in s.t'wl Bank; fr two Shares, in the name-of Wm. Robards, No. 2529, and dated Dec. 6, 1 827 the same having been lost. WM. ROBAltDS. March 18, 1832. 19 3m NOTICE. A PPLICATION will be made to the President, l Directors and Company ot the Bank ol Cape Fear, at the expiration of three months from this date, tor the renewal of a 'certificate ot one share of Stock in said B.mk, standing in the name of Thomas Wright. The original Certiticate tor which has been lost. 1 THOMAS WRIGHT. March 13. 21 3m NOTICE. A PPLICATION w U be m,deto thePresident A and Directors of the State Bank of North- Carolina, at the expiration of three months from tlii9date, for the renewal of u Certificate of Ei;ht Shares of Stock of said Rank in the name of Belcher Fuller ; which hfs been lost or mislaid ZILPHIA FULLER, Executor to the Will of .B. Fuller. Beaufort, April 2, 183"!. . 24 3m NOTICE. 4 PFLICATION willt.be made to the Presi A dent. Directors,, and Company of the St.ite uank of North-Cai olin i, at the expiration oh hi months iromthis date, for the renewal of a Cer tificate of One Share of Stock in said Bank in the name of Godfeib Strehle de ceased ; which is lost. Apt JOHN RANK, Executor. 24 m il 15, 1833. NOTICE. A PPLICATION will be made to the Pres dent, J Dir ctois .,nd Company of ihp Sttte lUi-k of North-Carolina, at the expiration of thice montr.s from. this dat-. tor iheieiiewai ot a CerU ficatehif one Share of Mock in said' Hank in the nam. of William Hooper of Chapel Hill ; which is lot. W. HOOPER. March 13, 1833. . 3m A PPLICATION will le made tothe Preident IY. Dir ctors and Company of the Bank of Cape Fear, for the renewal of a CeitihCtte :or eighty shares of the Capital Slock of said Bank, and to the Pi sident. Directors stnd Company of the 3tute. Rank of Nortli Carolina, for the renewa of a Certificate for fifty shares of the Capital Stock of said Bank, at the expiration .of three months from the date hereof. :oth m the name of John P. Martin, the original Certificates hav ing been lost. BY THE EXECUTORS. April 30, 1833. 25-3m NOTICE fTHAT Application will be made to the Presi I. d-nt, Directors and Company-of the State h,,, 0 N Tth-l'arolinH, at the expiration ol three months from this date, for the renewal of a Certificate for five Shares in the Mock ofsAidR-tnk in the iame of William O'K'U), dcce.isi d, of Chatham, the s:iid Ceitifi a'e bi ing lost. FRANKLIN O' KELLY, Ex'r. M n 9, 1833. 7-3 m Notice is hereby given, ri" IT AT application will b made to the Presi X dent, Directors and Company of the State It .nk of North-Carohn-4, at trie expiration of three months from this date, f .r 'he renewal Ot a Certficjie, N. '2119, for 13 Shares of the St ck of sh'iu R:ink, m the name of Thomas Snipes, Ex'r. of Richaid Stanford, the said Cer tificate having been lost ot mis aid. THOMAS SMPES, Ex'r. June 3, 1833. : ' i 3f-3m. Wariw, Cot, ot feVosei! The Balking Establishment, IMMEDIATELY below the Government House, : i !.- ti... .i .. ...:n is now in complete operation. The Baths will be kept clean and neat and every attention will be paid to customers. TICKETS mav he had of Mr Edwurd Rigsbe at the City Hotel ; of Messrs-, luiin & Lie-on ; of Mr. John G. Marshall, and at ray own shop on Market Street; also Rt the Bathing House. CCj' The Hf use will be.keptopen from Sun- riwp till a it l-lirrlit svvi flit Qll u . a . Vf.n r t i . ... i." , r,1 uhui iti any unri io'iii iiimv uc iiuu uy paying an additional five cents to defray the ex tra expense. J. E. LUMSDEN. M.y 18, 1833. MJLSONIC CELEBRATION. THE Anniversary of St. J oh w, the Biptist, ) W'"I be celebrated bv the M mbers of Hiram l-ocige jno. on iaeii4tn instant, when a D s- course will be delivered by R. W.& Kt-v. Q. If Trotmav, at the Baptist Cmrcn, Kt ll o'clock, a 11 k.,K.: .; .,. i All visaing brethren in tlie City, re respectfully ' ,n r i. By order, - GREEN W. L1GON, Sec'y. Raleigh, June 2. Ib33. ' 30 3t Just received from New-York, And for Sae at J. G .les 8t Son's Bot Store, the principal Agents for North-Carolina, JMORIUSON'S PILLS, The Hygeian Universal Medicine oj the British College of Health, Which, by removing all obstructions in the In testines; thoroughly cleansing the Bowels; giving more purity to the Blood, and thereby promoting lib free circulation ; strikes at the root of all Diseases, and is good in al! ca-es ; giving rest, appetite and strength. Price one dollar a Packet. ; Raleigh, Nov. 23' Si?- VTTAttliE TOW DEU, For sale by J'ti ALES & SON. NEW: GOODS. From 50 Jp 75 Packages, Just received 0d now opening by ILLIAM. W ILLIAMS, At the Btrick Stord?pp$site the Market House. 5c MPRISING ' SPLENDep ASSORTMENT Of Fabricks. of alftost evry description tor Spring and SummeWear Many ofwhicii are of I - J-f- AT .. J 11. .....'..; iLn Q neial AtsortnienWi ; Hats, shoes, i,ouon Xarn,' Hardware, Queens. ,are and Groceries. Any of which will be so .f low. Raleitfh, May 20. i NE W SfftING GOODS. RXCIXAR-D SMITH, IN FINE CUTLERY, Cast Steel Edged lools of almost all-description a greatvariety of Cutlery, Hardware, Slap e and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries Sic. Offers ihem for Sale at his. Store upon the best terrrjs. Hav.ug recently lost his entire Stock of Gods by the late Fire, his as sortment is now s ENTIRELY NEW. He invites his friends and purchas rsto call on him opposite the ; oarket house and exchange iductf, in a new bji,4 building, llis stipply con- sisls in part ot a go td'issortment of Carpentei 's Tools, Cast steel Mill, and Cross cut Saws; . . . 1 1 1 O I Cast-steel anil uer4ian Meei rannei aim oasn Saws; Sanderson Brothers Cast-steel, Clark's English Blistered S kre!, and common do. Weed ing Hoes, Traceatii II dter Chains; Sweed Iron for Waggons, Gigj( and C irryalls ; Square Iron from J to 3 ncho or G ggs ; Mill Spindles and llammeis; Pa ent Locks, Adze, Hones, c. &.C. and a thouaaiid oil) articles. RICHARD SMITH. Rdeigh, April 2 1833. 22 :-. f 1 - The Subscribers MOST REsiPECTFU l.LY inform the Ladies and Gei.tlenfin of Raleigh and its vicinity, that they Inve opened In the Brick bu h,g Owned and formerly oc cupied ny Mr. VV i liam F. Ci-AnK, on Fayette v i lit St: et, w-ilYi luli assortment of FJLVCI' S' iPLE DRY GOODS, To which the LirUcs a e particularly invited. Also, t gen. r;il asi.,rtuient of both L.idi. s' and Gentlemen's HATv,iind SHOES. Tlu Subscriber- are daily i xpf ?ting a general assortment of Crockery, lit rdivnrc Groceries, WlTtt.4 FH1SH SCPPIT OF N Tht y t ke th libtly of inviting the public to cull and examine' bur themselves the following articles, vz: 4 41iivh Linens, -a variety of qualities,') Dou de and Triplt Cumin 1 1 oil ; t.oi'.i Gro le Naph s ; 6-4 .Figured S is-.iMUslrns'; 5-4 8t 6 4 plain do. Assorted Swiss FVtrenf1' s ; Jet and B tie Black tiros de S . Us ; N .isr2 9 &; 16, de Coupe and Milhrag - Gauz- ftp Ribbons; Nos. 12, 16. 22 and 30 G uzr IUt;-ib us; 3 4 & 7 8 ncn :rape . de Chine Shawls.' , N . 1 to 30, H ack &. Col'd. Taffeiie Ribbons ; ?. li D im's Black Galloons; 1 piece very nc. i'lU'ck Pore de S"ie ; F gured tiros de Naples i ;$ ndkerchiets : Ladn s tlemen's White t ,d Black Si.k Hose Heavy S tin Figur d Vt' iiigs ; Paris printed Muslins on Swiss,; White 1 lund liaur.e Veils, sc oil ped; new st)le Orgindr. Uandk rrhiefs ; 7 4 Thibet Wool Shawls r'rt'ji; Pa'ul Silk Haudkcrchit is ; rich Broche ller'fani Shawji; printed Z p!iv-ri'i-s; No. 8 Bla Sdk Braids ; Adonis Hand kerchiefs; 5 4 U1a. k French Horn z ue ; 3-4 En glish do ; IU;ck reophnne Ciape ; i i lac k and Colored Ital an d.-'-jA new siyl"'- of rich' Belts ; Bo'ik Muslins ; 4iperfine Chappas ; Medium Bandannas; Comv ny and Fancy- F'agg Hand ki rciiiefs ; -Win Ind Fig'l M .rseilles Ve'fngs; Buti and Fi;.-M,V tncia do ; Purple, Black and Wh te Prints; 1 pt Ion C av its; V st of England super, super Blak and B'ue Cloths; French Ginghams ; Const jution Cords ; Uengai Stripes; Stout Ho liter's "Cld ; Brown French Drillings, warranted utl Lii3&) ; Imi ation do; C'odi F, nish ; Moleskins-;' yl Cords ; Ripp's Roue s; Cassim- res jSat'iipilts ; Liglit dye Sewings; Jet, Hlux Bl.ck, ItHlii'do; ti.-aliij Binding; Cot ton Tapes ; GokLdge I.i'.en do ; London Pi $; rich Foulard Chfjfzs ; New Style do: Extra rich do ; N w StvTed.irk do; Suspendersf spri..g an; knit ; 6-4 lla-f -Cord Stri)ed and Checked Muslins ; N h t , Red & Ytllo Flannels ;-Plain s. i igun-d uattijrbts ;jl igur-d I I nnels ; Cot tonetls ; B.ck jluckram ; Cotton Umbrellas, ivory mounted ; 4minttts ; two blue Prints Twdlvd , Stripes ilgonon Checks and Plaids; M rino Cissimertt ; Yellow and Blue Nankeens; Superfi-'e Li .en tjarnor cs ; Checked Si btriped French Gmghani. r SnperfTne White Cotton Hose ; Common do. Ulack Cotton do; White Cotton half IIosi ; Unbleachid do. mixed rln. Black and Slate Worsted Hose; Children's Hosie ry ; Tamb .lu'd Opts ; Quillings; Edgings and Wide Bordering ),uc,ts ; 4-4 & 6-4 Plu Bobb net Lace ; Wi.iti I Aft eh Drills ; Leghorn Fiats, (n va riety of qualities) U urnoml Dunsta'iles s Open Workeu Edge ai jl Pi .nd ; B jck B imn zetts; Bleached a .d U ;,bleached Sheenngs ..ndShnt ins; Super embroidered Beits; Chinese Fan ; PalmLe if H'lts; plain Brown, French Dnlls; Gen tlemen's Plktn, C- Lied & Figured Cott. n Socks ; Dressing, side env b -ck Combs ; 6-4 Dimask Ta ble Cloths ; Cotf; )i Tablfr Diapers ; I'owelliis ; White Coyou ' lock'd Huse; Small Needle Worked GapesyJnLnts' Lace Caps; liomba zrne Stocks; PfVl, Gilt and Fanc Buttons; White audj'inkl mled Shiit- Col'd Embossed Cimbncs, BlacfefGreen, Yt Low' & Blue Cam biics, Gentlcr(s Walking Pumps; Spring heels do; G -ntt flien's Black and Red Morocco Suppers ; Ld Prunelle .Shoes; Morocco and i Z ' I c . u ''''o , V H,k,nS I oes MiS8s?l red Pruodle an 1 B'ark ami Seal klr.n 4 -. - f ' . ,1 . 9 Ol . ... . Colored Moifccviand Seal Skin Shoes &. Boots; Infants Kid do Grecian Boots, &c. A LSO, a lar,e Assortuu nof Gentlemen's Superfine Satin Beaver Hits ; Common Fur do. at. a variety of pr ce, with other small articles too numerous to mention. " MEAD & AVERY. Raleigh, AprilioOth, 1833. 25. SYiocco Jiliue-ral fei'inaa Nin miles $iuth gl' VVarrenton, N. C. M RS. JOlJKON resp ctfully informs her iff i m i' ti( nimlir ihut her Mitiicfs tSi wi.;. be open lor ;he reception ot Board rs on thr 1st ofJune'tfext. -lay 10, 183M' ' 27 tf jlTMCA&X XOTIOW. University of Novth-Caroliua THE Public Anniversary Examination of the Students of the University of North Caroli na will be held at Chapel-Hill ou Monday the 17th day of June next, and continued frim day to day until Thursday the 27th which last menti- onen cwy is appointed lor nic sninuut w;nni.i. tnent of the College. The following Trustees form the Committee, of Visitation for the year 1833 : His Ex'c David L Swain, ex. oft. Pres't Rev. Dr. Joseph Caldwell, Dr, John B. Baker Dan'J M. Bairinger, Esquire Thomas D. Bennehan. Esquire Gen. William A. Blount Hon. John Branch Thomas Burges, E-quire Daniel W. Courts, Esquire Joseph A. Hill, Esqpiire Rev. Dr. Wm. McPhe'eters Hon. John Owen Gen. Thomas G. Polk Hon. Henry Sea well ' Dr. James S. Smith - Richard D. Sp-.ight, Esquire H in. Lewis Williams Rev. John Witherspoon All other Trustees who may attend will be . . p considered MemDers 01 uns omnmiee, .anu their attendance is hereby solicited under an Ordinance of the Board. By order, ' -. CHAS. MANLY, - Sec'y to the Board of Trustees. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees on the 2d day of January last, the following llesolution was adopted : . Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to inquire into the expediency of removing the U niv ersity from Chapel-Hill to the Seat of Gov ernment, and into the me tijs of effecting this obj; ct, and that they report at the next Annual Meeting of this lizard ! hat said Committee consist 'of fifteen Members,, one, at least, from e tch Congressional District, to be selected by the President of the Bard at his leisure." The President has subsequently appointed the following perso' s to compose this Committee viz James Iredell, .John It. Baker, Simmons J. B .ker, Wm. A. Blount, John H. Bryan, John Owen, William Hobards, John D. Toomer, Louis D. Htnry Joln M. Moiehead, John Giles, Wm. J. Alexander, Thomas Love, Lewis Willi ams and James C. Johnston. The gentlemen composing this Committee are respectfully requested to meet sit Chapel-Hill on Monday the 24 h d;iy ol . June next. JAMES IKE DELL, Chairman. Raleigh, May 10, 1833. 27tC. LITRKARY jbTIGE. "The Hon Gkojice E."Badgkh will deliver the next Annual Address betore the Literary Socit ties of the Urn er.iity, on Wednesday the 26th of June, the dav preceding Commencement DIALECTIC SOLIKTY." M.rch27, 1833. V 22 tC NOR'TH-CAROLIXA Institute; of Education. riHE Annual Vee ing of the North-Carolina I. Instiiu eof Ed ictiion will take place on Tuesday the 25 h of June, (wo days previous ti the Commrne.-m nt of the University. Alter which time, will be delivered the Annual Ad dress and Le. tore-; on the subjects appointed a' the last meeting, viz : Anmrl Address, by Joseph IlrtL, Esq. ot Wilmington. Firs' Lecture, on Liceums nd Socie' es for the -lifTusion of useful kuowledgt-, by Jamks D. Jtms-os, Esq of Oxford. Secoiiii Lecture, on h System of Elementary Schools, for North-Carolina, by the Hon. Frederick Nasu, of Hillsborough- Third Lecture, on tiit (utom of exciting ernulation in Literary Insti tutions by reward or punishme-it, by Walkkii Andf.rsow, Esq. of llillsooroug'i. - I is hoped and presumed, .that the friends of Education generally, will attend a d unite in supporting a cause of such vital importance to the State. By order of the Executive Committee, WALTER ;A. NORWOOD, Recording Secretary. Mav 22. 29 NOTICE. o S the third M ntav of Ausrust next. I shall 'xpose to Pubi c Sale, t the Courthouse in M avnesbm-o', for c sh, a Negro Man by the name of JIM agreeable t. an order of Court. S aid Negro, havit.g been confined in, Jail as a Iluhawav twelve months and advertised as such six; rr o'!t'is, and is now sld o pav prison char ges. WM. THOMPSON. Stiff. Wavnesborn', May 30, 1833. "20 ts fV HE subscribers are now opening at the I corner oppo-i'e 'I e P. soylei ian Church, a large and general assmtm - it f Drugs & Medi cine, Paints, Oils. Dye stuff, WinowiGtAss, &C. &r. Every art cle na been carefully select ed, and is warrantt d fresh and gemifile, and will be scld wholesale and retail, ai low as thev can be had in the State. Physicians and Coun try Merchants are invited to call. Dr. HIake, whose kn wledge of the business entitles him to public confidence, will give it his undivided at tention at dl hoy is. r Dr Reckwith will receive profess;ond (ialls at this Shop, or . at his residence on Hillsboro Street. BECKWITH, BLAKE & Co. R leigh, May lsflS.S. 26 Fxeati Drugs, Medic luea Sec Are now receiving from New-York and Pniladel phia, a large and general assortment of genuine Drugs, Mi dicincs ami Chemicals, Paints, Oils and Dye Stuffs Window' G!a- and Putty, Perfumery, Cosmetics, Tooth Brushes, &c. &c. With every other article connected with their me of Business. U of w hich will be sold Wholesale and Retailt on the most favorable lerins. - Physicians and o hers dealing ir$ the above inicles, will nd'it to their advantage to call. Orders thankfully received and promptly at tended 10. , i"Kv W. & H. are pr- ptring ROCIIELLE & SODA POWUKRS, which they can i ecoinniiid as su per or articles io tii ie generally, brbugfijt into, market, beinr pu' U' of the most pure arid ge-nu-ne materials and acceding to the original Recipe. Raleujh, May 1833. 29 A desirable SuiBnier Seat, . In Franklin County, 7 FOR. SALE. THE Subscriber offers for Sale his Land Improvements whee he lately resided t and a half 'miles from Louisburg, oiuhe'm0 road leading o Nishville. The impri.rn,11 consist f a comfortable two story Dwelling Vk,.,5 necessary Outhouses. Th'-re is also an excelll voung Orchard of six or Seven hundred Kx "and Peach Trees. The Tract of Land ci.ni.J ' two hundred and fifty- axSvs, one hundred which, at least, is woodland. The land is fier dly of good quality, and the residenre, tif health, beatity and pleasantne3.-, h 13. juit n.any superiors east of the mountains. Those disp.,,'. ed to purchase, are requested to call and eiu. mide for themselves. WILL. H. if ATI LE. Louisburg, March 26, 1833. 21 3m FOU SAI. I WILL SELL' on accommodating terms, ami at a reduced pricr, vthe v ikntble LOP a i '.mnii. t,ra mtit e lit tho U .. I l impiuitintiiw iii tin, viij ji JV'ciiiit Mluit I I immediately opposite the Newbern 15 mk ai ti " 1 junction ot raetteYille and Mnrrran Sii-a.... . 1 o .. . , - .. " l, aaa Well known by the name of.Ca&so'j cornet ThisXot contains 62 'feet fronting en F-vette'.1 vide Street, and 210 feet fronting on M'ir?,n" Street' and Union Square. The irnprovem.'r,ts are a two story building, 36 by 30 fet, with' tuniiiMiTwiii ici uy otciip.ea Bookstore by Messrs. Torn kk & Hcgiiks s 4 a4 , having been recently fitted up, is lailils'iiriflu nnisneii ami in.guoi repair. ai,o, one other two story house, 26 feet by 20, with a coiwe. Vient siz d countingroom, occupied as a Drv, Goods Store, by B. S. Kio, Esq. Auo, a build, ing used, at present, as a Conch Shop, tojjetUr with a substantial nr'.ck Blacksniidi's biiop. The two Stores rent for $200 per annum, euch. This! property is so geneiaily know n, tlat j m6rj detailed description if it is deemed nunc . cessary. Suffice it to sa , that as a Stand ft: Business, it is not surpassed, if it be equalled, by any in the Cuy. ' thomas conns. Raleigh, April 24, 1833. 2J-' - piIE SUBSCKHIEK wishes to sell his Trad 6; JL Land, lying f jur miles southwest of ItaU igh, containing 400 acres more or le-s, adjoining the lands of Jos ph T. Hunter, Mrs. Tucker and Wdriam Bov lan, Esq. The above Tract conta s 150 bCits of well timoeredLhhd, a fine Appie Orchaid and an excellent Dwelling House. The whole Tract is well watered, and very fir springs convenient to the House. Those wish ing to purchase land convenient to Raleig' would do well to call on SamueLWhitaker, whg lives near the land, or myself at th'S p!ce. " 4 JOHN R. WHITAKER. Raleigh, May 31, 18 3. ' :3U-U-. House and Lot for SaU, I AVI i!usirotjs of disposing of the House and Lot where I reside, in the Eastern putt ot the City of Rah igli. The Houe is small, but i cut, .with a plvu am Garden ..ttached. For tenr.s, w Inch v 11 1 be accommodat ing-, application nay he ma . e to ALICE D. FH1L1PS. R deigh. May 25. 29 CITY BUILDING L0Ts7 VS from the increase which has lately taken piace in the inhabitants of Raleigh mrfew comfortable Houses can oe at present obtiintd, r i 1 1 1 . 'J either to puichas,-, c.t ren, the Subscriber o! ers tor sale, on accommodating term, ELEVEN' BUILDING LOTS, pleasantly situated, a l.ttle South-vest of the C iiirt-House, on Saliiburv, Davie, Ca airus, M'Dowell-and Dawson Street'. The Lots are of different sizes, from 66 to 10 1 feet front, and fro'ii 103 to 224 feet dee;. A Plat of the. Ground may be s:e;i, pn app!i cation at J. Gales & Son's Book-Store. J. GALES. . Ruleig',, May 13. J. G. has also some vacant Grounl in the South and East Suburbs of'the City, which he would s II in Building Lots, or for cultivation. State of North-Carolina. Rutherford County. Court of Equity Spring Term, 1833. Thomas Martin, vs. jas. M'Elwee and Jesse Scoggin. Bill of Injunction. FT having been made appear to the Court, that the def ndantireside out of the Slate : It Is ordered that publication be m tde in tle Raleigh Register and the KutherforJ Spectator six weeks successively, that unless they appear at the nest lerm of this Court, to be held on the first Mon day in August next, at the Court-House in Ru. Iherfordtpn, and answer, plead, or demur, com plainant's bill will be t iken pro ponfesso, ami' set for hearing ex parte. Teste. LAWSON H. LOGAN, C. S: M. May 6th, 1833. 29, 6w State of North-Carolina. : Wake County. Superior Court of Lw Spring Term, 183 . ?Eli2ibetli Walton v(. Timothy J. Walton. P'-tition for Divorce. IT appearing to the Court that two Subpwri'1 have regulirly issued against the de'eniU"1 to appear and answer, which being returned " not to be found," and proclamation havnff been duly i made It is ordered that advert ment be made In the Raleigh Constitu!ifin:l"'' and the Raleigh Repister fr three months, f: the defend int to appear a the next term "f Court, to be held on the first Monday aft-r 'l! fourth Monday of September-next, and answer, or the petition will be taken pro confcsso. Witness. ohn C. Stedm-m. Cl rk of our w Court, at O.Tice. the first Monday after the fourtfl M'ndav of March, T833. State t)f North-Carolina. Warren t'ounty. In Equity Aprjl T-rm, 1833. Susanna West - vs. JampsC. Bennett, Wm. B Moore and Witf. inft. Bur- Z lphia Bennett, James H. Moore, wpII uennett, inft. TT appesring to the satisfaction offhe Co;: case, is not an inhabitant of ili St it j therefore ordered, fh.it publ. cation be nr six week- in the Raleigh Register, HotiHn !i' sid defendant 1o appear at the "next trrn this Cour; to be held at the Courtlier" 1 Warrento", on the 3d Moday after the Mond iy in September next,, to plead, a"", i0 or demur, else the cornplaimnt's bill w' taken as to him pro confesso a id heard e : 1 T- s. TliOS. BRAGG, Jr. C M-. , June 6. 1333 ; CARDS, HANDBILLS, AND ALL 0'I"3tfc : ; --BLANKS AT THIS UirTlCi:; For asile at this Office.