r4 i RALEIGH REGISTER, AND NORTP-CAOLINA GAZETTE. 3 r. i. Ir ( 4 i j fa ir' j0 ET ... - . ... Ytn ftS I ' I 1 ;.yjUMPIW 1 I i Fcut Professorships, JTRHF. COMMITTEE of Appointments on be- JL harf of the Trustees of tne Univ rsity of N. Carolina wdl n'roceed lofiP, on the first Monday if SepUuibcr jiext, two vacant Pr Lsi.orships in tat University, iZ Professor of Rhetoric 4 Belles Letlres, Vt a a aVy i.f One Thou-and Iloilars 5 and Professor of Modem Languages, At a sahry ot Stven Hundred & Ffy D liars. Applications (pst-panl) to be addressed to ihe Subscriber t l.uteigti, NO. On bthalt of the Committee. CHAULE3 MANLY.. Rale gh, Jul) .10, 1833. 36 1RKDEI.I. COUNTY. Superior Court of Imxv, Spring Term, 1833. Cynth-a Wdsbn, v. .'Petition for Uvorce. Daniel Wdson. J OftHEED bf the'Court, that publication be made for Uiree moml.s in the Ucftist r, ; f i,t ed in Kale h- and in the Carolina Watchman, printed in S.disbury,"that unless the def t. Danit 1 .Wdson makes hi personal a-pearance bf; Tt the-Judge of the Super-or Court of Law, to be ' held for -the Coont of Iredell, at the Court liouse in Statesvill. , on the 6th Monday after the 4th Monday in September next, and rile his an s-r to Hie snid Petition, the sme w ill be hc-ard ex purta and judgment be rendered pro confttto. Test, J. CAMPCELL, Clnk. NOTICK. N Wednesday, ,4 h ot Julv, TWO LOTS oeonging to the L gateesol Ihovuis Price, dee'd, in ih- CMy of Raleigh, will be soli on credit of two yeai'. f itle to be made when the money is paid. Ue I.oi on faj ettcvuie streei, fronting nineteen tee, Ihr e iuche, running back fifteight feet. N ), loO. Theothir, at totui'tgthe landa ef Wi.liam Roylau and oilier:, Containing 7 acfie4 with a Dwelittig-house ami other buildtnirsi ,Ths bonds to bear interest from the dajt? & cnsenfot all the LEG A TEE3. lothulyy 13.i3. ob aw KW AltRANG EMENT. INCREASED DESPATCH IN TRAVELLING In 35 hours to Petersburg Riclimond in 38 . Philadelphia in 66 and Aew- York '! 76 hours, a distance of 6u0 riiUes and only XZS miks in j ; Mail Coaches. THE Pob-ic are respectiully informed that by a.laie rrangement ot the Steam Companies on the waters; ot James Kiver ;itd ;liesapeake Bav, 1 have made arranct ments for the aocom ntodation of die Public, unexampled in the his ton of our Country. Tlie Stem Boats on James River and the Chesapeake are ail new and fitted up to the most ctnrtbrtable manner, and travel lingat ihe rate-ot 15 miles the hour AH per son who art desirous oi travelling w-tli a r. pid it) li- mi-st tqual to flyiiig, are invited to take 'bf t in til Koanoke Lim , which leaves Dan , vi'ie Mt,d M.llon eVery I utsda) , I liursday a d Saturday morning. I tie PiOj netor has fitted )ns Line ant w with Troy Coaches, which art jotWortablanldcommodions- tns Teams are all dood, and Dnyerk accommodating. The Public reassured tnat ttrere will be no gt'lay at BeifiehV ahd P.tSheiigers will proceed tmmrdiatt ly on to' Petersburg the same day they arrive at Belie id. I here will ue in a short lime a Coach ezpithslj! tor my Passengers on the Uutl R,?ad. t -' - ' -! PeiiMins irom the North are informed that there is no connection wjrtli Peckrs & Wcftord's or with the 1'itdiwont Lhie on atuid.y murn ing, uut on' Tu.siay and Tfiurtduy mormhg yiere will be n difficulty. Person are itilmed onthvir re turn from the KT..ftl1 ml - r n il I. Iv t .ku bill... tl..l. . ... ft. or the. P.euraoht Line, thai there will be nothf jioiilli) in ivM .!. ... ...!... . .1 i ".'i; m ol.ij I,, tinier vi lllc aoove l.uus, on their arrival at Mdi n or Danville. ' I he I'ublic are assured., that toe re wd.be not the kast del-y on ai.y p;.rt oi my Line u, future, it ihere should-be, U.e passage n.pncy wib be rwriwl lo evtry; v rsot tUatm iy de. ir. it. : '..sk ge trom Danvi lc to Ue.ticid 8, and the :avt tiKew.urit al not exceed $25 JAS. W. JE1FUEVS. Ma 29, 1&33. 2lf BOOKS. Rarer English Editions. JOSEPH OAXJ2S & SOW . ' - . . 1 LI. Yir.Vn OFFER for sale the following vamuuic . at the price annexed lb them. They are l.oudoi. editions. Ulustrut. d witlvtine engraviug ami art- beautiful specimens of Printing; ntw.' H rlnttis. Trice 53 4 8 9 12 6 6 6 9 2 1 7 1 livi - r Murphey'sr Tacitus, 2 vols. Bakers Liy'v, 2 do. Johnson's Works, 2 do, Hon. 'a Every Day Book, 2 do. do. do. do. do do. io. do. do. s do. do. 50 McKnight on the Epiallea, 4 do. Paley's Works, 2 do. Shakespe are's do. 2 do. Do. diamond edition in a do. British Dr . ma, Arabian Sis. ht Crabbt'a Diaionary, ,Whiton's Josephus, B wlker's Angling. Raleigh, Juy 2. t. 3 do. 50 4 do. do TURNER & HUGHES rettim Uieir gratetul thunkit to those gentlenu h wlio so kit dly aided tliem during the late lire, ahd take this method .... . . . t' A I . . A. ot intormmg tne i'unnc. That ror tne present, they may be found at she Skssios Roosr attsched to the Presbjterian Church, where they con tifiue to receive as UMial, almost daily, hooks of every description, and huve this day received from Bo-ton, New! York ,nd Philadelphia a great variety of new publications! and other valuable wurksi anru:ng wjich are the t llowing : The happiness ofhhe blessed, by Bishop Mant. Mf moirs of JamesB lay lor. Ciu ikeiism not Christ iamt, by S. H. Cox, D.D. AtnobiocraDliy ofAdam Clarke. L' gh Richmond's domestic pbrtr .itur. lvime's lite of Maion. Lecture on the literary history of the Bible, by H wes, Gallaudft an I Hooker. Chi st our exampl, by Caroline Fry. Scripture rrmciplts ot education, by ditto. H ot on's active Christian, . Memoir of Wiibefrce Richmond, second son of Rev. Legh Rtcheitond. I Joseph John Curney,o the Sabbath, with notes. by M. SlM.rt. i A Dictionary of trgp Holy Bible, for the use of Schools, by Edward Robinson, I). D Notes explanatory tand practical on the Gospels, d' sipned tor the, use ot Sundy School teachers and B ble class-, by Albert Batnes. C'Uuen's concMdance to the New Testament. Astrnnotnv and gefierul Physics considered with reference to natural Theology, by Rev. Wm. Whewell. Tiie wondrous Tale of Alroy, by the author of Vivian Grey, &c. Fiankens'ei , or ihe modern Prometheus, by Mrs. Shelly I i The bo -k of the HMn'lrel ami One Pencil sketches, hy Miss Leslie ite ot a Aailor, bi at aptain ot the Navy Z'e, or the Sicilian 3)da Wacousta, or tlie Prophecy lite Itulian Exile, by Ciint Pecchio Memoirs of H or tense i- auharnais, Dutchess of St. Li u, Kx Qijeen ot Holland Journal ot a nobleman at ihe Congress of Vienna Legends of the Wiest, by James Hall I The Maimer' I.tbrarv. or Vovaper's P.hnmnion. Containmir a narritive of the most popular j J J i Vovares from ihe time of Columbus to the i present lay y ; i t Bonapar'e's voyagb to St. Helena Memoirs of General Latayttte andot the French Revolution i 1830 Lectures upon Natur.d Historv, by Thos. Flint The Humorist's own liook, a cabinet otoriiii:l and stlect Ant idotes, by the aulhur of the Young man's own Book Edinburgh Review Quarterly do. ! I he American Jurist and Law Magazine Parley's Magazine The People's do. ice. tk. A FUESH SUPPLY. Giston's Collection. Yillaire Stnnons. Pulpit ssistaiit. f Doctor Evans sketch of the denomination f the Christian woildi 1 Saturdaj Evening! Keith on Piophec). I y's Morning Exercises. Hi man'a P ems. ( Christian Lyre and Supplement. Family Monitor. Young lAdii s' own bo k Dermont M icMoiroul, ly John Q. Adams. HI uk Books. J School Rooks ol almost every description, both new and old. I Cobbett's -d-ice to young men. Singer's own book. Bceman's Hymns. Chancers, Canterbury Tales and other poems, with 22 engravings. Asmodeus at Lrge, Joaiiua Hlic's poetical works. Knc clopetlia Americana. Lardntr's Cabinet, Cyclops lia. Mason's Farrier, (Jatest editition.3 TURNER & HUGHES. Raleigh, July 5183 35- just Published. Prick 37d Cents, And sold yby J. Gates $ Son, IJRACllCAL pJhOOFS fit the Soundness of tne nvve an ytem pi ri.isioiogy, giving iiicontrovi rttble tfhiiiuony to the afRicied, ot the inestimable value ot MORlsON'b VEGE TAISLE UNIVERSAL MEDICINES, including, witn oiner mature tlie oriirin ol Late, and cause oi an uisese exncaineoj an entireiv new view f lilt . .- t of the Origin of th Smallpox Virus, and of its beuig most certainly eradictble, or rendered haififticsv and sundry case ot Cure, witn most important infom ation coni.rcttd with the sue. cessful promulgation jef. tlie Hygeian System in the United Mates it America. March 25. WKAFfcJLVG VAtElU Reams of V RAPPING PaPER, for m. m reduced uince. Auuli to JOSEPH GALES St SON. 1 Raleigh, June 24. j d CMUP MEE TLYU n lL.L. cumineiCe ja: m.il fepni.g Meeting House, in ifhe county of Hakt, 15 mles South-west ol the? City of RaUigii, on tlie 6tt day ot September lieit, ana co. tinue 6 d.iysi. he following Monsters re uifeciionutciy re- . . u. . I ... .... 1 i i i .. ... J uvotiu in mi- iiu, iis aiders i. , liowd iliomas Ciockei, Jo9i.li Crudup, Thomas D Aimairong, Jtiues Uenii.s, btepiien Sentcr, Da vid S. tvitiiania, jQuimoci Trot man, Henry H Merra, Jesse &6h,cJI, Jamea McDaim I, jlmes Terreii, rhoniaaretjni.,, P. Co.uwlij, and m..y oilier ot Wi rniiiist, ring brethren and Ex uoner, as i.uy finll if convenieiA, and feei lnter, caied in ihcipkind oi nieeutigs. JWHNPUfaFY. June 8ib, 1833J 34- lost cminc Aim APPLICATION will be made tothe President, Dircctori a nd Company of the Bank of Cape Fear, for the renewal of a Certificae lor eighty share f the Capital Stock of said Bank, and to th- President. Directors and Company of the State Bank of North Carolina, for thti renewal of a Certificate for fifty shares of th Capital Stock of said Bank, at the expiration to" tiree months from the date hereof hoth in the name of John P. Martin, the original CertificateaJuav ing been lost. BY THE EXECUTORS. April 30, 1833. . 2S-3m. NOTICE TH AT Application will be made to the Presi dent, Directors and Company of the State Riiik of N rth-Carolinn. at the expiration of three months from this date, for the renewal of a fVrtifirate for five Shafts in the" Stock of of said Bank in the name of Will'um O'Kelly, deceased, of Chatham, the said Ceibfirate b-mg .oat. FRANKLIN O'KELLY, Ex'r. May 9, 1833. 27-3m. Notice is hereby given, THAT application will be made to the Presi dent. Directors and Company of the State H.mk of North.Carolinu. at the expiration of j three months from this date, fur the renewal of a Certificate, No. 2119, for 13 Shares ot the St ck of saia Rank, in the name of Thomas Snipes Ex'r. of Richard Stanford, the said Cer tificate having been lost or mislaid. THOMAS SNIPES, Ex'r. June 3, 1833. 30-3m. . " Notice is hereby given, THAT application will be made to the Presi dent, Directors and Company of the Stale Bank of Nortb-C jrolina, at flie expiration of three months from the dale hereof, lor tle re newal of a Certificate of Stock in said litnk for Nine Shares, standing in the name of Joseph Pearson the said Cert ficaie beinjr Inst or mis laid. JOSEPH PEARSON. July 9, 1833; 3m NOTICE. 1 PPLICATIONw.il be made tothe President, A and Directors of the State Rank of North Carolina, at the expiration of three months from this dae, for the renewal of a Certificate of Six teen Shares ot Stock of said B ink, in Ue name of Alice Waul, Aiim'x. of David Ward, which has been lost or mislaid. ALICE WARD. July 2, 1833. 34 3m State of North-Carolina. Beaufort County. Court of Equity Spring Term, 1833. Samuel W. Lucas, vs. nichard'Evaos, William Evans, Peter Evans and Richard lin es. Original Bill. TN this c:ise, it appearing to the satisfaction o JL the Court that WiU'r.im Evans, one of the de feitdants in this case, does not reside in this State it is ordered by thte Court, that publication be made by advertisement in the liileiglt Regis ter for six weeks, notifying the said defendant William kvans, to ajipear t the next term ot Court, 'o be neld tor tlie County o Beau i t- .a v . a. 1 10,1 n K" wuncwy ner uie lounn atonujiy of September next j then and there to plead answer, or nemur io me maiiers auu luma ! chaiged in the bill of complaint, or otherwise t iulvmonf rnnlfiiit ill o . . a I . i . I r l f J O w vuiiivnatj wii t nii tvi naMiv mm. 24th June, B. RUN YON, C. & M. E. 183: 35 6w State of North-Carolina. Whke Cumy. Superior Court of L-.w Spring Term, 183 .. Eiizjbt'th Walton r. Timothy J. Walton. P tit urn for Divorce. IT appearing to the Court that two Subpoenas have rr gul. illy issued against the defendant to appear and answer, which being returned. not to be found,' and proclamation having been duly mude It is ordered that advertis-. -ment be made in the Raleigh Constitutionalist and the Haleiiih Resist -r for three months, for the defend nit to appear at the next term of this Court, to be held on the first Mondjy afttr the fourth Monday of" September next, and answer, or ihe petition will be taken pro confesso. Witness, .lohn C. Stedm n, CLrk of our said C utt,at Office, the first Monday alier the fourth M nday of March, 1833. 31 3 in J. C. ST ED MAN, C. S. C. 4 i I State of Noi tb-Carolina. , Warfen County. InEqniiy April Term, 1833. Susam a West is. J;ime$ C. Bennett, Win. B. ZilphiM ISeniu tt, James II Moore and wife, Moore, inft. Bur- well Bennett, mil. If, appesu- g to the satisfaction of the Court i hat the deJendant Jaint s C. Bennett, irithis j vase, rs ui an inn Daant oi tins state i tt IS I tnereiore ordered, tnat puoiic;dion be made for six weeks in the Raleigh Register, notifying the s..id defendant to appear at the next 'term of this Cour" i be -held at the Courthouse in Warrenton, on the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday m Stptember next, to plead, answer or demur, else the complainant's bill w.ll ue taken us to him pro corifesso and heard ex parte. T si. THOS. BRAGG, Jr. C M E. June 6, 1833. 31 fetate of North-Carolina. Burke County. Court of Equit Spring Term, 1833. Samuel Newland, vs. Robt. C Newland St wile, Mary A. E. Tate and other. Bill IT having been made to appear 1o the Court, that the defendants Robt. C. Newland 8c win and M ry A. E. Tate reside out of ihe State, it is ordered that publication be made in the Raleigh Register and Hutheriord Spectator, s.x wet ks successively, that unless they appear at the next Term of this Court to b held on the 3d Monday :n August next, nt the Court-House n Morgantor., andanswtr, plead or dtmurHo he bill of complaint, or judgment will be taken pro confesso as to lluse deiemlants. S. S. E it WIN, C. M. E. June 16, 1833. 33 6W rPIIE F'l Se ssion will commence 011 Fridsrt 1 the 9th of August. The English department is under the conduce of a competent and faithful assistant from the Andover Semin .ry lor Teachers." A class of English scholars will b received. Wi J. BINGHAM, Principal. ' June 18. 33 3w dj The Editors of th- Raleigh Star and the Constitutionalist willinser the above three times, and torwaid theu: accounts. NEW I00BS. r From fp t6 75 Packages Just receivht urid now opening, by W1LLIAI A. WILLIAMS, At the Brick S$rc opposite the Market House, ;cOMPUI8ING A SPZEmm ASSORTMENT Of Pihr'.rVs f y ill most every description ior i ... Spring and Summer Wear M:inv of Which are of j SUlts entirely licit and Btuuliful. Also, a Ge- , neral Assortment ot KMs,-?'0 s motion am, ; Hardware, QttetnSware and Groceries. Any j of which will be old low. .Raleigh, May 20. NEW SPUING G00I)S. HICHAED SMITH, N PINE CUTLERY, CastTSteel Edged Tools . ol almost all descriptions, a great variety of Cutlery, Hardware, Stap e and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries &c. Offers them for Sale at his Store upon the best terms. Having recently lost his entire Stock of Goods by the late Fire, his as sortment is now." ENTIRELY NEW. He invites his friends and purchas rsto call on h-m opposite th, market IioQse ami exchange place, in a new brick buildTng. H is supply con. s'sts in part of a. good assortment of Carpentei's Tools, Cast steel Pit, Mill, and Cross cut Saws; Cast-steel and German steel Pannel and Sasii Saws ; Sanderson & Brothers Cast-sieH Clark's Enelishiisiered Sieei,.and common do. Weed ing Hoes, Trace and Halter Chains ; Sweed Iron for Waggikn, Giggs and Carryalls ; Square Iron from i to 3 ;ncheifor Gitrirs : Mill Spindles and Hammers; Patent Locks, Adze, Hones, &c. &.C. and a thousand other articles. RICHARD SV1ITH. R deighr April 2, 1833. 22 4 &s&m me Subscribers MOST RESPECTFULLY inform the Ladies and Geti emen of Raleigh and its vicinity, that Uiev h.veVpened In the Brick blinding 'owned and formerly oc cupied by Mr. jf ii.LkH F- Clahr, on Fayette ville Street, vr h a lull assort inei.t of FANCY df STAPLE DRY GOODS, To which the jLtidie$ a'e particularly invited. Also, i gen- rV Kssorjtment of" both Ladies' and Gentlemen's II ATS and SHOES. The Subscri bers have received a general assortment of Crockery, - Hardware Grocericst WITH A FHKSB SUPPLT Of They take the liberty of inviting the public to call and examine for themselves the following articles, v:z : 4-4 Irish Linens, (a variety of quaL'ties,) Double and Triple Chain Modv ; Col j Grosde Naples ; 6-4 Figured Swiss Musjins ; 5-4 & 6-4 plain do. Assorted Swiss Florences;' Jet and B ue Black Gros de Swiss ; Nos-2. 9 8c 16, de Coupe and Milh rage Gauze Cap Ribbons; Nos. 12, 16, 22 and 30 G .uze Hat Rihb. ns ; 3 4 & 7 8 rich rape de Chine Shawls. ,No. 1 to 30, Rlack & Col'd. Tafletie Ribbons No. 1$ Davit's Black Galloons; 1 piece very rich Black Pore de Soie ; Figured Gros de Naples ifandkerchiefs ; Ladies' tk Gen tlemen's W lutec-and Black Silk H"se ; Heavy Satin Figur d.Vfstnigs ; Paris printed Muslins onSwJss; Whit Blnl Gauze Veils, scoll ped; new style Org indu-Handkerchief's ; 7-4 Thibet Wool Shawls , rich Plait! Silk Handkerchiefs"; rich Broche Hernani Shawls; printed Zephv ri us; No. 8 Bl;ck Sdk Braids ; Adonis Hand kerchiefs ; 5-4 Black French Rombazme ; 3-4 En glish do ; It lack-' Areopjhane Crape j Black and Colored Italian doya new" style of rich 'Belts; Book MuslinN; Superfine Chappas; Medium Bandannas ; Convpany and Fancy Flatr. Hand- kt-rchiefs ;. White and FigM Marseilles Vestings; BnfTand FiK'd Valenci-4 do ; Purple, Black and Wh te Prints; London C. avats; West of England sitber, super Black. od Bine Cloths; French Ginghams ; Constitution Coeds ; Bengal Stripes; Stout Hunter's Cord ; Brmvn French Drillings, (ivarranfed all Linen) ; Imitation dot Cloth Fi nish ; Moleskiu ; R-yal Cords ; Rippa's Roue- s; Cassim, res ; SaVinetts ; Light dye Sewings; Jet, Blue Ul'ck, I'ulian do; Quality Rinding ; Cot ton Tapes ; Gold ;dge Linen do ; Loniin Pins; rich Foulard Clnntaes ; New Style do ; Extra ricli do ; Nt W Stj le l-irk do; Suspenders, spring and knit ; 6-4 Hatr Cord Siriped and Checked Mu'lins ; W hite, Rt il 8c Yel'ow Flannels Plain & Figured Ratj let ; Figured Fl nneU f Cot tonetts B .t'ek," Buekram ; Cotton Umbrellas, ivory mounted . Erminetts ; two blue Prints ; Twilled Striiei ; Cot'on Checks and Plaids; M' m.o Cass'hmer-es ; Yellow and Blue Nankeens; Supetfi. e Li ivuCamurics ; Checked & Striped French Gingham ; Superfine White Cotton Hose; Comnvrri du. Black t.'o'.ton do; White Cotton half .HoseC; Unbleachtd do. mixed do. r T , m m .. .. . IiImcr and Slate worsted liyse; Ulnldr n's IIsie ry ; Tamb ur'd Capts ; Quillings ; Edgings and Wide Bordering Laces ; 4.4 & 6-4 Plam Bobb net Lace ; White-Linen Drills ; l.eghorn Flats, (atu rietg of qnaliiiexy ;' p amond Dunstaliies : Open Worked- Edge ami. Pi m d t Buck Btimn zetts t Bleached a d .UnbleaclWd iiiieetiiigs .ndSti.it ina; Super embroidered Beits; Clnntse Fans PalmLe .f H its; PUih Brown, French Dulls; Gen tlt men's Plain, Colored 8c Figured Coti n Socks ( DresHing, sidr ariti b -ck Combs 5 6-4 Dnmask Ta ble Cloths 5 Cotton Table Diaper; Towellings; Wliitr Cotton Clnck'd Hose ; Small Needle Worked Ca,es 'Infants' lee Caps; Bomba zine Stocks; Pearl, Gilt and Fanc Buttons; White and Pmk Corded Sbnt ; ; C i'd Embossed Cmbrcs, Black',. Green. YLow & Blue Cim b'ics, Gentlmh's Walkinir Piii. dsi S heels do; Gentlemen's Black and Red Morocco Slippers; Lad eVPrnnelle Shoes ; .Morocco and Seal Skm do; tidies Slipptrs and Walking Shoes; Mises Colored Prtyielle an? Black and snoes ; Mises .Colored Friyielie an? Black and Colored MoroccKatid Seal Skin Shoes 8c Boots; Infants Kid do ; Grecian Boots, Sic. ALSO, a large Assortmi n ;f Gentlemen's Superftue Saun urer uhis j uitflimon mr du. t a variety ot pr ces with other smail articles too numerous to mention. , 1. - 11 ... . - MEAD 8c AVERY. Raleigh, April 30h, 1833, 25. The P,alting Establishment, IMMKDIATELt below the Government Hoow, is now in compile operation. The Baths will be kept cjean anjl neat and every attention will be paid to custodiers. TICKETS may be had of Mr Edward Rigsbe at the City HotePj of Messrs. Dunn 8c Ligon , t t Mr. John G. Marshall, and at my own shop on Market Street 4 iIso at the Bathing House. (T The Hctfse will be keot onn tw.m c.. rise till Candle-light, everv dav. Snmlioo . ecu A brttll at Miiv other hum muv K Ko.i 'i paying an addition! five Cents to defray the ex tra expense. ! j. E. LUMSDEN. May 18, 1833; J J T Medicines fye. New arid Valuable Medicines. Butler's Effervescent AJagneslan Aperient. For the prevention -and cure of Indigestion, Bilious and LiveB-complaints,Nervous Weakness, Headach. Heartburn, Habitual Costiveness, Gid diness, Cutaneous' Diseases, &ci 'Th surptis in efficacy of this superior Medicine has ob tained for it the patronage of the most eminent nersons both in Europe and at the North, whose high encomiuirrs, together wnn its extensive ana . . .... i increasing sale, and bids fair to r fully prove its pre-eminence, render it tire most popular re. metly esianr. lotne aypepuc, ne cuemrjr, and studious, it will be found invaluable, iroin lis promoting a proper action or the liver in me secretion of bile ; or the correction of it when in a vitiated st.te. Obstructions of ihe stomach or bowels are graduajly removed, it resoresthe appetite, and gives tone, strength, and energy to the systtKn. Travellers, ami residents in warm climates, wil! f nd Butler's Magnesian Aperient a most desirable article ; it prevents any accu mulation of bile, is portable and the methoU of preparing it unusually convenient. - Children have frequent occasion for gentle and cooling purgatives, and they will take this Aperient in preference to any other. By merely pouring water on a tea-spoonful of this Aperient, a cool- ingand grateful Effervescing beverage is obtain- ed, resembling feoila Water in the taste, and llll (Jill H'lft I Vj IIIC bUiiaillUUUli ' I HI, w me uongress jner at oaraEa. ,- Carpenter's Saratoga Powders. m i nil' i i.ese powoersioroi an m- rveM.iii ull mr!ir!il uirtllPQ Jlf dr .iiL'lit. nossessmtr all the medical virtues ot the Congr ss S) rings at Saratoga. Carpenter's Compound Fluid Extract of Sursaparilla. For purifying the blood, and removing all ! diseases arising from exeess of mercury, expo sures and imprudencjes in life, chronic constitu tional diseases, arising from an impure state ot blood, 5iC Carpenter's Compound Syrup of Liverwort- safe ..nd valuable medicine for Coughs, Consumption, Spitting of Blood and Liver com plaints. Compound Chlorine Tooth JVash. For cleansing and whitening the Teeth, pre serving the gums, ami rendering the breath sweet and-pleasant The principal ingredient in the Cotnpotiud Chiorme Tooth Wash, has for years attracted the attention of themost scienti fic men in Europe. I Since its first introduction into F'rance by a member of the Royal Academy of Medicine, it has elicited general and particu lar notice. As a speedy remedy for all eruptions and soreness of the mouth, and for completely removing- the unpleasant smell and taste after smoking, it is now considered preferable to any dentrifice. Chloride of Soda and Lime, For destroying contagion, decomposing pes tilential effluvia, preserving provisions against decay, & neutralizing strong or offensive odours. The most valuable artclestbr sick rooms, Si c. Swaim's Panacea. For the cure of scrofula, secondary syphillis, mercurial diseases, Sue. Swaini's t Vermifuge. A certain remedy for the destruction of worms, and cure of dysentery! and bowel complaints in children. ' James' Ami- Dyspeptic Pills. For Dyspepsia, indigestion, heartburn. Sec. Judkins' Ointment. For the cure of white swellings, old and long standing ulcer, scald head, ring worm, erupti ons, tetter, Roberts' Ifelcli Medicamentum. For curing asthma, gravel, rheumatism, gout, impurities of the blood and removing habitual Costiveness. Also, all the Patent Medicines now in gene ral use, constantly on hand and for sale by WILLIAMS 8c II AYiVC-OD, Apothecaries and Druggists. Raleigh, May 31, 1883. 31 Williams $c JDanlyootr Are now receiving from New-York and Philadel phia, a larger and general assortment of genuine Drugs, Medicines and lirernicals, Paints Oils and Dye Stuffs, .. Window Glass and Putty, Perfunierj, Cosmetics, Tooth Brushes, &c. &c. With every other artii Ie connected with their line of Business. All of which will be sold Wholesale und Retail, on the .most favorable terms. Physicians and others dealing' in the above articles, will find it to their advantage to call. Onlers thankfully received and promptly at tended to. W. & II. are preparing ROCIIELLESc SODA POWDERS, which they can recommend as su perior articles to those generally brought into j market, being pu' up of the. most pnre and ge ! nu'tir materials and according to the original Itecipe. Raleigh, May 1S33. 29 Just received from New-York, And for Sale at J. G les 8c Son's Bunk Store, the principal Agents for North-Carolina, AJOlililSON'S PILLS, The Hygeian Universal Medicine of the British College of Health, Which, bv removing all obstructions in the In. l testines; thoroughly cleansing the Bowels giving more purity to the Blood, and thereby i promoting itsree circulation ; strikes at the root of dl Diseases, and is good in all cases ; giving of dl Di ! rest, ap Packet, ' ppetite and strength. Price one dollar a Raleigh, Nov. 23 TAXES ! TAXES i NOTICE is-hereby given to those who have not paid their City Ttxes for the 'present Year, that unless they come forward on or be tore the first of August aitd settle the sara , 1 shall be Compelled to impose .an additional tax on them b. arlvt rtising their pi operty. . JAMES II. MURRAY. Cnllprtoi r.aittgn, July Is, 1JJ. 36 .,. NOTICE. ON the third M-.nuay of August next, I fiall e xpose to Public Sale, at the CourthoW in Wajnesboro', forcisb, a Negro Man by the name of JIM agreeable to an oitler of Court Said Negro having been Confined in Jail , a Runaway twelve months and advertised as such si moittbs, and is now sold to pay prison ch -5es- WM. THOMPSON, ShiF. Waynesborn', May 30, 1833. 20 U " BLANKS For sale at iai& Office. .4 xfBviVB 6 Aa EsUU House and Lot for J?,iiV I AM deMroiia ofdisptsing of the TTouse Lot whre I rrside, in the Eastern hnrt of Citv of Raleich. T he House issmli k... milK lvL..ani I-!.. .1.... lv, J null aii uimii;m liaucu. r.Cr t which will be accommodatincr, an)j;:,. be maiJe to ' ALICE D. pun lpt R ',leigh.t.May,25. r 29 CITY BUILDING LOTsT AS from the increase which lias lately ta place in the inhabitants of Raleigh, iniPi" comfortable Houses can be at present obt.'m ' either to purchase, ,r rent, the Subscn&or,, fers for xle, on accommoiUting terms, ELEVkt South-west oftheCotirt-Hou.se, on Salkh.r Davie, Cabarrus, M'Doweil and Dawson Street' I ne L.ots are ot different sizes, from 66 to h'- . w,,i, anvi Hum i uj iy 4,4 ieei ueep. A Plat of the Ground may be seen, on appi; cation atJ. Gales & Son's Book-Store. J- GALES. Rultrirh, May 13 it T l, ..I r- .l J r o .1 L . .. .. ' " '"I auuui snu nasi atiouros oi me City, which h ...1,1 o..ll n..:i.i: .... r. ... . af """ " uuiiuni; i.u'a, w ior cuitivat0tl Valuable Town Property iuci ic(,-ihij auveniseu tor sa A ' his valuable Lots, at the. iunciion nfp. j ettevilieand Morgantreets, with their i.r.prr,T't ments. The Duildings have since been destror . ... j,. . a- I . V. 7J "It., UHIV IHV, IJU13 31111 IU DC UlSpoSr'1 i ui. u u cn iwuuwu mai uiey are as e n I -....... i t.. i : e i . .. f'J of. situated for hninpnf evnrv r!cmi. . . . .. ,,,,,,, as m. . .. . -r " . lllUJi locations in me t; iv. ii is non.M t h.,t .i. - , desirous ol imrehasing the Property wnl m v I .. ' car y ijjuiicaiion. THOMAS CODES. Raleigh, June 24. N. B. The Subscriber i.- fitting up a Shopy his residence, near the Methodist Chureh, wher he hopes to be able to re-commence his Biisi Ka in all its Branches, in the course of a few da" t.-jti,uuni &oncnj iuc cuiuiiiueu Dtronaj of trie rubl e. 'P. :. Grocery Commission Business, HOLUE R.RY & MrPH b.wvv tj h V we a ! - . . AJIVO. 1 Petersburg, Va. rriE- SUBSCRIBERS having formed a cc. 1. pnrtnership, under the firm of HOLDERS Y fl'- . i, . r McPJILETEIiS, acts to their friends n Nr4 1 1,1 ' ivw uuer Mich ci victsio ineir iriends ii Nurili. oaronna ana tne puonc in general, for the train, action of any business in the Cbocert and Co Mis.sroir Line; Toy have now on hand a good and general assort. i, ent of G'oceries usually kept in VUoi sale and Retail Stores, and' will , in a few wee enlarge iheir stock with a fresh supply trom tiie Noilh. . . All orders for articles in their line from coun. try Merchants, or private families, wilJ be nunc. . ii.. .... i i . .. Liia'ij' tiiieiiueu iu. They will give particular,attention to the ceiving and di&osal of all Cotton, Tobacco, WnKAr and Flo on, which may be committed io their care. -Go ds consigned tp them from the Noith wiil also receive their prompt attention. W7aggoners traiing to this place will -find it to ti eir mtertst to call at our Store on Billing, brook btreei, opposite the Farmers' Bai k.' AS. HOLDEHUY, J.AS.G. McPHEKTKRS. Petersburg, July 1833. , 34-lm. The Oxford Ex .miri( r, Roanoke Advocate K.-fe WarrentOn Reporter, M lton Spectator, DjiiviU: Kt porter, Greensborq' Patriot, and HiRsboroui Recorder Ai ill insert the above for one monti and forward their accounts to Thomas Short, Esq. P. ML Petersburg, for colleciion. Southern, JS orthem and Western LAND, LOAN, COMMISSION A?. GKXEUAL AOkXCT ASD I5Tl,LLI6KNCE OFFICWL " New-Orleans, Jan 1, 1833. THE Subscribers respectfully inform tne puh. lie throughout lite Union, tbat t hey havt opened an office (having also appointed agents in Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia & New York,) for the purpose ot actinc as agents ft transacting business, in this or any of the abovt CttlC., haviniT a vefv extcrmiv-i urnnaininnr! throughout the United States., adjoining territo lies j ml Canada, ami having matie arrangmems to attend to transmiiting and leteiving iHlorm tion fi om and to England, France and every part of Europe, they must respectfully solict a slihTe of public patronage pledging tiiemstlvesto use every exertion to give perfect satisfaction. Those editors of n.-w spa pets who feel well ) disposed towardsthis estanlishment, shall have their business done free of expense, at any time, by insert g this advertisement, and forwarding a paper to us containing the same. We are now prepared to attend to thefollor ing business Purchase, Sell, iJ.irter, Kent and Lease Landed Property, of every drscru.ti n; Purchase, Sell and Exchange, Bank, (Jan.il, Rail-road1 and every other kiiu: of Siock ; Pur chase and Sell Merchandise of every description, at punlic or private sale. Borrow and Lon money on mortgage, or utr incumbered real eiate. Act as an agent for pre Curing partners, for individuals to engage in evert kind ot business or profession. Will act as at torneys agent and others tor claiming legacies, inhtTitances and settling estates j also, coHtctiitf . nd remit ing everi description of debts dud and demands. Inforination given respecting the arrival al departure rf packet sliips, steam and canal pact etsj mail ami accommodation stages, and all ot.rt modes of conveyance whether by land or water, Wilb their reapective rates of fare, accoinmoda tiou, &c. &.C ; also, alt other information neces sary for strangersnd travellers to oe in posses sion of. Information and intelligence 011 a-f subject in this country or Europe, received and forwarded (confidentially.) Books and Records of County or State Gov. erumenv Offices, searched and examined, aj.d the required information forwarded to each J? Pacini, f A register of public and private board ng hou ses, their terms arfd accummodatiens, will e kept at tins 1 ffice, and strangers arriving m tliB city, have only to apply at tois Office, lo us situated at onre with Itoanlnio- nieces. a , Situations in mercantile, manufacturing ana otherestabhshmrjits, as book keepers, s.tlernei' and assistant clerks, bar keepers, teachers, co lectors, agtntsi' iic. Sec; procured ; if oy letter, postage niiiat be paid accomp'anied with a tee- M. It. HffKrnOo U.1II h. uivon iQ all CaS-S W those who require il, as toipublic end, pt;Vo.te character, ability. 8cc. Sec. All persons forwarding: commnmcations re spectmg r-al estate ofrered for sale, oricl feaae trto b iriveo on bond and mortgage, wul recollect that it is indtnewb!y necesstry t forward a correct description of the premises alski a draf t or olan it Dossrble. stating situation, mianlitv. nnulitv. tninrnvt-menlK. distances frff.H r--" .. --j v - , - . cities or towns, county seafe, post ro.di nn: (fable streams, nrice. term. &c. &c. ; also, en 3 ' . - close an advance tee. and postage paid. Charges will be regulated according to natuT8 ami amount of business. ' " All first applications to be accompanied win a consulting fee, which will entitle the appj" cant to any information they may require."! letters (in any case) w.ll be faKenfiotiner'wir Offioe, unlisi ;ot nat Immediate answers i will be remitted to all communications: U VANDEKBUULH &Ct'. , tfew-Orlcatt, CLa-' i v - 14 m 'I i r hi t :.1 i 'ft 1:

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