.f'l II 1, 3C A .1 1 wilt- - V Ui; t'-.V il;-::tJ 1 4 t a 4 ty.c jtdhfr j the Legislature of U g : 8434., 1 -J ' i- . - r ; . . " : I f: PUBLIC iCTS 1. An Act makiGPf armronnatron lor - i;r ca frying on 'and cumpletins the Capitol m i ' City of Raleigh. App opr iat-es for tbis4pui posethe - uytn trt Sfo.QOO.vV v hf r 2. To erecta nevX"" of Vance j. iVovidels that Said county , sliaTl be erected out lof a portion of 'the ;."" couidiesf Burke . . - V; Declaratory of'tlic law in relaHon fo r tl rights ami duties iif 8hei iffs amV for ;'i-fe'R?9f 'iSoi'din g EiyctionsC Givesto : ,V Inspectors tbe sple anil, exclusive right to - fehjuifge of the? coaUfecaiion&orvoters, ex cept where (Here Hs an equal division: of "opinion between f Vie Mispectors, in vhich tffi. viimcnvir an Aft passed in 1782, vlB glg KquUy;jarifidicion to the Superior feCcTs;;v.;Tfroiide8 iha't-..4)c Sheriff w ; "other officer "esecutino: an v prccps from a Cort of Equity, aaipst' the body, shall take bsnd and twn sulncient securiUes in doijble the sum fbiywiluch the defendant is arrested, or subjept, the msr Ives as spe- 4C'Ttf extend tKe time for registering r$ntk;tnesneConvidyanc Powers of AttOTner, nis oi saie ana ieeus or gut. Ssielfds' thei time two 'veai's frbm the 2t5 of this -act. 1 i H : . (SUiioncerJiine OfficiaUawd other Public bonds. Providesi jtnat they shall hereaf- ter beinade pavable td the State of Nwth- .. i r " .; i -V' . Vvaronna.j .-. .: r !7?rt extend4hcpjroyTsions of an act pasietl at last sessurf; authorizing the imtiyal, f uildiings ion r oblic lands in lKit,;town orFranklitul Expends .tliV-piro-visioits of the above recited act to all pr . f ops whb have bot tin the public lands therein mentioned. J ! ' J8. 'rortppal an Act passed in 1788, i fi si ng th fe su n v beie a f t e r t o - b e p a t d t o e Statel fiir rVaCHntflartfs. Reduces ,the entry money to 5 cents an acre, where : the-number of acres entered by ariy one "! '-piryim, -in aiiyjon' jeir, does not exceed IQOj il thii number of acres be t xceeded, 10 cents per acre is to be paid on'the ex- VvU"C&- " - ,. . : ": ,. ;. i ; f- T ii;9. TSive further itinie for.naving- in Vl ' Eqirywjney . QAMchs:iBtVi the. first-of ' Wa?:Ch f(r this purpose.' 3 J ' , . ';' "1 10. DirectitfSthe.njai'ner in which Con -; - stable s shall be appointed' i-ftthw State. 'AJlvflPiff hertanef, there shall Wot be a greater number f Constables in the n State,; than one for ach Captain's district, fffi '. except "in thoseuisirScts including' the bounty townswhifch I shall be entitled fo ( tvv CoiistabesVt(jbei elcctedfby the jn IpJ ijabitahts H such dUtrict under the same I 'fr 'regtilatioBS 'lis :arerprscnbe.-d '.for holding - elections ; for Members ot the limise oi , Commons. The election to 6ri befd at a p fry ime within nne rob WW 'preceding the . first Countv Court, its each county, after Ihfefjratof Januarvin each and every vearJ v tlnspectors to be appointed by the Cap-1 lants o: vpinnes, in tracn uimiiu, h" are to inake return ;tp the first l," flinty Court, the Justices ofiuhich slali qualify and take, bonds frooi the Constables re turned as: elected.. No person to vote for a Constable in any town or district, un less tiie' Voter lives iu .such town or dis tiict;; , : . I ll.;Graritijirt(vAsa;Delozaer and Heri- ry' Reagan, under certain coditioiis two tracts of land. Grants the land in con sideration of their making known tHe lo- p'lahdf this State, wihiciutiieyllege to haxfe discveretL j r12 Supplemental to an act passed at j1ie:prcsen session, to; erect a new court ty by the name of iYane y- Appoints Com missioners to deteriii'rne upon a site for the County town, lo be known by the name of Burnsville j" and makes pro vision tor holding the Courts nt said coun ty1 and electing County officers.Q 13. Supplemental to an act passed in To- enact with jsundry alterations 'k an ii add-ons, ansact jto incorporate the Port&hloulh and Roam ke Hail Koad torar I &l pailV,"fasse(l, bv the Legislature of Virgi- , f nia jlhe 8th day of May, 18321. Au ' ; thorizes the Compdnv jto subscribe a sum thirizes not 'ex R50.000, to construct a RaiLRoad'orUheWeUlon tcdl Bridge. 14. Directing tWe: saJe of hnds remain ' I ing unold acquired by, treaty from" t Up " Cherokee Indians, Authorizes the Gfl 4" j vern6r to appoint a Cimndssioner to 'sa-V-penntend the bteof the Idhds.J I f J5.Td eVtabliih Uhe Merchant's Bank h J in the town oj iNewoeru, anu me aiuc- ina:rte4vAk in the! tovn pi Edentpn. Provides. 1 hat theste t n o Batiks shall be established, the first .with a capital of S20,QOOT-the last, a capital ol S200, 000. T.hpv ari to have no Branches. A tax of 25. tents n each share; is to be paid into &-:tiiii 'fTreasu'ry .3 j . -1 :f ' . .16- JToestblibh.a Bank in the Stateof -I oTl'Carfdina.' ; f Provides that the jca ogital :of tlV Bank snail I be : S ,1,500,000, t iv-fifths of vhich, tlie State is to have M il the privilVgeif subscrijbiag. Th.e Princi RtpaUBank to be located at Raleigji, and to i . le cbntroUed by ten I'li rectors, of which . wrtumber the State is to appoint ibur--r ' IS ranch to be .established rw4erever it -Piinav.be! deemed ad visaMc. "A tax of 25 ) ) cent; xin each share, ju be paid into the tateVFreasury-: ,'; ..":. ' ! 1 s; v, fl7:; Bo pp feme n ta I to an act directing hov pej.!.iHH' injured by the erection of 3lpubjcl tllshajh i f : ;niages passed in 1809. JPre?cribts tte ltriann shall be served "Sou iiie liwner ofnills;! when an action for f r Pvlt3,i e Ch r 0 wing of bal 1 is :0iu ;the- channel e-. fjhfi&ti&e -Inlet ;aftd,itlie town ofSwa&- ' 's boro Hi Onslow coimtf. . Tlmnuses : (i-fci - 5- x. -1 .- f- MV-KrrewinR'd idiaesting the A ruuiiataiuew'Oijnw Bia.e i LAU fthonzes the Governor ;io; appoin three CommtssionerMocollect, jilige9t and re vise all the Public tattt feMawsiof; the i rr irv inn Ar-tv 4 State now in force, who shall, frorn time to time, lav before the Legislature the Acts $0 arranged anu revisvii, 10 f - . 1 '1, a u . toe ap- proved by them before they are pub isheu. Allows: the Commissioners two years to complete the Avork andgives them a com pensation of 1,000 each. ! y j 0. To repeal in part an act Jaying du ties on sale at Auction of mei chandixe. Repeals "the section whicli makes it the duty of Auctioneers to-render a detailed return f each article sojd, permitting them to-exhibit the gross amount. J 21. To prevent injury to the navigation of Cjape-Fear Hiver, and for other pur poses. (No person to throw ballast in saiq river, within ! seven miles of Y 11 mingtdn, under pain j of fine and impri sonment, v r -. " 22. To jprevent the'eonveying of slaves out of -this State, and to prevent! injury Jeig daie to live stock upon Kail: roads trumshes, witli death any agent, maragei &ct pi any Rail Road "Company, who may carry off any slave with intent to aid in their escape. Also provides that the ow ners of stock killed on Rail roads, shaji be compensated.) ! ?. J 23. To authorize the Clerks of Courts of Record in this Stated and those holding j the office ot Clerk and Master iu Equity, fo act as Notaries Public. ... i 24. To amend an act 'passed jat last session, fo repeal an act passed 111 1830, repealing part of the second section of an act passed irrjl$06, to revise the 'Militia Laws of this jState. (Allows Quakers and others averse to bearing arms fnim reli gious scrupleg, to make oath to thatefi'ect beftkre any Justice of the Peace, instead of before a Company Court J Martial, as nore(juiret. ) Zo. Authonsins the rubuc I reasurer to sell certain lands, in the vicinity of Ralergh. (Direct him to sell ati public sale, without reserve, the Bushy jliranch Tract, late the property of Treasurer 'Ilayuooi!.) ; . ' 26. To re-charter the Bank of Cape Feaf. - ('five capital to consist of 800,000 " dollars, with authority to establish Bran ches, wherev er deemed proper. A tax of 25 cents'on each share.) j 27. Supplemental to the act to establish a Bank of the State of North-Caviilvna. Authorises the Governivr, Secretary of State and Comptroller to appoint IDirect ors on the part of the State, until other wise ordered.) , 29. To regulute the times nf holding the Su perior Courts in the 6th Judicial Circuit! (The Courts to begin at Caharifct & pod with 'Iredell.) 30. More tii'cctuully to prohibit thej trading with Slaves. (Adds to the prohibited; articles mutton, cloth, corn, wearing' apparel Si -bullion ) 31. Tq amend the law in relation to" Larceny. (Makes grand la ceny nvfamoi.8.) 32. To enforce the penalty incurred by Entry takers failing to make annual fKurns of enMesmade in their respective offices as required, by taw. H PRIVATE ACTS. 1. An act to repeal part of an act pass ed at the last session of the General As sembly, directing the manner in whic' Constables -shall hereafter be elected in the -counties of Davidson, Buncombe, Chatham Currituck, Wilkes,; Duplin, Nt w-Hanovcr, Wayne, Ilytle & Onslow. 2. To incorporate Sandy Ridge; Acad emy, in the County of Chowan, i 3. To repeal in partan act. pa$sed at the last session of the General Assembly, to regulate the Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of the Counties of Washington and IIvdt. 4. For the protection, of the Brjdge e rected act oss Scupjvernong river Sat Co lumbia, in TyrreJ ctrunty. ! f 5. 'ty incorporate Skwarky Lodge, No- 90 in the town of VVilliainstop. ' 6 If or the better administration of Justice in the Counry of Haywood 7. To extend and continue in forj:.e cer tain acts of the General Assembly !lor re gulating the times of holding the Superior Courts of Law and Equity, lor the coun ties of Moore, Montgomery and Anson. &, To incorporate the Trustees of Nfv Han,over Academy in tlue County of New-Hanover. ! 9. To incorporate the Farmers' Libra ry Association in the County of Chatham. , 10. To make compensation to the ju rors of the Superior Court of Haywood county -y 11. To prevent obstructions in! First Broad River in the county of Rutherford. 12. Concerning the beach and nlarshy lands lying in Lurrituck county. 13. To incorporate Morven Academy in tde county of Anson. V 14 T emancipate Je, a slavg. 1 15. T$ incorporate Sylvester Acade rhy, Jn the couuty'of Moorer and .u ap point the Trustees thereof.' " 10 To divorce Ann Eliza;Yiverett. 17. To abolish the office of ('punty Trustee in the counties ofNash, Cilum bus, Pasqnotank, Currituck, Brunswick and Tyrrel. e 18. To restore to credit Isaac Weston of Duplin county. , 19. 10 require the Register and Qlerks of Camden county, to keep'jL.heifiMffifes at the Court-house. '. 20 To incorporate the Iredell jllnion Troopers. " i j 21. To re-appoint Trustees for Green Hill Academy in Haywood r.ount v. I 22. ,Tp regulate the timejojf appointing Overseers of .Roads in Anson county. 23. To incorporate the 'jNorthattfbtun Independent Volunteers, i '1 24. Concerning the poor of the cotinty of Chatham. ; . ' ,! j; '-""' " ' 25. To alter . the time of holding two of the CourtVPeaS and Quarter session of tlie courity ofMacon. ;,26..; Concertiing the buildin 2 of a Court Hoase in Cirteret county. - - -V -;' -I :- J,.,". iii' ' "' ' 27V ForXthe better ; regulation of llie Militia of llancorhbe county. . " 28.f To prevent olir'uciidris fo the run of Rockfish Creek in;Duplin,and Tar ri- 29. To authorise William1 ArErvVin, to establish a ferry across the Catawba river in -Burke county, t: ; SO. To est:i)lkli FivanTclin Academy in the countv of:Surry--andincorporate the Trustees thereof. ' " r S 1 :To alter the , name of - Kinston i n Lenoir bounty. , 32. Authorising the erection of a Fire proof Court House in Camden c(unty 3. Better to promote the ad mid Hit ra tion ot mstice in. the county ot Macon. S4. To alter the name- of Richard Al derson and -VVillianrW hVte, of iJeaulurt county and entitle them to inherijt. 35. To emancipate Ned Uyman, a slave, . S6. To appoint an additional place of public sale in the county of ISeaufort. 37. To authorise the present Commis sioners of tlie town of StittesvilVe, in Ire dell county, to cxecuteldeeils to certain lots in said towu. 38, To legitimate and alter the namel. of Mary Ann and Martha Wallace 0! Hai das countv. i 39. Directing the scrolls of the votes of ' the 'twelfth Congressional District u bc hereafter compared in the town t)l Ash vdle. , 40l To authorise Nicholson Washing ton, of Wayne county, to erect a bridge j across Neuse Kiver. 41. To ir corporate the Ladies' Work ing Society in the town of.'W ilr. 42. Directing the title oi the lot on which the public jail is erected in the town of Salisbury, tube made, to the Chairman of the County Court of Rowan c urity. 43. " To establish Arcadia Academy in ; the county of Person, and t o incorporate the Trustees thereof. - i 44. To incoporate Rocky River Acad emy in Cabarrus county. '45. To alter the name of Nancy Bra .zier and to legiliinate her. 47. In .'relation to the Ir. dependent or Volunteer Cooipanies f-me'd" out of the fifty seventh and fifty e;;ghth Regimen in Guilford. ,48.' To amend an act concerning the town ot Wadesborough and lor qihet pur poses. , 49- To incorporate the Greensborough Academy and Manual Labor 1 School.- 4 50. To establish a Literary and .Manu al Labor Institute in the county of Wake. 51 Authorising Thomas Love and Dil Hard Love of Macon county to, erect a Brid'ie across Tennessee River at the tnost convenient place at 'or near where the State road crosses the ame. 52. Directigg the Judges of the Supe rior Court of -Hyde county, not to take up State Cases before the Thursday of Court week. 5 T i 49.vTo incorporate the 'North Carolina Centre and Seaport Ra:l Road Company. 54. To alter the time of holding' the Stfperior Court of Law and Equity lor M.e counties of Carteret and Cabarrus. 55. For the relief of Chaney Moreman. 50. To establish an Academy on the InncU of Dennis O'Bsyan, in the county f Warren, antl tor other purposes. 57. To restore to cretmJohn Andrews of l.edell county. 58. To alter the name of William Liw -rence Cherry, of Pitt county, aiid to lej gitimafe him. 59. , To restore to credit Daniel Murray of Chatham. b'0 For the better administration of justice in Carteret county, i 61. Authorizing the c-mmissioned Of ficrs of the 87th Reir-nMit nf D.iv;d-u!i Militia, to move or change the piage of mustering said Regiment, 62. To ..incorporate the Wilminc'cn and Raleigh Rail Road Comp?.n v, 63. To incorporate Pleasant Hill Aca demy, in the county of Stokcn. 64. To incorporate the Greensville and Roanoke Rail Road Company 65. Authorising Sam u id. LaJham, of Pitt county, to erect a G;ve acnis the euhlic road near his nlantrttion. 66 Anthortsing Jeremiah Ingram, of Anson countv, to eivct a gat across the road leading from Wadesborough to Stasi back's Ferry on Pedee iii ver. 67. lo alter the name of Pnscilla V 11- liam, wife of Eirbert li. Williams, of . 7 EdiPComb.-' 1 68 To appoint Commissioners to lav ofi" a town at a place' called Trap Hill, in the county ol Vviiks. 69.To restort Jas. M. Baird. of Bun combe,- to credit (Forfeited for sending a challenge to figiit a duel.) 70. ;lo amend an act authorizing the .ii .. X .-.11 i..:. n ..i..V uuiiuui ui a ioi' ui uie vtr tvoauoKe river at tin town of Weldon, and to in corporate a Company for that purpose. 71. Supplemental to an act passed in 1832, to regulate the County Courts of Duplin. , 72. To prevent the felling of timber in the run of Slogan's creek, in Caswell county. I 73. To prevent shooting wild fowls, in the night time, in Currituc.k county. 74. To amend an act yasedjiii 1821. to aniend the several Inspection laws of the St-.te, so far as it respects turpentine in the town of Wiliuiiiiiton. 75. To regulate! lay days on Frying Pan, in lyre 11 county. 76. To repeal an act passed at the last session of the'General Assembly to create an additional wreck district.ni the couuty of Hyde, and for .other purposes. 77. -Appointing 'Commissioners in the county of Haywood, to superintend the' si ruad t.oin th Buncombe line to the Ma- con line, in said 'cnmitr. 78. To incorporate the1 iUchmond Ma- j nufacturing Company. I in namm ipmi n II npll..-, - Tii lirf-T' "' - . .Mfmmammmmmmfca-w' " " 'u fn. ' nifTlllnmi.ii' 'I 'v7D. To Incorpoxate tfi'eChowan Volun leer Company; :';.Z X y - 80. To lesitifnate and alter 'the nam'ea lo legitimate and alter the names oLiNancy IJ Kelte-.add, farmelia Uelie, j- 01 rai?quotanK eouniy,- 3' l 81. 'iiibcorporteih0Smitli's River j Toll tiridsr? Companvi in the county of J dg? C Jv.cKinghafn. 1' - 1 f ; ropusii a nvn ai uie v.-m t- j noue in tne couniy I asweioy ine . put Crane'scxeek, in Mooreand Cumberland: najme of VyvceyVilie,,iand to incorporate; ' 141 To incorporate the Whitesville, Wacea the same. , f .v. i-mivr and Cape Fear.- Canal' 'and'- KaU-lload C6n 83. To.Wend an act parsed in 1824, i Pany- . : ' . ; " " .. amendatory of an act" passed in 1819, to Di?chT n rrnvQ annex Strftth's Island, atUhe moutlV of - ' . KhSULU UUib. Cape-Fearf River, t'irtjie. count v of Bruns-'j 1' Instructing our Senators and re wick, and a part of Eagle's Island to the questing our Representatives, t use their county of New-HaHiover. best exertions to render the .MiliSia sys- 84. To repeal a pat of the act of in-, j tein les burthensonve. in its cjiaracter and corporation: of the town of Washington. more efficient in its organization. 85. To prevent the, felling of timDer.in,;h J faVor ot" William Horton and or otherwise obstruct ins; the run of Moore's others. .. . Creek! and White Oak Creek, in New 3- In favor of Archibald Campbell, of Hanover county:. . Cumberland county.. ' 86. To incorporate the Wilmington ! Volunteersl , ; i. . t 87. l o refru ate the nroceedin?s m the ! Coorts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of j Craven cdtintv. i 88 Concern ins; the Western Regiment ol the Militia ol I'hatham, and the iNortli R.-rnifrrt M the MditiaJoi Sarry. 89. - F.r' the rel'-ef of Sarah Ann Keith, i wife-ut W'Miiatn Heith. .. j 90. To )revenr the hauling of seins or j obstructing the-passa-gf offish on certain ! dity's in liper Broad Creek, iu Craveu 'tiounty. - j 91. Ti authorize Silas Cox, of -Wayne ! county, to erec a Bridge across Neue ( ILver . ,. : 9x1. Tofefnpower the Commissioners of the town uf fiilisborough to appoint a 'iVv.n" ConsfabiV. , 93. To attach th Company of Cavalry in Ro'wan. county, called the RovvanTroo-. er, to ihi Mecklenburg and Cabarrus Reinieut of' Cavalry. 94. To further rejruiate the Finance of Ons'.o county. ' . 95. To ajfetjiorize certain persons there in named f raise by LoUety jS6,000, for cutting a CTKiial in-Wa.uington.crjunty. 90.' To lijcui p ua. Haokerton Library, in the cmuty Gf-ene. 97. To rfreVent the felling of timber in, or o'tht rwis obstructing; the run ol Eil'u's" ' r T a 7 VJIW n, ill .1UJVH LUJUt. I 98 lo aipoiii.t Lomnussioners lor the , town of B.ifh, 4ti B -aufort county. 99. To incorporate Pine Grove Acade my, in Rotfesonlcounty. 100. i.uth(,riztitg t'ne County Court of Vas,;ii!Jgtt.dV.t;i 'appoint a Patrol for the ruvn of Plymouth. 101. Regitl ating; the time of .holding one of the tirius ofthe County Cour: -oi Macon. . V 102. F-r the better regulation of the town of Pitisborough. 103. To v incorporate the Halifax Raii Road Bridge Company. 1 104. To Jncoi opi ate the Washington G;t!d Mitiit; Company,, in the county oi M ckfenbug, . 105. Appointing Commissioners to mark .;ml. lav off'llie road from Allen Burton's old place to; Ashe Court H.mse. 106. Concerning the Public Road from the Old Fofri-iii 'Burke couuty o Asheville in B;ncomi&-eouu'.y. 107. TuiTovide for runhihg and ssta- blishing th liivid.ngi line iie.weeu the cun ies ofVayne and Duplin. 10B. To divorce Mary Reed from her hu-b.wid EIli-. Reed. 109. To incorporate the Roanoke and Vailkio Ril road Company. 110. Ii iricoi porate the'.Vladison Tail Budge C - ajipaiiy, ta the-county of Ruck itam.; f,: - .. 1 i Toll ti thorite the construction, ot a Rail Roa( tio.ni the i ape-Fear River at ranii'b!ltoi Lo some puirit m the towii ot iuvefteviile. : 112. To incorporate the Lumber River ami Cipi-?ai Rail Road, Company. 1 13. Cotiieerauig Fisheries on tee feicup pernongrivl-er in tne counties d Tyrrell and Wasliiigton. 114. ToLber the time of holding the County Cofis of Chowan. 115. To corporate tlie Meitonsville Cava ry, ioAnsoa county.. 116. To Prevent the feilins of timber inor ct. ervise ' obrqctinj; the runs of the Southwest branches oi" New river, in On si ov county iir .,ii.;,:' T,,nnh "s .innAs inspect c?riain record and to make ex-I tracts jlhercpioni . j 113. To prevent th fell ins' of timber; in, or obstructing the Von of f'he lower , Crevk, in the ; co-jnty ot Bui ke. 1 119 Authprizins; the survey of the towns ' w Lexinj;toti and Charlotte. inn : . .U T1 r 120. to incorporate the Irustees of - -r nv Garden Boarding School, in Gurl- O'irtfou-r ' n ft i r u 121. lo alter the name of Tick Creek Academv, ,y tba am county. ; , 132. I o 4Uer the time ot holding the Vv-r T V' 1? ,, , , AI123' Hrate the Frankliii Gold Mining Company. . I r 124. Cqeruing tlie new Road from LmplntonoRutriordton. . iiiio. 10 establish Cleminonsvi e AcaM demy, in Davidson countv. 126. Tomend aact paed in 1814, reviving arjact passed in 1801, for the jreguiatton.ff the City of Raleigh Z7: 1 incorporate the Cape Fear, ' "By the terms of the Bank charter no of Yalkin an4 Pedee litil Road. Company. ffrers buf the Secretary of, the Treasury 128, To incorporate, tlie Romoke and Raleigh, could remoye the deposites.?"?-UMe8sage. -u 29; 4o incorporate the Trustees of tW Enis- ISO." To present obstr.ictions to the pasaags of fisii up Neii Hiver in Asiie county. 131. Concei nine; the Iranvjlie Drai-oons: " tioricernirter the Wilkes Volunteer A rtit : lery CompkiiyV 5 :. :v , . . . - 5 133. '. o alter the time of holding ' two of the ; C unty Courts ?of Uuijcoinye.' " -. !- 134. To mcUrpuraj 'trze bcaool. : . . .-; ; ' iwi 111""" 'V'" ' ial ,i 135. To;;incorporate the; 3 Providence TJmon t Ainmery jUorapanj,in Meckt?i'burg,i Ov,. o incorporate me Northampton emaie 137i ior the bettdr regulation of the Vire Com pany ot Charlotte.- " 133. Cbn eniing Market fees, in the town of - Wftteviik. ..-, , . - i 11 . . . . . . . 1 : : . a it.. 1 . vicli'ii line between New-Hanof er and Bladen. 140.- Appointing overseers and handstb clear 1- In lavor or Isaac Baxter, Sliefitl of Currituck. " " ? F 1 1 t mm- - J o -lavor 01 Attred l. bfa'le. 6. Tti favor of Uichard H. Weaver. (7. In favor of Mary Sloirn, widow of . J 7 I Capt. ' John Sloan. 8. In favor of James Moore, of Duplin county. ' 9. Directing a copy to be made of the Map 0 the Cherokee lands. 10. In favor of the Securities of John Sloan. ' ' 11. Relative to Members of the Legis lature who die'at the Seat of Government. 12. In favor of Stephen Owen'&v late SheratVof tii-r County of Beaufort. 13. In fav)r of the representatives of the late Chief-Justice Henderson. .14. In favor of Elizabeth Forbis, wi dow ot" Arthur Forbis, dee'd, of Guilford county. 15. Relating to. the State suits in the Supreme Coutt of the United States. 16. In. favor" of Howell Albritton, She riff of, Pitt countv 17. In favor of Kenneth Ray. 18.. Relating to the claims of the State upon the General Government. 19. In favor of David Rogers. 20. j In; favor of Abraham Brower. 21. i In fuvorof John Johnson. 22. Ir. favor of the Administratrix of Jesse Clark. 23. Ph-ecting- the Public . Treasurer to publish .1 ... . n, . ,, . . , .. . . .... . 4. Autlionzmir ! .ottenes m aid ot the layette- ville, Yadkin and tJ..ee Rail Road. WILMINGTON (N. C.) RACES, Commenced. Dec. 26. First Day. For colts and fillies owned by mem bers of the Club who reside within the Congressional District. Purse $72, with a Silver Pitcher, valued at 50, given by the Club. Entrance $20. . Joha Dawson's br. c. Lath, 3 years old, by JVorth-Carolinian ; dam Sally Strowut,by Kirskey's Bedford, 881J lbs. 12 1 .Wm. V. J.tcares's b. c. Ccharian, 2 years old," by Giles Seroggins ; dam Jenny Dee.nes, by Virginian, 74lb. (a feather.) 2 12 Tune 1st heat, 2m. 8s ; 2d heat, 2m. 18s; 3d heat '2m. 20. In the second heat, Lath, on approaching the dis tance stand, and being nearly or quite a distance a- nead, liecame alarmed, antl threw ms ncter jtut witli in the distance pole, by which Coharion won the heat. The liret and third heats werewtvon widi ease. Second Bay.' Two mile heats. Purse $150. Entrance $12., Win. M. West's h. Flcg, by Sir Charle6 5 ; years old, 110 lbs. Ill Joiah Turner's b. f. Sally Hawkins, by N. M Carolmian ; dam Sally Strpwdt, by Kirk- ' sev's Bedford, 4 years old, 97 lbs. 2 djst Time 1st heat, 4m. 14s; 2d heat, 4m. 17. TJard Day. Three mile, heats. Purse 30'0. Entrance y20. . ' Wm. M. West's b. f. VT aid of Southampton, by Tonson, dam by lChaiice, 4 years old, 97 lbs. ! - 11. John Walker's ch, f. Kate, by Giles Scrog-- . gins, dani unknown, 3 years-ofdi 83' lbs. .2 2 H. Crockett's e. f. BetsscyBell,- by ir Ar- chy, dam by Eclipse. 3 years eld, lbs. 2 3 J. Turner's br. f. -Kachel Jackson, by JT orth- Cafolini'.m, dam by Lion, out of Molly Long Legs, 4 years old. She was lame and withdrawn. ' Time 1st heat, 7m. 2s; 2dieat, 7m. 15s. A dead heat tlie second heat between Kate and Betsey Bell. Press. ' - ' . . , Reasons Jcr removing the Deposes. Tlie, Barik "retains specte-to an almost unprecedented aniountrin the vaults." Foireigners Hold stock in the Unitedtates j Jlv. - - -'. ' ! " herefore. transfer the public monies to such institutions ps the Manhattan Bank more than one half of the capital stock of which is owned by the Earl of Carmare than. The charter of tlie United States Bank is about to expire : For which reason remove the depos its to tlie vaults of a certain bank in WasV vii-T iuc lliiu ici UI miltll lUSUlUUUIl e -j. u-' 1 1 fJ., TT Pn rP Simil T3tlPmilvinf 1 that ct t 10 IT S! riT 7 v y . The -.U. S. Bank; affords no conveniences 0f facilities, to the community. ; Wall street brokers lan do the business vastly better-especialiy if furnished with -lundsout otttie-ithdravndeposites. . i:ate in the month of August I received ' from -the Government Directors an official ; report" whereby " it seemed, to me tiiat 1 this great corporation 6uirht to be at once ,loT,t ,,f fi,a -ivu.. ti t " l i pUIIUUI U I C i-v ... ma"' i.' , 01 viovernment." Massage. ; On the 23d day of Julv, f was apked , whether it was mvintpmtmn to rpfntn Vp. ! move the deposites." Duane's Exposition. . 1 ASSUME THE Read to the Cabinet a- IT A RESPOXStaiLITY. Warning lo Stage Proprietors. -A Mr. ages, of i'. II. Cae & C. . pnferietors of ht line of Stages in tiie State of Netv-York, for an iniurv uch will ; malcte him a crin- ple for life, received in " conStience of the I '. ' ,l breaking of a brat strap, while the Sty-e vvas descending a, hill, vhich (i1itened the horses, and caused tliein ta become .so un manageabSc tliat tlw d river and M. V. w ho viras seated on tle box witli him, were pre cijfate'd to the 'ground -' 4 RtTbiSB-AT Ilotks' Stoa t., Wake cont.'Vnrli- Carolina, Wants 1 a' good B CKSMITJL and Jones & jniUamti lesiding at lhe,s.uiie pi WOEJiJFEii: lOlxei o each1 trade a lace, a can get ti on is immediately riade. WILLIAM RiLES January 10, l&&tr? $ ' ; , io galcm, (x. C.) Hoarding SclioolT" Mis G. RitH-tfEL, Itepectorof the-Boarding-Schbol tor Yourt Ladies, established for raanv years in this place, ancl to c-11 him to the reward of the eoodand faithful servallts,, in heaven, th r Rnl of Tmistees of the said iVmrding S6I10 1 deero it rr to sutjin tins publ c maime , tnot- vviths ariTiiiior this Thniir'i-itiil Avon vIl! . . or alteration Whatever,! in ttie usu-1 system ot the School, or in its wonted dufies arid exercises will be -ccasionea ; but that the Sane careful atten- tion to all the concerns of the pupils' will be stea dily continued hereafier i . the same mauuer which I has heretofore galnd forpwai-cls of thirty yt as. me ajjjji-uuuuoivana connaenice 01 so many pa ricnts, g-uardians, and frienils tthis Academy, f The vacnncy occa'siohed bythe demiiie of" the Itev. lienj. G. Ueichel ; will be filled,' a. speedily as possible by a perfectly competent successor. In the meantime the .duties of Inspector of thai Academy will devoh e on thv Uev Jso. C'Bck tsa, a member of the Board of Trustees i to whom therefore, it is requested that all. application as Well as other official commuiucatious be aiiaress r.d ': and who will earnest!., strive to discharge the incumbent duties to'ihp saf'ifit;Mi np.:i V -.w.MWuvwmivi SmiX IJal ties concerned By order of the Board of Trustees. j - t,JNO. 1. BtCIvLER. Salem, Stokes county, N. Cr Ja 4 10 3t- ' ' OF, THE EPiSGW,Jj SCHOOL. ' The Public are res)ectfully 'informed that the Episcopal Scliool of North Carolina will be opened for th: reception of pupliiou Tuesday tlie lst day of April next. Joseph G. Cogswell, Esq. 7?eroK - Uev. Jo5.II. S a u.N d ers , X.M . Chaplain J The annual- charg-e 19 $175, to bte paid half yearly) advanc 5 .each pupil to furnish his own School Books and Stationery, his ftlattrcad tud the necessary Bedding-. Day scholars wiU?&idrmtted atj 'an annual charge of $50 bufnone will be received as such except the children of parents resident ia, town. It may be propej to &rate, that ti.ough this In stitution is avowedly Episcopal in its character.Jt Ms open to all parems who may c oose to scnd4 tneir cnuuren ; ana on application for admission, no enquiry wdl made as fo the religious creed ' either of tiie parent or of the pupih. . . The operations of'thq School will positively commence on the lsi- day of April. : , By order of the School Committee, GEUKGE W. FREEMAN, Sec. s Raleigh, January 13, 1834 lQx N. B. A ProspectuB, i setting' forth the .plan and objects of the Episcopal, School is in Pres, . anu will , be resndy. for gratuitous distribution in the course of the present week, at the book store of J. Gales & bon. - - i ' As a matter of (Eonveoience to parents, steps will be taken by the Committee o iiave the re quisite Books and tJtatioiWiy and Mattresses sup-' piied to tlie students on reasonable terms: State of I'brili-CaroUiui. coukt of fiQui ry," SEPTEMBER TEltM, 1633. ! 1 : Wiilkm VViihams, i . John Holloweli;? Thomas' Sears5, and Betsey his wife ; Stephen Moore,5 tark Moore, Redding Hollowell and bis wife, Jincy, and Wilharii Mc Cauley, AHui'r. of Thomas lloore deceased. IT appearing to the satisfaction of Jhe Court, that I'iomtts bears, and Betsey lus wdv, Ste paen Moora and Stark Moore, are qot inhabitants f ti.is State ; Jt is ordered by pQ.ujrt:jthat publi' cation be tirade for tiie ipdce of --ix weeks n the Raleigil jRegister,1 that unless thk suid Tho mas Stars and iletaey his wife, atepiten Moore and Stark. MooreJ; appear, the next teim of said Court, to be held at, tiie'Uourt-Hpuse, ill thy town of P.UsbbrougH, on tiie tliird' Mo.iday In March Hex,-rancl plead! answef or demur, the bill will be taken pra colitesso against them, and heard ex-parte. :-. ? ; WiTXmSs, -i HQMASTilOilPSON.jCler'i and faster of s lid Court at Office, the od Monday of , September, 183 ' : -. ! - . -. ' !Ur-6wr THQ3. THOMPSON, fj. M. E. State of Nortb-Caroima. - . JtAiiiibll) Couuty. i Court ofjkqii.ty.lkFali Terai, "1833. ; Joha Hendri and Nancy n;s"wf;, Isaac Law rence and Patsef. his Iwiter Jacob Craven and . . Siah his wifciVlivoflaaslJacoii, Hannah con, Nathaniel Blcpn, John :Mco, James O itli---iad L5ar7.ilLii Johnson an 1 JdmesJohn soii,.juu. .'by tueir guardian- aud next friend . James Johnson,, ; Against - John-Bowdovrn, Jame tijidown, Francis Bow down, Uesi.h Bpwdown, PlcSaiit liadown, -Citarld Jhnson and Ehziveth his wife, Wil- ' liam Macon, Henry Mcon, Pleasant Mjccto, Gideon M .corr,: William Ilodgeu and t Hary his wife, Patsey Odell nd the;ehildrei of Alston Mftcon, dee'd ' IT appearing to the Coort that the Defend ants J fnis Brdrvrh, Ft'inc,s lVwdown, Jusiah liswiJown, " Picfasant- Bowdown,' Charles Jolinson and Betsey lU.wife, the Children of Alston Macon,'. decd Vil!ian Macon, Henry Macon, JPJleaaht''Macot, rfeideon M;ieo', VViliam Uodgen, and Pollyis wite and -Patsey Odell, are not rnhabitsnt' of this St ite. It s " of det ed by the CoUii, thit pub' l cation 'lie made for m vefe, in the - tiuleigh Roister, for the said defendant s appesr" at the nekt Term; of lie Court of EqiihyY toe;heTd for Randolph ty, oo t3e '4il .Monday in March next, to piel, answei j or demur taj the' coraplAfoan's ili othe r wise, judgiijenf prof af esso iiylfcp e e'tu . jr. trd jfvaittst them 'ami each of them, mid the fcaitl Ciusi wlil be heard ex parte ab io ttuni. Witifc, j maihan Woriti, .-"Clerk-of saia C T. . f , , ' , " -r : I .- Court, AaSro t ir- 25 Ji of Decker, 1 si3. ,joNAia.vN Voiitu, cm. k . J! . IT flaying pleased the Lord over Jife and death, to remove frorn the -scene of his earthly activ ity, on the 20th of last r;6nV. the llev.:n - viJ

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