t ' ; ,1 I 1 "OtJRS ARE THE PLAITS OF FAIR DELIGHTFUL PEACE, UlfWARP'l) BT TARTY RAOEf TP ' LIVE LIKE 'BROTHERS' - f f ( - ' "'f ' ' " '- ' 1 1 ' 1 ' n' ' 1 - : J - rrntisnEii tvxnr TCtsirT, JBf Joseph Gales rf Son, ( r .TERMS, r MtiEE I)oli.ab8 per annum; onp half in advance. Xliiwwbo'flo not, cldifT at tbe time of iu!mhinr, 07 HTwoquctflly, gtvd notice of their wish to have the) Paper discontinacJ At the expiration of tUe year, will te presumed as desiring it conUnuance linui cqunTcrmamiixi v j ADVERTISEMENTS, . lot fxcco(!inr sixteen tfnety will ne insrrtol re thnea for a Dollar; .ant twentjfive cents for each subsequent pnlfirat?()D i rv those of grater lentrth, in pntjiortion. If the jjumJer of insertions 1h not ' marked on thera, tiey will be continued until ot- tiered jput, and Charged accordingly. . Mr. WEBSTER, tn Reply to ilr. TPrighf. in the Senate of the united Mates. Ualists loo, mat outlive such times. 1 The farrier in siantlr bem "to '.entrain For flic; Register -'II r fa Major Jack' Downing, of the 2nd Br i- gade Uriiiliaj, at DowningvWe. Having read, several of your Officials ind ill particular, tliat of the 26th Dec. 183, .permit me to say a word also, ,n iccordanct with your views upon the subject of our dearly beloved country, the good of which there is no doubt yu lay e much at heart, as well as myself. V'eU Major,wejwtll begin now with the Ginpral and the Government Bank. Al tho' the GineVal is committing a suicidal act; in givin the Bank a fatal stab by which he expects utteryj to destroy it yet a- f "Mr. President, J wish to say a word qn another topic. Tms is an eventful moment, (n the ffreat questions which iccunv us,!we all look for some decisive movement of public opinion. A9 I wish tltat movement to be free, intelligent anl unbiassed- the true manifestation of public wiH-r-l desire to prepare the coun Irv for another assault, which 4 Perceive Is about to be made, on popular prejudice anomer attempt 10 oDscure au aistincr views of the public good to toverwlielm all patriotism and all enlightened self- interest, by loud cries against false dan ger, and 1y exciting the passions of om Hass against another. I am not mistaken in the omer? I see the magazine whence ihe weapons of this warfare are to be drawn. I already hear the din ot the jhammerinjr of arms, preparatory to the jcombat. They inav be such arms, per-. jhaps, as reason, and justice, and honest livery ettort it U well knowing nov, that the A merican nation of People and i ts Congress must and' will have; 4 National Bank to answer jind faciljtateUlie cnUection of its revenue, without the loss of a. dollar too. But Amos and the Gineral and some of the other kitchen Cabinet says, we shall not have such a 'good Bank for bur coun i tryt because some . individuals and some rfvfid live in anotlver climate, with many widows, 'orphans atiu otners, own some They may either prey on the earning of j the hoof, discovered the injury, took oft abor, bv their cent, per cent, or they may l the shoe, and. replaced it more careful I v. hoard. But the laboring man. what can on which the hoise Immediately turned ht hoard ? Preying on nobody, he becomes J about, and set off at a merry pnee for his fha y 1 1 u: , . : u:.. i 11 t - x,ri.:i t :, . nc uicy in an. 111s nroneriv ir 111 ms wen hiioivxi niwuire. vrmisi :r. ijqnc s hands. His reliance, his fund, his nro-1 servants were ort the learch. thftv chanced ductivc freehold, his all, is his labor to pass by the f6rg-, -and on mentioning VV nether he work on hi own small capi- taeir supposed loss, thp farrier replied, tal, or on another's, his livinj' is still oh, ht? has been here, and shod, and earned by his industry ; and when the gone home again, ".which, on tlieir return- money ot the country becomes deprecia- ing, they found to Delictual ly the case. ted anu debaseu, whether it be adultera ted coin, or paper without credit, that in- . Jin accomptished JJrtist. A late Lon: uusiry is roobeu or its reward, ne men (ion paper contains an account 01 tne ex labors for a country whose laws cheat him amin, ion of 1rs. George Tweed, Esq out of his bread. I would say to every who was -committed for .trial under the owner of every quarter section of laud in following circumstances. She stopped! the West, I would say to every man in her coach belore: the shop f a very re the East, who follows his own plough, spectable tradesman rn Piccadilly, and and to eiery mechanic, artizan, and la-j requested to be shown Foinesi!ks and borer, in every city in the country I satins, laces &c Alter selecting a quan would say to every man, every where, titv, worth qboitt 150. she requested that who' wishes, by honest means, to cain an a clerk might proceed to her dweUin? honest living : 4 Beware of wolves in with the bill, Avhere she woiild pay it sheep's clothing : whoever attempts, un-f not having brought her wallet with. 'her. tier whatever popular cry, toshaTte the sta-j 1 he clei-k accordingly entered the coach 1 litlie 01 x. Anu me uinerai says ur ra ther ths country toose all that the Gov eroment has there, than these 'dividual tvho owa tothen part, should be a little mfte benefited add so he Veto it, and . all the law that the ;Congress pas io renew i. He vent ail his malice and ambition (o keep Congress from pass'm It. But Ma- ior, ' vott, know t Congress have got ttiore "-- .1- 4-l '. j. power tnan tne urinerai, . if tney are nor fraid to use it and we are sure they are Hot, Then, if they are not. the Congress of this great nation and the people-will have a Bank, either bv a renewa of the present one, with an 'increase of its pre sent Capital, (or a hew one.) It is said a bettef cannot be ; it is good enough ; and it is always best to let good enough alone because it cant be-tietcercp, notwithstand ing the Ginerat's objections and vetoes . t 'f ?i n d.' el l to Kin it. congress win act tor me peo ple, themselves and their country they must and will havea B.tnk ; so they bring it rip agin and agin and so they will have it well knowin and beartn in their minus, the great losarof oh or .about one million four! or five hundred thousand dollars already to their Treasury, called un available funds a total loss to the nation, occasioned by having so maney these lit tie Banks all over this great and growinj nation. Well now, Major, if Congress are determined to have a Bank,. I will jive you my plan on it, and then you can give, me your plan. .x AVell then. Major, my plah is to renew the present Bank & increase 815,000,000 makit) on it S50,000,000 say S3,000-i 000 for Uncle Sam, makin with what he is got, 810,000,000 then the balance, 812,000,000 be left Open for new subscnT; bers, excluding the old ones who now held stick from takn this new,therebv givin a fair chance to others who wish it if they like it j if noU they can let it alone and others will take it. And so, Major, you will ji see, anu so win an me people see, that jesf.aucjh a B.ink as this is the Very one we should have, when all the money then iif- I il . rr.l .... . . wiit ue goou a:iKe. mere win De no sna king and shuffling and cutting, but every man can get and keep by him enough of thU here goodbtg National Bank money j to! keep him from su ft erin, and other pen- ptifrom shaving him of a cent much less your ditterehce in per cent 01 1 to 25a upon local Bank notes which wiU not pass out 01 meir ueigiaoornood. liut when voul start to travel any where and have got 1 he United States Banlc money in your nock-l en you can travel iroin Maine to St. Ma oatriotism, cannot resist. af rocitttance. it is nossible. mav be fee- bility of the public currency. brinr on and it was driven ,he little imagined bie and powerless ; but, for one, I shall distress in money matters, and drivel whither. . Theady'stoTpped in front of make an effort an ettort to be begunjie country into paper money, stabs your me mansion d-a respectable pnvsician, now, and to be carried on and continued J interest ami your happiness to vie heart, aim inionneo lurn that her son was in me with untirin? zeal, till the end of the The herd of humrrv wolves, who live carriage in front of his house, in a state contest comes. ion other men's earnings, will rejoice in of lunacy. Site desciibml his svmptoras t Sir, I see in those vehicles which car-such a state of things. A ytem which stating that heuppose'd himself clerk to iry to the reopie. senunienis irom nign ausorus inio meir pocKers tne iruits oin'f ciuu:'smjienr, anu.was cinunuanv places, plain declarations that the pres- other men's industry, is the very system talking about collecting bills, being swim jent controversy. is but a strife between for them. A Government that produces died, &c. SIhj proposed to leave .htm in bnepart of the community alad another. or countenances uncertainty, fluctuations, cnarge 01 the doctor tor a tew days, en 1 hear it' boasted as the unfailing securi- violent rising and falling, and finally pa- joining upon hm to keep the young man it y, the solid ground, never to be shaken, per-money. is a Government exactly after confined, as Jjt was daugeroas that he on which recent measures rest, that the their own heart. Ilenre, these men arehhi'uld he at lige. This agreed to, the poor naturally hate the riclu I kW, always for change. They will never let j unsuspecting erk was ushered into the Miaf -under the shade ot the roots ol the well enough alone. A condition of nub-J apartment 01 ute physician, where ne was Capitol, within the last twenty fnur hours lie affairs, in which property is secure, A confined hearty two days as a rhiiatic ; among men sent here to devise means industry certain ot its reward, and every a,,u 11 n3 "mhui me u. uau sem for the public safety and the public! man secure in his own hard earned gains U servant to thfesupposed residence of the jrond it lias -been vaunted forth as matter is no paradise for them. Give them just lady, that he w?iuld heed the exclamations of boast and triumph, that one cause ex- the reverse ot this state of things bring 01 t,ie prisoner isted, powerful enough to support ever'lon change after change let, it not be thing, and to defend every thing, and I known to-day what will be the value of I - A coantryninih, a short time agn, on be c - . . .- r. I " - -l.-t-i -f 1 . o. . . . ! that was the natural hatred of the poor to property 4.t-morrnw let no man be able png noeratea i rom at. Augusliue's jail, the rich. to sav. whether the monev in his nockets walked into a Neighboring ale house and Sir, I pronounce the author of such at nij;ht will be money, or worthless rags asked for a pifit of beer, informing the sentiments to be guiltyof attempting a in the morning ; and depress labor, till landlord at the; same time, he' had no mo- detestable fraud on the community. A double work shall earn but half a living ney, but that f heould tuniish the sup double fraud ; a fraud, which is to cheat I give them this state of things, and you ply he would 11 h,im something to his ad men out of their property, and out of the give them the consummation of their vantage.- uointace hesitated, out nndm' earnings of their labor, by first cheating earthly bliss. the man's countenance to wear an honest them out of their understandings. I Sir the great interest of this ?reat coun- sort of appearance, J placed before him " TAe natural hatred of the noor to theltrv. the nroduciW cause of nil its nrn- 4'a tankard ot mild." A lew minutes rteiV Sir, it shall not be till the last perity is labor! labor! labor! We are had elapsed aid the beer had. vanished, moment of mv existence it shall be on- a laboring community. A vast maioritv ntl with it nftne host's patience, for he . - ... I - .... 'I 1 1 ; -1 . - ly-when 1 am drawn to the verge ol bli- ot us all live by industry, and actual oc-lgwj demanded me promised iniorma- vion when I shall cease to have respect cupation, in some ot their forms. tion. narK ye,", responded me new- or atTectioo for any thing on earth, that I The Constitution was made to protect released lUljnfjuent, ;4if you should will beHeve the People of the Un'ned this industry to give it both encourage- be unfortunateenou:h ta get on the tread States capable of being effectually delud- ment and security ; but, above all, se- mill, the easiet berth is against the wall." A Kcntiah Chron. ed, cajoled, and driven abont in herds, bvjeurity. To that very end with that pre such abominable frauds as this. If theyj cise object in view, power was given to shall sink to that point if they so far Congress over the Currency, and over Sympathy 0 . Inzect8.Yhen ve c&mz cease to be men thinking men, inteUi-lihe money svstem of the country. , In M "to the pari of! at the Inn at Fennoy, we gent men as to yield to such pretences, forty years' experience, we found no- found it blackjwith fUes. Vy hy d.i you and such clamor, they will be slaves al- thing at all adequate, to the beneficial ex ready; slaves to their own passions ecu Uon ot thi trust, but a well couduc slaves to the fraud and knavery of pre- ted National Bank. That, has been tried tended friends. They will deserve to be returned to tried again, arid always HVVE RRMr-VETJ TO TUB Tit iYcw Hmkiiiis, on the coa'iicr oil Fayettevitte and Market Streets, Where they intend keeointr a beuvy and well selected Stock of 1 : DRUG; AND MKniGI?TKR, CHRMlCl; PAINTS, OILS, DYfi STUFFS, ULASS WAKI?, &c. &cv ATI of which wilt be sold Wholesale and Retail on favor bte terms. Wi 5t H. re desirous to close their former Basin rss to the present period ind respectfully Wsk of all indebted tb' them and ti F. J. Haywood, to call and mke payment, as further indulgence cannot be a (lorded. : Hateisrh. Feb. t. 183 1. 13 ; m A-m. aM . 1 N n Ci 4 H OFFERS FOU SALE AT No. 19, Maiden Imic, New-York, L. P. MADEIRA WIZVBS, n Pipes, Hogsheads, and Quarter Casks, entitled to debenture, from Howard. March &. Co. NewAon, Gordon, Murdock & Scott. Geo. & Rubt. Bl.ickbiirn & Co. Leacock, H rris Si Co. ! Orders received for the Wines of any .of those llons-s; and the Wine shipped -direct as oppor tunity. ofFt-rs. ; - $ome of old & gptendid quality, in bottles, includ ing f he rarest specimens. 1 Sherry Wines ol Spain, From the best Vintage, in Pipes, Hhds. and Quarter Casks, entitled to debenture. Some ex?ra. quality, in Bottle. Wines of France, Chateau M traox ; Chateau Ivifrtte. ' P.dmer Miraux Latour, Leoville. F.tu iliac, St. Jidien, &c. t Bordeaux Wine, low priced, for ordinary consumption. Bordeaux Wine in Hhtls. . UftAJU 'Ala in r. or me Drana rape. . p 3 Real Sillery do. l"- Rose do. f n g -3. V Anchor," j p 2 . Sauterne, Barsac, Hermitage, Med f JVh)te, 1 In Hogsheads Muscat ?. Frotiguac, and Bottles. . Vi'us de Graves. J Wines ol the Rhine A- Moselle. Johannisberer, Marcobrunner, Hochheimer, Rodesheimer, Brauneberper, Scharzberger, &c. Port Wines. In Wood & Glass ; some extra qt$ttlify in Bottles. Pare Table Wines." fyi Pipes, Half Pipes and Quarter Casks, entitled to debenture. Old L. P.TenerifTe, Sicily Madeira, Cape Mdein, Marseilles Madeira, Old Lisbon, Si. Lucar; Swtfet and Dry Malaga. Iiiqucurs and Cordials. RALEIGH ACADEMY. THE Exercises of this Toiiitution will re sumed on Monday, February 3. Ifndr th sipprii.trdtnce of theRfv. Di Mel'ur.KTFns, the Subscriber wifl ffive fwstru.. tion in fije v o-ious Branches of Academical Eilu ca'ion, on the following term, viz 1 $7 SO S 10 50 $ 1-2 50 $ 15 50,. accr0 to the 0; ale of sTudiea. The year will be djvkled in0 two Sessions of five months each; L. B. JOHNSON. Rdeigh; FftH. 1. I 13 . isiOTICK. - ,.-? , State of North-Carol itia. Wake County. Ix Elt'fT. Kimbrongh Joi, Sims' and Others " vs Ishnm Garrett and Berrv D. Sims. rplIIE several parties (PlaintirTsarkl Defendants') 1. in in this case, are" hereby notified, that accord ing to an Interlocutory Order ma.de in. the above' named cause, at FallTerrh, A. D. 1&33, which directs the .Clerk and Master to advertise in the Raleigh Register, for three weeks, the tima and place of taking the Account That I .shall, in pursuance to sa d Order, on the 5thlay of March 18.14, at my OfHce in the City of Raleigh, pro. ceed to take sail Account at which time ami place, the parties interested ure respectfully ia vited to attend. GEO. W. HAYWOOD, C. &M. E. TO THE PUiiLlGT A GREAT OPENING FOR ENTERPRISE, Atui th e Umploy ment of a Small or Great CAPITAL TO MUCH PROFIT. s or lo Bherittg's Straits and be a free man, and not xnbtnit to imposition. iow, Major Downing, can there be any mistiike in hayjvg such good money, for alpiiur country to use, to pass and repass. to live and let live. We are ami Hhouh bej forever one neoule, never to be divide . . 1 to never, bevel ! And this B ink iff oiia we should evr encourage and have ai oHj airthe people. It is the nation'4 Uiition from inaiiy evils, & will be 'from pmv more, if Congress will in their wii tiui ,ke-p jt up it not, it will be a grea frt to the good of this nation, and wil roaljy if ad' to tjie nmt fatal conseotien , t - ' . ft " mm ; s wiisv.11 it is hoped, Heaven may pre .nt. . "'.;; I am ours. V.ZVAUKI. HOMESPUN. l,cx tcUun ':u. A hian at Ncwarfe. N. I o. n i 1 - w UVUI T ki?i,cj to death by a horse, thle other day,-.vhicli Ii4 blottetl out of all the records of freedom; they ought not to dishonor the cause of seii-governinenti oy attempting to exer cise it; they ought to keep their un worthy hands entirely off fromvthe cause of Republican liberty, if they are ca nabie of being the victims ot artifices o sliallow of tricks so stale, so thread- tiare so ofleiv practised, so much worn out, on serfs and slaves; and the victims, too, of wicked and nefarious designs, so thiulv clpa.ked-; designs deep in purpose and in wickedness, but shallow in their pretences. ' The natural hatred of the poor against the rich!1 iThe danger of a moneyed aristocracy 1" A power as great and dangerous as that resisted by the . Revo lution '.' 4 A call to a new Declaration of Independence I". Sir, l admonish the People against the object ot .outcries like these. 1 admonish every industrious laborer in tne country to be upon his guard against such delu sion. Hell him, the attempt is to play . ... on his passions against his interests, and prevail on hitn, in the name ot liberty, to destroy all the Iruits of liberty : in the name ol -patriotism, to injure and afflict his country; and in the name of his own independence, to destroy that very in dependence, and make him a beggar and a slave. Has he a dollar!? He is ad vis ed to do that which will destroy half its valOe. Has he hands tolabor ? Let him rather fold them and sit still, thau be pushed on, bv fraud and artifice, to Pdo what will render his labor useless and hopeless. Sir, the very man, of all others, who has the deepest interest m a sound currency, . . I I tt . A 1 ... anu wno suners most oy mischievous le gislation m money matters, is the man who earns his daily pread by his daUy toil. A decayed currency, sudden change ot pri ces, paper money, lading between morning aim noon, and lading still lower between fouinl successful. If jt be not the proper thing lor us, let it be sober v argued not tlestroy tlVese flies ?" we enquired of the landorl. f ' Bless you he replied, that would fnly make the matter wifrse ; when we kill inje, alH his acquaintance come to his funeral. " Ciirffs Alters from Ireland. against 5 let something better be proposed, et the country examine the manner coolly and decide for itself. But whoever shall attempt to carry a question of this kind by clamor,, and violence, and prejudice : whoever would rouse the People by ap peals, false and fradulent anneals, to heir love of independence, to resist the establishment of a useful institution, be- caue it is a oauK, and deals m money, and who artfully urges these appeals whenever lie thinks there is more of honest feeling ,than of enlightened judgment, means nothing but deception. And who- ever nas the wickedness to conceive. and the hardihood) to avow, a purpose to break down what has been found, in for ty year's experience, essential to the pro tection of all interests, by arraying one class aganinst another, and by acting on such a principle, as that the poor ahcayn hale the, nci, shows himself the reckless enemy of all. An enemv to his whole country, to all classes, and to every man in it, he deserves to be marked especially as the poor mail's curse ! LiraOfrXTO.Y SCHOOL. 4 Classical Sc'iool till be opened by f ihe suuscntier, ai Lmcotnton, on the irt,h of. February, tte pticeol tuition "for the La'iu and Greek Languages, will he SKfpr session ; English GramrrJar, Geography and Arithmetic, $8, in advance.,- I hose who wish information respecting his thialihcut ioais as a teacher, are re t'erred to Mr; V.' J. Binerham, Principal of the Hillsborough Academy, and to the Faculty at Chapel lb II. S-' GT.I). W. MORIIUW. 14 5t Febuary 1st! 1834. ilulh. noon Si night :rvrhenall these tltngs exist, itijft the very harvest of speculators. and ol uhe whole race of those who are at once idle and crafty 4 and of that other race me Catalines of all timesmarked, so as 10 be known forever by one stroke of the historian's inm, greed 11 of all other men's property, and prod'gul oj their oid:u Capi- From late I2ai?lis3i I -ipcrs. 8. sensible Horse. We do not think the records of instinct ever contained a mor extraordinary instance than that we are now about. to relate, anil for the truth whereof we pledge ourselves. A few days since, Mr. J. jLane, of F.iscomb, in Glou cestershire oti his return home, turnel his horse into a field in which it had been ac customed to graze. A- few days before this, he had been shod all fours, but un luckily bad beety pinched in the shoeing of. one foot. In the morning, Mr. Lane missed the horse, and caused an active search to be made in the vicinity, when the followingsingular circumstances trans pired : The animal, as it may be suppos ed, feeling lame, nv.tde his way out of the field, bv unhanging the gae with his mouth, and went straight to the same far iter's shoo, a distance of a mile and a half. The farrier had no svoner opened his shed, than the horse, which had- evidently been standing there some time, advanced to the forge and held up the ailmg foot. Stale &r IforTh-CaroUna, Wake County. COUflT OF EQ.U I T Y. FsYLL TERM, 1833. Joseph . Andre ws'and wife Lucy,' ,John Dunn, Administrator of William Andrews and others, ' . ' IT is orderedthat vertlsement he marie for six weeks iv4heRaleigU Register, fr the defendant SPilliani AndreAVs to appear at die neit Court tobe lield for the County of W;ke, at the Cou.f$lIiue iulhe cdy of .R dcigh, on the first Moiul.y ahftrUie fourth Monday in Marc1', A. D. 1834, aor answer, plead or demur to said hill of IJoinnlvfeil, Aherwi.se the surte will tie taken as oonfeed by him, and a decree he. en tered accord 'tiftjv. . " " G&O. V. HAYWOOD, C. M. E. Of Italy n Holland, France Martinique. Kirchenwasser, frptn the forest nj Noir, Curacon, Beit and While, from Jlintle-dam, Maraschino di Zra, Anizette, Noyeau, &c. Choice JLiquors. Under the Custom House locks, entitled to debenture, in Pipes, Half Pipes and Quarter Casks. Particular attention is paid in selecting Liquors " i BRANDY Old Champaigne, (1806.) ' R"al Bordenx, C"gtiac, (Otard.Dupuy & Co.)1828. Roehelle, Lo-idou Excise, 5tc. GIN Old Cologne,' London, 3J prof, Old llollah I, and American. HUM-hV. Jamaica, Portland, OMAntigm, and R y-- in bottle. WHISKEY--Old l"sh, (Iiinishowen,) 1 Oid Scotch, -(FariiHush.) Attack, 180i, &c. Old London Double Hmu Stout, Dunbar's 8c HibbertN brand, itHhd. and Tierces. As also the finer chops lllickand Green TEAS, in Chesty Half Chests and Caddies. Old Mocha, Java; South-American and West India COFFEES. Refined SUGARS, in variety. Foreign FltUl TS and PRF.MRVES. Sice, Sauc-s. "vari-gitcd Pickles. Sardines, TrilfHes, Italian Pastes" Foreign Cheese, Caper, Olives, Anchovies. Bordeaux Table Oil, French Spiced Vinegar. P.ris Wax Candles, f HAV VN-V- SEGA RSt a large md well seasoned Stock al avj 00 hand, &.c. &.c. rfHE Undersigned, Thomas S. Hinde, Prbpri .a. etor of the Town of Alount Carmel, Wabash- County Illinois, and Doctor Jacob Lesher, tale of Wolmesdorf, Berks Coonty, ; Pennsylvania, hav irg pm-ch'sed the Tract of1 Land embractng thir Grand Rapids, or Great Falls df Uie Wanash lti ver, have also been employed by the 'Wabash Navigation Company, who havf! obtiincd a chaj'- .?' ter for the water privileges for four or-five miltt above and below said Falls, to dispose of Stock or disp ise of the rights and privileges grant&l by said charter, for forty years, renewable fore ver and deeming tlUe Water Power connected witb shtirt (an, eisjht miles in lengtlv, opening the Navigation 400 miles above, and connecting with the Wabash Canal, tht- Ohio, and tlie laketliro' this channel, of the greater importance, have I thought proper to notify ami apprize the enter prizing part 01 the community, of tb fac sin re lation to the situation and localities of the place. The Wabash River is the? boundary bo ween, Indiana aiid illinois, fur 200 m'des or more, from the Ohio, embracing tlie greater part of the East em side of Illinois, and with the two White ri vers, connecting the most fertile regions of Indfr ana 1 - the White river forming' .a '-junction with: tiie Wabash , one and a half miles below the i Grand Rapids, or Falls. The climate' is mild, being about the latitude of Lexington, Kentucky, ; 38 25v N. latitude. The soil is good, generally equal, it not superior, to that ot the greater pan? 01 the West 1 lie productions of the earth ar abundant ; and this region of country is preferrctl bv those who have traversed tlie whole coantrv. It is healthy, being moderately a rolling countrv.i and the water privil ges commanding, a district of country tor 150 or 200 miles round by land and; water, it is inougm, tnai jrom uie aounxiance pi iron ore and coal, the great water-power of fwelve feet fall in four milts, and ' sixteen feet fall in eight miles, any portion of the Wabash river may be errtp oyed by water works ; and that toe Gi he. al Government of the Union could not fix on, a more desirable point for a National Amnoy in the West,' j Having obtained these important advantages, with a flourishing Town -of five, six, or" seven hundred inhabitants, at the foot ol the Fall3, who, after many years laborious work, have pro- Ja'nu-Ty 07 A n Act to amend an Act jTf M)ayi Received ' P. And for salctd the North-Csuolina Boocsfore, 3 -The second ration f the Lite and Writings of. Major JACffs HOWNlflll, ot U .wimvHsvjli , awuy down at in the ute ol M tine, written by liirn-sflr " '' ' ; Sketc!es and .ccf ntriciiies of Golonel D AVID CROCK tlf oWesi 'IVniKjsiee. new ed.tiiwi. The l'wnealtis, Stc. &c. a Novel tu 2 vols, by Jno.Nea..0 ' Tom Cringle' Log, complete in 3 vols. . UESI SUPPLY OF The America' Almanac & Uepositiry of useful ' Kii'WlefgeJfor 1834 ; nlsb a tVw of tiie'bick - i.umbers ut'i830, 3I-, 312 &33, may' ij hdoy f - imined.ute ippl cat 100. :1 TURNER 5c 41 UG! I KS. Passed in the year eighteen hundred and fburteen, entitled aii Act to revive the second sec ion of an Act, passed in the year one thousand eight huu'dred and one, entitled un Act to revive an -Act, passed in the year',one thousanl seven hundred and seventy-five, for -the Regulati -n of the City of Raleigh, and for .other purposes. W1IE11EAS, by tht- the third section of the said Act, the Commissioners are authorized to class the ciiizehs to ct as a City Hatch? and whereas it is fcund difficult to procure; tlie punc tual attendance of the saad Watch for want of authority- by the Intendaut to appoint a Captain thereof; He it enacted, That the Intendar.t of PoV.ce. or other person appointed by the City Commission Vry L'kectors of the Watch, shall be authoriz td to appoint some-one of each class as a Captain tliereiil-:.; and every person so "appointed, who s!iall fail to serve or shall discharge his clas- lae- fwre -the time ajlowedi by tbe City Onltuanct-. shall for each and every offence forfeit and! pay a pared the place for an agreeable residence Here 19 wanted capital to-cut the Canal, the cost .estU mated at eighty or one hundred thousand dollars, Vhich, wihe'n dune, will employ a capital of frm five hundred thous:tnd to one Willion dollars, to' carry on manufactures and machinery' IWe, the undersigned, therefore, have thought proper.to employ two Agents, Mr. Benjamin T K vaiuugU and I) r. jJ oeph C. Lesher,' to visit the Atlantic States. tl:e one in the Sou'h. the other in the East, who will be prepared with p1 ts of surveys and necessary draughts, to exhibit" te true situa tioi of ihe t anal, Town 5t surrouiKlihg Country.. , But a there is a growing disposition to visit me West, awl the ground-work of a gReut Vt e-ter.l enterprise is laid, and pr. pararations are making . to connect the edu'eat on of tlu; rising gener tion, as well as the aboriffines of the West, with tbt I oth r privileg s and advantages of the place and tpuntry, it vs ear .esuy stj.ciiea aiui requcsieu, that those who-desire to emigrate to tlie place oj? desire to invest capital in the undertaking (as the Books ill be opened fbr'Sthckv-aml tliesaigt of Property will take p ace in Mount Carmel, juv the Tth of April next,; those persons wishing tp avail themselves of tiie ailvaiiugcsscfbrth do -visit the comiUy, or emplcjddltul men to visit it, and report wUether-tfus regionof ' country, with the advan!agesuggested, answers the de I ,-cription alwisdy iven. : ' Wewifl be willing, also, eithel to obtain a loan, of $100,000, or more, on pledging the propcily, ; to c:irry on said canal and work, s turaH to opea ! it for the passage of Steamboats, . and employ th water power for maclnriery.-.;- or, on very rcisort- i .able terms, we v ill relinquish ,to, and assig-i oyer, ; all-our mdiVKlual right3 to a large tract of tand embracing the Grand Rapids, together with th5 rights and privileges under the act of incorpora r tion, to fnvmdcpeiiuent Company, that, may btt disposed to take the whole concern into theirown ; IkiihIs, and manage it in their awn way ; it bem? the object; of the Board of Directors to have 'tbt Canal opened as speedily as prac.iC-ble, as thero 1 is no point on the Western wateis wtucq bold out such 1 dacemtnts for capitalists ) erftploy their tut: Js more ixofitably and with equal atety, i TIL S. HINDU. JACOB LESUER. Mount Carmel. Wabash county, . ' ''. liliuois, Dec 9, 1833. 5 J . N. R. Since the above noti fie t!o;i was drawn up, inaveTUe asKJirance.pt toe memocis 01 th -'1 - " I h m if J" .4 Legislaturej of Indiana, tliat IOOQ' will be ap- 14 p opriated to meet the object coiUempLittiL aul about 12,Q0Q tjiiviiig been appropr.att l byjili-? nois, W:IJ aJfora about OW lortnt comniencc 4 ment of operation. It is contemplated that 1 i J dam bc-lowjthe moutliof White rWeriabout eigUt j sum not leWthan five, normore than ten dollar, . f;t,.d afe juu-fci&ba oVertf? Kills tV asull St .ter power orf ; - ami tnanufac. t ; jtiploj ing capitatiSt l-irtrtiftri V''ti 1lirt ..1lt flint inlrt-i ':1 ' : jKrwim abOA-c'the age of siXtyeais sliaU be cam- thc pVsent tiipe, there is no opening inWWr KitW K. a W- fU7 VB. aXA9 ' J , ail-iiree times and raLhcd. m miv kp Timvit r hv I r.-HiisnCi III Mill (.nin. - . ; . " : :: 01 tue ya-sri at. once -auoxivwa (.missiuners, to be recovepp.1 by V arrant ..beioie- .nm4rnce fwr malAtery7 t;ic !ntenaai,t m mc nume commssjoiiew, iMihimiti lieati- General Ajiserably, iMJLn. Lhcd m . i? raore saistactory lor ttitnptovdttnv WM . -- sip mw aerwL, - tiW j ) . ? f - - :

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