' . - r - f li LQJ r -jr ? L . a. 4J 5 V. l-t ... 1 'OURSARB THE FLANS OF FAIR DELIGHTFUL PEACE, ONWARpV fi' PARTY RAGE. TO . LtYS tlK BROTHERS, l ' TU KSHAY, 31 AH C 1 i 4; 1 884 " t i i , - I i' ... ... IFy JTosepli Gxlcs & Son. Txiiipiuvii p!:nnnm; one half "a4na?f i Thop who Ja noithi;r:at thelime of Hutjscuinii?! . or pnljnef,lllv ffweTiioU of thoir wlsli to have , ; the' PapcrdifcontiritteJ at the jnraijn of th ; tcnVWill t pTcsinnpd as Mesdrins lU continaajice !-';T'iimta icantmTl.-i:'i'i'i'- -f- !" 'p. ' 1 TCot excowline tajctcen. lhie. Mill be .inserted! tirgt : 1 ( t!iae S6t a Dollar ; ari twenty-five cent for eacll ! uliwauent publicadbnt. those of greater leitjth, irt ijirdportioii. If thcnumVirf prtnsc'rtions bz no ;:''irirkcd ontherBS''tlie wfll be continued until -or ."ilored out, and charged accoidingly, CtAiriil GRASS. Ve find in the last number of the ilmerican Farmer A 4 he subjoined letter h:om Mt. Meabes, in relation ! to the Gama GuAss, which is about to prove so -'in valuable, to w Farmers : ; T Mr. illircHcocK : t"J)ear 5t; So many inqutnes have beeii made of me, as to the riaturT-4itfld of culture, of he Gam a Grassy am induced to communicate' thioujrh the inediuui of yporaper, such Knovvleflge as T have on tfte subject. - "" v j The gtass is perrcnniaU Its most va' liable rjualjiieV will ba as hay, and when used green, for soiling. i l have not yet jnade. the $perimnt, but doubt whether ft will answ er Air asturae. This doubt is produced, ; not orS5t)y the form .the grass, ).t bv the fact, that it Ifever found growing spontaneously cauif nave unmnmcu al;c. lfresuts most suitable to its growth. are limestune, alliiyinl bottom, and rich" clay loam svBut its great, excellence is, Jl'WHI grovi auMpTuattKK uuunuuimif ui 11117 soiV, (dry enouglVvfof Indian corn,) nalu ra'ly rich orpiad$,s& . ;lte who cultivates: it on poor ground, with the' hope of large Crops, will certain ly be disappointed. " i It produces very little if . any seed, the fust year, nor dues, it reach its full matu rity and best product, until the second or vear. a-. ' It is very easily transplanted. Where i - ' It-"'-' t : ! - -L. . ' M. finite is oittva small supntv, me quantity (for another year) may be greatl y increas cd, by taking up the roots in the fall or wtnter. anuarviftingprtranspianunginem. Each root will, furnish from five to twen ty and sofnetimes fifty plants. Ihe'seed shoulil be planteo trom -No vember to "January, arid covered from yne to two inches deep. " Hiey will not vdge- tale until warm weather. When the roots Or eed are planted to re mai n pe r m a p c n t ly , I thi n k the bes t ma n - ncr is to set them in drills three" feet a pat and place them two feet apart in the drill. In two yeas thelnlls wilt be lHeu up, and there, wli be space for manuring be tween ihenA I take it for granted, llie immense yietd of thrs grasivjtil produce exhaustion of the -fertility of the soil; and unless manured, the product must les ii uyi.iicu-saui), inn, v "V. - If rrtt rnr nrcn rv l( IC , nr 1-nfO rtAI .li tcr, to cultivate it the first year, and keep . . J. - it clear of wccj s and other grasses; alter .x . T.i- i 11 ' It may be found in every State of the Tfir.ion from Virginia to Missouri, (inclu save,) south and west : and I have been surprised by inquiries alter -it, from places 4 here it abounded in the -neighborhood.1 Voursr respectful I y, - Wm. B Meares. THEiliATEtR.JVVIlT.1 We'find in-the proceedings of Congress, the follow ing just and doqu$jii tribute to the late Mr. WraT, trv the Hon. JohxVQcinct Abatws, in an iitcidcu- ul Speech.rnade by him in the. House the ob" r ject of which, appears in. the .remarks themselves hen tlie Speaker called the"House. to liirder, MrAnAMs , .of 51ass.: addressed urn, belore5 tuff reading 01 tne journal, as ! Mr. Sneaker : I A rule of thisr Honse di lie cts ihat the ''Speaker'' shall examine arm correct .the Journal before it 13 reSd. ' I liierefore uov rise, not to make a: motion, tor to jouer a resolution but to ' ask" the li nanimbnst consent of this House to address to you a fev6rd3with a view , to an ' ad- burnment of the House vesterdav. i; w Iksk that, after the statement of the td-- ournment of the Hoysef the'rri be added to he Journal, waixls importin-r that it was to nve the Speaker and M embers of the House the opportunity of attending ihejuneral bb pqiiies-oi -VV illi am taVV irt. iA-'tiriZ ; Thr customs of this and' of the other 1 louse of (Congress, warnmt thfer sttipension v-f their daily labors in tlie publit; service C'i 1. '' 1- ' - '- . 1H h - -'.Air . tr attendance xipon funeral' 1 ftesV"bnllf ml oiojis ueceasfeior jaeiy own njemuers. lo csnjl- tho ujae-fartheiuiglitlbji -At, 11 - w tended vlt!rmcnnvenichce fas' a preced pnti nor shmifd f have felt mystlf warranted In askyijjt upon any cammoa ncaisiofi. M,r: AV irt had iiever been a member of either House of Congress. But if his form in; marble, :r hislportrait tipon canvas?, were placed within these walla, a suitable inscriptioa for it would , be that of the status of MoJierin the Hall of the French Acade my . Nothing was wanting to his glory. He was wnntin to otirs." v Mr. Wirt ha I never been am ember of Conirress; .by for a period of twelve years. durin.sL two successive Admiuistration3fof the National G'n-3rninent, he had been the oSicjaf and cojift leiitial adviser,. upon all nnesHons of law; of the Presidents of the tT piled States: and he had discharged the duties! of that sationt entirely lo the, satis fliction of those officers and of the country. No member of this TJouse needs to be re minded iiow important are the duties of the, Attorney Gene'ral of jthe United States, nor risk I contradiction in adirminsj that they were never more ably or mjrc faithfully discharged than bv Mr. Wirt. If a raind stored with all the learning ap- proprinte, to the profession of the law. and clecorated vith all the elp?ance of classical literature ; if a spirit' imbued with the sen- sibllitieS of aJoftt patriotism, and chastened by the meditations of a profound philosophy -if a brilliant imagination, a discerning -intellect, a sound ' iudment, an indefariarablfc capacity, and vigorous energy .of applica tion, Wivilied vvitli c ;se and rapidity of elocution, copious without 'redundance and select v.ithoutaiTetation ?if all these, uni ted with a sportive; vein of humor, an in oSensive temper, and in angelic parity of heart if all these in their combination arc the qualities suitable for an Attorney -General -.of the Ui&ytates in hhn, they were alt eminent'. Vycnmbined. lVtit it is not my purpose to pronounce his eulogy. That pleasing task has been as signed to abler, hands and to a more suita ble occasion. He Nvii there be presented in other, -though not less interesting, lights. As the, penetrating delineator of manners and character in the. British Spy as the biographer of Patrick Henry, dedicated to the. young inert of your native Common wealth as the friend &: delight of the social circle as the husband and father in the bo som of a hanpv, but now most afflicted lam-ily-i in all "these characters I have known, admired, and loved him and now witness ing from the very windows ot tins I Tall,' the last act of piety and affection over his remains, I have felt as if this House could scarcely fulfil its high "and honorable. duties to the cWt which he had served, without 5onte sTi)it, be it but a transient notice of his decease." MAJOR DOWNTJiG'S LAST. Wedffec no time in laying tajar Jack Downing' last epistle before thf! i)ublic His account of the reception of , certain Committees id graphic and to the lue : - - To my Old Friend Aful)wight of (he JSew-iork?uaiiy yiiluritiser. J - Washington, Feb. 14, jl 834. Ever since I have-been in the Govern- irhertt, I never. had so much on my hands as I lwve since I wrote you my last let ter: Folks are pourin in ; here .from all quarters',, and bringing petitions and me morials sooVo on em j3st as much as a I man can lift and when they come to stretch "them out they kiver all Congress. MosLull the Committees th:it come on here call to see me and the Gineral, and the work of presenting ihem to the Gin eral, has kept me busy enuf I tell you here , f... V:,,., V..,.lr 1 I w . u . T . n. . T R I rafiep. 1 tpll'il the. (iinpri . env 1 ' , ; . " , " rav I now Gineral is our time, lo brush up all we know abmit trade and money imsitsess for, gays I, them New-Yorkers every one on em has gotjtis eyeteeth cut, and they ihainl c'ouve : down here at this season threw, the mud for nothin says T, and as hey are comem to see us to-morrow, we Ibetter spring tofit now, says I, GineTal and get every thing cut and dried for em land so I and the Gineral went to work making a kinder sham fight onU. I see -pretty quick t wouldn't do, for the Gin- jerat wouio nv ngnt on tne Handle, and italk about Gldry and 'Ncw-OHeans and yfiform and about his rtgits and hU Go- vrmmenf, and the. Great !xpkrimektv (and wind up by blowing Squire. Buddie Jail to -splinters. Now says L Gineral, that wont do at all, says I f they aint the kind of folks to talk to so ; thy haint come hereto talk about ' Glory"; they have got anough of that, says I. Why, says I, Gineral my fricud Zekel Bigelow tells me there is so much of that in New York; that folks arc brakin all to bits there ijnd it has crowded every dollarout of trade. Now, says I, I guess the best wayf0r us" is to hear 'what these'New Yorkers haven't to say, and, thefl bow emboli as nuick as nossihle ati.i lont ksk em any questions, and they. wont ask jusaujr-lor if they git u yn i.tliat j tack kay rvl we'll go bump a shore now I tell lyou: aodiio: :the Gmeral lieaiv to think lSf " AVaiU ll liojf uril' -ri(t rf li''i.,.. m vv,tt;nujf iv 11 nu Hill .u V auylthtng' in reply, itftv4idd be ihe ma(orthrknt the vOitieral Jw teliM thatl bVerir on,3ftiik 1i6ultLsay ever v word oti liiiidd !ieo. , 1 I i T oti if id "his sieepX " ; Well, the next mornin sure enuf.L see Mncbn?!riia!nd I xall'd ilte Gtnefutlsiirtl k took htstludv ruotn, vand ItonU a leet'.e aSead on him, twist him and tliei door and in thev cone jest forll the world as folks cme lo neetiog j nd 1 turn'd to and in traduced em In the mineral,; and we shouk hands all round. iThe Ginieral i-nlar"v ennaiu in sich times he was mad entif to,sn ip his if: .1. i . -. .i ' Hickory risht in two nieros. but he nut on a piagy guod naturM !nk, and as si.n as we got through shakin hands one on m a rale spunk looken crittur, jest abfjt sjch another 'lookin cliup as Squire Bild!e,"anl talk'd about as glib aboat mo jivy tnaUershe step'tf out and spoke forfthe rest on em, anil he went on now jet as cod as though he hadn't lost a dollar since we -begun t!e war. Hh was as civil too a you ever see ; he teli'd the Gineral pretty much how things wa workio, and how they was goin to wnrk and when he came to speak of the Gin eral's grand experiment, lie teli'd him. pritfy j!ain it wouldn't w.rk rizht. Ti) Gineral was jest a g in To let hin have lus notions hot I puli'd hi.r a twitch by the coat, nnd he s'ono'.l but as soon as h e go.t through and bowM, the- GJneral be egarr tii'tl him the first o Pf hfi -wns. I vvas y liril'fH that there vvarn't a o.an m the ',u" tM'e of Tennessee know'd half o . mucn iin jui uatiKSianu DanKins and tratie as he did and so long as he' was Pre-5. ideut he'd let fidks know what was thtV rale meatii.Mg of . Gi' eniment.' B.d dle vvas a monster and so was the Rank. Calhoun was a rascal and so was Clay, and Webster, anid McDuflie, uud the hull raft, of the opposition ; and what pu.a'ed him most, was to find out which was the biggest rascal, the Ilnnk or ary one of tiie;n -otlser fellows, and he'd put em all down atore he Was done with fin Haiti t I saved the. counWv, savs the Gin eral, more than 50 tinsif it hadn't be.i tnr me, says he. theIndians would now be in Wa'l street, sk;ilpin all on f Vou,; ami the British would be all over Kentucky, and Tennessee, & Virgi,u.nv. And so the Ginena! weiTt on, &. I couldtit 1 stop him till he got right into G-U)i v.' and I thought twas bestlo bow tlie folks off. and by the time, the Gineral got thro' he and I had it all to ourselves, and we sat down,' th.c-Gineral he was a good deal struck up and beat out, but he is as tuff as all natur. and can go threw jest sich a tug every day, ony giie'him a little time to take wind : anil so he took off his specs and went to rubbu em, and we begun to talk about it. Savs he, Maior, I reckon ft.'1 1,1 "s ' . " 1 I 1 I ill I J, Wit CV nil I .1 WIU. VJi HILi Ula i asked em no questions, and they kept things sung. I)o you know Major, says the Gincra'r I did'nt like the looks of that fellow a bit who did all the talkin for 'tis companions did you understand Major, all that Ire teli'd about?" says the Gineral. Prettv considerable avs I. And so I telled it all over to the Gineral iii mv own wav.' AVell, says the Gineral, 1 am glad Jjjid'nt UJidefstand him. for now as vou tellt, it stumps. me considerable. The Gineral he sat still! a moment and begun to cour dih t on his fingers 5 and to riglits savs he. Major who was that ? Vlri', says I. j Pa1 OJI 'hi-irt;, and walked nut ; but'itKd Gineral he is the son of a niali I've heard make hip fee plaiy sail aud heavy to see vou tell on a thousand times. And asM'olkcome sy i ir thicv the. middle of soon as 1 spoke tne name, the trineral he started up and savs he Maior. ti un.tios- sil!twhat the son of 'hv savs the Gineral, Maior he was alvavs i one of iTy best friends, artd he was jest) York State cme in and uiade clear we lt.h the kind of a man lue liked, he wasas firm i agin, by tlloi us 'hey e'soected tuerv as granit, knowed more about banks and I mmit atibthef CommatteV from New York. all public matters than any man I met he was a rale patriot ami an hone? man.- Well says I Giteral, that you said ; and I've a notion too he was in fa vor of a National Dank, and jest sich a one as we got now. A nat is true ettutr. says the Gineral, but that yras when 1 1 can te! in att)nit , thi' (itileretice hetween thought jest so too ; folks should channel a crooked af,, ount, and a yair businexi thcitopiiiions Major, always when T!ietrp!tactici!i.f. An'd- he re is 5ifJther, he Government9 change theiru. Well, says j r.t rlVa" ball'd, h"eade Eagle once. I, I did'nt think of that. I wish savs the ' Gineral,. l'tt you .reiriember ? And' by Gine.'al I'I a known who that chap Was, the by; Majir. says he, he is one of your I'd a made him shake in his shoes for to countrymen f and the rest, says Mr. Van jine them rascally Merchants and Tra-j H'en, are- all to be depended on, the ders' aa-in mv exnej-imenr." I guess, s-ayslfi't people in the city, in fact the party 'I, Ginera-I-that would'nt a been a easy job. for I kept my eve on that crittur the ! hull tune, and kept thiukin all the while of what I've hearn you -ay about his far ther, and thinks1 1, that's rale chip of the (Sjirfblocli." But says I, Gineral we've got'nijre work tomorrow agi'i, there's another Committee from New-York, bring ing atulrhvr m'fle of name, all Mechanics says I, rale hard ''fisted felloWs. ,:What, says the' Gineral. Mechanirs Major!! And he sprung upTaml danced round like a boy. Them" are the fellows Major, strait from Tammany Hall, says the Gineral, now you'll have another story Major. ; None of your Traders and Marchauts far me ; there aint i spark of patriotism in the 'hull. on 'cm, but the Ajkfhanics live me the Mechanics : and now Major, turn to. .and get a table well'fpread and dinner ilu it at 12 ti'clock, thdf's the rule working mrttvi dinner hvtr ; and let us put on our old coats and dout shave to -: morrow s-Jthe Gi neriif is plagy cun ui hg in Such matters.) Sj next dayVsure enuf in tfiey come, and wc turned to shakin hands, Ahauv friends ays the-.;Oin.:' HU these are the. h.ititlsI,'likcto shake.; no ji'iv wtiiK oer 5 vi are t-'i mu vTO fell Cotigress what to do 5 and. says the 'Gineral, atiy mail ia olfice iryuj the rre- M.leii it l..Wn wards" !.( l roin.l wl.arl VOll tell ftliM- And n;n,.. al 'tvnlfr-t4 You ml . am-mj em anil sho.k hands a"-ini and slanM em on the shoulders : and took a qui l of tohacqa fro'n nne on :n, and ' it- anothc a chaw oat of his own h'x ; and was as happy as you ever seen, and t -J 1 sprr as a chicken too., Now my friends says tjfe Gineral, lets talk over public matter ; anl with (hat o io on'oMi stepTjJh'put and poke for the rest, and I never 'in my bom days heard a critur of his lo-k and trade talk so about links' and.-monemaUers ; and he began back niore fban 30ycars, when he was prcntis and"coveup all along, and he Hd tiave down and saw up-part' measures ami p irfy-folks, ami dove-taild ma iters so, the Giieral was stumpM, thc--G'rieral walked up to him and made pla gy u-j;ly faces at him ; but the oritur "went on and talked, right up to the .Gineral.; 3'm- thiM e want a lomo of susar or a drao of Tie in the hulfo'uf. As soon as he stop'd, the-Gincal .give.hini a hurd look. a no s:ivs ie, &traii;erv- wlvits' your trade f", A master Carpenter,- Sir, said our friend, Gin em!, and eve uy man l employ'd .'Was alo, antl we stociv to you till the tna'sures of your adaiinis- tration 'ha.ve-driven us out nf'emplov,-and 1 . . -1 1 - , 1 - . . J ner.' is a, oKicKsinnn.anu here is a rope maker.. Anil so he went on prettv much through all trades-- It -gives us pain, Ginend, to tell you that our families- ami h.'re he stopped.- he tried to speak, but could'nt ; he turn'd and walk'd to 'he window, and come bick and tried it aiiu, and as'snn as heM come to speak .ib ait unemployed 'workmen and their fa i ilies, he'd choke right up and his lis wou.il oiiivcr m. 1 was its? a iroinir to fAteo tirnt on and tell the Gineral what ihis man wanted to sav.; :i,!ts himself, aim vv.mn but he got on to I up by bringing "i-.-tisi down oil me raole. 1 nasi a rio liuii it would go . rite.i througii, arid the (ii-ieral hat (in the table'' bounced up, 1 ieil you ; ;ihd say- he, "there 'must be a c'sane,. Gincial." The. Gineral didn't like the looks and talk nfdhis critur nigh as well as the Merctiants and Trade is man tiie l,Vy afore. Me tried 'em a, spell wn.ii kk glory nd reform;" but this did'nt di. no good, and tiiat got the Gineral's dander op too, and. so says. he, "Stran ger, the next time you come ft talk with the Government,' you must get your rep resentatives to come with you," but they 'e'l'd the Gineral they had none, and lad'nt ha;!, any for a long; while, but thty would arlcr ntzl election. Ti'.e Ginera-I fok the hintin". at minit, and says he, (for he as plagy struck up by it.) if you dare change any of y oiir rep- esentatives at the , tiext uJrction, (ex cel, 1 one) I'll put your city, the hujljCi ape. 'Mi'r, over on, 01V fi iend -"-Swart vou's neadows in Jarsey, I'll let you 1;now ha? I'm try in an experiment, 'tfrTd I will irv it ; come what w'i.11; 4've'saidJ would, a;id right or rpng 111 do if, kf 1 4i ten lousnnd 'Soahi? 1 Iiiq'u.sition. Aa now; grangers. 'tie strangers.' t-iear out and go home ; and as as t lye G nnerni .put mi , Isis nat, they ut on 1 . winter, andjgo home tuipty handed'. : The Ginerahwas in ta oe-kv bad temner ;:li day. and-so was I ; hut Mr. Van liu rt11 and oni of the Congressmen from ever I'd' the rale flf.itf. and r,o 11: iiiest;,(Mn' and ngt horn i'ammal misraue auout .11 .. ill v. Hall too, the.y read, oyr ihe names.'' There that one, says Vrau H iren, is an oMfriehd o? mine ; heVas ,.ayor nce j.aud is now a JJanker ; he knows every thing, and couldn't hang ,011 "without 'em. Well, says tue Gineral,- this is something like, Hiid now. says he, 1'he best way wmild be wne i t'ev Ctmie, to let Congress tint, anu let all our fodvs live a hd1ovv-day. Well sure ftfuf tliey -liave cwnei and wev'e hal si'flne on 'em here. buiI. hainj vot tioie to tll yoa a-bou''it in tiijs letter, but I will th my ni'Xt. And I've got somethirr to p. 1 1 you ab iut a new man, jst coin'1 he all the Way from Ireland, h i s a m e i s l-fe n u is .U f joopy , h c; i s a good n itured ciiufr, aod.the Gineritl likes him nig! ajmUt a much as lie does me. I don't knowvw'iat he t artcr, and thy Gineral donfl nothei ; biit ht says hecan do nreily mjch ervy thing, and -he tellsf some pla jv. fhny stories for us; We haint got no oificefnr him vit, but there will be" scime holes soon to till op lie re, arm uv his tfll, he can n't plagy; nigh erjy place. 1 ours, &c. T IVTlWTJf Vf! Tnr I Dowingvillelit$d Brigad w.. 3.1 Tlie Ohio ReDubiican Silts, a mkcliine has recentlybei;n .invented to let ttpplfirs know wlien;t5iey are getting too drunk to wlkr It "ies them afonart basrjTRjeir iusr before tfiir Arrive Mithat"' stage jpjitjri- phng. VtQ kauw onte Who would caaufei ' . !X . i . - -, - t pretty haM thumps before tbof would liten. "A Tv i; ' ' . ' A late JJablm paper gives an account of a fellow to whom one ol these machines would ihave been of incalculable worth." V A. stout ' .1.1 1 . .- ,r . f. - ' ' jic uoiueu man, netween 4U anrt au years of age, attended the Donhybrook Fair, and gtt so beastly drunk, that, in his return home, heiell into a mud puddle in a state of utter insansiVdity. A hungry pig rum maging about to find somethis'ig;. to satisfy the cmvins of appetite; mistook the fellow's nose for a blood-bent or a crimson ruta bsg ga, and supposing it to be lawful pre v, fell to it and tooU the whole off at a bite. Not making a meal of the nose, he next t;ok the cheeks, lips, chin and ears, leaving no thing but the gums ami teeth, literally eatr ing oT the vhole face j the left hand , was considerably mutilated! In this condition the fellow was found and carried to the! Meatii Ho3p;t;iI j" artd the editor ofthe Dub lin Register says he, was, by far. the most fright ful object he ever witnessed. Ve do not give full credence to the account, as it :s extremely questionable in our mind whether a p'lg would eat such a fellowv whether tlie man lived ordd, is not stated but there is but little doubt about the fate ' of the poor pig. , A person very fond of playing. at nine pins, and who when excited was rather apt to sputter out with great violence any t.-iig which came "uppermost in his mind, fell asleep one dav in meeting, when all at once he bawled out loud enough to stun the whole congregation - I'll be te.-to-tally condemned if thev ain't all down 7io two way 9 about that sec 'em up. J scene in the Ohio Senate. A pitched battle took place in the Senate of Ohio, between two of its members, Messrs Duocan and KllsberrJ Both fists ami knives were put into requisition, says the New-York Commercial, and the parties were removed, sprawling on the floor, out of the Senate Chamber. HAVE HEMOVED TO THEIR icwIJjsildins:, on the cornel of i FayetteviUe and Market Streets, Where they intend keeping a havy and well selected Slock of DItUni ANTD MBDiniNK, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, GLASS WAKE, 8tc. &c. Alt of whlrh will be sold Wholesale and Retail e.n fnvor-ible terms. W. & II. are desirous to close their f.rrner Hnsi'iesst'o the present period md respectfully ;isk fjT;ill in'flehtedto them and to F .1. Iluywood,' to cad and rrvke p iyment.as further imlutg'ence caimo be afforded. Raleigh, 'Feb. 1, 183 i. 1 1 j Tiveiaty Hollars Reward! RA IV A WAY X'tOM the Riibscriher, on Monday, the 13m . Ultimo, a N-ero-Ma-i named .HECTOR About twenty one years of a-', five feet eitrhi inches his'h or thereuhout", his rp n;?exion in clined to be yehow, w- ths one hundred oid fit" ty pounds, pek'i pr m ip! ty, is very haodsome in t!e lace, vv-ll set, imd nf trood fonn Hector w:is raised in Cabarrus county,. -Nortii-Carohn , by Doctor Alexander, and ws brought I hence to DeKalb Count v in this State ; whence he was bru!it by a speculator named M'lj-.uty, fr.m wtiom I purchased hiin h siiort time since. It is very pi-obaole, fiat he hus.ch;oijed iiis name, s.nd will aitemnf to pwss as :i free m m or will at tempt to nuke Wi wy either to' Charleston 01 Vor h-C ro'tita. When he lefi me, he ha I on hi sck lnr-h:ir with a n- rrow brim, (mueii worn,) blue jeans cit uod wbii- p oV-ii'iou. I will p ihe above rewara to ny person that ill secure hun in j-i'd, so th t 1 may getihim. JAMES SCOTT. Monroe con fit y, Ga, Feb. 5. . 15-r- A CAasSicai Seliool will 'be opened by j the suBscr'ber, st I .n.c dnton, o:. the 17il of February. The price ot tuition for the la'iii 1 Grefek Luiguage, will be $10 p r essi-u ; rRngt,sh Grammar,' Gengnpiiy r.d Ant'.unetie $4, in advance. Those who wish information respecting his qiialilicaiions as a teacher, are re ferred to Mr. W. J. fiinliaTTi, Prmcip.l of tin Uillsborouffh Academy, und to the' Faculty at Chapel Hill. .. : - ' - UEU.. W. MUUlttiyv. Februarv 1st. !834. 14 5 TTiHR lae Annual Meetti.jc of thjs Socief y a' lA thf eniihV in Vash:nytom"on-imtion ot G rrit Smith, Esq of NevYork, enteral ir.to Resolution to ask trom the benevoieol iros ot me RTeai onrct which iii-v uc ti sobs rmtioo to its fund of Fiflif Th'ninvl H)l- laiyt. payable in five eqoal annual iustlirieiit, ruvJLtfce mover generously enterd h)s o:kre ibs one-tenth of the amoont. Several otV:e gen ifemen aUQ subscribed $1000, $500, $250, $103, nnd smaller sum.. . v - It 6'-iwf:.'at4..nditio9'of this subscription, tha to he himbnsfi the whole, amount shall he suf scribed within, sixty days viz. on or before tlit 20th of Ma-ch, the Miri.efrs of 'the Society ioost eartet itejttly and respectfully can upoi ' this fnithtition.'lhrai(fltout Jlf Urt- rrierMls of I tfA States t.i,umtfe wit Mr- bmith, Rmt 10r 1 oiuer iiDi-rni pttiiaimnifisu n v """v - - - --- . . , . ... - . . -r his xampjt, in rawing the nropo arnotun idiin toe lime mentioned, as 'this adklitionMo fie'ir fmids iv necessry to ea&litthe S citij to meet, Us eiiisago.mfnt, av.h to carry onU Tie?a'.'rowyriih ihodesireH efTyrt,. - t .. j ...y,, . SurTsr.riptions will be received . by J.Cale1, sen,. Treasurer of th 5oety, or by li It. HURLEY, Sccrcla-y. - Washington, FcVrfi, 1834 ' . . . -:... ' T - r 16 TH K Sm(MWll IWh rHtl he .Te t lv in f'nt of flHW!lne locKwAstrrt th- Prvf:.r by Mrvk. Ul rMdevTirtokeep-sfivvl dr ail fifr.i Ifnrei wl will be di-ikAiJ T'.fr cMWii j-tzz ..-;;;;'C; . " . 1 : rYf'HtNli..i-FK5d;:.p - -" - - -"-."'i- : ... . - fMioT.RS or .. .;' -'-! ' ' Hi; A V Y GOODS, . ' , AMUtrtor' "r' -J- CIIIXA, GLASS AND EARTHENtYAIlE, ' Il .vi const rfjitlv on hand, rfh'er Stone, r H No. 2r Iearai StreetrWeYor!J Vrextensir- :s..rt-neid of G loditin the hovCV li'i' s. which lhpv ttfc'T Q l.i,i-, ..2 :- Iti'i'al Vrrt-Ain irrWKofcWfe!i Ha (twa-e vl , f.'ruckeri. received bv Hi lut sor'mcnt ot S'pl GoHl of varifis nMliti and prios, as well $fat?p(VinQyAY manv f which' of entire! e new pttefnvstf1' ciretHllv selected -wit fc. refVrence to t-lv1tfi i:!l rt qoi-ed for ihe 3'o hepn and Western tnrtrkev4 Their. Crockery is d ihe tei,ttHl mst wppitiv r ii-scnjKio.is rro ri-toe st rp'terlH m Star torsture. The. quahtybf thtnr wire U mferiorC none impttet! J th the- pr i tins of the iri f . trie, llrmvn jyd Poik.tawil the tarioui shsde pi of Rl:i w.re. iftckww1edircd;lo be erpialtbiP -iy 'thing of ttie kind crrwrew. in e States-yy Tlieir assortment oCGlnn ami VV&res ia 1 also Cfmpltff 1 nod h is their tDtenttoji to be .f.if?.f .ill tiie suonlied Witb tUe mriTttfeft-fi tie- m me fancy s wel:i Uiedai ftf?eilor..v,; 'his line. .Cireat c?re M aket i nackintf Ltton - W K,r a" oai u wiu go sutiy 10 any pan At tue Union. , . -: . .." Those who will favnr W&.n. with lKeror2 :lers for I lard w are and Orrcke)', ony lUemV " ipen the eKecut-oifrrf ihem n ihe very best ,v term. Their cneJ t is hs favoriihle, as that !ove 1 by any o;her hou injhe lmtedtntr f a a liberal disrAtiQt is mude . for Ca.hu, and for Nt-w-Yoik, Februarv, 18.14. vsy t -K"' ---wj ti . liT OF 11 EST TIlOMASTOyVNtllSIE, AND A FEW CASKS OF ? FTTST deceived by the Subacriber at Fayette ville,' and for sule, low, for Casu. -. llaviftjfV made arianremeiits to bii'furntshedwth: frekli J--f suppliesof these article-, itbe Snhscriber wUl w:il s have a quantity on hand to meet ny,ofdif with whidi he;may be fayorcd-i and firarn. hi thorough knowledge their qojiU'y -;acqtiired by experience in working them f r tVeJast 5t. or 20 years, hr flutters Jdmaelf tliat lc 'H bar " ble to g'rve satisfnotion to those wlio may deal wiili him. ;' r, ' .5 ..;;,-''.' ' JOHN E. PATTEtlSOV. FayetteviUe, Feb. 15. " . 15- N. It: WAGC.OVERS mnyget loading to Ira lelirh, hy crdlinj on the Subcriber. ;. J E. P. CIRCUMSTANCES bavin prevented tha, sale of the Print'tn Press,' Type,' 8tc. oC the CoxsTiTCTtoxAttsT Oiilce,' oh thfe dav iorn.eriy advettied, Noliae is her-by jriven, tfiat by virtue of a Deed of Trust, .executed So - me for the purpose ther in specified, the said -Press Fype, &e. will be sold to tiiV highest j twMet?, on the 1st day of Aoril errsiuinff,'. bin ' Ttirsday of Wake Superior Coutt. Tapfcvent disappointment, it miy be jptop,er .toUtate'. llWkt"-4 -Af the I AUhl s'imeiit will be sidd as Whole, , and ' ) At Tlie :le is mde lor lh henefiR of tnose eri titleil umler Hie Trit,- in l no diflicolty wiHbe experienced by the purclriser 13 ob'ainnu n MixlispvUed titls, as thoe'- who cluifrj any infe- rest anterior to the trut rn de to me, have ni ide an agreem-int 'o itfirm the sil. S-le ') commeiite at U o'el c'c. -A'. M Tttins. :am, Wifj.lM PECK, Trusltt Jtaleigh, Y'h:22, , Id 1 - - 1 1" : resh Garden &ecds, - - : r ' . -'vi. Messrs. Turner 4' Hughes ! t We fiave shipped to voil, one n.ix ' ontaininr toe Gardeir i, Seeds of nv nex d Invoice. Th ass'in uien . per?Pf su'HcH-n 'y extensive 10 test the. .dernan'd wtl" yoo ; but boil.l m re be iieededy.tVyvrilO prrtrrptly hirnishc.il. As respocts the qoat'yt we UegJ?aveto say j that you may. positively reromtfieha ihern. ; : v - . !e se advertise the Agency, nd that- yot.. will be retrotarly supplied j, that tbe seed-are of tirown gro A'' h, kCh paper heart njf : our U bej and warrant', and lortUeir vitluy arvl R3 neral juod quality, we hoM . ouraetveu resp Tf sible. Kespectftillv, ' Philadelphia, Jan. 4, 183. t - ( . - 4 ..... - 4 -r ., spr guJi 1' l.T , Parsnip 4 i.eng blood red Beet Ifon Orange Carrot Best early York Cab !&mIv TUrnin iedV baire ltlnnfl rerf Ilr-f t . F.arly Caul flower White- solid tilery l Ye'lo- SAm'hee Uadihh llrow.o Ihiteli lttice Lsre Vark C bbsv;e t,tm Vearret hort op ntdWir. Early C ibbie Ithica liiee Yellow Si rat- boreo O'i'on. t .'tfrt d l'arstry t itno sp'oaeh j - -"' Lot $Avjn KidUh, It d vUWfltZ fbtiige It lwA'dJ.-terv ' ' ! tteotrh.-pitrcik Kettute, Sfver-liM' smoi rabiagr -V , V, irly Chylton Pear larf t moerl PA$ 1jr winter1 Drumbeat! " " -cabbavr;--; . Red Top, Turrlip 1 V , -fandreiu' eitra'carV- t " $t'w M don Erlv H n white. Ditcri!lr.ffrickly fcucnmber ' Tor''? v ' ,' Ked Turnip !ldi.h L-V t- o irtmin1i t ft in; wrvii hunch heanis-? :.r-- K rlv Varm.CociTt'ier lix weeks bancb beanff fbisdiv received an I for W ftt thefiftti-' R dei5h. Feb. 20. , ' -.' 4 w" , , , ii r ' ' r- 5 :- tfi.-"'- " -' ( .-mi -i I ' " -' 1 B 4 b 1 '.i 4- VV. A., . k .Vh.fWrnM:v i . r 'r- - J ; " - J

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