- I ,- ii ' CAROONA ANNUAL iCCFEREJSCE. For tlic Register. f rr I...-:- ;''' - ' ' " " : v ' ' t vEttmtfrctei iheMmttts ofthePrewdinc:s 'Scf the ihtlMist Protestant piurckfor I :': 'the lDscf of ! KKd'M'CaroKr(L' ; at' MflqTiif Ilermon. pran ind after b;irtg:tuNirjraii?zetf; procceited ta business. :. Tlie ollowni is the iutof the MrHbeTS of the Conference, tiz : , MlsiT niis.tliTi's, President, Joshua Swift, " U.TarkiiiKton, Selh Speight, ; John tiles. iinaniBcnuinv, Kli B. Whitafcer, A. Jones, E't J. Umwv. Jumes Itunt,- C- .Drlike, J. 1?. Davison, Wm. W. Hill Jesse It. Co!b, ) C5. Allen. TIirms YCocK,' vm. II. Wills. Vki. McMaster." Akx. Allbfiirh't, C. I .Coo'ey,, i Alsqn Giay, Jolin Coe, John Moore,; T. Jpjies I V m. plairA. Ubbiiis liobbins, Jesse G:il- Jimore. Johii Cray, Jsaitc Hoe,, John F. Speight Lat I)KiiiiTk9Exim Xewis, A. Bepton, .Thomas ?ficho?son DrV M; (t Whitker, L. II. B. viiitatkeri; Benj ; Hunter, llapclvuiilts D-T-PiiSclifit! D A, Paschal, Uoht, Jones, A. Paschal J.eweileii Jones,4 Jaiiic Griftit. J. NVi rnith, M m. B. Mann li-, Wtn. 1). Jones, J C. Wren, VciiCla 'V'ltbnghtWm.- IJiwllay, fas. II. Chris tie, li, -.C!J Hanlibi, t. M . Ojb'urn, I)r, XV, With er:, TftibWWi Ijit1say; VI ro; Gilbreath, James Hoiiblns liicliartt G. 1 ason, John Kh kman, Areh'jbald WiLoi.f TJiose marked U.us were .leie 0. Be?of) was rpcomtnrnr'ed by the Quarterly j Conference to travel and Preach; ud .was received. . Juirnes IL CUiisnc was recommended, a nil 1 1 1 c te d ,t 1 )c a c o i . 's Orders. r iTlpe'ConfcrOade proceeded to the elec- tiun olVPretent tor the ensuing year. i wli-eneupoJi Alexander Allbrighl vas duly elected. !"-.'; v John Coc was elected Conference Stew ard. .. ... . r ; ; TI.e Comn.iliee appointed to fdl anj vacancy in ihe; Presidency which may pc cn r'by deatti or otherwise, conyts of Kl der& John Cue, John Moore and William Blair. . ' The Rev. Willis Harris, Minister, and I Col. ?. hitiiker, Lavman, were duly elected as Representatives to the General Conference, to be held in Georgetown, D. (jinilay next. Gen. E R. Whita aker and James Qrant, alternates. The number of niembers in this Confer ence District, 1832, increase the past y.;ar47. V ' Tlie Standing Committee made the fol towing Report, which as adopted, viz-: Ciiiffard Ci'niit.r John F. Speight, Superinten dant Jesse G Reason, Assistai t. JohnCoe, "'stationed at -Moriah. John Moore, at Ai. William Blair, Bethel. Isaac Coe, Ued Hill. AV Kobbins, Shiloh, in Guihord ccntnty-? N. IZobbinSi Libeit)-. Jese Gtdlimore, Bethel, on Abbot's Creek. John Gray, Pleasant Grove ; Travis Jones Flat Rock. Orange Circvit.Wson Gray, Superintendant ; Joseph Holmes, Assistant. Wm. JUcMastefSj stationed af' Hirkory Grove. Chas. L. Co&ky, Chesnut Jiidge. ; ' Granville-, Circuit 'James TI.. Christie, Superia- tendant.- James; Hunt, statuoned at Union Cha pel. Thomas j V- Cook, Cook's Station. ,C. . Allen, Pine-stake. Casmell Drake, New'Hope. RichaTd UavisOii, Brovns.. , Jesse II. Cobb, Wdway. ; . Roanoke C, n-f--Samrl JHanns, Superintend't ; i Wm. II. Wills, Assistant.' Eli B. WhVtaker, I stationed at Bi-adfonl's. Wm. Bellamy, at Bat-. - tie's. A. Jons, at Union. Seth SpeightTa-j- j beruacle- "Joshua Swift, Swain's Chapel, H. X Tarkint,;n, at Tarkinton's. !-. JaftamuslU-"et;S'ation, John Giles. W ilis Harris ?md Wm. W. Hill, Conference Missionaries. . The next Annual Conference is jto'be held at Ri'hobpth Meeting House, Gran ville county, ;N Carolina, on the last Wed uesday of February, 1835. SAM'L J. HARRIS, Pec.- THE AGE OF REFORM. For the Kecistcr. It is well known,; Messrs. Editors, that many of themost respee table cit izens of ouri State,i doubled; the expediency of the. Act oft the last General Assembly, vesting the elec-f tion of Constables in the people at large. To say .nothing of the evils generally at tendant on meetings for such occasions, we? thank' the following well ascertained fact, is but little calculated to increase our ad-i miration. of the law. .At an election last- . month, in a popular district, the incumbent,! as irtisual, wras opposed by a new Candi- 'date. The former Officer, was re-elected.! but it is a certain truth, that three-fifths oil tiie votes , given to his opponent, were by! persons, froin vvhom it had been his duty to) collect money las an Officer ! A pretty good! illustration this, of the wisdom and utility of the Act! IRA. ' EXTRACT. Kxtract from an Address dcliyeried before the Wash! '''' t - i o . . n . ,T ,J ington Benevolent 5?ocictv at Portsmouth, N. Hi - July 4, 1812-tBy DasieV.lbhtku. j. .-.-.r-.u ckz -a xrn 1 1- t j vilh. respect t& tlie War, in which we are now- invojved,- the course which ou 'prlncipie&regyire us to' pursue, cannot be doubtful. It isj now lav of tlie land, and as such' we are bound to regard it. Resistr a nee and insuiirection; form io parts of our creed. The (disciples of (Washington are neither tyrants in power, nor rebels. r Ifw f e taxed to crry on this War, we shall disregard certain distinguished exam ples and shall pay. If our personal servi ces are requinjtf, wel shall yield them to thi precise extent !of our constitutional liabilityi At the same tijme, tlie world may be assur t(t that w e know our rights, and shall efcl ercise them. We shall express our nninil" -'nsvou thi?. as; on ftyery measure of Govern! rneni, 1 trust without passion,-1 am cerl tanijjjiithou't jtyir. We have ye ; to leari tliat tlie extravagant progress of perniciou measures "abrogates the duty of opposition! or flmt:the interest of our, native land is ts be atKindor.etl by us", in the hour of her thickl t,-t dangels anil sorest necessity. By ilil everci-e o! lqr. constitutional rijrfit ui suit i...lfvVl fK t-, , , . ?"f lutgebv the peaceable remeov ot -elect ui'ni Me shajl seek, to restore teisdom to our Counsel an pmce to our Conn.tr v.-1,8 t "TVi ;jt ," v TUESDAY MARCH IX.18f4. 1 Internal, Improvmmis.-- t will be seen tfomaL notice into day's paper tjiat a meet- ihg of the- lntetnai lmpiveeht.Centrul Committee will take places in this City, on the first day of pril. Ve thoe that the County Committees will, without exception, attend to themiestioris contained in the notice to wl4ch ,we refer. I n the respecta ble county ol Orange, we observe that a public meeting of the citizens is called to receive the Report of the Delegates who re presented it in the Conycntion," held in llaleih last winter. This is preparatory to 4 forlnal communication to the Central Com mittee, &. is worthy of imitation' ..elsewhere. t is obvious to all, tht a general compli ance with the request of the Committee, would accumulate a valuable fund of infor mation, which, disseminated among the people, through the medium of the Press, ivould tend greatly to enlighten public opill- j ion upon a sltbject of vital interest to N. I J Carolina, v . Xev Hard: We learn that a very con- j iderable amount of Stock in "the Bank of the . State of North-Carolina," has been taken in Rockingham countv. Sirpreme Court. The arguments, of i Counsel are closed and the Court will pi m . -11 ' ruul,K""cl , bablv adjourn in a few days. Since, our last, j i J - ( ppinions have been delivered in the follow- nig Cases :- I Jlfarch 5." G iSToy, Jyde, delivered th" Opinion of the t.'ourt, in the case of Joseph S.'" Battle r- Samuel V. W. Vick, Jr. from Nash ; affirming the-judgment elow. I Gastmx, Judg-e, delivered the Opinion of the Coui't in the case of Samtiel ilcD. Tate t-. E. M preemee, irom iiurte 5 amrm.n tue jua-me,u ; IK A iii Gaston, Jude, delivered the Opinion of the Court, in the case of John Mushat v. Ephraim Brevard, frgm Lincoln, reversing-the judgment i below and aw; nhnij a new trial. 4 Daxikl, Judge, delivered the Opinion of the Court, in the case of John P. Jordan v. Joseph ,W . Tarkir.gton, frikn Tyrrell ; affirming the judg ment below. j ) Daniel, Judge, delivered the Opinion of the Court, inthe case of William Johnston v. McGinn and Graham, fi-om MecfclenbUrg : reversing the judgment below ami orderingja new trial, j DA.si.jit,-Judge, delivered the Opinion of the jCourtin the case of Alexander Grahain r. Abel iF-.-Mctver, from Anson, declaring the defendant, jchargeahle witii the profits as ascertainel hy the irates of hire in this Mate, und decreeing accoi-- Damkl, Judge, delivered the opinion of the Court in the case of Allen S. Ballenger v. John jB. Allen, from Johnston, affirming the judgment Ibclow. ' I Rltfiv, Chief Justice, delivered the opinion of j the Court, in the case of Thomas Dougan v. Whitlock Arn(ld, from . I'andolph ; aihrming the orders appealed from, and sustaining tlie crtio- Jlftn ch 6. Rcfpix, Chief-Justice,' delivered the Opinion of tlie Court, in the, case of doe on dcm.se of John Ricks v. Henry Blount, from Nash, affirming the judgment of the Superior Court. JIarch 7. Rpffix, Chief-Just ce, delivered the Opinion of the Court in the case of den on demise of nines. Drake and others v Henry Drake and Mdls Peale, from Edgcombe, affirniing tlie judgment j below.- . I RcfFiy, Chic-f-.lnstice, delivered tlie Opinion of tlie Court, in the case of den oil demise of M. V. Proctor v. Jo-eph 11. Bool, from Pasquotank, affirming tie judgment below. Gvston, Judge, delivered the Opinion of the Court hrthe case of Charles E. Johnstoii v. Patty Taylor from ImasIi, reversing the judgment below and ordering a new trial. GAsrujr, Judge, delivered the Opinion of the Court, -in tlie cass- of James S'henard v. James Woodward from Northampton, reversing the Jdgmen.t below and rendering judgment of aon- suit. ..GiRToy, Judge, delivered the Opinion of the Court, intlielcase ofJno. Fin-ley t). m. I) Smith from Wilkes, reversing the judgment below and ordering a new trial. - .Mtn-ch 8. Rcffiv, Chief-Justice, delivered the Opinion of tlie ourt in the case of Rlount and Fuller v. admr. of Wilson Rlount. from Chowan, directing ardee;ee for tlie complainants. A most dariu: lariug attempt was ma !c at bberv, in this vicinity, last high-way robbery week, in broad day-light. A. gentleman from the country, a respectable citizen, 'came to town for' 'the' purpose 'of getting a $.1000 bill exchanged, and inlgohig about to Hijift hi nhiiirf hf iia dmihjfr im?-ki-iwhintl v ! i .:,. . -, . . exposed Ins money to some individuals who r . v;ere tempted by the lure to form a conspira cy to rob him. The gentleman states that he ,v n i i , f c i left kaleiglt late in the afternoon, and when between two and three miles from town, I near Crabtree creek, the sun not having yet I ( 0 .. 7 . colored, rushed from the side of the fence, seized his bridle and demanded his money. He denied that he had any, w hen the wliite man struck him several violent blows across the head with a bludgeon which felled him to the ground, where his existence would probably have been terminated but for the accidental approach of the Northern Stage, !,.. ?.,,u ...i i .i.. the lumbering-of which uas; heard in the . distance, it is some relief however, to add. 1 '.' '. . that the viliians were disappointed of their boot v. . ' Public Sentiment. "The jPeople of N. Carolina seem determined that their opih ioivi in t!n 1 l.iviiifi nnptiort tihrdl nn tin, j V:, , , . u t4?er be let t to inference, ihey are begin- . . lo hest'r themselves. Besides tht I public ine. tings .alr.oudv- heU, and ih ' ' p il,l.,,,,.lliir.l,.l.. .. . ' ' iicH !k6;i.ti!p'toyjw.' perceive sever al others carted? in? various jf&rts ofthe State The last Puyettevilh' Observer ctnitainpd a Memorial to Congress on the subject, jwgn ed by a large number-of highly rcstec table names. So did the Tldan&ke Advocate. A - ! x r ', - .' Committee, appointed at a meetms held in this City, last winter; to prepare an Acielress I to jtheTpeoplebf die fetate-oa the subiect of i people of die 'State-oa the subject of Unending the Constitution, have perlbrmed f!ie duty assigned tliein. A ! lai-ge edition of the AddiVss has been printed in Pamphlet fcrm, and tHU be readv for distribution in the course of the present week. - ' Tennessee awtilce!? Will not the exam- pie ol lennessce,asset forth m the subjoin- f uueiugeniunapuoiicspirire.imciiwDiciiitl At t,e 011 of "Nicholas,'" the has been the misfortune of North-Carolina to j Germanic. Dtt have suppressed the " Neck lose, excite the emuliation of the old Mother ar (ij.rette.'lv' The last IWit of the Press State ? - ' "Bolivar, West Tennessee,-Feb. 7. "I havo mucli pri'ie and pleasure in communi eating to you ah important item of news from the ?reat ttr, At TT -,,he1,Ll'f I ture, a Company was chartered with authority to ! .ise nan a million ot dollars, to construct a- Rail Tl xuX from Jackson, 011 the Forked Deer, to ' 4 ' 1 1" " 1 ' - the Mississippi river, a distance of nearly seventy J wcre to break, -w:.e wonder luny many per-lnik-s. The wd-enom;! and tlie ?. had no . s.ms in business would rxnuaiu solvent ? x idea of suclv-a road, throtnjrh a countrv that twelve .p. T . , r n - 1 years airo was an unbroken wilderness; but on I ll;e Ilattire Of Pennsylvania have the hooks boinir opened, in three counties alone, ! ordered 4.0(K) ctniies of Washington's Fare- I Madiajn, Haywood & Tipton , sub .criptions were j nromnrlv madefor nearlv a hiiiidred thousiiil tLil-! lars more than the chart, r .-.'.-.. Madison. J frlintvf JllKcllK-Jl "5 Xl i tlitlle.in.1 rtiwl K.l W hnfii. ' required would 'avconethe whole. President! Caldwell and Governor: -wain mav vet, with he ! . . .. . . ( a;d ot such an example,, ar msc the dormaut-sp;nt of tiie state. Pray communicate .this to our friends of the Register." Emigration. Tlie unprecedented extent of emigration, the present season, from N. Carolina -to the Wesr, aflbnls a "melancholy illuitnitien of the sad effects of improvident legislation, and tl;er general despondency i NV!llth prevails throu;hout the State. Who i can look upon this constant title of emigra tion, which is daily draining our State of estimable cit'rens, without indulging in a j train of tlie saddest reilectidns r lt 'oufht ! to awaken tlie people to a sense of their si- j tuahon. and snor ihiMM to tl-.M nil:nfinTi nf i some means s of ameliorating the evils which I and Uneaten a depopulation o( opjvess us the State. Gold Aline The, Mine described below, in the countv of Buckingham, Va. by far exceeds in richness (as we believe) any pre viously known in this country, if not in any country. The mine is about eight miles south-east of Buckingham Court-House, in ! the nei-hboi-hood of Willi.' mm,nt:,in . and I , . 7 in the direction of the gold vein running through the county, from north-east to south- , T, . 1 r. 1 r west. The following extract ot a letter from a gentleman of higli respectability and tin J doubted veracity, in the county of Buck- - - I I ingham, to his friend in Richmond, will pro- i bablv convey the best and most correct idea ! r ." 1 01 its worm : Mr. Bernard B.ker oft) county. (Buekincr hsuO h.is, as is thot.irLit )v every Ot-rsoii wlio has t' U' the richest old inine known in the-. world. It is said, that on Saturday last, with six or .;ven ' handss he raised upwards of two th.Hisand iollar i worth of ore. A geiitlenian who visited Mr. Rooter's ! mine last week, (with whom i havemnvcrod since") informs me tiuithe broke a larjrc rock that was du; j out of the i)it, anions ituiny othersi, and look lirumi i CIKIIldv (V11T11 tlio In ,in r.w.I- K...1 1 I ..v.. wa kji i-ji.iv iiti iidvi rirrji lijui j .lip broken, a piece weuhhiij about four pounds, beat it J up, waslied and melted it the tro'd from which, ! was wuiui ni. r-Hien as I 10 uOoso rni V nr ore is worth per busliel, l'rom V() to :i')0. Home s. lected parcels (ai'it not a levy Oi them either)' are worth from 000 to $1000 per busliel, suiposin - bushel of ore to wcLdi 100 pounds, though it will !r.l .-' ...,.;..!, 1 t: .'.J 1 .1. ... l. :. ;m not 'weigh as much.' Executive Appo:iit?iieiifc.i"'Vo. nomina tions of Mr. Livingston, as Minister. to France ; of T. P. Barton, Secretary of -the same Legation ; of Mr. A. Miudleton, jun. to be Secretary of tlie legation of the U. States at Madrid : of J. S. -"Cabot to be Com- j mi- 5ner under the Neapolitan treaty ; of , Jl- Saunders to be CommisKioner under (tae t rencli treaty ; of J. W. Overton to be I Secretary to the Commission under the Ne - j plitau treaty ; and of Alexander Hunter, its'" larshal of the District of Columbia, have been confirnied by . the Senate of the United States. The election of Mr. Leigo, in the place of- Mr. "Rives, .to tiie Senate of the .United States, makes the state of parties there, 31 ftzaimt the Administration, and 17 for. Kx-Governor Lincoln lias been elected to Congress in the place of John Davis, now Governor of Massachusetts, by a large ma jorJty. ,. Mr. Pritr.hard. a native of Kfitnrkv. i- -, . . XT "V i i- , t """""p A,v" iW,v' t111" " SU1'IJU3CU greatest man in the world. He weighs be- tiveen Jive and sir hxtnxlred, and stands six feet two inches in his stor.kimrs. n.od 49, r... r . .. '.' n-. . I ,.c..- .. w-iro I h iPU'.VnH-orti 4 o m rV.,4- I,., ,B..U,C ivc.ufv.au ui tuviu u Clay, Barry,, and. even Tecumseli not ex cepted. . We shall soon have another star in our' constell.Umn. Oir readers have seen that Michigan has applied for admission as a State, and as it is said, she o!ter3 all the Constitutional re Muisitcs, tiiore ia no doubt of her b'.ing received. " -' 'VTr.f- ' - 14 S5(KK)Tasn at ths a6tH i bmrirbeteert -HauB'iato ami. Col. Richanison's Beitrandlltf JBeTfrand tfeeVictorvPlatu. nX:W)th.dna'aft0ir: tie. "i'sS- tot Four mile beats. .-y. -V . .. ' The; Legiiiture of A mtutkxj have passed a Bdl , to iai!Uh The State Bank of . : :yf- ckl capital , s tive taill.on th Pare" at Louisvdle U!" lV.HMlK l, ue' iU s,ul!tv,,' 5 A . i nave s,x umne l? pe l0caien ai amerent Pwmts m tttatngfivo diarter thir- ; -YearS V - j -Tlie venerable-Da.-White, otPhiladel- l13' ,s tlifeldest Protestant,. Bishop in j Christendom. 'He isalialeman for his age eighty-fiiand steadily performs the sacred dutiefiof his ORice. i "Tut out Me Hiht, and then " says the NeS-York Star, that remained for the des ispots. tV put -their extinguisher upon ngmsherupon. Gen. JackSon savs 46 all ill brokers, stoc brokers, stock- S!ecuiatn s iid all ivlw tir imov ', -rnlji nmitalov 1'poit !t. nwcj!lj'apitai ougl tire dainsc business rht to break." If I all who havS occasion to borrow mnnev well A.ldrosf to be printed tlr ilistributioi ' 3,000 copies in Englisn, an'4 1,000 in i ... . ' . , ... V 1 oiifiud t)ea!hs at tf !hing!on.Tit. - . . . .. . : Lj-awuuri in. favor of Mr. "Webster and the JlSdertf, for Judge McLean, as Pre side-nt, h.iveieon suspended. '. llafriirhMarch .5, 1834. Pursuant public notice', a meeting was this day hvkUit the.Court-I:m.se in this City, to take into.mslderation the present state f tlie Counter. -On motion, Bcnj. S. King was called -tp the "Chair- and William A. ll'Uihtuvs wi? appointed. Secretary. The Ejects oftli meeting having bei briefly explained,, me subjoined Resolutions were submitted b7yoi R. Gales, and adopted without a u.&senting vtnee 'hwd, ,Tfut this mcfinq:. dTrardirisr allparty fjrt i Pn:-. have ; assembled for co'nm on 'cquvswion :fniiuion in J relation to t!ir -Jerious atul aLiruiiuu: eiab.trrasinuts wturU all el.ifl'.-s of coininvi-iity a-i now HUifer inar, from the fiiterrunii n of the regular course of hudness, the ssure in the money market and the j ucranycimcni o? tue currency. llesulved, hat thcun arallc!cI distress which .pcrvailos the. (pmtry, i, in theVpinion of this meet -iiii?, inuiiilv aife-ihuTable to thx' cfeiiepl want of cdnti-. 1 Uence. pnntiei'l iv the Incentive, m rcmovmtr the treiisv.e oftlief MiteJ States from tltosafodepoai l''''1 tor Ul' . .- . itory Resolved. hat the -inenilly rr'.ations between the - Government' "i'd Jlfe Bank oi':';e United States, ,ou'!U ,y b: rmred. -an ! the public monies hereafter depoitej iii tliat Institution; a step rc-.'iun'tl hy the phVlie fmh. pleJ to the Dank in itsVhar- U-r, and demand hv. the public interest., Tp f ln,!,,e T f a rSat.i011.1l li-.aiii IS llldisoeiisil h e t:l raKM-nlvr. the trailing conm.nity, bein at-me oinp? ; :.t u Vlc task ?l f a,,d V V" VTWW .10 a senna aftdj he.d;hv ( e.iditiou ; and we Un,'c to tiie visdonr. rf (.-. - r s to re-e t iblidi ;he pr-si;t I'nitetl yLitesoBe.dk, or Br.inie niher shiidar institu tion. ii'salvrd. h it a Cp-nndttee. to consist of thrcv pf-rsoiis, W; Agp-.ii itcd to dnitt a Memon d to the Goiiires ' -Unit'cd States, on behtflf -..f tiie p-W pie: of this ti$ cxpre.-.i:v; their coiicurrenie in the ncmition-i, and jrayim; th-u t, v will ado.'tomc.mftess to relieve the general digress ai.d relere pui.'.iejJonli.lenee. !l.'s't.l-!'"d. x'l:it tlA AT - ,. r . ' nional wlion prepar 'd, . be M-si n'eil to the c;ij-'ns oi Ruiei-h, . ncr.diy, f r t ir pinatuh and when rju-fted -shall ' 1... t... ., t,..14,. 1 ir 1... , I ?l 11 .1.1 I i.tll ,.t i ' U' 1 J 1 i :'. i . - Y, It , 1 If I ;H.St'infc ! nMve''iii I ondfess iroin tins DiMrir'. ;in' i iomc lion. " ".uk l . one o toe Senators from tins ' W f 1 tii.- l' 'iV: . t: i- m t ;if t ! u Sn ii,'n-o fi-.n.i l ; iSIule, wi ii. -jSn -stisurain'c, ihui this njeetiiuj views 1 ntt'i ,1 til r iJ-.n-in nl e -.1 ,vir.-i .i..-l ! wltil a --1 r-A 4r'vc ot hytheni on fl'le-subjeet 1 1 t oi the DepositiMud heliees that ti'.ey Trup'and tlnthfufy rep-ee'jt thesentisncnts and v.'isics ma. lare mnjontv o: v.x ir constituents'. The following gentlemen were'appointed to draft thtMt moi-ial, viz. George E- Bad ger, George"- W Ha ywoyd and Weston U.. Gales. t Oil motin,- the above proceedings were ordered tixHj.e inserted in tlie Raleigh papers. And then .file -meeting, adj'furuetk 'iite. i. S KING' Cha'n. 1 Wm. A. 'ii.liams, S.evV,' r '!t- -rr from J gaming! oi . W'v regret that the letter oi'o$r correspondent ,at' Washington came to h'nd too l-aio h r i.voay's paper. lie gives. ktlve- gr..'vt-.in'g assu r.mce, .that if the flo'ii'Jhad iy en i'uU whei; the question jmajority i4 in fuVr,;- ufat:e Adumbration, ! tliere woifti hav -ben a m-A'p-i-itv the other !,wa.v" lljdeciurs that the attempt to -pro- (lufe The Pl'ion that the question, on the reference iio the Conmitree of Wavs and Meaus vvils toe lest question, is unfair and unfounded; 1 ,uit Ine .true test was upon the nrstrVte, in which tlie hiLjyrlty was but our. A le'ttcpdrom another friend at Washing, m says,;f Public seiitime-nt, as expressed 1 ton savs,;r.iJiiolic sentiment, as expressexl in the numeroiis ineai jna s tn C niiw-s. i j producttioine iui predion here. Wiiy j stand ye. j life all thi day ?' Why does N. CaroliuaKoose i-d leave iter sentiments' to ' m:.re infektenci' ? f ':;M . v.nh'Jf ni.itiinrt nn1 it yourymc b,. heard, it will not be d,s ; V V j regaraediviy .upoivit, the .stout and stub- - ;;born-!veailed ai-eqaaihus'beliretlie.fwpula'r voice. Obs. v. . Pardolxm V. Butler, a youth who yras convfited at the'last Trfr'ni qi!he Fe deral'Coti oi pari-.ipng :-j:i2v from tiie mail, of wiiah . be wxa cairiej-, i is been purdtned))y the President of "the Ijatijs, . 1 on the.apnic on the.aitaUouQf jiKiy-e nu&Uer-'of citi- f A tttani named JrnaaikGUis was cn victed att Aloore Saprior Courts last Vveeiv of &e murder and'araon in that countv, of which an account was published in tills pa per a few weeks ago. , He took an appeal tq the Supreme Court f irarrenlon March dA. We are gratified in staling to our pat rons that stock in the Roanoke andJYad. kin R til-Road to the amount of Sixteen Thousand Three Hundred D dlars. was taken here last week, ami that there is a strong probability that .considerably jmorc stock in that work will be subscribed for. in a short time by the pe.nle of Vwinrc-. i nose who have already subscribed are i in-u of unquestioned' solvency, and j a nong the most prinlnnt and intelligent ! men in this section of the counfrv. ! The I sight of their names on the list will'hjve : no little tenlenty to cre.ite confitieoce among their fellow citizen in the useful- . ess and practicabilitv of the contempla ted Iluil-Road. Reporter. Louisville, (Ky.) rebrtiary; 24. . Dmh of. the Govcrn6r.-lz Excellency 1 Jou.v BuE.vi-Hrrr died at Frankfort on Fri-'i day last, after a iiu-ermg: illness, and was ' ! buried on tlie folio wins dav with the honors I due his omce. Lieutenant Governor More- hkad will henceforth be the acting Chief ! Magistrate of the State.. Jounud. The annual meeting; of the Virginia Tem- peraf ice Society, held on Thursday cvftnimri was as we pfedicted, one of o-reat interest. I 'IV Varions lire anois papers read before the Society I most gratifying evidence ofi aftbrde.l tl the happy effect attending the exertions of , the members of this truly philanthropic as- j "V"1'- tone, on Sleiby lurnruke. -Pi. if sociation. Members of the legislature Vrow ! thipf !,t; ntii f5lc l,ouse ihrouglrhe w in the ditfet ent sections of the Commonwealth i VV llxt l a ruo'" ccupiel by Mr. Sfone'i! bore the most unequivocal ev jvidence to the 1 rapid improvement brought about by its , means. Mr. McGinnis, from Cabell stated that within the last eighteen montljs So- cities had been formed in his county,; and that their progress had been so great tiat as J far back as the beginniug of the last fall the j f'ourt had refused to grant any license j to retail ardent spirits within the county and j that at this time there is no such thing5to be! found as-a tavern or grocery at which they! can be purchased. It is a fact highly ere-1 ditable tt the. retaijl dealers1 of that qounty that they came foihvard in a btnly ; ftnil de clared "they- would no longer continue a business which they felt was mischievous in its effects to all who were concerned ;in the traffic. - Mr. Colston from Berkely, stated that the Temperance Societies were producing a great revolution in the county he represented und mentioned several facts illustrating the great benefits they had already prod dried. Several other gentlemen addressed tlie So ciety, and in a manner that evinced the devp interest they felt in tlie cause injwhich they were engaged. A short speech- from Mr. Maxwell of Norfolk, was listeried to with great interest lie spbke with'jnuch fe'idmgan.d illustrated his arguhients with tlie happiest effect. The Hall of the' House of Delegates was cro'.viled to overflowing, and the large num her of ladies who were present, bote un equivocal evidence to the deep interest which they tike iu the progress of a reform o iniportaht Jo the happiness and advance ment of society. We shall lay the pro ceedings before the l eader, as soon ias we are favored with a copy. -Rich. Com. Pllihdelphia Ma 5. Loss of the Steamboat If Mian Finn by fire.' Yesterday afternoon, the teaoi hat William Penn, belonging to the Citiz-en's Lsne, plying between this City and Baltimore, on her wav fromi-New-Castle, v. lien nearly opposite the! Point House, was discovered to be on firei. Ev ery txrtion was made to stop th pro gi essoh!e, U;mes which spread with great i ,.uddit v from the fire room, and soon uom - t municated with the fuel. The boat was run ashore between the Point House and the Navy-Yard, anil the paugcr-, amounting, to 140 or 150, jumped over i board. The scene presented "waslonc of inexpressible dismay ;'and, painful to re late three lives were lost. Tli - Rev. Mitchell Moore and a lady from Leu istowo, Delaware and Col. Pot- ter of ;h s citv,- who all lumped over t ped board abaft the wheel -bou-.e, where the water was deep, were drowned! Tiie passeiigf rs'al.l suffered severely from the nature ot the lauding, it being very soft mud. . A large meeting of Carpenters, Masons, nndot'ne s w is held in PhiKdelnhia mv anu otiit.s, was nan m i .nia.itiptiia, on Monday afternoon, to consider the; subject ol tne existing distress. As Was the case m New-York, the speakers were forcible and eloquent. 4,4 H'uv is it," said one speaker, . ' since the President, appears sO;Strongly opposed to operations on borrowed capital, that lie does not take care of his own business. .Che Post Office Department has lately bor 1 rowed large sums of money, to enable it to keep its head above water-it is subsisting on borrowed capital, andtneret-jre acconimg to the Presideat's reasoning, it (night to Pi.Kvrv of mossy make the poor corq- fortable, by giviug theiu constant eradou meat and good wages. When ?noneu is scarce, it is the voor who oi-fVi, uf iUa fio-k't It ia iHo' -lfih lirlwinm. oi-i.s, uui. vn-. iikin - . w -"iv i v-v iv v-.. - ploy the poor!.' It money i$ scarce the neb will aoto?iWt ahd oi" coarse, the mechanic aad tl; i Li bor n- !iae no worlc If mnneii is scarce, th e merchini- cannot famer cannot s.-i!, buy -and of course, the if is the ircalalij'i oj .Vioiuy that, keep l;iyi'tu-yijle. rr;-. -fJ: m --. - "j all society active,. imbs j The sal 4 of the at4Sjid!i; But when public txead is &cUl, m-m- ,.e nf M,- " - - f m H eyAvdl not circulate ;and aik class sui-r S7, . IFAYIifej ' torUiL' want of.it,-JU'. JjMTierr. '' .''. ' i , . - ;-" . - - ' , .,.'-.!. ,i , r.,s f,-! - - : : ' .. -.i. . Tk e. f 'Singular Stratagem.;. A gerit'eman f?mt on relatestv the"foltowiog sinur & fair, which happened, just before her ? eft that place A person had been taken , up and rotnmuletl. 'U 'pfitt ' for pusttn coanterfeit blU Sliorlly after a tit(f was taken ujvatudj nflned in the same room, but was iick and di4d The net day a coflln was provided and th body put into it. Anj people of colour are gen erally interred in the evening by thotnf ther own cidour, the cfft 1 was suffered to lemaio uufil night in the roorn Witlt the inorn'V, maker., After the jailor and those who accompanied him. had lft.:-'iha 'om, he beihiahi hlttij-lf the present . Va "l?01"0011 V ,na,t J'"1 escape, and th-'iobf, avoid the puu 'hnient that.awaited him. ' : ... . When, all wa siil!, he to k thip cf pse "ul ft'" cofTni and placed it in hisowrl, hamm'tck, gut into it hunself and, turned ,ne '"' down, in the eveuiog, the coftiti kvas taken from the prison by four lusty negroes who conveyed 4um o he bary ingniund. When they arrived at thd grave thecoffiu wnb set down with Cam" and one of them wan about makinm s " u . r ,1 was. anuut maKlng si upon lUCMleatii ot their cHipaiilor , 1 ; . ' 'Z : V JL u.,,?Mrae. ,wn , ,1"'e l,,e 1,41 !,ri"e cu,f Hewopem ami ,,e mrie niaker. jiitrtpetl out and . tmida 1 lt' . i . esc;pe wniist the poor neg.om ran witu great vrolenc in all direction- screaming, de debit! d debilH d'e lie t t . Ill The mistake wa. not discovei H-l til t!e next d iy, and th'. iyrso:i .ha not Uecn l,eaftl of since. V. Y. Slaf, a ' : ' , f gy tp atte-nt wa.uliH a ',MV mP" sulfe to P'Muder tne ho'is- daughter, whose screams alarmrd thd anni oei.oe ine man nail an opportunity l P"ess hiomelf of any property ,' In jumping out of the window to escap!i the man knocked out a (ick of wood, frith w'dch it propped up, and the sasli fell and caught hjm by the foot. Halmng dangling by the window, unable , to readi. the ground r support' .himself, so as to release his foot, until, he whs secured by Mr. Stone, after first trying the strength of the man's hickory! on hi seat nf hon yi on tu seat nf nou or. Toe. man is, we believe, ii jail. tfeto-lluren Jounud. Hibernian-Och, Patrick, soul! arg vou kilt intirejjc? lad luck to the torietli.it ntii knocked the breath oilt iv ye!" " ki No, Teddy Maloon, it is not kilt that t am, the cdrse of St. Pafr-ick on the d't-r ty stone, bat it has knocked ine spaclieles so it has." ;j" ' ' THE MARKETS. Raleilr; March . Flour, S5 a 6. Meal,, 0 a 96 cent Bacon, 8 a 10 cents. C!tirn,-new, W S4. Peach Hrahilj, 50 cent. Apple .lo. 30 a 32. Whiskey, S3 a i35. FVath ers, 00 cent.. 1 The above prices are given by the load or larger quantity. When the art id 09...? are retailed, they wi H bring of course, ' ' shade higher. . ' - : Fay eiftpille, March 5 Brandy, Peachi 55 a GO. D't.Apjde ;13. Bacon 7 a 9. Beeswax ' 17. a i7 Coffee 13 a 15. Cotton y a JOj, Corn 75 a 90. Flaxseed; ft! 50 a"LG(n Kiour, $5 a 3. Feather 54 a, QG, Iron 5 00. Mlaseg -9 Ji 32., Naib cut ( a 6. Sugar, brown, 9 a 11 J Lu tn p 14; Loaf 1 5 a 1 8. Sn 1 1 63 a-75, Wheat 95 a-gl. Whiskey 30 a 35. To bacco, (leaf) 3j a 4iS-' Wool 19 a 20.w Cotton Bagging 23 cts. per yd. J.Balfct 1 Rope 8 a 10. " J Petersburg, March 8, :t Tobtcno. Rpfu.'tMl S4 a 6, common pns ed &5h a Gi, Kood'7 to 9. fine 10 n 15. j Cotton from TO a 11 1 stead. ( Wheat i r..d i m CM loi rJm ah. - ci i . 10 aeon 8 a 9 Iard, 8 a $. i..JLlJ-JJLllJJ... In "Walanton City, on Thursday nfdit. the-it!.- Itw ColHeiuy AlUon, .Marshal of' Duict q: (Joluiobia. . - . . At heF residence in Surry county, on that- 20t5t of February, after a vorv short ind'.soosition.' in. j about the 69th year of her aare. tue much- h niened Mrs. : Meckey Frankliii, vridow and Rel'iet of Jess Franklin dec. l:ftg a.. Cio-ernor of th"n St;ite. She ti.is 'left eight Childj'eii antj a iw train of connection aivl alarc ' (Srele of -quaintances to tlenlore her irrep r!le lqi.., her, it majy be truly said, ohje of theb;i,teyt o;v V naments of soeiety is gone, : She was otieftf tliosy rare characters, who in herimihy deeds of c'jari tv anu benevolence aeted Trora tlisiiitcresteihmow " ' U I u "er nciuooruoovi, van we te.tlf .. t(1 th- arm.,hift tr:.t iri w .in i .:... ri.i. a i. iiit ..1 i - ii Without di.5sinmhition, she exteiulttd" the tjand of friendship elivy had ntii lfiot'or?r bew,h9 never detracted froin thfe twractci of others. Do unto others a wVolttI Kavc thcra. d3f i0r to us," vras her golden 'ru of conduct. In all , tle various relations of m titer, mistress aoa nih ! botj she ' waVan excellent piattent -for imitation and in all the social obligations bf fe, she irmy exemplary niinssOisgnarjjc v oeruuoas, t'J-JLL' .'I JglUg fILL BE SOfllJ, ion-the-? Pfemlsffs, tint f f piece or parcel of L VND wi h ' 1 rov4nenttthereon, ;Co?inerly the Property f . J Abel TurircviujuateditoV ' beiuim Tim's Branchfoeeinhioit it a Jl4 o"t " John J'atsor'scome jitHcnce, on hniHlretlaq , t - twenty pate to a Wrii,AVatsonCQpnUisr i. Ill, I'ltC l-u MSI mv fif. J on AUeiTjoiK;s line itlihce.one hnodred ai mvc- ty poles to a Pop. airij .Said JohcsV ij-je t thence soutH to diefimsttioiji.;f lis said Land.t J bold ijryi apewl pf Try t fro n od iuinei ;rt-fHiatr p onjt i hi wag - ! cooniv;, on ins wonc, 4rri. ;vjwp T4ic wm ) be -M by mv--Aeo,0;tre&eiotlit Y - WJ inf. WfXrtUiwtfpiey - A 1 I'' 1 A ;-Ut- i-

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