;' . -r-; isf vsmRwflHGa-sfiiiSAKin e;itxff-Q.A4t oxa-Nr ge.t.t E& - - .... . . . lvi . 4v"w.vv.r-,uuvk) ji1,,c uucu ;su;mt.. ., hi jc uititn i i:ni. tiHtniLmr i rifVJpqnted 0V atlgt4s; 'MEH1 nd . tar as fekhave btifolle I theju- l&.ri-i it tl.fit'tti; f in our nei!iDmo(I in Oaftici Jf- -V, - , v' ntetl (it iuyg &ftyiaaf I a Jious.'..iMi -llie iAiniftir sill i winrh is Pavvkfiil ijft.," Wh.it ideuceylvc faih- stu shut t -tU with c.lucatt Hkl a ii;entiftnan of a-j fnenff as jhfty win" A cat 1 I8' 6 1 continued altothraifcecli fi'qi'o.f.iua ' i''- . i M' ' 'V. w -- .. - , 1 , . 1 Wii it r ' - - - - - - - ' - mmuUrthi occasionally iiVuvTJtfd I r - f ; jvjlh an exlra Dair uf livs Tli-ri art: -'.MiiRrnai Li this tity. dn ThuraJacveiotr it,' - il )j)rtM4oas, ii)3dc in the infancy of States"! ir,e ?r, ,Lr- Pf Mr" '-n nn aHifion.i,ich never xvar ?t. 1 lalce'f ft M:V ViSi -i v W?tP ' "V- uest aaa,mosc UtVa'uier tlvat ctwne fiifJiiiiBip nuarve - -t K . - tr iW. - U v a:a.4' . w '..."--'-.- J - T r . ' T -C. i J j w w , lr M I II VIAL' ar. av.w.k. A 1 I hit sw r ja.Mrmwfo$aipca tAou, !jrawiiMcu,D -ihtHine tronl -Ralegh to a place, which rViri r tl :' rWii?ihlv t i j 3ailtnJtv'nt cyi the- kvutiti 'latelj; perform thte times ;x " r V M KHP- feMf H rourorselost chases, anUi. how iJ Vf lU,;r ; pifei4tV;pn'5Rt oreVtcK- irr4Ttf niIf-bViy pac. Emm Salem t ew Yi,rla "tnr we may !MHtonCii pa fli1 mVtaJcc, in tpHM 1 trcei iufti th pluchicb has lere- i " 1 s' w4UWSV.'iai? ff V... tknW--eiS ler.tofre1ctofoiir 'Iwrse post coach tlu'ea,"" '-iW.-atJ ,ttevsUaJkuie. v lit is a gVdhrtjg4vv "ohe-qan givc a icauii'fitr, ihe poliucCfaitli wliicu hoprn JessesJ atuLil llie'ldllv anectlote be 4rue, -which-. ve havoow! lra'sou to be-licrV-.tlHMc4 u& jvo solvit least who art;'r.qu;-vr Jackson ?" neral Trahiu woi k -and ofHcial funuen -1 Mrs. Ska M. Jet;?, of thijteity. cliitore fdUr CwititutWnv wlUMjK a';in frFayptt2vU, 611 TfoMl4niiig tltfHC UmeiUv-...veb'N4 potei -aftt! lie had 1i fa;Xitftrce, the ft;vi HcaiAiagJttif th fctMJi,mkb n,.t to irjuP.,made himself j Mf tij l; W fe .Dictator of prance, thougnt it po- Guxo W4kv td-telT4 CHlwesU f,ifHttcsaii it, put l voiftjTiditfMier he 1 v V -: " ' ' ' :Ji'M--.r;&--. - 'f; SJjouiu on CAiUam br Utet anil earned it v .,' . ... j. l,y a inajurjtv of mure . t.hatK-rc mUli'n iftlid, a Jialfi agauvt u hu!i(irIf if whom In Pittsbimuj;H, on the lftji instUwiss Sarah! rHviiL.ifavette,, was the only matuif; A'm Womtrk, L(r-,6r-ict.$t pe. I happen 4m JiayeiiirVny pocket l1';, thu diTofhrv 1 niyse -prruciplc. mc btylv (a tofj n. ty or hllmin iifu an;i th- fcC IttkMio thteiiuj'&CI tioubt) has : pahaed oir .upon my W hi brhieh we ittttfee faiMp.roc6 offtttitfi.j i third CmKi&sTtaat!jVitt setts, the ei;it Delegate 'lir.(MiJSewiurjr- tib- :atpes, muaoo. jell ptjj y itiaiinujpg(!wt nftfo -your pi t ap Awgu .Vt i.T ";r ." -. . . . - lfut liiiN Tresn IVoavJht battles of MIte- i well furruHlietf ad abode to the fmvl anticin.v inttv, MiHessiiu aii L uli,. Ajaji-' n ! tkm Vh-r mosfebJ'a! yeurs. were Vet In r? - i.. srrve"-i nut this ilatflintr houe lias iadtM ' bet rfc V till I ll'illl 1 ' - the specirc of thst lombj like a tende'f - (ter of. tlic valy bciveath thfe.TOHuiif blastior. .Autumn F- swat-.' WtWiHaitliN- Officers !. ? I i TheVtheiMeor alt the deluded, are I Mi? M ana, dajhtsrJfiafinE ne-mjfeoydeeitetit who slumber on j agiitI lo yca"v -. 1 fHVa1 i5lefaaAJiv ;,L- L,e;i aiiUlterwaK.. lantfttw tour pe'at spri iia$ d rantt 1ieWitf colli I V WHe vc i iliiif AnVtn ri j K n ck. A t.li.i"ll n - r l Vif K.M,vfl nKiicn'nr te''A..kli. " . ' horse 'to03tccbabTieJ lninfW .-.-A4 i;. . .i-.. j.tS.iL....Hu v.I f itih tmtla i4'.Geii, ;:Fittdl av. Fmdlav. Ci AiriA Ma, V,ll-Vj ttiaiholtrmsr T hii anctmti lv die JVestm""" 'O:.. uu. bfrect that these miserable cufJj-xii. 'w.. iiij i jii'i -tfiUa Pe'sil'diii!!r!!s m our Con- ; . ; - .-i, : r. - - 7 - 1 .t r.r - i i . r - - . -4S. ' 1 " - i . jhtp pshionaj pi'jeKvntinxn in ravor n . -..- ! j h.-r ;,r tin i . ' nuatlwugivlwBtcndiMl l.4:bUedi.im':h$;f prices averaging iro m i .V- 'V' - 4 'ogshead$i e two Wari; 4 imfW ft..! 1 t 1 msuaf quantity at twJcto peea qmugnt j to 'thi'ftiaretdufiftl the Jt a'd pwent J walk&a ft v steps. Adl dava "trmlThtd. : dn afeihuMftr ?i 4 Ait dfeebserved thaHhis stifeilliSsi j i o;acfi(?. rADot one iiunany if this aVftcie weri lotd 'at the euisT jiave uG AOJWiiwtratMituanr. t itn' , to hntMTTl fi rhelMistrw!.t;:iJ.Mr Pnnnnr -..tkk fkniiHr ? iJinr)mprif. fc Wm -M.cuJm ly -tfeiief y ing nteticihragewwnt 'seirboaste-fmW'flooi.f 'Cotifftess-tne1' leuriosity will havens way. 'Specta- nueMe fair prir wtoi it4iaSben Hnd whse robjf rW Vn Pe ; jold, ! jVybeat'ts worUi tromib5 ta7nt, inrngs are. soo, it never would - iud Cott' ;fmTO: S3,5l t6' R41Q' There 5 is 1 have done to' let las ctnstitueuts be "how this orancii .01 'government:.-had become sJiackled aud ruined- under his watchinjf: so tnost ctthtroial ficiUtioin his'district are . eitiier prese.net!, .or trimrhed with a more - V e cannot .hpww oa'tHkhis idissustinsr ae- teas&ktsirsanic totws are not in thc fenpeajttce : subverted ' - I telbyou sir, that tr iapiwetm nrmseu coum ouim me rocKoi Mm. '"iieieuat wncni ne uea waneu ituu ciampi fH down, fdtiloms deep, in the everlasting isiranite-.and if, -with him; could burst into mfe.the hastlf.rniilions, that fell Upon al! t thejJuS baCite ftehJs troin the irozen clods of . . . . , tt iuir ,ijju iiiav Krigiie .next . oonjrre sr, tvu uitruHk.t;i mau uiuie iMie,- anu W I w. i 1 1 ..I x i! IT T. r rfHvvi:r t wi I incrjrurnin im n'nn il i . ie additional! charm of acein- a clMli! I 1 c 0,"V' vap.. m .---h jvtJi.oiUi,the peae are paii davJy ptn - subjecting jfoi' rt1ie.ife tvn'rvgiiei asin " Probabl y deflated yhuf citicj," wasted your fair LnolhiniT less wJhave modoceiL.iiic UBdered yOr substance, lorn your i' r" ' The fipeciall byll or a woman (lashed toineres .oems to us-any lhing" 6ut "a caiuse ofjcngi atulatjon. Aanid.tocitmiiistation fm' thuK far been an tfbslute niiititv, and not par.- littte dtf -no Cotton 'cotniug uRojnarket jj it JUdton bptclatou Senator ManswhirMttr. Senator Man- j gum passed Ihrougii this jAace on,;Tiiesday j iasion iiis wav b Brr$totojenter ron the' duties assigned to him by tUe last:Cjmgrpss.: He remained in townjust long enough for; ills td;dscover, that he was in finexhealth '" - 'f--'.'1"''5 i . v - ' J -;, . " : 5- prbpsjyXj nttrwitiun afeways pastihe farmer; lrus been cheered with the prospect CiFa suerbandant crop. JPr-sent appear ances have anmed or rem'as regards Corn.4 If the ?dro"Hght contin,u&mpch longer;, ijt 'illJ&eoubtftfl wlith trap "pW. be reaped ''wjpch '.circumstance; vc Tear, will add grcatlv to the spirij ofemi ratiou noy prevailing among us: --20, ' : t Thefstesitnrboat tValiet Raleigh from bc'ay.e. car of a balltooh; N", -Iv mer. tail : but if iLdoes not brine? -home to the sense f olir ttzens the -'abominatioiis at the reign: dHlBUt5j',:viB!?irfl't widelr mis--- 1 : . '11 1 - .. 1 ' . ." .1 J . . to open their eyes, ap,ihe .truth will fiasll upon UiMxztrollftd UulcUmaii. Persons" ho are n!ot !' critical judjes of bietals shilyld be careful that th'ey are not imposed upon, in receiving coin pur poi ting to be gold. No metal in r'n-cu lation is so easily -counterfeited, and even the best judges may Sometime! be de ceived.'.Tlrdse 'circttm.staWces, ' we' arc toM,' lrave""':al ready ?been improved by sharperfi.)ii Guz. , i The Jfixrries. nf Poverty Wealth and trappings o! gieatne, it is i:i::ii'r;d, cat) purchase happiness ; pn t exn; rnro ha- i;,;.Sui?ciae Uonit Reports nraflE IfamSwr contiiniiH thi-Dcpisions at Dit Xl cmnbor Trtn, 1833, i just pulUh6d, and wfUf be immchatelyforwarded tu feubscnor The Number 1 verydjfgfi, cojitaihln; about printed pies. rho pnea will be 5f3 50 Raleigh, Aflgost 23. 1834. I . 1 A CAMP MBBTEN Will commence i) the Thurs day 'bif fore the thif.1 Sunday in October, l Nkvt Ltar, (W.tke (' Ministers ar; reipeCifully SoliOtieil lo.pve iheflr j :tiieodance ' ' " ' i ' I ni ml ii end - - . I ..T - - -r ? . - l i t.,.- ame ellEi : 'i mufliN... rMnwIr rpv:ws ifoin ..your arms, anu cirencncu vour neihans' fee cure U&etter than tlic dis-tearths ifl b,wd he would tell ycu he came j -.I,.. f j, : tor your good, that he came to rescue vou . ? - ' - . . i trom aristocrats anu monopolists, ana, to , T'l-.r. V,firo f it,0 '.fn.u.-febriuff vdu'hanniness and glort!! ier on mtlSe,8caffold. or ta. the lHheir:rec&fyict(i,Tli the Dolls 'by- a reatl' ? : Public D!uuer. on t!& 3d -instant, sit whiehl From Idiana,.we learn, by the Indiana it is aaid twelve luuidml persons were pre-fJoVrrval "'the 9th mst. that in Id coon y 11SV IMeXIlietl III t.vlIIKl..S " " ' ,'.v- iiii.mii ...V 'il. .. . M : 1 I ? sent TKp iiLoAIVrrThe provisions of theM proved that.it is with th rtaliaiion these as with the hopes of the traveller,; to whom A Alp peep o'er A'ps and Atps dVc Alp's arUe." All t!i extrinsic advantages; of foi too, it cannotbe too of ten repeated,, re only means but not Vsouices of happiness.y. The prize can a- lone be experienced by a ca.m and con.- Uaw authorising asubscrintion by the State. ot tv)-Utstte$Jte)olaeitsmoutlt ajid Roanoke HaiT Ftoad Company having .bpen, fully compliel vyithjon the jart of the 'company, the 6i;4?tiident las applied for and obtained an order for the payment of the same.' It is scarcely necessary to add, that thiSAVill give such, an impulse to UmI tented mind. I knew of a noor wii-uan th' itv. -bouml to Charleston,, was i work'as to insure its completion within the I w!m lived iu'ji . one" r immed unnlastered dektrbved by tire ou Tuesday utjriit last ott snoi-cesc periyu oi .ume coinempiareii. eofeetuw.uS.'C. "The ISJtcers and crew Herald. kbsindoned the'b:at, and were fortuuately . -'rrK i '-.? jpiekedoip by the schr. Rice Plant. The , ,Rcw Colion. 'Jj'hVugosta Chrome! e rssT . i l - i. ,i . l w- - a .i j i 1 r lit a i . i i i t- t . . , a, & i n i , i pvaiier liaieign was uuenueu 10 iuh igu- j vf iy .--j. uii, ua-c : i llis pft(,r creature lor a long tune was fai-Tv between Charleston and Uoliimma. pi new lot ion wa orougnt to mis city - pininjr.arn-1 torniertting herself about some , '..Ii - ! ; 7M H-elHMfay, Ironi the plantation .of 4. Lot, i thing which no one, as they caret! noth On Tuesday, die 22d nit a Procei6n P;d Fitzsiinons;. anil was' purchased by j inr abmU i,nr, iad tlJecuno,itv tpTind foiok place tti thisVttiwn, in' Honor to'tlveme,- lr. .-ueorge it. Miciciuu, .. v J iout. And '.what do you think was the "T , r i ;. . i consuming gesue wiucii gnawed upon her riuvebalesiw.e?e brought Isnirits ? Why. ghe told me. ti.nt if she and amoti the quests; wa3dlenrv Johnson, f (f the State, was for Mr. Noble,( Whig) the lleprfentattVelctto Congress, frouu 12,237? Mr. Read. (Jackson) 7, GS; In that distlitU -The tyiloViiur selected- fromi 1831, the vote in thesy counties was for, the regular ioastsj-jiew" the spirit which ' Noble, 7;S;: Read, 5, 093 prevailed -auou me occasion : i- o touuv ei,.iiis entertained, "H" OFKEH to resume my serrice of presenll lUnk, tor ihe price of 50 cents Wth. My panr experience in i)ds bususess will, t hope, etiable,, .j me 10 give general itisaclioijto tiMc Vrli.Uv.. my choose t' eijiploy me. Letters (poft fi4 j" will be iirtmfilwtely attended to, jjftd wlierc,!it'i- counts are efTected, the money . wil be di j posed of. according to in .truciiofi. W I LU A MFjEC1f-v: , Ralegh, 26th Anjr. 1834 X :V A VALUABLE ? . 5" MINE I H1 111 uc J rpr$& ..Crisii$rfc cfldfijest between iaberty-j 'i1""' the Joiirtiali of the. election of Mr. and. SlaTer;vfbctween fjijji ngbjtf of" die 'people and; IN oh I e, a lairge majority, Nearly all, the xviil ofjaf usurper.,! ji of Mr. .K?nhard' Congressional District, , hi rt$ J iA&fnlnthe hands ol Uawf fn wJ,icU, previous to t.e election, uhe I eeutive. arfrcnsmc of ff&mand oonression. 4 Conmeil Claimcil a m.ij0ntj, ot 1DUU . , iill-itn, ,,., Th tieale oj the fftitte States:-The Aposfl !ty, ft yuluable (JuUoftr-Corn and. i of Litprfy. VVithmi iriapired cbqacncc he$ county Has grven 31 r. Kead a miijoritv, The JMimtatlon h 'in very nedtUTertlover. cottage,. v,vi 111 nothing about her but. a pine corded -bedstead, : with a straw bottom. j.vid a-broken tatbte with three legs ami , nei'haps two hi thiee' worn .out chairs. j-.ave dfU;Vied t'ne Cretitution, and warned ul but on the contrary, Nb1e s majority ex- i ceeils 1SO0, and it will be increased bv rosU ' . - . . ,, , . ,, , . . . , experiment, vetoes ' ami proieM. Xat. Intel. The election for members of the State Le gislature tak?s place this month. Enquirer. liAXE.T PROM- E.CcEiAI2. inorv ot the tuustrious .A?AYftTiE. ijie cerettmnies were closed by A very appfo- j - priate Kuloiuai, delirered in an impressive f ! iiiatincr at the !5aptist Chare! ; Jonathan t. Freeman , ; 5 V i . ' I A'ek' Cotton. an impressive n yesterd;iy ; .and .to-daT, yC!'- Fltzsi- c i, ly the Revv j moos has the lUiMvr yfbTmg'.tjrvt this vear n could have the good fortuneto have a, 'JVashinpon N. C. HTiig. by hall an hour, Jesse. P. (ireen, of Burke V, ( UU-lll UUll IICIIllIll llllil. -.j ,it was a tiirot a ratcoi as.tnc one wnere the horse' H inches'. I denti v stateil thatrtliem embers . of. the. " i Js a(l m . U,i,fnnnto f.nVn I tidi.i nn. v: ' PICe. Co! F's sold, for cents. one exception, -have sine'e their return home j Mr. tjieeti s .at' ,vl. James mahogany bedstead, that then she should ?xcept : renounced -Jacksonisin. The Great West ; wj 11 never again "yield its-support to that I AdministiatVon fvliupli claims to be strict itoftstriictioiiists' in matters tending tn' tlie tpiiblicvelfaTeand VatitudiuariLii in every -thing else!- Bait. Pat. GrcembQrmihi 'Jlla.hiu. 2. . - . liMHiiC di.u ir. I ! t m a yntu . u mwi ruiij which hold for 15 cents. ; Augusta Courier,, ; The President of the United States ar rived at the Hermitage; (his, resideuce) in Ttftmes-iee.' on the.. 5tli , Jiistaiit. ' The Nusltville'B.iunvr state's that he has ben- be hanpy." Poor soiil I ihoiirh I. Vtat an emblem art thou of thoosaiuU of oth ers in the busy world who are richer ami liiore.nrosperous than thyself! With all "Je 1 they have money, titles, honors, means .and of hauniness. and Dri ileires thev. nlaS! "Am- I are stiiUmisrabiiN without beini: in pos- session of whatihtfy really want. A''n hogany 'bedsted.1 do you inquire ? No, reader ; a-.cootented:, tha.ukfu'1, and pa lieut niind-riV. Y. .Sar.. against tflj 'iuroarrfm(js of fyhiiiliy. DvnoviMcp? Tu&.t!' h-xa of orfr instiiutk tho gloritfe pillar on ur social ediiice rosi let it not t. tised as a ccik to shelter ambition, cofg ruptton,' alii tyranny. i'l ; " -i 'Zi 4 . . -; : Mr. Mvfrette 5cil-We makevth'ej followit extract f;mi t$e eloquent peecljj deliyejejl : by Mr'ff2verttt at the receo public Ipnncr -i-ti,ileii (Mass;. ) . Th w hole speech -is ad niraible, od tliesubi i'i!tcil ijp!ati6tr Mirlicrularly struck uti as apMte and b)fpblof , Thatre have tiftlVhed'a critical perioi in the Vtate of julic ririits, is too aj3 n irent Ao need trt be i-innally stated. l)id f i tt pi;ce tjilioundfil reliance on the sin v ami gtfod gpn.se ot toe mas Nat ci IKS) July 23. The packetship Susquehanna, Cropper, ha arrived,; at Pniladeiphia, from Liver poo!, - w!ence she sailed lOih July, A letter from J. M, Sanderson, K-q. of the .Merchant's CoRee llouc, dated August 17, ha'f past nine, sayai- The only iiems of news Ve see. are that Karl Grev of the Ie0ple;? eid I Itotknow that th ; tendered his resignation which the Kiug riigiir siock is.ij(')c run out, unit in? ; ias accepted. Earl Grey postponed the blood t osir fat!V$ stijl beats warm an.J further consiilenttion of the Insli.Ooer uoilegnprate, itile.booms of their fchij-1 hm Bill, and of the Poor Laws Amend dren ;-Mid I nof abovi ati, teei and see mc:,t Bill, without fixing a. day. that thfWhig spHt that spirit f'76-ij; The sales on 9th of Julv in the : Li is a rouged idab'i4" $the land, I shoui &atlmst.reay l;iufes, to begin to deii-; pair OiV the repy Uuic-. jAnd when I saj," dcxmirWf ihc ' repij&fic. I speak to the suli- j FARM AND GOLD; FOR rrtMB Subwrlber iiavincr.determ i to die West ihtlfcjisuiOjf Fall, offers. IdW sale or in ejicu:ingc lf Western- l.amda litr N rti property, the PLAN l A I ltN wlreon he no resides, near C rtlaire, Mjore coU'ity, 4 ) Ired Acrej ot Wheal Liod. : good con dit i oh fhi' Faniuiig I most of it is Iresb clewed, ;a'wl u(Ii cienily large to woric eoui li:eeo luwd to a U vant-itre. wiii an exueneni larirei new aa gou i . .. ... ... i . : t rveinsol u veiling, i.iciiv? an i pecesasry uui Mouses, 5i a l.irjje two story imovy,- veil cafe. culated for secinn GruW t whico is att ctejfl: Wheat Thresainff Maohine. -Al" 'a Urn'e h,. excellent fcottoo JLiji,U!i3 ScreW for PitBkhfjJviv Uo u Saw an t Grist 4fd wed syi.ei tbr laimQ co;renien-:c!s. - .. ' 1 . '-ft' Iu ptHiil ol health, tjl? place is su;p!edJ)y.- i none in ihe.State, and by but few i beauty. ruichnsers ;ri invited i cowef and view tor ilieflisclves. A great bargain Wdl be given bj" a S'U;dl payment 'in' advance . 1 . ' , .'i'i'';, II-aUo oftcrs for side, or upMnjthe m'terrn uuliivi. ItiA y&Luihlo GliLLf .MlN'K S ltart- dolph cmtnty, w1er hjs lias been cscafaiitijjj tin rmg- tin pH3t ni present year. wi i B'it sicr.ev. I oe nunioerot acrei sttaouett, i,jr-: boui one hundred and ninety. Tl'bas.: piKUrtA w isui.i to in ure in such biislni would, d" well locome u.ut Iok. .r ' uem-tw ivs. GiDliyNiSEAht.L : Aogust 25, 18J4. . j 42 4i - . , , U . . ,' .. i .( . ' verpmd cotton mark,'t, cW'Sed fafl,- ilull -j?KBl.lNC Rrtemi Wi.e .perai purjft last week." RESIGNATION OF EARL GREY. : ; ; . stance :a ml spirij iof the proposition. ''rl mean tat there reason lor alarm, as the co;l-iiued optioh and sway of tlje principles of i epfbiican 'government ;id iberty protect edas wii as reKUiatgd bv 'uw vvhich wereembodied bv our fathers i I a . . I : . -s.iiriii iiv luc iitnmne am i.j now in I'xntii . .. .." . i . l- m' i itf i i .... ..... tr "-" j j "-rj t " - , Thi ,v;ii i. iioveinu d u oi ivitssissiiTni. e 1 r C untiersiaun wiat i-iwm mjitt,- I.,..,!.!, 11 i.d rrn ,..t nvitii. - ,.- - ..-., ,c Egirfr, l.a, been ,M.pl...l-b,. the , v ,1.! F '0 u, tS. V'"" V."??? LA.S. T - - - - - t - - 1 rA. i u v.t iif iur ill fi iriiiir. r.i i . i i v iiii'-fi i 1 1 1 in t!ie Cotisiiturtiirtv I do not .meantlt a-iy danger thjit JCric and GreenbotoiightIlail Hand tlora- jpany to gurycy. lh route lor a itaa lioau ilTe'tween this place and Erie, and that ire ji to coinincnce operulioirs on Monday itext. ckuUncl. by the residents of -ah'vjle. and other cuizehs of Tcniiesee, to be held ou the 1 3 ik iT, 'tiie- iiit!i;. .. n s ' ' - ",r: ' - 'i : ! t t''.;"!'., LnportanLThc whole State of Kcp 4 - ,""i?riV"- tuck:v has iusc .'been '-bribed by the Bank oi j Health of the CUy.-ilt is iow 23 days J the tmtedtatis ; and it fsjjdgbiy probai bince t!ie hTijLcj:sui' Cholera .occurred. 4 b!e lliaftTve"' State -id Iriiiiatia, Ji.a also bjecii JIMimcholu Occurrence. A rencontre bc,V took place ml the 14th instant, at Jackson, ! 'nvopution, thci as xc i th,, stlit f ;v-nm.mf. of Mississiivni. Up. I the tht 'n of - Cont subvecied. vi ituine that, let w will Inside, ive -sjall - .iioinitialjy have; a ! fr,,.m,., sWt in the ,-.hin: Oim. a11o.ii. r-rsnfeiit eiecteri eveny tour ya irs : ......... 7 . - . ; - . , - : , t it was expected,, even. as late as Saturday tanesienreticWMienajie in vmgre, mt)tmug, -would recover, but before uight death claimed his victim. . , . jT-he iletUii duHnr that peruUl, if lave been? wh 5, '.fin. IS5 in the.,firr$0 day jtivei e wei"4KPight btiiidi ed and sixteen deaths? hue ordelK .Thed idcre nee is &n gf ea t that i j lias ealmed the fears of tlie uiost tiuiid.-r" T!ie couvquence ii that thei ii no rinter jnim of bsimvsshiuyleft .oitaecqah.t fjli. j Cht!era.'; Jti St. Louis, Louisville, and ma-s py other phices, the diseasijlias Avholly'dis- yppeafed' after, a jvhort .-periotL blesslngR )(s jiv:'re4fuh Providence, and ,i bnueci i - Louisiana Was bribed ; aboit a warmth aLIlerx''wVei WttKsuch a .sys tem oi uiiuci y carrieu.on since ine wonq began j and the beauty of it.is, 'ip party jersons wno taKe ine melj.' are the vei v1 per bribe! e,.5?zV 1 In an ans v'-ei;, to a -letter addressed to ,Mr4 MeItiiVie, by his coitiliieiits at Abbeville he declines bein .itpan'tdaie.ibr Coness the vM)sunrgetectioa, otfat and .sluice, that i(' his health shoufd not imr hse of rat ionIvukatis, such as. temperaitce f jrivV-tthe-.M.ext '(wmouths; i;e vvdi be iinl culinciinav we not hope to be; a 'compel ied to resign ht seat! foitlie ii'najlr1' blessed: Y. frailty -ftd.-' ' v -pired .rm fov which' bs..beep elected. J1 pretty considerable IIead-jJche.-Ajo -ly son ot Bacchus, who wears a. nose like a handful olripe strawberites, and reside withiti a hundi-tfsl mijes of 'Matlock Bath, after having sapiiced atj "the shrine i)f theM rosy God, tons descrabetl his sensation on tlie ensuing UH'ning: ?Talk tf a head-' adiei my Head" aeiies all over, lrom my cmwn to my: chinf!XEyt?fy Jiuif of my itead achel ! (and! palling out half a doxen) 1 can feel tii'ese aclie while I hold tlieaii in my hand.51? ' '-' ? titution- win ;;e t afthnuJudduiS'Cirihieial stations. , at the brui) (f Xh president's mouth;atl a SeiiJ and HfSc. of llepresnetativesyto g i through the biois ot kg Ration,; long ul'ter ite lamiliirfuW n .the Veto &U'jdl have Veduced their actioTi, on all impr- tuntiesttous, iprM?Jorin. 4 1 TiVt'l.ii flielesMn ot history. iThe fonjnsj of tiiiiommoniivralth in Rome inanyjof thoni .kent un frtHti tlie first to the la the Csb4ars.. "liie ars.pnt. Mr. Wilkins will sail :in one of w Li ver tKMir paekels, few davs fruhis va to Russia.;"-. . . .. . ho trampl'sed z. f . .5-. T-. . . - . . ; iier prpad Jipctlanto the uusr my u utidethtt' venelatedname ami ancient digiiltj rf . the kpubtic. The Kmpejor ivho fauscd hisiprseto be raisvd to" lie highest honu$f v he .-Slate dared jot Jtcai-d the "li'ileftf fchc magistracy. . 'aiuu iWas Idmintsterlibylie Catos and ac-f'ttct aafea-. : : S. v? lie fiiVtlJMs -npfse an. ouice, uu,-,h 9 d s. ft-tfp u b :'i c ajf '' m c t . Ihci Komi Could SUE8CttMSERS 4 RE receiving; almost dnily, jhinjf nev X. m -tbeir line of,hn-imtt?s.- Amoo Uioe jusi received. are tle tdtowitsg i Tiie litue Uook i . - Tlie war oo ihe Bank of the United $tf.tos, P-iik-y's Magnzlne,-1833 and 5 ?, botiiid. Penny Magazine, complete to ilM23d No, Cnr OMties of Liter.tiure, 2 yoU. 2d senvs. The IJonplete Farmer, a new work, Tlie Waver yXNoveN, complete In 27 vols. )1 tin and neatly bound, Urge print anil ftiic pspet rHustuM eiUtioiiHyery cheap, ; -.Menora of the ReVf Kt,Crntlni, Christian Lilwiry, in 2 yvti bait' bound, TIk- r.tindy at ll.imi-i by Abbott, . The.A'outijj Ci.risi4.tii, ; . , Tlie ;ii'dd at liomc,. V.re side Piety, ;s- , d . - ' ' c;hr.stian t't-tbsophy, by Tltnas Dick lil.ike Natural I'bilOaipiiy, ltrn!t!ds Lessons, '-" - f Jfiyob -.t-thtul,-voU Hi, t l.ucia; i tie betiotUed, in'JyoJs. i.-ventv-five Receipts, ".'.:.' 'Sumiiet's Exposition on Matthew, M.ffcand I -tike, i i. - ' j Ewcli'&.Medtcal Companion, a ney artd,n- larva ttiuiou, . -.jb ( Rbnk" lioksand l-aner of.everv vsttetv and! - dciM btio. and a mtiniier of Scbol iml . ".. . .-.,- lam tticir UianRa uj irienos aim eiisunnt'n iv N. C and reBectiul'y ask u couiinuaooe of lh s..nui . . - i Tiiey arcnnw receiving, their fill Mppty Goodly wliicb ieperul ami extensive'aiw; wiiicti,Uiey tdf-rr fro pu not uulcUiattMiK; rs o wTy aceunamodatiOg tciiiK. : jk - if" it ... -?n . Tley Coniinue-ti ive theMbeat artefc nil .Coiigiiments. of 4l&p&$4t AuV.tjces inuT lie,n.-iiarjp ,oo Cottovf, so, if desirabTe, bilv adySVW thu Peters bur? -and Pon if -Uf v " r'.-' v',' T' ow eh;.iiifg Hfixluce ttf Jiail4iMf' sttall be .Inly "idbrined otlneatAistf filix. wb o in'.tak chafof alikfgiie Acptcrri -coiisijfnnieiils. tT;-.--v4tv-'. 'v'-' " v I'. 3. We have on hirul a $ne Jot of C ot'. ISaggiligT, 'Dundee, iVjtierkal :'o.J ind we otlt raa lo as' chij le sold in : lit. mktt - UOI.DERBY Sc MiMIEETKRif PetersW)j, Ait. 2otii, ' lnu Ml.WO FOIl TJE&3x '--t -" ---"'" '.-" " TX' '.; rSHE SUllsCRiftElVfftml f r theMmuf. A ttte?s wid rir -.iah at tbei YyrlCSut oiber Hooks too ted bii, to mention. ;.T.c-, 1'iaUO JL'oriCaJ,or excetift il Uirttta' , ih tl.e Uititea aiaits. '" The Pti-iios ni otj'rsjjnH 'irt h -vc in every bjftanee kven ttnj .itiio satisf ici.oo. ; ' I Orr AIJ orders pundUajry i, Hewlett lo ami tx-'y - - Vo i'ti iwliTssd in puticm "up Uookn r an.l hyJ- Vf W !?rfdLrrta,. StaKeof pthcr nvaoceta diOaftCemper. !K Win-ic.irRc m w " .V'-lii t states, ; -. os wtiAf.lt Ha ha frii ed Olir Co Vi'rgnhiital sonie m NKh C't ti?Rh, Auffn-.f ... 'i '"'TiA'l 5,Vl it UUMnVV Jit IJC1 -. I ' . ,.iJ. ' , .V -4it" i l i f tranuriatiJi, wbteri UIHJ ecetrJivcf5 4t i- Mf.-r 1 -;1 .' .5 . X u n