t - ' 'S flp i i v . r - ii i ' i kg djg SI l 4r mi Hit Hi-' It1 m ti'' From the HmlmV;AWnf-f t . )uU foUf tralchel 0f!CbtBU . . , of January, ,(M , V.'.; feojdttjy ' together with bVcoat art -otbe tfJthtog. ' ' " f. J , , v. I; V- V- , JUm-. not W im. Trv ham of John Xire Hundred DiilaM ncardi X of tl.;"cSu4ty; bede. what nar - who will'be Jurnisueu facts, o far as known. ; -, I Wer that the bUc mty be abUto ome recent infrination froni Mr. Curry Bill . " T 7Tv,i u- . x t' a .1 I lian was in the wiUMUIerghj N. C. i in jhe firtt vefcpt Ueceraoer, muwu he f raced The pjic where Porteoi was murder--a ; $..nth of the Tcbnesee ttiver; Cal- hUnwiiere.ihe grey fcorse waa tratled, ja ijjlceSoWVofjhttri V,,Hna. But theaJdle bags, Aift tnd Jollari given to the servant of Mr. Mor- Jud tbepriMelaiark bifjhe hiouse here.oa he bags, aRora proof as to the route rta Veil &y;lherauederer.-.The citizens on iHe highways between Haieigh and Milton in Northi 'Carolina; Will' perhaps be sble to tve;some account of him, so as to au thorised pursuit. It seems that he was on lUt;wjthi (Miienhe kittett For ' teu a) and tio dout la . searcb of another HWe re iuthorised toaay that fivehun drel dollars Mt be iaid by the citizens ft his place for hiafirehensio c'ufitr' in any'u'li nd infrroatipn given, oiharhecttyibrttgtt-to justice ; and if Irlivered Here, eudittOA to the reward. ot tit i'vf)4 :aaur tiim "before and after he hkd'coiiimttted lhe' acttho will be able to identify im. . ntsan It Ts:thui1if b? raanr thai ft&fo or more wilt be subtcrieil, to be paid In -l--v- : . ' Ll-tJJ , case lue inarucrcr-T apprcucuueu , . : I Arm Mi.&M.xi&i nnc Alexan. Portiiw, a young gentlcpaaa, who was derk itt the UddU of Wot. Phillip t Co. left this place fof Talladega on buauiesa for hb employerafand the .tube harinc lone elapsed'. within Which he" was to have returned, and rio tidings !hannr been beard from bW snice he -left that place on his retAra, it wis saspeeted that' he 'had ;?eetir foully dealt with sobewhere on the road, coidingly, Mr.'Wm. E. Philips U& this place a few days ago to inrestieate the cause of his mTsterious disappearance. At Cox's oni therinoantaii forty tnttes from 'this place, 1 was ultbriedthatboat three weeks pas a youn' erfw tie'lrhsweririg the' desciiptioa .fce had given of Pdrti'dlbed at that pfaie. and after dinner itt!$ birectioii 'JtlASi iue fend - tht th same hts:persoh going tfie odet way arrived at nil llbuartd remaised during the nighty riding the very 4me horse which Pprtius; had bpt a few honry be e 4eft jbU houswiUlllJp6d learning fhii; Mr. Philips was satisfied be was iaihii neighborhood of this hlacx catasirbDhe. and assemblinsr the neisrhhors pouy tpor rorqus,,oeannfr evioeu . marts oi toe violence nnder which he tad fiUlert' .:"' Inw thj back' of bis jneaOf am one or two aeep wouna, wuci ap pesr to bae been inflicted-by 4Iows; with a heavy weapon, and as a HottUeDarrrieehot gun '.was found near the spot, hioken off at the breach- bar rels1 bent and matted"' with1 ihair v arMsBnrleJ mi? MoM it; is supiMsed he:Ttnai4?shot Winter he had nassed. 'indnaa? he nsJ nrdeteda&ri: nished upon him and finwhed hisobdy work?, hy, beaWhim Un thehhad i$tta'3V. was found about uitv wdi fmm- twf t(tad-btttn. tM'ei"dab!c:tijbse ttegfie?nanie if the mufdeVer is not known, there are teveral bersoiis in reach i' il of outetdothing, andfying ht it Were'kri vwru uj uw, ouyjROTo.io uc tuc property m iac mtirderef which LouisTiUe, Kentucky, and to have, the name of John CUan or XGrawfOTd:': (a4unauTer) written 'in a gdd .hand pn ldjeinVTrPrus..was riding a 'eodnon- was wetf supplied witn clothes, and had ' aUt 'iOO dollars inmOncy raJ , jf wMchbecanM the plunder of the morderet. C I Since the rxwter hu bq Wyesdgated,' it is re membered that oh this day a sorf of vaaabond Tm- lr was passing through theneighborhood, with'a double barrelled shot, run: - which lie i attemDted to KUvn tiw -iJA bad stolen ,a razor at oti honse. with whichhe.had paid for his break- Ift the ifext -end .the foots found by the body of. Csartfna fiaA i!aysn ? AtA tvsWl i4Sebr &ad wor Jt i supposed,'' thk meeting Por-'' xiuai the point of. the inouutain,he shot him witiU lout any oiner Knowiecge at nis propaote gain, inap What hu exterrtl ewpanJal&rded -; K; yhidbT a young geijtUman ipi "the . .morning pThis' iik. has been ofl. for the mere purpose .of caw, i sal rare and o waiting, tathe sense of a civihied - ve ciseca. whd will- not fWwe trust, in bringing 'the filisia to jpeaeenwii srjcseteivnrottgr Ijs no UfctH'il '' ui ' .fi. l;j&i$M '&O0'-'"i't ):sZr "'v. Mr. PottM wm origiflxHyirom.Failadelplua-- u resiara ui tow ; piacajWWSB emouLom : oy is activity and aUenten4a twnesa and by hispo lite and unobtrusive dertlaeriui;4Keufed ahe iconfuknce and friendship of his era plover, .and the' fegoodiwm of all who knew bim.tr Wfl anderstand H nhaf h has left a brother, thji ooly surviving relative" ''' It ourM tnu melancholy and 1 'hsartrrsnding - be- feaTementr i. ':'J ." IiiaTtTiixa, Nov.8..: MURDERER WOT TAKENV ; 1100. oertainlyy end no doubt t500 or tifiOO oold ha readily subscribed by 1 the eitizena of thu idnUy, ta th persaoiwhs) may apprehend theihur- eisrof AlexanuW forteus ; L ; : U supposed C to he the' hams f the 'individual who iis coroiuiof a mis mnuiuan ana coiovDiooaeq act. A. repoft huritie obisined-circulation' that he was. ta sen. L "i 1 -.7 .: . . - rnaers a prompt contradiction necessary, that tic bjk'inay, henitfie; Jout, p.;if-potsibl faioLi' Borne further tarticulra ara now eiven. rl ... , 1" UCU w bkh Were iiot stated ri the, notice heretofore pub PoruuVkftunUv M return, be was murdered on, the mountain hear i roururreo on. me mountain near. w i cwnu in oioiint ount" 'county, on the 5th October, a double bwiiUed gun,Twho rev 1 af(H)tman with ported biinself a Tailor by Uadv and said be " was roa Kentucky.; The individual is rsf small size. tplexion, with whiskers. Iiis hair trimmed ery . close, behind and.busht . irr fronts his dress a llsck kufCout cjftst: sham shirt, Mack hat-Uberin tb ie top he robbed the deceased of a varv n nr uxse. sixlean haudj hh, a new f Uin ; fina saddle Callan. whs written in a pair of old boots left With the corpse, whichas induced the belief that it wi thy oain'e W the murdore. rPortcut was efiot in ih4 hesui with Irackshc: and beaten Vet theead it i supposed with the gun, which" was broken and left, on tiie ground alwut sixty yards from the road,wher his Temains were found. t " - . . ' Thi is decidedly one of the baaest murders' ever, cemmitted in'any ;oUqtry and calls loudly for the exertions of the public to, detect the villain. J It ii thought bysomej that he. took the direction of Mo bile j or he may yet b in the ireeti eountry or Georga-or gone back ttf Kentucky t, VWe are ati thorised tp say that Mr. WmEUPhUipa.of ,thii place will give ons Hundred Dollars for hlf appre hension and we feet assured that a large nd addi tional subscription would be irnmediately made up by the citizens of Huntsville and : it vicinit - The( prospect" of a large "tewaidia;a?nlcient;to' stima. late pureuit-and he will do good ."buainess who may saccsssfuily follow Up and securetheaiurdertr Gd" Aldmwn uy.Wfpomlius&;Cc4 w fcvorofm. EPhiiip cVCQsjfor;f8,$934T; wm in the pcsesion of Portcus, an4 in all probafci HtJ was taken off by himurderer. 4 U ;' Aooux six mues rai ui uie. i vviu ut, vaiiiuun E. Tennessee, on Ihe road to Athens, Mr, Maxwell swapped for a Urge grey horse, well gstted--mane and uil darker than the rodycarrica hts head high brand between the eyes, large nostrils broad a- cross tne breast, ana roana ramp ; wnen moving; 1th a slack rein apt" to etnmble. If - my me rnory serves me, some of the familv : toM me this horse was brought there by a small dark skinned, dark haired and black eyed Virginian,; Who parted with bim only because he said he ws broke down. He got a olunwy sorrel in exchange was pound to the East Sad stjk! he had been to Mississippi. This was aoovu eigm wesas ago Dec. 6, 1834. -; f r , Ralxiea, 30h l)ec 1834. JMeiirt. Wm.g. phtmp9 U (t.! 1 " GsxTLxxxiT : An extract from an Alabama pa-. pernndcr date .Huntsville, Nov, 4th. attracted my attsonon a few days ago, giving an account ot tne murder of a young jnan by the name of Alexander Porteus, as having been perpetrated in a most shock ing manner about six weeks previously to that day ; and as I believe the perpetrator of. the murder pass ed jhere the first of the month, . I have thought prop er to address you apprising you of the circumstan ces inducing that belief. . . , . During the first week in this month about day break, as a servant boy was passing along ths public road about a mile from Raleigh, he was accosted by a ypung man Whom he describes as being genteely dressed in a broad cloth frock coat" and pantaloons, who-had a pair of saddle hags or his arm and a gun on his shoulder, iirn'o enquired of him thei way to Milton in this State, now far it was to the nvcr, how far before the read forked, and how far be (the bey) was travelling on the road. When the boy infbinw eU ..him he was going about haJf a mile further, the JSpug man , told hhaif he would carryj his saddle bags as far as he was, going, that he would give him the saddlebags and part of. theis 'contents the boy agreed to carry-the hags without any eompenaation; hut when they parted, the youcg man emptisd his saddsehags, took out. some few articles of clothing and gave the boy the saddlebags, a shirt, a shirt col lar, stock and a circiftgle. v. On my return home, the bey told me of the ciicunietance, and I directed him to bring me the things, tlaiaking there was somei thug rvery suspicious in the cireumstance.- ' I found the saddlebags ahnosT entirely new, with no name on them, hat the mark still on them Which ws 1 E M, 6the circingle bad nothing but the price, which appears to be 6s 4t & also new; on the shirt I could find no na'me but. the shirt collar, whicKwaa very , black, was marked AV sfi Ponwca l,These articles are all now iaUny-possession, and I will re tain them until I hear from .you I made ennhy in town the day after I learnt the circumstance from the servant, but could gain jk mfonnation of such a nian being there; and it was not Until I saw the no tice in tha paper ; dial the matted occurred' to? me a gain. 1 regret that so long a time has elapsed since the y pung.man passed here and that I have no clue to his footsteps but I have no doubt het was the perpetrator of the act If this information shall be (Qf any service to his frlendsf; or the meana-ef detect ing the murderer, I shall he rejoiced and' any aid Which' I can give in the prosecution of the matter. wittbsvcbeerfuUy accorded. -. W ' 5 ' I am very respectfully, your, obedft senr't." 1 5EO. "Wr MORDECAI. ednesday Jan. 28. In the House of Representatives, besides other morning busfis4 Mr. Jldatns (of Mas. s, ) submi U ted a ueroiution requesting the r resident of thei. United StaUsAo cbmmuriicate to the House, if not incompatible wjth1 the public interest, any corr?$pondenc'wilh" the Government ofc France,:andanydeJl the failure of the French- GoTernTnent . to carry -into effect any stipulation 'bT the Treaty of the. 4th July, ,! 8$ 1; ! J ffi"1 Senate, i debate of unsurpassed interest, vivacity,. and even-Vehemence, took, place, which turned iriii"dMdlD- fdn --iifeUriyttgi exposures contaihed in ' " n " viufjei vomtnn- tee, bu Pwhicn arose i n cidental I j Ankve ry- different subject, ' viz : the presenta tion 6ti theresoliif!ohs7 of the Ataftama' Legislatu re. insfct) the eafdri of that State to vpte. to expunge fr.oni the oornal:theRes'olu.tion of the Senate at its jasessip.n, ..bannllbf ; ipf)4 acff me rreuuent m vie removal oi tne.puD lie deposites from the, Bank of the United Stategi f Thie purpote wail ayo wed of ma-j kings motion to that etTect and theino tton8vjrtther jnytte bit thgoter'sHe-4C war1 Jnada b Vetvlng thesefteaoiuitans from Alabama, because theywtreot in any fanner addressed to the Senate, and because theyipuri6rfea Senator from th t UmM dflli.t;they ha iovtonstitutionat '0wt$ifcf tk mu tt late'the journal of that bed v. - Fi nally the lubject wis disposed fof by be nrlaid'; on-ihfrtabl eva:thrMtoft motroir of ; Mrtegof ?Cbn hel same eiUlenjan: mi towing retoiution I I deeply in debtits accounts snd renorts irreiru- i use, ine. uenersi rott ornee is truawthat Uieuroa i'ofjrHMilieteKaye been; wSsttd?end niid over toiavorjrd frid wid- isr, unwisisciurv, anu.. in many instances, un Eatches received frornl!e Minister of the raunicated to th&KHouse. itti relatioifcto pais upon taiseprelencesand tliat its cnrulnct nd julmtnistratidn are justly . the subject of pub-lie- Anmnlatat. mnA U-snrl V-.lto.l . meiit.'AV.'"".,l,or,. nil Bocuf ?r. V?.!800 M then uken Sn nrf'.rLr. ei 'oy. Jan. 2g.,Tii lh IT...- soon as thf im.:t ; r.::""r ? t v v mi sans sv m rssi 11 . h m w ouse the I"feLlhmt " . In making the ! nouncemcntt Mr. P. spoke ,n the rnoat handsome terms pf the cha r ?r"e"1lcMw. whose patriotism, ? i &ffl? wit, Whd iood nature.; had made him a.niversat favorite. The' usual resolutions were then passed, and the Hue adjourned?' In the Senite, afternriTate business meisagq was received from the HouseN of Representatives informing the iSenate of the death the Ui.n. Warrm Ii. a mmbcT f that Hon ie from the State of South Carolina, and that his funeral would isac nexi cuy at ii o'clock. Mr. Calhoun then rose, and in a most,feelin and eloquent manner paid a tribute to the memory oi the deceased, and cnnelu- ded br miring the"d riffiSSSrf respect. . ? Friday, Jan. 30. N. legislative busi- nesi wa transacted tn-day, both Houses having attended the funeral fMr. Davis. Saturday Jan. $l.-n the House, this day is appropriated to". private business. The Senate did not sit. Monday, j Feb 2. -In the House, after the presentation of reports, receiving me- monai uie resolution relative to al leged frauds in the Land and Indian A gencies in the Western States, was then taken 'tip. which occu pied the House the remainder of the sitting During the dis cussionthe House was in great disorder, and tnuih bitterness displayed, andc no measuTJ terms employe between Mes- grs. Mccarty and Lane of Indiana. t .iTc.y-.- - .. -s . in ineoenaie, alter me usual morning J business, Mr. Calhoun rose and said that I he had aeea in a newspaper, publrshtd in WashinjOn,' arr" editorial article which he requested the- Clerk to read. The Clerk then read, rom tKe Globe of Satur- day last, an account ofthe attempt upon (he President's life in the Roturfda of the CapitoU Wherrthe reading was over, Mr. Calhaun addressed the Senate, an a warmindanimatetl strain for abouftwen- ty minutes, in which be said it had come to, a pretty pass, that Senators, on that floor couU not speak ofthe most flagrant abuses an an paralleled frauds which had been tlisclsed by the Committee pn the Fbst Pffict, withou t being grossly assail- Sl byjthe Host degraded journal in the country; a d that joBrnal, too. the Organ fjlLJV . i u. r o & ofExe uttve brahch Of the Govern- mnt.j bekators, said Mr. L.,. cannot fcpeaktof thi extraordinary developments; whichlf have been made,' without beint Charged, iata print pampered ami fed bt I .k- fz.JL -.iiu tT. e :-4:T l U VUTCMIIilCIII, Willi IIIC VIIIIIC UI 11111 Mtsainruwun. , nc caiiw upon ine denaton, ia favor ot the Administration, to. reflect upon the degraded condition m tcroooni preceuiegths next annuul Commencement, Which the Executive was try i ng to place ia "the presence the Trustees, Faculty and Stu the Seoate, and trusted they woufd, so far Iwtitution whoon that occasion, wiu r,. m. i . .. , J wear me usual badge of mourning en the left arm. fHom cotintenanctng such enormities, give ssfW-ThI?M. .vnJL o aid to Slay, .the march of irresponsible power. 1 i , : - -The Senate Spent Some time in EiecU- tire business ad rejected by a vote of 26 io -k- nmtn.;n f Tnh-l?;i.K lv- J9.the nomfr,aUon of Jp Fitch tobe Marshal for theDistnct of Maryland. i7uerV, Feb. 3. In the proceedings Uf the House wecan clean nothing of the i,-.. . s -: Slightest interest. In. the Senate, the bill appropriating live millions of dollars for Indemnifying the claims of narmerchants on the French Government (assumed by this Govern ment) for spoliations committed " pnor, td the 50th September, 1800, passed the fee nate by a vote of twenty-five to ;, twenty. yk$Y LATE FROM XiyBRPOOI . ..... vew jotic oanua ?v. proved principles ot humbug. In the first The apoleV'ahd the United States, XL iiiJ.M L.u r A i -..fi.1 ! ' i - .i y'f place, the 4 Republican" members of the packet ships frem .Xiyerbool, the first, of . ' rxr eT . , , Srt'h December the latter of 2d tnstaftU Legislature of New-Jersey formally recom- bring down our accounts to a very late mended such' a Convention, Indstraiht-period.- : ;' Wiy," alt'th I autEority't Resps; re-- i ne uritisn raniarnenr,,waswsojvi , Th e aaier trrijar,s er. Xbei Pjresident'jMesaagft had cembe not reached either ' Frarice reached either 'France or l&ogiatiff, nothin'Wtt;be he Pam cbVrtpondent of he 4n -(ToryJ nSei tbe vtl EqwIaTia. and The anf, (Tory) uiijaer the date of SSth De cemher, -holds ithis . language respectin our Treaty : JZJlJ ' s.Y':lS li- -.. Z'T.t.-i, .i. x AnrnuesttonflFthe twentr-nve miii Hons of francs 4n belaid by France to the therefoie, of this .political intriguer, be se United States df America Vil I soon (in duced into anfucliiecret aWMjlage tin- tew dayat cOroegAin Ufon the tapit.' un- mh aiitii uc uccio.ru, , mi. jv nigsvuiM :i .u.i i i. as- v ;sn.t..n shot up fiot Frfocr allow of irty visits tthim, nor will fee re- men any, ne, message oi ,ww.ctT Jackson will, it iaexnected. sneak 4ut4rfl and that Btieecli ta batted for byWeTio ernment th Vwety 5 me raalletiarceirioontt jeput pll proj jectf or at any rate Mace the sumU be iixui,.. I I 'c,' Otffij: i ,,BrthtfiH" ber of thaOllustrioua4xdy,;wl even hesi fof h tailed tinned with whk hse. a, jr(wd 1 y w , i ; -t i 'fl-V- . f noae. fir nioiith;; is a aunivinsiF w v-i m mmi w vkABASiw snr ma rFa.ua h hjmiii"llaleigaifti wtlbeirNtenitto. Wlt;V''-'lv - V. L-t Brethren broat,T ; ny Vfoxrhatiori that m-y' j be nied to bring him into the gmeral plan. iedio-iii'recoyTryiHl? ,niMatrr:prfdwii-- fr ' . ESDAy-fEBRliAHtlb 183S. Supreme Court.rTu6$ F Deverkvx, q. has been re-appolnted Reporter of the SupjprnexCouetf andwe understand, that he has associated with him frlhe discharge of his duties. WmH, Ra4rt. P sn if Franklin. - , Convenjot c,: The Legislatrire di rected the Governor to haye printed for transmission io each county in the State 400 copies of the Acts concning' the 'call of a Convention. This has feen done, but it may be, tliat in some instances, the pack ages have miscarried. If thfc should prove to be the case, and intormaon of the fai lure W communicated to the Governor or to the Editorsi of this paper, the omission snail be immediately supplied. Mr. Outlaw's, Speech. The ImslAfurp of 1834 win long be remeinjered for the irreat abilitv j k . .ws S,e jther matter. wjiicrt we wot ot. Amongstthe very best Speeches of the Session, is that which we publish to-day. Its author,! just entering upon his career of usefulnek bids fair to become prominent as'a public man. We have had frequent opportunities during his legislative term, of hearins' him addrtss the House, and we have nevjit known him to rise without speaking to tfe point, or to Continue up a moment after ;his argument was exhausted. Disdaining the petty artiBces of the mere declaiiller to attract public attention, he marches"; up boldly to his subject, like a soldier to tfie battlements ofan eneTOy, and he never Recedes from ..... - , U , hlS position until the fortresis h (lemn1ishl . - - e ma nevcr ac(Iuire the Testation of the eloquent Orator, but he is altfwuiy entitled to that of the effective Speaker ' ' 1 . r j ilxe late Dr CaldweU-r-Wi have recei- ved for publication die subjoined ftesoluti- ons, adopted by the Executive Committee of the University, and cannot but express ' ..a 4. J . , , r K. our gratification, that the duty of preparing a Memoir of the Life of the late venerated head of the College, has been so apnropri- ately assigned i pnWi, the Executive Committee, with the deepest emotions of sorrow, have received intelli- genceofthe death of the Reverend Jossra Cald- wait, D. D. President of the University, . iy'!.- Pu nty of his life, his patriotism, and xftal in the cause 0f learning. dhis long, faithful ad disinterested pUbu services at the head of the University. Doctor Caldwell" has approved himself one of the noblest benefactors of. the State, and deserves the lasting Pauwue anaerence oi ms countiymen. i?esovea'That Professor Ajrosoir be request- Character of.our deceased President, and to deliver the same in the College Chapel, on ; Wednesday af- President of the Board of Trustees, ommunieate to Mrs. Caldwell, the widow of the deceased,-a . copy of these Resolutions, withan assurance of pur deep ymP"hy and uicere condolence with-her in tiie af- mct,n8 beresvsmeut which has ,aBen. to hen lot ; and that a copy be d transmittedato the Faulty of the Univendty. .3 . Hetolved. That Messrs. Nasi anl McPniiTxas 1)6 appointed a Sub-comnrittee to preSare andS report i i r ... I v PPP,nw Jionumen. to be erected over the remains 6f ifiie deceased In the burial ground near the University. : ... " J(etoiv4, That these. Resolutions be published in ihe several Gazettes printed in Raleigh. DUN. CAMERON, Cha'n. By order. j Ca. MxvLt, See'y. 4 The BaItxmors CoNVENfioir for. the j purpose of nominating Mr.V Bvbbx, is now about to be gotten up, on he most ap- echoed Jiominon, ' Tl questiorijs lpresen ted to the Democratic citizens i t - .U , .-i, . i n,V l orixoriu-aroiina, wnetner uiey win Dere- v . preaented,;in this.ConYention or no pres.umeyext lpbVewjU b lit rtiacraii oyeiifjie State, to noitttna not." we little Cqu- ciises all oyenC the State, to nortnate dele gates to this Convention, " piedfeed to sup- E Bh -- S ., " -mi ,. '' '-: . V trt Vrj'Viv tttip, -l Let r5o ormoheiit. . r,? -.-s. ." nr-;.- i y, T der imnosinff device of i Jackson r i-.j . delegate to this Convention, .hatevehw merits or talents; whose sentimpts are not previously Known, ana wru wuv k 1 rh tMnr - tr r::: 'ZsV. tf r-u - j lielibemte ;tocCTtatri; the snient? of the great bodyrttf the people th thiOushout the I for Mr. Va Bune .will beummxtnom. to he.a;finjdemem- J i -.v. v Mf.CaI(tweliAsMn as" infeltt'T'rtcA oft 1 Ai 7nn S?llArti.l. . ' i the Raleigl ed to Chapel Hill, for fhe: purpose of tak ing a cast of his countenanced We utider- stand thatiie succeeded in iis object, "arad'J a bust ot tliis good and great inan Will be the result ' " " ; u ' - The Post 0W?ce Avdebate of unusual in terest sprung up in the Senate ubexpected edly,. last week, on this subjec t The Re port of the Minority of the Committee, ap, pointed to investigate the affairs of the Post OfRcet,concltided by re'cmmending a fili for reorganizing the Department As soon as the bil I was read M r. Preston rose an said that after the disclosures ihat had been made by. the Committee in their Report, of the flagrant delinquencies and Brnipt prac tices in the General Post Office he was ut terly astonished to hear -the Committee 'pro pose nothing more, than a legislative pro vision for the re -organization of the Depart ment. Does any one believe there is no turpitude 'm this important branch of the Government ? Docs any tbelieve that there has not been found in it a foul and mon strous corruption, most disgraceful to nsas a 'government that has been in existence so short a period ?" Could any one shut his eyes upon the fact, or misunderstand what was meant by the declaration of the Chief Magistrate, that " the whole Execu tive power was his, antT he was responsible for the use of it ?" Were the corrupt a gents of this department to be screened from merited condemnation & punishment? He would not give two-pence for any mea sure f reorganization, if it was not permit ted us to put a brand upon those 'culprits ,Avho havej been proved guilty of so much turpitude. Mr. Cuthbert replied with great warmth, and spoke in reprobation of the apparent attempts to detide upon the me rits or demerits of the Post Office Depart ment on party grounds. Mr. Calhoun ask ed, who ever dreamed of Party, or the in fluence of Party being brought to bear on so momentous a question. He had listen ed to the Report with the utmost attention, and could not disguise his feelings of pro found melancholy and deep humiliation at the disclosures which had been made. It remained to be seen whether the Senate and the country would sustain these disgrace ful, corrupt, and fraudulent practices. . He declared that if no other Senator stept for ward to da it, he would move a resolution setting" forth the sense of that body as to the guilt of those who were concerned in these corrupt and fraudulent transactions. The Rev. O. B. Baow,:Chief Clerk in the Post Office Department at Washington has resigned Ins situation, in consequence of the dark transactions in which he is im nUcated by the Reports of the Post Office Committee. i - - Mr. Gaston. A Correspondent f the Star .enforces the recommendation of this distinguished gentleman for theJPresidency recently made throughthis paper. Jtrtc tVhiie Erom a biographical sketch of this gentleman, now brought forward for rthe Presidency, which recently appeared in the . Knoxyille (Tenn.) Register, we learn that he is is a native of this State. He was born in 1773,and removed thence, while yet a bo v, to Tennessee. . " . . " " - f The Washington Correspondent of the Charleston Mercury humorously: denomi nates the supporters of JudgefWmTE, ".the white portion of the Jackson party,, the Kitcfieh and Stable squad, are the black division An act was passed at the late session of the Georgia Legislature, giving to parpen ters and Masons, a lien on buildings for debts due on acount of work, done, and materials furnished for the same. In announcing the result .of the re-election of Mr. Leioh tothe Senate ofthe Uni ted States, Ihe J?tcAm0rtk TOi reroarks: Benjamin Watkins Leieh is re-elected to the Senate t the United States, bv a majority small in number indeed, but which, while if is sufficient to the end,: the enthu siasm reflected in. this citjr by numerous visitors from all quarters of the State, the stem and determined spirit of resistance to JExecutive usurpation which we. see here exhibited, and- which 4sViinifested t(i us from every portion of thy Cominonwealth, assures as yrilt be increased lipd; enlarged front day to day, until Virginia disenthrall ed from man-worship, w'dl again, asin her days of -glbry present an almost Unbroken front in resistance off federal aggression, and, an alrnost unanimous determination to stand unalteringj hr the Rights of , the State and of the People, ' - Fxpurgalion.Uu Beaton has given notice ot hts inntion, W ttovetowpiing from the record of the Senate ie obnox To use his own language, he , will never give up thl subject,' but persevere and move onward wtth ithe rcguUrityv ami precision of a Steamboat !' - We hope that the wor thy CbloneVin the excess of hirzeal will not burst his boiler ': deathof this seatimable fman reached "will break u next month, anil i, Mr. A.S.WaushTKxi' hasten- like to knowvhat is the real, practical benefit vliich' hanresu I ted from their labors MThe answer will nU Vequire ranch-jspace, Jand rfVany ingeniiw person will cjontriveUo winnowtlie two grains of whe4t out otfie;. we may spar! joint a corner, in wjuch to ex hibit thent to the "country; - The Norfottt Beatm) has some Ijst re-. mais m relatton to thje Act 'passed byjaur Ilature crmcerning a Convention. 'Phe Editor is however mistaken in, supposing that the nTntiorxiilftntrjled insert a provision inlthenew (stiobSva eating the Commission o Judges ht the age of 65." It isnly;cloSel mllvlitithori ty tfJavide-forj'the;'rJeyai!of Judges, in consequence, of mental o? physical inability, . upon the recommendation of two thirds of both branches pf the LegislafareVThe in- sertion of such a cianse as the Beaqm speaks oft . came venr near! destroying the supnlc- mentai Act that was passed. The Legis- ature foresaw the difficulty oCfixing any number of years as the limit of4nteIlectual energy, and rejected the article. jsjRtgt- vanced age to. the mind tit.r';i)Dfet-'' brisrht. with intellectual iY(r.if. aiRrsnaii is, at least sixteen years; the age of 65, probably more. ,Tlieimnd of Dv. JohnsonJ was as fich and' active at the abu of seventv-three aa? at the nf . forty. The lamp of Lord Mansfield'sge- mus burned brightly to the last Chancel lor Kent, who was subjected io a similar limit in the Constitution of New-York, is oter seventy,-tnis faculties unimnaifed. Allotment of the Superior Court Circuits for 1935. SitlXO. Jude 'Donrlclt, t5tran ' Ed t; nt on t JudgeBettIe." JSfcwbern, Wilmington, Morganton, faartin. Noiwood, Seawell, , Martin, Settle, ' ISeawell. Norwood. Strange. DonnelL Cold Weather. Sunday last is thought to be the coldest day ever felt in this lati tude. At 6 o'clock m the.vmofuing, the Thermometer Was one degree below zero. 1 ' , . i . The People are niovihg. Meetings of the People have been held in Chowan and Tyrrell counties, censuring the conduct of the majority in the Legislature for passing the Resolutions of instruction to Mr. iMan- gurti j atid req nesting , thai gentlernan riot to resign. Particulars iu our next; '!' lYIarriaest. ' MAHBISU, r -: At the residence of James SomerviUe, fluq. in Warren ton, Mr, Eaton O. Field, of Boydton, to Miss Elizabeth Kemp Macon Eaton, daughter of Wmi Eaton, sen. of Warren. .. ry. . In Fayetteville,; by the Rev. Mr. Buxton,- Coun cil R. Wright, Esq. of Duplin county, to Miss Susan M. Arnold, eldest daughter of Eeck Arnold, Esq.- ' .-' : ' - ' v - 'I . . In Robeson county, Mr, Joseph Rigan, to Miss Mary Baker. ' : . . AND Wo, 88, TTATE11 SEEi1, r A RE now rete:vin an uncommonly great ra J. riety pf GOODS, in the above5 line, seko td kth srrai Care br the senioif i parlner of the firm, wfio'is n6w;in England, eipresitly for tho purpose of procutihg th Newest and most Fasliloiaablc 5iy lea. -As their purchases have been made at the low est rates for CAM, they confidently nvite ihe attention of Customers ana Mercnanis generally (DMtia to their very urge ami Ra-msome aiocr, assur ing them of a determination on their part to of. lef the best advantages in point of -price, and liberality tetms. . a? Every attention will be given to packing ami fonvurd'mg.our Gpitds, ami ail otueis executed with fidelity and promptness. -;V , February 6, 1135. ai 8Wiu: fcT Tht Star, Fayeflevifle Observer, Watchman sand ' Carolinian. Salisbury, Wewbem Spectator Greensboro t Patriot, Wilmington Pres$ Hillsborough Recorder . and Oxford Examiner are requested to publish the foregoing to the amount of&S each, and forward, tfair acaunti for the sarin to this Office. - 'jk Look, oitt for the SicineUcr. aJ YOUNG MAk calling himself tAXZSiiXY, A F. IlIttsLEIl, came to our Villagekbout the 24th DrCtmber bst, and Win injjratisted i himself into favor with some ofthe Cifcaen, oh tiined a credit for clothinff vC. and decamped a few days since, lenving hFs creditors nlpid . MILLER is a Tailor by trade, about 22 or2J years ..f ace of handsbme pemt appence, abowt five feet, S or 10 inches high, s'oui both, ha a aw.gi?r in Xs walk, a smooth, round, beardless fce, buck eye and auburn ba.r, much addicted to profane ew Jsrjngi ami fond of.ngv inif Cm5c sgs. lie hd on when he left here, , . x claret cotoured cloth coat, with a velvet col- i tar asttinet pantaloons of the me Colon fJctt -vUvS ve,blck etoek, bbek hat, boots, J. -ti?i&M owing or in thU Bfape.f We - odoibVbe has been guilty of aim,Iar ecnuStct r: 74 f rTq,uenly, Where4re hope, the pa WlaA , will keep aopdJ bdj.. . ; v 3 i 4 3 - ''if jf k-uL if? vl 1 1 " -.. ,4- j- f JL' " . f f - .... i

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