1 . toy ; i ft i 1 (i I i . le r r- se th ch Ce 9k on n- ivr ho he he for hd ern, gum as in iewn i rove 5 fuse: igum Kme rvinj STl jpube I WmpersWH t entertawfcftb. nr I friendly reeling: oVtheVconttaryi there is jnn irrepressible leeting oiKinuness iynwu in my bosom 'JCreatud by the reminis-i-cences of ioriner-day which often impels ! me. to rush into. presence and attempt Vis; dclifeSrfcerom fthe, ;petfidioas - em brace of his vilejjeipyers. Uut it is 1 im praAticablei We ; are. v e parated j and forver! - .. -a' V 'V-- hU Tthnnfthfr Kpnafora tor their wnuigeni i 1. n ..x j 1 V ' 7" ''"'."' . - -T - ' ' " . . 1 '' it- i 1 ' 1 1 1 ..?...... , -vt - . ,. .. - - .. Sheann-r; wlifeil I that "have addressed f them. wi th ; great; For tins RegiKtcrr ; , A" m e e. ti n c 0 .f t he . c 1 1 1 ze n s : ul :,r H 1 1U bo rouh was hd oft Friday 'ifie SOtlr ultimo, 10 atlopt lXf smuiioins expressivir 01 mer feelfigr;tri eccin :;otlhf'ihe late Uev jbr ' C!aUl ivelUi Pfelidwit - Qf the University. The' Htm Frederick 5 Nah M i called to the ChiiKinMr.iWHnw 3 BiWfeli'atrt" appointed Secretary. 'Jhe object of the meeting being briefly explai- .fotnyicyman Tailor. Tlf AlfTEOymmWiitely . Apply Cm ' 1 J 1 u TP0MAS OLIVER. ' .i Re pinrn: -the dis- , . offered bv the lev. Wm. emn duty which I ' , , u.;.'a rr.'lL : charge of a hi?rh and &6l tovetT to the country;! . In performing this , anpr( Hateddress, Who: was followed by painful " tatl? have .emleyored oth- H . Wah!el, Evq.nu nn no les"i m-to extenuate, nor laugbrset ,dxwn g 8ui- to thc occasion 4 ma ice:". I have taken no greater liberties -. .. ? . TFI.P' .SnkscriW,- on hU ret'urn home, Salur H,,trAlPItl Tv oli t,M? Northern Ro.d, hi POCft-ET ROOK COPtsVni: f ihnitt Qf In Aln- ncy a.ntlidiv .rilftMe Paiers. 4 The- moiH-yl cons'sted of seven flO bill, of the iicw Kank, J :.ni in smaller No'Vs ; the balance in s lrer .change, i 1 he; flowner tic ertherl Putters were also Hi the Pocket Honk, which he hereby caution the PuMiejtgairitt trading for, viz':- A N,te oi Vil!isn Alston for $100 o.e do. on Jamt-s Hose and Hobert IJeatlin for $K5 j four do. on Je rrm 'h4)unn--one for $80, with' Jesse Powell as securuv, none tor 560, a Uiard for $6, and an hvith others, than Iiam wiilin2---nay, anx- JtnolvcdVws meetinjr i has heard' wjth llOUS that they shall take With me. The J trnfeijrncd sorrow of the death of the Itev. Jo ... -.i. t l 1 supw Ciinwut. u. D. the late venerable and ipuDlic actsopuouQmeure opti w '. pre(iWent of our lihiversWy. , J: scrutiny. : 1 go 'into' private uie wun a jietoire(i, Timlin his death we deplore the loss lew personal regrets as any man ever citu: 0f ,he Christian, the Philanthrpp.st.rthe Scholar ; 4 Know-1 nave given to my leuow-cmxeuB : ami me ruouc pcnciacwir. i the most conclusive proofs that the allure MwheJ, .Tlt, as a tribute bf respect to fe x ' r tu u- .' ui. o.,ffirQ fri : memfiry of the deceased, the members ot this jineptsof.ofhce have not been su&c.ent to m y crape on their left arms for ihake me unmindful of my country's rights j ys . Rml and honor, or my oyn. Xet those who 10 the alumni oi t ipracticon other principles, enjuy, if; they j f3i,.the triumphs which theymay now or j hereafter achieve by the ascendency of cor rupt influences. 10 -a Jljst ' God. 1 confi P&nfhj appeal1 by Swhost awanl 1 am not tcnly bound, Out witling, to abide. meteorological Journal FROM 'THE FIRST OF-JANUARY, 1835. KZrT.iT THK USIVEUSITT. . The Editor of the Newbern Specla tor'? in reference to the nomination ofJ Judge Gastori for the Presidency, made through our columns, remarks '? ' , ' - -I - ; . If we considered ouf influence, of any w'eight with the people, we" would second the nominatinn nojb only heartily, but with strung hopes of successor Why should North-rarolina look for ever beyond her own borders for candidate for offices of honor ? The other States 16' not require this of hery nor do ve doubt that whene ver ihe -prefers a proper claim, they will l ; . : j . lt Sun. ' U30 3S ;3 ;e I T '29 35 31 . ' 3 27 24 20 i ii 4 11 22 is A ' 20 58 31 A 6 26 43 42 ;k 7 , 15 18 0 lt ; n. f:i 11 81 1 s 9 ,9 27 23 irif i 10 20 32J23 U( T 11 21 14 32 H i 12 20,38,31 .1 ; i At Thermometer Barometer THnd Weather 59 34 29 75 29" GS v 29 81 29 74 29 49 29 67 29 99 29 95 29 84 29 57 29 76 ! w.s.w. w.s. w. jr. it. e. w.s.w s. s. w, I. S. E, n. w. w.x.w. s. . -' W.JT.W. w. 8; ) M. and I Clouds , Clear. Cloudy. Clear. Clear Clouds. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. and 9 P. that the same bj recommended our University generally. Jlesohed, That the ' Executive Committee" of the University be, and they " hereby are re quested, inconsistent with their views of propri ety, to appoint one of the alumni of the Unive'r sitv to deliver a eulojry on, the character of the deeffnse, at Chapel Hill, on the fternopn of the day precedinpr the next Commencement. i Jiesohftf, That a copy of these resolutions he sent to the afflicted widow. of the; deceased, to the officers of the University, to the Governor of the State as ex officio President of the Board of Trustees, and to the Hon.' Duncan Cameron, President of the Executive Committee. Kefolved, Tli3t the Kditors of the Tlillsbnro' Recorder, Raleig-h Register, Star, and Standard, be resjiectfnlly requested to publish the fore-o-ing resolutions. The above resolutions were unanimous ly adopted. i Uobert :Wi!liamsVRtatf for $4 50, and Cusw 11 rorts Kstate for, 75 cents ;i with many other smtill Nots and lttceipts, not rtc-Jltrted. 1 will Rive $25 Reward f r the Pocket Book nd contents, and a re. souable rvmuneration for i the Papers al(ne. W1IJ.TE ROBERTSON. Wakecrur ty, Fb. 10, 1835. 15 St conictton :pf :tlie'imndj!,lyfprevent too great a degree of apathy j-Ott the part of the peop1e, to the importantifitercsti they have at stake in the Administration of the Gov ernment, and induces thenji to keep a watch ful eje upori those w ho afe . en trusted with power. t Of very different materials, how ever, 15 the party composld with which the Administration is.now identified, if we are to estimate its character by the language 6f its mouth-pieces throughout the country. Not satisfied with heaping every opprobious epithet UDtih thnsp. wlin fliffpr from" th.om in nmn;n o-a a a1 i. j treat ii wi'ii me respect aue to ner usuai in opinion, at concerted effort is now mak-1 , , , png to. induce the belieA, that the late in- rTiieso qi,aii;es, jf ,hey sometimes do in- are d e- fill! l r . r I . f (i t r .1 T? 4- n k m 4 i . v-t t ! . r n r. conspiiacy,; ana that Lawrence was only i i i- . - t , . J " , T consid(ratinns, which are but eecondarv, the.instrumeut I Such is the madness of . j(lge Gaston's elevation would be a na party zealots. There is not there cannot ; tinnal good. Sduhnisly avoiding Party be---an individual, who hfcsi bites tn rnnrn- ! combinations, frm a conviction of the evils they produce when carriedbeyond the bounds prescrthed by patriotism, tlie Executive power would, in his hands, be a Constitutional power, such an it was intended to be. His ability, moral worth, and fervent attachment to the Constituti- C. A . Harris, Esq. of Tennessee, has been appointed Chief t Clerk of the "War Department, j Globe. CONGRESS. otf.r ; 'w ip. on Hm-weli Vrry tT35 sane arrempt on the lite -of the President ! tustice to -her own eminent citizens, AlJVm a;?n'All;n1n,Pn f" 45 fw:h i was connived at and set onfoot by his po- advantageous to those of other States, an credit Ot 5U. Als. a .Iiifl'rrmp'ijt nrimsf - Iliir- ... J v ..... ! . ...,n r-. a.- sf, e 'o. .. . " ..!.,. litiml nnn..nuif, i ' .,..4. ! cannot in justice 0e otherwise than rrar Thermometer at day-light A l. Barometer at 12. Snow inches on Tuesday morning, making 1.24225 of an inch of water. Instructors Instructed. v CHOWAN RESOLUTIONS. , Wherea8, the GenerafAssembly of the State of i Nor,ti Carolina at ijheir la it .'session of '34 '35, j have tken it upon themselves to pass certain re- solutions instructing- Willie P. Mangum, Senator i in vunjjrcss ironi uiis otaie,jo vote tor expunr 'Ing ti'O.n tlie recor ls 6f the Senate of the Unitee V-'Stateft'tlie resolutions declarmn "that the Vre- i lent in Uis late Eiecutive proceedings in relation j to the public revenue had assumed upon himself authority and poer not Confer ed by the laws f and constitution, hut in derogation of both.' ? i Be it therefore Rea9lved, 'yhA. we, a portion of the citizens of Chowan do hfcrhlv 'nnnmv th Hcourse 4 hitherto pursued by Senator Manrumi iiiuuijruuoi iiiiu iu pay noauenrionto Uierin er iitkns given him by the Ja e Cpi erJ Assembly of IHhe tate of Noi"th Carolina jclattve.to the'aforei- Jleuhedf That we 4 highry disapprove of -m urweeoingson ine: part or the AHemhlv f. and, do pledge ourselves; not to support for any ;UU1 "navcycr, aoy memperot that bod v. u,,n lentihi aid in the nassatre of tht- i Jtteoked, That a copy of the above resolutions fbc fotwjirded to Senators ; ilangum and Brown, ; expressing to the formei? our approval and to the latterour entire disapproval of his course. For I he Register. ; Iessrs. Editors If Mr: J. Q. Adams had seized on the public treasure, or if yam prefer the language, had removed the public deposttes from where the law had placed them, without the sanction of Con gress, or of the laws, precisely 'as i Gem. Jackson has done j think ybui, gentlemen, in sober earnestness, that in such a case, there could be found on our soil or He roite who would undertake to defend the high-handed act ? I should like to have you answer the question. ; ; . : UNIT. I . Certainly not, and for a very plain rea son. Mr. J. U. Adams did not fio'ht ih v -- - f. - Battle of New-Orleans.; Edts. Ueg.T. nnHIS fine and highly hred Rack Hors will X Stand t.t:is yi ar ai my Stable, 5 miles west of outh-east of Raleigh, and 20 m r h-e-st of Fayettev lle, t 30 Dollars the Sea son, and 40 Dollars to Insure a Foal, with 50 Cents in veiy instance to the Groom. Tlie St asoyi vvi l coiiimencr. the 1st March, and end t! e 15th .Aliens!. Mines will be well f d and pa.vuied ;t 25 cents per d.y,' nd aietuken tv'nh them ; hut no liability for esc.ipes or acci dents. The blood rf this fine Hor?e is of the richest tr in. He was sired by American Eclipsej d:m by Timolron , g. dam by Yoimg Tup; jr- g. dam by Ump re ; g. jr g. dam by Crev Diomed ; g- K- S K- da in .by Old Wild A.r,&.c. &.c. Young Tup H.,sbv iiTiported Tup ; he by Javelin ; he by O'KellyV Eclip-e. Young Tup's dam Was by Mask he by Old Shark,, out cf imported Vrrsgri. Ump'u e was by Old Shark tut f im. poitvd Cub M;re For more pa'tindars nnd r-cing performances, s. e.his Bills and Turf Re gister, English Si ud Hook, &c. t , JNO. V'LKOD, of Johnston. Rona Vista, Keb'y-, 1835. 15 lOt ti, wno hesitates to renro- bate in unqualified terms,M.'he foul atrocity. These partizans Icnow it, and.yet for effect, ' they publish such nonsense as appears in ; the followipg Editorial extract from the' last '"Standard" : r' i Tlio linnni" ill Im vi ii or "Takfnff into view tuh whnlp rhin ,f on guaranty this. circumstances, the conclusion is forced up-"iSlven a H es. dent to the United Mates onus, that u the mad aoss of the Senate, i wr,uU1 be ,he "l.v exclusive -privilege the violent and impassioned speeches of the ' whlch Nrth-Caroli.ia would derive from Senators, calling for a Brqtus to- save his ! Ju!e Gaston's elevation. In every sense country, &d have oneratedunon the mind ', of the pnrase, an American citizen, his i ' . . . . ) 1. " I. - 'a. l 1 I 1. - A . . .. .1 niiieM. anioiuou wouhi oe loprouioie me good .of the whole Union.' As our Legislature had other matters tofconsider than the honor of the State or the general welfare, it could.. not be ex pected that it would act like the Legisla tures of other States, and etideavor. while advancing the national character, to ad vance also that ot our own deserving citi zens, we therefore respectfully suggest that the Convention, which will meet. at Raleigh, a few months 1 ence, shall be re quested to do what the Assembly shou'd ot an ignorajit and daringlruflian," so as to drive him? to attempt this deed of despe ration. Wfe cannot, therefore, think the ! plea of insiity ought to ve the assassin, j or screen those Senators Upm the indigna- j tion of the people, who h4ve .represented I the Preside!) t as a Cromwell, a Nero a tv- i rant, &c. and thus wrought; up the mind of ; this desperado to a state h phrenzv, and ) induced him to believe lie! would be doip.p-' the country ,a service by pitting the. Presi dent to death !" $ aep THE REGISTER. It ALEIGII, Hr. C. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1835. TYRRELL RESOLUTIONS rTTierroj aU political, power in this State i s ves- ed in and derived frwm the Deoole ohl v. and the , ucuijii; aiunc uac inc unquestioned ns-ht to con- I trol dLdirect their pu&lic agents, and any- at ; tempt to exercise tins power by any other tribu- hoi mivvi ,uai.jjjiiuii mi me rignts o: tne peo ple s artd whereas it is the dutv of the ne nn "when heir fight s: have been invaded, peacefully ; t&afiKspible together ; amlrotest against such as- j sumption oi powerfr-assert meir own rights and prerogatives, and endeavor to" arouse their fellow !tiiizenstrircug4iout the State to a sense of their ltanger and duty ' r !' Htolced Therefore, that the Legislature of im wit, i ii ijasi. session, in as i rung and ex ! ercismjg the power of instruct nsr the Senator- jof this State the Crcss-of the. United States, vcic gi iy oi ut.urj)uou ana a glar ng violation Jof the .rights (f the rnple- , : i 'Jieaolved, , 1 kt pur Senators in Coneress are nbt the representatives of the Leirislkture of the State, but the representatives of the sovereignty of the State of' North Carolina, aid that conse quently, the, Legislature have neither the inhe rent constituent, nor constitutional right toin struct our 'Senators. ; Jlttohed, That the Political Kesoluti ed at tile last iession of the General Asemblv of t; k.4 : 4 t, wt iiriv Misouic, insuutt ciuji. vviHte f. jiangum to 'vote forxijunging jthei Resolution of censure hiansed at the ast session of the Seiinteof the Uni ted States upon the conduct of the President in removing the deposites of the frovenunent. was a-oisrepuuDie and ignoble demand on the part of the Legislature -calling- upon an -honorable man to dp a dis.-epul'bfe and iirhoble act. and if taniely acquiesced in by the people would be a lasting stain upen the pride and glory of our an cient commonwealth. KcsolveJ, T hat'tlie Hon. "Willie P. Mangum did nut misrepresent the interests and views of the people of th s State in daring- to oppose the Preside nt's unauthorised claim over the public treasure oi the country. w ; Hetolved, That for the patriotic efforts of our Worthy Senator m maintaining and defending the "Sww wic peopie against misrule and usurpa ilqne will use all honorable 'means' to simiHin iid protect hm from ;iie Guillotine of the "aven ger 14 tlie people." . Resolved, 1 bati nigh a large portion of the people of this county were the original, cordial, unci lionciit supporters ot Andrew Jactsun. vi-t tluy tliscla'.m being' Ji Vassitls of any man, and icjjci w uu lauig-nauon. tne unnaiiowed attempts of the President to designate and dic tate to the free people of these United States- h shall be his njCLeVssor in office. Resolved. 1 h t belie'ving crisis has an ived in the history .of our affair big. with the fate of free dom, and., believing that the liberties and uniou ot the people of this Confederacy chiefly depend upon a vigilant and lalthfut adherence to princi ple and the constitution, Uherefbre resolved finally,- that we will. not commit oofrselves at this time in favor ot cither :f the present aspirant for the l'rrs.dency, but i the coming contest we ill ..w.y..f.v so io turei t teiir cou.se as to A Stout, blacktannec! hound' DOG, the end of Ins' tail tipped ith wh te, has a goi.d nose, a fine mouth, and is a lively hunter. The subscriber will reward liber ally for his return to hrm in Ralejgh, and will be grateful to Sporting Brethren' abioai!, for any information ihat m;y lead to his recove-i v. GE ORG E W. II AY WOO II. Raleigh, Fb. 4, 1835. 14 2 w m s si c h a $? t a noa Fa yettcville Street , UALEIGlfjV.C. OESPECTFULLY informs his friends and .Lathe public, 'thai he has just received, and is now opening, 4 doors above the I'o.st Ofhce, in addition to ins lormer stock, an elepant assort ment oi ery huptiior a) t.clc:, the following ol wincii comprise a Jiart, viz: Sup. Blue, Black, t Duhiiu mixed, Invisible t.i e-n do. i he Presidency. Accounts from Wash-i have tl orif recommend Judge Gaston to iugton say that the friendsftif Judjre While 1 'he pe pie of the United States, as a can lidute tor tne Presidency." are very active, and are miking such a de cided impression on the Administration ranks, that the nomination Mr. Van Bu mi, as the candidate of the united Jackson party, has become almost-hopeless, and is every day getting more so.;" Supreme Court. Michael Frances, of Macon County, has obtained a License to practice Law in the County Courts. Owing to various impediments, which it was impossible to foresee or to guard a gainst, but few Cases have been argued. - We. subjoin a memorandum of such Opin ions as have been delivered : Rcrrix, Chief-Justice, delivered the Opinion of the Court in the case of. the State v. Garner, from Warren ; affirming the iadment below. Also, in the rase of Eason t-. Pettaway, from Pitt ; reversing the judgment below and ordering a ventre tie novo. Also, in tile case ot Lozan . Simmons, from Kutiierford j affirming the judgv ment below. Dasikl, JudKfi, delivered the Opinion of the Court in the case of S.i.ith v. Wilson, fom Bun combe, affirming the iwdgrrent below. AUo, in the case of Walker, v. Fentress, from Randolph: TViird Congressiomd District. Mr. Pettigrew of Tyrrell, invcompjiance with the wishes of the people, as expressed through meetings in variousf parts of the Dis- A spicy debate took place in the Senate, a few days ago, on the question of printing an extra number of the Reports from the Post Office Committee. Among' those who participated in the debate was Mr. Man gum, from whose remarks on the occasion we copy the following : Mr. MANGUM said that this was a very impor tant matter, and was of more immediate interest to tnct, has. siginhed lnin hoest, manly, and comsress; and he was inclined to vote for "tap high- unassuming letter, his wilt'msrness to serve i est. number, but he should be unwilling to-do that as their Representative in (yongress, if call Oxford do. Corbo, Victojie Purple, ; W.ne Blue Black, Drab, Uoe Skin, Sage, and Merino. Velvet, Satn, Toilineite. y; CI.OT1IS. I CASMEKES. J TESTINGS. ed to the station by their suifrages. Dr. Hall will also we presume j again be a can-didate-. ' - unices the reports were accompanied by tle docu ments. Every Senator there knew jthat the viru lence and prejudice of parties would operate against a mere statement of fucts, and they, would obtain no credence were- they not supported by the testimony on which they were founded. And what Depart ment of the Government he should like to know, was of such deep and vital interest to the community as that of the Post Office 1 It was only by sending Thursdays feb. 5.rIn the House, a number or private hill were passed to ihoir final reading. In thc Senate, Messrs. Vaggaman,V Calhoun, King ofGeorgia, Mangum and Benton, -vera ap pointed a SelecCComraittce to consider and report ' on the cxpodif ncy qf establishing "hranchcsxof th " United 'Stales Mint at New-Orleans, and isome-where- in the gold region of the South. Resolution , wera adopted pn motion of Mtr. Clay, direcUng the " Committee on the Judiciary to enquire into the ex- . pediency of making further provision to enable In- , dian nations or tribes to whom land are, secured bv treaties with the Ignited States to defend and main tain their rigK to ssucb lands in the' Courts of the United States in conformity with tlio Constitution ; fnd. likewise directing the Committee on Indian ' Affairs to enquiroHnto the expediency C. making further provision fop setting apart a district of court- ' try west of the' Mississippi ?;River, for such 'of-.ho Cherokee nation as may be disposed to emirat and.to occupy the same, and for. ( securing irv perpe tuity the peaceful and undistarbed enjoyment there of to the emigrants and their descendants. "A joint' resolution appropriating -$40,000 for the purchaso of certain pictures for the President's Jiousc, waa rejected by a vote of 22 to 20. " v V ; Friday, Feh 6 The House waa engaged all day, in the consideration of the bill subscribing for stock in the Ijonisville Canal. -hi :-r. In the Senat, the bill for the re-oigrnization of the General Post Office Department was taken tip, and the amendment ottered by Mr. Urondjr, "direct ing that all the debts of the Department should be. paid out of the public Treasury, was after" a long debate, in which ccvcral Senators participated, r& jet ted. . . " fjflturday. Feb. 7. In the House, the wifole day was occupied in the discussion of af ' motion to refer a message to the Committee on Foreign Relations,) sent to the House of Representatives by the Presi dent, concerning thc French Question., The sub stance of the information communicated hy tha Pre dent, is Mr. Livingston says, the Bill will bc reject cd hy a very decided vote and that the President' Message had not been received. Mr. Adams mads a warm speech in favor of corape!lingT,rance to a liide by the Treaty. Thc debate was of deep in terest. ' - . In the Senate, after a variety 'of morningbusiness the Post Office Bill was taken up, and ailer under going various amendments, and eliciting a good deal ol debate, during which, there was a general admui sion on all sides, of corruption to a great extent itf was ordered to he engrossed and read a 3 time, by an unanimous vote. ' This bill places the Post Office. Department on the same footing with the ether Da- partmentd of Government. ; .Mondtti;, Feb. 9. In the House of Represcn- tativ. s, after the transaction of some m'nor husi. ne.is, th" House entered upon the cons dera'ion of the bill to establish the turriti ry of Wisconsin . upon which a debate r"se, which continued till the adjournment the debate falling inciden tally upon the question of the boundary lme be iween the Sate of Ohio and the Territory of Mi chigan, rather than upon the bill actually before the Ifoube. In the Senate. Mr. Calhoun, from a select Committee.Kilpoin'.ed upon his motion,- toinquiro in'o the extent and operation of the constantly increasing patronage of the Executive the U nited States, made a very elaborate Report, tha reading of which occupied more than two hours. In presenting the Repor.. Mr. Calhonn said thit it had the unanimous assent of the Committee on every p-' int of it but one, and on that one a sin gle member of ihe Committee only dissented. X ;.tJ Marriages. T reversing the judgment below. Alio, in the cae ofhrwih v. lireeniee, from Burke : affirmmtr the ' . . . i . i . . . . . jiiuguieiK nciow. ais, m me case t INcul v- Roberts, tiom lyrred; affirming the judgment below. Gill s et. al. v. Martin, in Equity, from Mont gomery ; hill dismissed. V ck, Adm'r v. It ck. Admx. in Equity, from Nsh ; final decree. Irvdell, Ex. v Langston, in Equity,f,om Chow au ; final decree. Tisdale v. Fluellin, in Equity, from Nash ; fi nal derree Ford v. Mi rris, in Equity, from Mecklenburg; final decree. . Election of CqiUtMes-iOn the 6th inst. Tniripa If Mil rrav xv:.-tf ci'rtci r.imcliiMfl - v- ' ..1.iva n 1 ii-.-vol tnct fiM. rvvri In hp hrn.ntrh for tlllS Cltyi and llliaiU Brown tor the ; out, and light thrqwn. on this subject? He should Raleikh District j he unwilling to vote for an extraordinary number of - ' j copies, did he not think they mighkhe usefully dis- French Affairs. --Indications of an ami- tbl'tcd- 0That thrrce orYournly khould' be found i M m r-very County of each btate, was not sufficient, cable adjustment of our controversy with ,; he was sure Ana ft was not to be expected that France, are- by no meanS SO 1 favorable as j the great mass of politicians who were contending , , r for otiice would bring ull these facts.to the notice of they were at the cotnmenement of Con- thcpublic in thelr addresses to thbm. 1 j He had heard very little ot th? report read, nut that portion of it which he did hear, developed facts mopt dwgracelul to wiat portion ot the uovcrnment. Last spring the Senate had ordered 30,000 copies of the report on the Post Office to be printed, and it had tended more to awaken tne Jfeopie to tne true WARRISD, county, Mr. James D. Pembertort. gress. Together with a large variety of articles usu ally krpt by Mdcliant Tailors. 4 The subscriber has in his employ aevera first rate workmen, and feels confident that ht can ensuie geneyul fcaiibfuctiou to all who may favor him v iih their patronage. 1 . ..wv niv. ii mi uisiiiiii' ineit u-.vn maienais can have their work finished in a style, not iutenor io any in uie u. States. XV. U. Ail flers from a distnnce thankfully icociveu ami promptiv attendee to. Jfoleigh, Fel).,ir,l8J5. ; f. Steane's JEitstlnManMeUsii, OU ZEST; For the flavoring of Sou,1 Slews, Gra vies, 4-c This highly approved article for sale by ' BECKWITH & JUMP. TO DEALERS liV LTOIBEK i : . - Governor Branch's Speech. So much has been said of this Speech, and public ex pectation is so generally raised, with regard to it, that we have no doubt it will be ea gerly devoured by all classes of politicians. It abounds with those spicy ingredients which so well befit the public taste, and to the unitiated, it reveals indeed, 14 secret worth knowing." In tracing the history of the times, Gov. B. paints with a master's hand, the prominent members of that school of politicians, who deeming inconsistency a virtue, do not hesitate to course the rounds of selfish and temporary expedients with out ever hesitating; for an instant, as to the character or the means which may be ser viceable, in the attainment of their ends. Post Office Department If the bill,; which has passed the Senafe. unanimously j for the re-orranization of ihe Post Office i Department,' should also pffes-tbe House ... - . .1, I I TVl will be out ol the power otKliose who desire , fr()m ,ho scnator front South -aroIina, who insisted to use it hereafter, as a political engine, to that "we were beaten.' On the contrary he bchev- , 1 ; . . , ! td, that victory would yet be theirs, if they did their do so. e take it lor giantetl also, tlk.t ; and with thc heljp of q0(j, he (Mr. Mangum) Major Barry, whose indorilpetency all ad- ; meant to do it. To suppose that the people would init will betlismissed; ! ' I ot sllorll' Percclve the eor.ruPlion thfe was-going urn, win oeuisinisseu. ,i,finv..1mmf wnstn insinuate that thev were Oil HI IIILUUIIIIIIM."'! K -J I hey were, however unfortunately entranced but they-would ere long ' condition of thines than any thine which had occur- ' , ... , i . . ti. . u .i:r. .1.. red tor tne ia.se icn years, nc uiyugiii.unim-ii nnnv0nfli.il Ounftnn 'l XWcmnPrs ! incapable of .clf-governnjent. all over the State are disdissing the eipe-, awakcn from that profound sleep in which, they diency of ratifying or rejecing the Conven- ! were wrapped, and annRe on u. ' ncuDu8 3 J -.. - o J j 1 ... hnaviW nmn them. He would not admit tion Acts. This is exactly fight. The prin-; hat th0 pC0pie wereinCt for Government he ciples involted, ought to be well under- ' thought another campaign would show those who stood before thev arp ncinil nn' nowiooseaiu uj u. r, SIOOU, oeiore Uiey are pciett on. 1 ... ,in, ia.lc of tiie present state erf affairs, Llll VI . ' '. . . In Richmond to Miss Charlotte J. Stanback. . In Duplin county, by the Rev. Mr. Mclver, Dr. D. Gillespie to Miss Iucy Jane Pearsall. "' At Edenton, Gen. Wm. A. Blount, of Washing ton, Beaufort county, .to Miss Ann B. Littlrjohn, daughter of John W. Littlejohn, Esq. of Uie former .place. In St. Louis, Miss. Mr. John H., McMillan, of FayetUville, p. to Miss Mary Ann Sheppetd. In Salisbury, by the Rev. P J. Sparrow, Mr. Sydney Spears to Miss Margaret Sbaver. . .In Morganton, by Robert C. Pearson, Esq. Rica C. Spears, Esq. of Virginia, to Mrs. Susan' P Shear ly. Hymeneal "Extraordinary In the vicinity pf Conner.wuic, Indiana, on Thursday by the Hon. J. M. Treadway, Mr. Isaac Marls to Misa Lavinia M'Cormiok; and at tho same time and. place, Mr. Moses Marts to Miss Tabitha M'Cormick. Cupid is an eccentric as well as a mischievous and frolicsome rogu. It is said he is1 blind but we shall forever doubt it after the striking coincidencea h has perpetrated in the aforesaid matches. Messrs. Isaac and Moses are twin brothers iTMissca Lavinia and Tabitha are tvvin sisters. The first pair are tho elder born, the; second pair the younger born. Th brothers wet c, horn on the 27th day of May, 1812 ; the sisters were born on thc 27th day of Feb. 1816 ; all were married on the 27th of November, 1834. Thc brothers reremble each other so nearly; a also the sisters, that Judge T. tells us ijt "puzzled, hint exceedingly to tell wluch was which., Ind. Watch The Legislature of New: York have fol. lowed suit, and instructed their Senators 'to vote For expuhiging Mr. "Clay's Resolution trom the Journals of the S. Senate. would produce a powerful result upon the People, i and those who are now the successful party would . i,n Vw.rt.pn horfe. foot, and dragoons. He trust- ed in God that he should do his duty. If he Could turn but a pebble, it should be turned with a good hea:t, and a patriotic purpose. 4 - Deaths. JUUPOSAI.P wiirbe received until the first iJLiUay ot March ensuing, 4pr furnishing the necessary Lumber for the Centrehuilding of the EPISCOPAL SCHOOL also, for BOO.OQO hard liltlCKS -all to l,e deliwred Oh the premises of uie episcopal cnf:ol. orturther information appiy 10 uie suoscrioer, at uu reside uceirbto Hilbboro' Street. t i ; . - .-.' , wm, s. drummond: ,Rali);h,,Feb. 13, 1S34; ;f- . ,.r , yue principles winch are dear to He l , .ujltca.is-dear 10 HAmert, and upon the estab- to 'h l! ""T "cpeuus uie perpetuity of our N -thV. - ' r c w-i'puictis i-.nu liberty oil ATTENTION !v CITY GUARDS. TjARAlilvat the Court Hj4e; onf Saturday, tne )wt. at J o'clock! ametl and e I'iPP' accirthng tp. la WV Jmniem urate the Ily order. ' l..W$ PECK, 0.1. A private meeting, of the Comranv wilt b held t the Con t Mouse on Thursd:.r evtnine r .. ! ... 1 .. -i 1 yye are auiuoriaeu iu announce toi. r , :, i9 cnrpiv handxi hams as a candidate to represent ! i ae : 4 ,.nn a: judee White for the this Dixtnct in the next Cjingress of the ! presiJe He says "the Judge has pretensious, lumen oitivcs. "iiywiu juywuuici. J but asks whether nc wm uuci iuuj. '"f , against General Jackson and his .Kiminutraiiou. r ,i,,-,ht- it hm ieen as tne successor ui ut-ijiai " ; . ckon, and not as his opponent that the Judge was t nmmtP Knt the anxictv ot-IIie iiinior may ex cuse Some, confusion of ideas He draw an ajpal ing picture for Uie contemplation of the Judge ; s..ys his nomination ; is atrick of the Nuliifiers that it will throw th& electfqn' vinto "die House ofJicpreBen tativestnatofthe bitterest enemies of thc ad min istraticnmt t'ireinia willtry to ride into Con- nithe Judic's back. &c &c The; Judge will William Gaston of N. . is nominated W as next,Prestdent. by a wfiter in the Wa-, Ja' lpiirh Resrisler Mr. G. fss too grontl and e ar pol In Granville county, MrSimuel R. Parliam, a most respectable citizen yho. Miss Lucy Parham, daughter of the sarmv" : y's In Louisburga few days ago, Mrs. Mary Willi ams, relict jpfthe late John Williams, Esq, at the) advanccdige of 82 years. IrCumberland county, . after four hours illness Mw Isabella catty, consdrt of Mr. Henry B. Bcat ty, and eldest daughter of Jonathan, Evans, Esq. In Montgomery .county, CoLJohn Crump ; also. Rev. John Hancock, of the Methodist Church. In Washington, N. C.' .of Consumption, Miss r " ' 'o".--v H to Luke with Whsr a Icssun flnpc thi unvarnished nar- rativ of facts teach the aspirant after poll- pure ami high-minded a hjj .. . . . r ihe nolitical artiz.ans 01 C tigai renown anu oisuncuoH ; ijei iiumau, - . Jliexamria Gazette. who embarks u pon . the tempestuous sea ot 1 party politi CS, flatter himself With the hope 1 1; From ihe National IntWligencer of public approbation,: by a stern and un- Appointment 9 bifthe "President, by and ! cryl obdurate if the alarming condition of the Melding devotiontehis cin,trj'9 intert odfWJrl& . 1 . Li. . t -j. :i 'JliLnaii.! imnKooinrl nr.. I CU w ru U-? i lsrauain, v "aiies p ami gioiy. it iau.c,;u; I ttT.vi Rllmk andiSlenhen Allen. ori hi ihirtd, that cautlous, sly and circum-I b- i)ir,.cVl,rt;rtfebehatI of the United U spect standing aloof wrapped in myste rious silence and awaiting the devclopement j of happy opportunities, is , the surest and most easy road to fame ! No man can doubt I that if Gov, B. hatS permitted ihimself to be used as a.suhsement tool, tliat he would at this monentj. be filling tlie high offices of Government? He dared to coiswlt his own views of propriety, and he was ostracised. States, ifctheiiaak. of tjie United Slates, for the yearjl835v : l' f ; -From the Alexandria QaxeUe. ' Annointmknt hu.MePrhuteniJunthout the advice t undjconj ent ; of tht Senate. MARTIN YAN BUUBN lo be presi dent of tVnited States after the 4th March, 1837.. Ti i .it- or verv bold if he holds Int. Deacon Benjiroiri Goddard, who died aC Shrewsbury, (Mass.) orf the 26th ult. affycofartie.H'iavc existed un I aged 93 vcarawaacoftant sabscriber. der all governments, and .their Existence U the vorceier apy, irom us very com- o y . -. .. I mAnanvantJ trirl rnM 1 1 n nffi ut until thf lilt. llV'llIVli) VjM Vf " "i 1 day of his death, pendd sixty fic& may with safety be tolerated, and even de 'ired, so iona' as they arise fiom the honest Newspapers in the United States.-Thc whole iiumber of Newspapers now pub lished in the United Siatei, is said to a motfnt to t265---of which 2f5r are publish -' ed in the State of Ne York. 220 in lmn-j sylvania, 108 uf Massachusetts, and 140 in Ohio. A greater number we presume, ihan is issued by all the rest of the wjil tzed Globed collectively. ' Mr. Craiir- Sunerintendant of the Pat ent Oflire, and Dr. Mayo, clerk iu the same, have been removed. Cause of re moval unknown. It H suppLtht Mr. Pickett foimerly Secretary laMr. Moore n UU miion. will succeed Mr. Craig. Reliance 11. Smith, formerly of Harwich, Massachu setts; also, after a short illness, John Urban, of France, aged about 53 years. ' ' In St5kes counl, Mrs. Elizabeth Linebach, con sort of Christian Linebach, aged about 60 years ; also, Mr. Arrtisworthy Bevelc, aged 16 years ; also, Mr Andrew Crause, aged 65 year j also, 'Mr. Jo seph M'Plicrson, aged 86 years. ' Kear Salisbury, on the 24th ult Capf. Thomaa Mull,'aged alwut 60 years. He fras a worthy auj respectahlc citizen honest and upright in ail1 hia dealings with his fellow-men. v. AtStatesviTle, on the 18th uit Absalom K. 9i- . monton, of Apoplexy, aged adout 40 years. ' In Mecklenburg county, on the 25tli inst George . W. Houston aged 60 years. . . At his residence in Wayne county, Probert Col- , . lier, Esq. in the 70th year of hU age. The deceas- cd Tormerly resided m Lenoir county, and rspresen-; f ted that county in the Legislature of this Sute ; ami for upwards of 20 years past, has resided in V ajp . county, where, by hi many virtues he had secured I a numerous circle of friends, who, with a Urge -. .ra uft tn mrtum their irririarable Iom. In Tipton coimty, Tenn. on thd Tth'Decfmber;. Mrs. 8rahf A . Taylor, consort tf Wm. A- Taylor, - -q. formeriv of Gmovillc courity, bt tha Sutft. j In AugWa; Georgia, o th 8tst ulumo, Ale, ; , ' Graham, agod tbout 50 yoaw. e was a naarfc ft j on his mission Mecklenburg coanty, 111 this ouue. : , . ; Or, Hie 4th inst. at res cJi Coltimbii. ' - . : -iV. ' 1 ' 'V, t 1 i jibed . : I People. j years. t . . , - . - rAl I-:;...:'- ..v.;,.'- , - -K

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