t1 J2AIiEIiS REGISTER- AND N OSSTH-C A 43 AZ E , I iV . lii Jf I am s'urprizeoV; sucharu merit- as ri? -.e 'public mind. Sir, indijritant tn hear Vcome from th source whence it does. herwas the pretended sorrow for the otour ancieiit,instittions, amid the woe o f Re for hi"w hi ch , h as I a t el y been f . in on ? Hare we not seen some of the .- t important provisions of that Consti- . kttion hallowed by so many sacred asso ciations swept away, one after another, r&yfthe besom of innovation ? Have we 'not, I iay9 seen our venerable Constitu., 'tkm despoiled of v its fairest proportions, pand, like the inimitable Statue of Wash ington (to use, "the beautiful idea ot the gentleman; from Carteret) torn t"b' pieces, limb by limb ? Sir, have you not seen kn unfortunate, though degraded race of jbelnss; who are taxed for the supports 4 ilie Gpofernment, deprived of all partici pation in the selection of tkose who ad- Inmuster that uoveenmenr, therebycom premising: that cardinal principle in free jJjfca' ijflitirnrnm A'n f Kif ronrauan f i tino and f W ry ition should never be separated. Have ' a, ' Legislature, altered from one to two years, xnereDy .urjnecessaruy remiairsg uie uuc atlmif'istration of ju,stice--lullinff the peo- .ff)le into apathetic indift'erence to the true - 'principles of their Government, and to -fC t h er gi aft t strides of Federal power ; ...for-.. X-eettinghalt pbliticaf axiom, that" eter-; naL'Viffilance is the once oMibertv." ? v " Have you not seen the lelative proportion ;1 which has heretofore existed between the . Jwo Houses of your Legislature, destroy renlotest verge of creatiqnl-Buhthe en- tlemin telfsyoii. he don't like Ihc fashion of ithe'tis.VSh'f he roay if.hti clioojses, stem thijiapld current; for;mysef,T pre fer to be borne aong with its resistless 1ife.- - -, . , But it is again ured, that the amend fnent -;of-thi artice . will - endanger the ra tificatinn" of the Constitution, by the peo ple. Sir, ,iftlj.ere is no other way to en sure its ratification, but by sacrificing the great principle oT religious liberty, then, in the name of all that m sacred, let it be consigned'to ah eternal oblivion. It were better that society should be dissolved, into its original elements -bet I er that the fide of colonial vassalage should again sweep over this extensive country from the seaboard, to the mountains, and we should be left again to grapple for our freedom w i native tyrant's chain, or" the scourge to wade to our liberty t DlffOt'S through oceans of tears and seas of bfooil, than' ir this enlightened age, when the march of mindis onvvard, we should prove so recreant to the spirit otMtiberty, as to light anew .the.Xo.rch oT persecution, aiul extinguish forever the fond hopes of phi lanthropy and , freeilom. - Let it be rejected we shall still have the vatuablje CotJstitutioo our laihers gave us, witJvthat odioas feature 'despoiled' of half its horrors, afs it now is, by la libera1 legisldtioni 'But, say gentlemen; il al lowed toeinain itnwili be a deiul letter then, as jt Ai.tTow.il Siiv if dltcr all e discussion upon thisi-matter, it is still rc- etl? And,. sir, for what ? Was it wilh artained:: I'assw. Jt vvi'l ha A ' f thc Promotion .ofhi happiness no longer. The crisis conten.plated bv nnri rtincri(iiif tr st niih.i o rn iini i r iu u t ? . .U III U7II ItT VI III WUI VI I WU V VVfcliJk 11 k fT terTzed- the Saviouwn his sojourn tmon men t Doe n'accYiTti with that-hc;vokice tor the huin&'n'ftnttlrt charity forotliera, without whTrti the Apostle says, practical exercise of all Christian duties, coupled with a faith strong enough' to remove mountains,, is k9Ut sounding bras?. nda tiklinjf cymbal." Sir, is "this C onvention ready to incorporate into our fundrfnwfilal law, the doctrine, that "honesty, 'capability, an-1 faithfidu-ss to the Constitution, is i a ,uffici. n qualification for oftiru-, but tli&t he wlwobuins It, must abjure a certain 'particular faith' ? Sir, who cns itutcl us judges ot the h. arts and conscience of men ? What right have we to impugn the Hotiea of our fellow lmn ? It is asserting one .of the attri butes of (he Deity bimself, for it is ihLord a lone that pondereth the he rt. Sir, you may carry on this sji'em of persecution, but it. ere is one point beyond which you cannot go. You may subject the bodf to piivntion and torture, but you cannot tether the jnind ftttts canuot bind it- 'yrnts -cannot enchain i' dungeons caunot confine it it wiil vine superior to the powers of fate, and nspiie to biro who.gve it. Mr. Chairman, I for one, am ready to oir-etth s rcrniis : I know not uow it mav anect ray ponuv Cal "prospects btrtafur, but this much I do, know, liat the paih ot' du'y shnll be to ,me the path cf pleasure. I rely fV.r support upon tt.e virtue Sod liberality of the people. I witl re turn to niy, ccn&tituents, ami to thi ir raagnaui mity will 1 ,pp'l. 1 will appeal to their intel ligence, to their generosity, and to their devo-. tion to liberty'and their country, rft'elcor.h dent that they will sustain me. Hut if I should be deceived ; if I should be unable io jrrapple withfinaticism, and mv poiit.cal martyrdom should" be the consequence, I :ball still have the iprotul consciousness of u faitiifol discharge of .duty. The vote which I uiu a'.ojt to ive, will ever be an event to which I shall recur with delight, let the tonsi quences be what they may. At all events, come. weal or come woe, I intend io V 1' my duty t.i my country, and leave the consequences to God." nrosneritv of N A. v it with an eve single. to the advancement f orlocal interest? and of sectional conve-.V-nietice ? Yes, -sir, we have seen all tilts, ajnd ' not one murmur of disapprobation have we heard ; iiut no sooner do we at . tentpt to wipe away this only stain upon our political Charterho sooner do we attempt to rui conscieace, or us snacKies tne gentleman Irotn Oranoe. will thpn have arnvedhisfthunder will sleep no longer, but will hurl its bolts in every direction. If; a compliance with public opinion causes it to be regained, that pub lic opinion will thetv have declared, that there is good cause why it shovhl remain public opinion will, then have inscribed its Construction of this article in snrh - ', i g.eav H ...v, .e "in- glowing cliaracters, that- he that runs .hgious liberty, recogntzed in t h c 13 i II of ina'ii-it f ir ; ; i nti. r.. -'ii i.-..- s.. i i mayead.' It it.i. retained, can anv one be so brmd as -not to see, what portion .of the community will thus be placed under the ban of' proscription ?' Sir,-I am op posed to making this a Caiholic question ; IP Rights, that all men have a natural and Unalienable right to -worship Almighty God, according to the dictates of their jowtk conscience" no sooner uo we at-! l( attempt this," than the alarm is sounded . and wevear the whining, the, crocodile crK that our Institutions are in danger ; tlialhe shock will be too gr.eat for the public mind, i :M :- hejgehtleman from Orange has told tisthat thTs Tnatter,is already prejudged tat:Vte should 'waitltill the storm of ?f. ' -cxcienie has subsided, 'andreasoh has .'tHorfc&:iw. siayT " Sir! the ball of revo- iutionj, asjoflnert matteral ways requires an impetiaJtS put it-itii mdtion-Mhejnove-men,t Vuc6minehce' Soinewhere ; and vhat power '"more pl;ojn tlu jput that ball hi riotioni5 tlianHat JiyhiQiris Kere assetn L!ed ? Sij;, . I - beliey ejuf .s, anejccTtef n e ut cri this subiecf. "an Konestf '-though' an irt". . .... PV' found cdiciteinritthtit1' if this -excite-ni cnt fisroundlessrit proceeds from tbe-fcaF'aM prejudicesbr a liberal and PatridhCf-trTiiuirh a 'mio-uidil ninnlXllft l MMs Convention, assembled There IIP nnrrrnCA nlficcuphiinanil ili..njiin tletfandeternairinciples of free dcRiwhehefthrt of Statesmen JeglatngTor, piosterujlieiher it is in accordance .with that cluty which we owe to our cposctenccs and our .country, to fan the fiame of excitement which is al read burning and to pander to those feas and p.rejud'esKv1iich are as base less as thje fabric. of aivision." " I do not fear the discussion of this sub ject before the honest yeomanry of the land.,. I have too much confidence in the capacity of. mn for self-governmeut, hot to believe th sit; the petple will (sustain the gre'jjfpincljpis of Ueligious freedom, and --the" natural and unal ieuable'riglaV' of man. . . . ' ' . Hie gentleman fiom'Oiange, gave 'as reason (or retaining this Article, that dme revolution might liereafter arise, as Vn France, and that thisf sleeping thunder would then le ready tojbe hurled at any Danton ori Robespierre who might aspire to direct the stortn. Sir, when we are readjrto rexelye a. Robespierre for a mas tergal I the moth-eaten parchments in our archives, will not bejtble to shield us from slavery. The only , guarantee of liberty, is in (he capacity of man to, enjoy it, Pnilip could not have conquered Greece, in the age of Themistocles nor could Caesar have enslaved his country, in the days of Cincinnatus. Hie gentleman -weuton to say,- that he did not feel will- f -. - ins to ioiiow an the new fashions o thpi 4imesXthat he was not willingto adopt jfth6fibljlical fashion of the age. Sir, -what ion ui we age r 1 """ nicu io view ii apart from any direct result it might produce; I have tried to view it upon the broad and gen eraiprincip!e .of. religious toleration. 1 am not to; be, considered as an advocate ol the Catholic creed: j I know but little about it, and lor that little I am by no means an upotogist ; ibuV sir, I amVil- I'viLITi S OW THE AY. From the Ntivbcriu Spectator i : - The following Correspondence and Card bite been handed us lor publication. it is witii pleasure mat we perceive? a disposition, on ihe prt of the Whigs of this district not to relapse into - indiffer ence on the subject of ur local politics. The lead thus spiritedly given by the gentlemen of Lenoir, we hope will be followed by other counties. Such as seoiblies, where civilities are reciproca: ted, and sentiments intcrcliangetl, will have t lie effect 'of cemehiiu'g the parts and ot giving concert: and efficiency to its actions. are intensely engaged to keepdown the . growth of such principles, and to preserve id the -repjesenta V five j nf tUa noAr.ta Ti-T nnfrnl anrt infllftrir.R. in- the afiiir of the Govemment, which is.Kcuredto tKem, in' preference to every other earthly .power, by the Constitution; of the ,17. States. When this, I say , tk fairiy ; Known to them to the hqnest yeomanry of tha country, a majorityof them will never be found sustaining the Tories. Nor would they noW if they had any idea of the canrupting influencie of c oficiat patronage as used, to maintain, support and de fund" these Tory principles. That they may receive thia liijht of freedom in due time, to save thein from the conflict of battle, should be tiie Vrdeot wish of every American Whij. I chaerfully accept your kind invitation, and- as you have left to me the choice of the time, permit, me to name Thurday, ths 17th day of next mouth, which I hope will be agreeable to you and those you rapriwent. Bd pleased to communicate to your fel-low-ritizens Uia foregoing ftjeble evidences of my regard for them ; and for .ch of youraelvaa, I be you to acept santuuenta of the highest entecm and considcratiou of ? . Your most ob't. serv't J, " JOHN MACLEOD. Measra. Blount Coleman, Isaac Crooni, &.c A CAD. Q The Whigs of the 4th CongTensional District are respectfully iavilad to partake of-a public dihner complimentary to ColvJous- MacLxod of Johnston county, to he given by the friend ef '3udge White and Col. MacLeod, aj Kinston,. ou the 17th Sep tember nextii,; , , t. '-. - - BLOUNT COLEMAN, , 1 " IIAAC ckooha . ; ' " ' JNO C. WASHINGTON, ' ' SNOAD B. CARRAWAY, '; JNO. P. DUNN, . WM. B. KILPATRICK, WM. D. COBB, . SAML, C. BELLAMY, JACOB ELlO l ifwtuys pre ymus iy at nis nouse on3?a ' vT i t-t ha t h e;-liadjjn ade bise overture his sisteiVaVUieiiece'orPrypr'8 wiffj) 3 't married his aunt that he had appeareia H'e aUCi)'i(Jn , f 'Pi, i( w. a married A ad v of, the name of Arulerat rrthattheje hadbeen titled? with greM au 1 i c i t ati on , bajcked . by t he offer; q f . mon to a Ia.rge amoutU wluch w'as .n-jecWJ-rht inher husband's arid btbtherV. ahl- sence, Mrs,A'.' JOthe ' 'pM w-To rf Vk j and alarmed at his violence, had aeetfcn ingly temporised, and: iutimated thaf iufure time would be more priypitiousfr his purposes- that he had yielded tp t$ delay, (taking however, many indecent liberties,) and swearing 'he witji ,nevt4 foiled in what he undertookthat' in th. interval, she imparted what Ii;t3 occurred to her hirsbaud, who armed himself, anj when Pryor ajrain presented himself! tire upon him, ltulgiiii; many shot in hri" arm that the Pryots thereupon rushed arme into the house, driving its. occupant bit lore thein, stabbing; a ctaiin ol the na? of Brown, "and tafeing"poisesiouof tlv:i house, and splitting the furniture ftoiPc cellar to atf-ett "Tis1 we understand to have been calculated to arre9t people of the North. ble traveller, on the sli-rht, will be compelled to under-, examinationThe firm i.o'Jni'J. public sentiment is invmbly Me to tne accused, and he U ,J r' ged to the Court of Justice ac U" V lVf ffall clas, ami, if deifeecau be, adduced "iv mtisr be committed tk&? '' Arid. all these disagreeable ha r u mm Pivn.. thi&eaon of Ii-f.-..ct . ...T'e'u.i . " j it til r andaft all brougHt upon' the I'1 incendiaries n iii .i i i.. i;v nave innicteu upon count ry-? IJeuconH bv a fetyd'abblical Northern ciueWAVhrr; Our v. Auj, 13, .1335- r Is not this an age ofjinpovement ? ;Ig" not the spirit of winu jii voc worm r nave noi ;the;iuprovements. in arts, science and tkovernmei.tt. for the a9t few venra -h ti1 w5S,c!r ' "i 94 01 seve,a centuries nr ..... a . z a r ;r uretttn f ' net-val tngj 'Is. not the spirit of Liberty ' .lit - I I . mg tne civilized world t lias not the. eo tJtemah, in his own times, seen the stH)ar.f Freeihdi nfu rled ' in nearly e vercQU wy o fEa rope ? Look to F ra n. ce , to Belgiatp Pir uaYuihAmerican State? in allitl has -asserted his rfgt g, ;l.anf.I;,,aie(hU, devotion. Rel igi -us jiliiertVha&kliM) been on the win r. and 1 : ghheiigaiiiiJHuence on the mind - of. mllirom' the dutiseons of the In- iitto'n islnb longer heard the groans of .the? heretiiff'and ihe appeals of lustice ling toJet them alone, lest in ihe language of Seripture, I be found'tighiingagairist .god.'.V.Ido not conceive that we have any, thing to do wilhi ihe tenets of any particular creed. We have not to decide! CZx 2x uc,lPUU U1C "'enrs oi contending seels. AVe have not to .enquire whether ihe. Pope of Rome is the legal custodier of the kes of Chi ist?s Kingdom, or whether Caccord- f mg to the opinion of some) he is the nmuv oeautu aiufistex meniioned m the Apoca iypse. We have not to enquire, whether the eucharist is ipso facto, the bodvand blood of Christ, or wheiher it is merely emblematical of the efficacy of his death: I way, it is not our province to decide such matters as these, we should leave them to the consideration of casuists and schoolmen. I5ut it is said, if the Pathol r ic pvrln ded from office, that will not dpnrivp him hof the tight of worshipping God according io me oictates ol in, own conscience. Sir, the, right of worshi pping God, free irm all personal pains and pena!tes,is a nght wlach can.wow be enjoyed in anv country in Christendom. An exclusion from the honors, the profits and the emo luments of the State, is the highest per secution which public opinion will to crate in any Chrisijan country in this en lightened age. So that, if vou -sanction the principle recognized Tn the S2d arti cle, vou use the rod of persecution with as unsparing a hand as it is useJ in Spam, or the States of the Church. And it you exclude one sect, why not another and another, and finally all', except one ? It was aifavorite saying of Napoleon, that there was. but one step fom th sublime io me nu.cuious ; and on the same prin ciple, there is but one step from religious freedom to the most bitter and intolerant persecution. , To Col. John MacLeod, Kinston, Dkaii Sir, A large number of the citizens of ;Lenoir county, enu ruitiiiig .towards you ttio liveliest senti mvotd of persoaai respect and political regard," for tuc ical, abiliiy and iaiiopendeneo with which you maintained tne eau.se of Constitutional freedom, a- gainst the .abuses oi power and. official dictation, in usgle lor tne rcpreaoutatjon of this Con- groosionai Iiotiict, have resolved to manifest the same, by tendering to you tli hospitality of their county, b'or thU purpose, the 'undersigned have been charged by their lellow-citizcns, with the grate ful task ol asking your acceptance of a public din ner, at Kinston; on such day as may best comport with your convenience. : Accept the assurance of our cordial esteem. 1SJLUUaT tULUMAN, ISAAC CKOOM, J M O. C. W A.S H IXGTON 8X0AD 13. C AURA WAT, JIiO.I DL'Nx, WM, ii.lUL PATRICK, WM. 1). C0UI3, sam'l c. bellamy, Jacob eliot, o. 3 CD o Ketain that rticle, and I nssert it, the Catho he and the jew will be placed unde'r ,he blnoi proscription, no matter hoW Kreat my be his ment ; although he tn.y love Ins country wit a patr,oiwn as pure as the first love of woman 5 :m m","c ""ay pour out hiS b,od like ... .... Vet, nil- cl.ir nc to -w.tuuc, you COt lum Off fmm 11 water " worship own tod- vv iiu:j- tame oiqtates of r" ,. -uu vul ,"n on tiom all hone of nnli tical preferment, and fr i.uii AIIJLf lltUIJ. he will be 1 Like the "Israelites in K-.-nr lewm be oppressed by the Jnd in which he 'ves.the soif on whitl, h t,. ' i , k . ,,e hewibhave .e?t no other h,s b,ck upon the graves of ,s father m bv -he exclusion from office for opinion's sake in : th.s enlightened age, process frurn thetunS L Tl I l 1 1 . 1-v . A. . i "'Kiry supemtition which has preyed upon mankind, from the building of B uel to tl present time ; ,t is t!e san.c smni conni.ee. Galdto in his ilunjfeor., which bound ranmer to Uieiakf of m,rl rdom jlch , be HuRUtrnctaJromPranct -i.ay no"e sir n is the same spir.l which led. the S-vlol , t, world ..Cahary'a wfl summ t S:r, wo must be the s lu:alf,nof tl;e e.nignr who cemes to his country tot tl,e se of regions freedonj, if the appearance of the fr,w,ri u xr,.. .. . ' should induce him to m;.ke it l,i3 home t Will he not wish .himself across the w.de waters a-fain.- that fcttfr i;..r - . hJ txiinrtmit .-lVAt'iir.nMl.n.lA K r , . . . o .r.ui itvrr is o'er," lu : . . . yJU" i ". my no oones im those of his father ? vainouc emancipanon. x lie spirit of berti'd" reform is niaki'no it. wnv'ml Wen ctirer of the l2lobc. and sooner or! 'i.es her?lnty to her God enjoins her to tra AVhat must be the feeling of the niou, mother, when - liking on her lender infa,,-, whom she l"j i it V VI Mill 1 ','A-r ,Tr . ' 1,1 "1C a"'e way wnicn nas secured n- acp t la err wilf c ,si?n to one common run,,: fur own brS,m-wLt ne her v nil those (JcmmiHc institutions, which :trt inL's wt.. h. flu ih.t i, .... ,iL . . - - . v.u .iv lt au uni g-j ?ne i the tinie-wurn relics of a feudal ae. Is the progress tf tins system to be liepre- eM -tV an.T ne wh, !,,-. liWty nd j seT TZ S r. I Wlllf'. prjacription ci n- 'irno-" hin u obsruntr ((,r. vi. sk tn.s C'inv' nti. ir, whether this in in accordance w:tn ih hniv .r,-i. ,..i . - j tx.tjjo nil. If. cs it accord with HHtt meekness and fuibearunoe which chaiac Bona Visti, Johnston Co., N. C lVtn Auc. 16:J5. I have been honoured, gentlemen, by your vftry poliUi note of the loth mst. inviting me in behalf oi a'large portiou of t:ie ci:izo is of Lenoir county, to accept a puhliek dinner to be given at Kinston," as a lnariilestation of regard, lor wiiat you are p-ja&ed to cail my zeal, ability and independence iu maintain ing the cause of Constitutional freedom against the abuses of power and uliicial dictation, in the late struggle for the representation of this Congressional district." I should indeed be insensible to every feclin" of gratitude, if I did not receive this additional earii Cfetofyour kind partiality", as I Ao, with' sentiineuto of thc highest esteem and regard for tli se-whom you represent, as well as for each of you individually, the pleasure of whose personal acquaintance has chiefly ariscurfrom the occasion to which yo letter makes so kind an allusion, and which of elf serves as a rich equivalent for any disappoin.ient I may have, sustained in the result of tiie el ction. These sen timents are mingled with unmeasured feeiines of luaukiuinegs io xne ciuzens oi Jjenoir tor their i.mt' fered hospitality, as well as for the flattering consid. cration and vaiue given to my hutnbie efforts in cause richly meriting a more potent advocate and believed solemnly to be, the privileges of republican treenien, opposed, stilled, and overcome by the mis rule of lli"h nffli-ial ktatinr lKi-iii;.. . ? 7 . ' """""""s io create a iouiuam oi control oyer elections, which shall leave to the : sovereign people of this country that bailee" of political slavery which secures a ready nfvli,. to the direcuons of power, with the ceaseless duty of or for such neglect, cr the manlv iudoni.rl..M' r thinking like a freeman, to endure the miseries of the "outer darkness" of official favor. Ihe result of the late coi. lest was not greatly dif femit from wiiat ought to have been foreseen, when looking to the various reason and inducements sub tending such an issue. The great body of i.ur honest labouring commu nity are slow to believe and to understand, any deep laid scheme to affect moderati-ly at first, but finally to change totally ihe principles and nature of our Government They are not watching the elv and insidious holds taken in their name (and always said for their benefit,) on rights and privileges Con st:tut;onally belonging to the people alone, or to their representative ; and on the free and unbias sed exercise of which; the honesty and puritv of this Government e.ssfmf ,ir.,,i r :. !ar.:";itabie but noliuml tmih it.of.?i, . conndi:i;i ai their public funcUonaricsrgeUiiig ' the ma.vims ol Repubiican Governments that liberty is only secured to the people bv their eonaww over, and understanding of, the acts of their public ui. iwua.ya.iaQ greater wonder is, that our cause, the cause of theAnierican Whigstoe came of those who take the front rank, against .the march ot power over l.uerty, ha been so valiantly sustain ed, m this first eliort to check the career-of Toru. tam among us. a V hen the people of this district learn and believ"e4 that there is a Tory nartv in Antrim. ou i,u j ! i u.t uuiu ana On Iheiloth orAugust, a Public Din ner was giveif, at" Elizabeth City, to the Hon. W h; B. Shepahd, in testimony of the untlmrmished confidence ot his lei low. citizens in him as a faithful public servant, at which fcxux JNkwby, Esq., presided, assisted by John C. Eringhaus. Ihe 3d Ke'surar toast was as follows: "Our guest, the Hon. W.x. B. Shifabd. By the firm, consistent, and energetic manner in Vhich he has advocated our rights in the hall of Con- greu, he haa secured our warmest admiration." Thi toast called up Mr.. Shepard, who returned Ins thanks in a Speech, of which the following is au Exthaot : " The Political event which has so lately taken place, amorig us," is !of no more importance than so far as it illustrates and establishes tin's political axiom, viz : that the People of the district of Eden ton will not suffer a caucus dictation from Wash ington City, frotn Raleigh, or evan from their own towns. This election pro vo3 satisfactorily, that the .ejreat mass of the community think themselves capa ble of judging of the fitness of their representatives, and are determined to exercise that judgment, un retrained and uncontrolled by any foreign influence whatever. There is one consideration attending the caucus or convention system, which the partizans of Mr.. Van Bureri are endeavouring to establish in the United States, that deserves the mature considera tion of the People of this section of the country. ine caucus system cnactually levels all State dis tinctions, and. resolves the People of . the United fetates into one undiiitinguishable mass. It destroys the influence of the s ' all States, and subjects every political movement ' -he whim and caprice of ihe great democracies of A'ew York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. That this is the necessary tendency and unavoidable result of the caucus system, it seems to me extraordinary that any one should doubt, and it is very strange that, those Stales and individuals, which profess "adherence to the doctrines" of State RighU, shoujd tolerate such a system. It is how ever, but another proof, that when individuals or coramunities are laboring under any very strong excitement, there i no absurdity they are not ready to dopt, no contradiction or abandonment of pro fession tuev do not incur." : ... .i i . .i - aiMyrii ueie in me fe.l inr l fyh PV'inu.Vl'r' i,n pharlesfo,,. ' r 11 IlTP 1 niT tUL'U.I lA o n , .1 I f se rapidly advancing to live 'Spf of tlM WtT! purchased (14 slav rage, metthese individutUs tle.iT , i: i . T " . anr 'v .uu.... Knowing me value slave amount ofVrthe complaint, which buinl' pub'icly told, created a violent sense .' o f .t . .... .. : a .. .1 .' i -. .-'. t -3 iijiiiguafiuu. As-uie riyoijs. it was sui tlireatened aTmetl resisuitice., . .it waj thought necessary to summon a posseln- execute me warrants oi the court, ancr these oul rage, met tiiese' ' indi viduals tlu- miles oi? the Brooke Turnpike, on tMeii way to 'the city, ijiva carnage and fuu'r with a-" tra' veiling "carriage" as. a tender ihey surrendered theAVs'elves wiihoul .1:02 . I 1 4 I 1 - . . - . vt nuitcuuy, anu oemg escorted- py what, had; grown a trtiop, Vere carried b?fonji Judge 01opton and by him tuniieti ; oyefji to therCounty magistracy, fhey were ; examined before Messrs. Jolm Shepherd J Jesse Sueed, and Isaac'A.Gooden, Justi-i ces of the Peace; upon the evidence of young Brown and others, (lv. " Ade- son tiot present,; R. T. Daniel, "Esq;:, acting for the CommonwealLli, and Con- way Robinson and Shirley Carter, Exq.?. for the prisoners and admitted to bail in! lrtri'lOUk Villhinn in .y t'Y,V t.. 1 . 0 V ...... inMUiijMa, yue 0! Zens na-n sl ...i. . . i C WHO (if f. a.fv doea little buHiues in buvj., selling negresi was called on by ;i"3 !." J who had with hiiu a fine likely '1 hotn he offered to ell He stated Irat ffe nas u , resid P .a. Li,.,. i(,..i i. : 1 . ut-'t 1 uiuiKiiuiii uiat lie pu renamed rK' T" kj-. 1 "1 "7- ' . tl''v airji. I 'ft in Savannah abyut six mouths a,, same 3-iiuuo!i ao u near!v,i... theum named, very naturally c.mcH vuai, uicic homeming like ru.lm the case atiil. he called the nenj'tuij. "Hill lL'rnl Kl.v. f I ' ",ftvu nun 11 nc K,eW HIS ItKHlur u -Jtrmrnr ti cul lim 3 r n 37b "V-UK"1" lie iciiovv rVil aiiswfroi t in t ho t- t, ""H':B,,5n 11 1"u was ftt ly wdhng to be sold. Mr. Coo-id -.i requesteu me man, to take the u,,;ro . accompany, himto tiie house of 3ief! a few doors off, where , they mit ClV cludethefbargain.jrandhcyacrui,,; went witji him to the office, or he-id qu6 tersof the police officers, and were i'Ua ffur.p.d ri M Aaus. ST.- :.C , , . uut am t,aneii,f the sum of S5000 eachf Either fh,:chP , gf 7 took lhese tvvo isrnot jrobabIe) iiiiable togivelhelKiilH1 eAud ff kuoWQ t!,trang,r'sU thinking the jail more secure (or the prtM" aT own sJcions.. Tim sent, they were conducted thither accord ad,n lue9iioned,- and de.cl; dingty, and there remain to be confronted " , U; , 'lul mter ; with the evidence to be acquiftetl 'tfWr r V s .-.'?Vn-l'n savannah, . that 4 ..J ... 'ii-f N',;1 .. -' mad. lived With him kiy mnniU m.. -i For tiie Register. yn luesuayol tne, Uounty Court of Iredell, a large and respectable number of 'the citizens met at the Court House iu Siatesvilie, to .advise and consult with each other, on the subject of carrying into effect, the amendments, made totheCon stitulion of the State, by the late Conven tion at Ilaleigh. On motion. John Tomlin'Sen. was called-to the charr, and William F. C nu n n anij William King Eqrs. were appointed Secretaries. The meeting being organized, the fol lowing Resolutions were unanimously a dopted. Resolved, That we view it rS an object of irreat importance in relation totiie welfare and prosperity of the State, that tfre amendments, made by the late Convention at Raleigh, be adopted by its citizens. Xesotved, That to accomplish this, we will use with diligence and perseverance all lawful measures within our power: Jieaohed, That as one means, it be recommended to the freemen of the county, to assemble on par ticular days, at five dilli-rent places in the county io interohahge sentiments, and to give and receive in-1 -'"",u"! 111 rciauon to tne result ot adoptins sa'd amendiiients. . . -Resolved, Trpt the freeni.-n of the county be requested to meet for the foregoing purposes, ; at ledstore, on the 4th Tuesday of ep.ember T -ri 1 VVllI,ai,n Harbin's Esq on the 3d Mon- uaj, y oepiemuer next. At James's Cross Rocds on H uoL.cn i, uu puiiiMieu u guiHy. ir was rumored on Saturday night, that h'avino- deposited the amount of their bail, they noutu ue uiscnargea wnnout farther in cur re ncy. occasioned no small degree jof popular excitement.- I he oflicers of the lw. however,. pledged themselves that nothing of the kind was niii-DOsed.' but that, tho prisonersshould be forthcoming . to "jneei the charge, orju all events' dischaied.- if discharged, in the day t'nr.e. It vvoulu be indecorous and- unjust to ay a word upon ihe probable ruilt or innocence of these men. Fubl in min ion, however, catesroricallv demands-this that the affair shall be-fully' invest leu that it guilty, thev shall not be per mitted to escape through Ihe length of (heir purse that if ten thousand dollars bail be not sufficient to secure their presence to meet their trial," tharbai!, be.' increased and that if innocent, they shall o forth unharmed, aid with the regrets of ail that they nave ben subjected to the incon venience and the injury. If innocent, they have nothing to fear,' for no people evci imuuu meir iiiuignation more com pletely, or manifested rdore regard J'oV the supremacy of the law. than did the peo ple of Richmond on Saturday. If iuho cent, they will not wish tn' depart, until 'hat innocence be avouched to the- world! If guilty, it is not their wealth i hat should purchase them impunity. Whig. ' Norfolk, Aug! 2t. There was quite a breeze in our com munity )es!erday afternoon. A rumour reached us on our teiurn from i5nnec.that an Abolitionist Jiad been detected ) in the. i 5 act of addressing a nosse of Ne'rofs,-?Mf moment undenruin" an py- was at that ainmatuMi belore the Mayor.. -We, hur tied to the Court House, which was fit led to the oveifimvmg .thereof,, but in a short time the examination . was conclu ded, and we learned the details .of the case. It seems that the susnected indi-' vuiuai naa arrived that , mot mn ft New York, and in a veiy short" tiine at ii is ai-nvai, was seen skulking abourthe brick k Ins in the.out skirts'ol the town. Now be it known that .these b- .ck-kilns are worked by large under the control of not uiifi ter iiiau iiveu vicn mm six months in ChsrlJ ton ; that he had no objection to old, provided he. coukf live in a toIfl Jhatjus occupation .ha'd always heeo ti::M Uf a house servant, and , that he was us-f j ted to country w-ork and could not stauM jt. Hec said he wished it had been Jr i . i - iy.- ... v. f yiiat nis inaster could have sold him ir, ffilfe". a? ?'J wa.sengaged to.be nWr- .pea cua gir.i living in the latnilv of Mr. S'nnmnii . . L' A. . ' . ... . . f Mr. Coottdge, professinar-himself !. proposed to gi.ve the man $309 for :he negro : which he agreed to take, and jvbill ot sale, was dra wn up anil -signed bj )e seller, ivho jvrote his name E-lward -owsland j and Cutty was . gallanted t,5 roine Amateur Jul! (kept .for the mm rt2datioji6f persons in his circumstMcei; .AirCapehart, who then called oo ( apt Peunoyer, on board Ihe Dj-pluau lVaro, if he could. he4rue cnaractenif Fowsland, and his ri;hf to the neii. Hi Ciateti ttie whole ot the cirsuiu&rancs i4: Capt..P. whose surprise may w el bt conceived, when a it turned out tl gf.6-wa-5r.hired, servant on.boaid lie Dnl!ltin.and the "al ffipn Pf Charleston ; and Powsisai a reident of -Charleston, indeed, ib huhself declared, but who had engau wfuk his pa, sage. as a deck hand - U the trip. 'Ihe pair of theirj. it vouUl seem, U . I I 1 . i -i i . .. . 04W iam tneir iifaus together,, to raise ie wind, by aJ'rauduiertt-sale of the i'id by thjj white man. and, of course, we nut suppose, it was agreed ioi divide the Iruit ofjtheir villainy. 4 ;Ca pt. Pe nnoy er accompatiied Capt ha?t back. to the" ConAUtble's office, 1)4 both halted a. .little way i off. ; Guy and Ooid tdgu, in theneanjlime, h.ul kept I'ovsland engaged; in.'cbnvcrsatiu-i w Cpehart's ret urn,)an(l; seeing tmti w'h C;ipt Penmiy;rv tltej paid. the ino iey and )uSk e te d t lie hi 1 1 . of sa eXh t raiteiC- tion being thuH . closed and the requtof inehts toTconitijaear case ofh-.o'ir cWj m inateda Signal wa gi vcai Ji Cachart, whoK.eurereil the rooui vv uh C up t. Pe n n oy er, and - w'i i i I e P j w i was i n t'te act of pu tfing'u p die itniiiey. he na startled, by the sturdy gn "f Capehart, and The unwelcome sa'uiatioa ol'-tvou ar? my 'prisoner. " Ilia t,7 . - . AHJUlia fill: tue4ih vvediiesday of September ncu. At Col. ' not "iif.equently cletMroin ihe spot Azof bharpe s 4th Jhurschty of September next, j the p.-essure oT oj:Jter ,usii.ets., It -..,-.0.,.. r-fjuay OI sepiember next Halved, That John Mushat, Samuel King Jos. Caldwelf, GcKge F. Davidson & J. A. rung, isqrs. be requested to attend zt the foregoing placed on the days appointed and address the people assmbleon noporiance ot raufyioaueFsaid' nujnbers ot: slaves ; cojclues with the .commitment men- masters" who M the nature and amendments Jolved. That a copy of the foregbinf ?Reso. btions be signed by the Chairmarf, attesied by the secretaries; and sent io the Editor nt il, . i: . ..... aivjIIIiail v.muan, in oaimoury, to the Editors' of the Ar tui ;.,. i v"T "-' oi tne; f armers """ o journal, in tJtiarlotte. W ' J0HN f OMLIN, Sen. Chm'n, Wtlliajs Kmo Secretaries. , of Mi"- Vvslaiuk and t he release rum iail of the inafVf color, .who was "handed over t" ain, Pennoyer. Norfelk flerald. as fearless now, in their c.aims toprerogaUve power resUng and abiding in tha oiHee of the President of these United States, as are those of the same namo m tne kingdom of Groat Britain, contending for powers, a of right, belonging to their Lord and SovwMgn, the mg tkat tiw Whigi her A Breeze in liichmond.On Satu.day, uuc v,.ujjLuii inen nominga session of me superior nurt of Law for Henrico county, was applied to for a ;bench war rant lor the arrest of two men of the name 0f prJor, fa,her and soi fm bama, alleged to be gamblers bv pro fessiotrCof great wealth) who on a visit to their relations in Henrico county, had been guilty, as alleged, oY an enormous ottence. A young gentlernan by the name of Brown, who nrefrri-PfWk j plaint, stated that the elder Pryor Wj seems, however that at the moment when the stranger made his visit, one , of the proprietors ol a bnck-making establish. ment happened to be present, and see ing a strange man approach made to- wants Dun. .Uui the : strange '.gemleniaii 1 IJ I- (l tearnt t,lal S!" ' iosirniations k then turned iu another ' direct. W, wnm I fl-JL -becU m ,d (probahiy with uiedesjpi ? he was fol 'owed and 'overtaken Cm er "NIT 1- 11,31 ur tr,n ls ,n ,UVlr "f iie c satioll ensue.I ir rl w. l ,1 r ' Ah?,,r'"". e hereby openly dvclare tnatvi sdt.on ensutd, and with a. view of sound-; ass.m,,,. fuS(; ,:ld lltt..rl; liaf;,!k.l ; a ins the Stmritrer. 1 ie nrn-iriMinr we Died w c ' " I ' t' ' - ' . , ? rt - - - vi t Liiav ail l lie MlcJTI 'Cr" l' io iuppau. anu wiui attedei! warmth declared that if Arthur . I'appan were to visit iario:k, he would be torn asunder before he touched the foot of the market. "If that's the case," n-jouied the s!rano-..rv "I will ciear out pretty quickly." &'He' could not, however, keep his word, for he was promptly arrested, and brought be-i tlrk tli Ufliritl.' II.. - . I .w.v I... .waMn. ue whs examined at length; hi baggage was. inspected; but nothing appeared to inculpate hi.if, and he was immediately discharged h ap peared that he was a brick-maker by trade, and was dispo,ed to vFsit the brick kiins incite Borough, and as Roon as he ..vU.,at lllc iuwn. inn cidents detailed above took place. r r i are tfutirr-ly of,ost-d in principle t ' vicwsf ihe Aoootionist, reh'ard.n0' 11 o offthe Stave .question mrJ interfere -nctf 1(1 ihe rictus of tne (Souiheru SUve holders is expeoent, uhjuhi; and prt-ifuant w.t'i evi l liAlLEV, KtELKH & K E nrrt,, 15 1835: in- tG This single . occurreace. i wU. ';? ON tUKSDAY, the Ijth Hstant, I shall of ror sale at the-Cuuit Houe door in tiia t-1 oi Louiiburg, several ffWIL-BROKB MOLES, Two Vr4ig-ris nd divers.orhr Articlcrs. Terms mad kwu the day of sai. Ikptgttiber 3, ISS 3 3?-- f

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