Stock XUank f the State orNorthCarolinas. pi v att his Office ; Rei?ltJ' . 19. 1836 MARION, WILL stand the eil. suing Season at mi Farm,in Norththimp,, ton county ' Particulars hereaf-j ter. WM. MOODY. 12 4w Unuarv 27, 1856, TRUST SALE. hv Joshua K. I nmsrtetl Fnr t h. nnrnnnpf : - 1 : i 1 1 r . . . . l . - best oi !der, on Snmrdav,' the 12th day r rehTit. at 10 ' ir,i A m th nl-. nil the rih!. un.t i, trt r.f th.t Luins'len, to the Lot or parcel of L. m, rrzun iic iiuk rf-si(ii"K in, it immi ni vl ii - . . . n & w ii h i r y z iiii i inpf oni m m si rufi AVhtinV Dk all his Household and Kitchen iFurnitiiei'f every description, he. kc. ' Feb, 1, 1856. State 6 N orUv-Carolina. , j 'BuThJ'rford, 'Coumy. , j Court of Pleas &c. January Session, 1836, 1. :' " Richard Kingsand Sc'Co. ."Samuel G. . Wootton 8t Co. ; OflginaVatiaclvipep.t, levied on a small Trunk kc; IT appearing lo the aatisfaciionsSfthe Court, that Sarnuel (I. Wootton, is not an inhabitant of this State : It is ordered, that publication be made for ix -weeks in'the Ualeigh Kegister, notifying hrm tlutt. unless tie,ppear betor the Court ot Pleas smd,QMurter Sessions, to be hold . en for the Cuhly f TtutuWioftL at the UCourt House at Ktithettordton, on the dth Monday after the 4tb M onday joT March next, and o-eplc-Ty and plead to issue, the ' Poprvty levied on, as writ i that in the hands of Garnishee, Mil be condemned, and appropriated to the pay men. of .&e PUintfff 's demand. "Tes'e K T. F.B1RCIIET 1, Glki Janttary3,1836. X2.6w4Z . lTa HetOers in Zsutnber. "OE0P0SALS will be received until the 15th JLday of -- February next, for furnisbimr a r-quantity, of LUMBER, required for Uae State J pUol at Bal igh, : .The sixes and speeificati 0ntO-Iurninea oy Mr. uivm Vxrow, Su perintendant of Public Works, at the) Capito) " Squirt t-: ' - - ' . : -: . ' f By owitr of the Board of Commisslo'rjersv m l. wkst, soV. rrY17nrCr,8JUAKUS ot StocK in ' 1 ' "' ' ' "" " " - - -- --- - i ,i i, i if, ii I , ....... ; . , ": T- f Li--.., ' . l t ? - r - innHAT P&iksUi be opened to receive Sub f JL scripjions for Stock in ihe Roanoke and Raleisft Railr6ad ComnanvvlcSithe; M of Fe bruary, 1836, ami continue ope forsity days, at the following puces ana uiioepuic-wwiiuu bf.the 'following .persons , , 'w iy . Tbwnof ifalifax A. Joyner, James Halliday, Bartholomew 'F. Mo jre, Joseph L. .'feanmons, and Spear hi' aker, or any three of tfc cm. r ik jacjeson, "Northampton County Joseph J. &xuH EldredJ,PeeblestMat. Calvert. John White, and S. J. Snruill. or any three of them. Warrenton James Somerville, W. K. Kear ney Ijaniet Turner, Pjeter R. Davis,, Edward Hall, Thomas J. JuJkins, Wm. Pitiratner and Benj. E. Cook, or any three of them. liouisburg Willie Periy. IVenry G. Williams Robert Shaw and Alexander McKnighl, or any 'tt.rie of )hem. j. hville Willis Boddie,'Henry Blount, Dr. John Arrington, Wm. Burt and James SBattle, or any three of them. -SmithS eld Samuel Gully, David Thompson, Bython Bryan, Thomas Rice and Hansom San- (tfP. nr nv lhr if thm. . f Oxford Rusel Kingsbury, Wm. A. Maddor, j Thomas B. Littlejohu, Nat. Robards, and S. K, Sneed,, or any three of them, . . j rt 17 HilUborough Cadwallader Jones, Jis. Webb, James Smithy Wm. E. Anderson and Hariison Payker, or any three of them. 1; Hy wood Richard C. Cotton. Nat. C. Sted than, John S. Guthrie, Hugh McQueei and A. B. Stith, or any three of tlu m. 5" Raleigh Jam Iredell, Wm. Roles, Charles miton, Wesley Jones and W. U. Galei, or any three of them. Fayettevilla Hugh Campbell, iun. J.Huke, lames'Seawell, David McNeil, Josht a Coch ran, or any three of them, Wilmingtpn Aaron Lazarus, ArchM McRae, Vm. Hllort, James Green and Daniel- Sher rod, or any iWee of them. : Greenaborough- John M. Morehejad, John ii.iD;ck, Jesse McCuiston, U"bert Mildderwall I and James McNairy, or any three of them. Caswell jonn v;. vvasnsngion, a """-"i DrWiniam Holland, Craven Hitts anjl Charlts Westbrook, or any three of them. ;Newbern John Sneed, Samuel SinPson J' M4 Koberts; Robert Primrose and Johii G. K'm sey, "or any three of i hem. Washington Eli Hoy t, Joshua Taylor, James Ellison, N. J. Oliver and John Myeri, or any three of them. L Greenville Wm. Bernard, W. Hanrahan, John Norcoit, R. J. Blount and Wm. tlark, or any three of them. Washington Lawrence unerry, u.y.uagoy, Wm. Watts, E. W. Smithwick and Ana Biggs, or any-three of them. Plymouth John S. Bryan, Benj. Maitland, J. C. Norcom, John B. Beasly and Vv. Douglas, or any three of them. Windsor James L. Bryan, Jona. Si Tayloe, William Watson, Joseph Roulhac and Edward Hardy, or ay hree of them. Muifreesborougb John H. Wheeler, John W. Southatl, Louis M. Cooper, Isaac Pipkin and H. M. Banks, or any three of them. Milton Samuel Wadkins, John Wilson, 'John T. Garland, Stephen Dodson and Willie Jones, or any three of them. Tarborough John W. Cotton, H. T. Clark, Mtchael II earn, Henry Austin and Ctiarles G. Hunter, or any three of them. J At the expiration of the sixty days aforesaid, the Commissioners at the respective places men tioned will send in their lists of Stock! taken, to the Commissioners at Halifax. January 19. 1836. 9 6w w 3 Tl ANAWAY from thd AXAWAYfrom thd Subscri MX ber, on the 4th of September 1835, a negro man by the name of ABRAHAM CAMP: between 35 ami 40 eark of aee. slim and spare made, not veiy black, and is a. bout one-fourth part Indian blood; he has large feejt according to his size, is about 5 fret, ten or eleven ii.chea high, is a very good bheksmith, and plays the fife and fiddle both tolerably well. Said fellow may endeavor to pass Vimself as frstr, but if any body should apprehend him, and bedoubtfulf let them examine the can inflicted on him for his misbeitaviour. He has a down look wht n interrogated, and his countenance is not vsry good. Any person who will apprehend 6c deliver said fellow to me, or confine htm in sorne Jail? so 'that I can get him, shall receive the above re wajrd ($l00i) if not wounded. If lie will not pive up in reason, take him dead. A reward of $10 wiil be given in this ease. The Subcriber lives in Davidson county, N. C.j naar Lexington. I JOSEPH WAGGONER. January 1,1836. 10 tf. Jl Teacher Wanted. fflHE Trustees of Williamston Academy Mar X tin County, North.Carolina w ish to employ a Teacher for that Institution. He must be a nun ot strict moral ueportmen',an able to prepare Students for the University, and if he L can teach French it w uld be preferred. He l.can have tlve choice of receiving a certain salary of $600 per year, or take the School on his own 1 menee e:irlv in AdtiI. , ... . . . r .. . ! '.-win nr pcrivp(i dv iiic iinnrn irnrn nnrN th 15th March. Wnhamston is as healthy a Vil- ageasAny in the Eastern part of the State WM. HENDERSON,) j C 13. H ASS ELL, Committee. ASA BIGGS, Jar.uarv 22, 1836. 12 3t (T The National InteHigencer will gire tlve above three insertions and forward account with the paper to the Committee. State of Nordi-Carolirla. Rutherford County. Court of Pleas &c. January Session, 1836. E chaid Kingsland St Co. ' ' Samuel G. Wootton 8c Co. Original attachmentt levied on amall Trunk &c. IT appearing that the Defendant in ibis cause is not an inhabitant of this State : It is order- that publication be made fur six weeks in leigh Hegister.'jiotifyingsaid S. G. Woot- Iiavu0 be appear betore the Court of is ana quarter Sessions, to be hi: Id for the ntw of Rutherford, at the Court House at hrford?o.i, on the 5th Monday after the 4th 1Mimdayf March next, and replevy and plead to issu,ey the Property levied on? as also that in txne nanus, w mjjarnisnees, will be condemn- d, annppropi3atd to the payment jof Plain- : fftfrinandV , . rfvesie. . T. F. BIRCHETT. nik. Jaouary 2S, 1636. 12 6w Wfirmin'f wytimnn w m TVECKwiTys;just Jed -.frejjh pRfJejg;jan.29t 16 '- 2w ,4 AJLAWUIMO Al T ORItl, wre f4. 'SeRa Tf UST received and for f ale, at $1 pr Bushel tl or $2 per Sack. - " t V M.. A. -WILLIAMS tc CO. . DYSPEPSIA Tas Patbwt Mkoxcik.b Stomachicji xt Hkpx tios, formed by cbymical analysis, and synthe sis.of several preximutti, vegetable principles, are universally acknowledged to have totally eclip sed the pretensions of every other remedy and j mprcpaea inc nccnsiu ui tttiT uiirei ot treatment, wherever the above diseases are found to exist, as well as in enlargement of the SbUtn and in Jaundice. , Among the symptoms of Dyspepsia and Liver comnlaints. are flatulency, sourness or burning in the stomach, melancholy, irritability, disa greeable taste in the mouth; great irregularity of appetite, which is sometimes voracious, and at other times greatly deficient thirst, fetid breath, nausea, weakness of the stomach, acid erur.taf.ons. Balnitalion, drowsiness,, irregularity ofth bowels, nressure on the stomach after meals, pain in the head, dizziness oi vertigo; confusion of mind, attended with loss of memo ry. a crnawing in the stomach when empty, chill- ness, attection or sigtu an in:aruig, pam anu weakness in the back, languor, disturbed sleep, cold feet and hands, pernor, uneasiness in the throat, couch, nain in the side or breast, Stc. These Medicines have been found so effectual in removing the Complaints for which thry are recommended, that Physicians frequently have recourse to them for their patients, after having exhausted all their skill to utile or no purpose lr. Peters' Vegetable Anti-Bilious Pills Are the cheapest and most approved FAMILY MEDICINE ever offered to the Public. They arc extremely mild in their operation, neither causing sickness ot the stomach, nor any un pleasant sensation in the system, as is too-fre quently the result from medicines given to act upon the bowels- They act specmcaiiy upon the Liver, when in a torpid condition, carrying off a large quantity of bile, through the influ ence of the excernent function, which, if suf fered to remain in the system, would produce either Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Bilious Fe ver, Fever and Ague, or some other grievous bodily affliction In alLcases of torpor of the bowels, they act like a charm. In recent cases f Dyspepsia, they are a certain cure. Many persons who were subject to violent attacks of sick bead-ache, have been much benefited, and several, perfectly cured in a few weeks by their use. They are highly recommended as a pre ventative and cure of Bilious complaints.' Per sons who are subject to that distressing com plaint, Sea-sickness, by taking a portion or two of them a lew days previous to em barking on board the vessel, will be almost certain to escape it. Females can use them at alt periods, without incurringany risk. PeisoiM going-to sea, or to a southern climate, should by, all means take some of these P'dls with them'. Their virtues will reman unim pairtd for years in any climate. No family should be without these Pills; a portion of them, taken occasionally, would be the means of pre venting much suffering from sickness. It is from neglect of keeping up a regular peristaltic action of the stomach and bowels thus suffering to be absorbed and minglsd with the blood, un assimilated fluids, that nst diseasestare pro duced. Dr. P. feels confident that no person who gives these Pills a fair trial, will ever after feel willing to be without them. The testimony of thousands speaking in 'the highest terms of their efficacy, might be added, but the very high reputation Dr. P. has acquired as the in ventor of the "Patent Vegetable Medicine Sto machinm it Hepatite" for the cure of Dyspepsia and I.-ver complaints, is thought a sufficient guarantee to those wislisng to make a trial f their virtues. They contain not a particle of Mercury, or ady ingredient that does cot act in harmony with health and oppose disease. gDr. Pi wishes it distinctly uuderstood, that these Pills possess heneficial qualities indepen dent of their purgative effects : they are both toalc and deobstruent, acting upon the secre ting and exhalent functions; thus strengthen ing the patient, while they remove obstruc tions. Medicines which possess no other, ex cepting cathartic qualities, debilitate the pa tient, and their repeated us lays the founda tion of a long catalogue of Chronic diseases. Dr. P. having been educated under the most eminent American and European Medical pro fessors, and practiced his profession many years in the South, where diseases of the most ob stinate character prevail, considers himself well qualified to judge of the nature of diseases in cident to warm climates. Prepared by Joseph Pbiestlt Pxteks, M. D, P. B. C. P. M. at his institution for the cure of obstinate Diseases, by means of vegetable re medies, No. 129 Liberty-street, New-York, in ventor and sole prorietor. Each box contains forty Pills. Price 50 Cents. If C3These invaluable' Medicines are for sale in the City of Ralvigh, at the Drug and Apoth ecary Store of WILLIAMS, HAY WOOD & Co. and may be bad in almost every town in the State. Jan. 1 1836. I year. CIRCULAR. THE Board of Trade of the City Of flew- Vorlt, respectfully address the following Circular to the Merchants of he U nited States, who trde with Ibis City; You are aware that on the night of the 16lh of DecemberJast, an unprecedented Conflagra tion destroyed an important, portion of our City between Wall and Broad 'atreets, embracing the Stores of many wealthy "and!! enterprising Merchants. ; Lest an apprehension should prevail that this loss may render our Merchants finable to furnish the usualamount and'ariety of Mer chandize heretofore exhibited jn this market, the Board of Trade have much satisfaction in Riving the assurance that the .Merchants whose Stores were destroyed have removed to others, and are prepared from 'fresh importation's to continue their business with their usual assort ments. . The Board of Trade therefore deem it proper to give this pubKc assurance that none need postpone thcir-usual time of visiting the city, confident that they will find the market as well supplied as usual, and. their CerrespoySdents equally able to sap ply their dcraaads. By order of the Board, p. HUGH A UCHINCLOS5, Presidcc. Joh Ett, iRecording Secretary. W New-Yrk, Jah. 161856. 12 6t YARDS of 42 Inch Cotton Bag Sins of prise quality' for sa'e by WM. U. MSA.D. ANTIBYSPEP:riCFIIiXS. ,S -: y . ., , . ' .... EOR the Cure f almost every : -variety of Tunc- , tional disorder of he'Stomach, Bowels, Li-', aerand Spleen ; such as heart burriftid eruc tations, nausea, head-acli, pain andM.stention of Tthe. Stomach and bowels, incipient' dfrrhea, colic, flatulence, , habitual costiveness, Joss o appetite, sick, head-ach, sicknets, &ci &c They are a safe and cbmfortable aperient for Females during pregnancy and subsequentkcon finement, relieving sickness at the,. stomach, head-ach, heart burn and many of the incidental nervous affections. Literiry men, students andp most otljer persons of sedentary habits,find them very convenient. Those who indulge too freex ly in the pleasures of the; Table find speedy re lief from the sense of oppression and distention ivhich follow, bytaking the Pills. As a dinner Pill they are invaluable. Those who aredrinK ing mineral wareri and particularly: those from southern climates and ague and fever districts, will find thenyi valuable adjunct Those who are exposed to the vicissitudes of "weather, en voyages or journeys, can take them at all times fwith perfect safety. Jn full doses, they are a highly efficacious and. safe Anti-bilious Medicine. They seldom or never produce sickness at the stomach or griping. ' - Their efficacy is strongly attested by CerfifT cates from the following gentlemen, viz: Bishop Ives, Jtev. Dr. McPheeters, Rev. G. W. Freeman, Rev. B. T. Blake, Gov. Iredell. Hon. Henry Potter, Hon. G. t Badger, Han Richard Hines, Thos. P. Devereux, Esq.,Pro fessor Anderson, Will. Hill, Kq. Secretary of State. Will. S. Mhoon, Esq. late Treasurer, Jas. Grant, Esq. late Comptroller, W. R. Gales, Esq. of the Begister, Capt. Guion, Gtiion's Ho tel, Dr. R. C. Bond, Dr. Ei Crosby, Dr. J. Y. Young, 5ic. Aniple Directions accompany each Box. These Pills are for sale, by appointment, in almost every Town in the United States, arid Wholttalt fand Retail by the Subscribers, to whom applications may be made for Agencies. BECK WITH &. JUMP. Raleigh, N. C. 1-1Y State of IVortli-CayoIiiia, NO RTHJMPTOJp COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Qiirier Sessions. December Tt rm, 1835. John D. Amis . William Morgan, Attachment levied on a tract or parcel of land at old Bl .kely. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the Defendant William Morgan is not an inhabitant of this State,, it is therefore ordered by the same, that publication for six weeks be made in the Raleigh Register, a news paper published in the City ofRaleigh, notifying said Wm. Morgan, that he be and appear before the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessians,to be held for said county at the Court House in the town of Jackson, on the first Monday in March, then and there to show cause if any he has,wby said land levied on shall not be condemned sub ject to the plaintiffs recovery. Witness William Bottom Clerk of said Court at office, the first Monday in December A. D 1835. Teste, Wil. BOTTOM, Clerk. Jartuary19, 1836. 10, 6w. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. Wayne County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term. 1835. John Smith"; vs. Joshua Willsdn. Original attachment. Levied on Land. IT appearing tojhe satisfaction of the Court that the Defendant is not an inhabitant of this State. Ordered therefore, that publication be made for six successive weeks in the Raleigh Register, notifying said Defendant to appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Wayne, at the Court House in Waynesborough, on the third Monday in February next, then and there to replevy or plead to issue, or judgment final will b enter ed against him, and the land levied upon con demned to PlaintifPs debt. Witness, Jno.A. Green, Clerk of our Court at Office, the 3d Monday in November, A. D. 1835. t JNO. A. GREEN, Clk. Private Entertainment fllHE SlTliSCRIBERS respectfuL JL ly inform their friends and the public generally, that they have opened a HOUSE OF UN '1'liUT AIN1VIIINT, In the dwelling formerly occupied by Benjamin a. Amtr, t8a. iiieywflope to receive a due share of patronage inJ their undertaking, pro mising on their part, that no exertions shall be spared to merit it. If the proverbial healthiness of this City should induce Families from the low country to make it a place of Summer resort, the subscribers will be prepared to accommo date them with board, on moderate terms. ANN PULLLiM V SISTERS. Raleigh, Jan. 14, 1836. 10 4t. fXj Star and Standard, 4 weeks. Journals of the Convention. TTjHE Journals of th,Convention, which met 41 iathisCity in June last, on the subject of Amending the State Oonstitution, are printed and ready for delivery. Each Delegate is enti tled to one copy1, and can obtain it on application at the- Bookstore of J. GALES & SON. Raleigh, Dec 7. HAYWOOD ACADEMY, Chatham County, North-Carolina. Haywood Academy will be opened for JL the reception of Pupils, on Monday the 25th of January, 1836, under the Superintend ance bf31r. Zacariah Davis. . Mr. jDavis is highly ..qualified as a Teacher, and is well known in the State, having" taught School several years in conjunction with Mr. Bingham, of Orange. The Scholastic year, will be divided into two Sessions fare months each. Instruction will , be given in all the branches usually taught in Academieif preparatory trf entering College. Tuition, per Session, from $6 50 to $1$ Board can be had in the most respectable fami lies at from $6 to 8 per month including1 wash ing and candies. r No village in the State LCn present a more happy location .for a School titan Haywood. The Society is refined and-agreeable, the cli mate healthy, the water pure", and the soil high, dry and cle&n. . By order of the Board of Trustees. 4 S. MiCLENAHANi Sec'y. Haywood, Jan. 13, 1836. 10 tot (Lj The Tarborough Free Press will insert 3 weeks. . .iv - If ill . J JUST RHCEIVED, AFRESH supply of CALCINED PLAST.EB PARIS, of the best and whitest quality, prepared for Plastering and Corniclns; for sale low, for cash only, by : -:tw - j. e; pattersonT TayetUTille, Nov. 7 , IE above Reward will be paid to an A son, for the apprehension of my negro man A AttON, br for his-confinement in any Jail so that I gethiin. V v Aaron is about 38 years old,, lirht ir.fimnle.eted. aboutt5 feet 6 inches hgf; his front tfeeth are: very white end" sound.He qas a sugniaeieci in uucoi u uijj he perceived from his walking. Jlic has onj probably,? a blue coat and .snuff-colored home spun pantaloons, with a wjdVbrimcd fur or felt hat. lie ran away tfie 25th of October fast, has a wife at John Hadley.V Chatham? aboutfl5 miles Nrth-wesiofPfttsborough., He fo'rni'erljr belon jredYo Petererry. of said county, and is weU'acquamted on the Cape-Fear River, as far down as Fayetteyjlle, .having woricea on tne rifer as a boat.hnd.I think it likely he wjil attempt to pass as a free man, and Ynay proba lly hyaie procured-a free pass, or a pass frora 'tome person pei-mitting him to hire himself to any oiie who wIlLempley him. Aaron may at tempt to reach Wilmington, and make his ;-es cape On board of some vessel. l? X " WOODSON LEA. jl Pittsborough, Dec. 7. S 5 '" CCJlFayetteviHe ObseHrerHill insert ffntil the order Is countermanded. T LAND AGENCY; Gcueral liaucl.Agcut and Surveyor, Of 3troivntvillet fiayivood County, Tennetset 1717ILL attend to the selling, surveying, list! f T ling, &c. of all Lands entrusted to his care in the: counties of Hay wood, Tipton, Dyef'and Gibson. Reference to John C. McLemore or James B. Furgerson, of Nashville, William H. Henderson, William H. Loving, Doctor Jones, James Smith, Charles Guyger, David Hay or Eg8ert Shepherd, Brownsville, George W, HocfcleyS Covington or William Slodart, Jack son. j Aug. 15, 1835. State of North-Carolina. . Montgomery County, , '' Superior Court of Law.v Fall Terra, 1835. David Lilly w. Joel M. Lilly. Original Attachment, levied on" Land. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Joel M. Lilly, the Defendant in this case, is notan inhabitant of this State , it is therefore order d by .said Court,, that publication be made ia theUalelgh Register for the space of three month s, that the said Joel M. Lilly appear at our ne xt Superior Court of Caw, "to be held fer the County of Montgomery," at Jhe Court-House in Lawrence ville, on the first MoQday 4nMjrch next, then and there tq replevy :vand pleads or Judgment will be taken pra,confcui against hint? and the Land lovied on as abovebe ordereci to be sold lot payment of the same. f; Wituess; Farq. Mortiu, Clerk of the Superior Court of Law and Equity lor t county afore said, at Lawrence vine, tne nrst Monday in Sep. tember, 1S35. FARQ. MARTIN, C S.C.V Pr. HENRY LILLY, D. Clerk, Price Advt. $ 5. 2 3m i-i omiiiisioii and Forwardinj STOUJE, v-rwilLIillffJ, of the Firm of Jui W ILLklJSGS & CO. having entered in. to copartnership with ROBERT C. B ELD EN, thebusines ot the old Firm will be conducted by tiiem under the Firm of ',- WII.LKIIMGS St BEIDEjV, Aitht same Store, corner of Hay and Maxwell Streets. '''' They will pay personal attention to forwarding Goods to the interior of the State, and receive Cotton and other produce on storage, and will effect sales or ship as directed. t -4 Fayetteville, Aug. 15,1835. 40 tf. TO PRINTERS. , A PRESS and lot of TYPE, of sufficient quan tity to print a weekly Newspaper, nearly new, (having been in use only for a year) can be purchased on very accommodating terms, by applying to f vi ' ROULHAC & WOOD, Windsor,N. C. Jan. L 1836. 8 3w Valuable House in Raleigh WILL BE SOLD at Public Auction, on the premises, on Monday of Wake February County Conrt (bVing the 10th day of the month) that valuable Brick STORE and LOT, in Ra leigh, on Fayetteville Street, belonging to the Estate of the late John C, Siedman, dee'd, "and now in the occupancy of Thomas M. Oliver A credit tofvone,-two and three years, will be given, on bonds welt secured, with interest from date. Further particulars made known on the day of sale. J . S. RABOTEAU, Guardian. Raleigh, Dee. 28. 8 Law Notice FREDERICK NORCUM, Attorney & Coun. sellor at Law , (formerly of Edenton, N.(C.) Vicksburg,. Miss. . HEFR TO ' , Hon. JAMES IREDELL. Dec. 7. BANK OFNEWBERN. January 41836u A DIVIDEND of (Capital of seven pet cent, is this day declared by the Bank,x payable to stocktiower or their legal representatives, after the 20th instant. - . JOHN W. GUION,Casbjer PRIVATE BOARDING SCHOOL, For Young 'Ladies at Kelvin, mar 'i- Pillsbotough. THIS Institution, long known as Mr: Ed vard Janet ' School, will hereafter be con ducted under the joint superintendenee and in struction of Mita Charlotte C. Jant, and the Subscriber, Theiext session wil! commeace on the first Monday in Februaryn expand xontin. ue until the middle of Julyj including i short f a cation, when the second session, of. the "year 1836, will commence, which will terminate on the I2th December. A competent Assistant will hie employed, if necessary. It jsin contem plation to enlarge the accommodations for the Seilool and before the. beinningroiflhe net session, j is expected , that evpyj school -room convenience for each young Lady will, have been provided. " ' 1' '-". ' f't. , . As it is determined, to pxstTr the private character of the School, the Punibj will, board in the families of the Teachers i exceptions to this role will only be madein the casf of those who teside in the immediatevicinity, or within a few hours ride of the schoolor under peculu ar circumstaneea of relationship! 1 TEitMSsBoardfl including every neees sary, ) Tuition, Stationary, and the use of School Books, trpersesslon. , ' I Music and drawiug' will form separate char- m HE above Reward will be paid to any, per Near Piltsborougb, Dec. 20, 1635. 10, I arher'fJPat entiCorn Shetier rsfQULD we e-et th ittrU f.;-i.. SpQULD we get the Article fairly tried V1 North-Carolina. I frel ronficW .i' . " V1 North-Carolina, I feel confident that mm Mm9. A ' -' advantages mnrnnA,t n fK- i 1 H'h cates; would be fully realized. -ertig. Mr. uKER i Strav Cuttert have fortune ben pretty extensively tried in our State . 7 their excellence too well known in thmm m-.i.t ... .. ''rejur. r.z.: i. theWirginia lineK.can be be supplied by M?Md pAHNiti cy LiArf Petersburg. y Unti I keep both Articles Constantly for .U j Baleign 2d Nov. 1835. fent, Ut. GERTIFIATES. It. T.-- v . . oir. J imi riHKIB JJCOT Sir ; J h ve had U use ior some time "past, your Corn Straw Cutter; of tW larcrest sizp .8heHe,tnd both superior Machines for the em !we intended. I have lent out tZZ oVl? neighbors the Corn S heller, and alilZ , if the Mgheii terms. " sPeak it m Yourobedtent servant, J. I FLETCHER. : Wsl fKtt IllirlsiliatmnMJ U formance of Parker's Patent C v - w..u,6cu uave witnessed fK. viiv, -... I. ao nerPBV rrrtitv th .t .... . i wiener, snrt ? led perfectly cUu7 ZZhVlf in fortyfiveiseconiis. , tna Cob Given under our hands at Burt;. Va, 10th Oct. 833. Uuck'n?liam C. H. J L F ..AV 1WII rttt. ..I r James;F; Gamble, John T. r.r- Wm. fc. Moseley, -t"7 Bobt. B. Shaw, t. We the unders.gned citizens of Buckingham being called on by Capt. Thomas Miles, do ce7 tdjythat we saw Pa.keVs Patent Com Sbeller shell one barrel of Corn in 5 minutes. oiven under our hands, this 28th day of Nor. 1834. Albert Y. Stegar, Wm. P. Isbell,jr. Jo. R. Shaw, : William Miles, W. C. Moselpy, J. W. Meredith, Root. B. Shaw, John liryant. I hereby certify, that I hired Parker's Patent Corn Sheller to shell a part of my crop of Corn and I have no hesitation in saying it is the b-t Machine of the kind 1 have ever seen operate" 4 : - SAMUEL PLEASANTS.' Henry county, Feb. 1834- t llags Rags SpHE Subscriber will give the highest A price tor clean Cotton and Linen RAGS ??re.dSxh Pperlill, three miltsNorit. ot Raleigh. t " WILLIAM N. SHAUCK. June 5,1835. State of ioi th-CaroIiiia, IV.iKE" COUNTY? COURT OF PLEAS AND gUABTER SESSIOHS. November Term, 1835. Lydi Hcrndm U Biddy Parith V ,' ' 'VS. JBitn Robert, Adm'r. of Isham Simt, sr. dct'd. -Jsham Simt, jr. f Mai-ion Simt, tv. Petition- for division of Negrfes MPpeing to the satisfaction cfjgl! Couit that Jsham Siras,jr. , and Marion Sim?, two'cf -the,defendants in the abova named petition, ars not inhabitants of thjs State, it is therefore or. dered that publication be made in the Ralei-h , Register for six week jlbtifying said non resi dents to appear at our nexf Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be had 'for the county .Wake, at the Court House in the City of" Ri- -leigh, on the third Monday in February next, and answer, plead to or demur to the said Pe- titioni The Petitioners pray that the said noru residents shall set forth in their answer the num. -ber of Negroes put into their possession, with their value,and the- amount of advancements made them by their father, Isham Sims, sen. in his life time. Otherwise, the, Petition will be takenro confetto and heard epeparte, as to them. Witness, ALFRED WILLIAMS, Clerk of ourT said . Court at office, the, third Monday of '? ' : -A. WILLIAMS, Cr C. December 11, J835 ' 5 0' Crawford Honsc, ; Comer of Crawford and. Queen Slrttlt, mub subscriber respectfully announces io X the Public, that this new and' spacious tabiistiment, erected by. J.W. Collins. Esq. u k now open and ready for the reception of Travel lers; ine Urawtord House has been built ex clusively for. the accommodation of the Public. The Furniture, Bedding;&e. are entirely new, and every arrangement has been made for thi convenience and comfort of Travellers. Gen tlemen travelling with their Families can bi furnished with separate Parlors, independently of the Ladies' Ordinary. Connected -.with this Establishment are ex tensive Btables.with careful and experienced -Ostlers. "''&. The Travellers: going either Pforth or South will find this a most desirable and convenient House, beintr situated near the terminttion of the Portsmouth and Roanoke Rail Road- f ' S. B. PAKKEK. Dec. 16. 7 1 or 2m iTlie Fine Arts. JipOHIfCRAWLEY, Portrait Painter and Professor of Drawing, respectfully ten ders bis services to tlie citizens of Raleigh, in the above line of business. He also iu forms, the Li dies, that bis School for. Drawing and Painting will open in a few days, or as soon as a plass can be farmrA. v lr. f. 'h. for many years us- turned his attentjou to to the Water Colour de partment, and has taught in several of the Norta ?rn Cities. His method is that now practised Jy the .best English Water Colour Painters. The tenms will be rery moderate. J Jlours and dayaof Tuition made known at h Boocfv id the lower -part of tb old Newbeia Bank, comer of Fayettsville Street. OIlinT AT.TIWTIIf C taught in eigbi rinnt ' 'Cn.;mnc tn be seen at the roorni after o'clock, PJ M. , . alergh Nor. 38. t , ' ToihcaUotBunconibe, . r On the,8th or November, " A NEGRO MAN who says his name Is GcOTS A. dark; complected, iive,feei 8 or 10 nc(f' high, stout built; thirty or tlnrty-five years had on a sujtf of homespun very much v?r and says he belongs to a man by the narce MILLER, who purdiaseiS him of LAMA' Augusta, Georgia. The owner is requested come forward, prove property, pay charges 'take turn away. ., 4Dsb.eyillc.-Dec. 19. 4 7 il ft Ir' ' tl ti ruu vie 1 qui Co 1 of t tlia Ser I tl con wal jnis an gisl . sell cut pot ant tiv uni me to I the lan to 1 riot tin; Sit fr.o fer ti'.r Ex ed mo uni the to l . 60V Ex ."the -oui to pov to, We moi but eni our 1: ' 'tt 7

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