ftp - 1 e'ln :JV" a ' t' i . I, J. S" i -i i51 f r H8 'if SPIRIT OF lHH PttESSi AO It Til CAROLINA. .he Iriuniph of "the -Whijs in Norlh North ted Ijv a majority of 5,000. attl a wajoilty f tw t! iutUbuUnt jM the Icgislut urev IVfafiir'uAtit re-electiBn io the SciiatB is liinsiT duoUlfuU and jhe election of Gra- i fiain jecuies iims vorc oi.inc oibic agatii i tie candidateklhe pil party, should he lecH7f Preslent go to the HoQ'se ol RvpreiifittWes, tiuzza for ilrts Ou! "Norlh Sl ate l' Shu honest I y jivc her vote far Jai&soo, and with equal lmnrjiiy he ilfa "to sanction,; his cnll-rVpuUir-ati att-oot to procure the iIpcUuu ttfSlarin VauiUureii as his sue vc8r, lriin has dechntl tiiat it is mTeriotv for'iiwi Vohave served under GetutJa(V!tW;aid the patriot yeoman i v jiKbrtliJCarolina are 'determined to la1rn7aitjM'' Wiur, aRtl eavc 'm uliVe iirhls ghny." 1 Teimesiee was the -first to bring out G-n. ijekson for the rresidency, an.d thc 1 ua Wnwrledby North Cat oJma aird f IViiTwylv!. li ispirjeLhioigiif a coin-1 cniencf. that iennsee was inc ursi oi ihe JackSOn Stales to fake ground against hi in -inconcquence jof his at lenipt to foi st MartintYiH Uuren Upon the people as his Vccesr North Carolina follows the leadlof Tetmcssee, and if vc .niUtake not the TiiS -of,ihc times, the vote of North Carolina will he responded (6 by Ponn lvaitia at the November election. Mr. Van llurcn has to populaiity of his own, nd4t -icsi with the people of this here i!frV.!ficir flfpuhfic to Iecick whether he 5hall be citcted simply because it is the illjiif Gcu. Jackon. Noifolk Ikudd. PATRIOTISM nilUMPHANT I Tliank. heaven we c an at last say, and Ave shy it with ihe proibuudest 'gratitude to Pl'uvidentei that Honest Tforlli Carolina is free! freedom J;iclisonim, "free fiom V-an fJu j renistivfree from Dick Johirsonism, and free from ihe ilominafum of ihosc whose j. m1y ttnolisiu '"apjjears to slavish sub vnVncy to thoie who disuibstc life loaves aiidjnVUeU AVe are-literally and truly astonished at i tlic 6ac'ees"f the Ontitutional party : : it has exceeded the expectation of even the most jsanguitie. ! Bui i-year ago, f he State was as completely itthe hands of some s dozen ortwoof brawling demagogues, as ! Coitsta-ntitmple is in thse ot the Turks; andtin one believed that the houest veo manry and .working eH ot the country had evn feit itidignant at the arrtgant dictation v. which ; hd periodically issued fiom-fherpetty auxiliary cabals that echoed the Wishes .-ut those who paid them. Time, ; however lms-shown, that that orderly and owerrul tlass rtf otir citkeivs deeply fell .the insult, and ihe danger Jof longer sub luissiun ; iid !St-iiobiy have tlicy pn-rrAKtl:theirHJudigiKitim-at the polK GknkkaI Duolkv, a genu hie Whig, a publjc-spirited citizen, a true friend to the ! best invests fthe State, 4as been elected GovemoT f-'r the next two years; "We have cause to believ e that a majority of our : iate xblalare. will be Whijp, Jyut as tliei returns are not' yet complete, we cannot ; tipek xsi:ke!y f lhat M-esult.To our present catise f tkank fulness, we add, hi anticipation, ihe sign! defeat which awaits VanHuren 'JdmseU'-at "he approacliing e ection. The-f Vhitz revolution that will . t lien,. lake place, wiil elevate old Hip abwe , theU4picki 4feing a hunter of the . . Ten (limi sand 'ma jrity 'for Judge White, is eirrlowcst estimate of that event and we , wij no burpi )4c whatever if h' majority reach evijM twenty thousand, r , . Neicbem Spectator. : Grcnii, Groan my ?tcnrtte, It will $I-oel for yonr wholcsouies j Tl'Spons'pai'ty had reckoned HAf -i&&m ectire iti their ll gntten prey, lhat H f,euis 'almost impo.-sible for theni to comi'rehcnl the reality of their deleat in. Kk! laHvelectiMrTinNortn Carolina. TIjs Kve JfiiHl tlww. hunting about for ex planations, npiuVgie recuses, &c. uf a ... most stra'med attU 'far fetched clivracter. TlteStattdard says, that it was Abolition ism that caused their, di feat, which is abdtr the nearest 'toT he mark of ny thinir 5ve lwv ee, -'I'he Petrrbu:- ('otrsleMaftoo -hs found ? out that it was Spatghf's opjijcrsition to Internal improve ; meii t iImr trgaV el o Dud ley his sfrotig ' v o t e in the We.iJ Now this is news to us. Tbc Miftun Spectator says, that it wjrs )Nving tn tfciVvrimr Sraiirltt's ret"u?tl to Vs-vOe ffie Xvrtt'Of'idectftjr. tn rite Mountain 1 .RV'ieJt' ircAei)rc.i? 'if tht prppfe. of that District as &el ds Othtr parts Of the slate.'7 Are you there True- penny I ,Well, that is fiat.k and h on est. If you liad one further antl adiled, that the perfect, abaudonnieiit of right, law and ;was manifested in the "tll:l 11 I f t ftft.t 1 11 1 1 11 wiuiie ,couise or the parly in t ongress ami- t;rCoigr' wr the niattcr of this ...... . .. .,.. "t HgUtlTkwaind of the jreonle if ihrs btaty, ami -made Iheni I he.' connexion iwr;v-eF,.yj wouiu nave been sliimteur cr ti fire trnth. -u The sawre paper giveB notm?r excuse, y. hi t h Ti er tit e fntegornge ca! I pit! d 1 i o g: it U. that Governor Spaight resisles in nto Eastern fMrty : -as jf General Dudley d hi not also reside i4i lm Ka-teru ouutv and ut as far East us he could ge i n that part of the State, unless he. had gone, to reside in the ocea,u.. This reason the mi-re siiij-ulm, wh.cn we vonnider tat ihe fe x t re me W 'et-ej ti vmit lies h ! h e VneRfce e I me, M awm f Jmt, !f ev ai'ul ti ill 'ti . x " rfont riXt&ll " KcnSiildwliiS tlit mMt oonJ riiii- - y , V. - ' ' of ilu wealth ami talent m Hat conmr was Virrhf ccT aaaiiist r (heir) VaueVtd ? ed liyiwViwwpaier-!prtMe.w ''Thin is real ioco fbco V..n Bnrentsm downright a.rrarianUm. and only wants added the ararianUm, and only wants added nevr rfanled term the aristocracy of virtue" to carry it to the ,extrdme of loul anat-chy: Cade the clothier moans ti dresi thTcommonweal h and turn it, and ; profusion of regard - ami sppM t ot ten. ; set a new nap upon it"--Your captain 0acksoini- his pledge i " -nn w -. i .i .r. I conduct to tliear vote mm the Presidential . is bive ar.d Vows formation. There hali 'be"' in Knland seven half .penny' i i.ir J - i t l i ; i v loaves so.u wr a peiu.j . inc urc .h.f . , 4l ' n..f khntt l.iivo fii liiinns . 1 i ? make it ... .1 v to drniK sniair Dfor. " l no nnuia- watibu of uch demngoguism might stand of itself for a good and sufiicient reason why such a party, was beaten in an in lei -Hgent community. Now once ft all, wc say it. that the issue the late election for Governor was mad'e up and tried almost exclusively on cnu si it era lions relating to the Presi llential eleciiou. here it was departed from, the excepti4i govs t strengthen the Whig calcuUtion in the Presidential. can vass.. We say it. not with a hope or wish to convince such ol the Van men ns sti'l claim' the State, but?that people abroad, who wish to know the truth, in ay be sat isfied, thtrc cannot bs a doubt of ! he Whig party's succet'dins' in North Carolina in j November next hi; a largely increased ma jority. Carolina jfutclnnnn. THE MOUNTAIN' DISTRICT EKECT Complete returns 'have feeen received from I he. district-, and the result is, in the highest degree, gratilyiwg to lhi friends. of the freedom of the elective franchise. We. have succeeded it all our efforts notwith standing the activity and discipline of ihe force against; which we Ivid to contend. Grahaw's i'n.orily in -th District is 4614 Dudley's 1370, and ten ot -of ftmrtecn 'members cf the Assemblv, to which the district is entitled, are AN liigs. Hut -notwithstanding the completeness of ihe vic tory now gained, it is not equal to what wc shall do next November. Our strength is-dai4y tiMMHsasing, and numbers are con stantly 'flocking to that pure and spotless standard which is gallantly and triumphant ly waving over the field. Thus will it ever be with ii -howest and .pavrh'tic jpeop-le. The scales have fallen fruni their eyes, they have seen the .attempts, - corrupt at tempts, by those in power, to trample upon their rights, and with the characteristic firmuessaud independence of mountaineers, they have laid prostrate the foes who dared to trifle with their privileges. Un frrKlay evening last, aUer the olheiol returns .had ''been received from the whole ilistrict our (own was handsomely illumi- ! nufed, in honor of the 'complete success of 11 lute men and ft lute prtncipfes. Du ring the illumination, several rounds were fired by the volunteer corps of this place. Afterwards, a very respectable company sat down to a cold collation at the Globe Hotel. Gen. E. Bryan presided, assisted byHiv Jolin P-Enti'te. Every thing was conducted wi:h the utmost harmony, wmJ order, and -good feeling. Many .patriotic sentiments were drank, which we arc -compel led to omit for want of room. A senti ment bavins; been given in compliment to the Hon. James Graham, he rejoined in a very happy and appropriate address, livery thing that occurred was indicative of a de termination on the part of (he persons pre- I sent, to persevere 4 their patriotic resis tance to the encroachments, ot power, ana in their efforts to preserve pure and unim paired, the right of the people to elect their own represcJitatHos. "Rutherford Gazette, We 11 (lone fo r th e Mo u nta in-'Boys!. The freemen of the Mountain Congres iional District !hrve given to thecorrup- I tienisls ol A.ongress a lesson -Which they will not soon foiet. In August, 1835, lahaniSi minority irverNe wlantl was nly 7 vutes, out it will Oe recollected that NeHvland then professed In be a White man. tte. 'Contested -the "election, "-went on to Congress and turned. Over to Van .Huren. The election was sent -b.Tfk to the People Again, and tin; result nov isa majority d 1014 -for Graham J ! Poor '-the AVli I V en thev nominated Martin Van liuren for 'Pi esidnf." and Kirli'inl M . -1 idi n'snii T.r ; Vice -Prcsideiit. Now let us see how the PeWe 'in these three Countie. have re- 1 . I i . .-.-.'.- '. . . triHJtl tf fliifi ti iiiki lit i I lain I hu - ii j Bon n candidate lor 'Governor received ; 079 Vult.s whilt? the White candidate re xciveu o.ivu, more man ortrtcm to one -Su n.uchTne t4iP ,ti.,me?. ri.w -t Western Carol. tSltmt ! Lt&C f or give up (Ue gun ! The Editor of the Ralehrli BtarTd.trd. a tveek xrr two a. , DoaslCMi so newbat on . ims wise: mat when ne n'onicl receive returns from all the election' in die Str.te: Ive intended to let off h 'big guu'menttC 4ng We Mnp a real Van liuren irass stvivet, with a chargejn reserve to announce the victory of Vuistth Ffotn Ihe lone U -i i the last Standard he appeal sopeais tti be. nrettv ' , v" MiiMiet.i . to ute ICS.f, if lie ti Hid xi eCLlSJQi'v jL ill', -..ntl ... ilr. .. i ... -12. -t -.1. -i- --s -Geneial Newfand !'" he hoped 5to have ! are racking their braifts "4 divine the cause; " 1 h T V ! t ' Committee on Indian Aftairs, at an ear-. iiscn wiili - the party." but alack, and ! of the deleat of their candidate tor Govern-1! n?'" L"1 ja,(t:lc(lcnt 1 li,e lj,V)'1' I v period of the session, asked for authm ala..! he has frlkn with it. - Oh, )V ! nr. Their zeal enables them to find a Un,-! 2 vhctiulh.ot ie cnavge against. tj to ..itrordoicunuMits and papers, and country ma, whatlfUll us therej- ' jdredud one reasons, for their .disofifi- tH !"emPl 1 1 examine witnesses, .tating it was ne- " Qnmwu wie. Even the sapient editor of the Mifton I ,catt,ers of V ,x '"f" ! Into the manner our Indian affair were Spcctator-has.tnid WsT.kiHin this matter their au omatons of e east, that the Ceo- , av1mini3tc.-.(L at,thori(v was 'PIHLO AVH1TES DISTRICT. and has at last- mntfe the Wonderful discov-! ;!'u' ?" rua,!,w,U b. ,ilhT V:;ck ',H . .w"fh at;d t have understood tue committee were erv that Gov. -Spaight resides in one of the ,,e. (V',U JT P V diligently Jemploved afterwards in -their It wiillje rollected that Philo White -torerb cmnfo," which he - has no j Pi VU 0 X :5 I , : c t i . 1,0 v were necessnrifv cx .,ndrf.,W nr.,!.,.! A.r ....Wr t.J d.,h I.miI sniii. '..ffi. i-fumnttin, i we have already heard ftm tWenatofs ,:., i , -t v C3" "'"o 1 ; ,vrf vhn .,.rUn 1 hit llwv will vnln nno'r aiiu-in mtu mav.ll UUIU .View ...U.rpnresont ) in i h t t i iiku-o ....c . ! Ieiv. hu i-v res des iv a conn IV on iheov! ?CN X Mt Utthnr 1,1 , Ultt l 1 0lC a" I .!., .v.,.- -...i:... -i.. ctordltrrcrcompnsedtlfRowatr, frems south eastern border. The 11 or statement whs htade to the .onaddMontgoihery. In that'Cau- ftnusf be 'in real distress when such rea.tHi- f'u ' 1 J4 i House bv the Chairman: acting, as he Wc learn that wir fawfra'ciilatc on i ii i .. i... !....-. nrt mo: - uen, iew lanus ciccium " :u-ui . jority. Tli- Couht.es L;Wtuke: YwrV 1 lluiiamiie;"HaywiRKl ami Macon iiui Igive him nnnjorlly, whilst at- Ruerford : his vote ."ill be much stronger liwn at the. last -elect Uiiu Fhe people, ol me lusiuci nonrn noi regam r- u..um sotti atiu coiemn? iU- aoaui .jwraii c.m ; " 11. . j ;mV "! V'"', ..i ' i"Wtnu I.et tlnn lakn man viH ; 1 MJI VJ,VII ninn laiiiv hu j"---- . 4 re i) i csviii - ,.t4i.li,t artll v the t at Knu .-k tit ittt nii.i u- iiiiMf',' liiiiMii.ui - """s " .-.-.r-v. w ui I tt hitt ine I if irnnf.. T North CaroiirKt S!andard. CommenL Graham's majority iiV'Bnn comhe 366, Macon 100, loike S"2, HMth erford fOOf 2 Tutn Minorities J845 N w la ndV majority in Havvvooi cv 115. Total majoiities)3K NewlandVmamrity in Haywood 116, Van- Graham s (Majority 1614 lItittherfork Gazette. Another Victory. A toast which was given at the Dudley dinner, by a gentleman of this p'ace, was , I-et the result serve as a warnins.io a. so nearly allied to prophecy, that we reit-' public functionaries, that the People of erate it. North .Carolina, are not so fallen in the n Jr ,. ' ,, . . ,! slouch of party degnulatitm, as to sanc- "Our fe tow citizens of the 12tli Coni?ressiotl 4s 'I J - . OwtiirtofNorihCnJinal-forrca-oil-tkoW-nitiBn a sros neglect of duty and usuvpa- totJov Slight, thi-v arc- not rrjnsc.ttriJ in Coo-j tion of thir rights, it is not alone in the grea Tlioj -Hl triumphantly reprcseul tUeiz&tlvcs j Mountain District that the party has lost tt the ballot lio.r in .lugust.' ! ground i ciiii sequence oft hat acf- Our Most noblv, most hiumphautly indeed, - .i.i i i .... i jiave thev renrvscnted themselves '-y e clcctitig Mr. Gndiaio, by a nwijority f IGIjf votes, and leaving Newland, ; the rvfM-ito nf do Van Duivn nartv, to live either on die hope of fa I a re preferment, or) on the amount of the daily eight dollars which he received for mouths for aiding in the ejectment of the legal -representative! fr rom Ins so;: t in the House of Keprcsenta- i - , - ;., ives. I his is a most mipsM tant victoi y in , lives. I his is a most imp Till respect, ft "ill teach future Govern ors that the riglits of the poj:.4e iuu.it nei ther be tampered with mr ileferrelk and it will 8 en i c to tlie State an honest expres sion of its now unequivocal hostility to V. Huren, should the election of President'le.. i voive on the House. Acivbcrn -Spectator.. VAN BUR EN TACTICS. The Newbern Spectator contains a Cir cular, signet! bv k Oi.c ol" the People," which was read oh thr day of E' ction '-at " all tlre-p-n-cincts iti the County ol Craven. This Circular certainly exo-eds, in brttc all attempts t -deceive the-peop1 we have ever' yet lenown to tj.' made. It accuses Gen. Dudley of thinking ir to be the duty of nil the POOR men Ci North- Carolina, to give their daughters in mar- riuire to the Indian Savmsts .' J and savs anil if wc elect him Governor, we need r.ot be surprised if he ues l is endeavors to get the red savages fo sctlle anions; us for the purpose of polluting the 'blood of our families by inerm:rriage,, !! In con firmation of these chaiges a circular let ter of Gen. Dudley, while a member of (Ot;s;cs. is referred to by this One of the People. " The letter when produced, after discussing the propriety of remov ing from the limits of North-Carolina the snurll icmtiiuit of 2,000 Chcrokees, inha biting one coriieT of 1-he Stat, contains the followtasg sentences-: By leaving the Indians undisf tirbed, if tliat were pos sible, and allowing the white peop'e to settle aroui.il and among Ihem, intermar ry, etc. in a few vears the Indian charac- li ift!i hr.-pil rp'niniripVl. -itn4 A iiiirninn ! extinct. It is agreed thev have ni tained some degree of C!vi!iz.alion and improve ment in agriculture, arts and sciences Now to be broken up from their comfoi t ftble homes, transported to the womls. from cultivated to uncultivated lands. from agricultural to the hunting life, must necessarily destroy many, and cause to 1 tat ore next winter, and the. surplus reven others severe soIKm inis" What may W -" has been selected by them as a proper expected from a party' that will resort to entering-w edge with which to coromonce sucli means to attain "their e.ids ? hvir treacherous cainp.tigti. A division of The Spectator some time since, said 0e Whig party would delight the now pros-, sohicthin'gaboul "depe,alion in the I ,r;,te time-servers, and nothing will bo left Wraf 'principle is i't that gives r'rse to such undone by them that may tend Fa prince admits, in the East, as the one detailed I T,e Vanites of tlvc; eastern counties abnvr AVe Jmpe ilwglorv of Athens hath !mvc endeavoured to create a "split'? in irot'ikartel.reibr(l Gz. our rafcs, by denouncing the people of the : j west en i'hss as nullifiers; but the noisiest Tlie -Van Uuren n PdJfnra.-i M,r,.sJh in believe in the inviu .tncibiJitv of their Dartv. . .v....,,.,, " . .. ., i ms as 1his is resorted to. hut let them ! have naticnce ? Novhiber will explain the: i'm'yslerv. HUsboro Recorder. " ' ., t r, . . JL Ue-XGrlli-?i MVWfltil 'IlilettWtl. late. seBtrti'tf the House off Re- At the ipresentatives, thaVbody courtl not tlecide between Mr. tSi alrtftntril his Van Bureti tpponcnt, Mr. Newfautl-, who contested the scat of the former as a Representative in Congress of oue of the Districts iu N. Carolina. Tire contest w as so ch.se that '1he lloase ctmld not or would not decide ! .i .. ir:. . . ! saiusi n.v u ntiTeii: pat irian, .Tit tidxeut i . ...... - - .1. . - I 11C3 -V-'IKD li:iu III I mi I'lMMIU III ITI ft. III.. 1 si here has been ttccord.rvglv at 'he itceul , c -V. v...,w .....VIC' Itftl. ,1 tJ .IftV.-l JMectton a nev tr'Ktl of thr. causTi before; the People, and the result . is that Mr. Graham the Whig candidate, hasgainedi it with everjf xi'C'iuisiaiice of a ctiinplete triumph. hat w;sj.o extecdingl v dit ikull and ituricaie f'or".Vat.Uuj'eo (i ouae id tepitse;tttives to utHtr rstand or tl-i iiTn.i'-e. vijUftJ I-. i- ff int. ;P-Anti i . ...... V, ... W VZ v- n, uiy Pcde l-astlc dated, " with-it lea W the box.'- fi.... mni-irirv v.f ..k. t ,,,t- t u v,. u ...... - Uitrwi upwara ( 16001 Jiuil'unbre ChroiU Tb IrlniupIfHnt election of" Graham in the- Mtwntaiii-District byaheprHtiius yj.iyy i ipu.votps, be re-anlctl fiS ,m emphatic rebuke of Gov. Spaight , ll, U.a. .! ltw.ll' IlldCf 111- or n trilling .fji- " i he rip-lit ot renresenta- tion. We have reason o believe-lhat the 5ntei,tion was lw do his duty in nii oia'.ier. ne y;ih mi - " " . i .x i ; VI .. .I'll .-it otMi I .i ..I ... t?..!.i?..k ,. ...oil l : t 1 V iftce i . - i ... the decwuiw vacating the seat, . ilouni ies with the intention of issuing the writ for I an immediate election. Tlic re, however, ; he met with Mr.Newtand, who, crest-fall-je, fell that he had no hope if" the elei tim should take place then ; whereas, if le- ferred, he nnht possitjly succeed, with ihe aid of all the influence : of the ' party, tu an evil hour, fur the Governor, he con sented to abandon the clear line "of duty, for the remote' hope :of a party benefit. information from various -quarters leaves . ... u no room to (Hiuunnat inany nwnest men have abandoned the party in run se quence of seeing the unfair means by which it was attempted to be sustained. tyii ttvilit Observer. The Raleigh Sta'lari consoles i?elf r... .i .r.4. ,1... r..n..:.... . :.i ... .i ... .t . - Governor's election whs no tost of ihe ro- .. , i uucai ieeiins oi ihj peop:e o .iiti Carolina. Rather too late in the day. Mu Standard.- it' ever there was an election which was decided purely with relerence to National pmit cs, it was this. What little exception lhre was to this rem.vk, was in favor of Gov, Spaighi. i? had bee-n in the legislature aliuitst v.itinmt intermission, for 0 or '25 ve.trs, a-Hil had been a candidate for Governor more than half a score f tim-cs. always carrying a large' party of persona! and po'itical fiiclids alimg with him. Jist year he was elected, and the iridiH"silion of the people to !i-smiss an officer until he shall have seived tle fti'l constitutional term, is well known. Gen. Dudley, tui the contrary,, had but rarely been in th Legislature, and had er beeji hefoie the jieop'e, of the whole Stat.e, oi the Leg- ilature, for any oflicc. His noimlarit v was untried, and no means; were leli un essaved to prevent his election. No test of nai ties ! Look at New Hanover cotin- 1 - ty, wf-.ich has for years ,bern thor-ouglily tlrilled by a few wtercAed leaders. Highly as Gen. Dudley is ljersonally es feemed therx, he was beaiien by a deci ded p-jrty vote. We beg jrach reader to louk at hi own county., and answer if it was not a part' vote. The reply cannot but be in the affirmative, j The fact is, and the Standard knows it! well, that Mr. Van Huren cannot get the vote that was cast for Guv, Spaight, We take some citf.lit to -oiirseii tor moderation in our es timates, and we assure our readers that il is our firm conviction that JHidge White will beat Van liuren itf November more thau twice as much as Dudley h- s beaten ;i)a,o'lU FuycltevWe Observer- It is the fixed and preconcerted deter mination of the Vail liuren Dartv to sow I th seetrs xf contention in the State Legis-. iVP"1" "1 wv i' "Ji' "'ere nu 11- i C II... !..! i ""? ' U,Y '5V'ama ion. j ne non I n linri nx! 1 1 1 nn I111' lli rm-riim - tiim iiinptn-tnut State workJ this statesmanlike , . .v r-. . - tleclaraVinn s chnractiiMick of the minds i ,nmiH' E' 1,1 wcn ne sintci, in suu rv"K ii .,.., l..jtt., 1. !..,.. .1. ' Stance, that the committee had not Been I H t 3VIUH IIU llj ,nunU"ii --'J IJH.IIW I . J'. i i.i .. " tin.- hi if jvinivint ii) iniimu"ii :'VJ xiju.iiw not fv..ni imniiU... hati lv rM,ir..n,tl. n,.d ti'u worn impulse, ntst o.v commamt, and vve wnuW T-it d..;.m nlr.,. the -tdi;(n j or treclarations eitli. ;were they not in accordance wit and- indicative of. those j which prevail throughoothe j The western Van Btiien eenemios' ranks, men wdl, n doubt, play I heir par ami erect sonre. ; oilrer Kfum'hfiuz blockiin (he wav of unaui- j niity in our Sta'c 'Legislature 5 h'it the Whuzs have learned much froth the 1af i eight ;ycars? e.Spoknec, and thev u ill not . u " 'ft- . . . , .. ... - : be mfluepted'br nettv nrVhne. .- : e have IVcVer Hrmil tht.:WVit. as n body; accused of hostility to the Central raUtXiad,. tim-do ve believe tiiat the people there will be jess ready i than i ourselves to pronrot? itcmistruction; Neither do we beiieVe that ''Ahey w jll consent o bestow the whole ai"plii on it. Tliere arc many other pub ic Works in contemplation, which if not so generally prorot;ve7ot w hat may : .evCiusiudy rafled StaV.'-iiiiorvit are 1 comparatively important (o sections-.-.ml j t'ommumties. and t he chmns oi such Sttuulu i - . 7 -- -A ... .neither betovcHooked rmr jlesuised. A j vie- LegilatilivVowever- this in'ai te salisfactoi ily; witliouf rgiing th f.ictnsui enemies oi' State piospeiikV any oppsw tnnily of throwing us back on the ten dervHiercie of the rapacious managers in .whose ha mis we have" been tor the last eight : years. This can easil y be done, by weigh -jit)g,w-ll the 'claims and importncv; of all i the public vrks which have been projected ;and popularly approved, by appropriating to each that "portion of the fun which its j importance, in relation with U&t of others, j deserves, ami by withholding ihe sum so appropriated, undl those mosT interested cll-lll llnuo cMlv.U,l .... 1 .l.i: shall have sobs cri bed or paid such tional sums as shall be suffieltmt to addi- coin- plete the vvoi k.--Newbern Sptator. THE PCLBLiC LAND FRAUDS, &c. In perusing a veiy interesng circular letter from the Hon. Rick Garland, one o the Representatives in Congress from Louisiana, we were so much interested in ihe-suhjoiiied'passajje, that we have though't we could not do better than lay it before ohr readers. It ives, in a coiuleusjd form, from repjins.ble authorit y , an ac count of what passed in the liuse of Representatives tin the subject of the al leged Land Frauds, .-it ihe late session of Congress. Nat. In'tl. u The 'war that has been for months past waged with the Seminole Indians in Floiida, still continues.- That which has more recently commenced with a portion of the Creek nation is likely to be brought to a more .speedy termination. These war will cost the country fronifive to six millions of d-ol !ars, in. all probability, and a loss of life that cannot be apprecia ted. If the truth shall ever be known in relation to the causes' of these wars, I hav.ard very little in saying 'hat they have ttrisva -more from t'lxt oppressions and frmtth practised tvith impunity on the Indians by th-e-t tizens of one or ttOJ ofatcs. than J rom any other cause. It is the dul y of the Government to protect and ilefendnor citizens, be the causes of war whatever they may, and I have voted fur. ever v. ap pt opriali.ni for that purpose jvt i Can not i efrain -from sayinjr that, if the tojna hawk and scalpiug-knife were, or coald be made'-to fall only on the heads of the heartless. speculators, their file would not excite either my svinjathy or regret- W libra a few days of the close -id' the session, a peiitiotl from about eight hun- 1 ilred residents f the States ol Gforwia ai,tl A'abanjya was presented to the Hou?e ! of Reoresentat ivis. It state. I that .shame ful anil outrageous fraud had ben prac tisetl on the Creek Indians, which they Iwrd no doufet had. brotig!t tt the war. Tncy intim ited, in terms th it ctiu'tl not he understood that some 0 those who Jial been engaged in prercthing frauds upon the hidrairs hadbten instrumental in exciting them ti) ho -ft Hi fi, the better, it is aupposett. to tonceid their share in them. Thev asked Congress tti adopt some course calculated tt a-cerlain the frauds, and bring to jus tice the perpetrators l I hem. A propo sal was mflde to refer the netition? to a m 1 11 f 111 viivu the alleged frauds, and recommend the aih)pM n of such measures as, might be deemed necess ity to expose the frautlu Nent t ransactionsdo justice to the-Imlians, and punish the ;ui!iy. A proposition so fair and reasonable was resisted by the reat body of the friends of be Atl minis-.. I rat iion, and voted dow n by them ; and tne petition of a large number of citizens,' addreswni to Confess, asking that body to provide a remedy for alledged wrongs anil gross frauds, wa sent to the Presi dent to make inquiries, and ctake. such .measures as he might deem proper to cor rect the evils of which the petitioners comp'aincu. v This is but one iustanc?, among seve ral Others, in which the friends of the Administration, during the late session, have resisted or evaded iurjuiries by com mittees into the manner in whte.n ihe pub- ---- "- " ,ic business Ivas been transacted. 1 ue . 1 i.. a . r p' ' uiCniuu1m.raMiiiTO.n... j T . . . To get ihrnngh ihe inveiualiorFwidV j T . . . ' !i1!t -r irut I K in li-l-i il... it x-a S i.r I i.,l?tV I : IV " , . , ' v 1 w" "" . Uv'hich they had been charsed that they i had astcrtained enoogh to .ltisfy ihem ' j u,ht to be coniiaue.l and asking further authority, lo mi during th recess ol Con gress lor the purpose Of pt recced ing wilh tire l aiung if testi mon , Tliis Committee ws CLuipnsed of supporters aiid opponents of the Adminislrattop. ,A'hey jvere uuan imnosiy of opinion, as! (iiHler'ttMMl,.thal jhey ought to be 'p'rintted lo coaiinue In xessiou ? but it wjks reruett ihe catr iug viiie of the Sppske.. ..... ''. - V- Altertts wrr mail e at other period V of Ihe s e s si o n lt ii vest igi 1 e": the trap sic jo n s ofotbet i)eptrtments Hf jtlie tiiyertiiiieiit i The CMiniexion tretwecherrea !) parlmetit, the drpWite bafi'ks" and'their -ige.fit or agen s, .VaS x'ne. subject ofooe b emulation. ... ft tta prjmmed ufeS.ifnint itfito theatlinistrafiiwi ti the. ,a84'i;-".! - jk'lK GcnraI"Iid Q&e,- a:;d,tSiC - ei:a with lull power to.scml for wimesses and I "7 ''e- tlie Iiohp ol ier bunaUlie put documents.; and. if nrcessary, fo proceed'? ,b:1 on h,s hoP dowr of -th-to ihe . Indian country, to examine into ' ,acon,c order: tunisof the land iiknt ucx a'iv . . gentleman from Virginia -lT-rt(f . 1 resolutions to raise committee's t inc each Department-nrihe Goyi-p,' "and to lay it, prnt otMimgS hofi,. i!.J,p'', -pic : but his i evolution" v. ere ... ted. . r 5 i- -G.I the 2.0'h of June last, a ri.glt;,. raise 'a commit tee 1o inquire into , leged combinations, and connevi,,,,, l " i ween memuers o: Lrmisrp-ss, iliftVr... ... . ... . ... . -., 1,. hcers ol the General Governmeht ercut f. the ai.tl speculating in, the public finds win,",' f.uhlic ihoitev, was Adopted. a,mS ilt. c miltee rfppointd j-a maj iriiv ',f . !"' were decided. friends and sunn.-L... . I he AduunistraUou. They lua I., c . progress in lire exanunatmn. ujtl, . - ;vi III ..i.(5 V-'l.irl, they were ChargeiVf but' not bf I. .1 ' . I V I-. fllio- -.-i.i.. . ";u mc!nspi!ion, iron, t)t. .!nll ttOI'Iftxl ftvf ill.. cr.u.: .1 ail. ....... v... .i,y.i in, vmil, UH'V I a reoorf in njirt. whirh ma.! certain resolutions, which I 'r.m.- .1 are e printed by the printers t ,. ()K 4Mr. IIuvt, from the select rum...:!'' tee appointed to inquire whether me.iib,r of Congress or.others had procured pjj! moneys of Jhe deposite bank, fr t ho nr pose oi speculating in the pub,c l;, made a report, accompanied bv the iuU nil! lowing: resoiuiious : ' JieSatcstt, That the sHprt rommitto! by tlu House, on the SOt'i June. 1835 .... u, t.m , .-i.i.LHiiftTv nave jiowcrio Bit durjiij tlic receas of this H.jiisc. " Retotved, That & cummtitee embrace in lt inquirh'B any. cinupxion brtween ilepostii'c -ha 0t others, and ihu land oflicc3, for the p-i.-jxs aUw ulation. o.l In r.l.tft, 'atifl flin- ant.l r.ft, 1 " Rttilvefl, . That said cnmmittiv inijivrp hiw , and tovwhom, for speculation in pnhii- tlii upoitc Damc- nave issued cerutacatPA of i1.'k)s;u witliom an actual deposita hi uuh. and tu wlmirx. tent thny liave leen rmvivwl- i-i payment "'.for urc!ia of putUic lanJ.H the sovt-ral land effio-g. " Resolved, Th.1 s:iitl coininitt?-! inquire W far, and to what extent, combination? in the pur. chase of thr public lauds have fccn t'omird, or rj forming, snfliciently stroi)?, fr.m intestrj m iifj t cmtrol to any extent the legislative action of Con-' Very grave aiatfer is involved in th-st resolutions, certainly deserving invest!. uon ; ami u came before us m a verymii piling manner, be'm;jr the report f ciiih. mitfee specially appointed . Y-t the Home of Representatives refined to adept tlie rcsolu-iions and continue the committee, T know nothing personally C the t ran ac tions alluded to j but rumors and report nfhrmiuo the facts, were in circulation here, in which the name of it. ve-y high public funclionarv was mentioned I have felt it my duly to lay lhfe cir cumstances before you, that you mar draw your own inferences. from fhein. ... . . J . .... I nc. impression made on my niind is. that investigation aid examination tr.io the manner in which our affairs have hetn and lire conducted, so far from b wz in vited, as it would have been if every thing was right and proper. Inn 'boon openly -resisted, or evaded by the opera tion uf Parliamentary rules." FROM. THK no-TON ,LAXV. Business Heore PleasuredAn apnlW cary, late oloxbury, who -was peculiar in his notions, and remarkably attentivi to bis business, had the misfortune to.hwi ; i , y , . a. 1 . 'one from home to Ihe Tuncrfl of my wife. Be back in half an hour." . RAIL Rp AD MEETING. At a meetins of the citizens of Clmtluw' County, held at the Town of PtNb'in on the9ih August I8SS, John J. Als'wi, Esq. was' called to the Chair,' and Al H. DUmukes, appointetl Secretary. Af ter an Address from the Chairman, expla natory of the idij'ects of the meeting, .il:e fuflowinir Resolutions were offered ami unanimously adopted : . 1. " ihmh-ed,:. That e exiendirtft the U.le'Kh and (vision ltd I U iuiIo in pf;gres tlnoiifih this Ste, to the Swhth-Carn ini li 'r, i ;l o' jtct of v'ea! i.iipt.mcc to ,tfit i ntcrtst-i N'rttiC:ij-ot.n. . 2. Rtrctrt.L Thrt we Consider th route from It I-.'hft)-tV liny wood, to tle SmtilMJ r !' lintr as ufT'ordiiijf sepcriwi' sdvnt?s t tUnt any olhrr ; not only on ac5 ;Hnt"orits brin most il'e eet ss vvt 11 as.tbe.pext, bnt al b ci' lliat I .cation wouhl. b Ihe nearest prc:ic:'t)!J one to fh-r IVr i!e middle and vestein Onnlie t;nn vrhic5 d?p-' Can be established mo' cw veiiirnt to the ugricnKursd corn'mnfny, and "' tcrseccd by other tt4ljlo vds- 3. Resoked, Tl-at John .L Alston, Ch-.rW-WdliAtns, Dr. Uberl K. " Smith, S (s Jnckson, .WdGam lmdK )v J,-ter Eva-.-St J" 8 V.;Bmnm, .v-pli it.iri:.y, Tlmm. Vrii AhraiST'lteiichcri lit-. Speuvrr .Mcf:lena!'i ' Al'iright, Gen. It. (j. Cotton, -and .loa lw '',fJ i-.ds-ii, he a p.i'ited a Gmi ttee lo tliealjoiinifd Itail lio .d metT ig at Sl nn the lOtti OntoSer next, fo drvi-w . nne j1'9 fvr the promotiiMi of our mutual -.interests. 4. RetoH'Ted, That the f Secretary ir:i!tm ii "nhv uf iliti 1T-tifeeetliii''H f l!ii ' meet 'ml' I"1 a Kd.torstjf the S listinrv, UaleUh ami F)'c HO iriUc p ipei, fur i tseni n. - JKQ J. ALSTON. CaaU A. II. tVisxcKss Scc'y, El.KCTKD hy the t.ery-besi Mu.icis" i" ' ,e United States Ciukles K. Ilaitx, r.q 'M 'iifJJiw-Yorlt... - ij- T'te S.ih-criber h ju t received TffoJ'D' OS, .of very jerior vo te ami ft ---- . '.,,r vtre beett .tim.ie I by fire or s x M is-c-b-. ho jron;wnce thejp fi'st r'e--.st vcral ' , oUUbt and most exrithiced Ca!inct m rr this" plaice, wno have jcari-ftilly e '"j exteriwr, nnli2S;talhi;!y declare- tin-"1 f;'r :t'i3 f.iny tlnng of te kwrt tliey b.-ive rv-r I'etersbur. I'r flit: rpiali y nf, t!iSC 'l' me ins, J refftif to Ctiarle K. ll'irn. H-1 Vurk j Jictr T!io'w HaSinw, IVi-!,;'M,.f!. i. .. ... ft i K ...... . ,!,.: W '' !t in'msmi, Ksq.ctiHMMMl C!urlc! U 'h ' I'.ofesfivr wf Musii-, in thi- nl.-e.-. L;jt'ir ivwifH r,.iiiv.i - - - 1 Paer.barg, Annual 2J. 1 1 i