in.mwn l9l0f'iViit I AYhigs. :-'---:ir so.: it will-.' iV 'parties in jhe j pJ?y-in happening to ho present at the JitU$lVrA''a 1 House, ami stillleave theAYJugs the bene- tuM"ahisp, the 1J having. e.,twl he- i 1 ' . v ' i . . '. ; ; o Uvreu the lower niw and panned thrnuo-h the larger g foWKXTlOK a . beheld at Salary, j fit t t rM imum-.ty ,h,e Sena f pa dhtly fiL ml heT TtoKS i i"u-lOJd.v of 0:t-.he-, influence to large eUMJ to lilt uutlm pnJlM g:tl uudw U,c -km on the Lack Mr.C, linger- COIls; ruction oi a""1 -- , v.n.-? i, i.n.. j.h.j, vi-i ii'im " , ! pain imoiu an noar. alter being- t:iKen j; ;1n ''- U is dcsirable-Mli -t Wke : fast u, iuu-grity, which Wtt cannot per- UV house where he .expired an intern! he- i 'Hies, Nashville Repub!ican;tf I3th ins?, states tt in lYtck&m rounty, rTnn. ' on the breccnlitfir Monday. suclFauaiiufy , ..: ,- renre-it-m-.l in Urn i.ouv: lM I : i, i v'lt-w to the atl",T'-fn ' " .....I'mir-te'.!! k Ul.l the IJoUfl- 2t in RIrit'. o.v Motul ,y .fwf Supwrmr i ;,!fi:na.iivce of Uie cUlzMw"uf the (5 u '))'." 1 " .r-MANV ailZKNS. Sfp' O. lb jO. oil w3Ps kSC his removal, l.avifig':eivtirelj disappeared. T!it is only one case there nw, antl that in ;i coiivalescijut state. 'I'jie alarm which at hist n'i vatkl our community -alio- j of rain fell ilur'mir a snacti of evcnt gcther snJtilerl. and business has resttuietl , that stock of all kituhs, fence, divelliiiV i.jvontexl channel.. ; ! hiiu-cs, iron works, and iiujeed every thing :C7 Since the above paraaplk.yvan jtliio the -rasjve oftJie flooil fas--swept , type,, the siHjjorned CnTimyntcation from ; J.,way '.Two families oh Teljow Creek per- xiwse; .... . ' -r ,,-Jklr. Dkvkbrux came to h.nnL which il- I wneil, with the exception of one nesro, wha accuracy ot the lort'tpiiug ciaiemem, we " . ...w,n iust,ates so f.frcibly the eflicacr,of Vacci- i v htmseu ty ascending a tree, r .It-is k1i.i1 h. nM;,m t t hi m or the ctturt. . ' J .r ' ' - j tiiontK-s and (Kareu. It aj)poared in evidence nut oniel to doubt If the Hichtnnnd Enquirer, or any of its Uiaud tii;tin admirers in thi State, can expose the. in . shl morilKtt) causiiiu his death. We undrrs'iniJ that1 cly the name of the individual who i thorit'ws and (K a red. i arp infTtFlued. tht Mr. Pnitmi fulid sKv-sivii wnt JICTV.1L MJMVhil I. I he "Staii" , armed with pistol) had thranfcnw. to take the Hfe hns increased U(v. IIUDLkt maioritv tn of Mr. H. whenever and wherever he whoijld meet !40. the rot urilS flul VVilke sunt i hin wlsieh ransed the latter to prepare hinwlf.; 1-yviDK heei incorrectly given in our table lu" ,at!W m 11,5 niPf T . a V. u. afc;,a!a i : J7.fii.;.., f.w. ti . i , 1 lushes by saving. '.1- it Ifuffhesl' which being It t! Mttncient tor all practical nurnoscs to , ,r ? i- u 7 i , , ., ..... ,',,-,'v, i' n answered aiTinnativelv. he m:ule a motion to draw l .t..i.f ih'ir r it.. vv i. Mir... - i. a i 'i' i"- i i jivernoi is eiecietl by. a majority nsin": jpivc Thousand. Il will be seen by the following extracts j from our Amemletl Constitution, that the : precue vote wjll not probably be ascertain mnr lusti ates so forcibly the eflicacv.of Vacci- i Rve hunselt fa '. natiof!. in uroiectni the humun system : that nearly every furnace and forae in iium ine inosi loatnsoine oi an uisenses, ' "j t "mien- thalwe make rooni tor it in this tianer : j -ally injured. , : ' MEasRg. tJniToii i-It is weil known in tliia vioi- ' nity, that mv father's family. and my own hava, fur ! thu last two months, been much afljictetl wiia ttm give" the followin" acCDUUt biiral - .ox. I have heart! with much nurprizv, tfiut Freshet in Lime tliv.-r a ,.irtolf upon which Mr. H. instantly fired upon u. Thursday was a cloudy dav, buf nof re- , 1 J 1 . place to subin 1 1 1 VaecmntiJii. In ta. ho, t of re- , ,, J ,i-t r r " . li,m- , movig ihw ! rojudice, lam h.dueed t you ' "'arkablyj-o. A little before day on Fii- MURDER AGAIN. the follow in,r aiaiemenu ' I do it the more readily, day morning, it commenced raining here, On .Saturiv afternoon last, about 4 oVlork, o as it may be more easily understood, than if it pro-,i and rained nearly all Friday, with steadi Mr. H. W. Flemintr . merehant. of Fayette, wa ceedetl Irom one of the Faculty. ness : liothiti" however to 'alarm. On Great Freshet. The Richmond Wht; of a great 4 i. lfl J? 1 17 CI I QM 'T? Tt , tv. DuDi.F.y wHI not enter upon the lu- :,1,ou' 8 Jcl,t Tucstlay, September C, 186. llopublicnn Wliig -Ticket, L. WHlTE,r Prmitlent. JOHX T'IjF.U, for f ive-President. 1 if District, id " 3d 5th " ' ith ; 7th ' " 6th " Sih " Jtl.h 11th 12th 13th lith U:h VIll'iR KI.ECTOHS. Veia, of nuthcrfctfd, Col. Anderson Mitcludl, Wilkea, Vm. J- Alexaivder, Mecklenburg, ioKi CVJes, HtTwan. John L. LeaBuer, Ilorkingliam, John M Morel'u ad, Guilford, Hen. John D Toonier, Cnnihettand Dr. James S. Smith, Orange, Charlea Manly, Wake, PrT Willi. Perry, Franklin, Wm. W. Cherry, Bertie, Gen. J. O. K. W illiams, Beaufort, Jh'n L. Bailey," Pasquotank, Fdount Colt-man, Lenowr, Jerembh Pearsall, Duplin. ary next. V Tlie returns of eery election for Governor shall j he ealed up and transmitted to the neat of Govern I ment, tiy llie refurnins: officers, 'directed to the Speaker of-the Senate, who shall open and puUh'.ih. them in the presence f a majoiity of the members of loth Houses of the Geperal Assembly. " The Governor elect hall enter on the dijtief of the office on the first day of January next after his election, having previously taken the. oaths of ' of fice in the presence of the members of both branch es of the General Assembly, or before the Chief' Justice of the NujtrettH? Court, who. in ease the Governor elect should 1 irevente,TXcom nttendanee before tlit General Assembly, by, sickness or other unavoidable cause, h authorised to sdiuinister tho same." - , li.o tVrtin lb latter to th funnel- vailed, coiisiated ot ihirtv-fiinr. " v"- r- .. ." - . . ' uriiriA 'II: new way to pay old debts:' and , had the bmall pox, twenty-two-had been Vaccinat-1! . 1 V : if ... M UA I.. II IF .,,.,,.., lirvMiil 1 -Tl -1 W - ' ... - . v rn! , ... ... unm ine legislature meets, ami. lhat t morbiily fftublird by Win. A. smut. 1 ff diapute j uaiieti uiniiic. at the tunc tac aicae pre- , ur4jay niortiiii"" "it was observed with Ut tacse, tour hu ; rt it T inai incic iiia i i' bailie ed, and eight were, as tar a f cao atertaii, with- tvtver. 1 lie ttiver continued to rise Utl- ! arm himself and let us go to killing eatli other as ' ut any protection whatever. Ot'thjp latter, all had til arer nihf, atitl attained a hcrght eX- tne disease m greater or Icks ot seventy ! ceedmo; by 3 inches, the fresh of last June. four.futally. Of those who had been Vaccinated one i ''lie faf (lf raj n j,, a -jVrn timc jn tle h id a severe eruptive disease, but cnthvlv free from ' . L i P , 1 . . . J . : i Mountains mugt have been great bevond anv daiijrt-rous svmptoins. Opinions are at van- i - , ,, . B ' ance. whether thw was Ser,u-ne m:ili-pox. or that" dern recol.eclion, as from appearances lieane rniU-.l liv Piiv ,ii-i:infl Varioloid. 4 e. we ?ive it but 24 hours, if so much. .... . . - - . - .- ,-.,7 , - r wuuiK n - - 7 rmK', nad delilterately shot Ins owtson throuarh the ; tn i,,, H,1, V-...inn!.m feil! in . i.. I.-.V ffc'! i.i Ir'ic tl IV'-cl. out of twemy-two. Of the remaining persons who'! since August 1 S 1 4. ' at t!ie very period;, v :c,n ato, an were more or less exposed : t,,at Washiu-tun - Ci l V Was occupied by ponvj as mucu so as possipi?, aii-j or . . , . i ha-1 an erruniive dibcae, winch; . ,r . " . . V e Hear of mticli tl am aire. I hirtv fept siivarj nrAPtuc ol woarin arms antl revlrppsin ont t 1 . . . . . -V ! nf ; f r?i-w1 ,ik., . l i I uflmm tliiu u mrtUti K'tll ntt nrc and rrr uhan I ! flf-I 111 IClIlL lidMlt f m 1 I I . if 1 1 r I f riiMtt'ik tiw V1IIO 1CT IT I lilt 11, II 111 UIIVI IVinilU IJhV n ilfllj I - " 9- - - - - - - -w..,.i - f t. H J j say that it was tnllmg1 wlicn comp.iroJ wnh the ' of miles beyond Tay lortviilef haa been McJe, and milder than thu common Ghiekeu-poi. ' swcp aWay, ami two mail from the North a. . 1 ' MltK fill HHhl:I. limtllMl tl I fi'i 1 UtMiltnt " - In the tabic which we published week before the last, compiled as it was in haste, seirral ina inracies occurred, though we endeavoured to j;uard against them. We now subjoin a classification-of parlies in the Legislature, which, from all the lights within ourreach, we believe to kcperjetlly accurate. Our only design is to give a correct statement to the public, .and, we think, we. may safely defy any one to de tect an error in that which "follows: &A1TE OF jXOIiTIi-CJllOLIX-l. The .following Districts ate represented by Whip. viz:-Washington? and Tyrrcll I'ercjuitmins i:d Pasquotank Northamp ton I rer t ford' Halifax -Pitt Hyde a nil Beaufort Carteret and ' Jones Chatham. Granv ille Pet son Brunswick, liladen &. Columbus Robeson & Richmond Anson Cahanus Moore & Montgomery Orange, Randolph Guilford Stokes Rowan I) ivnlson Wilkes and 'Ashe Iredell Rutherford liuncombe, Haywood and Macon 26. The following District are represented by Yah Humknitks. vir : Camden ami Currituck Gates and Chowan Bertie . it i i. rf I.i- r..t..r I. nan in a an v aKe r raiiKiin jhu stnn Warren Ktlgecomb Wayne 0: een siiur Lenoii- Craven Cumberland Sampson New Hanover Duplin II IIi.cImiii frttvt H '.fliirk'i ntrli:iin .SiiitV-- Lmcbln Mecklenburg Jiuike and Yaii- cy 24: ; - .-'-,'. C7T Senator from Cumberland, Ihtiugh' nominally sl Van I5uren man, it is' ascertained, will vote wtllt the Whigs on all leading questions, which, will in crease their number to SIT and rcduce'the Van IJuren strengih to 23 Itavini; a ma juiity in favor of the Whis of 4. a pastime. This is the ehhth aflair of the kind that has occurred iii Mississippi, within a few days ' MURDER AGAIN. By a gentleman who rams pa.s;enj;er in the Car- rolton, we learn that a person by the name of Her- rin, had deliberate! heart, at Vicksburg, a few days since. FATAL AFFRAY. We presume the public are beginning to see the absolute necessity of titming their aghinst the rearm? arms and redressing one I own rievftncen We have hitherto passed these things by in silence, hoping they would have their d:ty and then sink into oblivion ; but we find this course will answer no longer, as the list of fatal rencontres of the passionate and reckless is evident ly mi the increase. Wr do not mean to any that our State is alone in those things, and in order to show soni.i who have unduly rensnred her, that she is rfit we shall in a !"ew days publish a number, of these matters that will prove it ;bnt4hnt Mississippi Itor fidl uli.rn if tli.m ,nd tlit lliMir n''ni-rtH''d State to . the o'her, the most lelirlitful i tvbrr. iu r,-a.,i wi.v iw-r ui.--.ii.i n..'t sitnt novv prevails, and every W nig seems ' incited 'to rene'vctl exertion in the olorious ! cause in which he i en-a-ed. Conscious i r, p which k-tl to these remarks u from the Iwd of the superiority in numbers, we feared "-y Telegraph, -and i-subjoined : lhat the nwjoneiits of Mr. V. liuren iiMht '.- '' .V-. vve have just been informed that . ' . . -i e...l ........ tween N'r. Lhas Barnes and Lewis Watson, lmtn residents of thi vicinity, in which the former wa killed. Mr. Wiitson, it appears acted entirely o:i the defehsive, aqd was forced to .kill his antago nist in order to pave his own life. SikIi sceiici, are to infection, thtiu three - SPIRIT OF TIIE Vltt:$S Under this head in the preceding page, we hfjve inserted a number of articles in relation to the brilliant political Victory just achieved in. North-Carolina. From one end .of the tnke some steps to put hii end to them, are faU which we presume will not be uurstioned. " The li .1 it. i r i i . oiiiaii-pox, one ud tlje v ..rioloid,. and tin, caa was more severe than any of the oihurs, exceptwig the dou'Dtful uiit! ' litove menlionetl- Permit me in reeaiatuuta the reult. Of thu rl:.v their ..ffi.rr. hot n.- Knm.v . i ! rencontre toK piaca n oaiuniay lasu re believe, that they recognize, in ils fullest extent, the force of the remark, that ihe price of liibci'ty is ETKRNAL VIGI r .AvrP ' - i i atwaya' iinpleasant to record ; but whera.t an in r, i-r C rtmri'n w l i a - , i present' ra.e. there seems to have been so. slight a FA ES '.RIGHT. We understand that j croim(, for al!f.k on tlu. parl of IJlirnC!(f if any at in some counties of 4iur State, at the recent ajj existel we tliink that Mr V. acted exactlr as oil the South Anna, that has' . withstood the floods of thirty' year on that easily excited River, we .understand has b en personK who had neiiher had the bmall-pox. nor t carried aw;v. So has been Ueaverdam bo, n Vaeeinat-d. none escaped and baif oAhe ca-j B, ',, oil fteaverdam Creek, in Gotcl .sei teniiinated litaily. 1 i 'i . i i r i . . v.....5.,.,i.... ,r,.t..., 'and, a newly erected and olid structure. Ot the remaining twenty-one case; sis out ofxevan ! cat aped entirely, and tiie scvantii v.ts vry niihtiy uffcctotl. .Small-pox ) rote c led hut turcu out ot four. It tiiis Ktitement will induce one hend of a family to- submit to Vaccination. I shall be couipenisatsd for preparing, and you for printing it. Repactfully, your , T. i'. DETEREUJ .jr releases Mr. V. from all blame or censure AND ANOTHER. A Duel was fought on the 13di inst. opposite Vicksburg, -lierween t'ol Duvail and a Mr Cuu iiii!iam The former was shot through the bfcari at the first fire,-the la'.ter nairowlv escaped, the ball of bin Hutagonitt having parsed tnrough hi.s clothes. Klection, votes printed on coloured paper j any other man would have artrd undvr like cir were used bv the Vati Jluren party. '1 liis f ei;mtances: The verdt given in by the Coroner, is only a piece and parcel of the regular, systematic organization, for which the Al pany tacticians are so famous. In those States where their discipline has full sway, the citizens are numbered and told offbv the subordinates, and reported to ihe leatl ers. And when the season of drilling is past, and the went field' doy arrives, lest each faithful adherent should be unable to perform the prescribed manoeuvres, he is furnished with a coloured ticket, that his appointed Overseer, who attends him to tin Polls, may be able to vouch for his fidelity r or delect his faithlessness in' the. final aeU j And i his mockery of the right is dignified with the name Hkeoom of Election st" - ' m via is-. il! mr. rim U) ley ana iitn. rac&on. v are iiilbrmtnl, on authority which we cred it, that. Gen. Jack-on recently expressed gieat Holiciinde lor Mr Pinckney'-i re-election, saying it wu more iimpurtaut l him '.ban any election in the. South. A letter to that elfvct has been received in. our city from a pei"on who jieard the nentimeut 3t prescd. Churle&Lon Mercury. FLOUR. This article is very scan e in this market, and a tew waon loads: would meet with a very ready sale, at'hlg't prices. COMPLIMENT TO GOV. DUDLEY. We copy from the !at Wilmington Ad vertiser, she following invitation to a Whig Jubilee: T he Citizer.n of New lTjumrer Poimtv ami nit serve that the Washington f fins' continues j true Republicans, without distinction. "re invitd the name of Jlldvre SkTYI.K Oil the. ElectO- t to attend a Harbt-eue Festival in' Wilmington, on ral Ticket. From considerations which Friday next at 2 Vdock did him honor, he declined a month or two II, " ' of our F. l!ow-t;iiizen, the Govrrn- i 1 T I I. ....... t.,i :t..f,; r ' b-ct. and is lntentbil to coimnetnoraie the himiih!- II tt , rtlltl O. Ji llMr.LB rillli'liuilll j-.i .. i i V .1 ... .Hi " . ! nt.iiia .if H .1. 1 rVirtll T-ti. iM.r Ini'itiTillitl KU Mr. Pinehney and Abolition. Mr Pinck xtY boasts by his report to have checkec Aboli -ion fanaticism at the North, as well t iti hia shirt sleeve. as political fanaticism at. the South. Does i.e not know that this is an unfounded boast that the Abolitionists are as active as ever? Has In; not seen that the Su preme Court of New 'Jersy have decided that a Southern master cannot recover his runaway slave in that State ? Has he not Tlie Canal, was broke in two places oh l)tv Trent Farm in Goochhind, by the mere immense fall of rain. ' The tobacco on Jamc River, and we doubt not on the water course generally, haa beon swept fore and all, jost ready too, for the knife. he.corn we nope, has e reaped with less ii jury, as to be materially injured, the wa!er must have reached the ear. This is the fourth distinct fresh James River si:ic the 23th Mav last. looks as if the River gods were resolved upon destroying cultivation and re estab lishing tiieir silvan reign. We hae never known in 3D years, a rie in the .River so totally unexpected. A spring fresh anil a fall fresh, all in the twins e year, we be lieve unknown to experience or tradition. In the great fresh" of WTO., it was slightly cloudy in this part' of Virginia for three Atesnt Eilitorsri. A thla linrcri y parly have i).en harping ubout Instruct-'; i o n , a ii d ?ay i n g every thin g o f ; Si an gum (but calling hiiiv ft'HtlmaitVl . wish to know whnt theynw aybrMH$v sf rucfrons 1 have al way ctintenvdihat : the People were the only source, ntuty... possessed the on I y power to give Instruc tions. But the Vaiiites -would ay . there w as no way of getting jie opinion- of the People on the subject They -aler-pressetl their willingitess to abide by "What , a majority of the freemen of the Jiata' should tay. This was my doctrine befora . tne election, and m yet, and i hope eyer will be. Now I contend, that a jnj'rtty. of the People have Ba d, ly their late yot -for Govcrnor,thai Judge M a ngu nv's cnti rso vas correct, and I farther say, that if th Vanites act up fo theirjown tloctrine (ad venced .before' the election) they will .vote for a Whig Senator : and T say to Mr. Hrown Alter your course, a$ it is tha w ish otths People, who have jarig1)t to speak and ivtiti have spoken in a. voice not to bif iniannilerstood." But I still say, that the L -gisltture have no right toi insfruct.their Senators The People on- -ly have the. right and I am, proud that, oticc in every two yeara, ihe Freemen. North Carolina will express by'heir votes, what- lherr opiniutu of miya I ' measures are. . ""Il" tin For ttio I&cgister. . Messrs Gales $ Son : Th e fol I yv i r. Anecdote was related to the writer not long since, by a gentleman recently JVoim Alabama, wh; will vouch for its anthen - , I ticily. Being in the Store ofi gentlemvi ' who had removed from this State, wlien another gentlemaircatne in who .--wan like wise an emigrantfroui North Caroli lit, the latter seeing that the former had j-i't received the Raleigh paper, enquired'th'tv news from the old N rth State ? Tlie obit er of the Store replied that the Legisla ture had elected I)oa SpAiG.aTGuver,-. nor. A negro man giaridiug attlrcieouii ter trailing, hearing tb" reptjri and beiu hi rMKft f f i-iiri "NT. P. a ruling . I ti rSijt "riilintl t. 1 and exhibition: his dut'jle row of ivtkries, oDservetl with a. hearty " he, tie, n&T" I Hass Dubbs Mccted at last" ? 1. W. S. , davs, but not rain enough ts wet a uaan In this City, en Tuesday last, ; of BtH)tta Fever' Mr. William LobbStone cutter a native of Cora wall, England. " , In Wentworth, Itiiekin'htin cduntyjon the.2Sti' ult Atraic E Hixmkr, Esq. Senior Editor of the Wind at the Soath Greeiwbora' Patriot. He left his borne on the Mod- East, as Uliles it be, there i Uver a J day morning previu,ippareiiUy in his usual health sreat fresh. We hear of great intlividu j and'spiriu, but wai taken tioIeuUy ill on Thursnlay al Ins-. lliete ha bcu ttd deal m tobacco 'and timber at R ckrt,tH. 1 An Editor, in. Mobile comblains, arwl I we think justly ' too. ef tl. general high THE JfHJTE TICKET Wc ob- seen tnar Ivakuison nmancipaioi ooaaib, priceJ uf- the ,,eresaries and luxuries that his Resoluti-m about the District ' j nf life among which he names the fol Colti'.nbi.!, has vieltlel all that tlie Aboli , .. .. . " i . . ;.. i t ' - - fiotns s aimed to. gain, -mure iium ntvj i in his stead. The Oxford Examiner also hns a slight error, whit h should be correc ted. The name -of the Elector for that District is not 7iC3 F. but James V. Smith. These errors are not so important as drey would be, if we feared a close election, but thev had better be corrected at once. The Ticket, as published in this paper, is correct. HOUSE OF COMMONS. w MIOS. v.. AN. Ar.srin, " JJ A'-h. f 1 lleaufort, 3 Bel tie, 2 . ailen, 1 Caswell, 2 Uruiis wick, 1 Cumberland, 2 . liuncombe, 2 Carteret, 1 Ihirke, 3 Currituck, 1 Coitiuibu?, 1 Chatham, 1 1 Chowan, 1' Craven, 2 Camden, 1 . Duplin, 2 Chatham, 2 Kdgccomb, '2 Cabarrus, 1 Franklin, 2 Davidsun, 2 Culos,. 1 Granville, 3 Green, 1 G u i I ford, 2 . G u il ford , 1 - Halifax, S v Haywood 5l Hyde, . 1 Johnston, 2 Hen ford, 1 Lenoir, 1 jfihes, 1.. Inico'.ii, 4 lrrtlcll, S Marpu, .1 Mtmtgnttvery, 2 Martin, , ,.1 Noriliampton, 2 MecklenburgS n G'at ge, 3 Moore, f Pdsquntank, i Nash., 1 Vorquimons, t ' ttVV.Hftnover,-2 Uiua4i, 3 Or:t!!ge, 1 Raudotph, 2 Onslo"w," I s Ruiherford, 3 Put, 2 "; P.icJuniu ,.d, 2 Person, 2 Stokes, . 2 Robeson, 2 Tyrrell, I . Rockingham, 2 Wake, , 1 Stokes, ty Wjike?, 2 Suny, 3T AVahiiig!on, 1 Sampson,, 2 - Wake, 2 50 Warren, fi "Wayne, 2 ..Yaucy, 1 Thoae of our citizens who have been bled pretty deeply, in betting, on the re sult ot Governor's election, are offered by a Correspondent of the Danville Reporter the. ltd ov wio- chances lor re.aiiiinr their money, or .increasing the amount of -their losses: Sr0 to 1(1 that Van Buren will not jrel the vote eiih(,r of-Tennessee or South j Carolina; 20 to 50 that he will not etN. York; 20 lo 20, each, that he will not "get Ohio, Kentucky or Pennsylvania; and 10 (n 10 on .each of ihe following Slates: Virginia, Mary 'and, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, Mississippi, New Jersey. Delaware, Arkansas, Mis s uti, Illinois, and Indiai.a. honesty, and ast ill genuine Repuhlicaiiisui. Come, all, and join the Jubilee !1 A BAttni-.ct'K fkstival w'iil ls be giv en in the vicinity o! .F.iyet'eville, on Thursday next, in honor of the recent triumph of the Republican Parly of North C!arilina, in ihe election of G.mi. Eowakd B. Duoi.kv. The attendance of till per sons, friendly to the elevatrbu il lltr.H L. iiitf. to ihe Presidency is resj ect fully solicited. Tiie Whijjs of Orange have also remlved lo 'ie a Pt'm.ic Uahiikcuk on the South ern bank of En ie, near Hjilsboro', on the j IT'Si itist. in celebration of the I iu ntph ol6 j Whig pi'inciples and Constitutional. ln- ! ertv. i b:ii.iiiiv ii itleiir etl liv lht. I:ile ! le hU-ctions in tins state. hoped to gain at the late session nf CongremJ and tlend -s bis Report as "the. whine ot an old woman F' Is he aware that within a Very few days, mote than a fhousand new members have sent in their subscrip tions (o the Abolition Society in New. York? And if he is not aware, we. can inform him, Paashes. 1 8 fir Potatoes (Irih) psr 10&, , . . Vo do " kaliel, . Turkios, per pair. Milk, per gallon, Meat, he observes, is very hih. butiloes not give the price ; but fresh beef, we un derstand, it from 18 to 25 cents per lb. i nese prices we timiK enormous, pir 1 03 4 ?0 It Oft 1 90 What we ate iufornu d from a source which leaves no room fm doubt, that the Aboli-1 r,Cnlalv in a country so famed, and inst- tion Pat ty arc now widely agitating on tlie I jv tK, for its productions as this where, basi. id" his Resolution, as ve khall soon x;t, proper attention, all tie neces&aries see provetl upon the Moor ol Congress. !-'. . :)f l,fe coud btt produced with less labor- morniuj, Af a biliaus choiic, and paid the dabt of na ture the next evening. His death wa? su ldeii, unexpected and distress ing. He has left an auctionate family oT& pnrciit, broihers and sisters besides huoterous relations, wljo will lng and intensely atourrjliis early fate. Aali his generous and epea he rift had made hira. a host of friends who will always, know and regret hislbsaj. He was a $n, a bvthev, and a friend, indeed. At Greensboro,' Guilford County, on tlw 27th' . ult. of bilioes Cholic, Uhrisiv' Afoirhrj, Esq. Tbere was (aays the Patriot) perhaps the most gen eral and sincere grief on th, death of this geatlenfau that has ever been exhtlrfted .Attf our, village. ;H. was a professing Christian iiud, a member of the Presbyterian Church. Many a weary travpljer.vrh ' has experienced the hospitalities 'of Jiis ltojtel, testify, t his seeial manners and easy deportment. And all accord to him the meed of tlie mJtfreand. unauecteU;tievolenc5e. It may be emphatically saul ofMr. ivloriiig, that he was a man wbojjuw community will miss. MISSISSIPPI There is w e belieTe.j no general Elec.tititi of State officers in r Mississippi this year. In the county ol Hinds, however, two vacancies in its rep resentation in the Legislature made neces sary a special Election, which took place early in this month, and of which the Clin ton Gazette furnishes us the following -ac-count. i ki It hi! p. triumph ! With heart fe! rJov:vp f enabled !w announce the triurnuTi of j the While cause, in the election heldf on I Monda)' and Tuesd.iv last, for Reju -e.4imr ALABAMA There is no doubt of the tatives iu the State :Le.oislaturc fiinn JtHe The -Tuscaloosa lutelliirencc ult. savs k I here is an rtnsotwe certainty, , . ? . .1 r :i... ..TTlt "I uiai a majori:y oi uie nexi ieiswimc wins bo in favor ol White. i (-,, . . . ,) u , county of Hinds. 1 his may appear -strafttge triumph of the W m i r. cause in tins State. , - , ,. " i i . . ? .the 20th i . I . i.i . r " , nvho have marked the notes of prepura ion solute cert am fa .. , ,. . , . . - ' ncn win political enemies ume miuooco r. I ' I . " 1 . j in our ears lor several weeks pasr. rre I pared lor the struggle, . with their hired ( presses iu readiness to teem with the news ot a 'glorious van uuren triumph,7 thetol- MlSSISSJPPlT'va condition of tlie Mr. Cf -AY was invited to the Rarberur. la . V- , ... 1 1 uiuiais, manners ami taws oi in;s otare, given iy ine n n.i-ii lias, lt?r a year or two past, been such as Rcpfesen'ative in Congress,Mr. STORE R. lo fill ever- sober-hearted American with I He declined the invitation, but sent the . . - . .... r-rret. iNo neonle. we understand, are i-ioi.wvving inast. more kind ami hospitable in their flttrn- traiigers or more neighborly in their intercourse with each other, yet cer- j tainlv. none are more noted fr a fervid impetuosity of temper-, a turbulent ener gy-, and aViltl, reckless defiance of de corum and law. I hey seem to have ctm- siiiitted their own passions as the sole rule of ihirir actions, disregarding or des jVuing the opinions anil feelings of the world. With such an unsafe and mis leading guide, no mar vel the.ielations of social lite are so frequently disturbed. See Ihe 1VUoving-t xtratts taken from a lale Mississippi paper : - A:7er, .Ivgvtt 14. , MEIANCHOfiY OCCCUREXCK. We understand that an unforfjnftte circumstapc 'The distribution of tht surplus revenue The itrihtes-t ray -if light, during nevon years of ,-Iihcal darkness." . 1,436. SI5 Krntucieu tilecthn. --The Frankfort ConunonW. 'alth extra, under 'date of the j 1 8th August, contains the official returns- complete of the late election in Kentucky, i V low inr is the result: Moore and Phillips, JVLile, Roberta and Green, ( V- JSuren,) This defeat has struck terror iu the ranks of the Magician, and thev look for- ward to the future with the -most gloomy forebodings Thev have reason iu their madness-, The people are Coming J the scroll is on the Wall. :' and more abundant, than perhaps any other country on the continent. Yet, we can inform our friend of the Adverti ser,'7 that the people of Mobile are not the only ones that are laboring- under the ame difficulty as the following prices in this place, will shew : .4- Corn, . per bushel, ... F-nlder, per 100 lbs . '. . Flour, per barrel. . . . YLiron, per csrt Mackerel. No. I, perbbl . , Purk meaa, fSnrar, per cwt. ..... CoUVe, We name these as the leading articles, but every thing else, in the provision line, i generally iu the same proportion. Greensboro7 Sentinel. S? 09 . s 03 1J 00 18 00 18 00 85 oa 17 00 20-09 Senator Bedford Brown, f Nor:h-Ca Having copied from the Danville Repor ter, tlie paragraph alluded to in the follow ing Communication, we willingly comply with the request to republish it : From the Jioamkc Advocate. Hiiirix, Auf, 27. Mr. Wrsb On m.y return from the S ;tithet a few ;. tlrtys since, my ntteutioii was called lo an ex tract from the Danville Reporter, stating that Gen eral Jutksoti bad addroxsed a fetter to my Father, the late H. G. Hirtox, which lettcj- contained a promote, to appoint him Governor of Texas. Tbe letter it is snhl 'waa found amongst the papers bf the deceased. This I pronounce unequivocally to bti flae ; no examination has yet been made of the pa'- j pers and It-tiers belonging to Governor Burton, and i ! i .iiiv.i u.. i t:tii si cn a iciicr uvea m existence ii couiu not nave rom thee we liuU that the aggregate voie ro w., . .j c,.ium, m, u.e e-, . .... ... . , . . . -tv for Governor was. Mm- Clahk 38. 587? suit ot he eiect.oMn jccuniy Cas- whicli"ha; hen So early published and re-fmU. Flouhno 30,491 : Majority for Clakkj well) which g;rVe urvetliTttg Jess than a ijjUiej hv the Editorial fraternity of the Opinion 8.096. For Lieut. Governor, WtcKbiFFK's thousand . Van Btihcti-roiajoriiy. tha', (in Press, as a malignant aftompt U teniish the fame of . at rv .4 I t . I. invM.i n i if i iir l f u t an tlin l il I tnatoniy over uisk i 3,000. uic, m r . tt. -"." 't"v - ... i n . . . ti i i i.;. .. i ...... In the Stale U&.isiutnre, the v nigs ' spectator i , ne i use iruui m beai, near an illustrious I. -Like theReportcrl ean will ejciaiiu, " what next V What a state of things luve i .the W 54 mc a.l their ,l,e ecu.. ,f ,U ?Pi.U. . ttM ijj ITTJS .! U vUS' opponents 14. xttxtives. tiie 61 This Vnteinei;t Viv4M a Van Buren mn jiiniy ,f hi ih,; House, which, taken from e tug maiorny OI 4 , . er In the lhae of Itepresm - i Colli I rod Wrhigs hate oS certain, aiuf 42 ! stVie of e eumstanees AK detailed beforetbe CorMiers InmMist are these : A bout half past 'j. the ren-nt of ;t pifebil i vvbs liranKiii I tie street near the upper corner of Kria titled to State, i th.-bieam'JOyt Jidtel. kept by Mr. Lane ; imnuli- i trwl fto- th, hone that iiithe Senate leave l,cT' and " VH.I ,,ox or Varioloid w ill occur. onnii and in his usual uiasteilv eloqucn'cei surrouiid-e'tl by hun- p.i'e supposed tt) be friendly to the present theds o( lus feiiow-ct!i7.ens, called their Adih'inistrat'iou. Whiir "maioritv tn loiut j nttention to the imporlaht election pfGo- balioh TwKNTY-siX ; vcrr.or lust rbld," &c. &c4 The speaker : i &hi eulvt are tloUlitU.. worthy of caclfT ?. fuwwneaf We Are otlicr; But wlla wsll Mr. Ded ord hrown lhe )Ubiic mimL0. HEALTH OF TIIE CITY. Ihnt there i every tea- j say when the retufifs from other couulic at hooiher'case of Small- shallflow in upon him, arid hovV that old One. of the a Miig majority of 3 o jnint ballot. BntHoteEngX XnA- a, liuVit.g Mf ViT h1 - ,,om gd authorOy, that Col. I.ihed f.r reoni&ad a . I'hyelrfaii to eismbwl btelt f ertijiVrtl lb t Hospital. ln,beeif sign lus eat ie eny vKfiou vvris Mil ' a.-vA! d. of Orange, will vote wiih the hhn-v Mcaical wli induced i ' Lwchoitrg I irgp v ai, Rio Van Winkle has i&akrd itpt & thrown .;n-.L' v.... II. t. 3 l"!!l Ii. vciiicie of Siunuer. I lie very sanctuurv of the stravc is V ioIaUrd and the manes of the dead inyokedo ap pear upon the political arena, to detract from tfci fame of the living. I hope tlie Daiviltc Rej-ortcr will give this an insert'on, as welt as the other pa- ixira whieh hav publbhedlhe extract alia led to, iu corrected, the public mind Yours truly, R. A. BURTOiT; P. Ci TO FAYETTEVIXLI?. Thw Schoon.rg CAROLINE and CALEB NICHOLS Steamer WILHING Toy an t TO IV UOATtf. Wdl ake measure -n?nt Go-dt at Ne'-York ant, ' tleliver thenv at Fayetievdfe at lhe TsUbfurued rates, free of all other charg'eifc.y"Ci' " -s " Heavy" Good- will be talcen as KoveieC)6.4 except "tiiat l hey will at times,- when the rie'". is very low, be ubject t eorage wnlli'iof. storiiijr, which we trust wll,le seldom requiyed, as, t'le Steamer and Tovr" Boat. are rtewis est construction and light dra:ijrht of vyater. ', The Gfods at, she owner's risk, lhe same,. in the hands f lorvva -di iff nt-sretitts' z '-?-Freight payable on dilivt ry. fit, Fjy'etteville. -A'l pirsons ahippinjG-Kxr by'JLhe aboye linrer will please hand a list of the Goods s'liopel to Messrs. tladf tt & .llrown, so as lo iidviictnew; -WILLI AM DOUG ALU PrViprSTlwr. ILI.K1NGS &, U V. L KS, ; ' -.i,.-- Agtnifi l FayetteiiHe. Angiist 18. 1835. " " v,-" 43l f . TO RAUJlOiD CaTRAC JOitS. : - .:' akd.' 'C-::" -. ; , CANALLEUS. tOtt SA LE DY 1 II 15 S UDSCltmERS. 45 Cans and Ilo-se . S'H 1 H Ploogli Teams, Fdur liurses ec'i, . v 1 Larre W ttn, "iy."; ' 2 'Srhall Wagons, .'""-! ',.'.. And all oihfcr ai tides Oscest iry for heayy wbrV. Tiie above to beseenon ihe Ureen'ivnie jtnd Woanoke Ua'd Road, and to beelivcret onp 25 lU ofQ :tobcr. Terrwy 12 nyonflis fw -ved paper. The Subscriber1 'Can te seen St'A lexandri'i I). C. untifthe "I2ih September, after, t"".at on lhe Woiki . -.liOCIJE h. U0GKRS Aujrut 29- "-' .t ' 43tf " -I9iltbf August, .inV.ill ljty, aetLl4ycaaL and alxmt 4 feet. 6 inches hh, by live ntm ut WILLIAM llKNOhltSON UUlNiit4y?w ptrsort vyhovili rVi'uriihmtQ.-.a.'4iiiti;pity f iV-Vclgfif Wake county, fth-'Cariiltna, shU receive , the above rewards AL perontjire sraed from uarborm bi under ihe psnatt ei ufthirlaw. "$'r ' t r ' ' it.i riimorcd that Gen. iJaviti Newtaml ill cconip.tiyGei. IJeHdi?h5bn 1pr- as an emigratJt. Rutherford Gar. Sep'enaHrr i f-WAUK HcWJLl.tAM3, WM-- - '. ""41'3f."' it ' fi i ! IP m lift' IS. ' Ai