VALUABLE lU&tTESTATE BY vhneof decree of the Cetrrt xT Equity for the Oun'ty of Warren Ihe undertgntd Commissionert will sell at Auctfon, on the 3rd dy of October, next, it being the first day of Wake Supew-ir Court, ; before the Courthouse dar In ike Citv of Raleigh, the following valu ble REAE KSTATK, belonging to the heirs and devisees of Joseph Hawkins, decM, viz : The Dwelling rlouse with six Acres of Lnnd djoiuing the City of Rale'jrtv in which Hon. Judge Saunders now resides. ; , ' A Tract of Land, on Swift Creek, adjoining t) lands of Isham UtWy, tfenry U. Ilye 3 (e fhen Stephenson, Wm. Edwatd and oUurs, containing 0Q6 14 acres. . 15.1 Acres of Land, adjacent to the City of Raleigh,: numbered in the Phwi of Public - Jnds sold under the Act of Assembly of lBl9, 1.8 ImIIows." vix 1 Nos. 40. 41. 42 and 43. And Lots JJo. "42 and 47 of Lands sold under the Actof 1814, ; near Jthe Governor's House, one conUrning 3 cres, the dlher 2 1-2 Acres. And threeXots iu Lswrencevillc, Montgomery coun- ty,-; Thia sale will be made on a credit of one, two and 'three years, with1. Jntcreal after the -first jear. ; The purchaser will be required to give bond and good security. i i I ILL. H. HA WOOD, Jr. ? AmmW v ! WKLDON HALL, 4 5 Comm.rS' Angust 13, 1836. ; 39r - . C?" The Stat dard and Newbern Sentinel will insert unil Sale, Will be Sold at Auction, n ' M r tU m 1. - T 1 r VTII (ilBUlia.l, VU ill I UC9UXJ VI ill f the 4th day of October, the LOT and Eat iection of the State-House. .Square front jnf; South on Edenton Street 130 fte, and Ea.t nWilmrngton Street 210 fett. 1 The residence is very desirable and the sale will be upon a long credit. . Terms iHade known on ihe t'&y of rale- r - i G. E. BADGER. llaleigh, Angust 19 1886. , 41 ! r"j"Thk Star will insert 4 times. UOLDERBY (J DI FI1EETERI, CMini ion ?Ierchants, PETERSBURG, VA. Are ow jeceiving their Tall Stock, of f GSOCEKHiS, Comprising a large and well selected assortment I' (joods usually kept in their line ; which they u&r to friends -and customers, at Wholesale or Ifttml, on liberal and accommodating terms. 'Theycontidue to dt-vote particular attention tn the Consignment of all Produce, receiving Mu iwrwan hug, and to business generally committed to their Care. Our charges are moderate, anil we solicit a continuance of public patronsjje and confidence. 5 i v irOLDEIiOYi St M'PHEETKUS. -Pet rsburg, AugUit 22, ' 1836, 41 OC The Standard,- Star; and Tarbon Free Press, will please ii.sert 4 week. SEALEDrROrOSAL, WILL be received until the 17th ofSrpteni her for tlie delivery of such quantities of good sound Oak and Hickory wood as may b ne ceitsary fur the -use of the General Assembly. Propo sals will be addressed 't Charles Manly, Esquire, CJeik of the House of Commons, and will be passed wt t his ofince, onhat day by him or the sulwcri. lr. . E. ii, FREE MAM. Angust 18, 1838 l,3w SPLKNDII) LOTTERIES. Class No. 5, for 1836: To be drawn at Alexandria, Vs. Sept. 17, 1836 75 iV. Zori....14 Drawn Ballots. Splendid Scheme. fc&ooov$5,ooo$4. ooo$aooo. i 10...;.... M Prizes of-.,. ...$l,O0O . .... . .do. ............ .v.600 20.... ...... 4 r i i -' &c. Vc. i Tickets -enly s- HalvesS-Qnarters 60 Ceitihcates of Packages of 25 Whole Tickets, 120 Halves and Quarters in proportion. VIRGINIA Ni JiFOLK. X.OTTERY. Class Wo. 6, for 1S36. To le drawn at Alexandria, Va. Sept. 24, 1836. 75 Aq. Lottery 2 Drawn Ballots. GRAND SCHEME. 84,000, 83,000, 82,500, Sl,017 WS J?r73 of 1,000. Ticketsidf $10 Halves Quart s.20 Certificates of Packages of 25 WhdleTidkets, 130 Halves and Quarters in proportion. 1VI QUIFICEirr CHEDflDEL Grand Consolidated Lottery. 1 Class A for I 36. Ts is drawn ft She T9A October, 1836, at V? - . 'jribmngtih, Del. rs No. tottery i 2 Drawn Ballots. SPLENOtl) CAPITALS ! ! 1 1 1 1 2 2 Vvize of Co.000 rk1Kiv Prize of 30,000 Dollars. Prize of 20.000 Dollars. Prize of ll,S40 Dollars. Prizes of 5,000 DIIars. Prizes Of 4.000 Dollars. 5 " Prizes of 3,000 Dollars. ,5 13 15 75 100 1?6 Prizes Prizes Prize Prizes Prizes Prizes of 2,500 Dollars. ' of.; 2,000 Dllars. of 1,500 Dollars, lof 1,000 Dollars. if 600 Dollars, of S00 Dollars. Xmdes many oS200 S150 gioo, 4-c. Lowest Prize, $20. rTiekets only $20 Ilalvts tlO Quur'ers ?5. Cerf ficate. of Packages of 2 Whole Tickets In this Magnificent Scheme,HI be sent for flGQ Cvrt.fieates.uf Halves, $130; Quarter, $65. CForTickettiifharciiW m' guicqiri, aimless :,. .: m ASM I MTMI "I Tmw-"T r - nt to Tramyl vanla Uuircrsity. - Vesical Dtpattmrat, T1HE LECTURES Tn this Irbtitctiox win Ml eonrtwence on XhJfrtt Mmday in Nuwt.berr and terminate on the fini 'JlUndcty of Jforet. The courses are on t . ! Anatomy and Surgery, by Dr. Dudlct. Institute of Medicuie, Clinical Practice, and Medical Jurnsnrudence, by Ur. Cildwul. j- Theiry ami Practice of Mtilicine, by Hector Ot8tetricks'ar.d he Diseases of Women and Children, by Dr. Kicharusok. r. Materia Mcdica, and Medical Botany, by Dr. SaoKT. ChtnUtry and Phsrmaxry, by Dr. Ys.kdks.1. During the entire term, the Professor of Anat. bmt and Surgery lectures dine times each week, and the other Professors daily. Sabbath except, ed Hie fee to the entire course, withMati-i dilation, and the use of an extensive library, is $110. The Gradation fee is $20. It is tho't proper l stale, inasmuch as repoits have been current, as to thehigh price of board in Ltx nglon, and tlie difficuliy of obtaining it, that many students, during the last session, found comfortable board,iiicludiig lodging, freljights, servants' attendance,' and in- sime iniances, washing, for $3 OOlper week; and it is confi dently befuved, notwithstanding the increased price of every article of living, which is felt here in common with all other parts of the country, that students will be as comfoitably accommo dated, and upon as reasonable tmw. as at any other respectable Medical Schoel in the Union. By order of the FacuRv. C. W. SHOUT. M D. neon. Lexington, Ky. July 10, 1836 33 pr.adv. $5 BERNARD nUFU RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the -rnfblic generally, that he h is just resumed from New. York and Philadelphia, & has brought ot with him therefrom a very extensive anf rich assortment r goods in his line. Having selected them personally and bting bought for 'Cash, 4ie will be able to sell them unusually low. The assortment constats, i part, of plendil Cold and Silver Levers and vertical WATCH ES; rich French, English 8t American J EWELI.EKY; Sihcer-ware and Plated and Urittannia ilitt t fine Damascus Twist GUNS, ditto P4STOLS , C 0jj . and Silver mounted CANES, with and without Swords ; Bowie Knives and Dirks ; Itngeis' Hue Razors and Knives, Gold and Silver Spectacles, Music Boxes, Accordions ; and a great vriety of Fancy Articles and Perfumeries, &c. 8tc CLOCKS and WATCHES of all descriptions j repaired in his accustometl superior manner and j punctuali'yv Cold and Silver maiiufctuied to order, with neatness and despatch rtu'eifrh, June 16. 39 8w A NOKTHEKN CAKKIAGE roR I HAVE for sale a second hand CAIMHAGK, made by one of the best workmen in Phila delpHia. Tha work ts executed in the best man ner, and the mateii.ds are of the most -durable kind. The Carriage is in roc d order and csj. culated to render good service. Any person disposed to purchase an article .f this kind, will do well to call at my shop and examine the job. and know the price, hich will be very reason able. nius. cunns. Uleigh, Attjjust. 1J, 1836. To Rail Road Contractors. PROTOSAt.S will be received, at the Hull, intrbrooke Hotel in Petersburg, Va. on the 8th day of October next, lor the Kxcavationt Embankment and Maonry, of forty miles of the Kaleigh anjCias'on Hail Road. "Plans and Profiles of the work will be exhib ited at the place above mentioned, for ten-days previous to the letting, and all oth r information will be given On application to the Subscriber or any of the Assistant Engineers on the line. Rv commendations wdl be expt cted in all ca ses ot persons not known to the Enii:eer. CHAULLS F. M.t?AUNETT, C. E. P. S. For the'information erf persons, at a dis tance, I would slate that the Raleigh & Gaston Hail Road is a continuation of the Petersburg and of the fireensville and Itoanoke Rail Roads, from the Roanoke to Raleigh, in the great line of Northern and Southern travel. This Road is located on a high and dry ridge of country, which is considered remaikably healthy and Uie nnklness of the donate, ad mitting of operations in the open air. U.rouhout the winter, makes it pecul.arlv dcsu-alble to thostt wishing winter jabs. The facility of travelling is so grra -now, by the Baltimore and WasTiing-ton and Hichmond and Fredericksburg Ra 1 Roads that the tripj irom pnuaueipiiia to Petersburg may be fer. formed in foTty hotrrs. The trip may be per formed in the same time by the Bay, on three days in the week. -r- 03" The Raleigh Star and Standard Milton Spectator, Warrenron Reporter, Oxford Kxa miner, Carolina Watchman, and Hillsborough Recorder, will insert the above until 1st Oct. STOP THE RUNAWAYS ! RtTKAWAT from the Subscriber, living i4 miles North of Ra leit;h,on Friday night the 12'h instant, his negro boy ABRAHAM and Ids wife GtAJF The man is 27 years of age, aljotit '6 fVet hiKh, wtll proportioned, with tolerably thick lips, and the womm is :boul 36 the foru er not very datk complected the l.tter, lall, thin visaged, and qirfie duric Abr. Iiam hftd no m irks that I recollect of, save that mi the day of the elett on he got in' a fight in R leigli; r.nd received a s vtre blow o4r the left eye, the effects of which will pT7b:. yreT.ain some t'tn He is remarkable too, for a bold, impudeni, scagger ing air, which will attract the att. ntion of every one. The woman has a notable tetter or tumor on one of her hands, which, if examined, cannot to leadlo her being ident.fied. They will aim for Petersburg, I think, the h. y I saving been for years engaged in the wagoning ljusituss to s-ndfrom that pfce. J'wil itiv. l lFTV DOLLARS reward fur th apt re .eiiH n of Abr.d am and TEN PPRLARSl for his wile if taken tn the State, or deuble tlmi 1 TODum, 11 iaiceu.ou 01 tlte Mate. DA VID fJiLL. WakeTJo. August J5 59 (ID The Star, and Fetmhuro- tntm..... i "Will insert the forepoimr fnt i . t. 1 Iticrr fctU 0 tuis Ofice,' - - .l- : xueca OIL. A QUANTITY 01 tliwareteol the best qua' ity lor table use, for le. by ; Ti S. HECKWITII & Co. Raleigh July 28l ia6 . , "7. '4 DYSPEPSIA AND JLIJER COJtlPJLJlMJYTS. Thk Pitstt Medacim. Stomachic it Hkfa tics, formed by chymical analysis and synthe sis of several proximate vegetable principles, are universally acknowledged to have totally eclip sed the pretensions of eyery other remedy and superceded the nere ssity of every other mode ol treatment," wherever the above diseases are found to exist, as wet a in enlargement of the Spleen and in Jaundice. Among the symptoms -of Dyspepsia and Liver complaints, are flatulency, sourness or burning in the stomach, intl nclioly, irritabirty, d sa greeable taste in the mouth-; 'great irregularity of appetite, which is sometimes voracious, and at otlter times greatly deficient; thirst, fetid breath, nausea, weakness 01 the stomach, acid eructations, palpitation, drowsiness, irregularity of the bowels, pressure 011 the stomach after meals, pain in the head, diuiness or vertigo; confusion of mind, attended with loss of mro Tyt a gracing hvthe stomach when empty, chill nesp, affection of sigh and hearing, pain and weakness in the back, languor, disturbed srUep, cold feet and hands tremor, uneasiiress in the throat, cough, pa'm in the side or breast, Sec. These Medicines have been found so effectual in removing the Complaints for which they are recommended, that Physicians frequently have recourse to them for the-ir patients, after having exhausted -all 4he4r skill to little or no purpose- li Peters' Vegetable Anti-Bilious Pills Are the cheapest and most approved FAMILY MEDICINF. ever ottered to -the -Public They are extremely mild in their operation, neither causing sickness ot the stomach, nor any un pleasant sensation in the system, as i too Ire fit I f II t y t li rncith IVm m 01 A iiiic n-'n t, ptJon .t,ie bowels. They set specifically upon 1 tnXjjiver. when in a toroid condition, eirrvinir OH fe2Urir U a".. fl'l .1 . . n " wice nuantnv 01 one, inroujrh the innu- ence oTne excernent funct ioir, which, if suf fered to remain in the system,. would produce either Jaundice, Liver Complaint, bilious Fe ver, Vever and Ague, or ome other grievous bodily affliction. In all cases of torpor of the bowels, they act like a charm. In recent cases ? m ? W a,c,,on -of Dyspepsia, they ate a certain cure. Manv -persons who were subject to violent attacks of sick head ache, have been much benefited, and several, perfectly cured in a few weeks by their use. They are highly recommended as a pre. ventative and cure-ol iJiliojs complaints. Per sons u ho are subject to that distressing com plaint, Sei-sicknesx, by taking a portion or Iwo of tht-fft a lew tlas previous' to em barking on bourd the vessel, will .be almost certain to escape it. females can tse them at all periods, without incurring any risk. -- Pel sons going to sea, or to a southern climate, shi.uld by all means take some of these pills with them. Their virtues will reina n utuin puirtd for years in any climate. . No family should be without these Pills a pottion of them, taken occasionally, would be the means of pre venting much suffering from, sickness. It is Irom neglect of keeping up a regular petistaltic sctton of the stomach and bowels, thus suffering to be absorbed and ning!od with the blood, uu- I assimilated fluids, most diseases a-re pro ducciU Dr, P. feels conHtleAt that no person who gives these Pd s fair trial, wdl ever aftr fe:l willing to be without them. The testimony of thousands speaking in the highest terms of their efficacy, might be added, but the very high reputation Dr. P. has acquired as tle itt veHtorf the Tuteut figttuUie Medicia Stw machince el Hepatic," for thw cure of Dyspepsia and Liver complaints, is thought a sufheient guarantee to those wishing to nuike a ttial of their irtuei. They contain not a p:rticle irf' Mercury, or any ingredient that deesiot act in harmony with health and oppose disease. Dr. -P. wishes it drst'mctly uKrst.od, that these Pills possess beneficial qualities indepen dent of their purgative effects : they are both ton:c and deobstiueni, acting upon the stereo tin and exhalent lunclioi s; thus sitengthrn iitgthe patient, while they lemove obstruc tions. Medicines which possess no othtr, ex ceptng cathartic quah-j-s, debiluale the pa tient, and their repeated use lays the louiida tion of a long catalogue, of Chrome diseases. Dr. P. having been educated under the most eminent Americ n and European Medical ftrss.rt-s, and practiced hi.o ni-ui'ession rriunv t aic in the Stmth, where disrases of tle most ob stinate character prevail, considers h'miself well qualified to judge of the nature of diseases in cident to warm climates. Prepared by Joskfh Piukstlt Pktsrs, M. D, P. B. C. P. M. at his institution for the cure oftbstinUe Diseases, by means of vegetable re medies, No. 129 Liberty -street, NewVork, in ventor and sole prorietor. Each box contains forty Pills. Price 50 CciltS. CThese invahiabte Medicines aTe for Sale in the City of Raleigh, at the Drug and Apoth ecary Store of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & Co. and may be had in -almost very lo"wn i tire State. Jan. 1 1836. 1 rear. STATE Of NOUTIIT3AROL4NA. Franklin C unty. Cu:t of Pleas and Qti .rter Sessions, June Tetm, 1836. Eli xMaun ngra. Edwin York. T3rigitl attachmenN Levic d 011 the Lands of Dcf ndsnK ITapp aring to the sa inaction of the Court, that the Defend.tnt in this case is not an in habitant of this State It is therefore ordered th.t publication be ma le in the R deigh Regis ter, for six weeks successively, tunifjing said 'defendant that unless he be and appear Ke fore the Justices of our Court of Pleas and tu r ter sessions to jf"N:ld fur ther county -f fYanV lin, at llie C .miWW Tn Lousburg, oi the se cond Monday in St pternbern. xt, then & there tor.plevyand plead t Flssue. jtiagmeot fin il will be entered against h'rfn and the land K vied on be condemned and nude'suhjecttoPlaintifls recovery. Witness Smith Patterson, C'etk ofour said Court, it Office, the second Monday in June IOJU. 38 S. PATTERSON, Clk. A Black8inltli Wanted. THE SuVcriierisin want of a gootl JtL4pg. SMITH One ll-t can come well recom mended, can find constant employ ment, either y the day, month nr Jobs Workshnp Too's ai.d every th.r.g iitcess.ty to carryon the but sine, lound. t , . . WILLIAM HOLES. SoIstiIlrt August 1S3C , MERCHANT TAILOK, KXCU4XGE ROW, if Fa jrelleTilfc Street, Raleigh; NEARLY OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE, RESPECTFULLY informs liis friends and enstomers and the public generally. Hut t tiajut returned from rhe North and is sow opei iug an entire new Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Consisting of every article in jfene . ral use. These Goods having been selected by himsel m person, he thinks he can Confidently asset!, thai they arc equal in quality and style to an kept by any Merchint Tailor in the U. States. For the tru'h of the above assertion, he icspect fully requests a call from the public. The fol- owmg ai tides comprise a part ot Ins assortment: Extra super Wool-died Black, Plain, do Blue, . do Brown, do Dahlia, Invisible Green, CLOTHS. do Hifle do Extra French Bombazine, Black LenJon Thibet Cloth, Green do do do Dahlia do do do fit COATS. ' Sup- Mixed Ribbed, " Shaded do Corded, do Single Milled Drab Uo du Dove 4 do Plain lack Ulack Crape CAMLET. Bt'O!! do 4o CAtSlMKRKS, A new article for Jauts. J Venetain Plaid, Silk and Wool &ttijes, Plain Whit Urilhngs, Silk Striped dv Buff embossed Fig. do W.-vc Fjrured, Plaid Sha I Ity, do XIoAliair, Striped do iliack Satvin, Cut Hii'lmnt, Plain White Marsa-ilea, figured -Cm 1 PANT. STUFfS. Together wkh a general assortment ef SUSPENDERS STOCKS, SHZRT-OOZAAH &.TJ030IVI3 Plain Inserting: and rallied do. All the above aiticles will be sold on aceom nodating terms. Tbose patronixioi; this estab lishment may rtly uju hmvjng thrir orders at tended to nearly and promptly, lnvmr in iu em ' P!,,y first rate Nor' nern workmen. Orders from distance thankfully received and promptly at lenued to. Raleigk, May 10, 18S6. City Property fw Sal THE Subscriber, being desirous to remove to . 1 . t . j 2- 1 me t? cirni wimrvi otrers Tor oaie ni two story DWELLtMi HOUSE, iu the iimm- dia e vicinity of italeiirlu There is en the lo I besides the necessary Outhouses, an excellent Well of Water, "Also, two Acres of untrrrjv roved LAN-H,- im mediately Soutli of the above. Also, part of Lot, No 128, oc :upied by Miss Si.lly M.tchcll. ; Tlje title to the property is indisputable and a bargain may be had, if early application is made. ALLEN JOXES Raleigh, April 27, 1835. 2i 2- ,000 Dollars for 4 Dollar;. NORTrLCAROLINs STATE LOTTKRY, TENTH CLASS FOR 1836. To be Drawn n the popular Terminating Figure, System AT UUT 1 1 E R.FO R DTON N. C. ON TUESBAY, 13th SEl'TEMBfiR. Principal Prizes. PRIZE OP 5,000 DOLLARS. 1MUZE OF 5,000 DO. PRIZE OF 2y00G DO. PRIZE OF 2,000 WO. - PRIZE OF 2,000 DO. PRIZES OF 1,000 DO. PRIZES OF 500 DO. PRIZES OF 400 DO. PRIZES OF 300 DO. 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 10 10 10 srKlZES OF 200 DO. Uesides many of $100 550, fce, ! ! 7 Amounting in all lo g 1 80, 000. , Whole Tickets rr Halves Quarters A certificate for a pack ge 4 dtillars 1 dollar.! of 10 whole tick- ets will co.t only $23. the same proportion. H.dve and Quarters' in To be had, iu the great- est variety of numbers, at STEVENSON & POINTS' Ounce, R.itETGH. A. C. Medical College of the STWi? OF SOUTH CAROLINA. fJpHE annual course l Leclnres in this tnstK sVag tut ion will be resumed 011 the second Monday in November, on the following branches: Anatomy By J. Edw .rds Holbroo M. D. Surg-rry John Wagn-r, M. . ftAerc- lho-. ;. Pjioleau, M. D. ! Peactiee of Medicine S. Hem y Dickson M. D. Jhysiolnty James Moultrie, Jim. Materia Medica llei.ry R. Frost, M. D. Chemistry C. W. Shepard. Demonstrator of JnatomyY-. W'nnTemaiHLl) , I1EXRY FROST, Dear Augv 30. NOTICE. IrttM'ard Without del.y, and se tie the satts tose having claims aK-aiut he same, are am! te- pre- Ncrtoe.t ny law, or thts maice will be bar ol recovery. plead in THOMS;lOGERS, Wake County, Aug. J, rpilK Subscriber, fiay ng tpisCfiefl as Adm'm AMiraior on the estate of till ASKK fiRADY need. late pf.Wake countv hereby gives notre. to all peritrns indebted t said F.oui.. i .t - Ear tlie 11 ware, China, &'Cla. -" r " . 1 ".. . ii Sri ' UEHOVAI. TH02VL&S J. nAXLROyX &. OO. H AVE removed to No. 55,NassatiT Street, New-York (itxt door to Messrs. Doremus, Suydam U Nixon) w here tliey ofler nr ta'e, in the original package, or repacked ; tea su t the country trade, a large tk general assojtmenf of ' China, Glass d Eui'thtitwarc, comprising many new & beautiful paterns, selec ted with ureat cre byi-Uel the partners now in England. The atlcnV.Oii of purchasers is re spectfully solicited. THOMAS J. BARROW Zf Co. No. 35, Nassau St. NewYoik. New-York, 11 July, 136. ( Regh Star, Salisbury Watchman, Sa'em Reporter, Greensboro Patriot, Edenton tiaivtte, Fayetteville Observe, will insert the above to tlie amount of three dollars and a half. BfiCRWITfl'S ANTI-IiYSPEPTlG PILLS. FOR the Cure of almost every variety of func tional disorder of tlie Stom ch, Bowels, Li xerand Spleen such as heart burn, acid eruc tations, nausra, head-ach, ptin ami d stention of the Stom;chand bowels, incipient d'mrrhea, colic, flatulence, habitual cost ivene.-, loss of appetite, sick head-ach, sta micknett &c. &c They arc a safe and comfortable aperient for Females duriirg pregnancy and subsequent con iRuement, relieving- sickness at the stomach, head ach, heart Iniru and many of the incidental nervous affections. Literary men, students and most other persons of sedentary habits.hiul them very convenient. Those who indulge too free ty in the pleasures of the Table find speedy re lief from the sense of oppression and distention which follow, by taking the Pills. Ah a dinner IU they aTe invaluable. Those who are dnuk ?n mineral waters and particularly those from southern equates and ague and fever distiicts will iiud them a valuable adjunct. Those- who are exposed to the vicissitudes of veadr, tm voyages or journeys, can take them at all time, wan perfect safety. In full doses, they are a loght efficacious and sale Anti-bilious Medicines t'iey aeldom or never prouuee sickness at tfie sloiuach or griping-. Tn. -sir erticacy .s s'rongly alttsted hy Certifi cates If ow the loJlowitiig gentlemen, viz.- liisho4 Ivex, U-v. Dr. McPhicters, Uev. G. W. Freenian, Rev. II. T. Blake, tiov. Iredell, Hon. Henry Potter, Hon. G. E. Badger, J4on- Kicii..rl Hties, I ho. l Devereux, Esq. Pro lessor AHrteraon, Will. Hill, E q. Secretary of ?iaie, nt Mhoon,; Esq. late Treasmer, Jas. Gran?, Esq. late Cot'troJler, W. R. Gales, Ksq.ofihe Register, Uapl. Guion, Guion's Ho tel, Dr. L C Boud, Dr. E. Crosby, Dr. J. Y. Young, &c Ample Directions accompany each Uox. These pais are for sale, by appointment, in almost every Town in the United States, and Wholeoal and lie tail by the Subscribers, to whom application may be made tor Agencies. UECKW1T1I & JUMP ITalritfh, N V,. 1-1T USTCM AJM CLOCK t TIRP. Subwribers have the pleasure to inform their customers and the public irenerallv. 1 hat they have engaged a, vry snperior Work nan, of steady habits, a ul can now with saiVtv take in all sorts of work in their line, wb ch thev cr warrant t perform well, or else no charge mane. Tley hawlately received a snlendid assort- ment of Gold nd Silver Leve . Watr.h..i . tch Jewelry, which they will sell on their usual accomodating terms. WALTER J. RAMSAY It Co Raleigh, May 14th. 1836. 36 tf STATE OF NORTH-C A MOLINA, Nash CcHjnty. In Fq lity. March Term, 1836. Jjiin Evans and others, t. James Hall and Sallv his wlhV. Nathan Fc-mc and Hansel Brady and wife Betsey, felition f..r the sale of Lands. IT appearing to the ftsr, that the Iefedsnt are not residents ofth'i State.- It n ord. red, mat puilcatron be made in the Rale-gh Kis- icr iw n wets', in orucrtnat the Dcfendaula may appeal and answer at the next term, or judgment will be entered pro cfeso us to them .uid the ma'ter br heard rjc parte. 39 6t JNO H. DRAKE, Jr. C. M. E. (At the Stora formerly occupied K? BcckTV ilh fc JHUip.) j T. 8 BCCKW1TH U CO. are no J re- ceiv.n and ..penmg an extensive asnrtment .f articles iu their line Consisting 6t Dnijcs, Me dicnes Perfumery, PaintS Oil-, Dye-Stuffs, Wind,,. iQ.a!iS assorted. V.rnishes &e. 8te. ull it.- i! a. - . w - " me nrs qu .iuy, iiuvnijr bet. perso-islly seiecttd, and will be disposed, of on mo ierate terms. July 2a, 1&. Cherokee t, ads iN the twentyVHHh day of October next, V at the Town f Franklin, in the cottnty of MacoiS State of North Carolina, a public sale win commence, to be kept open for the of one week and no longer, for the purj: pace 'uta. fit selling all the Lands whi h have been survevel ami remain unsoM, MCTuired by Treaty from the Cherokee" Indians, previous to 1800. The sale will be conducted by a Commisioirer appointed for that purpose. Executive Department, ? WjlB.lH3o-, " MATCH HOUSES. 9TiiV. SITBSCRIBER offers forsale, a pair M L Ihy HOftSKS, haiuUomely match, d rel w '" Perfectly pent te. JOSEPH T. HUNTER Ra'eigh. June 4. 16. 30 rVyllhS'tihtT ba, i t ' 2 new COTTO J.INii, cmpiisH td" lo"yme S e 1 Saws, which have cvrr bl en lQd wll!cl h4tt;j -Hi at a reduced price. LCONAU.- SEAWIXL. Commission ami Forwai- liu STORM. - w r ijuaj.tuou) VU, llHVI),r 'in lenhlre,t: the buiine of the old Firm u.itl k.. . '-"Kv . 1 ly theni under the Firm of ,duci WILLKIWGS 6l BEdj, Q f ifim .Am, V7 ' . ... I .milt ji ui c, turner of jif luy (mi Maxweu streets. They will pay personal nttention to forws . Goods to the interior of tlx. e...... Uotton a net oilier produce on storiBe 1 effect sales or ship as directed. and H m . I ".nil rb.. - Fayetteville, Aug. 15, 1835. 0 if, To the Jail ot Busiconibc 0 THK 8l'H OF NoVEMnK.H ' A NEGRO MANwhoaays his name isrl dark complected, five ft-et 8 or iTrgl high, stout uttilt, thirty or thirtv-fiv """'' had on a suit of homespun vrry mS" U'd and says he belongs to a man by tU ' MILLER, who purchased him ,",f I am'V?, Augusta, Georgia. The owner is r... .' "f come lorwarl, prove property, pay ct narb't s R4 11 1111 itwuy. LII. CUNNlNGHWf t . Asheville. Dec. UMAJ' 3b '. V ,r Great JVitrlhem andSoluhl Daily .Hail Route. aaH HOatt JlMiu." THE the Petersburg Rail Road Com Pnbbc that their .'load, extendi,, Petersburg, Va. to Blakeley, NortluCarJ ur 1. Cars leave each end of the Road daiL- 'gtl ,1 arrival of the respective Mails. TravdLrs W;J thtir on equipages, can have their l.orse,J carriages transported 011 this Uol, wil, feet safety and convenience ; and thus, werr' .m 3 or i hotits. while restintr tu-,. 1 ' . ... . . ' ""'VtS, , j urney winch wouid otherwiK i-eoni;-, .... l:tyst accorriplish. . ' ' The BUkeley Hotel at the Southern trrmim tion of the Rait Road, has been re-huilt v onck m. M.u v.iir-, auu no pan s will ue.spar. tie to render its accommodations such .s' tjH ill j;ive. saiisiucuen to passengers and generally. travell.ri t Beside i the Daily line of Mail Coaches fa Ukeley.forthe-outh, Italeigh, FavfitciJ. &c there is A LINE VIA TaKBOUOUCm three times a week, connected with the Mil Line at Fayett evil le,. and alo a Line Ifomtlu Rail Kodt BEL FIELD TO CLAUKSVlLLL M1LIOX AND DANVILLE. S Aw5er tri-weekly line fr.m Rl k-lry, ns tfcrottgh WAItRENTON, OXFORD, ki connects wirii a line to SALISBURY, N. r Ui the course of the present season, branch will be opened from the Petersburg tt:iil llo,d at Relfie'd to Wilkins' Ferry at ;AS10S ON THE ROANOKE, from a Kail IW 4o cross the river by a bridge, is nvvr about t be ostrvctrd. to lUltih. The Rail Road from Baltimore to Washing s now in operation; thence to Potomac UndinL Z.. lie,. me line is ciMiuimfii Dy aieamnoats ; tJienre via FREDERlCKSHURti TO RICHMOND, 1 consnlerable portion orthe Rail Road is h ti and the remainder is iu a rapid course ti ompletidto. The line continues liom Riclixi to PeteTshnrg, by a turnpike Roatl ami UieiKi by the Petersburg Rail Road to Riakeley, 11 before mentioned, is the main and Dvll.Y MAIL ROUTE UETWLEN UOSTON A.NU NEWORlJiANS. March 14 19 $ra NOTICE. rpHE SVHSCRiriERS, having qua'ified as I v..... i.:i.iiiuiii in in lam win m lestameitt of the late Alkxaxber Evaks, decU rt quest all persort having clamisaawatjiido late; to present them fur payment wnjiin till time prescribed by law: "otherwise, this Notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All thos-e in debted to ald estate, will please settle the wim without delay. 30 3m. fOLLY AEYAN8, Greenville, Pitt, N.C3 AUGUSTUS KVANS June 1st, 1836. S NATHAN II OOliKlb STATU OF NORT I l-C A RwLlN A. Anson County. .Superior Court of Law. Spring Term, 1835. William H. Gul ledge r. John . McLendufl. Original Attachment. Levied 't one hundred acres of Land on tlie waters of Jones' Creek, adjoining Wm. LiuH and others, and summoned as Garnishee, Aft saloui Myers. is tne above stnt, tt appear nz to the sftts- JL faction of the Couit, tht the defendant J"0 G. Mc Lendoii is an inhabitant of anotlur SUtr It is otflered that publication be made in tU Italeigh Register for three montliSr that unfc the Ki'id Jidtn 0. McLendwn come .forwanl, rr. plevy, plead to issue, or demur,' Judgment find will be entered against him at the ii..t term uf this Court, and the . nrwuerlv It-vied i'm oh b cundrmwed to salisfV the PlaiutifPs dtn.aml. Witness, Joseph White. Clerk of our s-id Coi.rt, at Office, the 2d Monday in March, A. W 18J6. , r J. WHITE, C. S. 6V Pr, adv. f i 32 om - ' ' FJlIiSH LIME JUICi:, MjEJ1IOJV sjtrvp. ALSO . . I : A cask rf the very best LONDON BROWN STOUT A lew jlpzcn of choice; p'trs EAST INDIA ivr ATfcTrro a Called the CEYLOjY li'LVh This celebrated Wine was shipped in M cl ir. in June 1833, by the House of J. ffwant, Morck y Cm. in thef Ship HENRY CLAY, Cpt. Srcfc dixo. The vessel was chart r. l for the exprr' purpose of calling at Madeira to rere've it o board, and l.rng it hy tlie long voy-i. e .""tin our1 the warm climate ol India, for Rreat inifrv' men!'.' Amoiig the places visited was th ofCEYLONt hence the W iue is c died he ihi4 anivtd in New York May 1834, bc Just receivct!, itntl for sale, by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & C. Jnne 24, 1836, 53 JUST RECEIVED, a su1pyofCIinmpa?'J Wilie, f the most approved, m 1arl and pint btiW. ' ' OLD PO H'r in jMtl-Trinta-e of ! LONDON -BROWN STOUT POilTC". rt mtehy T. S. BtCXirtTllU ' i Rulstgk, August 9th 1S36. vii me iur, a uistance ot 0U rmles constituting a part of the GWEAT Inn! ROUTE Nor'h and South, is now amply L'J ed with tinerioi f Arntnoiifoc ..." 111. w wV... w. . v , a .